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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1892)
. "L MASCULINITIES. !. Tffl li truly, wlaa who ralna wtodtna .1 Iron another's mishap. Tiinr are nover alone that are accoa pantel w.lth'noble thought!.. '" Bxsaro, my sob, and remember' that ihe bent -men always make themselves. .- ... -. ." Ma-t a dangerous-temptation 'comes. " to as In fine gay colors that are b'utskln- .- - deep, . -. .. Sk "No- phasurb. Is comparable . to tho standing upon' the vantage 'ground of truth. -. . -J Ax old bachelor Is a." ways ready to tell ' you hew you cnghVta bring up. yor tbi'dren: - ...- "J - - --. . .'-'- StxTr-TTvp pounds. Is .said to bo--tho- - "we!Rh"t of a Defiance, Iowa, .man 5 feet ' e.luches in -height- f . . ".-:---Old fr'e.nds -ans best King. James ured-to call lor iris old shoes;- thoy were . -. laziest for his feet -.. .Women jnay hare-no -voice In" the;ov- - -ernlng'-o'f this great country.- but she's feet lacking In tongue. . -. . Bisiibr Brooks Is'-a- very rapid, talker . ' " end-a terror .to-'stono'-rraphera.-IIe speaks ". : ever 300 words'a'-minute. . ." -. Wtten a-young man I .writing -a Jove .-.- Jttt-r ho'should-Keop constantly before hi nil'nd how it would look In print' - sfuics of a f aco are nevr alike.- . .' -The eyes and ears are Invariably' out of . - " ".llrit and-oth'er fc'atures are dissiml'ar. - --. Iris sadly butfrequentlythecaselh'at . .... th man who -hurrahs the loudest has the : Jleakt idea of what ha'.ts hurrahing about. --.--..- A-iiKAi.Lf great roan -Is -known- by ...." '-"-'three. slgiiST-'generosIty In the "design, - " . . . "hunla.tilty.In tho execution,, and sttodera-'."""--." tion. fn success. - . .. ...." Ti - ''.. (r a' man -cannot do so at. any other -. ;' -Jlmeho f-a.M'-ReneraUy laugh whea the . loko":. 's - against .Someone' who. ence . - - .'lauphi-d "at him.. ; ' '" ' t- '''"..: When Baby was i When she was araiM.ahe cried for C-eitoria, When she became Miss, she cmf to Cassnrtai Wbea cb bad CbOdrea, she carat " '-' MbonahtBetV Tricks. :. " -. ".. : Ten bnshe'"s or more of shelled eon . ",:-...-. . :t"oi 3 ' Jocretly somo where, about the ".''"---. ." i;jSirs.' of. a inquntalneer In"-Tennessee '-'.-.". .,"'' hr!" "aU almost to a certainty t: .the ' '"""-" '"". d ;.u".y Hiftrhals on tho trail of ;mooa '" .th-.iWni that a still is not faraway, but '-'.." ''.'. a 'vr th.'y have observed: the.J'ndi.catieM -- y-y " "the, .ha-e io-.-9ierab'e difficulty: la 1a- ..;- -"- - cat..ii-$-'.t'io s'Ul. In "a recent raid la -.-." -. ln'JV-Tsoh County .the marhall i stepped ': ' ;'" the ojr hou so of a tv ..; . !" ' l:eiej to bo a "m.-xrisbiueiv-'but they die- -.:.2"." .'rco.eroj nothing to satisfy them -until,. . '': - just bofor they were ready- tfr leave; -".""""- "" ' eneor tiiom noticed a jcracJt over a loosa " ':-" board of tho .-amb near' the fireplace. '.r ':. WIiTe tho othprs were mount I hR i.e .'.("' ." . fijlied out tho board, crept through the "I"-'.- hols and" down into a. square -to as part- '-' -'- men t half filled with corn. The saoun- "v. taineer was arrested, and the search for r . ;' - -:- tho fctiil was begun. Pach deputy took ''J '.': a different j ath- A short distance frost '",': ' ." the hrrJo the deputy" saw a fat hog In '-: tho bushos, and as It was a well-known -.":-"--'. fact that when a hog .is called 'It will . . "tart Xf-r Its feeding jilace he' hoped by '-"--' raliing. and fol'owina: the hog to4nd the ."'-". - " . trough, whirh, he believed, would be :'.;. . noar the ftlll... But bo lost track of the "v".; ".-. ' heg Jn the "bushes, and another deputy . .''---..'-'. . ftiimbled on the stfll, which had beea ". - ". . built la ths'bank of. a creek "-TIIR6AT DISEASES commence With, a Co'upii;. Cold of Sore Throat.- '"Brown's Brim ci'ii Tixchc&" give immediate relief. Sold 'w;.y fn bor. Price 25 .cts.. ."".- -.,'-- Stnwbeny-T-a. -""" .".yot one American in a hundred knows .. prepare an excellent . ,sVi'b'stiti:to.fbr- fe.i from tho leaves o7 the cD..vion straivberry plant When ,the . rn-B cro about' ; half grown they are .'.-.( icrt T-frQm.thcs'p'ant by children, cate ..b' inj'.talren'i.o.t.t'odQp.rive anyone plant. of-:cd..;jnan'y. Tho steins are. pinched ; xK- ud" ; h K'avcs carried to" a dry place -" 'u;.di r i over. : AVhcn wilted they are ro iod up .by hind, "this woirk ; -'being also '.ificux by children, and are then spread -:i., oards; to. finish, drying.. After -be- . oinilirs afinoit dry they .are; slightly .' toast-d iii -lo?e.d pans, and are then put. :. R-v-ayJji tight boxes to bo -kept for use. ' "V!irn needed, tho tea -is mad from .tl.euT.iri.tho..5anio-wayis from the Ghii- ' rice product,, .and. the'.resem'blaince. In fori u'mo and il'avbr is very striking. If. ..'. 30 per cent, of Chinese tea be mixed. - the. strawberry leaver, It is.impos- .6be-inr any" one' to; discover that he Is . iiol drinking .'an .extra quality of the ' best Ciiinese-made product.. .- i ; ,.. - Dov't fool wftb rndlrostlon nor with a . diaur'd.end'lirer.'bbt'taka Beecbam's .Pills ; . lor Immediate, relief. 25 cents .a box. . Ai.05fci" the. Creole coast; between Mb- i). Te .an.d.'.New Orleans, roses-of the' '-la"re-hal- Kiel, Jacqueminot .find other "rare ya-riettes-arb abloom .all winter; no. -matter what the'weather i& .' ". Y1T9.-All fits stopped' Dr. KHae's Great Kerve Sestorer." No meaner nrstdays etc. Marvelous cures. Treatise and fBJCD trial tottle free t o.Ht cases. Send to Dr. Kliae. B81 ArchSUPhlla-Pa.- 1 - -"--i -- Cat r.--Nrjtte Something is lo . Khqri ,you 'xu6 Jfri Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It's Catarrh. The worst L. -cases yield to- its mild, soothing, clbjinfcing,. and healing properties. No matter howlad 'your case, or of -'-how long stndingyyou can be cored. , Incurable oases are rare. It's worth y"$500 to yon,if you have one. The "manufactorers.of Dr. Sage's Remedy . are looking for them. They'll pay you that amount in cash, if they " can't. cure you-It's a plainreauaro . pizer .from- i;-responsible business . house; and they tni'an -it. It seems too-onersided, tooimuch-"of ' a risk.. . lt would be witn "any pfJier.medK -' ' cine behind-it." ...It only goes to prove' ' what's been. -said : incurable cases rq mw-with'IXr. Sage's; Catarrh .-'Remedy. . " - - Other so-called remedies maypg ..- Zioiftforatime; "this ctrre for all .time. By its mild, soothing cleans-; - -ing and healing "properties,-it con , qucrs the' worst-cases. It removes." - offensive, breath, loss, or impairment - of tha sense of taste;. smell or -hearing,, watering or-Weak eyes", whop ;, caused .by. the violence of Catarrfa,--" m they all .frequently are. Remedy sold by druggists, sjeuy 0 cents. THE SaULLEST PILL IM THEVMLt! TUTT'S aJltAesliMisMe-ftXtlaarir--r PeqaaUy eSfccrtre; psorw wetrei S-OSCS awe a-WB----i maimmr. YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY 'Tea are a geei agssrtf. - Yew caastUesr llmpMlesl -. Aeecni.fFUc to erer-fbody who keeps aet-em-ats. It will imybcth the agent and the etmbaaer. S. ed lor circtamrs to i J S. VsvnTJoren Sc Ob., SIKaM bbbbF'sJsbtC'IsW. sset "'aTsassw REVIEW OP THE YEAR. CHRONOLOGY OF THE NOTAT . -BLE HAPPENINGS. . the -History of 1891 "JI DrieMy ' Taid ud. Beelete with Bemlalacaatl IbOmUtnmi-Great Jtm Hare Horn; ' GrMti4WU.BenIoae: Tale off Twelve Wraths. ' . Tht er.d of 1691 has come, and a retro-, specttvo glance may'not be.'nninterest stinjr. It9 history 1s:much the same a; th'at'oflaby year 'of tho pas decaJi', except that it was marked by tttc.b'outh American revolutions. .- Bclqw -wl 1- bo .found an" enumeration of- th'c principal -events: ' - - . ToUtlcaL " -JiMJABT. . 1 Balmaaasfnmea'dle'atorehlpor Chill. 7Clril-w'arlnufnnitdln "hlll. ftNrbrukft anvaiJig Board- dpelared Boyd (Dbfi.r'elected OoTernor; Thayer. (i-rp.) mala--talncd3oyil's.lueriblUtr. and held -u-.tned poi txtronr or hi official quartet until the '.8th, --vrheo, h. surrendered. under .protest; on the 18 .b.. the fcnjJTeme Court sustained Boyd's claims. . ' j Speaker Hanna d? the Colorado Hnee re fused to vacate rd seat to bis laccestbr, Mr. -White; .mllita" called out on the JS:h,. one of -.White's bodTgnard'staotatHann'; in quel la; 'disturbance L'olios Inspector Ilawler aas tt'.a'. lyshct; White was. Anally seated the 515th. by ' UJoHnpreme Ceurt. ai-lMvJd H. HU1 chosen United EtateA Senator from New York. ., . -.6-Henry IL Swan takes his seat 'as Pltirfct Juttice United States " onrt la Ulcuig-in, t.'co H. B. Brown,'-ralscd to --upreme Coarr. .J8-Feffer elected. Se aiorfrour Kansas suc--ceedlns Inf alia. - a Uluokalanl proclaimed Queen of the. Sandwich Islands. rXBKOABT. "SlT-JThas. Foster confirmed Secretary of the Treasury by the Senate! -S7-6enator Blair of Nw Hampsblro appoint, d Minister to China. MABCR 6 Conserratlre party In Canada, ir John Macdoiald lead r, successful by reduced major ity. - -" -11 Gen; John M.. Palmar chosen Senator from " Illinois on the VHXix ballot: SO-Uarbn FaTft recalled by Italy. ." abix. .6" United States-Senator Edmonds; of Ver icoht, "resigned. . - ' Jfu-LorensoCronnse.of Nebraska, appointed: AftristautSecrctaryof the Treasury. 1 -K H. Xebeker, of Indiana, appointed Unite 1 states Treasurer. Jf'T .' Gt Boyd of V.rj ska declared incltglble. lu ixiniia.ii a or People's Party ai. cincia-. nail. - SEPTEMBER. .. a The Junta aasanles control "in C.hlU. OOOBIUI. - 12 Poll! Jcal rloU In slonicrldeo ; many killed and hurt. . 86 Minister Egan demands satisfaction from Chill for the Baltimore Incident. - .iH-t hill returns an linpndeht answer, to Min ister Egan. KOVEJCBRR. -S Flower elected Oo-wrsoi in New- York, Boles in. Iowa. iicKlnley in. .Ohio. Bus sell in M assachnsetls, Uepubllcan sneeess In Pennsyl rania. ir'onsecn proclaims., himself Dictator of Brazil..!. Admiral Jorge Montt elected Presi dent of Chilt 0-ProTluoes rebel against Fonseea hi Brazil. 2S Fohseca forced to resign in favor of Pelx otto. Peace en snas. ": OEOEIIBEB. 7-Chas. F. Crisp, of Georgia, chosen Speaker. 9 -President Harrison's message-" submitted to Congress. Crime. JiirtJART. - ; IS Express- robbers ist S20.000 tram, .a -IUo Grande train, near" New Orleans. 517 Nellie Griffin. 1 years old. killed ty Bnssell C-Cacfield. In AUoiilgn,- -Canfltld sau .tenced to Jackson fpr life. rKBCRJLBT, 11 Geo. J. Gibson arrested ensvaed with la- .tant to blow np Sehnfeldt's" dlstUUry, Chicago. Jadlctmentfollowed loth: mibch. . 1 PtscoTery of embozsIenK'nt of 9490,1)90 by J. T- HIU, deceased, President Ninth National Bank of New f ork.- 10-David H. Posten. attorney, killed by U. ClayKlxjg, attorney, Mexri phis, Tenu. MKY. 11 Attempted:assaseInatIon of the Russian Cxarowtteh at Otku, Japan, two jinrikisnamen "rescuing him. -31 Greek brigard Aiia.tstu-i raptures a rail, way .train. In Turlciy In Europj. nccuriuR Tast -plunder and the persons, of. EugliiU and .Ger man tourists, for wbom ho secured $10,U(X) ran som from Germany. CUE. . . 15 Train wreckers kill throe at Coon Rapids, Iowa." JVIT.. a-JEx-Treasrrrer Eardi-ley. of Philadelphia, -sentenced to fifteen .yrs lor mlsaiiproprlatibc: f nnds, and fliiei aspo.O'o: -AC0O3T. .? A band ot West Virginia Italians kill o. man, his. wife and fire children, and! bum their bodies. . 8 Bank, robbery -at Columbus Grove. Ohio, in daylight; Farmer Vanaemark killed by tho thief.... V. .J. Elliott, Cleveland. Ohio, e&tefr. aentenoed for life fr 'murder "of A. C.-Osbor-. 2i-"Thro8 killed at "communion aerTicelq chnrch'at'Gla-isy.Blpuntain, S c. . 86 Eendall-JarTis'feud la Kentucky result In three -deaths. . -29-Jrs: Batter, insane painter, killed his Wife, two children and himself atJNew York. ireTEMiiKu. 5 Sloan. Iowa, bankTobbei of i 'W. 10 -A man land woman-jump info Niagara' cataract, .going-over the fails. ,. .M. .B. Ourtis Pfanrlce StreUlnger) "Sam 1 o Tojen" kills oltoeman Grant, of San Francisco. 12-Fred.Wlley.psged 15,.kills his half-brother In a qnarrcVwith a shot-gun, at lratt,. Kansas, and escapes to Indian' Territory. , 17 Wscove'ryof dynamite under San On en tin (Cat) -prison walls; revolt subdued .-.-. J-'verett Hoore, Sulphur Springs, Texas, editor, klllbd'by E. W. Tate of Hopkins County Echo. SSr-Prlsohera attempt to lynch the. Sheriff at ' uaasaent-jua..M.rureeinnraer a-; juiu. Mtia. SO Express train robbers eet-fl0.Cn near Uti? ea.N.Y.... McCartney's Eicbaut Bank, Fort Bo ward, Wis:, robbed of iJ,WJi. . " ocri b-sk, :2-TJlster County (N. V.) bank robbed or half a million.. '..Flight 'of Stan'diford. Dros., (hrls man (lit) bankers, with SAX'.OJu. ... Wm. Boust-n and Spencer Cameron kill ea:h other near Ken ton, Ohio. '" 1&-Bankv at J-Jiterprise. Neb., rebbed of S300..;.W.hitcap troubles at Orangerille. KyM result' In. five deaths. S2 Eugene Garcia, teller at Hew Orleans, erni bezzleai9a,00C. , . ... J 29 'ihree .convicts .tunnel ont of Jackson (llioh.) prison. ai Homer ewe liana at inucota uity, Neb., robbed of si,eoa . KOVEMBEa. 12 Express robbery near Milwaukee. S -Attempted assassination of Kev. Dr. Hall.; at New Toik.'by a demented Oerman. . -DECBSTBEB. 1 Isaae EawteUe.condsmned to. death in. New Hampshire for killing "his.' brother, confess? s .the crime, "but. alleges ' Maine' aa the soene,- to avoid- -capital traclshmtnt... .Express-train robbery" atA Old Orchard, llo; loss $30,000.... Attempted lyncbiuy in Iiidia'napolis. 4 Unknown. man- d.mands""Sl,'Zvl.OOO.'ot Bns thro As a bomb, killing himself atd Sage's socretaryTat New York. " . " . 5 Biram Saw':elle bead' "found burled in. Maine, confirmico ki rnlhors confession. 13 jiurder of lour - -.-" York iopbat;New Smyrna, Fla..j by cnknowii 'parties'. lu Five men rob a nii'U ,''.'Dst "Chicago of 3.ju0"cashandfi0i.00 sscuritiei. : " ' Executions. . -. .- '.- ANrn. 19 Jamei M. Enbaqks at San sJose, Cat 26 Kanioh Lope2 at i-Miia Barbara, CaL - - . -rnim:.Br. -."'.--- ,; S-Michel -EyieudV the. btrangler,- guillotined at Paris. -- .18 Jesse H. Proctor and Frederick Young at Dover. Dei.: . as William Westat Washington, Pa.. ...Ben-' ry Marshal Ehensburg. Pa. "it -BCH. 8 Shakspeafe Beeves at Newcastle,- J)eh...-. John-Oscar Tnrlington at Boonville, 31o. -.M-Wra.; U- rswtord at D catnr, 111 . S-Gecrge W. Uqii at WUkesbarre. Pa.,.. OUter W. Stangleriit Maunch Chunk, Pa. Apnuu S Joseph and David Nicely at Somerset; Pa. 3 Emest.Forbes at Annapolis, Md: -17 William Green at New Orleans. La.,.. .George and .Fred Unnawa at Tahlrqnab, I. T. 21 William Muscoe at Charlotteevllle.-Vai' Waite 8. Martin at Colombia. 8."-C ' .. .BUlMU-s at Pickens, & C... Edmund Bolliday WAT. 8 -William Price at Marshall, Mo. o-Charles Ford at'OtU-ra, J 11. -15 Bolus Moore at Trenton, Ga....At De tcersville, Montana.. a gambler' named. Jurden. SI James Kane afBeUevilfe. Ont. . M -Albert Ha venstlneat Itroken Bow, Neb.... . Walter Johnson at Petersburg, Va..;. Henry Sheridan at Magnolia, Miss. . r S7- Anderson Baymohd; Miss. juke. , S-Eug-ne Story at "Lexington Miss. -J---Narclse Laroqueat L'OrlgtnalOnV S-Chrisflan Furst and Charles Shepherd at Fremont; Neb". . - , 10 Ler James at Hickman.. Ky; lS-WUIlam BlKBey at JJalUmore, Md. . 1 Jacob .Scbeele at Bridgeport (. cnn. , Si Thoma's'Harris at Shreveport.-Ui: . ' SO. Boadlnot rumpt on at Fort Smlth Ark. JUZT. 7-Fonr murderers James M. SloenmrB arris A. Smile--, Joseph Wood and'SchlhiosrJnglro suffer death by- means of elactrtcitT at Sing Sing N. Y.) prison.. . . ' l-Kobert Bbhrns at Pine Blnff,' Ark. -S Charles H-Oztmrn-at. Atlanta Ga. . " . "" Atavr. . - . S---Jaases Thoroaghgood at" Dover; Det - IS Manlpnr rebellion leaders.- Sli-F dward Blair, CoinmbusOhio. Sf3TXXBEH, . SLewls Balling, St. Joe; Mb. , - -' ociobfb: ' " . -IS Win: Bose. Redwood Falls", Minn. .83-Thos. wnitamson at Sedalla, M- - vothosb. ." S3-W. H. Frizzle at Abeline, TexaaL a Wo. Blash, Savannah. Ga. . . "- - - mrnnm. " S Jnfcp y4i-. ifyynjtriHyJ TPy. 7-M. D. Loppy, by -electricity, at Steg Shig. 1-W. Xi Ffr-sjsr-nd.'at Yonngstown, Osda fi Disasters. .jAMUAar. 1 Eleven girls burned to. deith at a church xawiniieeda, England. IS Steamers Bear and -Britanni In collision in Firth of Forth ::thfrteen drowped.. 18 Gas explosion at FlndUy, Oblo. klQing two, hurting twelve. nowstora la tew Bast dees fe.osaom n-Comerrerplosloa atSooUdale.Pa. MIU lSlmUMrs.' .-... ' FXBKDABT. I t-StaasMr Chlswlek fonhdered off. SdUv Islands; eleven drowned. 10 Boiler axelosloa -at Hare Point. Qnebeo :. Itwtaty killed, twentv-nine e.onnded. 90 la New Tork Ity, on Boston aad Albaay. six onrsed to death mxoutslea. Sl-Oollery.ezpk)BioBe.Cma?dsrlaad, K..&, 130 perish. - a-At Eaa Fraadsco, teasel SlUabetk wteek ed twenty drowa. . - Fire mlaets teseaed 1st JsAmtUb,. FsV after atghtesa days' impr.sommt...-..Parkra barg, W. Va, flooded: dsmtcett.oeO,eaX ' aj-Yama, ArUona.' ftabuMtgedi KABtH. . ... -. ' B Lots 'Ot steamer Buekere oa Pncet Sound : 23.dron..'..J. H. . tralh near Hsn ana, I1L, derailed; many Injured by burning. . . . I li---Insane '-asylum near " NashTiUa, Teun., buraed; -six perish.. ..Steamer Koxburgh Castle collided With Biltlth Peer. :n agllsh Channel ; ' twenty -three drowned. ii nnuiQ sicamtr -Utopia sinas -xoaciaa Bodneyin Gibraltar bay, 56u Uauaas drowned. - 24 Steamship Stra Jialrlymeked off - North Carolina coast ; nineteen perish.- 27-On .Yiigtola coast, ..bark Dictator; eight lost. . ' . ' ' SO-SnowslSdes la -Western saoaatalBS kill ftftypeopl.. . -. .' -. APB-X.' 8-Wreck of BriUeh ship St. ' Catherines off Caroline Islands -.90 perish. - - ' 1&-rt ire-damp explosiasi at Tftmaona, Pa.; threeklUed. . ' r - --18 Six .postal elrrks .and two .engiaeers killed In a wreck at K'p'oa, Ohio. . Viri 7 7 Gas explosion l'.a -larksbmrg W. Va-mine-four killed.- r . mO Tornado destroyed part of Ms. Temon;). Tex." ..-".;.-. '. ' .1 - Several' Urea lost by tornado near Cea tralia,Mo. . . , JT-BK. a -Six men from the United States cutter Bear crowned. in icy Bay, Alaska. lO-Unoreoedanted" rise in' the Bed Blver: rreat loss of life and'Property in Texas, and In- a:an Territory. -Floods become general. through- Out the-ortn west. 14 Near' Bale. Switserlaad, 18). killed bye train going throagh" a bridge ; hundreds hurt. 15 Swiss raiUoad reck, kllUnr 64 people. S--Atlk)ng BmncVN. J.. Fjederickitrokaw drowned- while' vainly a'. tempting to rescue a drowning girL DXT. 3 Twenty-one killei In a collision at Be-, venna, O. 11 Tornado in Prussia kills fifty people. 21 Deaths from cholera at Mecca reach 4801a one day. " " . S -Collision at St. Manda. France; flfty-one oerish.- 30 Three" liunred person! drowned sear Bombay. . auoust. . .6-A West Shore, accident kills .thirteen per. sons. 8 Cyclone kills three people at ashbarn, Wls.vand does S20.0IM damage at Ashland.. M Wtven lives lost In Boston harbor, by cap sUing of a boat. li Thirteen people killed on a steamboat by a hurricane at .cold Spring Grove. Long. I-land Tornado causes great "loss, of life in Debt- ware. 1 1 Two killed at Catlettaburg. Ey.. by powder explosion. ...Twelve fatady Injured la .a col listen at Keg Harbor. N. J". . la Two hundred killed by a typhoon In Japan. 11 Excursion train wrecked in- Switzerland, twelve, killed Cloudburst In Anstrla'; f -rty drowned.. 18 -Collision in Prussian Poland, ten killed. . 19-Cvclone at Martinique; twenty ' yessels wrecked, over 300 iople killed, 1,000 Injured. . .-.-Thirty miners killed In Belgium. " zs i ouepse ot oui-amg in ark now, New Tork. killing slxty-se enveople. AJ- Ki.gland ravaged t-y i appeals for ed. storms. ...Martinique -17 -Thirty kUled at 8Utesv01. X C In ra!l- roal wreck, , . . loudburst "at-Tzoy, N. YI . i Mqch damage by a' cyclone in Newark; N. J.... Faulk onnty. North Dakota, swept by fire ; much grain, burned. 3l-Five k.lled. Ihirty-ene Injured, by' de railed train at Troy, lnd.....Two killed at Ewinales Statloa. ial.. bv dandled nassencsr train Alanzon Knot "and two daughters killed. at cnaTaon, umo, ataerossing 'inree-nsnerT men drowned, at Petoskey, Mich., two at .Mer rill's" Lake. N. L.aud.twb at Annlsqcam, Mass; ....Four killed by Ugbtntog; at Magnolia, Ark. swTAlsaiJk This month fearful floods, oceurred la Eialn. drowning over 4,000 people. S -Schooner Pannonla wrecked. on Hawaiian reefs; twelve perish... Dynamite Ifactory at White Pigeon. Mich., explodes, killing sixteen 5 -Two killed at a Lafayette, Ind., railroad crossing: 6 Steamer Arizona sunk an anknowa schoon er and crew at sea.' " . " " 9-Biillding collapsed In Berlin, killing eight, 10-Steamship coUIslon near" Greece; fifty drowned. 11- Four workmen killed t Saltsburg, Tit Sirs. Wm. -Klein;" Barton 4 ounty, Kan.-; leaves, tour- children iii. -lux home, and iht-yburn to death. IS collision in the Mediterranean; -sixty: five lost.- 18 Empty whisky barrel explodes, killing three' New York, boys; . U-Five.killedin an-Idaho railroad wreck... i John Sohalk. wire, .'and four children burned to death at Chicago Seven .fishermen drowned Off Newfoundland. -Phil liillen and wife lo-rk twocbUdrehat home; they jurli to. death Terrible fires" Sweep Emmons Coiinty.lN. 1): 21 Five drOwued ;n tho .Hud-Qn-Blver going to a christening.. itl Terrible forestfires In the Northwest. . 24 Forirte- n Italians, killed by 'cannon -ex-i plosion at Nowark. N. J.... during a ct-ltbration ..l.Ten lirt-men hurt; "'at'.' Minneapolis:' lo-s tax.U))...;tix . lUliaiu .killed in. a wreck at McKin's Station, i'a.... Twenty-four, kill thirt. hnrt In a colllsiorl inSnnin. '2 Boiltr explosion at Ticretta ra., kills' throe. 28 Fa al forest fires in the Northwest.... Fatal storms -'-in MinnesoU.... Eight Phila delphia firemen injured.. " -' 3-C 'Ihrce killed.- tfgbteen hurt in a collision at Kent,.Cblo.-. .'.Six. sailors lost in a' Lake, Ho-, perior gale., OCTOBJ5R. 1 Four killed on tlie Harlem Boad. . & Twenty Ncwfoundlacd fishermen lost. 4 Boiler, of tog .Parker explodes at t,blcajo; eight killed, eight injured. . Kine". miners kill ed by. a cavo-ln at 1'olts viUe; 1'a.r . 6 Nows'of lots of steamer Woles ?dn twenty- ' one crowned. ...rour JUtieu oy .an engine at Crook's Crossing, N. Y. ". 11 Wreck of United States steamer Dispatch. - 1 , 13, lt-r-Meny vessels wrecked en the Atlan tic coast. -, "-..-''. li-.B, id.:fastmall wrecked at Hleksvllle,' Ohio ; two killed,elkbteen hnrU 13 Fly-wheel " burst at. Manchester. N. H., causing the death of- tiree, wounding tea... Three members of the -Chicago Inter Ocean staff- killed - at .. reto, "111 Terrific "storms In Gleat Britain.- - .'i "" 13-Beports of many lives lost at sea In the -storm." -,'"'-" . iB Locomotive: at Tottsvllle, Pa., explodes, killing three. . a Wreck at Momnonth. Ill:, kills fonr. 2-Tn'reEher boiler bursts at Mayyllle( "N. D., killJng.alx. ii.. . - llislon at Thprsen SUtlon, Minn., kills vS Co' lve: , .iT-Fusa factory' explosion' at Cleveland kills four ...Beport- confirmed at JBoston of the ' fonn'deringof .an unknown fear-masted schooner with all hands. ...Twenty killed at Lennox, Fra'uee, by' the falling of. undermined buildings. 29 Cable reports of terrific earthquakes, in' Japan, thousands beta! killed hy shock and 'floods. - tr Twenty perish by burning -of steamer Beirne at MiUken's Landing. Miss. 'XbvZ-BEKi. ' 4 -Seventeen killed "by falling miner's cage at Butte. City.' - 8 -Gas explosion at Nanticoke; Pa., mines, kills' fourteen. '-,' "9 Four men and thirty six horses :burned. to. death at Denver. 13-Five trlshin a fire at" Columbus, Ohio. .. '22 Be ported loss of schooner Finney and twenty-five inen'on -Lake Erie". 27 Collision at Tolcdo.Ohio j ten killed. 30-Hve- killed by a fallins bridge at KaHspell. " Mont . 1 . .Thirty killed- by an explosion at Black ' burn, Eng. ' " DECXM B0C " . . . 1 Itcported loss of steamer Tehita, a slaver, ' in Drake's Bay, Pacific Ocean. .with.40O soule." - ' 2 Five killed by dynamite at Haverstraw, N."Y...,BeI? family of. five burned to'death atr Detfoit. .-.. 1 " : -. 4 .Three kill d In a coUisJon at Pem-ln'-ton, N. J'...Tirenty drowned byovertnrningtr: - barges-ji-the.Bndson Blver.. .?T"wo-kiUedi four hurt, .at Fast- Thompson; Conn.-.' 6 NinekUled bv falling wA'ls at 6t Paul, '- 0-biity miners killed by firedamp at Paris. 10 Three killtd In a: collision at Anna. 1 1L 4.1 The Vessel Ma-gl9 Boss-lost-iu the Pa cific; U drowned. - - . li-Three convicts killed at Anamosa, Iowa, by falling .scaffold.. ..Five bnrned. to. death at Moosejaw, Manitoba.. , . 17-Twenty-six- salldrs dtowned in the -Thames. . -. ;:'.'. "Fires. . '. , . icincH.- . 17-AtNewYorit.ta.r0J,0J0. " ' ' ."" APRIL- .:- 12 At Chicago. Smyth's furniture esUblisb- 4 ment; .. - ju.s-x,- . . 16-Seabright,N.J.,03bnildlnge;8800.'-O. ' acgust; - 6 rorhknehe. Iowa, .burned. -. 12- Oberne. Eosick ft Cos" warehouse at ChT caso ; loss S2jJ,goo; 1- -" 18-At Jacksonville. "FJ Loss SL.000.GCQ; . sixty-five buit-i-igs burned. - . . Bfc'T-"BI,.: . - - 2 The DaBesv Oregon; eighteen blocks .-'loss l.coo.000. . . : ' -ii - w i "llDelawaie-Iro-n Works, Newcastle. DeL Ssa3)0ir. - - ..'- :VLT commerctU Advertiser feuildiagln New York.., Ihree fatalities. LossSSOJ.ow. 17-Memphls, Tenn., theater; oldest In city; loss S-i'.iOJ. -- - . v " 8 At Savannah, t"e. wholesale' .grocery, houses; less S330u6a. - . 27 FiTe fires" in'St. Louis; loss over $1,000,-000. T-fo fatalities. OCTOBKB. 5 Squire A Co.'s peeking-hoaie, I,"M0.-live bogs', burned at SoinertiUe, Mass. ; loss 15OX). fi--Divinlty BaU, "Yale CoU-ge;'.loss 7i,0j0 t. . Davis .Co.,JiaL, court bouse apd records :.,. Business portion of . Columbus Junction, Iowa. -15 ,001.... Times --building, .Use, Ohij, and "surrounding blockk,$100,00il "' 8-CnttIn mansion aad ait boUectlon ; Ne w --Paradiae Park," New York ; .100 famOles homeless. . . . .- ' 24 -tars aad cotton at Birds Potat, Md., $130, 60 V." " " " " -23-At LonisWUe. Kt.j $800,000. 29-At lima, Ohio;$130,000.. .. S3-At CUatoa, N. J.. S no,Q-M. sov-oraxiu . - ia-AtYhorCity.I5a,..$r)0.00a . 17---Atht. Zoeis.$LSS0.000. S4-AtMihaeapoUs,tsVJ0.0)X , . . - PKCEXBKB. S-At Plahttald, N. J., tr-0.000. 6-At Philadelphia. $350,004 ' OMtoary. - . . . iiXDiir. S-Alexander W. Kiaglake, Englishhtstorlaa. a. , Aws-snsesH wmnm 0M - 4-iVoas. A. LabeHsw Oaaadiaa lOaieter Aarf. oaltnre, Qnebee. S-Mme..Emma Abbott (Mrs. Cages Wet. erell), opna slngef . 7Gen. Charles. Dereae, emkiert JmtiH aad soldier. - io Geo. J: H. B-itierk fameee la Oaaadiaa border reeelloa; At Lafayette, dad., suddenly. 1--Jm. W.- Boot) famous Cklcacd anldtect. . A 17-Geotg Baacroft. the .venerable Atasrlcaa. blstorian.aidfi: .. SO-Ktof Kalakaa XL, aaoaank ef the Ha Wailaa Islaads 82 Prince Baldwin, heir to Belgian throne. 9B-Ex4fcv. George E; Crawford, of Kansas; . 9S-BxW.-WUllam Wladous, Ssentary U. B. Treasory. 30 Hon. Charles Bradlaugb, esataeat free-, thinker and .member British 'Homse of Cens. mons." . "."" : M Jean Louis Ernest Meis'sonler, the famous French artist.- . -. . ' - . . '-nraauABT. . 8--Hqn. Julius Qonseman, Grand- Bapfds, Mich. . -. . - 10 -James Bednath. famous lecturer, abolf-' -tlonlst, red champion of home rule. 13 Admiral David Dixon Porter. U. A N. . 14 General William Tecnmseb 8hcrman,'one or me foremost agnrea or tne ciru war. -.- 13 Gsneral Henry; Hastings BIMeyfif st Got 'etnor ot Minnesota. 19 -Prof. Alexander WlacheU,. Mtchtgaa Vol versit7.'enn Arbor. ., UcV.C. Bodd, Grand Baftds, Mich., capl - tsiist .." 23--Gea.- Bobert -McAlllstef adted eavalry man; Belvldere, H. Ji - . . M Ox & Senator . K.' WHsonot Maryland. 2?-Gn."-Jlsa Moue, Winchester, Ind. -. 28 -U. K---enator .George. Hearst, one of Cali fornia's mining kings 'v mabch. - . . . .4 L-onsj'd W. Jerome, famoas turfman; bro; ker. and diner-out. ...'William P. Wells, profes sor of law. University 'of Michigan, at Detroit ' . .bMBJght Bev. Benjv.-H. Paddock; -Episcopal Bishop of Massachusetts. l'j-John F. Swift, United States Minister to Japan, at Toklo. li DlBethune DaffleM, prominentia wyer, at Detroit.- " . 13 Ai Mlnbr Grlswold, knownto readers of humor as "The Fat Contributor.. 14-Herr Wlndthorst, leader of the Ceutrlstor Catholic party in the German Befohstag. . . .Hon. Henry Fralick, Grand Baplds, JUch. ; 17 Prince Napoleon, soa of .Jerome Bona parte, King of Westphalia. 2. -Lawrence Barretd one of the foremost tr-&AMlt&nfi nf thi. tu.Hai1 . V a Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, ez-Coafederate leader. . S3 Ex-Cot. Lucius Bobtnson of New York. . . . Chas, F.'.i nickering, of piaao forte Came,. 25 Dr. J. P. Wickersham, ex-United SUtee Minister to Denmark, Lancaster, Pa. 27-M. Baltobeff, Bulgarian Minister of Fi nance, assassinated. 2 fiev. Dr. Howard Crosby, Presbyterian, New York City. SI Hon. Joslab. B. GrlnneU. founder of Grin nsU, Iowa, at GrinnelL S-Gen; Albert Pike, head of the ScotUsh BtU Masonry..., Banker Paring; Rom. Italy. 7 Gov. DnielG. Fowls of North Carolina.... Phlneas T. Bainum, tbe'renowned showman." " :9 Wju. Wallace, postmaster at Indianapolis, brother" of Gen. Lew Wallace; and first .Jaw partner of President Harrison-. -13 Bt. Ben Bishop GUmoar, Boman Catholle Bishop of (.leveland. Ohlo 14-r-Gen.J?. B. Bpinola, member of Congress from- New York. 18-MJltofi. H. Butler, of Detroit. -Formerly active in public life. . 17 Mai '.has. O. Wood, of Indiana.... John Mulligan, Oldest G. A. B veteran.... Maj. Gen. C. H UamUtch; Milwaukee. : . 19 Alsnson Sweet, one" of the .twelve foaad ers of Chicago. 20 Bev. HenTy Darling, D. D , LL. D., Pres ident .of Hamilton i oUege,...V-sry E: Gougb, widow of John B.Gough.... Dr. Jat. K.Thateher, Professor Yale Medical KchooL... .Congressman Melbourne H. Ford, of Michigan. '" 24 -Count Carl Bejnhardt Rein-rath von -Moltke, Germany's famous Field Marshal. 2 Grand Dnke Nicholas, the Csar's unele. 29 Dr. Joseph Leidy, noted surgeon, Phila delphia.. ". - lfTi S Bev, Geo. Bothwell, SrodUyn, from a cork in ais lungs:. . .Barry Sullivan, Irish tragedian; 5 Most Bev. Wm. Connor Magee, D. 1. D. C L.r Archbishop of York. 7-Maiaiue Blrtvatskv, theos-phist 81 Judge Alphonso 'i'att, ix-U. H. Attorney General, and one of Ohio's most gifted sons ... Henry bhelton Sandfcrd, ex-U. a.-Minister to' Belgium.' 6-rBeer Admiral Carter. U,S1T. 27-John M: Hale, collector of eustoms .during the administrations of the elder Harrison and Tyler ; EUworth,.Me , aged 9 1. 23 -Judge S- J. Preckenridge. of St- Louts, while addressing the Presbyterian General ' Assembly at Detroit ;. heart disease. JUNK.. 3 Dr. Benson J. Iiossing', historian ; Pongh k'eepsie. N. Y., aged 79. " -Sir John A-Macdonald. Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada 8 Chief Justice lease. G. Wilson, of Illinois, at Geneva; 15- Joseph K. Emmet, noted comedian. 17 Ex-Go v. Harrison Lndington, Milwaukee, Wis, 21 Ex-U. a Senator Joseph E. McDonald of India .'a.. 24 Bishop Howell B. Price, of the M. E. Church, Camden, N.-J. JUI.T. 4 Hannibal Hamlin, the. famous son .of Maine, and Vx-Vice President (during Lincoln's first term), like John Aaams.and'i'homas.Jeffer--son, expired oh Independence Day. 20-Chlef W. H. Boss, a leading, statesman of the Cherokee Natio.i.. 23 -Mrs, Mark Hopkins Searlei. worth $i OvO.OOO. ' . - ,' 1 7 Ex-Go v. Daulol Dilllhgliauv of 5-armont, agedfla. . T - AUGUST. 3 Bishop FJascb, at La rosse, Wi . .2 Geo: Jones, eilitorof New York Times, at. Poland Springs. Mo.....Jam-s BqsseU-'LbweU" I American ) oet. essayist, "Statesman,- teacher aivi cr.tic, aua ex-unibter to iicgiana ; at cam bridge, Mass. 15r-Matsda Sorakichi, Japane-e wrestler, at "New'Y-ik; ' ' 17 CoL Geo. M. t ha-nbers, Jacksonville: 111. -.0-H. W- Beckworth, United -t-UUs ConsuUt Bermuda, Hinsdale, 11L . . 24 Postmaster General Baikes, of England. 6 lTECBKlt. 1 Bev. J. B. L. Soule,.t'ldcago. . .8-Jonas M. Bundjr, editor New York Mall and Express, at Paris.. 9-Ex-l'resident Grevy, of .France, at 'Paris. 18 Prof. FerreL meteorologist, Maywood, Kan 19 Barmaceda commits suicide at Santiago. i'5-Dr. 8: D. Burch. fcaiafoga. 3J Boulanger commits suicide at Brussels. . OCUl'Bl'tt. 1 Harvey M. Watterson. at Louisville. Ky. 3 Gen. Alpheus Baker.- at'Louisville', Ky. 6-rKov."Dr. llenedict. Episcopalian, at L-incin-nati, OhlOi..;Bt. Hou Wm. Henry fcmitb, at London.. ..King thailesof urtembozg.... Cbas.. Stewart; Parnell at Brighton Eng. . .Sir . John Pope Hennessey; at. Loudon. 10 Levi M-1 ates, dry goods merchant at New York, drowned : Ufe insured for $160,000. . 11 Supreme Court Justice Henry W. Alien; at ; New York". 14 C- . Helnriehs, Inventor; at Chicago ; sui cide. . 16-Ex-Gov.- Hale of .New Hampshire. xovkmbkb:-- 12 Donn.Platt, Journalist, at Cleveland. 19 W. J.-Florenctt comedian, at Philadelphia. 23 Gov; Wovey of Indi ana. 24 Earl of Lyttoh,"t Piris. 29 Xand Bill AUen, anthor of the home stead act, at Columbus, Ohio.- 99 Josiah Carpenter, aged ISO, In -Preston County,- West Virginia.. PKCESIBEB. 4 Dom Pedro. ex-Emperor of Bradl, at Paris. 20--rSenatof plumb, 'nf Kansas, -from apo--pleiy, at Washington. .- 2i J.- L Case, ltaclne manufacturer. '. Chrobqloj-y. . JANUAT.T. 1 Skirmish on hi ta Blver r four Indians killed. S -Earthquakes at San Francisco. ti-PbenomeDal snowstorms in Europe; many cle iths from cold. 8-Uentenant Casey killed, on, a reconnofs ssxtce....'.Bed "Cloud dotrts the hostiles. 14-T-"BIack Death" raging 'in Liberia; tcou sands" dying.... Jack Dempsey .-suffers bis first defeat in tne. ring, by- Bobt; Fitxsimmon s 18 Hostiles Surrender to General Miles.' ' 24 Storm shuts' off ' telegraphic ooinmaolce tlon with'New York and tho East. 27 Jamaica exposition .-opened... '.Bnssell Caalfield. murderer of Nellie" Griflin. in Michi gan, captured. " -.-."'.. tkBUUI, 9 -Conneilsvillo region coke strike, Involving 18,0:'0 men and 16,000 pteno. '"...-.' - 10 Mardi GTas Carnival at New Orieans. "12 Iquique. and. Pisagna bombarded by Chilian Insurgents; surrender follows 16th; government troops unsuceessfnlly attempt re capture, 20th, end then desert to insurgents. 14 Eleven Italians killed by a New Orleans mob. "-" 10 Minneapolis has 16,030 cases, ot -la grippe. - MABCH.T -- - -Chilian. Insurgents gain control of Tar- apacaprovlncA by a decisive. battle. -. 26 Tremendous business-failures at" Leghorn, Italy, aggftga;lng$i6,00j0,00a. . . 29 Massacre-of 470 Goorkhas in Manlpnr, fol lowed by deleat'of the "British force Under Com 'ml'ssioner Oulnton. and -the massacre of him self, CoL Skone, Messrs. Grimwood, Melville, and Cosslns- and Lieut- feimpson. dnrina a parley. Thi s was followed by hcroio resistance - of tne remnant oi troops. ana successrui retreat led by Mrs.' Grimwood and Mrs. Qnlnton, to Lakhipnr; -120 miles. Joth Jadiee were pen sioned by British Government, and Mrs Grim wood decorated by Queen Victoria with the Order, ef the.Boyal cros. -After aa arduous campaign, Britisu forces quelled heoattzeak, .and sentenced the- leaders to death, in tbif .campaign Lieut. "Grant 'gained great renown. April 6 he repulsed .repeated assaults by4;000 Manlpnr ltn a force of S) men. -. 3c Tremendous snowstorm.- in Colorado.... 'Coke-strike, riots.. - -ATBI. 2 Coke-strike riots at Morewood, Pa. ;'; twelve Hungarians killed,- fifty hurt. 5 Germsn pork embargo raised. ' a Twehty-tif th anniversary of the .organi zation of the G. A. B. ai Decatur. DJ.- 8-Paten centennial celebration at ash icrton. " . u-Firsttrain through 6t..ClaIrKlver tunnel. ' 18 -Sinking" of Chilian- lnsurgnt. Iron-clad Blanco Encelada, by the Government torpedo boat- 'Almliante' Lynch.' in caldera Bay; .ago lives lost.. .. Germany altaits American pork. 2 Chilian Government navalforces defeated. .- 27 Ground 'broken at New York for. Grant monument. - . MAT.- Thls month marked by.nnnsealperseeatleei f the-Jewsin Bnssia; many thonsands lease thi country-- ... 1 Fatal coBWon of anarehlstr aad antbori--ties at Boms,.Flowooe. Lyon, JCacseiUes and other point- . a-Lnsurgent CWhan steamer Itaia sssspss from Called States Marshal at San Diego, CaL, convoyed by the Esmeralda. . 9 United States cruiser Charleston purrues tbeltata. 19 Expulsion of Queen Natalie from. JSer-rla. tho populace protesting. . ' '81 Convening of .10 hi ge-oeral asismbly ot the Presbyterian Church at Detroit. US Beginning of atrocities In. HaytL In' queUing outbreaks 950 persons sbet la streeu fr seder ef rresMsat SBp-peiyte. : . ' " swS. ' -C . $ Mem-seat to Gea..Graat aavsOsd at Gv Isaa, 1U.... Confederate soldiers' monument nn Titled at Jecksoa.-Miss. - ' i . 4-Crulser Charleston arrivee-lh Iquique aar- bbr. where Itata 14 surrendered with supplies. I . S---Steamet Furst Bismarck makes wSstcni beiseMe In 6 dy li .hbuft lo nihtft..i.Cor nril vtetorions (Her CnivSlty Jf -Penn-r Stltaaiaaad&eCuamblabddtaewtk . -Barvird beat Tale' In fduf-miis elghtHiar1 iaee on Blver Thames.., . . "JX7I.T. 1 Wk months' business tenures number 6,074,: involvlat $92,009.000. .Appeirance of Saiton Lake in Colorado desert. .. . 25-BrlUsb syndicate" formed tdcolonlxsJews; in Mexico.' . " AUGTJS; S Dakota crops suffer from halL 7-A flash ot lightning enables Montana offi- cers to catch nine Chinamen smuggling therii selvek into the country. ' 8 Columbus Grove; Ohio, bank, robbed: a farmer. Vandsmark. killed. , . ' 10 Intense heat. in Central and Eastern States ;.many fatalities: Accompanying storms ,f...UBUUVM, VAUO.C1A V UU. W JllUWi.AJilMt. . can ciuzens.... a wo.uuauir-a people tmptizea mm Columbia, B. C . I. IP--- Qnneetlout 'thermometers register 10( deg. in the shadr ...Terrific storms in Northen Michigan, eaustej-several deaths ...Many fatal Ities and ttfostraUons by heAi in cities east o the Mississippi. ja f' ooi wavo aispeis neat in .tne rsasi,..- rtussia appropriates' J i.uumuiaj ruoies to relieve famine. V . .. " .- 43 Ccqulmbo . evad:ated by Balmaceda's" troops... ..Ed I'ardridge, Chicago Board of Trad man. loses a million and auits. . . -; 13 -Aeronaut Die ve drowned at Syracuse, N. Y.'; W wneat toucnea fi.i as cmcago, ano, $L13. at New York. . 13-ltain-makers score 'success at th.-ir.ftrst experiment at Midland. Texas. ' 19 Celebration ot the' battle .of Bennington anniversary at. Bennington, Yt..'.. .Steamship Teutonic makes western Atlantic' passage-in 3 days .Id hours 31 minutes fastest-time on record. ' 20r-Holy cOat exhibited at Treves; ninth time In its' history-since" the Savior's death; first time since 1311. ...Failure, of .the Ainerlcan!' Wbeol i ompeny-' twelve plants Intulved. . " 2 Unveiling of' monument at New Ulmx Minn:, commemorating. Indian battle twenty nine years ago Reports fioni Bussla of starving peasants selling: their -cnildrea , .23-rrFirst fro-ts -in the Northwest. 24-Battle'at Valparaiso, (.hill resulting in! Insurgents! partial success...... S. of V. encamp ment at Minneapolis. 93 Ergland swept by'a terrific- Storm: - 28--Chillari insurgents: capture Valparaiso In 'the final battle. ...Bread riots in Bussla. ..-U Aeronaut Geo. Hogan falls one-half a mile to death at Detroit... .Four "Treves pilgrinia crushed to death in the crowd viewing the holy coat. ' " i :i Bnseia securei privilege from Turkey to .patrol the Derdenelles. f BliPTKTrrBF.n. . i- 1 Twenty thousand people. view Knights Tem-i piers' parade at Saratoga. 2 Geo. Woods, spectator at r. bilbon ascenv slon at OswejjO, N. Y.. carried up-l.-O" ietaiil dashed to death. ...Mail reaches' New York front Yokohama, Japan, in fourteen days..,. Severe frost iii Wisconsin and Mlunoso.a. -Mammoth Scottish picnic at Now York. 4 Further reports of Chinese outrages Seventeen. killed. In Busslan riots over lnfectedr cattle at Maikop,... The lie parsed IntheTen nsssoe LegUIature; disgraceful row. S Four die, 0 made' sick, by drinking from' polluted well at Dundee, Minn ...Jlatilo be tween Texas rangers and tral u robbers ; 13 of. that latter killed.... $4,000 stolen from Slcan, Iowa, bank. 7 Universal observance of Labor Day' In America.. ..3t9th. anniversary. of Columbns' de parture from .the Canary---Islands' ...U So GoTemment recognizes the Chilian Provincial Go Terninent.,.. Hurricane wrecks many vessels en "Nova .Scotia's. coast American pork ad-i ailtted to Germany .and Denmark. 9 Judge T; M.'Cobley resigns at chal man of interstate oommeroo committee. . . . Her. Howard McQutaiy perpetually suspended from (hi Episcopal .Church, for heresy Suit a;aln9 Itata dropped,-and the vessel delivercd.tu Chili, sv 'Aiona wi wMiur.---e vuve esp-u-e xa mjuoiiwsai-i, .:.. Registry In London of Baron filrsch't Jewish colonization society ; capital, $F-,0UO,O00i 11 -Prince Pisinaick suffers slight stroke o apoplexv.- i 14 -Marriage of Edward Eggloston, aa'hor, to Frances E. Goode, at Madifon. Ind-... -, Y.. Central, t.aln inns 436 miles In 4.0minUtes, making three slops.... Btport of British seizure of itylene island, Dardanelles. - .15 Judge Swan ot Michigan deoldog contraJ band Chinese may not be sent to China if they have reel lence in any other country,.... .Tnrk sn commander'elauhtrrs rebels in' Yemen. Arabia, and. display their heads on -poles. j IS Starving puasants in Southern Bussla turn brigand;. j "17 Steamer Furst Bi-marck breaks eastern Atlantic passage ; time : 0-12-ia. , l-btaIlfon Nelson trots In 2:10 at Grand Baplds, Mich.. ; lu-htalllon Allerton trots a mile at Inde-j pendence,- Iowa, in 2.M. ' 20 Earthquake shock in the Northwest". 22 -Eastern!. Oklahoma' opened to .'settlers; wil-l scramble for lots. v.. S. V. White, Tioted, Wall street operator,. fails for 52,500,000. . . .Cbilf celebrates. her new independence. 24 Tammany monument to New York troops at Gettysburg unveiled.... Nancy' Hanks a. CaiubrRVge i I y, Ind.. trots in 2 r 9.- 23--Shrinkago of. stocks $1.0,000,000 la Well, street. 2d Earthquake shock in Central States. 28 'Ponanzar Mockey completes a trip from San Francisco to .sk York In 4 days' 12 hours 28 minutes i... Philadelphia cricketers defeat' Lord Ha'wkes' tea :. ' . r '9 Minister Egan at Valparaiso ordered to assert his rights.... live hundred killtd in a Guatemala. revolution..., Exeter Hall sends out' 107 -missionaries'. 8: Wild rush for Oklahoma lands... :NIne thousand miners strike at l'itt8burg....$80,lOJ, bank robber j',. Ft. Howard. Wis. ' ! octohk:. i 1 Seventy-two shipwrecked sailors land at!" New York..;.Venner"& Co., .New. York' brokers,, lose a million and fail..:. Jay .Gould has hys-; (erics at a meeting of Missouri Pacific Direct ors;... Attempted lynching in Chicago.:.. He-' brews celebrate their New Year. -1 2 Poztonwin3 National Li-ague pennant.... Seventy-day record from Yokohama to .New York... .Speculation in grain futures docla-4 unlawful by Minnesota Supreme Court..,.' Standlford Hros.,.t:l:risman, Jll., bahkers.flee. ' S A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland. 5 News of destruction of vast forests by hur ricanes in .i Inhesota. 7 Grant monument unveiled at Chicago. 8 -Allerton wins 310.00 stake from Nelson at Grand.Bap ds (Mich.) race-track; , 1 9 .The C'leviland baby is named Ruth. II Burial of l'arnellat Glasnevin Earth quake shock in California. 12 Storm's on Atlantic coast. 14 Iit'grippo appears in Eastern States. 15 Allerton out:tiots Delmarcb at Lexing ton. Ky. l&-.ColUcton between Chilians and United States seamen at Valparaiso. 1 17 F- ilnre of Harrison. Lorins A Co.. Boston. .for $375,000.... Stallion St. Blaise sold to' has! i:eeu, uauatin. Tenn., rot eioo.oju.... Italy ad-i nil t s A merlcan ork. 20 Snnol trots in 2 -OSSf .at Stockton. CaL. . 21 Statne to Henry W.Grady unveilod at At lanta. 22 Sir Edwin Arnold landed at New York. 8t Renewal of terrific ocean storms. 24 Ignatius Donnelly awarded $1 damages from St. Paul Press; suit was. for $100,003 False reports of Victoria's illness. ...Martin rides 1,466 miles In six days on a bioyole at Now York. 25 LaMareschale Booth-CUbbont of the Sat) -ration Army lauus mt. new lors. 25 Discovery that Geo. Hetdeeker was harled alive at Erie, Pa" Slosson defeats Schaefer a Wlliards at New Tork. ' 27-rC6a9t-defense vessel M'antonomah com missioned.... S. J. Tllden's will declared, void ...Election rio's In Cork. 1 .- 2- Cruiser Detroit launched at Baltimore: '89 Continuance of disgraceful riots In Cork. 30 Gen. .Grant's remains placed In the unfin ished mausoleum, New York..... Police, rule at Cork.... -Miners release '330 convicts .from Ten nessee ttockades. . . . Veesels ordered to Chili. KOVEMBEB. 1 Failure of Maverick- Bank. Boston, for tlO.OOa.UCO, and President Patter am sted. i 2 More convicts released by Tennessee miners. . 4 Dr,Brlj- acquitted of hereBy. , .9 Cir or Kuesia celebrates his silver weA, ding. - is Btartuntf reports or lanune inrtussia..... .Western Union Junction.. Wis., express rob-, bery. . ' 13r-Anarchist raids in Lhicago. ' 15 FJghtlng in Brazil ParneU memorlaf meetlne at Mew .York. I 10 Water supply short in New Tork and Brooklyn. ' 17--Cold wave in Northwest. vlBig.. hotel failure at Missoula, Mont.....) Five hnn'dred miners strike at .Washingtonj IniI....Rhsslapnhlbits'exportsof wheat. 22-Mad dog at Newark, N.- J., bites thirteen) people. ...Brooklyn totally vrithoutwater. 1 83 -Terrific storms throughout the East, doing Eiat d image at Washington and elsewhere. . .7 n-seapblls s. cures National Republican Coiwi ven tlon.... Further -reports ot massacres ii) China. 23 Twelve -people killed at a Mexican bull, fight. i 2 Celebration at New Tork of 106th anal-;, versary of British evacuation. ' at Thanksgiving Day.. ..Tale defeats. Prlace ton at f oat-ball. 27 Failure of Field, Lindley, Wieehers A Co. atNewYorkfor$t,000,00i. . 8 Cornell defeats Michigan at foot-haU....-Plst fight in Omaha's City CoundLmeetln.- 8-DisaDpearance from .New. York ot Edward M. Field and serious illness of his father; CyrnJ J W. Field. j. .The Shah of Persia burns cap.urea V rebels alive DKCKHBEB. S-Warship New York launched at Thila delpbla. 4 Severe windstorms general. . . , Attack upon Bussell Page, New Tork. by a lunaUo demand ing 1,900,OJ; ; .the.iiinn killed by his own bomb. 12 Conflict between rolice and Austrian and Italian jnlners in -Cohrado; seven miners killed. . ", . Gboup3" of nations, even represent-.-ing the highest phases of civilization, must pass away. The time is comings J ana ib may nob oe more inan .ten or fifteen millions of years hence, when this earth -will not be fit for the hab itation of men,- for scienci pronounces it nothing but a nearly- burnedout cin der, or a bit of stellar dust, and tho microscopic' life upon "its surface, in cluding the historic races of. men, are only transient and vanishing shadows. Man'i a bubble, Life's a dream; . . The tiny craft A moment floata Adown the stream; ' Hrij- a man out bf a hoVonrje and he may forjret you 'when h"e Isouti but he will not fail to a I on ou the. next time.1 he falls In. ".. Be always at leisure to do good. JOHN CHINAMAN. Am las-nii Says He Is a CWed.- ClMrea If WeU Treated Hei-e. - I think thero are Just as many China- . hien in the United States at present as Ihero were -at. the time the'excltisloa faeasurti $3 ttdopied, ind 1 dd dot & lieve tk law hi beefa 'etSdedj siid S 'Chfnese Jttpoftr.ln Safa ' Fl-inclc , ik centiy. top iniyfegard this i stfand Utemct itx 'view. of. the stdtementi bade from time id tfmfc fey .the nfe'wa papers that Chinese -are leaving .thlrf 'tountry. by .almost every, .steamer for China; and intend to remain there, ha-iuj mado-mdnoy enough hero to keep them for life In China- $owI ara a" China- man, altho-jRh I have never been there;. I'was bo'rn and. educated, in "-Au'stra i-a, bnt know, the conditions and. pedplo of China almost as well- as. if. I had.. I- . know that tho Chihese.are the mosfmls represented p2op!o-of any alien population- In America.', 'i heir' -notices 'ar impugned .their habits and custon.4 car d, and .the most ridiculous stor os are fastened mpon their attributes by'ig writers connected with American, newspapers. Thso- fools -they 'are nothing else -except, pe'rhaps, liars taake the -Chinaman a fr.eak and-barbarian; a'hd. any -One' who really knows anything about the-Chinoso 'eoptr tan tell you he is neither, llo is. as loyal. t0 hi, adopted country as the thlrd-.genura--tlon ovcr.lrpre.or two or. three-European countries and much less .troublesomo. The. Chinamen hi this countr.-a major: 'Ity. 1 aoean--don-t want to return .to China, and are periet:tly satisfied to. re main bera If a Chinaman is well-1 treated he is a good, citizen, aad will give his money and his life to a" country which shelters' him. He did not invadeL this country, until your missionaries came. to him and told him what a good place' it was for him to -.come, and if be bad known that pub Ic sentiment here was- against him he wou'd. .not have- alL Plcaso bj ta very good aa to tell your, pedplo so. A' Very Caauaos 'Want. Oat pf" jo-ts,- "diBtralt,'- -the bines." these are fa-.-IHar appellatives fpr nncomf crtable, un detlnable sensations. sce-:npanled With lassl tntle. nervonsLet s, indigestion. Poverty of the blood, to rmeJy -which en effective stomachle persistently used Is the paramount need, is con clusive evidence that the system is Insufficient ly nourished becaute and for no other cause -where organic disease does not exist the food is not. assimilated. Be enforce, the flagging ener gies of the stomach, reform an Irregular condi tion of the bowels, keep np a healthful Secretion of the bile wl h Hcstetttr's Stomach Bitters. For over thirty years this popular medicino has snppuea mo cotruncn paut oi-tne .nervous in valid, the dyspeptic and or persons . deficient In vitality, an efficient tonic. To Its power of im- . ran inf? stre'egth is attributable lt efficacy as a ITeventive cr mala I v ana ia grippe, inorouc ly effective Is it, too. for rheumatism, kidney 'complaint and neuralgia. ' Napoloon Abiisedby Hli Subje-cts. The German Emperor's spce-li -"the Corsican paryonu -abo.nt 'apoleori I. ha? caused the Prem h some trouble, but it is a fact that in 1815 .h& was by the French ia a very decided manner: In that year Xsttoleoa's arrival in Frmce was adnoiinced by a prominent paper on successive days, in the, f oilmf in'g -Manner 'j ho Ogre la? ccmijout of Ms cavo the Corsicaa W.olf has arrived, in the' Golf of" J nan. The Tiger baa arriycd.ln Gay. The Monster slept ia.Grenfiblo. The Tyrant has passed through Lyons. The Usurper has been seen sixty J leagues from the capital.. Buonaparte, is advancing by forced marches, but lie will- never enter Iaris. Napoleon will be under our walls to mo: row. The Emperor has arrivcdatFontaino-blc'au- His Imperial and Royal Ma'csty took .up Ills residence yesterday evening at the Tuiler.'es in. the midst of his faithlul EubJects. Why continue tlie use of remedies that t only relieve, when Ely's Cream Balm, pleas ant of application and a sure euro for Ca tarrh and cold In the head, can be had? I had a severe attack of catarrh and bc deaf I could not hear common con versation. J suffered terribly from roaring lo my head. I prtciired a bottle of Ely- Cream Balm, and In three weeks could hear ns well, as over, and riow I can fsay .to all thaso afllicted nrl'tli tha worst of diseases, catarrh, take Ely's C'reaih Balm and be cured. It Is worth $1,00(1 to .any man, wo man or child suffering from catarrh. A. E. Newman, Graylln-;. Mich. Apply Balm Into each nostril. It Is quickly absorbed. Gives Kelieratroncc. Prlce.50 cent-s at Drti'ssrists or by'mail. .ELY BUOTIIEKS, 55 Warren St., New York. ; NOTES AND CLEANINGS. Ax iron buoy belonging to the Un'tod States Hshthouso establishment recent!; drifted across the Atlantic and wa picked up on. the west coast of Ireland Tlie lighthouse board, on. being- notlli d o tho fact; presented the buoy to tho Irish light service and it was thankfully accepted. Alt, pieces of glass formerly wasted are now, put to- use for de.'oratiyo j ur poies . by a firm, of manufacturers in Paris.. ' Fragments of various colors aro placodin'a i rc-reslstlng. mold and raisod, to a' high temperature, whoa a coherent mas is prcdiked, which. an be .dressed and cut Into blacks. These ar. of cotirso. Irregularly colored. They may be used as artlficia' marble, and, one surface of each .block beih? usually rough, they are readily secured, to walls by mortar. Do signs In relief may bo pressed upon the surface while still plastic The Only One Kver Printed Can Ton tlad the WordT There Is a 3-inch display advertisement In this-paper' this week, which bas no two words alike except one word. The samo Is true of each new one appearing each week from. The Dr.. Hartcr Medicine Co. This placee. a "Crescent on everything they make and publish. Look fpr it, send them the name of the word, and they will return you book, BiArni-m, utuogkaphs, or SAMPLES FREE. Botwer's CntuJfll'ed Propheejr. In 1342 E. L. Bufwer, afterward Lord Lytton, made these prophecies:. Fir-1, that England would be iovadedi and overrun by Americaand France, her, naw cqilquercd and taken; second IT that aMTwouU Inve back tho encmuand flat thej Tme would c5no Tvatioi bf Europe would destro-jtRprance rowei arid parcel it utr uth- Polandl it "Fiice must ultim-jJply engulMEnrope, m Eur. po crush "France; olalBislast Lpli certain." Tho-vanity ojpblitica) paiphecy co.uld not be letAer exetapllf a than by the iacts that while happ!ly-no one of these grave contingencies has arisen, the writer of the above lines be arao, on'y sixteen years latera cabinet minister 'n a government on the "best of terms- with Trance. . How About the Pbudesce of allowing a Coujfh to run ,-on, rasping the Pulmonary j and'BronChlal organs, when that approved and speedy remedy Dr. D. Jayno's Expec torant, can be obtained of any Apothecary? There .have been 11,000 applications fcr admission as students to the new' Leland-Stanford, Jr., University, in Cal-. ifornla. . CeaEhiag Lead .to CeasBmptlb. Kemp's Balsam will stop tbe Cough at once, Go id your Druggist, to-day and set aire sample bottle. Large bottles 50 cts. andfl; gatlon companies In the world, of wfich tne isngllsh own 6-1. the French 25 add I tne uermans 12. la the United States there are 15, , wmy-iae-prsH Tnafl. fb- mrMt aaw a uaait-p. Lavosai ( WITHOIIT AN EQUJiJj. CyACOBSOII W RAP pBBIK M11 RemSSaipJ -Sprains,' Bruises, ' PROMPTLY ANB PERSONAL PARAQRAPH9. Brkt Hartk's English publishers lo I yjear paid him fis.ooa Mne. de -LKsinips te forty year.i younger than her husband. Patjl-.dc CHAiLi.'r it a bachelor, bdt b$ 1$ said to have manners that chars wom$d. S ji Mohell M&cKtttzrz thinks with Air. gjitirg'e'on that a etergyjnaa caa Smoke a cigar "to ths glory bf God," if tho cigar Is good, without harnt. - It is do Ififigcr gocd form .to call tb$ emperor pfJdpin.tEo mikado lie is now'ialIed kotei, and tfc'e. Chinese .em poror answers to thJ title of-bak'tiJahart. . that somo people think there is stlil a ."eld'for'm' United gates' Mmo:'La-Marochala Bgoth, a Froncn'saivdtion army leader, is goiu'g to'mako a tour, of the conn try. . The ameer of Afghanistan- his-issued 1 a -pro-laaiation. announcing that he in tohds to' visit Ebgjand. He has heard o'f rile Jolly tfmoj his great friend, the thah of i'.efsla. .had-whilo- visiting the quocn and the -lirltish nobility. The' 'Tio.vs '4s q'ulto a surprlsa to England, as the ameer has not beea invito'! to come. VCTOKiE?r Saudotj's 'Wife -iut..tha 'famous. dramatic author for. tho'.'flrst timo at breakfast ono morning at her own homo, "V..era to had jcotiie to con-. -1 mi no..iainer,-Jir oouuo, airccior:oi the naldco of Vcrsa'UUs It wai a base I bf :ove at first- sight, and before Sardou had Jolt to house she had given hljn.hor heart Bow'e-llilsl , . . We'-sffer Otie Hundred Dollars reward for anr. esse of catarrh that cannot bo cured by taking Ball's Catarrh Cure. .- ." ' "F. J. CBHN.EY. & CO.. Prtpsi qledo. Ohio. ve, the tindersigned, havo known F.J.Cheney for tho last 13 year, and believe him -perfectly-honorable in all business" and financially 'able to "carry put-any .'obligations made by.ihelr.fir . . - " YYkst A TBr-jix, Wholesale. Druggists. Toledo. Ohio. - -. . '!o, Kinxan A Mabvix, Wholesale I)rug- Kists, Toledo. Ohio. .... -Halls Catarrh Cora in tmVtm nrnKll-Bnt. Ing directly upon ihe blood -and' mucous "sur-. jai-t-B ui uie nysu-ui. . iree. Price 73 cents per bottle.' Bold by J1 Drugglsta.- " : : " ''. How Ieep Iloes the Earth' )aake'. Tho Miss'ssippi Xalley has recently, tr pcrienced an earttiquako shbek which for'sovority Utki not been -eqtrale'd "-for. .-yeiirs. an incident which revives interest Inlne query:- Jiow deep docs the earth . "quake" when naituru shakes nor- crust like tho cyclono does the circus tent? At irginia City, Nevads.-tho great earthquake of J87'J was. jibt noticed by' the miners in tho deeper. portions of. the,. Comstock mihes. Tho famous earth .quake at the. Jamo place in 1874fc which : shook- down chimneys, fire -.vall-v etc ,. and cracked every brick building in the city, was iueely noticed -by ome.-of the miners working- in tho. "upper level?!" but did them no damage, not e.err,sliak lns down loose rocks, and earth:- .The' station men in the various-shafts felt It Strongest and thtf deepest DdTnt 'whe.rof- It was noticed was by. the- ninth station man, who was on watch at tho 000 foot level, which is, of course, 900 feet below the surface: He said it felt like a faint throb -or pulsation of a'r, as.-though-a blast had bcrn fired above, bc!ow; OTln fo:no indoliuito direct on. In some, of tlie " irgin a City mines tho sliock was. not felt at all, not even by station men in the shafts. PtEABANrTwiroLEsoMr, SrzrDT: Three a-1-jectivos. that apity to Balk's Honkt or Hoiie-m-UND and Tar. Pike's TooiHicrra Dnors Cure in one Minute. Stove to Mature. Thero aro records of elephants that, have lived for 200 years, and an age of. 150 years is. not regarded as so very old for : h elephant It takes about a quar-tur-of. a century to get tho elephant tD fall maturity. Tiik lirltish poacher is now Leln fol Jowi'djby tho electric s-arch Aght A J1ht sovcral milo? away recent. y i'o- .tect; an I identilied a (.ouple of th-s-n. Special Care Blion'd be taken lathe winter not toallow Uia btcod to become depleted crlmpnre. salt ltdoesa tsduot Rheumatism or nfnra'gt are HVelr to follow eiposur tot-oj J or wet weather. Ilnod'n Soraparilla i an f-tcellont preTe-.tive ot Iheie tronb!.ssltmkei tbe b'ood. rich end pure, and ke.-p i the kldnejs and liver Ir m. codk ttion. so liable t this f eis;n. If tou are u! ;'ect to rheumatic roubles. Uke ilooUTc barnptrlla ss & aa eg. anl, and. we UUsto yon will be perlectly aati-Qed -tth Its eJJects. fcrc'i o-iic rbeumativa Hood's Sarsaparilia Id me more f-ood than anvthio else I have eer taken." r.MiiXEB.Linieriik Centre. Pa. HOOD'S PILLS enre liver ill. constipa tion, biliousneiw. jjumlee, l"ck headache, indiges tion. Sold by ell drauliti. Price 23 cents. I sh tunc. ThisGREATCOUGH CURE; this saccefa fnl CONSUMPTION CURE is sold By drag fists on a positive guarantee, a test that no other Cure, can stind successfully. If yon have a COUGH, HOARSENESS or LA GRIPPE, it will cure yon promptly. If your child has the CROUP or WHOOPING COUGH, nse it quickly and relief is sure. If you fear CON SUMPTION, don't waitnntil your case is hope, less, but take this Cure at once and receive im. mediate help. Large bottles,. 50c. and $1.00. Travelers convenient pocket size 25c Ask your druggist for SHILOH'S CURE. If yoai lungs are sore or Back lame, use SbHoh's 'Por ous Plasters. Price, 25c VfifS- Epileptic Fits, Fallis? SkineM, Hyster ica, St. Titos Dimco, Kerreusatss, Hypechosdria, MeludMlisu Ik ebrity, Sleeplessness, Diz diiess, Bralk aad Spl at! W eafawsB This medicine, has direct action .upon, the njrve corirs. allaying .all.iiritabiH tics, and Increasing tho flow and. $owpr bf ncrvo fluid: It is perfectly 'harmless --fr r - - .-- r "er.t.-t. FREE Vnlnahl Rook B N INseaite-. sent iree to -bt snares-. and' poor pattents can also obtain' this inediclae free of charge. This. remedy has been prepar-Sd. by the Beversnd Bmutr Koeniir. of Fort wayne. no. since b-aioo SpirednsderhlsdlrectloabyUie KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, lib SritaTlrBmTsistBt9lvrIl6iat ftrS5.. f.jfc-1--., jsi.TS. 0RottIeirorS9. -ANAKaMISSlw-ainatant. relief, and iir an JSKAIXr---BLE CUBE -tor PlLtH. Price. $l; at'dnmlata or . br.' mail. : ISamplea free. Addreas "ANAKESD,' Ilox-4ia !iw To nr Cttx. P-aJVXC-Wa-i-p-ae an MKAnfeSI M-diaabled. SZ-fee for locreaae. ayarie'z pertenee. Write tor Iwa.-a.W.McOBM(c-s A Boas.' Wabikotoh. D. C Cucimati.-0. CURES RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, Bums, Swellings 'PERMAMCMTLTf ' 1 -".l DB i .fi pi PILES "August r lower This" U the query per-' . What It petually oa your htUe boy's lips. And he is It For'?.- . no worse thautlebig- - ger, older, edboys Life is an interrfgatioii : point. : V What is it for?" we con- tifitijilly cry from -the cradle to the grave. ScMrhhthis little introduc--.tory sermon we turn and ask: "What is August-Flower foK ?:; As easily. answered- as asked : It is. for Das-" pepsia.. It is a special -remedy for theStomacli and Liver. Nothing, more than "this-;- hut this brimfu? We believe." An gust Tie: er cures Dyspepsia. . -We know it will. We f .have reasons for kriojving-it. Twenty- years'ago it started in a'sniall country tdwn; To-day- it has ah honored pla'cein every city, and country store, possesses qne.of the largest inanti- facturintr plants' in the country and -sells everywhere. -Why is this?, the leaaon is us jiuiJic us a yunn - thought. .It -is honest,- does, .one "thing, "and does it .right alongr-it . cures Dyspepsia. .. - .9 5ra j-wwwm r e t es JI T U. U. UtUCN, '5lt aiamir,V uourj,n.j. ,It CTtiree CoM..Coach. Sore Throat. Croup. Indiirnzii. WJioopiBk Couch. Ilruncliltl and, AsUiiiim. A certain rure fiT. onnuiiU'tion it- t-t S'aKrH. anl h Mir- rel)rf iii al,-iir-Hl.ttHt-p. -Use. atn-.p. Voit w!Uiteet lie exr.etiet ett'ectr ree' . -tatkitutthe tlrat rone..8oid.t-dea.r--eeirw. re, 'Large bolter. 3.) ceut and tlM. .' THE BEST-FCR. -EVESY. PURPOSE. -1-flH.pnrlfy BX.QOD; rertilate. KIIJXE-eS, rcmovrf I.1VKR-. ur. orncr, duih ireuu. renew.. . apietlte,:restore JiealUi and. -- vlgortr youth. Dy-pepsla lBtuselion, inamrcu it-n- lucaosoinieiyeraiiicaiea.--JlinbrI(JitenoJ. brsta.'. po-ver incroasea, bonci. nerves', mu. cle. recclveuewforce. saffertox fro-a":ouiHatnt ne cui:.-irtothe)r.eXr.U'lnrlt;Bd T aafs AS-.KA.S jfWj frattrt - al" -eaa-ssea)B-SBBB-aBBBBa-a'a --uce "i-f '-''1 J v-.e -... roac bloom on ctiec,beautUleaCbruipreXloa.- So)il -'ervwhe-'el Alt gepnlae roo'-t bear "C-rscent.'' Send'Bsceattajxip forai-pajfa pamphlet. r .01. HAtTEHiMEBretat C0..W. todls. Ma, llTCfTIiJ.TtlS-rPnt -ana -'tn .ta-mm. ABE YOU A FARMER? If Bayotitaradncfrorn. choice and cah tell'wheUier .far'niing".a8 air in Vestraont pays. Dp "you make it" pay ? Have.yon.;first-cIass-tool!-ix--tares, etc.? iTou, say yes,, but- you are wrong- if -you Bave.rro, .Bcarea You should have one; and by sending- a postal card jrou can get full information' frqni " .. , -. J0HE8 OF IINGHIMTO", :, BIHGHAMTOH, H. Y. ,'6ia. n-ct-tr Tnoarw,-!! ost noted physician ef Eng-lanC,-'s7S- that more ttiaa. half of al.UMaiej cozaa frosa errors in dietl $J-nd"-for Free SanipW ef Garffcld Tea to 313 "rVear Sth Street, New Tork City.. Or-rer cal reaalte. - . j .xin.-.nmSIrk IletnfarMea -c"a(reCaBpI-.-(''a;caieaCoaaUpatio m'OHIO' WELL DRILL: WELLS with oar fmmmu W ell JIIrllery' Vb on'T- Bcieci ea-ciB-ujina . faat-qroppt-'ctoolaui na. LffOMIS & HTM AM, Tirifi.v erne, aitatoa-as) FItEE. GRIND Gratia rltir i Tecs- ewe B., Meal Orstcr Akclia, CrituaflMr' Crm. la tbe HANDMILL1 W 100jrent.-uor (r.wiiMD-s . ratentL 9 tr ttut.'uor maoeia IwDlDTPa-mrr. iUo reWEK Htt.LHndFAHia FCF.U- Mll.l.o. Clrml.ra nn-r tevUmonfala ecot ef -ft-ucM-M. wiLspit uR09.,ii::.s,ri; R FIT FOLKS REDUCED sV Y) M rf-Alle. Maple, Oiob. Mo wr'tj-a f AI J.-MThtwM-lpandB.B'.ltUWk m redaction or 1 lb." ror eircarar "anrej-i, wnn - .Pf..O:WjrjyYliEteMcVlekr,Thr.(, smfgMPl'aHtmiJOH. tr.fioirRi nCPiiSlW IWaahliielenv-D. C-- P Successfully Prosecutes Claims.. ayrslnl-Utwar. 13 adjuaicati-JSeUlnn.attjr aluc PILES! INSTANT. RELIEF. ScerrrLurnH. u UUIX Csrela.lS-las-a. . MvMlra- jtm tpritMltOrT-ICJUji'-1" " aililrata ICiUKVl flVlliii ' Xo-kCHrJI. PATENTS! .tnn w. x. fiTzornuja, Wasaurc'TO-r.- 1'. CC OPIUM STorphlne Habit curea in . to20tly. tinnier tlllcaracL.. Dirfj.STiPHENBVLabanon.Olile.;. QrU-kl ettslntd. No.M-fe fm I BIW rOte until oatsnt is alloae. AdTiee t Boca' free. (LIlCriTUTltC'T ?.: - mM. TJb - 8. C. N. U. i-a Ceassuatt-fs aad o,te wbohare weak lcngsor Aattar m2, saould nse PUo'rCare I or CorunrBatloa. It has ctartad tkaasaaos. Itbaa notlnjar- ea one. it u not oaa io rase. Ulsiae oesteontasj-mpu Eold eTer-renere. sie. EEaJeJJnQ-EEl mm MMmm wfTONIC -sHJL ij r-jrr -r T"i. UUIU sP-ft'-lsaHB- GARFIELD TEA BORES lTSF mid f 1