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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1898)
F "& ssggft-g' Sr 4mnmmm imiMK.ii 2X zaixtennru. 4. i I y ' i- .. BS?3H if. v i m"- -vJ"v" . V VOLUME XXIX.-NUMBER 23. 0OLtJ3IBtJS KEBfiASKAi WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1898. WHOLE NUMBER 1,479. b Cmttinfa MM.' y . . . m f 4 . I " " - , ." '- -. .- - . V ' - . I.. . - ..- , - -. r ... --'-, .. ... - - .- . --.- . . I ... - v- -;- 6 . .V- t -' 5 - ! t. , - t l 1 . : 1-. r ? . i j '- I' ' ' W . :: ft . NEBRASKA NEWS. Benjamin Adamsoh, hightwatchman . of- Crete, tiled last week of lockjaw-. resulting from an injured thumb. H$ " -teav-es a wife and. four children well . provided for. as he carried 2-,900 iA tne ii. w. A. locce. aa acct-s dent policy Of $1,000. Hugo Polenski, who was employed by Kloz S: Polenski in their brickyard at Hastings. had his right hand ground to a pulp Dy getting it caugnt m a brick machine. It was necessarv to amputate the hand about four inches above the wrist. Corporal S. S. Sidner of Company .. K. Third United States volunteer cv airy of Fremont, who is now heme oh a furlough, has received notice from " Ui rcertiry if war that a discharge "Rill be granted him for disability, feicr had a sever attack of typhoid. Tever at Chickamauga and was for some time in a precarious condit' a-. Drs. Wertenberger and Lewis of Humboldt while hunting luceedcd in bagsing a very large pelecan. which masureJ seven and one-omlf . leet from tip to top of its wiefs and five and one-half feet from tip of its bill to tees and "weighed fourteen and r ne half pounds. The pouch under its bill VouM hold ex least a reck. The bird Ti3 shipped to the state university ta bi mounted. The old soldiers of Cherry, Rock. Brown and Keyti Paha counties closed three days' reunion with a rousing camp fire. Everything passed oG .-leasantly. Quite a number camped on the grounds during the session. The reunion will fee held at Long Pine again next year, that city having the most desirable grounds for such pur poses of any other in the disarrc. Kchs. J. S. Davisson was elected prov ident of the association. While several huadrd people were returning to Honrer from the race trade adjoining the town where a rac ing matineo l;ad been held, the team of Charles Vasa, a farmer living tv iow Homer, became unmanageable and ran away. While turning the rorn-ir of the bluff goinjr into Homer they orashed iat the buggy occupied ty D. C Am8 and wife, residents of Eiy bury, totally demolishing the buggy aad seriously injuring both the occu pants. . A serious cutting scrape occurred some twelve miles northeast of Hol Iresce in which Adelbert Shrack stabbed Joeph Josephson eleven times in the chest and front part of the body. One of the wounds penetrated the walls of the chest. Melvin Shrack a twin brother, and Clyde Porter are also concerned ia the matter. All three of the boys, who are under twenty, havt been arrested and their preliminary hearing is set for the 19th pending developments. George Russell is again at liberr-. He snrung the lock of his cell in the jail in Papillion and escaped. Jailer Gatewood was temporarilv abseni when th fn0w did this. This is the second time he has escaped, hav ing been recaptured on the f-t oc casion. Th screen dcor of uio Jail was smashed out. showing that he had received no assistance in this attempc st liberty. There were two other prisoners confined in the jail, but they made ao effort to get away. Oscar .Meyer. Herbert Crossman, Wellington Butler. Ernst Erickson and James Kiliian. members of Company M. who have been encamped at Chick amauga park, returned last week to Grand Island on sick leave, and all but. Butler are in verv poor physical rendition. Thev all tell of the suffer ing that had to be endured in the reg imental and division hospitals and seem to be unanimously of the opinion that a considerable portion of the suf fering could have been avoided by the medical department. Th pestoffice at Weeping Water was entered, the safe door blown off and asouL $125 ia money taken. The heavy doer wa blown through the partition and rbout fifteen feet from the safe. A dark lantern, some powdor. fuse acda chisel were left on the tahle in ' the 'postmaster's private office. No - stam. were taken, and there was ; abcirt $150 worth of jewelry in the store in the same building which was not disturbed. The safe was not drilled, the powder evidently having fceea introduced through the" edge of the doer. Six men are in jail at Seward charg ed with robbing William Boshart's store rt Milford of a lot of shoes. They were captured west of Milford and had a preliminary hearing before Justice Lamsoa at that placa and were bound over to the district court. Fail ing, to give bonds, they were brought :o. Seward and placed ia jaiL They travelled in a wagon and a aet. of bur glar's tools was found in their wagon. ft wa? also found where two of the men disposed of shoes taken from Boshart's sre. It i- claine-.i they are the same outfit that did similar arcrk at Ulysses some time as.o. Edward C. Hartman, a young farm er living near Chadron. through Li attorney. Albert W. Crites. has brought suj.. against George Brost. a German farmer living in Dawes county, for S5.CC0 damages, alleged due him for fals imprisonment, which resulted in injury to his name and reputation and caused him great mental and bod ily suffering while he was under fie ban of the law. in April last Brost sold seme real estate in Chadron, re ceiving therefore a considerable cash compensation. On the night of the t ransaction his house was broken iitc and he was assaulted, presumably by " rnkn intent upon robbing him. The assailants secured no money and left the house, but not until after they had i severely beaten Brost. Brost had "Hartman and two other arrested chared with the assault. The Nebraska Live Stock company, .-.with hesdauarters at Grand Island, filed- articles of iacorportS3n, The capital is SZ.Q00 paid up, and the in corporators are: John W. Pence. Joan Conway and John S. TnTPan. Frank Butcher, aged 19, confined in the county jail at Columbus, charged with horse stealing, made a bold dash for liberty. When Deputv Sheriff Brady went into the jail Butcher . made a dash out of the opa door and showed Brady a clean of heels for scout two miles, but was caught en the banks of the Loup river just as he was getting ready "to make a swim fcr the other side. Ten seventeenth annual reunion and . picnic cf the Pioneer's and Old Set tlers association of Dakota county was held In Clinton park, adjoining Dakota City, and was attended bv faliy 10.000 people. The funeral cf Corporal T. E. Hedg es was held at Tecumseh with, military honors. Corporal Hedges, who died in a Chattanooga hospital of' typhoid fever, was a member of compaay I, Second Nebraska, volunteers. His re jEizizis reached Tecumseh escorted sy a oroti-er and a few comrades. " funeral -was public, was held im tha , court house park and was largely at- tended. IMMfll Tke Rsi Mii lit Sreatff titcrested ii Q GROUNDS , A TOUR OF 1HE G"UND5 j Screaety ahd Solemnly rWmZ Ttrou6U the Great BailtHns Tfithoat Looklnt to the Klght or to the Left The Tent ed Field of tfee Vrioa Trilx; Noon at the Trans-Mississippi Ex- position! In the Court of Honor the blue lagcon was motionless, save for the rippling gleam that followed the lazy gondola. Reflected in its depths w-ere the classic fronts of the great bt!i!dinr ni-rnunHin Tto ohaH- ows made blaclc blotches on th white walks. In th shelter ot one of the currine Colonnades sat a group of Turks, placidly smoking and viewing tbe-scee arith appreciative eyes. The varicolored flag3 that surrounded the rdofs of the buildings stretched lan guidly with a passing breeze, and then dropped wearily back as though ex hausted with the effort. The echo of ' a Venetian beat song, chanted by a stalwart sondolier. floated across the water. Down the tps of the Government building came a brilliant procession. U'rapped in blankets of gaudy hue. their faces daubed with many colored paints, coarse, unkempt hair hanging over each shoulder, beaded moccasins f and leggings as picturesque as a ' group of Sious braves as one can oiten see. ineir carnase was Qiemneu and stately, theit Impenetrable faces un- tooved by the splendor of the scene. The snowy facades of classic architec- ture. the shimmering sweep of the la- goon. the languid gondolas, the distant song not one incident of the picture before them caused one flicker of in- terest to crass those stoic faces. Suddenly they stopped. Intense m- terest was manifested in their every movement. They crowded eagerly around their chief who had evidently found something unusual, and was ges ticaiattcg violently. I crowded up to see what strange thing they had dis covered. I found them intent on a "penny-in-the-slot' machine! "Rain-in-the-Face" was slowly untying from a greasy corner of his fringed blanket. a penny. Impressively he put it a. we siot; impressively ne pusneu tne button! As a narrow bar of chocolate tea into nis greasy paim, a snout or triumph ent up from the noble xv, J 7 kS uealla "ciiemeut. They laughed with gle. Then thlr faces straightened into gravity, they wrapped themselves in their accustomed dignity, and, serene ly solemn once more, started on down the court- They walked through the buildings with never a sign of inter est, turning their faces neither to the right nor to the left, until in the Man- nfactures building they came to a sixty-seven sick in Quarters and 112 great bottle which advertises a well ia the hospital. General Barry said known brand of whisky. Here was , this condition was appalling and he something they could understand. aad s Rovernor at once set about With grunts of satisfaction thev sur- doing all in their endeavor to bring veyed it from all sides. "Hold" heap , about a removal of the men to some lots firewater!" said "Rain-in-the- other location or -a transfer in case Face." thirstily. they are to be mustered out. The fol- On out of the building they strode ' lowing telegram was sent last even down to the end of the Grand Court . "UK and up the steps of the great viaduct ' Col. "W. S. Stark, Washington. D. C. which connects it with the adjacent Sick list in Third Nebraska has Bluff tract. Straight on. not once grown so rapidly that a. proper regard turning their heads to look back at the splendid scene spread below them. What cared they for shimmering la goon, they who knew the dancing wat erfalls and the hidden purling brooks, What cared they for the splendor of the buildings, who slept beneath the maj esty of the sky? What cared they for . a demonstration of the riches of the ' West, who had known its woods and mountains and plains before the white ' man had come? Turning to the left they entered the Midway. The Moorish village ' with its reproductions of the Alaham- ' bra's beauty, the golden domes and gaudy minarets, attracted from them no sign of recognition; but in front i:f the Mystic Maze they stopped again and once more they went into ecsta- 10c rf iioliffhr Tntc two if- rnu tna delight. This time it was the great concave mirrors that excited mirth. Huulmg their sides in laugh ter they turned this way and that, hugely amazed and entertained by the sight of their gaudy bodies extended In girth to the size of a bulky barrel. "Fat man!" grunted one. "eat heaps! ugh!" and his squaw, grinning with enjoyment, held her brown papoose up to sea. twtss ' The "spielers" next attracted their ' attention, and they stopped in wide eyed admiration to listen to the man who bawls through the megaphone "Have you seen the See-Saw? Don't say that you have saw until you've rid den on the Set:-Sa.T! See." One aged warrior, freely daubed with yel low ochre, wrapped in the most bril liant of blankets and wearing, to cap the climax, a pair of green goggles, evidently considered it a rew kind of battle cry. and danced gravely around the howlins medicant, trying in vain ' to imitate him. They looked with haughty scorn at a group of almond-eyed celestials, cur- innslv nr a rliimsv panel laden with ' r laghing Arabian dancing girls, aad then croceeded unconcernedlv ca their dignified way toward their own camp .Z. . ..." ' ing ground. Here the group of tents belonging to the different tribes were scattered about in picturesque profusion. In th center was a ereat artificial pond of water where lhe red man. be he j Auache. or Navaio. chief or warrior. ! brave, squaw or papoose, took his eral John B. Gordon and to the Daugh mornisg plunge. The flaps of the I ters of the Confederacy to be present tents were looped baclr. and here and I and participate in the celebration. It there one caught glimpses of brown J ' proposed to make the reunion a faces, of gorgeous beaded trines. war great national gathering of the veter bonnets hung with feathers, and time j ans "no "ought on botn sides in the worn tomahawks. In the center of the civil war and an vent that will em Apache encampment loomed up a sin- j pbasize the sentiment of national un- Ister war teepee of painted buffalo skin. These war tepees are greatly prized by the tribes to which they be long, and this particular one is over two hundred years old. . , The most gorgeous array of beaded trappings belonged to the Flatheads. Wonderful moccasins, fringed leggings and befeathered headeear; the Nava joes gloried in their characteristic na tive blankets: the Zunis women wove their dainty blankets and looked with shy. smiling faces at the groups of visitors: over at the edge of the vil lage stood a great cabin, and here the enrio hunter will find relics that will gladden his heart. Cratefat Arkaowledsiaeat. The roiiowmg letter will be of inter est to every Nebraska relative of the boys at Manila, as it scows in- a measure what the Red Cross society is doing there. The ten dollars de- AnrA fi tha TzrYirtla amnnnf a by the Beatrice society is the amount charged fcr membership fee: . California Red Cross. State Associa tion, San Francisco. Aug. 30. 1S9S. Mrs. O. N. Wheeiock. Treasurer: Yoar letter of August 25, enclosing yor verr generous donation of $8,115", has just been received and we think ya most warmly for this splendid contrt- J.bution. e greet the Red Cross of I Beatrice. Neb., most cordially into cor association, and feel assured that your kind co-operation with us in alleviat- will seem to lessen the. distance a tween bur two states, We.iiu take the greatest pleasure fa forwarding th ftrooonts W1J5 to company C, First Nebraska. I know ?ott will be gratified to learn we have a field hos pital at Manila; with a corps of trained male nurses and equipment for 125 hdst.. and. that by bath the Arizona and Scandia, we have sent eVSry con ceivable kind of delicacy for the sick in this hospital. We have also fitted out a hospital ship for use at Manila (which jjhe government provided),' Iqulpged with all thbsa necessaries rind comforts that are. so essential to the . sick and wounded, besides providing ! it with trained nurses, both men and ' women. To day we will direct our fi nancial agent, O. H. C. Schlott. who is now in Manila, to expend the value of the amount. $81.15, (which will prob- I ablv bp dolibl In the Com of thw Phil 1 ippihes), for the boys of Company C. It is supposed that the Scandia, which lea last Saturday, is the last of the transports io go to Manila, so it may be impossible 'to forward the box-cif books to company C. If this is the case, what disposition do you wish made of them? Very sincerely and gratefully, LUCIAN K. WALLIS, Corresponding Secretary, Robbed of S325. Omaha Bee: Harry Stockton, a Bur lington engineer, with his bride came down from Lincoln" yesterday on a wedding tour and went to the expo sition. Stockton is still on his wed ding tourr but he is $925 poorer than when he left the grounds yesterday afternoon, fcr he was robbed of that amount while getting fyn a street car or t.zt.v,.,tj, ziir,i-ar. ciarj Stockton had traveled about the grounds and had become pretty tired. , about 5 0-ciocfc -vesterdav afternoon , ue and nis wife concluded that thev would go down to their bearding house J at 2606 Blondo street. Passing out of 1 lhe at the southwe corner of J tQe p-oundg. they were caught in. a jam sn(fas Stockton was assisting his wife , aad another woman upon the car he mrnr.ore ,; jac.i uv -, nnmhr of men, some pushing him one way and some pushing him another. He thought nothing of this until he had nearly reached the place where he was to leave the car, when reaching around to his right hip pocket he discovered that his wallet was gone, which contained all of his money. It was then that he caHed to raind e fact of the men , ,nty,ne: aM;nst him as he was zettin 4 on the car. He also remembered that I -- C3 a one of them pUsneQ his coat aside and at the same instant leaned heavily Up . aeainst him. :cUnet In the Third. The governor and adjutant general, says the Lincoln Journal, are becom ing very much alarmed over the in crease in sickness in the Third reg iment at Jacksonville. Yesterday the - slclc report of tne regiment snowea tor tne neaitn ana lives or tne soiaiers request that they be moved to a ' healthier location pending determina tion whether they will be transferred 1 or assigned active duty. Meanwhile ' It would seem wise to remove them to some northern state. I hope the war department will, if not incompat ible with public interest, have this done, unless they are at once ordered to Nebraska to be mustered out of ser vice. (Signed.) SILAS A. HOLCOMB. Governor. As to the Crop. The last Nebraska crop bulletin says that corn has generally deteriorated in condition and even in the northern counties. wnere the rainfall has been . sufficient for the corn crop previous to the last week, the corn is reported as damaged somewhat during the last week. The amount of damage in this section is variously estimated, some placing it as high as "23 per cent ' and some claiming little or no dam , age. Much of the early planted corn has dried out so rapidly that it is har dened beyond injury by frcst. Late planted corn is ripening prematurely and will be a very short crcp generally. Corn has ripened so very rapidly th? last three weeks that most of it will be beyond injury by frost in a week or ten days. The last week has been fa vorable for threshing and haymaking. The wild or native grass is being cut for hay quite generally and the crop varies from fair to good, but is above the average in most sections. G. .. R. Affairs. General Manager Clarkson will leave for Cincinnati Saturday night, says an Omaha dispatch, to attend the national encampment of the Grand . - m ,m n . . .mm I Army or tne ttSpUDUC. wnicn Will oc- j cur in the Ohio city next week. During : the encampment he will present the invitation cf the -exposition manage ment and the Grand Army posts of Nebraska to the national body to at tend the veterans reunion which will be held at the exposition October 13 and 14. Invitations have already been 4 extended to the confederate veterans through the commander-in-chief. Gen- nj mat nas oeen so vigorously aevei oped during the last six months. Heavy Yield of Whca. Exeter dispatch: Off of nineteen and one-half acres P. A. Murphy has threshed 370 bushels of wheat and of a fine quality, too. Other farmers around here who thought their wheat would not amount to much are meeting with similar surprises and are feeling a whole lot better than they did two months ago. Corn is doing well, but rain is needed badly to settle the dust and cool off the atmosphere. Xetea. Roy Home; the young burglar who t was shot while robbing the till of a Cuming street. Omaha, drug store, was brought to Seward for burial. Home was born and lived in that city until a few years ago and was sent to the reform school there, after which he ! moved to South Omaha. The seventeenth annual Cedar coun ty fair will be held at the grounds of the Hartington Driving Park'and Fair association on September 14. 15 and IS. This promises to be the best fair ever held in tne county on account of the good premiums and purses offered by tke fair aaneUtios aad the liberal j premiums of the merchants. fllMMlS Investigating Board Appointed by Genera! Breckinridge Report MANY UNNECESSARY DEATHS; Clrh OSicers Are to' Blame 4l If TMtlratlas Board Chars of tb. Ca Holds the Xa la i? Etipoailala far tlie Safferia; and Misery!. CmcsAMArGA, Ga., Sept 10. The military board appointed by Major General J. C. Brackinridje to investi gate the alleged abases practiced on soldier patients in the Second division hospital, Third army corps, at Camp Thomas, finished its work last night aadjrabautted-ita-repoeC, . Taa.i aa art-i and the charges comprise over forty pares of foohcap. closslv typewritten. ,,..,. ... " . . 1 nnumg or tne court, as iorwarueu. Lo'DO!f. Sept. 10. The London to Major General Breckinridge, is long Timea the other momin paper, and circumstantial. It censures the call upon the go for ener. higbett in authority. from General I tie actioQ in Crete more puy Brooke down through Division Safgeoc , if thq g n( the complicity of J. M. Jenus. Major Surgeon J. an Turkish troops arc confirmed. Rcnzaalaer Hoff, Major Surgeon Hub- j German and Auitriafl papers bard and the various and numerous f dec!are that the5r governments trill contract hospital surgeons. It says m haTe nothing to do with Crete. The Part: ' Cologne Gazette savs: 'Germanvmav 'The testimony herewith cover:, the , congratulate herself on having'with ground relative to the care of the sick ' 4 her fleet from Crete, therebv so completely that we do not consider ( eaT;n? lhe responsibility to others."" it essential to comment extcdsiTely on tZ25iVZ' Cubans bisARF0H food. pital that we think demand especial attention. There was a great deal of Tta AUatlaUtratloa IL-u roaa Way to unnecessary iufferirijf and many deaths Se" Iargaat Qaastloa. resulting from lack of proper attea- j WashixgTojt. Sept. 1 Or The admia tion to the siek. istration has decided that the Cuban "It is our unanimous opinion that insurgents will not be furnished food the basse causes for this unnecessary ' supplies so long as they remain under suffering mav be found iu the prin- ' arms. Sines this decision was made cple governing the management of a the war department officials have hospital of this kind. It is not con- n greatly gratified to learn that ceivable that men taken from the the advice Of the President is being ranks oromisouousiv and with no pre- followed. It has been learned that at vious preparation and put in charge of , least 400 of the Cuban soldiers hae helpless sick men could do justice to ' surrendered their arms and have asked them, and especially so when forced to - food and work, and it is believed do so against their will , that there vril1 Le liltle trouble with 'The next cause for ill-treatment of , the forces remaining in the vicinity of the siek in this hosoital came from a Santiago. If this should prove to be lack of supplies of ererv nature. We the case, the Cuban problem may set can find no reasonable exras2 for the seif with much leu difficulty lack of snoplies which could have been than has tcen expected. Ii may even easUvobtained and were not. by those' ult in a marked decrease in the resDonsible. and thev should be held number of soldiers to be sent to the strictly responsible. So far as the of ficers directly in ehanre of the hos pital are concerned, the evidence proves conclusively that in most in stances they did the best they could under the circumstances. "That there was a demoralization of the medical corps, there is no doubt. This caused a feeling of indifference which led to actual neglect. The offi cers in charge of the hospital con vinced the board that they had not failed to moke the necessarv requisi- tions for supplies, but could not get j theai. It is not possible for this board to sr.y whether they did all that was possible to be done to get the supplies, but that they did not succeed is ap parent. 'It eertainly appears that those higher in authoritv. those who were .... a . - " .1 in posmons to insist upon the proper equipment of this hosp.taL have employed some means, whether in keeping with the strictest military routine or not. to have furnished the common comforts for every sick man sent to the hospital That they did not is apparent in the evidence. "The loeatioa of the hospital was in a very unsanitary part of the park, It was on the Iowe3t point of the slope of a hill and in close proximity to the very lowest ground that could be found in the entire park. All that has been stated by witnesses regarding the unsanitary condition of the hos pital wards and sinks is true during the early history of the hospital, but . , .... 1 of the institution." The report is signed by Major aad Brigade Surgeon Milo B. Ward. Ma jor James J. Johnson. Second Arkan sas volunteers, and Major Emil S. Hel bura. Second Kentucky volunteers. Major Ward was chairman of the heard and Major Heiburn recorder. CALLS IT "POPPYCOCK." o Friction Between Shatter aail Miles A Lone Interview tflth Aler. Camp Meade. Middletown Pa.. Sept. lo. Secretary Alger and General Shafter were at camp Meade to-day. They witnessed a review of the troops and made a hurried tour of the camp. General Alger resumed his journey at noon to Detroit and General Shafter went to Washington. They were closeted together an hoar this morning in the Secretary's pri vate car. which was run on a siding at Camp Meade station. While General Graham was arranging for the review, Secretary Alger and General Shafter had another conference, lasting thirty minutes. What passed between them neither would sav, except that it was a private affair. General Shafter said the secretary was a very dear friend and that they had been in the civil war together as colonels. He is at work on his report of the Santiago campaign and expects to complete it to-morrow. Speaking of the controversy with General Miles. Shafter said: "It is all poppycock. There is no friction between General Miles and mvseif. At least there was not when he left ' Santiago. Our relations have 1- ways been pleasant, and I do not un- derstand the meaning of all this talk. The general may have been talking, but I believe that much of it is due to antagonistic newspapers, whose aw tives are eertainly not patriotic"' Letter Wheat Deal Claasa, . Chicago. Sept. 10. Joseph. Leiter has cleared up his famous wheat dead. Every creditor has been paid, obliga tions to banks whose assistance was enlisted have been canceled and 14, 000,000 bushels of wheat have been liquidated since the announcement of the voluntary assignment nearly three months ago. This -has been done oal y by great sacrifice, la'rfKa; tke giv ing of mortgagee om the property be longing to 4ke Leiter estate aggregat; lag nearly ,300.000 ia valne. tnere was mucn improvement ot late, ; ;ng. with a smau attendance and pro although there was much to be de- t cegjed to finish the election of officers sired under the most favorable state Th folln win - .--. olr-d hv an-l.i. fNRKEY filUST ABANDON CRETE Faralaa" Aattn!.Ialat af tb mtf aurai of tfee SaUaa raresa.- Cajtca, Sept. ia The admirals of ibm foreign powers, replying to ihtf protests? ft the Cretan exesutive com mitlee against tite recent massacres, hire declared that iher mil reom .nMBd ihat their respective govern meats 3olva' ihe' question definitely by th removal of the Tttrkish troops f rotn the island of Crete and the" ap pointment of a governor to be selected bytiie pvJwcrA ATHK.V3, Sept. 10. Ths folkiwin dispatch, dated at 8 o'clock last nign-.' haa been received from Candia: "The Baahi Baronies re ccnunitting ex cesses and ths Christians in the sur rowading districts are arrnixi to inarch to the assistance of the Can diass. "There ara-eirht war ships ia the iiarbdr and a fresh bombardment is ex pected. - The , British, Geriaan and Spaaisa coBstxIates h'av'e beaxj looted, saaTthm far Native Christian, and sixtv-seven British subjects' have bfein killed." island, but tins is a matter not yer defiaitelv settled. HEAVY IS THE QUEEN'S CROWN , tVllbelmlca I Well Nljh Exhausted With Her Caendlag' Hoaors. AiiSTERDAM.Sept. 10. Queen "Wiihe'.- ' mina is well nigh exhausted by the prolonged festivities in connection with the enthronement. Her majesty ' has"issued a special request to the 1 populace to discontinue cheering in the Damplatz after It o clock at night. - f half ti Hollanders who have constituted themselves police men hush other inebriate squads and go oq tintoa past the palace. The queen and the queen's mother drove last night iu s;atc to the Municipal 1 theater, where a gaia periormance -as given, tier majesty s goaru I of honor durra? the enthrone- nt1w a noTeItr. it J from acnjr 1 of the" beJjt famnies, who have provided their oxra elaborate costumes. Their splen- did blooded horses were drilled for weeks in advance. ( G, A. R. NAMES A CHIEF. colonel Jimji A. Sexf-i of Chicago Klecte.l cmm inJer. ( :j(miT!. pt. 10. Colonel James v--i r n,;.. -:. l.ti nm. mander-ia -chief of the G. A. R. and Philadelphia chosen as the location of the thirty-third annual encampment next year. The encampment opened this morn- . a uiation: Senior vice commander-in-chief, W. f. Johuson of Cincinnati. Junior vice commander-in-chief, David Uois of Delaware. Surgeon general. Dr. Pierce of Ne braska. Chaplain-in-chief, Colonel Lucas of Indianapolis. GRAY TO TAKE WHITE'S PLACE. Teaea ComniUloti Complete! by tin Del aware Senator Appointment. Wasuutgtox, Sept. !0. The Presi dent to-day named Senator George Gray of Delaware as the fifth member of the peace commission. This com pletes the personnel of lhe commission, which stands: Secretary Day, Sen ators Davis. Frye and Gray and White law Reid. In selecting Senator Gray. the President has given Democratic representation upon the commission. 'I 1,A annn?nTTin wiYHaTiTv- ,.-71! n cessitate the retirement of Mr. Gray from the Anglo-American commission which is conducting its sessions in Canada, as this commission will re sume its work about the time the peace commissioners sail for Paris. OUR TRADE WITH ENGLAND. FlRnres for the riaeal Tear for Alt Ex porta aad Iatporta. Wasuixgtox. Sept. 10. The expoTts from the United States to the United Kingdom have increased 12 per cent the imports from the United Kingdom have fallen off 35 per cent during the past vear. The exports from the $ 'mted States to the United Kingdom were m round numbers five times as ?&L "JSJS. j nq&ijiii, bite uuia vt. m uuiau. u stat3tT. Iiitit- Tmrmrts from thr United Kingdom. 109,13?.36o: export; j to the United Kingdom, $540,5C0,152. - ; Caaarawa Xorthway Dead. Ashtabcxa. Ohio, Sept 10. Con , sressman Xorthway of the Nineteenth district died at his home in Jelfersot township last night, aged 65 years. Gold Kinrtt SCSI WAsanfCTOjr, Sept. 16. Thenetgolc in the treasury yesterday was f220, 994,791, a gain of f4.45J,T15 since Wed aesdav. Mr. Bayard la Stefctas. Dedkax, Mass., Sept. 10. Forme flihawrfor Bayard is gradually sinking- ran. -I The Visit Was Formal and Lasted Only a few Winutes, ;o THE GENERAL TO CALL AGAIN J General SlUftar Say An TaUc or Frletloa Setwara Hiawatf aad MUca Ia Paa ayeoeh Mm a loax Secret Iatervtew With Secretary Alga hitba Latter Car WASHijtetov. Sept.- 10. General Miles paid his resp2it to the Presi dent at 10:43 o'clock. The call was brief owing to the cabinet meeting at ; 11 oclo' dtd was confined to a formal exchange of eourfeste The general wore" fatigue iwifrm showing the two-starrctl epaulettes of a major generaL. At the time of his arrival tbe President was coaferriag with .fustiee Harlan. Senator Allison and 'bther cullers. General Miles and Colonel Mitfhle'r were shown into the cabinet ante-room at!d there the Prest dent joined them, excusing himself from the other callers. It was. not in the nature of a con ference, during whieh questions relat ing to the war were discussed, but was thai formal Call of respect usual upon he return of a high official. The con ference fcr more' extended discussion of war affairs donbtless will come later, although it was ail after the call that no exact time had been flsed for a further meeting. General Miles had nothing to say before r after the calL He was greeted with a round of applause as he left the White house, pushing his way through the dense crowd await ing the review of returning District of Columbia troooa. MANILA STRIKE AT AN END. Street Car Llaei Ag-ala kaaataj Tba rTlrst Protestant Services. Masiia. Sept. 10. The United States consul here. G F. Williams, in behalf of Captain N. Mayo Dyer of the United States cruiser Baltimore, has returned to General Miranda the sword which the latter surrendered to the American officer at the capture of Corregidor island, at the entrance of the bay of Manila. The general replied that he was overwhelmed by the generosity of Captain Dyer. The men who went out on strike on account of an attempt to return to an equal basis for" payment of labor, after the American authorities, in ths early exigencies of fche situation here, had agreed to the extravagant demands of the laborers, are disappearing, and it has become necessary to employ sol1 diers to take their places in soma cases, while in other cases the matter has been compromised. One of these strikes, as cabled September 3, caused the suspension of traffic on the horse car lines o! Manila, but they resumed operations to-day. The American army chaplains have Instituted Protestant services in pri vate buildings. Such services have never previously been held in the his tory of ths Philippine islands. WILL BE SECRET. Cubaa Commission to Meet Rehlad Closed Doers SpaldSead lattraetloat. Havaxa, Sept. 10. The Spanish mail steamer Ciudad da Cadiz, which arrived yesterday afternoon, brought instructions from the Madrid govern ment to the Spanish evacuation com missioners, dealing with the details of the evacuation, the question of fortifications, buildings, mortgage- and other properties of the state to be renounced by Spain along with her sovereignty in the island. The joint sessions of the commissioners- will be held behind closed doors in the palace of the colonial gov ernment, and it is understood that the utmost secrecy will be observed, all avenues of information being zealously guarded. The United States transport Res olute, with the American military commissioners, is expected to arrive to-day. The commissioners, it is an nounced here, will live on board the j transport, coming ashore eaeh morn ing and returning- in the afternoon tc the vessel. MR. HAY'S SENTIMENTS. ii Faror Clear TaderatanilJas With EnzUnO. Losdo.v, Sept. . A committee of the Anglo-American League, headed by its chairman. James IJrice. pre sented the United States ambassador, Colonel John Hay. yesterday with an address congratulating him upon his acceptance of the portfolio of secre tary of state at Washington. Colonel Hay. in reply, said ia part: "On both sides of the ocean the con viction is almost universal that a clear, cordial and friendly understanding between Great Britain and the United States is a necessity of civilization. I shall hold aiyelf signally fortunate if I am able to do anything to continue and strengthen the relation of fra ternal amity between our two aa tions." Distress la Honolulu. Hoxoluh:. Any. ."Jt. There is much distress here among a large number of little monev. and thev find that there is nothing here for them to do. Nu merous applications are being received for free transportation back to the United States on the part of the peo ple who have come here with a misap prehension as to the conditons here. Owes 9?e,eee Baa Xothlaz Topeka, Kan.. Sept. 10. J. M. Har vey, a Topeka real estate speculator in boom times, filed an application in the federal court yesterday to be di vorced from his debts under the bank " ruptcy law He says he owes 170,000. mostly to Topeka financial men. His assets consist of a f 12 suit of clothes and a pension of 16 per month. Cehaa Destltalloa AaaaXUaa Sastiago, Sept. 1X Tbe destitution among the Cubans is still appalling. General. Wood issued 52,000 free ra tions yesterday. The capacity of the free supply depots is not great enough to meet the demand, and a new one i to be established sibrtlv. IfS MIL peopie wuo nave rawu .c -.. tioa fo- the- report circulated in . , .1 1 ... . ii-. .an istanu. expect , --; Unlted States that Major Comte DUSinesV J-Qey nave cume nu.u uuk . , . pt, ,!, - j SILVELA WANTSSAGASTA OUT. :r: C Madrid. Seat, Ja-r-Xke foUowjag statement has beea aahie by aa ia portant Spanish offeial; Seaor Sil vela, the leader of a sscttott of tke Conservative party, refuses the gv emmeaVtie sayport of his party, al though he la fully aware of the di9 eultiea el the situation. He ia detfkt less proaxpt4 by tke desire to obtaia power. We will do all ia oar pewer to realise his desire with abort May. The country will tkea see .kew aoea the ana who ia posing as a Liberal will be transformed into a despotic dictator General Peliaveja ha kaaaed a copy of bis manifesto to tke taa but the censor forkide iU pak&- eatioe. The censor also lerkias it tranarniawia by telegraph. It is prob able tiat the general iateaae to ft te-dar im the Cortes; bat it ia tela teat awvensatat will arsreataiaa froe so data. a will iaeiat apoaa aecrat seaaion. The Madrid Liberal to-day again makes the assertion that Premier Sa gasta will resign as too as tke cham ber adopts tbe peace bilL FUNEflAL OF CADET WHEELER. The Geaeral Will Aceasseaay HU Saa'a Body to the Alahaata Mtaia Camp Wntorr. N. Y.. S?t. . Im pressive funeral services were held at ? o'clock thia morning for Naval Cadet Thomas H. Wheeler, soa of Major Ga erol Joseph Wheeler, and Second Lieu tenant Newton D. Kirkpatrick, First United States cavalry, who were drowned while bathing Wednesday afternoon. General Wheeler, his devjhters aad his son, Lieutenant Joseph Wkeeler.- jr.. were the chief mourners. The Rr 4nhirjaM Krailahair. phaalaia nf the One-Huadred and Seveaty-lrst provisional New York regiment, of fered prayer and read the burial ser vice. General Wheeler and his family will accompany the body of Cadet Wheeler to Wheeler. Ala. The body of Lieu tenant Kirkpatrick goee to Lexiagtoa. Va. The war department detailed aa officer to accompany Lieutenant Kirk patrick a body. AGUINALDO TO BE OUSTED. Jealoasy fcUt Betwaaa Iaaargeat Lead ers They Oaeasa Aaaerleaaa. New Yobx. Sept. lu. A dispatch to the New York Herald from Manila says: The attitude of the Philippiae insurgent leaders is daily becoming more dangerous. So open is their op position to the American authorities that the situation is strained and re conciliation may be difficult. What makes the situation the more troublesome is the undisguised rivalry between the followers of General Agui naldo, the self-proclaimed dictator, and General Filar, who csveta tke hon or which ttguinaldo has acquired: Aguinaldo no longer attempts to con ceal his hostility to the officials who represent the Lnited States, and yes terday issued an order prohibiting his soldiers from entering the American lines. This course was probably l deemed necessarv in order to prevent 1 .. . 1 - ?t j: 1 mem rrom Becoming so noi uiajwjo toward-; Americans as to destroy his power by repudiating his leadership. FUSSING ON THE PEACE NOTE Jarrlae Discords Already Mar the assay of the Ceaeert of rowers. St. PrreiWBVBG. Sept. 10. In view of the irritation in France the poli ticians and newspapers are seeking to represent the czar s peace circular in a new light. They urge that it has been misconstrued, and assert that the im perial government never contemplated the immediate convocation of a con ference, being fully aware of the diffi culties in the way. It was only hoped, they continue, to sow good seed, which would gradually germinate and bear fruit when cirenmstances are more favorable. These utterances are regarded as in dicating, owing particularly to the at titude of France, that the effect of the czar's proposal is foreseen, and that public opinion is 1einjf prepared for it. "IMMUNES" NOT IMMUNE. Vcl'.onr Fever Develop Aaaoflff Troop SoppoicJ to Be Proof Azalatt It. S.YXTIAOO DE Ccba. Sept. VI. Six cases of yellow fever have developed in Colonel Sargent's Fifth immune reg iment. The victims have been sent to the yellow fever hospital, and as yet no quarantine has been established against the regiment, which i- en camped on the hills along the Morro road, ibout two miles south of the cltv. ffpaaUh Disposed to DeUy- Sax Jitax. Sept. I J. The Spanish evacuation commissioners seem dis posed to delay the meeting of the com missions. They say their instructions have not yet arrived, but are expected on the Alfonso XIII. in the course of a few days. They intimate that, even then, they will need time to study them. The American commissioners have replied that the first meeting must occur before September 12, under the terms of the protocol. . r, K.terhasy 'o a Sulelde Pari. SeDt. 10. There is no founda- the Ferd- ileged author of the bordereau in the Drey fas case, has committed suicide. Oar Forts Osee to Sealn Washixgto Sept. 10. The restric tions imposed by the government as a result of the war which interfere with the free passage of vessels be tween Spain and her possessioas and the United States are to be removed. Fifty Saaaish Frlsoaers Leave foe Hoaaa. New York, Sept. 10. Fifty Spanish prisoners, captured at the naval battle on July 3 off Santiago de Cuba, arrived in Jersey City early to-day. They went at once to the Anchor line dock in this city to board the Gty of Borne, bound for home- The men have been held prisoners at Norfolk. Va. Washlactoa OSftdais ta That Oi Omasa. Sept. 10. A special telegram from Washington states that a ma joritv of the chief otrdalsat Waahiag ton will come to Osmaha during jubilee week at the exposition- !UiMli lifcUlU 4BVMJ- bMW THKOLDttlUlal EolumbusState Bank (OUeat aataatUta.) ftp ttnt At Depot. deal aatalaatlMaaat ittlJ TaatttnT IKEM BUYS GOOD NOTES aa aelaslsi eeataeseia hea taey aeaCfc OaMlHL radian TTtn Yaw) FsMtagm ClssllM. m .. . . . &A3rnpQrssn Prea't, . B. H. Hsnr, VIcaFrea'. aa m U. Baceaaa. Caakiae, . . - . . Jobjt Stacffu, W Bccm COIIML BANK M: " OP :..- , 1 . COLUMBUS. NIB., AS AX Aiteiu. Capital if - S5M.IM PaM Kb Capital, - - SMM rricnat a m. fHELDOL Pres't. H. P. H. OFHLRICfT. Vice DANIEL SCHRAM. CaaeJar. FRANK ROBES. Aeat. Ceea DIRECTORS: O. a. Suxtsoy. H. P. H. Oeaxi Joxai Wetcw. W. A. McAi OABI.RIXXKX. 9. C.GBAT. " Fbaxk RoaaaB. STOCKHOLDERS: Ikitba Ttu3. 3. Hxsar Wni Clarc Gear. h kxkt Loseaa. DAXxBxScaRAX. 15 ro. iv. Gaixar. A. F. H. OstHLRica. J- P- Bacaaa CstaTb RsaSCCA BlCKKR. H. M. WX3ISZOW. BaakefDeaeHtt: J a terest allowtal Aaacalts; bur aa4 sell esehange oa States and Enrepe. aae our saa seu w able seeurltiaa. We shall re plsasa4 ta eslva yaur uslasss. WaaoUds yeei- Columbus Journal! A weekly eatai tke beat la COLUMBUS mCflHTYOFPUTTE, The State 0! Nebraska THE UNITED STATES Ml THE REST 8F MJUKM St.50 A YEXR, IV FAJB) Uf un Batearliatttef .asAareaeri beaky aad eeate. aaat free ta aaj HENRY QASa CBai:am4 : Ittalllt : ? ttatfteae 0ae let GoiomDus Jouraal PRINTING OFFICE. PEST PAFE19 COUNTRY. -"asak aasat Bsr UNDERTAKER t . l v f - . " I . . ..'I .v -- T:. . ... - - . - -.- . . . - . . 5-- sattiiaftsafeaBsaei waSAlfc . 1 iiiOii?' fiiaaWir " .,yj.. , t miH aaajMaasaaMiaMills-Ma-giiraT rnr isaaa-TtrtaawaMajrW