The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 28, 1896, Image 4

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1ft iaatiaat of the plain peopla aaf
taw tight ia not ealiing- oar orieaUl
visitor "Leo," for. acting oat his namt
m pepalarly pronounced, this wily dip
loaaat has. la England an well as here
repaired English to be translated to
Mis, whereas, it bow appears he ha
for years past spoken it fluently. Thfc
Chinese device of a needless interpreter
is a "Irst-chop" one to pain time for
aiviaf' answers without causing a de
lay to be noticed; the aaandarian has
the tine-taken ia translation for renec-
. tioa, and, if further reflection is de
sired, aabumity in interpretation mat
be pretended and a new form of the
qaestion-be required. And yet men
tell us that nothing can now be learned
from the Chinese! Tiiae and the Hour.
testate r Ointments fer Catarrh that
Contain Mercery,
mi awreary will surely destroy the sense of
smell aad completely derange the whole
system when intents It tbrouph the mu
cous surf aces, rucb article should never
he need t-xcept on prescriptions from repu-
. XMvim physicians, as the damage they will
do Is tea fold to the Rood you can possibly
derive from them. Halls Catarrn Cure.
'Manufactured by t J. Cheney & Co. Toledo.
. O . contains ao mercury, and is, taken iaier
nallv. mctiBsdjwctiv uton the Mood and
mucous surfaces of the system Ia buying
Hall's Catarrh ure be sure you
et me
reaulne. Itl taken Internally an
. la Teledo. O.. by t J, Cheney & Co.
saonials free,
fcold" ay all Druggists, price 75c per bottle.
Deliberate African a tires.
The natives are very deliberate in
their formalities One who brintrs you
a nessace does not rush up and deliver
it, and bolt away, lie first puts the
. weapons in a place of safety, then
seats himself comfortably near you on
the ground, and after a breathing spell
tells what he has to 6ay. He does not
understand hurry. If you reach a vil
lage at noon today, no matter how im
portant it may be to keep moving, the
rhief will feci very much disappointed
if you do not spend the whole of the
next day in camp in or near his village.
xlave in the Heart of Africa" in the
October Century.
Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund the money if it fails tocure.c
Men's c'otbes often look slouchy but they
are not liable to fall off.
Ta ke
Care of yoar phrstel health, rui'd rp your
rystem. tone your Momacli. onrlch jour blood,
prevent colds, pneumonia and fevers by taking
the Best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's PT
mo the only pilN to take
'i ''ooO'sS-TFajianlia,
Comfort to
Every Thursday morninjr.a
touritt sleeping: car for
vr.halt l.akeCliyan Fran
cKco.jind i.osAnoic'h leave
Omal-a and Lincoln via the
Burlington Koine.
It Is carpeted, upholstered
in ra tan, ii:i- bprtng seats
and backs and is proviued
with curtains, beddinir. tou
eK voap.ctc An experienced
cictirMiiti conuuetor and u
uniformed uliman porter
acci tupany it through to the
Tai-ibc Coast.
Wlisle neither as expen
sively iinished nor as ii c to
look at as a palace
is just as sod to ride in. cc
oi.d class tickets are honored
and the price of a Iwrth.wiuc
ciioul-Ii and big enough for
two. is only? .
1 or a folder giving full
particulars write to
J. Frascis, Gcu'l I'ass'r .gcnt, Omaha, Neb.
$25.00 to $1,000
Invested in ur co-operative plan of speculation
will jleld joa a kwmI liicumc.
" aa-rxiri:aiKXTt" mauk "weekly.
Send for Kxplauatorjr l'smpliict and Market Let
terMailed Free.
44 Broadway, and 45 and 47 .sew Street.
Katlocal Bank Ucfcrcnce?. E'tablUhcd 1SS7.
agents ATl:n etechvuebc
DART PIIRVIQ Having been In tbe jirodcce
II U III run 10 buIn ST. year. 0111 well ac-
Commlfilun Mer- qualntrdlth tlie ants of the
chant. Omaha. trade; consequently cauulitain
a'ASTKB! the highest price. Ampruiiipt
Batter. Kkk. I'nul- In maklr.c returns, and rcpon
try, ;tne. Veal, sIMe. References: Any bank
Uidea Etc. In tbe state.
Mm Bfln tmr sbt Umt t stot Bade.
Lata Maetyal Kxaalaer V.M. Pimslou Sanaa.
S fa. iaiatf wax; liajjudicatiaj, s.u. iu.
. W. NT UOMAHA43 1S96
WLen writing to advertisers, kindly
meuiion this paper.
iSttobl Tastes Good. Ua
la Use. Koidbydrnczvta.
The buyer of a
may have
experience of the
Columbia manufacturers are at his service
POPE MFG. GO., Hartford, Conn.
Mnea and Accedes in almost every dry and town, if Columbia are
at fcopetljr repreacatca la yacr vJdatey, Itt a know.
sstaMc--ra ! j... .m ..,.. . .0maWsa- - JJ i Tm t Mi I 1 -,-V-4b J -JUja l4SS
TreaMe See4Ur Care
Mks Nellie Peaoyer. 153S So. Tenth
St, Omaha, Nek, writes: Have used
vanr Dr. Kay's Lang Balm for a severe
ase of La Grippe. Two doses gave
relief. My lanjrs were very sore and
ia takinfr the Dr. Kay's Lung Balm I
foand that it stopped my desire to
cough at once. The soreness on my
lungs and in my head soon disappeared.
It is very pleasant aad easy to take and
while it does not cause sickness at the
stomach, like many cough remedies, it
cures quicker than any I have ever
Angels Food.
The secret in making angels' food
lies in the baking of it. Sift one cup
of flour and one teaspoon ful of cream
of tartar several times through a fine
sieve. Beat the whites of nine eggs to
a stiff froth and to them add one and
one-half cups of granlated sugar; mix
carefully into this stirring constantly,
the sifted flour, and add one teaspoon
ful of vanilla. Pour this batter into
an ungreased pan and bake in a slow
oven for forty-five minutes. When
naked, turn tbe pan bottom up on
something that will admit of tbe air
passing under it, and allow it to stand
until the cake falls from the tin. Ice
with white icing. Be careful in mak
ing this cake to have all the ingredi
ents as light as possible.
rent Tebacco S,it .nd intake You- Life toiy.
If you want to quit to wrx-o using easily
and forever, re jam iost manhood, be made
wen, strong, ma neiic, uliof ne.vli.e and
vigor, uus nu-io-D"".-, we woDaer worker
that ma es weaic men strong. Many gain
ten founds in ten days. Over 400,0j0 cured.
Buy No-'i o-fc a lrom your druggist, who will
guarantee a ' ure. Book'et and sample mai ed
tree, sddress Stering Bemedy Co., thi
no or Now Yor-c.
An important feature of Harper's
Magazine for several months to come
tvill be Poultney liigvlonr's series of
papers on the -White Man's Africa,"
treating in the author's original and
strikinjr way the new continent recent
ly opened up to European exploration,
l hu first p iper in the November num
ber, will give a novel view of Jame
son's raid from material placed in the
author's hand by an English piiysician
and a Boer official thus presenting
both sides of this remarkable episode.
The series is the result of a journey to
Soutli Africa undertaken by Mr. Bijre
low for Harper's Magazine, and is to
be illustrated from photographs spec
tally made for the purpose.
My dotor said I would die, but Piso's
Cure for Consumption rurel me. Amos
Ke'ner, Cherry Val ey, Ills., Nov. 23, 115.
The October Centurv contains "A
Study of Mt-ntal Epidemics," by Mr.
Boris iids, which has a close bearing
on American aff tirs past and contem
poraneous. He (rives an analysis ol
the social disorders of the period o
tnc Lruisndes and the nervous epidem
ics of Europe, and explains the theorv
of mental suggestion or hypnotism, by
which the susceptible portion of a tribl
or a people or a group of peoples, give
hemselvcs up to a popular delusion
In the same number the veteran Kreo
.-'oiler, the Hon. George V. Julian,
writes on .lohn P. Hale, "A Presiden
tial Candidate of 1852."
3rrc Wiulo'3 Soothing Syrap
crrliu .n:e liin,fuift?ngtlie;iiins.rcdure8inflam
-nation, allays paiu, cures wind colic. 2 cenu a bottle.
A Grntle Reminder.
"I want you to understand." roared
lleefly. "that the sun never sets on thi
ISritish empire."
"'1 hat's right," quietly replied Yanl'
E. Doodle, "but Uncle bam has foun I
tt necessary to act on her once in a
while." Detroit Free Press.
Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, the
finest liver and bowel regulator ever
Kerosene is rood for keej ins bright enj
wood varnished iu oiL
In one of his wonderful sermons
very truthfully said, " My brother,
H your trouble is not with the heart ;
s it is a gastric disorder or a rcbel
3 lious liver. It is not sin that blots
f out your hope of heaven, but bile
p that not only yellows your eyc-
balls and furs your tongue and
g makes your head ache but swoops
S upon your soul in dejection and
H forebodings," and
l Talmage is right ! All
p this trouble can be removed !
You can be cured !
I How? By using
a We can pive vou lncontrovemhV
proof from men and women, former
But to-day well,
and stay so.
There is no doubt of this. Twenty
years experience proves our words
Write to-day for free treatment blank.
Warner's Safe Cure Co., Rochester, N.Y.
all alike.
Sense Up-te-dat Hints Aheat Cnltlva
tie at the Sell an Yields Tfcereef
HerUcaltare, Tltlcaltare aad riert-
HE Rhode Island
experiment station
has the following
to make on apple
Apple trees need
water. If the sup
ply of water in the
soil in an orchard
Is deficient when
the fruit is matur
ing, as It frequently is, the trees cannot
produce a full crop of apples, however
they may have been fed and other-
cared for. The lack of a sufficient
amount of water in the soil in orchards
often is the cause of apples dropping
prematurely and the ripening of win
ter fruit during the fall months. While
it may be impracticable to attempt to
supply water artificially In most cases,
at least, to orchards in this state, yet
much can be done by good management
to prevent the needless escape of the
natural supply, and in this way large
quantities of water may be retained
in the soil for the use of the trees
when It is needed by them. A mulch
of grass, leaves or other organic mat
ter is useful for this purpose, and tbe
ground in some cases may be culti
vated in the open spaces to good advan
tage. In this connection we must en
ter a protest against the practice of
trimming off the lower limbs of apple
trees. This allows the wind to sweep
through beneath them and the sun to
shine in and dry up the soil over their
roots. In the average orchard in Rhode
Island these limbs should be spared if
for no other reason than to retard the
evaporation of moisture from the soil
beneath the trees.
Apple Trees Use Sunlight In order
to produce ten barrels of fruit as the
product of one or two seasons growth,
an apple tree must do a large amount
of work in collecting the crude mate
rials required and in manufacturing
them into such refined products as
Gravensteins, Greenings or Baldwins.
Sunlight, by its action upon the foliage,
furnishes largely the power that runs
the machinery of an apple tree. The
amount of this power that a tree can
use in a measure determines how much
fruit the tree can bear. For this rea
son the surface area of the top of an
apple tree should be as large and as
well exposed to the light as circum
stances will allow. The natural habit
of the apple tree is to form a rounded
top with its branches bending lov o
catch as much sunlight as is possiu.e.
It is a too common practice to cut off
these lower limbs, which may in the
case of a well-grown tree represent
from 400 to 800 square feet of the nor
mal bearing surface of the top, and in
this way to permanently injure the
trees. It is as important for an apple
tree that is to do its best work to have
its top adjusted to use tha light as it is
tor a sailing vessel to be trimmed to
catch the wind. Save the lower limbs
that increase the surface area of the
top, for these when the roots are well
cared for enlarge the bearing capacity
of the tree, but th& out and when nec
essary shorten in the limbs that the
light may shine brighter on those
which are left
Sunlight and Fruit Buds. Limbs of
apple trees that are exposed to strong
light produce more fruit buds than
those which are in partial shade. In
order to prove this we secured permis
sion to go into an orchard where the
trees, although rather too near togeth
er, were on the whole well gnmn, and
cut two limbs from each of ten trees
in different parts of the orchard. The
limbs selected were about one Inch in
diameter, and in each case one was
taken that was fully exposed to sun
light and the other where partially
shaded. When the limbs were taken
to the laboratory where the buds were
counted the action of the sunlight in
promoting the formation of fruit buds
was apparent
Fertilizers oa Wbeat.
Bulletin 71 of the Ohio Experiment
Station, now being distributed, gives
the results of the station's experiments
with fertilizers for the seven years,
1S89 to 1S95 inclusive. In the average
f these seven years the wbeat grown
continuously on the same land at Col
umbus yielded twenty-five bushels par
acre, and this yield was increased by
five to six bushels in the average by
the use of fertilizers. Throughout this
seven-year test it was observed that
fertilizers carrying phosphoric acid
produced a marked increase of plant
growth in the fall, and it was hoped
that, in seasons of severe winter kill
ing, such fertilizers might enable the
plant to successfully resist the ad
verse climatic influences; but in 1896,
the yield of the unfertilized plots hav
ing fallen to less than half a bushel
per acre, the largest increase made by
any fertilizer was not more than three
bushels. In the experiments at Woos
ter, where wheat is grown in rotation
with corn, oats, clover and timothy,
three' crops have now been harvested.
The results for 1894 and 1895 are giv
en In Bulletin 71. In 1S94 there was
no increase, in 1895 the increase on the
plots receiving a complete fertilizer
averaged nearly eight bushels over an
unfertilized yield of three bushels;
while in 1896. the winter killing being
almost complete, the unfertilized yield
baa averaged but a bushel to the acre,
uxd the increase over this has been
'.ess than six bushels. The fertilisers
watch kara produced the largaat te
ereaat of wheat aava baen aompkta
fertiUien, containing nltrocw, phot
phorlo add and potash, all tar. Tht
average Increas of wheat aloaa has
not paid for tha fertiliser, at present
prices, but the Increase In the frass
crop following the wheat has In some
cases more than made up the loss on
wheat The clover sown In March.
1895, In this rotation made a good
catch, and maintained its hold through
out the season, notwithstanding the un
favorable conditions, and In the fall
the growth on the unfertilized plots ap
peared even better than where fertil
izers had been applied to the wheat.
During the winter, however, the clover
was badly heaved out, the destruction
being much more complete on the un
fertilized plots, and these finally gave
an average yield of less than fifteen
hundred pounds of hay per acre, a
large portion of which was ragweed,
while eight plots receiving a complete
fertilizer, used at the rate of about 400
i,"""" " a"v' s"' "" JC1"
uicsacu niiu uuiujtuu uiauuic b Ulc
average rate of six tons per acre, gave
an average increase of more than a ton
per acre, or a total yield of a ton and
three-quarters. In the three-crop rota
tion of potatoes, wheat and clover, the
unfertilized wheat yielded -this year
seven bushels and a half per acre, and
this was increased to twelve bushels
by the use of complete fertilizers. The
clover following the unfertilized wheat
of last year yielded nearly two tons per
acre, while the increase from fertilizers
averaged nearly six hundred pounds,
and that .from barnyard manure was
over thirteen hundred pounds, the
quantities of fertilizers and manure be
ing the same as in the five crop rota
tion. In these experiments neither fer-
tilizers nor barnyard manure have
more than partially prevented the de
struction of either wheat, clover or
timothy by winter killing. In the case
of wheat, six tons of barnyard manure
has produced about the same average
effect as four hundred pounds of fertil
izer, but in the case of the clover and
timothy following the wheat, the aver
age residual effect of the manure has
been considerably greater than that of
the fertilizer.
rrojjregslve Farming:.
Times and conditions are necessar
ily alwi-.ys changing. We cannot do all
thintrs as thev once were done. We
must watch the signs of the age and be
governed accordingly. We cannot
farm as our grandfathers did, for the
latters' practices if now followed would
result in bankruptcy. The farmer must
be progressive. He must climb out of
the "rut." use his brains to show him
the right course to follow, and not be
weighed down and burdened by tradi
tions and hoary precepts now proved
to be unworthy of credence. I do not
mean to be understood to imply that
any farmer should embrace every new
theory and follow it blindly just be
cause it is new, but rather put him
telf in the line of testing the new and
holding to that which is good, while
discarding the wrong. Nor, on the
Jther hand, should the farmer be pre
judiced against any plan or method be
cause it is old. If it is old. and has
firmly stood the test of years, all the
better. The whole labor lies In the sift
ing of truth from error. Farmers of
the old school are as a class radically
opposed to what they please to term
"book" farming. This is all wrong.
The farmer must read books, papers
and magazines devoted to his calling.
He must keep posted. Otherwise how
is he to keep up with the procession,
I should like to know. The time when
a man can keep aloof from all out
side knowledge and comradeship and
make farming pay has departed.
Grange meetings, and all agricultural
associations and institutes cannot be
too highly indorsed as mediums for
making progressive farmers. The
farmer of the next century will become
more and more a man of thought and
intellect, for only by so becoming may
he hope to cope successfully with the
ever recurring problems that arise for
practical solution. The progressive
farmer must occasionally visit the near
by city where he markets his produce.
There he is to observe and listen to
find out how to pack in best shape,
and to learn what the market demands;
but of course these excursions are mere
incidents, the chief labor and atten
tion of the farmer is demanded upon
the farm itself. The thrifty, progressive
farmer will show his character clearly
by his stock, farm buildings and fields.
The fruits of practicing modern ideas
and following the most trustworthy
light upon agricultural matters will be
very manifest All classes of stock
will not be of a nondescript standard,
but of some recognized breed. They
will show the evident results of care ,
and goad management. The farm
buildings will be solid and substantial,
and, what is more, covered with a good
coat of paint not alone for appear
ance's sake, but for the purpose of se
curing greater durability and lasting
mialitits. The fields will show the re-
nuits gi tne licerai u&e o uuaKe cou-
- .. .. sll I
!ed with fertilization witnout stmt
The progressive man's acres never
look as though they had just been
pulled through the proverbial "seven
years of Tharaoh." but rather they
support a vegetation of great luxuri
ance and abundance. Finally, it may
be said that the lands of the progres
sive farmer are constantly undergoing
some improvement; something is al
ways being done for the betterment of
the farm. There is no stagnation.
W. P. Perkins.
Kerosene Eraatnloa Applications,
Prof. Howard Evarts Weed, in a bul
letin of the Mississippi station, says:
Although poisons like Paris green are
net appUcaMe to Insect which take
their food hr Mekinc, yet as external
Irritant, like kerosene, ia Applicable ta
all, and it Matters net hew they take
their food. Kerosene can be used
against all Insects except those living
in confined places where they cannot,
be reached, such as tomato worms;
those living in stored grain, etc. The
amount of kerosene which should be)
.used will vary with the kind of Insect
to" be treated, some requiring a much
larger proportion than others. Nearly
all plants will bear-one part of keror
sene to ten of water, but when a strong
er application Is to be made, it should
first be tested on a few plants to see
If the foliage is affected. For the treat
ment of ordinary Insects the following
proportions are recommended: -
Plant-lice, of all kind, 1-20.
Caterpillars or other larvae exposed
on leaves, 1-15.
Scale insects on leaves. 1-10.
Scale insects on bark, summer treat
ment, 2-10.
Scale insects on bark, winter treat
ment, 3-10.
Lice on domestic animals, except
hogs. 3-10.
lice on nogs mu ucw on cattle, 5-10.
The mixing of the two. liquids takes
place partially in the pump, but more
largely in the nozzle, where they are
divided into very fine particles. Of
course a mixture made in this way is
not a permanent one, nor is it neces
sary that it should be so. What is
needed is simply a dilution of the kero
sene so that it will not cause Injury
when applied, and the attachment ac
complishes this object fully.
Uow to Bee-
Somebody ought to establish a hoeing
school and teach our young people and
1 our hired men how to use a hoe, is the
opinion of a writer in Pomona Her
ald. It makes me sick wnen 1 see how
our help do this important work. The
fundamental error with them is to
think that the purpose of hoeing is ta
kill weeds and nothing else. Conse
quently they just skip over the surface,
trying to hit the weeds, and if no weeds
happen to be there the spot is skippe
over untouched. When the job is.done
our man or men think the weeds are
done for; but in a few days the ground
is again well occupied. The fact la
this scraping over tbe surface is not bjj
any means the best way to kill weeds,
and it amounts to nothing much in
other respects. A good hoeing should
touch and stir the whole surface, and
freshen It, and give the weeds such a
set-back that they will not recover
from it in a long time. When I hoe
I let the hoe go in cornerwise, and
when I get done there Is no spot that
is left with the old crust on. whether
there were weeds or not The fresh
ground, soon after hoeing, looks smooth
and clean and attractive. There is an
inch of well-pulverized soil all over the
whole surface, and the plants, thus
surrounded by fresh, moist, loose soil,
seem to be grateful and respond with
quickened growth.
Exhibition Coops.
When some months ago there sud
denly confronted the poultry fancier,
the glad tidings of the concession in re
duction of express rates on poultry
breeding stock, he flattered himself that
at show times, by re-arrangement of
his exhibition coops he should be able
to save to himself many dollars, as
compared with past transportation
charges, writes Nellie Hawks in Prac
tical Farmer. But this dream proved
to be a delusion after a time. Some
among the prominent breeders of this
section had made over, at considerable
expense, the coops they had exhibited
their fine specimens in heretofore. For
the new law required all shipping
coops to be of wood entire if the ship
per would receive the benefits of half
rates. So far, the new law worked ad
mirably. Everybody was glad, and
many more sales and purchases were
made upon the strength of it. But
when it came to express rates on exhi
bition coops and specimens, therein the
fancier found himself none the better
off for having had his canvas-covered
frames converted into heavier wooden
coops. With the canvas coops we were
charged double first-class rates whej
sending fowls to exhibitions. Bu
birds and coops sent out for exhibition
purposes were returned free when such
rates were paid, and, of course, light
weight coops saved much in expense in
such a case. The exhibitor, calculating
upon saving half the express charges
by having his exhibition coops remod
eled and more firmly constructed, had
not counted that the additional weight
of said coops would equal or exceed
in transportation charges the charges
made upon canvas coops. Under the
new ruling, the exhibition coops and
specimens sent to shows at single rates
must be paid for at same rates upon
return of them over the road, while
birds sent in canvas coops and at dou
ble first-class rates were returned free.
Thus was the remodeler of coops
nut to all this additional expense, ho.
gjgg adding to, ratner man diminish
. . . .. '
ing transportation charges to and from
the places 01 exnioiuon. One promi
nent exhibitor of many fowls, without
having investigated thoroughly, but
having in reality "jumped to conclu
sions." had bis exhibition coops all
remodeled at an expense of more than
50. Imagine his disappointment up
on learning that coops sent out at sin
gle rates must be also returned at sin
gle rates, whereas he bad concluded
that at those single rates they would
be returned home, free of charge, just
as were coops upon which double first
class rates were paid. To "live and
learn" is the only way. And such a
dear teacher does experience some
times prove.
&dfe.i '-lifrVa......
Qaev a
free a Mstoalt aaet.
Free tha Kail aad Kxpreaa He had
depoeltad ale ticket U'the box of the
down-town etatioa of the Sixth avenue
"L" read at Fiftieth street early this
morning, and was counting his change
in a search for plugged dlmea and nick
els. A quarter fell from his hands and
rolled under the raised steps which
form the edge of the platform. There
It lay in plain view, but as unobtainable
as the golden apples of Hesperldes. The
loser was the picture of rage.
"I don't care about the blamed coin,"
he wailed. "I've got 'em to burn; but
it Just makes me mad to see that quar
ter there, and I can't get it."
"Gimme me a dime, mister," said a
messenger boy, "and five cents for ex
penses, and I'll get your mun."
The man regarded the boy for a mo
ment and said. "Go ahead."
He returned In a few minutes wi&
his form working convulsively. In his
hand he had a piece of scantling. The
crowd watched him curiously. From
his mouth the boy took a well masti
cated wad of chewing gum. He stuck
this on the end of the scantling and
thrusting the stick through the narrow
space, pressed the soft and sticky gum
firmly on the lost coin. Then he deftly
drew It out and presented the coin to
its owner.
"Keep the whole outfit." said the
man. "Boy, you're a peach. We live
and learn," and he boarded a train, his
face wreathed in smiles. The face 0
the boy was similarly decorated.
aevea MUes aa Boer Beat Be Caa Do,
at Ke Faatrr.
In spite of its having carried Mo
hammed in four leaps from Jerusalem
to Mecca, seven miles an hour is the
amel's limit Nor can it maintain
this rate over four hours. Its usual
peed is five miles an hour a slow
ace, beyond which it is dangerous to
urge it, lest, as Asiatics say, it might
break its heart and die literally on the
- When a camel Is pressed beyond this
speed, and is spent, it kneels down,
and not all the wolves in Aela will
make It budge again. The camel re
mains where it kneels, and where it
kneels it dies. A fire under its nose Is
8atil' Found Cnil.F Chareh.
In making excavations under the
Presbyterian church. Fort Covington,
for church parlors, a number of skulls
and other human bones were brought"
to view. No doubt they are the remains
of some of the soldiers who died of an
epidemic during their stay in the above
place after their retreat from Chrys
ler's farm in 1813. Parts of a couple of
coffins were also found, and a lumber
of nails which will be preserved as rel
ica. Huntingdon Gleaner.
Paternalism la Switzerland.
A glimpse of the paternal nature ol
the Swiss government is supplied by
this notice, which appears in a Swiss
"Meinrad Rumo, son of the late Jos.
Rumo, born in 1851, of Oberschrot, liv
ing in Rieshalta, is forbidden for the
space of a year to frequent any publio
house. (Signed).
"Tafers, 12th May, 1896."
Th Tamer Famine for Music.
The fondness of the camel for music
is a well-attested fact, and when the
Arabs wish to get extra work out of
these animals they play bright and
cheerful airs upon some favorite instru
ment. Blows are of no avail, but music
spurs the animal into exertion.
" Tis true," said the man convicted
of murder in the first degree, "I'm play
ing in hard luck now, but "
He surveyed his accusers with a hard,
cynical smile.
"I have a pull ahead."
"A boy who can open oysters with a
"Wanted, experienced nurse for bot
tled baby."
"Wanted an organist and a boy to
blow the same."
"Bulldog for sale; will eat anything;
very fond of children."
"Furnished apartments suitable for
gentlemen with folding doors."
"Wanted, a boy to be partly outsidi
and partly behind the counter."
"For sale a pianoforte, the property
of a musician with carved legs."
"Annual sale now going on. Don't
go elsewhere to be cheated come In
"Wanted, a room for two gentlemen
about thirty feet long and twenty feet
"Lady wants to sell her piano, aa
she is going abroad in a strong iron
"Wanted, by a respectable girl, her
passage to New York, willing to take
care of children, and a good sailor."
"Lost, near Higbgate archway, an
umbrella belonging to a gentleman
with a bent rib and a bone handle."
"Lost, a collie dog by a man on Sat
urday answering to Jim with a brass
collar round his neck and a muzzle."
"To be disposed of, a mail phaeton,
the property of a gentleman with a
movable head-piece as good aa new."
"Mr. Brown, furrier, begs to an
nounce that he will make up gowns,
capes, etc., for ladies out of their own
Dr. Omanza, of Vienna, has invented
a method of photographically register
ing the pulse beats.
'ihe physiologists say that the right
sme of the brain is of more importance
to organic life than the left
Sun spots are believed to be open
ings in the sun's photisphere, or lumin
ous envelope, through which tbe orb
is seen.
Ben Jones, a negro who went through
tbe wars of 1812 and 1846 as a body
servant, died a few days ago at San
Antonio, Tex., aged ninety-nine years.
The Arabs have a superstition that
the stork has a human heart When
one of these birds builds its nest on a
housetop they believe the happiness of
that household is insured for a year.
The city of Portland, Ore., which
owns its water system, sprinkles its
streets through tbe street car company,
the work being done after 5 p. m. The
arrangement is said to be very satis
factory. A Mitigating Feature. "It's pretty
hot here, isn't it?" said a new arrival
to Lucifer. "Yes," replied his satanio
mnjeety. "The heat is what you might
call excessive, but then there Is no hu
midity about if Puck.
"1 suppose you bathe at the seashore
every day?" "Yes. I sit on the sand
and take a sun-bath." "But you "miss
tbe surf, don't you?" "Not at all. My
little brother can bring me as much as
want in a pall." Harper's Baxaj
4--sM'Js.ra6'.T-"T vC -,Tlia-C-'
Ber Iaefteal
A writer ia am English paper asserts
that: "It waa my good fortcae to
innch in the company of several poets
.of faste aad repute. There waa pres
ent at this delectable and memorable
banquet one of the most charming and
.witty American women that the world
has ever known. The poets were re
'cording various good stories, and one
related a tale he had heard of Words
worth, by one who bad known him in
timately. It seems that this' bard was
in the habit of writing at night and in
'the early morning, and that he used to
rouse his wife about 4 o'clock and ex
claim: 'Maria, get up! I have thought
of a good word I' Whereupon his obe
dient helpmeet arose and recorded it
on paper. About half an hour after
ward a new inspiration would seize up
on the poet and he would call out
'Maria, get up! I've thought of a better
word.' We listened to this story with
admiration, but the bright-eyed Ameri
can woman remarked, with a wave of
red rose in her hand: 'Well, if he'd
been my husband, I should have said,
Wordsworth, get up! I've thought of a
bad word!"
lipgemafVs ' Banner le wttfei Qtyeerlae.
CumCnapnetlbantls aad Face. TemlT or Sore Pert, C-U.ClarkCa.New Haven, Cl.
Te Make the Meeres Stand Oat.
You can puff out the thin sleeves of
fancy cotton and shirt waists by using
a separate sleeve of stiff paper cambric
or crinoline, white, made very full,
half way to the elbew and gatiiered to
a narrow band at the top. This, if
basted inside of the thin dress sleeve,
will answer every purpose. One yard
of material will make a pair of extend
ers. Ladies' Home Journal.
When bilious or costive.eatacascaret
candy cathartic, cure guaranteed. 10c,
The Areraajn Uabr's Mae.
An average child measures about
nineteen and a half inches at birth if a
boy and half an inch less if a girt A
child increases more rapidly in length
during the first week than at any bub
sequent period, and should gain an inch
during the first month of its life.
Ladies' Home Journal.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before properef
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
tlio knowledge, that so many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrup of Fiprs. prompt-
1 r. tu : ...?... : : 1. .. ,.i
remedy with millionsof families, undi
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneticial
effects arc due to the fact, thatitis the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fijr Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists. "
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies arc then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
mav be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere. Syrup of
Figs stands highest a"nd is most largely ,
Used andsjives most general satisfaction.
taimmmKnmmmmmunmsSil VnPnmnSnmnamV
P. J. Berg. Pattor of the
Iowa, on
on March 4th, JSt!(j, writes:
coujrh for about five months. I trot
and I tried other remedies without relief. When I first saw Dr. Kay's
Lunjr .Halm advertised I thoupht 1 would try it and I am glad I did. I
bought a box and took a tablet now and thin without any regularity,
and after a few days, to my great surprise, the cough was gone. Ten
days ago I had sore throat. I was out of the tablets and could not get
them in Des Moines, and I sent to the Western Office of Dr. 15. J. Kay
Medical Co., Omaha, Xtb., for six boxes and as soon as I took it a few
times that soreness and hoarseness all passed away in one night. I be
lieve it is also good fer sora throat."
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
The pleasantcst, safest and most efficient remedy known for every kind
Of COUgh, lagTippe, influenza, etc. Safe for all ages. Docs not sicken
or disagree with the stomach. The formula has been used verv ex
tensively by the most noted physicians in the hospitals of London,
Paris and New York with the very best of success. Sold by druggist
or sent by mail for L'5cts. Send address for very valuable free booklet.
Dil 1J. .1. Kay Mmiicai. o., Omaha. Neb
"The New
The "new woman" favors economy,
and she always buys "Battle Ax" for
her sweetheart. She knows that a 5-cent
piece of "Battle Ax" Is nearly twice as
targe as a 10-cent piece of other nigh grade
brands. Try it yourself and you will see
why "Battle Ax" Is such a popular
favorite all over the United States.
Japanese in aa admirable ami
neaaive material far eovariaj
Id dark blue, with lane wmM
tional towers wandering aver it, H it
most effective. Bothehintt am4l arm
toane make pretty pUlewa,aa4 the)
pillows covered with plain giaghaaa
are among the favorites of the eeeaaavi
Satin-covered pillows are still ia aee.'
They are made very beaatifal aa well
as costly by being appliqned with laaf
designs. '
Ref erase 2tee Mere team a BaT
To brine taea about, aad are always
coroulete and lastlna when the ai
with steady regularity to a coasuamtl:.
l-ew of the observant among- aa caa aavt
failed to notice that permanently heakhfai
chaazes In the haaaa svnteai are aa
wrought by abrupt aid violent means, aae
that thos are tbe moat salutary awdtcMM
which are prozre4ive. Hos tetters Steaiacl
Hitters Is the chief of these. Dyspepsia; a
disease of obstinate character, la eatttev
A good many paint tbe towa who sheaU
put it on their houses.
Cascarets stimulate liver.kidaeya and.
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe.
No girl whose hair is aataralty early
shou d comp.aia of her eaviroaaieata.
Beauty's bane is
the fading or falling
the hair. Luxuriant
tresses are far more to the
matron than to the maid whose casket
of charms is yet uuriflcd by time.
Beautiful women will be glad to be
reminded that falling or fading hair
is unknown to those who use
Avar's Hair Vigor.
The test truit section in the West. Ne
liroatba A failure or crop nevtr known.
jlild climate. 1'roductive soil. Abundance of
iood puru water.
For Maps and Circulars givta? full descrip
tion of iheKUh Mineral. Fruit and Agricultu
ral Lam'.s in South Wct Mfetiouri. write te
IOUX 31. l'UI'.DV. Manager of the Missouri
uaml and Lic stock Company, Neosho, New
on Co., Missouri.
122, 123 aad 121 luaiU Building; Oicigs, OL
Members ol the Chicago Boars et Trade ia feei
Uniiing. who will furnish you with their Latest
ook on statistics and reliable information re
irdtrtf the markets Write fer Hand their Bawy
tarket Letter, roth FREE References: AM. Kx.
Satiosm. hank, Chicago.
Positively Cared with Vegetable
Hare cmett tNm and of ca-e. Cnr cam ptv
nouncol hopelcsJ b Lett phr.klaiu. rat flt doe
ymptutm dlpjxar; iu ten days at least twu-Utfrea
all !jaut)nn icciorel. Snd lor fre book tntlaio.
cla!:) of uilraclocs cures. Ten day's treatment trae
by mill. If you unicr trial Bond 10c la stamps to see
postice. Iir. II. If. C.ttk A SON4. Atlanta. Oa. U
jcu order 1 etum tri. advertisement to an.
1,200 II.
t. H. BLOOM.
Council Bluffs,
want mm tr, rrwhrre to SELL
CTaDtf TDCCC million te t-
01 AH". intCOcd. proven
"aLolutclybest '"imperbontflta.
ncirtystcm. STAPK1IKOTHERS.
nni!SMKniitCnre4 JSt.iiii$;i. ThouMaaS
U I 1 1 1 ill l aTvyU Cheapest and bet cure. Fas TSUI.
"" MiUecanc. Ka. Uacsh. yuincy. Mich.
Swedish XI. U Church. Des Moines.
"Last year I w.13 troubled with a bad
mriiMiif from mi- fmniK- nhv;.;nn
r s
J ewr i iSilJIIHlPiir
0 i. . -
' ( -
, I