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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1891)
t iXJwT J j. ( I. Y l i ; 5 t olumb us gou vital. Eatml at th IW-offic. Colambue, Xob.,aa comi-claw mail matter. 189rU BVKKT WKtlNKHUAV HI M. Iv. TUKNER & CO., ColumbiiM, IS'el. TCBM9 or suu-H-aimo: On year, by mail, po-tago im-paid,. . six month. ............ ..........--- ' Three inoaUu), ... .$2.C0 . 1.00 .. . Payable in Advance. t9TSpecimen copies maikd free, on applica tion. TO 8CBH01UBIBS. . When miiwcriliorH clianRe th-ir lfc9 of reei-d?ncotij.-y..i...uliliitonce notify us by leitrr or c-ird.Kivin IhiUi ti.-ir former ami t i.ii jTr..,:,t ,mt-otlic.. -tl,o fiil !7 ' " ! L.,1 U.h namo on our niaihiwlwt, fnim ' Iwiitt in t. wo e.iL-h wwkiiniil. ti i u l wrin-roron lh mantm ot our JoiraNU U' UaI- t.. which your ilcrutioa i- iil '" count.-.! for. Itemittaiicw should '' Mllicr ! reKitered letter or draft. .d,l t.. tla. order of r (o TO OOKUESI'ONDKNTS. All roramnnicati.m.tocuro attention, mnrt U Mcifuiriiiiul b tlie Tull emu.- or ' . W- t.-m-r., tho rfeht to n-jt any manuM-n .t .... l.n. uutiiti Wt tlrSl! ,, .orn-MK.n.lent in every iri" " .Malta county, one of g.l JV'uf u"l. iteT.' li.t.!. in o-ry way. Write plainly, each Hen Hfhirrttely. Givcm facta. WKDNKHDAY. AI'KII. ir.. IsVI. Loi'is Hkimkoii of Omaha has been iipioito btt'le-oil itiBiM-r.tor, ire Cald well. Omaha has packed 1in,(HKl hogs hinee March 1st, a gain or 44,(100 over tho cor reHtindinK period of 1S1M1. 1. T. Harsi'm. the great showman, died at Jtridtfcport, Conn., last Tuesday wVeninjj. If w;iH lxirn duly f, 1S10. Hknatok Gi:o. R KiMUNis of Ver mont, who has been in thU.S. senate Hince 1HM, has rebigmwl, to hike effect November next. It. 1. Dittos, tho Iowa Falls giant, weighing .l."i0 pounds and standing seven foot four inches in Ids stockings, was married hist week. Two ljeautifiil young women of White Oaks, New Mexico, committed suicide by shooting- they were found clasp.M in each other's arms and lietween thetn a revolver. . 1..-. : uiori wlifUtl1lr'lri4-l i .IcimieGrksiiam is a man of consider able wit, as well as wisdom. He says the new Illinois senator is "a great man for small issues, and a hiuall man in the face of great issues."' AN explosion of natural gas at llrad tlock, Pa., Tuesday, wiecking a building (which was afterwards destroyed by fire), terribly burning eleven men, and fatally injuring four others. Ex-ltEl'ltEHEXTATI VE LoitENZU CllOUNSE of Calhoun, this state, has been offered and has accepted the position of assist ant Becretarv of the U. S. treasury and will le appointed soon. Pennington", the air ship inventor, is very confident that ho can make the trip from Chicago to New York, in May, in five Jiours. He claims his vessel will bo Biiccess in every particular. If ihe Mafia lynching in New Orleans shall result in an effectual way of shut ting out of the United States the crim inals which have hitherto como here almost without hindrance, the murder of the poor Italians will not havo been without some good resulting. Miss Hattie, who was one of tlie choristers in tho Methodist Episco pal church at Mnquoketa, la., a few years ago, is btudying ocal music in Florence. Italy, and in a recent public appearance recehed high praise for her beautiful contralto voice and fine sing ing. At East Itahway, N. .T., Henry Metz shot and killed his friend, Anton Henry, n bridegroom, just as ho was about to enter a carriage to take tho train for the honeymoon trip. Metz supposed his re volver was loaded with a blank car tridge, which ho meant to fire high as a salute. He was under the intluence of wine, and shot too low. The ravages of typhoid fever and grip continuo at Parkersburg, W. Va. Five funerals occurred last Monday and three more deaths were reported during the day. Reports from different parts of the county and from adjacent counties and from tho west side of the Ohio show that one person in ten is sick with one or other of tho diseases. It has Ivoen claimed that L. D. Rich ards, late republican candidate for gov ernor, signed tho petition to Boyd, to veto the Newberry freight rate bill, and that, therefore, there would, on this question, have been no difference be tween electing him or Mr. Boyd for gov ernor. It may bo that ho signed such a petition wo have no proof of it, and don't believe that ho did. Anyhow, it wasn't a republican governor who vetoed the bill. Lincoln is getting to havo a go -1 many suspicious characters. A mntiL -ted human limb, evidently that of a woman, was found Saturday, in tho vault of a place not yet occupied. It was found wrapped in three copies of the Chicago Times of January l., March 15 and March 22. The city physician gave it as his opinion tiiat it had been recently severed from tho body, and that it was of a woman somewhat past tho prime of life. Ten o'clock Sunday night the firemen of Omaha were called to save the Paxton house. At 11:30 the names had been en tirely extinguished. The fire originated in the kitchen and destroyed 823,000 of property, fully insured. A falling wall caught four firemen. Captain Carter, one of the injured men, died Monday morning at 6, never having gained con sciousness from the time of his removal from the wreck. At noon Monday, Mulvihill, McGuire and Downs, the other injured men, were reported as im proving and resting easily. All three are in a fair way to recover. Sunday evening, Chicago suffered one of the most destructive fires she has had since 71. The loss is placed at fully $1,000,000, with light insurance. Like the great fire of Tl, it began in a 6table. It was in the rear of J. M. Smyth's house furnishing establishment on West Mad ison, near Halstead street. Policeman Patrick Sheehy stopped a stampede at a -museum by threatening to 6hoot any person who didn't obey his orders, and all reached the street in safety except one man who leaped from a window : before Sheehy reached the landing. He was frightfully injured. It took forty fire engines and 300 firemen to bring the . fixe into subjection. THK AI'STRALIAX BALLOT. How It Worked and Some or the Mi-UkM Made by Voters. Tho new law gave almost universal satisfaction. It is certainly the best method ever et devised for the casting Of a secret ballot. The occupation of the ward bummer and the corrupt ioli tician has, of course, not altogether ceased, but it is now imiossible to know how a man voted, and the purchase of votes cannot be readily effected unless tho purchaser knows that he gets what he pays for. Another time, so many mistakes will not bo made in the preparation of tho ballots. Some were voted without any indica lion of preference. Some with an X be fore the name. Some with an X be tween the name and the party designa tion. Some with pencil marks instead of ink. Some scratched the names of candidates they didn't want, but failed to signify their preference by placing the X. Some voted for three of the four names mentioned for school lxard, when they were entitled to vote for two only, and. jis it could not lie ascertained which two, they lost their votes. Some voters not using a blotter, considerable trouble was caused to the judges liecause the folding of the tickets placed a duplicate X where not deMgned. Somo insisted on telling tho judges aloud, how they wished them to mark the ballots. Some wrote tho name of their candidate after the printed name and without making the X. Tho most trouble came from in sisting on the folding of tho ballot so as to exKso the names of the two judges written on the back. If you can read and mako your mark, your vote is absolutely secret; if you cannot, tho knowledge is shared by those who are sworn to secrecy in the matter. There is no ticket peddling; there is no pulling and hauling at or near tho polls. Tho demand for tho Australian ballot system Mas been met by the recent leg islature with a good law, which will ap p.oe itself more and moro with the people, as tho years go by. There is one feature that wo have noticed of value in a few cities of tho state in tho late elec tion, and that is very likely to be ex tensively used in the future, viz: The nomination of candidates otherwise than by convention or primary, that is, by certificate of nomination, signed by "not less than ftMl electors, when the nom ination is for an office to bo filled by the electors of tho entire state, and need not exceed T0 when the election is for an office to be filled by tho electors of a city, county, district, or other division less than the state, and need not exceed 20 when tho nomination is for an office to le filled by the electors of a town ship, precinct or ward." Women can sign such a certificate when it applies to an officer for whom they have the legal right to vote, aud no person shall sign more than one certificate of nomination for any office. Now that the ballot, for tho first time becomes for all voters, an absolute secret, tho above feature of tho law may lo used honestly, in the public interest, or it may be used (as can read ily le seen), to weaken the force of a party nomination by having a number of candidates of liko mind, while the op position remains "solid" for their own party nomination. This, however, is a game that two can play at, and the new way is a long stride towards securing purity in elections, as well as in nom inations. The Methodist Conference. The hearty manner in which people of all denominations in this city havo taken hold ot tho plan to secure the Methodist conference for Omaha in 1892 promises well for the project. To some extent the preliminary work has been taken out or the hands or the Methodists, or, at least, lopped or its denomiuationalism. Members or other churches have sub scrilied most lilierally to tho guarantee fund and Omaha has shown heiseir ready ami coinjietent to meet tho emer gency. It is to bo hoed that the in tluence in tho church which opposed Omaha in its fight for tho conference will Ihj entirely satisfied with what she guaranteed. Tho local committee has accomplished a great labor in securing the fund and procuring the necessary accommodations. It has been success ful! and tho appointment of tho various sub-committees completes the arrange ments. Tho Methodist church may rest as sured that its memlers have not at tempted too much in securing the con ference, ami it may also bo certain that Omaha sis a city will not Tail to welcome most heartily tho delegates or so powor ful and enterprising a church. IWorld Herald. How folds Are Cured in Alaska. Some or tho readers or The Journal may wii to know how colds are cured in th rroen regions or the north. H j the rollowing extract from a recent letter or C E. Coon, a druggist in Juneau, Alaska, will interest them. He sa s: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is selling lietter than ever. It is harder to get into the boxes than to sell the Rem edy after they are opened." Mr. Coon's sales were rather light Tor the first year he handled this medicine, but have in creased each enr as the people there become better acquainted with its valu able proierties, until it is now the most popular medicine he handles for coughs and colds, which shows that real merit is as much appreciated in the far north as at home, and in time tho best is sure to become tho most popular. For sale by druggists. If there is anything more that Omaha wants, let her ask Governor Boyd for it. It is hers. Telegram. This is supposed to have been written by Mr. Davis immediately after the an nouncement of Heimrod's appointment as oil inspector, a position for which Mr. Davis himself was an applicant. A re publican remarked upon seeing the above paragraph "the pig squealing under tho fence!" As a journalist, how ever, we think he has a right to squeal, and squeal long and loud, and keep it up. It looks a little, sometimes, as though the only class of newspaper men who do not fail of ''recognition" in a substantial way by candidates are those who get into possession of ugly facts and hold them suspended until paid for si lence. The dispensing of public pa tronage is a source of great weakness to the dispenser, and is pretty sure, soon or later, to tindo him. The better way is not even in sight, in the dim distance. Ax Eldora, la., man has a machine that will make binding twine out of common prairie grass or straw. STKITK STKKM. What Two Well liser in Seanh of Water Found. Henry Heiler and H. It. Fisher, two well diggers, were digging a well on the property of Lou Adams, Forty-fifth and Leavenworth streets Saturday. When a depth of forty-live foot had been reached the lottom suddenly fell out of the hole and the men had a narrow es cape. They managed to save their lives by quickly grasping the ropo of tho windlass which was hanging down tho well. As it was, all their tools were swept away into what was then sup posed to bo a subterranean stream. For a time the water rushed by tho opening with great rapidity and gave out a peculiar sulphurous odor. After a time the rushing and the odor ceased. The water is very clear now that it has become quiet and ban the taste of pure mountain stream water. Soundings were made in an endeavor to ascertain the depth of tho cavern, but 100 feet of rope let down failed to find the bottom. Mr. Adams has abandoned tho hole as a well and will have it securely lKmrded up. Tho walls of the shaft near tho ljot torn are rapidly caving in, caused, no doubt, by tho action of the water during tho first rush. Last night the surface or the water at tho lottom or the well was perfectly smooth. No current was visible. It is probable that tho well diggers havo tapped soup of tho many subter ranean streams that carry off the great rainfall of Nebraska. Omaha -Boo, April 7th. r KVus"ii to Visit Maryland. Opportunity to the Crowing South. eursion tickets to Hagerstown, Md., ml return, will lie sold May 20th to 2Sth inclusive, from all B. & O. points west of the Ohio river and connections at one faro for the round trip. Tickets good until Juno 30th, with stop-over priv ileges at one intermediate point east and west of tho Ohio river. At Hagerstown low rate excursion tickets will be sold excursionists to B. .v O. It. It. mints in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. Apply to nearest B. V. O. agent for rates. Information about low-priced lands, investments, thriving towns, etc., will 1k supplied by M. V. ItiriiAitus, Laud and Immigration Agent, B. & O. R. R., l-Jt Baltimore, Md. iiots. Wisdom means w ise action. Men lielong to two worlds, that of tho senses and that of pure intelligence. In our working hours the mind is never without an idea passing through it. Observation and experiment are the indispensable bases of all human knowl edge. Tho system of protection to native in dustry is the true policy of a nation that would develop its resources and elevate its people. Tho infinite mind penetiates and fills, with different degrees of consciousness, all the heights and depths of the universe. Spinoza. The formation of knowledge may bo looked on as the gradual and sj stemntic elimination of tho accidental and fleet ing in phenomenon, from the necessary and permanent. NF.KKASKA NOTF.S. Ord elected the entire license ticket. License another year in David City. At Harvard, the license ticket carried again. At Aurora the high license ticket was elected. The now loard ut York will oppose saloons. Ainsley voted for license by a ma jority of 10. Snow, three inches deep, at Kearney, Monday night. At Grand Island Rodeu defeated Plat by 200 majority. Leigh elected a license iMtard, having tried prohibition tho past year. Sunday night the wind did damage to tho extent or $10,000 at Beatrice. St. Paul had no question at issuo but that or license, which won by 27 ma jority. Fremont ravors taking, off the occu pation tax except on saloons, ami elects Mrs. C. M. Nye as one of tho members or the school board. The now opera house, which will seat 3,000 people, has been secured Tor the use or tho general conference of the M. E. church which will doubtless meet at Omaha next year. At Beatrice there were five candi dates Tor mayor, three of them so by petition. The democrat-independent was elected by a majority of 15 over the republican. The total oto cast was 1,528. Tho first shipment Troiii the Noble sewing machine factory at Weeping Wa ter was made last Tuesday. Two car loads of machines left for (oiuts in Ar kansas aud Texas. These aro the first machines over made west of the Missis sippi river. The factory is booming business. On Sunday Carl Hollander, a barber at Scribner, shot off his left arm while out hunting, about three miles from tow n. The arm was so badly shattered that it had to be amputated above the elbow. He bled considerably before be ing attended to but was getting along favorably at last report. The Beatrice board or health has been for weeks combating with a number of contagious diseases which settled down in the city, and now an epidemic form of diphtheria is raging. A number of deaths resulted from it last week. Measles and the grip also claim a large number of victims, and both undertakers and physicians are having an unusual rash. Mr. H. S. Potter and wife, two of the oldest and most beloved citizens of Ainsworth. died Monday morning of last week of pneumonia superinduced by la grippe. They were eighty-six years old, were married in 1811, never bad any children, and five days before their death took to their bed together where the' died within about three hours of each other. They were buried together Wednesday. Farming does pay. A. S. Wills, the farmer near Eight Mile Grove who last week topped the market with 105 head , of cattle, has contracted with J. B. Holmes to deliver 120 head mure that he is utill feeding for May and Juno mar ket, at $' a hundred. With no ill luck from this on he will have made a re markable siHvrsa of his winter's feeding. having, along with his cattle, netted 2i0 pounds of pork to every steer. He an ticipates netting fully SI a bushel for the corn he has fed this winter. -Platts-mouth Journal. Last Monday evening a man called at the Norris barn and hired a team to go across the river and returned with the outfit about 0:45 in the evening. So far all right. Tuesday morning, one Bode, by name, of Linwood, arrived in tho city with a friend in search of his wife. Ho was "all broke up" as the bos say and says he is out his wire and $300, which ho worked hard to save, which amount had disapKared with his spouse. The man who hired the team and the woman took the train here in the evening for tho west. North Bend Argus. A check tor S05 drawn on the First National bank or Plattsmoiilh in favor of W. II. Wood and signed by Wildman & Fuller, and certified to by S. Waugh, cashier of tho First National bank, was sent br collection by an Omaha bank. Upon investigation tho check was dis covered to le a forgery, both tho signa ture stud certificate Iteing immediately pronounced forgeries by the parties in this city. The check had been cashed by a bank in Schuyler, which is conse quently the loser. A similar check for 74 was received br collection by the bank or Cass county Tuesday, which had been cashed by a bank at Kimball. Louis Heimrod, who 1ms been ap pointed state oil inspector, has lived in Omaha Tor many years. He was horu in Prussia in 1817, and left there for Amer ica in IStlS, coming direct to Omaha, but ho only remained a short time, wheii ho went to Laramie, Wyo., aud engaged in tho grocery business. Ho returned to Omaha alter two ears' absence and re mained until 1875, when he removed to Shreveport, La., where he remained six years and then came back to Omaha and engaged in the wholesale and retail gro cer business. His now duty will call Tor the inspection of all oils offered for sale for any purposes in Nebraska. The salary is 2,000 -ier year. Washington Letter. From our regular correHondeiit. Secretary Blaine was closeted for sev eral hours today with Sir Julian Paunce fote, tho British minister, Sir Charles Tupper, ami several other representa tives of the Canadian government. This conference is understood to have been informal, and was granted by Mr. Blaine at the request of the Canadians for the purpose of exchanging views on the subject of reciprocity. It is not known whether a definite agreement was reach ed as to a common basis for negotiation, as Mr. Blaine declines to talk about the conference, considering it only as a friendly talk about official significance. Unless there was a great change on the part or the Canadians from their recent expressed opinion as to what Canada was prepared to offer us it is certain that no agreement was reached, as it is known that Mr. Blaine will never con sent to any arrangement that will injure the agricultural interest of this country. There is a well defined suspicion here that the Canadian government is laying wires for the purpose of trying to get some benefit in some manner not yet clearly apparent out of the arbitration of the Beh ring sea question. However, ir they can bol Mr. Blaine they aro welcome to everything they can get. He hns not leen Tooled yet. The international sensation caused by tho request of Baron Fava, the Italian minister, made of the department of state for his passports lasted jii6t four days. Last week everyone was talking of the situation, today, owing to the dignified and positive manner in which Mr. Blaino answered the silly vaorings and demands or the Italian government ami entirely reversed tho situation in tho eyes ot tho civilized world, tho inci dent is regarded as a matter or history, although it will occupy an important place in tho diplomatic records for some time to come. Tho silly talk uliotit changing the constitution of the United States for the purpose of giving tho gen eral government authority to protect the citizens of foreign countries resident in any portion of this country does not emanate from the administration, nor docs it, so far as I can learn, reflect the sentiments of a single memler of the administration. If being put upon pre cisely the samo footing as native Amer icans isn't good enough for the foreign subjects, they had better return home. The idea of giving them more than our own citizens is rather more than the American people will stand. Senator Manderson, chairman of the senate committee on printing, after a month's rest, has returned to this city in ortler to begin the arduous duty imposed upon his committee by congressional resolution, of investigating the method of printing and distributing all classes of public documents including the Con gressional Record, tor the purpose or reporting a bill to reduce the expendi tures in this line, ir it can bo done with out injury to tho public interest. There are unquestionably gross abuses in the present system of distributing public documents, but a reform would take away some of the perquisites of con gressmen and their hangers-on, and is for that reason doubtful. Another con siderable expense that may easily be avoided is the printing of a quantity of each and every bill that congressmen are worried into introducing for their crank constituents, an editing commit tee could remedy this by reporting upon the bills that should be printed at gov ernment expense. About ninety per cent of the bills printed under the present system entail an absolute waste of money, as they are not again beard from until the next session when they are again introduced and printed at government expense. Mirror osm. The zephyr was something more than gentle Sunday night, accompanied by an electric 6torm. George WT. Erb spent Saturday in Schuyler. Mrs. John McGill has been very sick with the grippe. Mrs. Martin Reagan has been attending her during her sick ness. Thomas Johnson will deal in well tubing this summer; we understand he has laid in a stock already. It would be well for any one putting down wells this summer, to figure with him. A. C. Pickett and William Lockhart have rented the 80 south of M. Reagan's, which they wil! sow to early fiax. William Lawreuce, whose death oc curred on Grand Prairie last week, was an uncle to Mrs. Luther Stewart of our neighborhood. Three energetic and ambitious young men from this part of tho little world, have combined in a Hax machine trust. Those who will indulge in raising fiax this year would save money by speaking to the boys. By doing so early, you will avoid the rush. Success to their enter prise. Mr. John Curry and Miss Nellie Flem ing made a very pleasant call at Mr. aud Mrs. H. B. Reed's Sunday evening. Some little confusion occurred at John McGill's Bale Friday over an article that was sold to two different parties, but as this is a neighborhood that knows no strife, the matter was settled to the sat isfaction of both parties concerned. Mrs. II. B. Reed and daughter May, accompanied by Miss Kate Erb, visited Miss E. M. Erb Thursday afternoon. Miss Eliza Drinniu sfarted Saturday Tor Osceola, near where she will teach this coming summer. Miss Ella Browner went to Grand Prairie Friday to visit Iter cousin. Miss Ella Byrnes. Mr. Samuel Drinniu, who has lieen keeping books for a firm in Fremont, has resigned his position there, and will assist his rather on the farm this season. Miss Annie Hamer spent Friday to Sunday visiting her mother. Cyci.ois. A Sate Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safo plan you can buy from our ad vertised druggist a bottlo of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of tho throat, lungs or chest, such as consump tion, inflammation of tho lungs, bron chitis, asthma, whooping cough, croup. etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safo, and can always be depended upon. Trial lnittle free at Stillman's drug store. Many years practice has given C. A. Snow .V. Co., solicitors of patents, at Washington, D. C, unsurpassed success in obtaining patents ror sill classes of in ventions. They make a specialty of re jected cases, and have secured allowance of many patents that had been pre viously rejected. Their advertisement in another columu, will be of interest to inventors, patentees, maniiracturers, and all who have to do with patents. Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have lieen selling Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, Dr. King's New Lifo Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salvo and Electric Bitters, aud havo never handled remedies that sell so well, or that have givon such uni versal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not fol low their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Stillman's drug store. lSiprly Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. - We will furnish The Journal, The Nebraska Family Journal and the Week ly Inter Ocean, one year, Tor $2.80, when paid in advance. Subscriptions received at any time. If you are not a subscrib er to The Journal don't wait till your subscription expires, but pay us enough to make it one year in advance, and add the Inter-Ocean, one of the greatest and Itest family newspapers in tho world. ISurklcu'x Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, letter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skill eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by C. B. Stillman. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stitles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save S50 by use of ono bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. B. Stillman, druggist. 2Cnov1yr Bab cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescrilied : Castoria ! lf.;ai NOTICh. To alt whom it may concern: Tho Hoard of Stiix-rvisorH at their regular ineetin-s March, Ibl, declared tho following f tion line o-!iid us public roadx, i:: I. t onuiieucinis at the .VV. corner of ectiou 1.), Inun 17, range 1 east and running thence due outh on Mction line one (U mile and termina ting i.t the S. W, corner of naid fectiou and known and det-ignated an the "Dithner Hoad." II. Commencing at the S.W. corner of Miction H. town Is, range 1 eaitt and running thence due east on flection line one (I) mile and termina ting at S.E. corner of Raid section and known and dcHignated a tho "Saal field Hoad." III. Commencing at the 8.E. corner of suc tion .10, town 17, range 3 went and running thence due west on section line about one-half CD mile to the Nance county line and there terminating and known and designated aw tho "(irahaui Road" Now all objections thereto, or clniinti for tlam aget caused thereby, munt be hied in the county clerk's office of Platte county. Nebraska, on or before noon May 2fth, A. D. 191, or the same may be duly established without future reference thereto. Dated Columbus, Neb., March IS. 191. O. W. Pbilliph, 25marlt County Clerk. FINAL PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb , March 6th, lb91. ) Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made Itcfore the clerk of the district court, at Columbus, Neb., on April 20th, IsVl, viz: Frederic E. Davis, Homestead No. 16SM, for the N.E. of section 8, township 19 north, of range 1 east. .H names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Herman (J. Lueochen, Herman Lnedtke. Theodore Wenck, of Hoheet, Neb., and Henry W nrdeman, of Columbus, Neb. FUANELIN HWEET, UinaiH Register. mm ctn r taruM at our !f EW line efwrrk. rjt41lr bd tiuiw.raklv. bv tU .f itbr -m. Toung-cr ")0,,aiil In tb-Ir own localities, .rTcr iUj r. Any tttkm ran ito tliv auk lv n I... nrurnibfTlbiuf Wa wart you. No rik You can Atof your apare n.omala, or all your tim la th work. 1 tit ! an WSSr.'iCr'SKJ, Zc?Z?Z':'?J::: rnuraijMcwiNajwi criug-a wondt-trul autrvntovtirvwoik-rr. XZ7tt'Tmvi&"0uaZ so Milwaukee -fc Sc P-utl : Rv is the ouly line running joint vet-' xbuled. electric liUtetl amltei;:u heatett trains betv-eett the Misuxt ner .md. Chicago, consisting of sew palace-sleeping cars, elegant free rovhaiug: chair t cars, luxurious eoaehe- aud the tiuest ( dining ears in the world. The Ivrth. ' reading lam p ta iL palace sleeping cars is patented and cannot be u&od bv any other railway companv. t u, the great improvement of the age. Tr it and be convinced. Close connection m union depot at Omaha with ail trains to and from the west. For further particulars appi to jour ticket agent, or F. A., Gen'l Agt. W. S. Howell, Traveling Fi't. and I'ass. Agt.. 25febf t Omaha. Neb. FINAL I'KOOF. Ijiii.I Oiliivut I'tiind IhIhiiiI. Neb., .March ii. l-.!l. ) Not if-' is hereb Kit en tluit the folloviiniC M-ltler h'W tiled nolhv of his intention to make ir.Nif in Mi!K.rt of lus latin, and that wild proof will le us.ide la-fort clerk of tin district court, ut Columbus, Neb., on May Mli, t-ttll. 'uz tieorije C. Smith, home-tend No. 111.51. for the K. xt, N. W. S. or Section SI. Township IS North. r IIiiiik "i V'e-.t. He names the following uitUfsMtt to prow hisfontmuoii residence iiimhi and cultivation of, staid hind, if Henry Chivhuni. of l'l.itte Centre. Wallace . MutiiuKton. of Moiir-h. Charles K. Chiiu, of Oconee, William W. Viho:i.of Oconee, Nebr. l'ti nk i.i n Swucr, i"march-t He-sister. 0te ??.oo Ladies $nn I75 "Klnrc H-75 wn SEs W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE and other special ties ror Uentlemeu. Ladies, etc.. are war- ranted, and so stamped on liottoni. Aildres W.L. UUUUttASsUreckloB.LTlMas. aoiuiry Win. SH1LZ, Olive St., Goiumbus. llViirch:i!i Dr. A. J. Sanders, W -SPECIALIST IN (iRADUAl'E OF LONE ISLAND COLLEGE H0OTU1 Three Years Hospitalism. Recently from Uaiversity of Vienna, Austria T. o. BOX s:j. GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. REFERENCES: J. 1). Moohk, l'rei. of Hank of Commerce. H. C. How titl, .Malinger of U. I'. Shop-. V. II. I'l.vrr. .vlaorof (J rand lhtud. Cms. Rift', R preventative. S. N. Woi.i:L'ii, Stale Senator. (to., Count) .linltfe. CBThow who have lieen .utlerern forjears nnd have lieen the rounds of the profe-siou at home, without receiving relief from ordinary methods of treatment, are csjieciid I j invited to call. tAHof our patients may exject tu receive gi mm! care, careful treatment and t-ouare dealing from a business ttnudoint, as we alva)s xs t to give value received so far as poisible. Will beat tho .-Consultation free. AddreM. I)k. A. J. SANDERS. Hox 23, (iruud Island, Neb. 20novmp The figure 0 in our dates will make a lone .tay. So man or woman now- living will ever date a locurnent without uf.m the figure 9. It stands in the third place in 1890, w here it w ill remain ten years and then move up to .second place in 1900, where it will rct for one hundred years. There is another "9" which h-is also come to stay. It is unlike tlie figure 9 in our dates in the respect that it ha already moved up to first place, where it will permanently rcm.iiu. It U called the "No. V High Ana Vti-c!i r A. Wilson Sew ins Machine. The "No. 9" was endorsed for first place by the esperts of Eurojx; at the Iari Exposition of 1S&9, where, after a M-verecontest with the leading ma chines of the world, it wns awarded the only Grand Prize given to family sewing machines, all others on cxhihit having nceivt-d lower awards of Kld medjla, etc The French Government also recognized itssupcriority by the decoration of Mr. Nathaniel Whei Ier, l'residentof the company, with the Cross of the Legion of Honor. The "No. 9" is not an old nrichir.e improved upon, but is an entirely new m.ichino, and tho Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grand est advance in .sewing machine mechanism of the age. Those who buy it can rest assured, there, fore, of having the vtry latest and best. WHEELER & WILSON M'F'O CO., 185 and 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 80LT) BY W. KIBLER, Leigh. Nebr. 3apr'l-i'Jt 6. 'tine little f innnMhifi'fn read at Wvik ft, r u, l.y Ant.a I ';, Aunri, rf cut Dfii'iiaretJcHifcrT'II Why im ym Mreeau a. limit It T-m rati do the rk a4 ! t horn. ilireier you are I tm be- frinnr ji jair tarning- from t to lOatv llr- ViriUwiouhotf nd tit ti it f an work m . "re tln.a or an itf iiru-r jhk nionT ni irn r Jal'Mie un!t ' n anion a; ihent. M. luil woiifftMftit I 'art it itrafi. B.HallU)L Co., Hon BMtFortluail, Uaiwo A IRAK! Iun1rrfaaa-I..!r.r oJUuU- tcattiany fir! tit-lliani jrri tri."i Itex.wii u i-j a ana Mrti,aul wl. atur iiiiruttcu.iU work lnuainobtlv VfarfnthIroKn loratin- Mhrrtnsr ! i Min.nnr.rn. kAir lii van "lit 1 kaunkiil faIli.. b ailuaiionor-rini iMiii-ir,al MlIh u ran rm that aiuoui.f o momr furmunlr ucr-ti!a ho r -tI aoI iuELT lo-arnet) I J mi re ut on trcrkrr Iroi.t lt thairiii cr count bat already taufcliC t I o!J-aI vr.tli emf Ii.M-ut Utgt puiuber. wbo ar nk1'i? over Jo4l a ir-ti li UfA and MOMII. Pull r,rtfciiUra KKK;. AtMrra.atoiMt K, C ALU:.. Hx 420, AH.HtlM, Jlalt. Itch cured in .10 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by C. B Stillman, druggist. 26novlyr A0'-s!p,s ?rn . M. MHK-zr :: - wr Hk. --fc irt nu !-3adHhjin w mmmmmi SiflMBLJ' iflil A BVf-vAJfc.9 Wfv1mmmf in Gzmj wfimrmtmmim'. uut -Lin t - twi jr H! DISEASES A 'fflMJ UL.QB ' UrB What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcker aud Children. It contains neither Opium, other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, lrops. Soothing Syrup, and Catr OIL It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishuess. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd. cures IKiarrhcea and AVind Colic. Castoria relieve teething troubles eures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea-tbe Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castorf is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Slothers liav o repeatedly told mo of its good effect upon their children." D. U. C. OsaooD, Lowell, Matal. Castoria fc the best remedy for children of which I am ncipjainted. I hope the day is not far distant hen mothers will consider the real inter.- of their children, and uso Uustoria in stead of the variousquaek nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, tKvothiug synip and other hurtful aget-ts down their throats, thereby Bending theia to premature graves." Do. J. F. Xincbxlob, Conway, Ark. Tko Ceataar Coapaar, TI A RELIABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. That ia tho Cnaractur Almoat Universally UlTat The Weekly Inter Ocean. 3o oreati3 its popularity that lor yoara it haa had tho UVEQEST CIRCULA TION ot any Chtcaao weokly nowapaper. uselulne33 i It 13 amy ana careiuuy cuncu m o iiaiur.uU'AI'i mi. mi unadnur, auu aox. oujaum w w. It is a vpnsisceijc ButdlBCU33e3 all public questions candidly and ably. While It alve3 fair treat. merit to political opponents, it is bitterly OIiIE3asantagomstic to both public THE LITERARY DEPARTMENT tMENTcI Its contributors some ot the MOST POP Th- PTIBRinN AND DOMESTIC SHORT STORIES are tho equal otthosa lit Youth's Department, Cnriosit? SHop, Iqim's linmloi, aai Tie loie Ah'F IX TIIEMSFI VES EQUAL TO A MAGAZLXE. In addition to all this tho NEWS orTHnWORtD Is aen In Its columns evory week. In all upaiUuout3 It U caietully edited by competent m.n otn jiloyed lor tnat purpose. THE PRICE OF THE WEEKLY 1MTER OCEAM IS $1.00 PER TEAR. THE SEMI-WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is published each Monday and Thursday mornlna. nnd is an excellent publication lor tnose vrno can not secure, a daily paper regularly tnd aro not satisfied wltfc a tveekly. THE PRICE OFTHE SEMI-WEEKLY I1TER 0CEA1 IS $2.00 PER TEAI By Special Arranaement jrtththe PubUanarao scrrRi3isiE:i?'sS magazine That Maonzlne and The Weekly Inter Ocean ara Beth Seat to Subscribers One Year for Two Dollars and Ninety Coats. TEN" CEXT3 LES3 THIN TIIE TRICE OF THE MAGAZINE ALONE. LIBERAL COMMISSIONS olven to wiavr eSKd tor. Address all orders COLUMBUS LUMBER CO. S. R. HOWELL & CO. Deal or s in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, KLIXDS. C'EMKXT. LIMK. FIRE BRICK. FIRE (LAY, MVRIJLE MST. WHITE SAND, PORT LAND ami MIIWATKEE CEMENT, ami ALL KINDS of JSriLDIXi; MATERIAL. THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Mfp.'Jt'Vu.niiio. SSIOO.OO iFHTCTC J. BEAMA, CARPENTER, I'uriHiii-s i-iiiiii: lii- -tvh- FKKK, to tin- liri-t 1 mthi in win :iiIi-t to him lifter tin lir-t til icntinn of tturt :n.t ;-. in .Ihuk.wi. of nth Jami-ir-,. !. Hi- t.-ikit thN iih-IIkmI f inllini nttcntioii to I in f.u t tlutt HE IS A BOOK AGENT. Ami can Tumii-h ou, CIIKAI'Kil tlnin :iu1kmI el., mi) lxk joii want. IIOUSK AND TWO LOTH, N-nr Court IIoiim. with nil iniprmt'im-ntri, for call (.IIKAI-. Al-o two nmrcn i.nil tuo i-oltn. Aihln-ni ColiunliiiM. trv"W call )o:ir attention to tin Alin wifi-n, riml tin iinixirtant fact that w ar- nowr otTerinu a line of Mifit at riit lielow roiii'mri-ion ami l.-)oml i-onix tit ion. for full jmrtit ulari ail ilresrt t'oliiiiihii-. N !.. I'. . l!oX VI. 1'Ie.ui in clon :: rent ntimip for n-pl). lljiin::iiip T. S. JAWORSKI, Regulates Perfectly. IS NOT AFFECTED BY GALES. I Strong. Durabla A" D EASIIY MANAGED. Wind Uiils, Pumps and Pimp Repairs. On iloor nurth -f l!akrn larn. L. C. VOSS, M. D., Homoeopathic Physician AND SURGEON. Orhce over pot othce. SiciHlit in chronic dieeat-. Careful attention given to general " gxi?y'rFI Sr , - !u -jgy' F&5H1; CeSt-3 WSyalLl i llXvTa? VJsIIQj vvQr ir practice. atSnovSm prescript Castoria. " Castoria is tso well adapted to chiMrM thai I recommend it aa superior to any pNKriptfcW known to me." H. A.AaCua.M.D.. Ill So. Oxford St., Urooklya. N. Y. "Our physician in Uh childrso's depart ment havo spokea highly of their Mperi euco in their outaklo practice- withCaUori. and although wo only hv among ixtr medical supplie what U known an reulur product,.yelwear free to coufeaa that tho menu of Cat-toria baa woa ua to look wkfc favor upon it." UamtD IIosmtal. aho mwtwaaaT, Boatoa, Alum C. Surra, Fret., Marray Strt, lUw Tack City. v: y uoiu ku-ciii j .V-," iSVlTv-Ti a J.-Tfri.- Kepuoucao newspaper. Of iPPOSED TO TRUSTS AND MONOP and private lnteieats. Ct tt.O pi the pacer is excellent, andnaaamonrj UIoAR AUTHORS J" g$l CORRESPONDENCE. JJl.KI.AI ANLr x RH otany similar publication In ttwcounuy active coaata SAMPLE COPIES aa&f THE INTER OCEAN. Chicago. COLUMBUS Planing ME W have jiit niH-nil a new mill on M ntreot. opMxite rwliril! r tioiirini; mill ami an. to ilo AM. KINDS OF WOOD WO nch as prw- Doors, .Mouldings, Counters, Stair Railing, Seroll Sawing, Planing, Kte. ISIimls, Store Fronts, Stairs, Ital listers, Tn rn in:;, JfT"All onliTH promptly ntremli-it to. oraililrean. Call on HUNTEMANN BROS., ColuiuMm. NVbraaka. jul3ui The Bee Reduced in Priee. THKPKICEOFTHE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE Hat lieen reduced tu $1.00 A YEAR. Now 1.1 the time to Hiil-Bcri.x for tliv l-eht rievHiiaier in the west. Send hi your orders early to THE BEE PUBLISHING CO. OSUHA NEl. i j. ami GUARANTEED GOODS '' fl) WATCH tgifm. Repairing yMJPjnWr I 4 . i fi mr J J