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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1897)
t. . I . fen. . . t Columbus g0urual. WEDNESDAY. DKCEMHEK 8. lb!7. Entered at the I'ostolliee, Columbus, Nebr., ns seoond-clas mail matter. ISSUED I.VEBVFJ)NE'iDn BY M. K. TURNER & CO., Columbus, Telr. tkums or M'BsrniiTioN: Oneyear, by mail, postage prepaid $1.!0 Hix months. .................-.-.. .... Threemonths W The iKpe"s health is poor. A SLir.HT earthquake shock was felt at Wichita, Kansas, Thursday morning. Tiie state fair managers talk of an nulling the contract locating the fair in Omaha. Tun treasurer of Hamilton county will furnish a bond for S1."0,000, given by the United States Fidelity nnd Guar anty company. The American people are in favor of the war in Cuba coming to an end the sooner the letter. The increase in internal revenue re ceipts for the five months of this fiscal year over the same of last year, is about $S,0KtyKIO. or nearly twenty millions a year. Mits. Nani'V Am.iso.v McKixlev, mo ther of the president, was stricken with paralysis Thursday morning and is not expected to live long. She is in a semi conscious state. At Sheboygan, Wise, l'rof. (. W. Ferguson was dismissed from the school by the board of education because he hypnotised :i number of pupils at a private exhibition. A new and fatal disease among horses has made its appearance at Areola, Il linois. The disease originates in the throat, and renders the animal unable to eat and drink, and it eventually chokes to death. The sale of Douglas county londs at a large premium shows that good Iwmds are in demand. There is money for in vestment in this country and growing confidence in the stability of republican institutions. I!ee. L. W. Osimucn of ltlair, who was ap pointed consul to Samoa, has arrived there, and says a Turkish bath is not to le mentioned in comparison with the Samoa climate. He was injured in a runuwav since his arrival. Av Ohio law requires that patent medicine venders label on their packages the ingredients of their preparations. It will be a blow at them, because they often contain small quantities of poison, such as strychnine, morphine and ar senic. A Mil Mai,oni:v of Philadelphia has a contrivance that he sajs will revolu tionize all methods of transportation -it resembles an immense Ferris wheel, and is arranged to roll along at a rate or l."0 miles an hour: to be run by electricity at about one inth the present rate and in one fourth the tune now required. Ax exchange remarks that the order recently given by George Gould for a 10 per cent increase in the wages of em ployes of the Missouri Pacific railway, which means an increase of $'.W)0,000 in the wagfs of the l."i,000 men employed, will not bo considered enough of an item in the return of prosjierity to make any note of, by the pop papers. Am, classes alike are beginning to re alize t he great economic importance of termanent highways. Fanners feel that they have too long been compelled to build and improve country roads at their own expense, and they are en titled to stato support m this great necessary public improvement. Upon these lines, and upon these lines alone, the good roads improvement is lound to succeed, and will succeed, and upon these lines the League of American Wheelmen proposes to keep up its agi tation, with the help of the farmers of the United States, until our common roads, neglected until now. the stepchil dren, as it were, of a great republic, shall have received at the hands of our legislatures some of that tender care and nursing which has been extended in the past to canals, to steamship lines and to railroads, many of which have grown up almost entirely at public ex pense. Otto Dorner. Dr. Gamikuth of St. Joseph's hospi tal. Omaha, writes a correspondent, has unearthed a novel case of appendicitis. It is that of Fred Ixuhns, a laboring man who has been under treatment at the hospital. Kuhns was suffering such agony that he could not remain quiet a moment. He could not sit down or stand up, and simply wallowed aliotit on the Hour. It was observed that the cause of his suffering was strangulated hernia, and during the operation found necessary the discovery was made that he was also suffering with appendicitis. The operation was therefore extended to the appendix, and when tho latter xvas remox-ed it xvas found to contain five bird shot, one of which had become en cysted. After their removal the patient recovered in niue days. He had never lieen wounded in the abdomen and it is said that a wound that xvould have de posited the shots where found would have necessarily proven fatal. The only conclusion was that he had swallowed the leaden pellets while eating game. MOOllhrs SKXTKXt 'K. On" Dec. 1. Eugene Moore, ex-auditor of state, was sentenced by Judge Cor nish to eight years in the penitentiary and a fine of $40,410.10 for the embez zlement of insurance fees amounting to 23,04 W When asked if he had anything to say. he said he had nex-er intended to do wrong, but that friends to whom he had entrusted money had failed him when it was needed, and that this was the re.-'son for his shortage. At first, the judge pronounced a sen tence of ten years, but, Mrs. Moore made an appeal for mercy, and the court stated that on account of tho devotion of the wife and children he would take off two years. Moore was remanded to tho care of the sheriff. The attorney general will not insist on the sentence being put into effect until after the expiration of thirty days i 5004St30K5SXKS!SnSKKKS!Sa 0. With nineteen leading railroads of the country reporting an in- 5 3C 0 crease of 10 ier cent in tho aggregate earnings for the month or Xo- 0 0 vember over the corresponding month last year the query "Have yon Q met General Prosperity-;" loses its 0. KKnnuoUKKu;cuKKo::::cocu CROWD THE GALLERIES Large Attendance at Opening Session of Congress. POSTAL SAVINGS BANK MEASURE. Coaci-esiiia Liirluter Presents a Itlll For the Ktalllliiiicnt and Reputation " Postal Savins It ink Stcui Miiu.-y Order Office to Be IJrancli lt.wik Nnv Mexico Statehood Hill. Wamiixgtox, Dec. 7. The attendance- upou the opeuiug session of the senate, both ou the floor and in the gal leries, was notably large, despite of the well understood fact that little business beyond the presentation of the presi dent's massage aud the proceedings in cident thereto xvould le transacted. Prior to the coux-euing of the enate the meuilHjrs passed half an hour in ex changing greetings. Mr. Hanna of Ohio, xvho has been ill for n week, xvas given a cordial reception by his Repub lican colleagues. Mr. Woleott of Colo rado, one of the members of t ho inter national monetary commission. was also given a warm greeting. Dr. W. Godfrey Hunter of Kentucky, the re cently appointed minister to Guate mala, was an interested .spectator of the proceedings from a seat beside his friend. Senator Deboe. Charles Page Bryan, the nexv United States minister to China, xvas a notable figure in the reserved gallery, aud in the diplomatic gallery xvere several members of legation and several other nieiiilx-is of other lega tions. Senator Money, the nexv senator from Mississippi, entered the senate, soon after the recess, but the oath xvas not administered to him during the session. The reception and reading of the president's message xvas the only feat ure of the day. Crouds Throng tlirSallcrie4. The opening day of the regular ses sion in the house parsed without un usual incident of any character. The formalities attending the inauguration of the .session are dry and except as a spectacle hardly rep-iid the croxvds xvhich thronged the public and private galleries. Yet xvith a fexv exceptions the visitors staid through the whole proceedings. Mr. Dingley, the Horn leader of the majority ; Mr. Bailey, the recognized leader of the minority, and Grosveuor (O.) enjoyed the distinguished honor of being apjioiuted to xvair upon the presi dent, whose message xvas, ot course, the event of the day. Its reading xvas long and tedious, but it xvas folloxved xvith close attention by the members aud the spectators in the galleries. There xvas no ion until the reading xvas concluded, xvlien the Republicans joined in a hearty expicssion of ap proval. Immediately after the read ing of the message the house adjourned out of respect to the memories of Sena tor George of Mississippi and Represen tative Wright of Massachusetts, xvho bad died during the recess. POSTAL SAVINGS BANK BILL. Congressman Lorrinu'r I'rcseuts a Meas ure For Consideration. 1 1 Washington, Dec. 7. The establish ment and regulation of a postal savings bank system is provided for in a bill in troduced by Representative Lorrimer (Ills.). Under his scheme mouey order offices selected by the postmaster gen eral are to le branch iostal savings banks xvith an office in the department to be called the central bank. Any per son may become a depositor under this act, including married women and minors above 1'J years. Deposits are limited to $1 aud its multiples and not exceeding 100 each and deposits accu mulating above $1,000 xvill not draw interest. Postal saving stamps aud cards of the denomination of 5 aud 14) cents are to be sold. Interest is to be at the rate of 2 per cent a year to be added to the principal on June :J0 of each year. Passbooks are to be forwarded annually for examination. The secre tary of the treasury under this bill is required to invest in interest bearing bouds of the United States or xvhose principal is guaranteed by the United States, or in stale bouds and bonds of municipalities and counties under stated restrictions. Deports xvill not be liable to seizure or deteutiou by legal All status depriving crimes in the pos tal service are to be applied to the pos tal savings system and the act is to take effect xvithiu six months of its pas sage. Protest Agaiust McKeiuia. Washington. Dec. 7. President Echols aud Secretary Palmer have is sued a special address to the councils of the American Protective association. The address says it is the duty of the association to protest to the senate against Attorney General McKenua'a elevation to the supreme court bench ; asserts that the government depart ments are being Romanized aud Rom anists given more than half the offices in certain departments; declares against the president's latest extension of the civil service aud urges all mem bers to xvrite to their senators and representatives in opposition to the ap propriation of any money at the pres ent session of congress to sectarian pur poses. New Mexico Statehood Bill. Washington, Dec. 7. The Xew Mexico statehood bill, introduced in the house at the last session by Dele gate Catrou. has been reintroduced by Delegate Ferguson. There are several modifications from the Catron bill. Voters for the statehood convention must have resided in the proposed state for 00 days instead of one year ; the convention is to consist of 77 instead of SI delegates, based on a population of 2,000 instead of l.iHW for each delegate, and an additional delegate is provided for any fraction over 1.C00 inhabitants. The election of delegates also is to be held on the eighth Tuesday instead t'-i sixth after the passage of the act. FOUR OUTLAWS LODGED IN JAIL. Leaders of the Fatuous .Tennins "unsr Lodged lu Jail at Muskogee. Mi'shooke, I. T.. Dec. 7. Four members of the Jeuuiugs gang of ont laxx s xvere lodged iu jail here last night. Al an 1 Frank Jennings, the reputed leaders of the band, are among the prisoners. The txvo Jennings brothers and Tom O'Malley xvere captured by four of United States Marshal Ben nett's men early this morning, xvhile traveling in a cox ered xvagou, east of here, toward the Arkansas line. The deputies surprised them on the road aud they surrendered without firing a shot. The deputies then xvent to a house near Bond Switch and captured MM. sarcasm. - Omaha Bee. 0. Morris O'MalW, can hi :ig him in bed. S; nee last Tuesday the deputies had beenclos; up in the trail of the ban dits, for xvhom there are standing re wards aggregating $.,(hK. On Tues day last Marshal Bt nnett's men eu couuteied the gang at a house in the western part of the Cherokee nation. The deputies then sii'-ceeded in arrest ing John O'Mtlley, but the others made their escape at that time aud had e"idciir!v si islKl themselves t hat the ofiiccrs had h-vu eluded, as they were not prepared to resist xvheu sur prised. The Jennings boy.s and their follow- er.s are charged xvith several crimes, but xvere particularly xvamed for the holdup of a Rock Island pa-senger train in broad daylight several mouths ago near Chicksha, I. T. They aw also accused of having stolen -100 head of cattle from the Chickasaw nation. Al Jennings has been a leader in Oklahoma politics. He was at one time county attorney of Canadian county and is a lawyer of considerable ability, and both Al and Frank are graduates of the University of Virginia. Another brother was killed by Temple Houston of Texas dur ing a saloon roxv ul-uut txvo years ago. Al Jennings xvas shot in the armduriug the same affray. The brothers come of a highly respectable family. Their father is probate judge of Woodxvard county, Oklahoma Kx-MltiMer Kxaii a Special Agent. Moxn:::Ai.. Dec. 7. Patrick Egau, ex-United States minister to Chile, ha lieen in the city for several days. It xvas stated that he came here to look into the facilities offered hen for the shipment of grain to Europe. Hoxv over, today it leaked out that Mr. Egau is acting as a sjK-ciil agent for the United States treasury department at Washington to look into the smuggHug of Chinamen across t he American i or der from this district. Mr. Egau left for Quebec yesterday to continue his investigation, but xvill return shortly to continue his work in this city. 1'sritier Killed hy .Xlooitsliiuem. LiriLK Rock, Ark., Dee. 7. Albert Giles a prominent farmer living in the west end of Van Rureu county, was assassinated while passiug along thi public road Friday. He xvas tired upon from ambush and a dozen bullets from ritles penetrated his body. The mur der is believed to have been the xvork of moonshiners. The scene of the tragedy is but a short distance from the spot where Captain Taylor ami his posse xvere murdered last August. Giles had lieeii very active in an effort to rid the community of moonshiners and had thus incurred their eumitv. Railroad ranted Time. Lincoln, Dec. 7. Tho state board of transportation has issued an order al loxving Nebraska railroads 10 days time in xvhich to restore carload rates on live stock. The roads recently changed the method of fixing rates from carload to 100-pound lots, xvhich xx-as complained against as raising the rates 10 per cent. Pending an iuxestigatiou the board ordered that the old rates should be re stored and set Dec. ." as the date on xvhich the temporary nstoratiou should be made aud au application of the roads for this time has been extended. llryan liuutiug Otickn. sroN, Tex., Dec. 7. 1 J. Bryan reached here today and left xvith a party of friends lor Lake Sur prise to hunt ducks. The party xvill be gone three or four days. Mr Bryau expressed himself as follows on the president's message: "The message indicates au intention upon the part of the president to aid in turning the issue of paper money over to the national banks and iu the meantime a purpose to give gold a further supcuority over silvet as mouexM Iaielgert Appeal for Funds. Chicago, Dec. 7. Adolph L. Luet gert, xvho is now in court for his second trial for wife murder, has issued au appsal to the public for funds xvith xvhich to defray the cost of his trial. He opens his appeal xvith au affirma tion of innocence and t hen declaring that the first trial used up his resources, asks the public to send him money, xvhich he promises to repay xvheu at liberty. " V Four Men StIoiiI Injured. Moi:ki:ly, Mo., Dec. 7. Four men, Martin Mears, Oeorge F. Bamhart, George Darrell and John Rojaus, xvere seriously injured here today by a fall ing building. While tearing down an ice house it suddenly collapsed and the men xvere hurried uuder the debris. Mears aud Baruhardt may die. Dar rell's home is iu Iowa. Ret. Keith U-titie4 a IVnilon. ViNcr.NNEs, Ind., Dec. 7. The Rev. T. J. Keith of this city has xvritteu a letter to the commissioner of pensions at Washington refusiug a pension aud making full restitution of all money re ceived by him $105. He says his pen sion xvas not xvell based. Two Dollar Tax on Whisky. Ottaxva, Out. Dec. 7. Major Walsh, administrator for the Yukon district, ha notified the government that he has imposed a tax of i jer gallon ou all xvhiskv yoin; into the Yukon country. If this tax does not stop the traffic it xvill Le raised. Austria-Hungary Compart. London. Dec. 7. A special dispatch from Buda Pest says that a bill xvas in troduced iu the loxver house of the Hun garian parliament today by the govern ment prolonging for a year the compact betxx-een Huugary aud Austria proper xvithout referring to any action on the same subject upou the part of the Aus trian government. Senators Must (So Dry. Washington, Dec. 7, The senate committee on rules instructed the ser-geaut-at-arms of the senate to enforce the rules of the senate prohibiting the sale of liquor in the senate xviug of the capitol. There xx-as no liquor on sale iu the senate restaurant during the day. Slosson ICecelies Two Challenge. New York, Dec. f. Billiard Ch;i un piou George Slossou has received chal lenges to defeud the title from Jacob Schaefer and Frauk Ives. Schaefer beat Ives in tiling a challenge aud post ing forfeit, aud -The Young Napoleon" xvill probably be secoud choice. Captain Foithe 111. London, Dec. 7. A telegram from Callao states that the British bark Alouby, Captain Forsythe, from Liver pool, July 29, for Vancouver, B. C, put into Calloa on a date not given, with her captain sick. ULTIMATUM OF KAISER. Germany Gives Hayti Eight Hours to Grant Demand. WILLING TO PAT THE INDEMNITY. it Is Also I'roltaMe That Yielding to Su perior Force and In Order to Avoid In ternal Troubles the llaytlen Govern ment Will Aerept the Other Conditions. German Cruisers at l'ort au Prince. Pout au Puince. Dec. 7. The trouble betxveen Germany and Hayti, as a result of the arrest and imprison ment of Herr Lucders, reached a crisis yesterday. Two German cruisers en tered this itorc during the morning and au ultimatum from the German gov ernment was delivered to the Haytieu government, giving the Litter eight hours in xvhich to grant the demands of Germany for an indemnity to Herr Lueders. The members of the diplo matic corps here believe the govern ment of the republio h-.s decided to ac cept the conditions r f i ..-: many. In anticipation of triable the citizens of German nationality sought refuge yesterday on board two steamers xvhich xvere at this port, and the French steamer Ville do Marseille has been requisitioned by tho French minister in order to servo as a place of refuge for French citizens. The Ville do Marseille arrived from Port Orico. The population of this place is in a state of great anxiety, but the Haytieu government has strong forces of troops at its disposal and re solved to maiutaiu order. W'illiug to I'.iy Indemnity. The population of the city late last evening appeared calm aud the present indications seem to confirm tho suppo sition that the government xvill accept the conditions imposed by Germany so far as money iudemuity is concerned, and it is also probable that, yielding to snperior force aud in order lo avoid in ternal troubles the government xvill ac cept the other conditions. Tho exact nature of Germany's de maud on Hayti is as yet somewhat in doubt, but it is understood that the German government asks : First An iudemuity of $-.0,000 (American) for Herr Leuders. Secoud The prouiise that Herr Leu ders may return to Hayti aud there so journ xvithout danger of any kind. Third A letter to the German gox ernmeut, iu xvhich Hayti xvill express apology for the proceedings toward the German government in the xvhole transaction. Fourth That the president of Hayti shall graciously receive the German charge d'affaires at Port au Prince. It is this fourth demand to xvhich the most serious exception has been taken by the Haytieu government as affecting Hayti's honor and involving a deep humiliation, for it xvas Count Schxveriu, the German charge d'affaires at Port au Prince, who xvent before President Simon Sam ami rudely submitted the demand for indemnity and apology. Berlin, Dec. 7. A disKttch to the Frankfort Zeituug from Washington to day says: The republic of Hayti is ready to pay Germany the iudemuity demanded for the alleged illegal arrest and imprisonment of Herr Emil Lueders, a German subject, xvho was subsequently released and enabled to re turn to this country by the intercession of the United States minister at Po?t-au-Prince, William F. Powell, xvho se cured Lueders' release from prison in order to avoid trouble of a more serious nature, xvhich appeared to be brewing ou account ot the alleged arbitrary be havior of the German minister, Count Sehxverz. Kingston. Jamaica, Dec. 45. Advices rereixed here today from Port-au-Prince show that serious trouble is im minent in Hayti. The streets of the capital are placarded xvith "Down xvith the government," and th troops have been ordered into the barracks. Mrs, Hut It-r Resigns. London. Dec. 7. It developed that Miss Butler xvrote to Miss Frances E. Willanl last week, resigning the suier inteudency of the Purity branch of tho Woman's Christian Temperance Union, unless the latter, as president of the World's Christian Temperance Union, unequivocally pronounce against the six propositions of the vice president, Lady Henry Somerset, sent to Lord George Hamilton, secretary of state for India, iu April last, relative to the In dian army, xvhich Miss Butler describes as being an extreme form of the regula tion of vice. Kuglishiiien Imprisoned hy Turks. London, Dec. 7. The Daily Mail re ports that a party of Englishmen, in cluding Robert Carr, the uovelist.xvhile touring the Mediterranean, xvas seized by Turkish soldiery at Snediah, a port of Asiatic Turkey, 18 miles south of Autioch. Nov. 2 last. They xvere de tained 21 hours iu prison and experi enced much ill treatment before they xvere liberated. The Daily Mail says that the government has addressed a "serious remonstrance" to Turkex Naxal Debate iu the Keichstag. Berlin, Dec. 7. The reichstag today legan debate on the first reading of the government's naval bill. The chancel lor, Prince Hoheulohe, made a state ment saying that au efficient navy xx-as absolutely required to maiutaiu Ger many's position aud Admiral Von Tir pitz. the secretary of the navy, ex plained in detail the uecessity for strengthening the navy. I'eary Tendered a Itaniuet. London, Dec. 7. Lieutenant Peary, the Arctic explorer, xvas tendered a banquet last evening by the Geographic club. Afterward Lieutenant Peary lectured in the theater of the Univer sity of London uuder the auspices of the Royal Geographical society. A large audience receix-ed him and Mrs. Peary xvith the heartiest applause. Echo of World's Fair. CniCAGO, Dec. 7. Judge Grosscupof the United States circuit court has named the amounts of damages in the cases of the French republic and other exhibitors xvhose goods xvere damaged by the fire xvhich, on Jau. 8, 1804, de stroyed tho casiuo and manufacturers building at the World's fair. Two weeks ago the court decided that the World's Columbian exposition was lia ble for damages, but at the time did not give amounts. Judge Grosscup found the plaiutifts damages as follows : The French republic. ."i7.70r P H Reimou. $l,4il.; Paul Sormaiu, 4;:; F. Forest, $1,200; Maritime Claire, $2,GGt. Hawaiian XatitesWill Proteat. Washington. Dec. 7 The delegation of native Hawaiiaus, xvho have come to this country to present a protest against the ratification of the annexation treatx-. reached Washington yestenlav. Thev are Colonel John Richardson, James H Eaulia, William Anld and D. Kalauka laui. They xvere not ready to make any statement concerning their mission beyond the fact that they xx'ere here to present a protest, adding that they xvould be able to say more iu a day or two. REPORT ON RAILROADS. Filed by the Hawkeye State Commissioners. SUGGEST CHANGES IN THE LAWS. Needed to Ilrliig Them In Line With Ke eent Court Deeislons Uniformity of Kates Km ployed as Beneiieial to the Shipper and Consumer Hoard Asks Greater and More Detluite 1'ower Des Moines, Dec. 7. The annual re port of the Iowa board of railroad com missioners has been filed. The board recommends some important changes inth rai Dad laws to bring them iu li.e xvit i recent court decisions. It declares th it the most important decis ion ever rendered on tho Iowa railroad laxvs xvas iu the case of Burris agaiust the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad, iu xvhich the supreme court held that the statutory penalty of triple damage for the shipper iu cases of dis crimination in rates could be enforced, even if the rates charged xvere the max imum rates established by the commis sioners uuder the law authorizing them to fix such reasonable rates. It xvas held that if a trial of such a case on its merits developed that the rates were in fact unreasonable, the damages could be collected ; in fact that the rate charged xvas the maximum of the commissioners would be no protec tion to the company. The commission ers call attention to the fact that if this decision stauds there xvill Le no guar anty of uniformity of rates. Every shipper xvill be at liberty to sue for a loxver rate aud it xvill bo' impossible to sustain uniformity. It is recommended that the laxvs be ameuded to assure that such uniformity may lie maintained. Tho board also asks greater aud more definite poxver in settlement of contro versies betxx-een shippers aud railroads as to sidings, elevators, xvarehouses, etc. Des Moines Firm Kmbarasseil. Des Moines, Dec. 7. The dry goods firm of Blotchky Bros, has tiled chattel mortgages for $4 1,5)7, covering their entire stock. It is thought that the financial difficulties cau be settled and the business continue. Kditor Commits Siilelde. Ckdak Rapids, Dee. 7. E. W. Reed, editor of the Preston Times, com mitted suicide, this afternoon by shoot ing himself. Tho cause is supposed to have been financial difficulties. Mrs. MeKinley Is About the Same. Canton, O., Dec. 7. There xvas an agreeable surprise to the children aud friends gathered about the liedside of Mrs. Nancy Allison MeKinley yester day afternoon. She regained conscious ness sutlicieutly to recognize not only her children, but to extend greeting to them, to her aged sister, Mrs. Osborne, Charles Miller and to others xvho xvere near. She relapsed into an unconscious state aud is iu about the same condition as before she rallied. Deuter Capitalist Dies. Kansas City. Dec. 7. E. F. Halleck, a Denver capitalist, xvho has been very sick for txvo mouths past at Excelsior Springs, Mo., aud iu this city, died here in All Saiuts hospital at an early hour this morning. Death xvas duo to a complication of troubles resulting from disease of the kidneys. Tho remaius xvere shipped to Denver. VEXATIOUS. What wondrous days indeed are thea When sou-nee shov. a light On any pathway that you jiluase. That yoa m :y turn uright! Yet life U liiK-.l with tt-rrors ne The hc-aH giovv .lull n.ul Ionj. For ".-. rythiag you can; u do. The dov-tu.- s.y?. n wtong. Who tries to warble is forbil Li-.: grills a:t:i?2: his :hr af. Tii" dancer's prowi'j i:iu-: Lo hiO, T.viaii iu inny sonivh :i n.:f. Who duitrt in .trelcs ,ncis complete Is tc:2i:.f.l by tho throng. But he who likes :o may not cat. The doctor .says it's -.vroajj- You Mum ih-. v.ater, !jiaiklii fair Le-.t fo-J lurk thcro disguised. You mustn't breathe utiles-, the air Has been well luiulv''tl. Thoughtless yon turn, as is your With an affection stiont;. To l;is. your baby. But you don't. Tho doctor saj s it's wron. Washington Star. REVIVED MEMORY. When Wf Grow Old. Wo Itecall tlic Tliiug of Lous Ago. About T3 years ago, upon a rainy day, a small boy xvho had reached tho mature age of 41 xvas j-itting xvith his mamma and bemoaning the state of the weather anil accompanying abseuce of nox-el entertainment. Alanuua xvore en iier linger a beautiful ring that xvas a family heiilooin, and as she sewed j:t tieutly the jewel glittered on her little xvliito hand. The small boy regarded the bright bauble for some time in silence aud then sweetly requested mamma to take it of? aud let him play with it. It xva a xveak thing to do. perhaps, but she complied. I dare : :y there are mctheis at the present day who cau sympathize xvith her, for hu niau nature is tho same, though fash ions change, and xvheu the "dear child" looked up iu her face pleadingly he looked with papa'n eyes, and papa xvas dead, iso he got the ring aud 1M it, as might havo beeu expected. Ho always insisted that he had "put it axvay to keep," but he could nex'er re member xvhere. The years xvent on. The gentle mother xvent out iuto the great, iin known to lind the light of her life that shone iu "papa's eyes," and the cen tury aud the boy having beeu young together grew old in company too. Finally age hecau to tell on them. The ceutury got troubled xvith a complaint designated "fin de siecle," aud the boy lost his memory for the things of to day, but became abnormally remiuis ceut iu regard to the past. His thoughts ofteu turned back to the young mother long dead, and in the decline of life he had as clear a mental picture of her as his boyish eyes had ex-er wen One evening, having pushed his spectacles ou top of his head and hunted every where for them vainly, he sat musing befoie the fire, xvhen suddenly a flood of light illuminated that dark corner of his memory where hung the picture of that small edition of himself losing or "putting axvay" the ring. Hespraug to his feet xvith an excited cry: "The ring! The ring! I slipped it dowu the crack iu the xvindow casing the one that looks out on the orchard!" Upou investigation the ring xvas brought from its long hiding place, xvhich xvas the exact spot the old man had described. Buffalo Express. Forgot to Wear Trouscr. A certain uoble lord, xvho .shall be nameless, duriug his journey north ou a political mission changed his costume for a full highland "rig out," intend ing it as a delicate compliment to the laud of the kilt, bet xvheu he looked at himself iu the glasy he fouud that the tailor had cut his kilt too short, .so he made up his miud to put ou eveuiug dress. He changed his upper garments and tbeu eat doxvu for a few uionieuts to Etudy hie speech. This set him to sleep. Ho axvoke xvith u start, ouly to find himself running into th- .station. For getting what happened, ho thrust on his hat aud apppcared at tho xviudow bowing, and this xvas how ho was dressed: He had a full high laud costurao as far as his waist. Above xvere a white shirt aud swallow tailed coat, aud tho entire edifice xvas crownvd xvith a chim ney pot hat, nixin xvhich he sat doxvu without noticing it. His lordship's hor ror xvheu ho stepped upon the platform aud felt the keen xvincl cutting his hare legs changed to absolute agony xvheu his valet appeared, scrambling" out of the carriage xvith a pair of troasers m his hands, waving thsn xviltlly and ex claimiug, "My lord, my lord, youve forgotten these. "Loudon Telegraph. THE SUBJECT WAS DROPPED. Tilt at a Baaq let Between Two Well Knotva Meu. "That remiuds me, ' remarked an old pioneer to a San Francisco Post reporter, xvheu General Halleck 's name xvas men tioned, "of the banquet xve gave Hul leek iu 18(jj. xvheu he ieturutd from the war The people here xvere proud of him, for he had more than regaiued the laurels he lost at Corinth, xvheu he per mitted the enemy to escupe uuder the cox'or of a big battery of wooden guns that had beeu made out of logs duriug the night "Among the friends of Halleck who met him at the banquet xvas 'Bully' Waterman, the old sea captain, xvho iu early tlays commanded a clipper ship plying betxveen Sau Francisco aud Nexv York. Ou one voyage he had laid a big wager to beat a rival clipper, hut when he fouud on going to sea that some of his crew xvho had shipped as ablebodied seamen xveio incompetent ho xvas so mail he hanged three to tho yard. Just how many were hanged xvas never known, but Waterman xvas tried for murder aud acquitted. "During one of these silences that xvill fall over the merriest of banquets General Halleck called to Waterman, xvho xvas at tho other end of tho room: " Noxv that you have beeu tried uud acquitted. Waterman, won't you tell us how many men you hanged ou that voy age?" "'Yes, general, 1 xvill,' responded Waterman, 'if you xvill ti:rt tell us how many xvoodeu guns stopped you at Cor inth." "The subject dropped there. " An Avid 1'roof Glue. Tiie following has hteii rci-uuituendeu' as prcilmMiii; a cement which will fas ten ilxss or poici'iuiu. etc., together tirnily uml xvill not Le affected by strong ucids: Mix together two parts of pow dered u.sbcsf.M, cue part of barium sul phate uud two pat ts of sodium silicate of specific gravity i ."io A .still firmer glue can Le made xvhich is particularly valua ble, .since it i.s not attacked by hot acids, by mixing together txvo parts of sodium silicate, one part of the finest aud aud one part of finely pulver"zed ashestus. If potassium silicate is used instead of the Milium salt, the glue xvill harden immediately, but otherwise it xvill re uuire about an hour to set Exchange. An oltt ruin has ln-e:i uncovered ou the Moqui ics.-rvation in Arizona and nearly .'00 piece of perfect pottery foaud. The star g.izcrs cf the Mount Hamil ton observatoiy say that there are 300, uOU.OUO burning suns in the milky way v4rEE&trfrir;rrtrr. if fhu' eirjibbors. 4 4 Hooper Sentinel: Adam Schwalt ac companied hy hiu little daughter, went to Omaha Tuesday to eo liis wife who 13 under medical treatment at St. Joe hospital. A little over two weeks ago sho was taken to the hospital where she underwent another operation and over one hundred gall stones were removed from her. Last reports she xvas doing very well and her prospects for recoxery are good. It looks as though prosperity was there, too. A telegram from Cincinnati, Dec. 2 says that for the first time in six years tho Mitchell and Franter rolling mills in Covington. Ky., siro running a double force of over 4(H) men: the Lick ing rolling mills triplo time xvith 400 men; the Overman .V Schrader cordage works, a double force of 300 men. Krai Hstate 1 ransfen. Becher, Jseggi .fe Co., real estate agents, report the following real estate transfers filed in the office of the county clerk for the week ending December f. 181)7. State of Ni braska to Certrude Stein- IkicIi. lot ::. M-c. H-ls-iu. i h-e, I Henry tinilrs to (lust Il.ihlin, v.". ne1. .M-l.'-lw, adui'r deed Heirs of .lenckim liiintiint; lollu-tar 1. niinin, t-w'i ::i-l--! i.eil to Christ hnd Win I.iitmi.ik', nv.'i ..." and neU, cd Johan Hcrnd to Yinven; Zimmerman, lot t. Idle US?, Columbus, ud John W liotT to William J Luci-chen. s' i IM'J-Iw, ud John N Koch to John A Schmidt. u'J bw1, :.-l.-lw, vd cs 00 VW (0 .-.400 00 rj co 22M) 00 1W) 00 Seien tmnftferf, total l... IK Weather Keiiort. lleview of the weather near Genoa for the month of Xovemlier, 181)7. Mean teuiienttnre of the mouth 'M.Si Mean do same month last jear It! (O Highest ilailytemix-n.tiireou.'d 70' JUmcnt do 2yth, lielow z.n 7 Clear ilaj Fair days Cloudy da s Calm (Irtit. IHkIi v.inds ilaj Niuulier of dais on uhich rain or snow fell i li to 10 4 t; 0.31 Jnchenof Kiin fall llo name mo. last J ear. Inches of uou Do same month last t-;.r 3.V1 Prevailing winds from S.W. to X.W. Ice more or less through the mouth. Heavy fogs 7th and 14th. Ititrlinxton Koiitc California r.xi-iirin. Cheap: quick; comfortable. Leave Omaha 4MTt p. m., Lincoln fi.10 p. m. and Hastings 8.50 p. m. ex-ery Thursday in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. Xo transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Lob Angeles oxer the Foenic route -through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring seats and haeks.are provided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed porters and experienced ex cursion conductors accompany each ex cursion, relieving passengers of all both er aliont baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in many other ways help ing to make the overland trip a delight ful experience. Second class tickets are honored. I'erths $i. For folder giving full information, call at nearest HurlinRton Route ticket office, or write to J. Francis, General Passen ger Agent, Omaha, Xeb. toilapr'S To 1,'hirazo anil thr Kat. Passengera goingeast for business, will naturally gravitate to Chicago as the great commercial center. Passengers re-visiting friends or relatives in the eastern states always desire to "take in" , BEGM Farm Loans, And Insurance.. COLUMBUS, ie iuii-iu;u f n route, .xu classes oi passcn-i gers will uml that the "Short Lint of he Chicago, Milwaukee X' St. Paul Kail way, via Omaha and Council itlutTs, affords excellent facilities to reach their destinations m a manner that will be sure to gixe tho utmost satisfaction. A reference to the time tallies will in dicate the route to lie chosen, and, by asking any principal agent west of the Missouri rix-er for a ticket over ths Chicago, Council HIutTs & Omaha Short Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee .V St. Paul Knilway, you xvill be cheerfully furnished with the proper passMrt via Omaha and Chicago. Please note that all of the "Short Line" trains arrive in Chicago in ample time to connect with theexpresstrainsof all the great through car lines to the principal eastern cities. For additional particulars, time tabled, maps, etc., please call on or address F. A. Nash, Oeneral Agent, Omaha, Xeb. Klondike. What does it cost to get there? When and how should one go? What should one take? Where are the mines? How much have they produced? Is work plentiful? Whal wages are paid? Is living expensive? What are one's chances of "making a strike?" Complete and satisfactory replies to the above questions will be found in the Iturlingtou Route's "Klondike Folder," now ready for distribution. Sixteen pages of practical information and au up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon dike. Free at Ilnrlington Houte ticket offices, or sent on receipt of four cents in stamps by J. Francis, general passen ger agent, Bnrlington ltoute, Omaha, Xelir. iSiaprSH gmsintss potters. Advertisement! uuder tliif hettd live ento i lineeuch insertion. WM. I, Ht'llll.TZ iii'ikealtootitiuid idiofsiutht bet attic, aud unew only the T tM-st tM'k that can m iirocurwi in the m-irket . V.'-t f PKOUATE NOTICE. In the count conrt of Platte county, Nelinisku. In the matter of tlii-t-st-te of i'hristmu Koelt- clur, d.ifa-. Notice nf final tH-ttli-aient and account. To the cr ditor. ht-im. legatee and olheri in- tereitled in the cata'e of Christian Ifaieitcher, deceased. Take notice, that ('. F. lileason ha tiled in the county court a reixtrt of hi doinirs us ail. luinistratorof the cslnteof I'hristian Itoettrhrr, iletfast d, and it ix ordered that the Mime t-t'inil for hearing on the Iilli day of lleci iun r, s'.t7, liefcre the citurt at the hour of III o'clock a. in., and except to and contest filename. Thin notice it ordered Kiven in Thk IVi.rv nrs .Iocknw. for two conwcntiie weekn rior to the 17th day of Deceuilier, lsi7. Witness my hand and the w-al of the count court at t'olumhtis thin day of Decei.ili.-r. K.17. J.X. Kii.ian, ''ilec'J County. I ikIkc. PROBATE NOTICE. In the county court of I'latte county, Nebraska. In the matter of tin-estate of Daniel Schtick er, deceased. Notice of final settlement and account. To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others in terested in theentateof Daniel Sehucker, de. ceased. Take notice, that Walter li. liaiues his tiled in the county court a report of his doinii as ex ecutor of th estate of Daniel Sehucker. de ceased, and it is ordered that the name stand for hearing on the 10th day of December, Ki, liefore the court at the hour of '1 o'clock p. in., at which time any fierson interested may it iiearand except to and contest the Kline. This notice is ordered uien in Til k Count ars JoL'UN II. for two coUMKUtirc weeks prior to the Ktli day of December, l'T. Witness my hand and the seal of the count j court at Columbus, this I'itli day of Xoicmlier. I-i7. J. X. Kll.ltN. Idec2t County Judt;e. ADMINISTRATOR'S SA LK. U VIRTUE of an order made by the district LP court in anil Tor I'latte county. .Nehraska, on the i.'d day of November, t'.7, crantittK licenw to sell the real estate hereinafter de. . scribed for the purpose of tmjinif tho claims I allowed Against tho estate of Henry S. iodfrc. I deceased, and the costs of administering ou Mini J estate, I will sell the real estate described in said order, to wit: The east hltlf (o't) of the southeast quarter (seV)of Hection Mo. thirteen (12) in township No. eighteen (Is), north of rantfe three (SI west of the Hth l M.. in I'latte county. Nebraska, at I o'clock p. in., on Wednesday, flee. 'lii, ls'.7, at the front door of the court house in the city of Columbus, Nebraska, for cash in hand, subject to two mortgages, one for Sl.tiOO In favor of K. K. Dedrick and one of iU0 in favor of Mnry K. iodfro AUIKirr HLSSKIX. C.J. (i m.ow. Administrator. Att'y for Adm'r. Meet PRORATE NOTICE. In the county court of I'latte county, Nebraska. In the matter of the ttnte of (iustaf K. Johnson, deceased. Notice of final settlement and account. To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others in terested in the estate of (Iustaf K. Johnson, deceased. Take notice, that Henry (Juiles has filed in the county court a report of his doiutfs as ad. ministnttorof the estate of (iustaf K. John-ou. deceased, and it is ordered that the name stand for hearing on the 11th day of December, ls'.7, liefore the court at the hour of 'J o'clock a. in., at which time any ierson interested may apis-ar and except io anil contest me same. This notice is ordered tfiten in Tun i:Lh Jochnai. for two consecutive weeks prior to the Ilth day of December. 1K7. Witness mi hand and Ihe i-enl of the count court at (.'ollimbiis this -l!i day of Noveiuls-r, Ink vi.. I J.N. hll.n.N. Idee J Count) JudKe. UNDERTAKING ! We Carry Coffins, Caskets and Metallic Caskets at as low prices as any one. DO EMBALMNGlX HAVE TIIE BEST HEARSE IXTHKCODXTRV. FRED. W. HERRICK. W. A. McAllisTKK. W. M. CoHNrLiC" TlfcALLlSTER CORNELIUS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, SZBBASKA Sljaatf i The Ivatoh Ml clfSiE 4 IPpP CALL 4N I iiHfiKiOT Jim i & CO., Real Estate NEBRASKA. ikss . 1 rs make thi T ingredient ot I ary to a true W s these both. 9 Octt. 1 is well said that manners imn.but the more solid int character is also necessarv type of manhood. If a man has these both. ana a.M nas the good sense to dress well! ne wm una tne "latcnstring out" tor him all over the world. FOX REALLY CORRECT DRESS BNiBlSSBBaMSBBBBBMNSBBBaBBSBBBSBBBBBBBBHBBBBSBM,BBB In Material. Style, Fit, Finish, and Gentle manly effect, you should order your tailor ing of M. BORN & CO., i The Great Chicaga MercbMtTaRara For over 39 Years the Leaders io the Custom I rade. You can Ret a "BORN" Suit or Overcoat for less money than is usually paid for inferior ' goods and tailoring. FIT AN IKIMMI GlMHtHSTKCB. ' TArw Mmndrt Chuio. Sum, f Sl-tfrm. ! !' II. A. 8COTT. Now is le Time TO OFT VOUH- MI-MTER AT OHEATLV We are prepared to make the following clubbing rates : ' i f'li(':i"i Inter Ocean (seini " Iu r- weekly) a ml ' nal Imtli lor one year. .? .: io Chicago Inter Ocean (ve ami (nliimluis .Journal kly) l.i.tli one war for. . IVlei'son'.s Magazine ami Co- luiuhiis .Iiiiiinal one year Omaha Weekly Bee ami (o IiiuiImis .Journal one year Lincoln Journal (.semi-weekly) ami ('olunil)iis Journal, one vc:i r fur. 2 '1 2 00 2 IS Subscribe Now. The - Greatest - Newspaper in Nebraska .THE. Omaba Daily WORLD-HERALD HAS REEX REDUCED TO .. (JO - PER - YEAR IN ADVANCE. Snbscrit.tioiiR will he received at the JoritNAi. OflW, for the accommodation or any of otir suhwrilierH.or they may be eent to the Publishers direct. Ijan98 String Ren Rates ! 0m u t