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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1893)
& 5-H. - i -- F' . If-..:-. H;-t--- W:":.v JU KI :- t- i.'. -- ".V i 11- - Ef. tt -. . i ! S 3- --, ' i.:: te"-. OMnnrtws gmtrnaX, Hatsrcd at the Fcst-oEco, Cciambu3, Neb., es fooad-olass mail icatter. tSEUED XTEBY nmSZ3SAT ST ivi. k:. TUiisrER & co., Columbus, 3S"ol. TZBKS of Eruscsirnos: gseyear, by xaiL, postags prepaid, $2.00 ix months... ............ - vjj Three muaihs,. ...............-. 'M Payablo in AdvBDco. E57Spocimea copies mailed froo, on applica TO BTJESOniBKHS. 7hro subscribers chsnffo tlieir placo of rosi donco the; nhoaitl :tt onco notify na !y letter or rptsl card, Riring both tht:jr former asd tnc.i prc3r.t post-office, the first c-iEb!Bfl its to revuly had the name on onr maiiinsr list, from which, "bains in type. each -week print, cither cm tint vwr.pp'-r or en tho manrin oi jour Jouiinai, tiio to -which yonr pabscripticn is iwhi or ?.c co"rvd lor. Remittance!! ebon! J bo inaji-eitus- by inonsy-orJer, registered letter or drait, fa; able to tLa order of . . 5L K. TUBSK3 & Co. TO COnSESI-OlTDIIiTS. All communications, U'recnro nttnntion, mr-Ft 5ico:2pan'odbythe fail name of tnc -wntsr. YA -ro the riRht to reject nay manuscript, and -uniotafrrcoto ret u-n the came. o .a.iii r. p-mtiiirtcnt Li fTcry fchcol-ditrirt of I'KM cwuiirv, onn of c"od jn.iment, ar.. ro :is!!n :si overy- -ray Write plainly, each iteii-tcp-ratcly. Givocs facta. .. V.'EDXESlttY, AUtiLST 22. 1S83. ATroi::n:r Genornl Hustings is work ing on tbe maximum railroad freight rate case. It is announced that the Cherokee strip -will b9 opened between September 1st nnd loth. TnE number of tho unemployed is increasing at the rate or thousands every dav in tho cities of the east. Gen. C. H. Van Wick and family havo started for XVtohinglon, D. C. The gen cral is slowly improving in health. Jain; D. Croighton has receheu notice that three of his fine trotters were Imrn- ed lo death in a lire at Donveail, Ky. Tin: republican state central com mittee meets today (Wednesday) at liiii- coin. Chairman A. E. Cady, makes tho call. DouoiiSs Crim? of Chicago, killed his " daughter, shot his wife and ended his own existence, at tho end or a protracted Gpreo. . Ato.vzo Baicxis of Lincoln is to bo storekeeper under Inlernel llovemie Collctor North, at a salary of $150 a month. The manufacturers of beet sugar are trying to uinko people believe that $V2 worth of bcc-3 can be produced on one aero of land. Marei., tho 1 -year-old daughter of Mr. and airs. Ch.nmce Clark of P::v.nco City, fell I'pck'vardi, from a buggy Satur day and died in consequence. The New York Sun, good democratic authority, says that -'democratic rule has robbed i:ie American people of SI ,000.000,009. in four months." TitF alliaure propose to feed the poor of New York ctt; and calls upon farmers lo send con. and wheat, potatoes, etc., before disorder and bloodshed. Gsuruk BAwnvrc -committed ' rnicide Tuesday morning of last week at David City by shooting himself in the right temple. Ho loaves a wifo and three children. It is nupposed that "VY. W. Dean, a book-agent, found in the sand hills of Thomas county, was murdered by Eisner Gibson, as his horso and coat weio found in his possession. TELTiOW fever has broken out at Fen- sacola, Fla.. and cholera now numbers a score or more of patients in New York harbor. It rjay be that the dovasta- " tion can be confined to these few cases. An excited crowd lirlened to Mi's. ' Lucy Parsons deliver au ni-arehistie tirado at Chicigo Sunday. Her au dience howled its approval of her cry for broad and then spent money enough for bcor to keep a dozen families several weeks. - A Grcxoxi; formed about four miles norflli of Pawneo C'ty Tuesday r.f tomoor. of hist week at 4 o'clock traveling in a nortbe:ista;ly direction. It tore the farm house of .lohn Turnbull to tho grouud severely irjuring the hired girl nnd'a Email baby. The barn of IvIopc? Irwin a quarter of uiilo east was blown nwaw F. W. WEsur.s, managing director and assistant cashier of the Omaha Sa ugs bank, was foand waylaid, l;.ing insensible in a pool of blood on the south side of Webster street, west of Eighteenth. It was supposed tint it "was a car-e of assault with intent to rob, bnt that tho highwaymen woro frightcn- -ed awav before the robbery. NnAi: ZIontrello, Indiana, Job Holmes " was considered au undesirable neighbor by some, and an attack was made on his house with stonc-s: ho gave du warning, and tho next time his eemis came they were rcee;ved with lxth barrels of his shot-gun, and Hugh Davis had ono of his oyes destroyed and was otherwise terribly injured. Others wero also pun- - ished. It look 10,417 bushels of wheat to jiay Abraham Lincoln his annua! salary ." as president of the United States. This took 801 acres of land worth $10 per .'" acre, or $8010 worth of land. This re . quired 1G hands and teams to cultivate '. it. It now takes 7C.923 bushels to p.iy Cleveland's salary. This requires 5.917 acres of land worth 30 per acre, or S177, - 510 worth of land and 11 S hands and teams; that is provided thev tilled and harvested 50 acres to tho hand. If this '. keeps on in this rut it won't bo long till it will tako 1.000 men to earn enough to .""support Cleveland one year! Great re public this! Southern Itlercuiy. TucTopeka Advocate, tho official stato paper of Kansas, demands the impeach ment t: Secretary Carlisle for having failed r purcLuso i.000,t'00 ounces of 11 er under the Sierioaa law during the month U July. It says that Secretary CarlHe gnsI violated lift oath of office and that President Cleveland is equally guilty and should be impeached at the same time, provided that on investiga tion it is found that he is responsible for Mr. Carlisle's conduct. Resolutions ein- bodj my (he Advocat'es editorial will be introduced in the populist bimetallic, mass mc'tinge to bo Leld in each county . pf tlae stale between now and Augut 31. TnE approximate quantity of public land in thoMcCook land distriot sub ject to entry on July 1, 1S93, was 219,540 acres; distributed throughout the counties as follows: Bed Willow county," 510 acres; Hitchcock county 6,000 acres; Hayes county, 58,000 acres; Chase county, 59,000 acres; Dundy county, 122 500 acres. Tho land subject to entry in Eed Willow county is in small isolated tracts of forty acres or less. During tho fiscal year ending July 1, there were 478 entries made and 27C entries relinquish ed. Quite a number of pre-emptions wero entered as homesteads by the original eutrymen, and a number of pre emptions in the -western part of the stato havo expired so that the area of public land in the district was but slightly reduced during tho past year. Final proof during the year ending July 1, was made on 59G timber claims, ag gregating 1G,100 acres. Final proof also was made on 419 homesteads, ag gregating Gi,S09 acres; the land commu ted and purchased as isolated tracts amounted in the aggregate to 20,235 acres. This makes the total increase of taxable real estate in this land district as 137,435 acres. Chase County Cham pion. Heavy liun of Hog. The hog run yesterday was tho heavi est since ono day in Juno. Yesterday's receipts amounted to 10,200. There was also received 2,800 head of cattle and 800 sheep. Tho total receipts from Jan uary 1 to dato fiavo been 470,000 cattle, SG1,1G1 hogs, 15S.8S5 sheep, 8,810 horses and mules, showing a gain of 59,245 cat tle, a loss of 235,G5G hogs, a gain of 57, 5i sheep, and a gain of 1,767 horses and mu'es as compared with 1892. Tho heaty run of hogs yesterday was somewhat of a surprise and caused tho market to slump off from tho previous day, tho sales being mado from steady to 25 cents off. Light hogs opened stea dy and closed from 10 to 15 cents lower. Heavy hogs opened 10 cents lower and closed 25 cents off from the market of tho previous day. World-Herald, August ISth. Tun Globe Democrat calls attention to the fact that tho financial troublo affects tho farmer less than any other class: in fact, tho truth is that agricul ture is tho safest business in the country and tho one most likely to yield fair re turns, taking one year with another and considering tho amount of capital and labor employed. Statistics show that fully 90 per cent otlhe merchants fail, whereas not 10 per-cent of the farmers fail. The man who owns a quarter-section or improved land has something that is decidedly preferable to a stock of any kind of goods representing an equal amount of money. Ti:;: abstract of reports made to tho comptroller of the currency showing tho condition of the national banks in the United States .Inly 12th, last, has been made public. It shows a decrease in individual deposits of 193,000,000; in loans and discounts or 8137,000,000; in specie of 21,000.000, :md in undivided profits or .13.000,000. These fignres are supposed to bo as unresponsive to the manipulations of expert accountants as the multiplication table, and if theso do not show very great distrust of the dem ocratic administration, what does it show? Ti:e long-headed Tim Sedgwick of t York Times sagely observes that would like to see tho government buy 1.500,000 bushels of corn per month at a dollar a bushel. Certificates could be issued aginst it and circulated as mon ey. 1 low the price of corn would climb, and how tho Nebraska farmer would swim! Let the government change off a while. It has boomed tho Colorado product a long time, now let it lend a helping hand to the great staplo of more than a dozen states. Washington Letter. trrem onr regular correspondent. Asido from Mr. Cleveland's disgust at the reception given his message by his party in Congress, his bad health and his natural desire to bo near his wifo just now. there was another weighty rea son for his departure, which can bo fully appreciated by overy proud man. From the timo he arrived until his departure ho was almost completely ignored by the Senators of his party, less than half a dozen of them having paid him tho courtesy or a formal call. This was so diTerent from what ho had been led to expect by those who havo been pnrposo ly misrepresenting things to him that he was at first furious, and later humiliated. Those Senators whom ho saw carried him no balm for his wounded pride, as they were practically unanimous in the belief that it will bo impossible to get a bill for tho repeal of tho silver law through the Senate, unless it embodies a substitute that meets tho approval of tho conservative silver men in that body. Truly Mr. Cleveland had reasons enough for leaving Washington in a hurry, al though none of them wero sutlicient to excuse his departure. The Senate has dono nothing and it is understood that at tho last meeting of the finance committee the silver men who control that committee, made it plain that no bill would bo reported from the committee for tho repeal of the Sherman law, without a substitute that would bo satisfactory to the silver men. A committee of democratic Sen ators is now ongaged in trying to bring about a compromise. Hepiosentative Breckenridgo of Ken tucky, has become involved in a very ugly personal scandal, by tho filing of a suit against him for 850,000 by Madeleno Y. Pollard, for breach of promise of marriage. Sho charges that he seduced her when she was seventeen years old and a student at Weslyan Female Col lege at Cincinnati, and says sho has had two children of whom ho was the father, and that after his wife's death, in 1892, he promised to marry her, but postponed it from timo to timo, meanwhile con tinuing his relations with her; and that on the 18th of July, 1893, ho married aaoiher woman. Breckinridgo brought Miss Pollard to Washington and secur ed her a government position, from which sho was dismissed for having publicly made disgraceful remarks about Gen. Sherman at tho time of his death. Mr. Breckinridgo has his bride here now. Nice stato of affairs for a bride to bo called upon to contemplate before tho end of her honeymoon, isn't it? PERSONAL. Dr. Wiley is spending his racationif Chicago. 3- George McFarhuid waa in CrwUa last weak. Pat Mackea of PUtU CemUr, wm w town Sunday. " Mias Emma Wake visited her brother in Genoa last week. Mr. Mertz was in Saunders oounty the first of the week. William Hagel was at Cedar Rapids Thursday on business. Hon. Gus. Lockuer of Omaha was in our city last Wednesday. Byron Dieffenbach was a caller at The Jocbnaii office Monday. J. P. Walker of the Humphrey Dem ocrat was in the city Sunday.. Mrs. G. BLKrause went up to Platte Center Saturday to visit friends. Mrs. C. E. Pollock and Miss Ethel Gal ley visited relatives in Genoa last week, Miss Alice Luth has been visiting her friend. Miss Maggie Montgomery at Schuyler. Gustav Kopp of California was here visiting his step-father, John Eusden, last week. Ed. North, chief clerk of the revenue collector's office at Omaha, was in the city Monday. Mrs. Carl Kramer and children return ed home Thursday from spending the summer in Chicago. Guy C. Barnum of Idaho, is hore vis iting his father, Hon. Guy C. Barnum. Guy looks in his old-time good health. Mrs. F. Coles of Platte Center was in town Saturday to meet Mrs. L. W. Choelor of Schuyler, who is visiting her. Mrs. M. K. Turner. Misses Anna and auto uuu viiug, wcuv vw vtaig, usui Monday, for a week's visit with relatives AKah nm.3 Hmiim WAt t ffWA nJAW there. H. J. Alexander will go to the world's fair again about October L The two thousand entries of live stock take him tliis time. Mr. Joe. Mallalieu and Tom Mallalieu of Kearney come down to Monroe to visit with D. W. Ziegler, to says the Looking Glass. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cornelius returned Wednesday last from their trip east, en joying the World's fair ten days. No account can do it justice. Mr. and Mrs. George Hostel and family of Columbus, Ohio, are visiting the famfl; he family of W. T. Rickly, on a return trip summer outing in Colorado. Mrs. PexTyJTjUihbuhCufSdren, and Mrs. 'Wmj&iMisQfiBPmildren, went to Polk coantyTSiTOTnEy to visit relatives for a week. Mrs. Wm. Lohr accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Barber passed through tho city Wednesday, bound for their home at Fullerton. They had been at tho World's fair at Chicago, and enjoyed their trip hugely. Dr P. H. Metz, of Papillion, nephew of G. G. Becker, of Columbus, was in town Saturday looking for a location. Business and professional men are look ing Humphrey wards. Democrat. City Coamcil. meeting of the council g. All present except Adjov Fridai Mayi pbach, who was ilL Presi- de Gray presided. ition was suggested totheoc n ordinance fixing a tax of $LS0 for steam merry-go-rounds, or for horse-power. Referred to com- nittee on judiciary. Bail road ordinance was read and re ferred to committee on judiciary. An ordinance regarding bawdy houses was read and referred to committee on police An ordinance requiring certain officers of tho city to give bonds was referred to committee on judiciary. An ordinance fixing the fees of the different city officers was referred to committee on judiciary. An ordinance against obstructing the streets of the city was referred to com niitteo on streets and grades. An ordinance in regard to sale of in toxicating liquors was referred to com mittee on police. An ordinance in regard to contagious diseases was referred to committee on judiciary. Adjourned to 28th. Real Extate Tnuufer. Becher, Jseggi & Co., real estate agents, report the following real estate transfers filed in the office of the county clerk for the week ending August 21, 1893: John M Wcatherbee to Mar; C Hit- liunl. mU nw4 1I-I7-2W wd $ 1.3QB SO IS ink of North Bend to And Reenter, e: ne4 31 & liJ sw 3.VI93W Wd 3.288 00 Thorn s Lynch to Patrick Gleaaoo, ii'; sc4 m'4 33-1 8-2 w wd 660 Kli.ts Jewell t Thomas Lynch, sej nw4 lv wd . 1,320 00 Tvlieh:i!-1 l.icklv to Albert Boru. lot 1 FCC20-1G 2w wd ....... . 300 00 Caroline sc-hultz to John llei ts. un divided A lot 6 bile 53 Oolumbus wd ISO 00 William Hcintz to same, undivided ! same.-... ............ 75 60 Minna Kulil to name, undirided same wd .... ...... ISO 00 Ceo I. Carr to Pernella Carr undivided ne'i C-20-lw wd . 0 00 Albert i' Carr to same, undivided H same wd ........ .... 400 00 Isaac ri Gardner to A D Cole, lot 2 ft sVi nwH 4-IG-2W wd 1,000 SO Frederick Kohl to Herd. Klattenberg, seU IS A ne'4 33-20-2W wd . 060 00 Franz Kritur to Josephiue Theleu, lot 2 bla '2 Humphrey wd..-. l 00 Laura C Backus to J A Turner, ui lots 3 & 4 bite 5o Columbus wd 1 00 J A Turner to W B Backus, ntt lota 3 & 4 blk SO Columbus wd 1 00 John Wachterto Elisabeth Wachter, lots 1& 2ollc lOUndsaywd 100 Western Laud Co toUeo Weiland, lot 11 blk 12 Ut add to Lindsay qcd . 23 6S Seventeen transfers, U4al...-...S 19,242 65 Letter List. letters remaining in the post- fciist of office at ( Columbus, Nebraska, for the week ending August 22, 1893: Anton Kolyeek, Walter Kerf, Sir. A. F. Diver. Frank JohMM, Charles L. Smith, 2, Miss Isa Beado taitb, Mr. Isaac Smith. Mr. J. V. Deeds, Miss Emma Lieberdgnt,Mr. C K. Frsnmsn. James Franklin May, Mrs. J. 8. GardsMT, Iter. F. Weiersnorth, Wiilie Bofaeasoa. Edward Saunders, Mr. Harry Hawley, J. M. Harris, Mrs. Lena Hiefkaa. James H. Hurley, Mr. Blaber. John M. Boyle. Miss M.- Bahlboc. Mr. George Anthony, L. Acker, Mr. O. G. Athery. Parties calling for the abore letters will please say "advertised." Cam. Kbamxb, P. M. Bewara. Th eteb 'he undersigned, officers of the Cem- -y Association, will give a reward of 85 for the conviction of any -one' found destroying flowers; ornaments, or im provements or valuables of any kind at the Columbus Cemetery. J. H. Galut, Pres't G A. Speick, Sec'y. 23aag-3 aaavsi j. i. Y4BK41IT iw.c BoatoNa Globe: Many a food Barest does sot go to sleep UBtil "After the Bawl is over." , Bhe'aefteai ClMTiacs heart. The fain Mmi Be it's a i For dosses are laid i -(CftieaaelaierOeeesu "They say the town starred ike editor todeathr "It didnt. He waa eaaek fall wham be died." Detroit Free Press: Tom I'm ia the fizztic arena. Jerry What, gone into pugiliem? Tom No; running a soda fountain. Inter Ocean: "What claim has this place as a health resort? Resident Well, nobody has coaae here yet that aint lost their health in no time. 1 t Washington Star: "John," nid reproachfully, as he came hoeme at 3 a. ex, "you have been oat again." "No, my dear; 'pon honor. This time I was in $11." Washington Star: "Mika," aaid one tramp to another, "the woman that lives in that house has just baked a pie an set it on the window shelf." "Hadn't we better go an' eat itt" . . "I dont know. Maybe that's what she put it there for." . Pittsburg Dispatch: Polite Tramp Madam, may I inquire what variety of fowl this is? Lady of the House That ia Plymouth Bock. Polite Tramp Er I thought ao. Have you any stone crasher on the premises? A special from London to the Even ing Sun says: The governor's dispatches say that Bombay is in possession of the mob. The troops are powerless. Every mosque has been destroyed. Many per sona hare been massacred. Europeans are panic stricken. Troops are now pro tecting onlv the pnblic bmildinga. The governaaan has appealed for help, ask ing for inRructions." A oaxAT ckmd of grasshoppers de scended upon Fort Scott, Kan., August 17th, from the south. The trees ware stripped of their leaves by the pests, but the corn crop is ao far advanced that it has not been hurt. Senator Huxton of Virginia has in troduced a bill providing for the general government guaranteeing the depositors against loss, the government to charge one-fourth of one per cent of said depos its. . Every day i adding to our listj of subscribers, but there is yet plenty, of room for more. We give yon now, Tax Journal and the Lincoln Semi-weekly Journal, both, one year, when paid in advance, for $2.00. Subscription can begin at any time. Now is the time, to subscribe. The Lincoln Journal is issue d Tuesdays and Fridays, and will give yon a mass of news that yon cannot hope, to equal anywhere for the money Both for $2.00. ' Ready for Wert. I am located f oar doors wat of Hegel's building on Eleventh street, and am prepared to do all kinds of carpenter work. Job work a specialty. Will pat up anything you need in my line. 5t-pd E. O. RacroSi When in need of anything in the line of job work cards, wedding invita tions, dance programs, letter heads, en velopes, sale bilk, receipts, notes, scale books, bank checks, shipping tags, blanks of any kind, in abort all aorta of printing, give Tax Journal a call. Just as we are locking our forms we learn that our old friend, O. H. Archer, has been appointed postmaster at Car bon, Wyoming. Aa the Journal there says: "It goes without saying that. he will give entire satisfaction." Of he will. ewer. I will give $5 reward for the convic tion of the person whe cut and destroyed the flowers on my eon's grave in the Co lumbus cemetery. 2t J. H. Gallbt. MeviacSeeta. Teuent markets, good id excelljnt climate beconeidi fcWhen busini and the Vi with farm ore advant adapted dairying grass and Apit growfag, can be obi at low prion and ui easy terms. Iving towns! invite; merchant, and Abundance of timber. Ire, water power, etc Free for manufactur m ers, v For further formation, address M. V. Richards, Land an Immigration Agent, B. k O. B. R. Baltfere, Md. 2t irimiMA a- a tf , auKiiiiiw m, & . By iMo only line running eotid veet& ibuledJHectric lighted and steam heated trains petween the Missouri river and Chicago, consisting of new palace sleep ing cars, elegant free reclining chair cars, luxurious coaches and the inest dining casa in the world. The berth reading lamp in its palace sleeping care ia patented and cannot be need by any other railway company. It ia the great improvement of the age. Try it and be convinced. Close eennection in anion depot at Omaha with all trains to and from the west. For further partiealers apply to your ticket agent, or F.A.Naas.Gea'lAgt. W. 8.H0WRLL, Traveling Frt. and Pass. Agt, lljantf 1601 Farnam StOmah7Neh, Ekoubh Spavin Liniment removes all hard, aoft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, gplints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, gpraine, 8ore and 8woUem Throat, (Whs, etc Save $60 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. B. Stillman. druggist. Senovlyr St. Patrick's Pills are earefully prepared from the beat material and according to the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be produced. .We southern. O. E. Pollock k Co. and Dr. Heintz, druggists. water an tagtjsto a Horns tfaw nm oaei. anq Bait w "' "TJSTlf. a WnUUJBtate O. A. JaUteuajoaVAuf. TOerlei Fair Travelers WftH aVe it. Brno pW demand throughWvice veetfleJed tir7the CMpttCkii. there jaW fthyjThia it the finest and fattest eetvioe between the points hJ Oaafffare far tee Bea Trip. TUiPacinc will Wiiuksis to Grand IalanLnd return at ele fare for the found trlMor the aceo&Wdatioa tsuuuMlouiiinc attend thalanual 8tate OtA-RTBeaVioc, which tjjl be held Au&Mth to 8 3d. See5uur nearest UnioPjaflo AWnt for partic ulars. 9aug9t JTrMragurx. The Werta's Fair BaiMtaav. "horticultural building height of doaaV 182 met Coat of building taOOAO. The Chicago, Union Purine and Northwestern June offers rates aa cheap aa the .cheapest and unexcelled ao commodations to Chicago. No change of ears enroot. See J. is. Meacnc agent TJ. P. system at Columbua for de- tailed lazormauon. RlMuaiatiam Cured to a Day. "Mya tio Cure" for.Rheomatiem and Neuralgia radicallycuresinl toSdaya. Its action upon the system ia remarkable and mys terious. It removes' at onee the cauee and the dissaso immediately diaappaara. The first done greatly beneits, 7o cents. Sold by A. Heintz, druggist, Colum bus, Neb. 14-y wasatdc,wegaTskerCaetorla. see was a CkJM, sbe cried for Caatcrta. she cluag to Caetorla. Badaadraa,aaegaTetbasaOastorta. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. CONQWRID. A Teeau BUa Teaease Rtte aratan a tTaefal Xeaaea. Tha yeung man made up bis mind that ha waa not golf to have any mere nenseaer from that glrL It waa late. - declares the CiaoiaaaU Enquirer. He had stayed the other man out and now she loakad right at him and aaid: 'Ton have stayed loag enough. Ton eaa home." . Ha was between her and the door, anyhow; and he looked very black aa he said he wouldn't. Then I will leave you," she retorted.- "Good night" He caught her wrist and exclaimed: 3fo. you stay here." It waa n slender wrist, but she shook it vigorously, sayiag: - 'Aren't you ashamed of yourself, you big. ugly fellow f Let go." He looked very black and ugly. The girl's red mouth set itself angrily. don't want to stay." You will have to." i hate you." You can stay till you get over It." O-o-o. you ugly thing!" They were quiet some time, she snapping her angry eyes at him, he stolid and sullen. Presently she whispered: You hurt me." You have hurt me." ha returned. Let got" Then she got angry again and pres ently pouteit 'Oh. you can let go; you think I will run, but I won't I dent waatto stay, .and you stake mo against my will but you needn't hold me. you big. ugly thing." He thought a moment then he let go. watohing her narrowly. She sat quite still, scowling furiously with her pretty brow tied in knots and her aaouth one angry pout Presently she said. "May I go now?" When may I go?" Han't knew." jam I hate you." I lova you," O-o-o-oght" He began to feel he couldn't keep It up much longer. She waa so adorable and spunky. She needed the lesson, of course. It was time she learned to he respectful to the man whose en gagement ring she wore, and ha meant to teach her right there. He got up and put his hands on her shoulders, held her stubborn little ace in place, and kissed her. She squirmed fiercely, and in an enraged whisper protested: ts all very well to be kissed, but not because one has to. How I just wish I were big enough to pound you! How dare you make me do anything? O-o-o-o-oughl I hate you!" Ho went right on kissing her, but her little face waa tied up into suoh n tangle ef rage and her pink fists were doubled up so fiereely that he be thought him that he might be going too far. He dropped his hands and. without a word turned Into the hall, picked up his hat and laid his hand on the door knob. There was a rustle of crisp muslin beside him aad n plain tive little voice aaid: Oh. dear! Are you going and not kiss me? How cruel!" I thought" but she Interrupted: Oh. yes; but you arent malting me do it now!1' A MEAN MAN. Bto BeaC a Paper aaet Crept Oat at Fajlaa; Urn It. A well-known gentleman in the city UMved into a house that had beea previously occupied by another gen tleman who waa a subscriber to one of the evening papers. The carrier of course continued leaving the paper. for the space of a year, never havlag notified of the 'change Tho recently went around to collect for tho paper, the bill being made out ia tho name of tho geatlcman who hadsttbetribed. When the collector presented the bill tho gentleman of the house said: Why. my dear sir. .that ataa hM act lived aerd for over a year. You are at the wrong house" Well, has not tho carrier beau leaving a copy of the paper all the Tea sir. But I did not subscribe, aad' I told the boy to quit leaving it But he never dlsa Tou have receive ived a copy of tho paper every day, haven't your Yea our." Then yen ought to pay for it" Well, cxeuoo mo for a moment nnd the gentleman weat into the house. .Returning in a moment ho lugged out a stack of newspapers half Mtall m himselt Here are your sir, I havo ao use for them," read them and carefully until the bill should be pre ItotemCsmttssooaa Times. The oeUoctor-ssnt avrsnmtar wagon to haulaway a year's accumulation ef paper, the pay for which he failed to gut because one ssaa returned them the .other man never received OMMrwnOryfer Pttohtr'vCattuvrla. , foot war MAW. Apart ' nunlafi en thellcriia enaet ensue, euemeuly upon n hoar utaailuf Beaut n hoaah aad gnTely amuuumma aueh articles aa ware brought up brute waves, which In plunder from the faet that there haa recently been tly been n Tho author of "Wild the South" thus s trautiuuut of such He would first look at an article, then smell, it touch it with his paw. aad finally, after deliberately seating himself;- with his hind legs projecting in front turn hit head on ono side aad try to crack his new acquisition with his tooth. Tho burlesque grav ity of his manner waa tedcscribablo. Ho threw away a coeoaaut aa belag too hard to chew, ate an orange with great satisfaction, and presently die covered a small cask, which ho en deavored to open. By dint of much biting ho enlarged tho bunghole ao that ho could insert n paw. then he held the cask on one arm aad kept the other paw busy in rapid journeys thence to his ateuth. authia asoOod of getting at eeatoats did act satisfy hiss, aad cutty. eUndlag erect en his hind leet ho Inserted Ms nose In tho hurrcj. and hen his head. Bow. a boar's acce Is ee sharp that U face through a small place Tcrjf easily, but owing to tho heavy feU ef sua about and She fact that the halt arc set backward, it docs not the same facility for Mating out Bruin was fast mc began to pull bach; but Mho pulled the barrel came with ' aim, and- as he rolled oa his back, pawing- ineffectually at its cen yox sldea, it merely revolved about his head m If it were oa a pivot Thou, alarmed by the sound of our laughter, ho took fright aad ran. wearing: tho cask on hie head like a helmet Up tho hill ho rushed, loot all seaet of direotion aad rolled head over heels ua Picking hlsMelf up, ho aad began growling and war. iaghlepawa but wm speedily re teased by cue of tho negro on who broke the barrel with a Mow from his dub aad scattered the mackerel with which it had been ailed. The boar rewarded him for this aer vieewMhahlow of tho paw which laid him en the aauda and la aactacr minute wm biuuelf strstshsd there by the discharge ef two rifica, I Weai curious tower wm built at Athena by Audrcuioua of octagonal fena, each side of whioh wm faced with a rearesentation of the wind to which it looked. Its spire wm surmounted by a copper triton. so constructed m to pout with a rod. as it turned with each wiad, to that imago which repre sented It Each side of the tower bore beneath the architecture a Greek inscription of its corresponding wind, with appro priate illustrations of its attributes. A document of an earlier dato than 116 describes a Syrian tower sur mounted by a copper equestrian statue, which turaed with every wind; beneath the vans were emblematic figurea one of which, wm a scorpion. Mention of weather cocks occurs M early m the alath century. Hew'e tola? You said you lateaded topropoMto-Mlss Clamwhooper this evening, nad here you are back before atae o'clock Sho surely dlda't refuM your" No-a I didn't propose I con cluded to postpone the question." "Vow. sm here, John, if you doa't got that girl, lt'a your owa faulk The idea of bolnr such a ooward. You, who havo bravely walked up to tho cannon's mouth." -e-a but the cannon hadn't beea eating eaieae," TeiM fiiftiafu. COLUMBUS MARKETS. aurOarqaotaaoasoftheatarketaarMibUlBed rawaarafterBooa.aad i are correct aad reliable OBAiif.rro. SLjftaTBU m 42 22 22 18 17 25 SI 0082 40 1115 10 . 10081 10 auV OOuau Mi zed oats.. JVaVUVUsXre mvuBwawa Potatoes..... Fatkocs.... Fateows..... Fat sheep.... raoDcca. UVBSTOOS. a rat 900)4 00 MttMM &titt. AdrertisssiaaU aader tide head le cento a liaeeacb iassrtioa. OjJyM.SCHILTZ aaal g Mat styles, aad stJPhtaateaabeproea aaakeebootoaad shoes iatke 1 oaur the tstt best beproecrediatheaurket. U-tf FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT Of the ooaditioa or the Golumbus Real Estate mprovoMot Ctnpaay, Of Columbus, Nebratka, on August 15, 1893. Seal Kstate aad laiDro- U tbereoa Jtetftl 86 CasbiaCoBiBMroial Beak dMFS) we7 $44690 05 uABiLmm. Capital stock ;.:.' 0UIS amrmDauTl .SJ020O0O . 12900 00 . 0196 OS aOutt ftawu lO09e f44SH05 I. Dsa 8ehraaa, secretary of theahoTensmeH Real Estate latproTesssat Coaipaay. do eol- esaaly swear that the aanre statesaeatistraeto -'--SSftcHRAM. Babeeribed ia but preseaee aad swora to t fore aee this 15th day oT Ae4aet.UOt... UALj W. A. MoAixutSa, Notary FebUe. iaeM-tt toaadfbr.FSteCaaaty.Nebr. " LKti AL KOTICE. ' HJOTI CE IS HEREBt fRYER the by viitae of a Bhsrtil Uth lied, aa la tee eoaaty. ef the eoaaty clerk of Platte oa Ufe Uth day or March by. William NeTeL Jr.. to 8. teseeare th penseat of the seat of tin.80.ead apoa whieh there ie aow daethe seat of SJTtJO. v" " . . Held amrtsase aad .the, gates thereby eeeared oa or aeoac jaae w uaa. aajy soml aad delivered to the nret Matloaat CaeaAbBs. Nebraska. DefaaJthaTiac beeaawde ia the payneat of aaaaosauoroiaer prueeeniaaa iaw haviaa; beea iastttated to recover' said debt or my tmt thereof, thsrrfaeawe wUlaeU the prop- ertv thereto described. ie Oae mar horse. 1 ware old, aad aaasrayaermS years old years oM. sac eae cray sen he - ia fraatof the el atpab- of Basiea A North, ia the cRy of Colaatl atbas. Nebraska, on o'clock p. m. the Mth day ef Aosast, UOB. at t of said day. . nasT nATiowAi. atn ok umiw, SM4 ML M. J. ABHOKD, PHYSICIAN AND 8UKOK01T. aorthof RroeaeBJBrfcwelry a day aad aiebt. Teteaaoa New IX Counoos, NamussA. AltLTAIII, VETERINARIAN. efOntortoTeterissyyCsllsa. Oflee 14 000)4 90 lsefizoo SS 19014 00 is What is HflKaWlsFll Caatoria la Dr. Samuel Pltchra uweoeriptle aadChUdrenu ItcoutaUuiaeitlterOpi ether Narcotic sabetaacc for Parecoric, Drops, Soothinr Syrnpe, aad It ia Pleasant. IU curajtte ia thirty MOlUoais of Mothers. CasteriadMtreyaWen feverishncss. Casteria preveats Tomltlne; eutt Diarrhooa aad Wind CelkJ. Casteria taetkias; treublee, cwrcs aMfMllatoa the bowels, giviac healthy aad aatmral teria ia tka CsUIdrum'a CaNertoria. IsaaisiiMiilnilllin fee eaO baTewsi Hilly test aeeef He O.C lewatt. Cateriaaithe lyfercbiMrsaef which I ai I he the day la sol waieeaafcler the real of their cbfldrea, aad see Castoria la- stead of the vartoesqaack aoetnaaa which are destroyms their loredoaea, by foreiacoetoat. aoothlac syrap aad other hartfal dowa their throeaa, thereby aeaaasc Da.J.r.rwcaam, Ooaway. Ark. ', Tllfii HENRY LWEWER. LOEWISR ". N BlattLsmithV: aM Plal mter, ire on Plowm Wagons and iweXNay SoWAgents for LARYESTMG We are agents for these flrst-clsss durability, light dhaft and clean work. cmnes in tangiea graui. we are also neadqfeaaaor BlkDEE T"WNE. aJ . 'ff --yr HUGH HtTGHES Can far rIsm vor with thBEST LflMber, LatJi, SMiiglBs.ffiors, WINDOWS, BLINDS, LIME, Etc., and eVerything kept in the LUMBER LINE. South of U.F.RR. Depot, Columbia, Nehniska. , ' 10may-ljr' W. L. DOUCLA S3 SHOE moVUp. OeywwmrSNai? Whes serf Is seal try a poJr.l out In the world. 1.7 FM SSYt I.7S KyatafeBUt$SSH0C,aaelaUk4ait trs,anst,$J,a7a7$3,$3JO,$4.00er laSUU. 1aMM0SMcstlMasmajSliaXaaf weVMwet, JfymwUhtstctsseilwlsjeM fcetesar, eesety sefduelag W . L Petgiss Saew. Unas aad prfC9 MMHwel N MMMBy Mtet cWl VauTMJW suajf afaff V mUafuaTmUasr AnV mmaaaaaaVuaaaWA TeTeimal aeulet KuF WweWeawiJlJVaWsuatJsw aMoi VJ GRIFFEN & Q-RAY. 9jaly-3ai Dr. CLARK'S INSTITUTE FOB TBS TBBATalXXT OF TBB Drink Habit ! Also Tobacco, Morphine and othar Narcotic Habits. EW Private treat meat giren if deeired. COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA. IBaprtf AITT a EMEUM, PBAX.BM .: FRESH AND SALT MEATS, aVerroath aHioct, Celujabue, Msb jr Baw iJMm Ito-aisi M-Bti-siBji. 2.25 m ii aa MhM aWAWAK f Kall!SBUuuuatTBUuuusuVcM It la a Caoter OH.' ky CJmre reUei ceantlumttam amal food, regelate Cmstoriav VewTorkOMr. WILLIAM NAY. &VNAY. Va. 7 : Wkonmakufs. ry of all kin will bemrefuliy exMuted uMcheTIW, MAGHi.' naschines. They cannot bei re self binder surpaases all other ma- C. L Kftal. ,,-f '- ML- "STATE AND..t. INSURANCE. WHEN ydf want gfetE, LIOHT NINQ or TORNADO insurance on city and farm property; if you want an ACCIDENT TOBICY; if you want tp buy or seltofarm or city property: if you want basgains in real estate, call at tbe Real Estate and Iafurance Agency, ItiEMaT CHHEICML MM, COI IBUS, NEBRASKA. MW-y FOR SALE ! rWIHREE ACRES of first-class laad, jest oat A side tbe city lira Hit of Colaaibasoa the east, together with Nursery, Apple Trees, Flowering Shrubs Dwelling-house, Green-house and two other outtdingt on the premises. PRICE $2,000. For farther perUealexm. iaqalre of or ad BECUER. JAKGGI A CO..i. Or John Taknabill, aeaoa.Nebr. vibbbbs, netx. 2SJaaSai om n tuaxv si. Don t losefhay time in taVinor ail. vantage of thStparalled oner. THE BEE PUKJSHINO CO., 2t OlfAWA Vvt - . Vawwutv Tkma V tc uoava O.D.BraceTador.Raa' --. Jwutn-arter weariac year alaeees three weeas i sset i caaaot say eaoaea ror thesa for roar special atethod of sfcUlral Sttiac Ua leRwerjrroeidsfectiTe siaht (Coaaneepd aacSaetery aattl yow MBsauaattaa eUeTl w miwh yaeie a aave I w ww "nw sneanas. aaa taeateea see at oaee with ceaSdeaes i ia MarahORr. 1 aow hare ao treable la -isiliae th Saest PfiatavBJcBtorday;aadtoaUthoMiaaeedof bkjbk laneiiB 1 recoauaead vaa aa a teOatleiaa. " sen as n 1 V B-u. ... Mr. Tador will Mm<TZT'i2 kaawatome.- U aa. Oaf erd St.. aVeeenya, V. T. "Oar phyaWeaa la th aaihweau esnaUV aMat have aaekea aisJHy ef their euaajf. aad anaoagh we eary aaea aawas;.ar laedkal imbI1m what is kaiwa en fuUUat prodveea, yet wear treat eaatam thafcUM Mrttsef Casteria has wea astolsakaUlj faTerupaak."- Vama Haanrafc as Dtaraaaaar, Axxasr C. Sarra. Aa. .THE From ncW to ajgnuary ftrt, 1895 IW tllSK aje-fflBS .SsRaw 'PBsBBBUBUUUaPaUa- Wm2W -fSA. S'maBBBVBuV A . - . X t ,n .t- m ,' fan- rain rr 1 ffiU?aJl 2SV