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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1891)
h H i 1 r? - r K" Columbus Hourual. WEDNESDAY. FEBUUAUY 4, 1891. A..IN.TIMKTAHLK. Pas. Freight. Lavci Polinn!n.. David City HowhhI .. Arrives at Lincoln. 3:irp. m. " 4:10 p.m. 7:10 " 10:40 " . 8:. " ' J:H " lH;".5ll. 1!1. Thj pasin'iio-r !-.iv-h Lincoln at US) p. in., and arrite at Colm:iliit 7:01 p. :n; tlnfn!i;lit Iiivoh l.inr..ln Jit 7;K.a. in., nii.l airivcn at Columbus at 2 40 p. in. UNION PACIFICT1MK-TABLI noisn kst. IIDIMl VlT. Pacific Kx. lliS:. in Atlantic Ex. fC a. in l"it Mini Cliiraijo Ex. Ltaiiul Uurj. m j Denier Ks li) p. m Litnitrd 2S-S p. in ;.-:t.r. i. in :li p. m I l?.t Mnil ' t. tn I.1NOOI.S. COI.UMIH'S NU.NIOfV CITV. iuwiKr arnvt-M Sioux I it li:l- p. m lenvTi"oliuiilii-' for Lmc'n 7iJ0 p. in " arrive from Linooln . . Ti$) p. ni " mvi for Siom City fifla. in Mixwl la.- for Sioux City li-Jila. in Mimwl KITIV. lost J p. Ill i KOIt ALBION AND C'hMH ltM'MIS. PuiMiirr Ijivim Minl l.:irt Iiu"4in;-r arrive Mixed ariivc . '.i-ir. p. in. tiTtn. in. V2-M p. in. h:2i) p. in. Sonet tj glothes. j-y-All initio- under this headiui: will le cliHrKi nt the rate of J u jear. s LKIttNON I.OIM'K No..'.-. A. F..V A. M. g&w IW'dnr meetim;-"M Wedw-liij m earli TLj inniitli. AM brethren to iitt.iul. c. ii. siilimin, .y. M. II. Whitk. S'-c'y. -'l)J"1 . . WU.DKY LOIHiiCNo. u. I.o.o. l. -S50SMk meet Tilexda vohiukh of eaeli &Hwfk at th.-ir Imil on Tliirt.-nth J:1" utrift. ViMititiK brethren i-ordiall) invited. II. J. IIudm.n, V .. II. A. MtTKLLKR. Sec'j. J.jHIl'.ll-tf REOKC.ANlZEDCIIUItCII OF LATTKU-IUY HiiintH liold reiruhir wrvirw everj biindny ht at 2 p. n.. pnij-r in.i-tint; on Wednesday evening their clmsx'i.corniTof North Mreet ami l"Jiwhc Avenue. AH ureeonumij invneii. KMer II. J. llUJ.woN. President. lajulsa rSTUntil further notico, all mlver tisemenlH tinder this homl will W charg ed at Iho rate of live cents a lino o.-ich issue. We make this lower rate to con form with the limes. Tho ground hog could have seen his shadow Monday. Notes from District 11 got to ur. too late for this week. A party at 1. S. Grillin's last Monday evening. -C. W. Pearsall has purchased a new lteminglon typo writer. ymm Old newspapers ly the hundred, 2. "rW cents at the .TornxAi. otliee. Ladies' SK-ial Unitui meets at Mrs. m Friedhof's Thursday at ' p. in. yj A nice tract of land for rent near , Cornlcn. Inquire at this ollice. :it JN. Calllfcpit-eTMVohjTC ' - Duncan Clark's female minstiels are 1m Hiked t appear here Feb. i!Sth. Nl Dr. T. II. Clark, successor to Dr. T chug, Olive st. In illico at nights. V - Land for fanning this season is in - inure active demand since the snow. ?hHslIa"ruy joot1h'OH and JHiileNjtiUut HoirWwiMlor.v. J - liook.-i, 1 01.1, I'lanos, organs, newing Machines. K. D. Fit pat rick, Kith st. . j - Korouiak ltros. have renmveil their jBtock to th Henry buililing, coiner of Olive and 11th. .loo Drinnm now giacefully carries n Missouri ineerchaum, hiiving tiled of diuoking llavanas. Ijots 1 and '2, block HO, in Stevens jL addition for sale. Address 0. C. Nie- colls, Schuyler, Xebr. 4J-:JL A--Insure your property with North A Ohatnbcrs. They will place your policy ivith the best companies. C58tf Tim t 'oliitiilnivi f'.iniot lillllll lini I rented the Abts hall for their rehearsals. taking possession this week. -The celebrated Quick-Meal, and Monarch gasoline stoves, the best, in the market. For sale by A. Ikiettcher. 4tf - Scarlet fever at Central Ciy. Hosa, , daughter of .Tiidson Cullison, aged '. years, 11 mouths, died Jan. 2Hd. I have a good, large sized, lire- prMf safe, very conveniently arranged, P which 1 will sell cheap. Win. Iteeker. I -j-si-tf At the Methodist church, next Sun day, Itov. Worley; text for morning, Isiah, 1:3; evening, Psalms, cxix::0. invited. All Richard Kempter, D. D. S., practical V graduate dentist- Latest methods and V skilful workmanship, ti luck's block. Ollice in I. 14jan4 Be sure to renew your insuranco with North Ar Chambers. They will, in all respects, deal fairly by you, and pro tect your interests. IJStf The rotary snow plow, tho best known to railroaders, arrived from Oma ha Sunday, and has been doing good work on tho branches. Three companies of. soldiers from the north camo down Thursday and went west; we learn they go into winter quar ters at Salt Lake City. Schuyler has had three business failures this winter, the last leing of Theodore Mayer, dealer in clothing and gents furnishing goods. Judge Hensley issued marriage li censes Monday to Thomas Sokal and Miss Katie Gonka: Godfrey Fr'rscholr. and Miss Paulina Bucher. Mrs. C. J. Wagner near Platte Cen ter received a stroke of paralysis affect ing the limbs on one side of her Innly, but is in a fair way to recover. Next week we will find space for the last speech of Mr. Windom on "Our Country's Prosperity Dependent uiwn its Instruments of Commerce." Dr. A. J. Sanders was in tho city saiuruay, biuiiiuk "- " .ucuumu. ;""'See the doctor's advertisement elsewhere in The Jodksai. It speaks for itself. For Harrison wagons and Courtland "Ny spring wagons and buggies, call on J. A. lQuizmer, opposite Dowty's drug store. ne is sure to satisfy you in prices and quality. tf . f House and lot, with good barn and . sJ other out houses, for sale cheap for cash. TSmitlTs addition. Inquire at Arnold A: . " "Kohler's real estate office or at The Jouhnai. offi-e. 28jantf Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. District court began its session Monday afternoon, Judge A. M. Post, presiding. The regular panel of jurors were mostly conspicuous by their ab sence. Conductor Steve Overton is taking a lay-off on account of sickness, and Hugh Compton is running the Union Pacific passenger train in his 6tead. Norfolk News. Regular communication of Harmony Chapter No. i:i, O. E. S. Friday, Feb. Oth, at 8 p. m. All members are request ed to be present. By order of W. M. Maggie Mearher, Sec'y. The SK i City passenger train Mon day didn't get further than Platte Cen ter lecause of the snow, and returned to this city. The delay of trains lelates The Jouknal. this week. - Zinnecker Bros, have moved their bailor shop to the Early building on Twelfth btreet, where they will have more room for the accommodation of their increasing custom. A short time ago here men got anx ious, fearing that the ice crop would lie short this season. Now, ua wo write, Monday, Feb. 2d, the fear is that the ice crop will be too immense. Carl Khodo bought the .Toe SchiniU'. farm at tho administrator's sale Satur day for $3028,-100 acres. Four miles from the city, it is a bargaiu in land. It was si bad day for a sale. Ouess the winter will l)e severe enough, after all tho Italian weather we have had. A miscellaneous assortment of people must have variegated weather, '.all taj.tes are to be pleased. . y Any ono wishing a iiret-clai rvWon, Hiiitablo for a faiuilvor ii-i i wagon, also Hlfigh runners ailap -class spring delivery lapted to it, and a good single harness, can lie accom modated by calling on in. Becker. ing your job printing to TnE ukxai.. ollice. We nave exceueni ma terial, nice type to do work with, and tho 1 iest of new, job presses. Work done as promised, and satisfaction guaranteed. - -Joseph Krausc of Genoa was in town Thursday on his way homo from Omaha. Loran Clark of Albion was in tho same "boat." Omaha had a little snow, but got the rest of her moisture in tho shape of rain. ml II r th;iuuscvWvmlJhd;iw ftiefmleuce jer, The family of John Rynearson, liv ing near Madison, have lieen wonder fully aillicted, all four children having Ihhjii sick with diphtheria ami scarlet fever at the same time. All are now well again. Newell South of Humphrey met with a slight hurt the other day. Pre paring kindling, he struck a lmard on his knee, not noticing that it had a nail in it, until the nail struck him. No se rious damage. - "The Spy of Shiloh" was produced at Norfolk last Wednesday evening for the benefit of tho Sumpter camp Sons of Veterans of that place, under tho management of the veteran author and actor, Frank Howard. Tho Ladies Musicale had an infor mal meeting at Mrs. W. M. Cornelius's Monday evening. Only a few were prea ent, doubtless owing to tho severely-col weather. Same program, same place, next Monday evening. if some means can lie devised so that the fanner who raises sugar lieels can get something of the profit there is in the business, there will be considera ble land devoted to the purpose; other wise, not much any more. Rev. Ensign of Omaha preached at the M. E. church Sunday morning. At the close of his sermon, he presented the claims of the Nebraska Christian Ad vocate, a church paper recently started at Omaha by Rev J. W. Shank. A series of meetings will be held in the Methodist church beginning next Sunday evening and continuing till quarterly meeting, the Sunday following. Rev. Worley expects the presiding elder to bo present several evenings. The lioys will have their fun. Wed nesday, the Seward Reporter says, a tel egram was received there from Columbus announcing that "a snow nineteen feet tin the level had fallen" and that no trains would lie moved for six weeks. -Siime ono quoting the scripture, "The wicked stand in slippery places," to one who had just sat down on the sidewalk, retorted that the quotation must apply to tho quoter, it didn't to himself, because he was not standing. - Will. Ernst with a team of four horses drawing half a load of hay wsis the first man to break the road from the north. John Plumb, from the Turner farm, followed shortly afterward, b oven his four-horse team looked tired, Tuesdav last some sneak thief took from a secreted place the key to the res idence of Win. Jones, in his absence en tered the house and stole a valuable scarf-pin and $2 in cash. "Billy" thinks he can place his finger on the offender. The manufacturers of beet sugar must give a bigger divide to the people who raise the l)eets, or they must do their own raising. So far as experience is concerned, last year was sufficient. A little more of tho substantial results, next time. The alliance ticket for next fall, so far as we have heard it talked of is: For county judge, J. S. Freeman; sheriff, Fred. Jewell; sup't of schools, P. W. Hess: clerk of district court, W. Saun ders; county clerk, C. C. Carrig; treas urer, J. W. Lynch. "Fatty" Curtis went to Joliet town ship last week to serve papers for Sheriff Caldwell. We suppose that his heavy weight (something less than 400 pounds) would hardly allow him to venture forth in the snow, which on some levels is, at this writing, thirty inches. John Howard of California, Mo., sends to the Omaha Stockman what he thinks a preventive of hog cholera; says he never lost any hogs with cholera; he uses equal parts of copperas, saltpeter, sulphur and madder, pulverized fine and fed in salt or 6lop, a teaspoonfnl to the hog once a week when cholera is around. Mike Savage went ont to Grand Prairie bef -e the storm and got snowed in. He his way to Shell Creek, but found it very laborious- work. Here he took a little rest, then made himself a pair of snow shoes out of boards and came home in fine shape. A very decent pair of snow shoes can be made of bar rel staves. Children Cry for 1 Pitcher's Castoria. yT f t V I aiinoVea(lvfor,reiySug recVptilkgWr tV uixeyf IKln ly? CceeJwlowwDitf. amd wwNMalilWfierv tharWnstwMnid;yY Pnb on fox ' jw section arv pun AJnet treasurer.. 40-vU, We have in this city a veritable young Barnum, a twelve-years-old, Ne braska lad that will some day make his mark, in assisting his fellow-men to amuse themselves. He met a Journal reporter Friday morning and wanted to know the cost of an advertisement for a show, reading something like this: "On next Saturday there will be a minstrel show in Fuller's barn. The entertain ment will be preceded by a free exhibi tion on a tight rope. Admission to the show, five picture cards." Don be ashamed, boys, of your feeblest r rts in the way of rational amuseu.nt pure fun, alive. Every well-built man has passed through the same stage of preparation, and can relate you incident upon incident of life in "awful childhood dear" the improvised cirens, the me nagerie, the armies, the snow forts, the pitched battles, in which blows were given and blows were received, and real, red blood actually streamed from hurt noses; men say that they have put away childish things, but Pope suggests that perhaps the angels exhibit Newton much as we would an ape, and so, life is a matter of degree, after all, and not an essential difference in kind, the sports of youth become the serious business of older years; vigorous physical manhood ought to lie indicative of strong mental grip and spiritual strength, but don't forget young Coolidge's show next Sat urday at Fuller's barn. Once in a while refractory black guards who attend school wake up the wrong passenger, and it would bo a good thing for somo boys who go to school for mischief if they could be put through like Edgar Farmer, the teacher of the Mount Hope, Indiana, schools, did tho other day. The account of it says: "Quite a number of the older Doys in at tendance had been guilty of obscene con duct toward the young ladies of the school, and the facts coming to the no tice of the teacher he resolved to punish the guilty parties. He called out Chas. Delph, who is nearly grown, for the pur pose of thrashing him. As Delph left his seat he was joined by four of his schoolmates, when they all assaulted the teacher at once. Farmer knocked his assailants right and left, locked tho door, and, pulling off his coat, fought the en tire party single-handed, and succeeded in thoroughly subtitling the refractory pupils, but not until he had given each one a pair of black eyes and a bloody nose as mementos of his pugilistic skill. After the dust had settled the regular school programme was resumed as though nothing had occurred, and Mr. Farmer is master of the situation." It was a wonderful snow, that of Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Numerous old settlers comparing notes concluded they had never seen so much heavy snow, fall in so short a time. It fell here two feet on the level, and came down in a solid, business-like manner. The truth is we have never known what we regard so fortunate a thing for Ne braska. There had, for many months, iieen a comparatively light fall of rain, but this will give the 6oiI a most excel lent soaking and do no injury. soon and von - The Schuyler Herald says that Julia Parsons, the year old little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Parsons, is very sick with scarlet fever; also that the constant presence of diphtheria in Schuyler mer its the immediate attention of the city fathers. No city is justified in tempo rizing with that disease, and so long as valuable lives may be lost the authori ties should not cease in their efforts to get rid of one of the worst diseases that ever afflicted the little people. Fun is all riight, and really there is not much of it, unless there is some dan ger connected with it, but the fun should bo confined to those engaged in it, and not run riot against others. At Central City Thursday afternoon, so says the Nonpareil, T. L. Hanson was struck in the eye by a snow ball and suffered very severe injuries. The eye is badly hurt, lieing swelled entirely shut, but it is hoped the sight is not permanently injured. IV "G&Od mornftW, Mr. Stontofer.y Jr lf!fuftlinrnmrr iiuiptAr r m a viu ..... u..H, .ru. . r 1 Vl SliAVisifar 17W vWii .rot NJ t lia awe. .ixBKa..u. . Mr&ru E-.vmiA iiiv Vnlflir an.l Mt1ka vi,l uflVt Ima tio'AV" "VT"' fh" j-"m 'V"r i"-.w. ""hy, bless yoVr soul; weiavo not seen a fanner in witliwroduee fonu weeb'amT those fknt live cluWby come inVyvfiorse Jiack. Acusa settlalfact that UnR that domein 0Td willgeKa gooxf pri for buWtr ami eftira "Wnfcjlhad iiiVa liiml viio luvvji-mu i uir -viii ay "Wellou just snarl out tomy will'see. 4ffi Til furnish The Journal, The 'amily Journal and the Week- Inter-Ocean, one year, for 82.80, when paid in advance. Subscriptions received at any time. If you are not a subscrib er to The Journal don't wait till your subscription expires, but pay us enough to make it one year in advance, and add the Inter-Ocean, ono of the greatest and best family newspapers in the world. We learn in a letter from Wm. M. Brooks, president, that there is no thought of removing Tabor college, from Tabor, la. Since the first of Feb., 1890, fifty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-six dollars have been received in cash donations, from abroad, and the interest of the people of Tabor in the college has always been of the most sub stantial kind. Borowiak Bros, have 'removed their sioMf ot groceries to me tienry building. hreerloors west of their former place of business, and on the corner of Olive and 11th streets, where they can now be found. Thankful for the patronage they have received, they would be glad to see all their old customers, and as many new ones as desire good goods at fair prices. 42-3t Supt. Cramer started Saturday morning for Lindsay, to be present at the teachers' meeting there, but ,:ot as far as Humphrey, when he found there were no trains going his way., a there were no teachers present, the Supt. can go again "when the bloom is on the rye, and the tassel on the corn." James Reynolds, under sentence for fifteen days, Clint. Wilcox and Thomas Richards for thirty days each, are con fined in the Platte county jail. They are from Nance county, were sentenced on a charge of stealing hay, and were brought down Saturday by Sheriff Ma-Wbinney. PERSONAL. Al. Mitchell of Chicago is in the city. J. S. Wells was an Omaha visitor last week. G. G. Becher was at Humphrey Wed nesday. H. J. Hudson returned Monday from Omaha. J. M. Gondring was at Platto Center Sunday. R. R. Sutherland of Lincoln was in the city Saturday. W. E. Walton of Genoa was a sojourn er here Thursday. George Scheidel of Platte Center was a Columbus visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Bowman of Omah are visiting friends in the city. C. C. Nicco'.ls of Schuyler has been in the city several days on business. Chauncey Wilt, and family of Fnller ton returned Thursday from Florida. Miss Cora Harmon returned Friday from a visit to her parents at Fremont. County-Attorney I. L. Alliert was at Humphrey Saturday ou legal business. Hon. G. 1). Meiklejohn of Fullerton, was a Columbus sojourner Wednesday. R. Cunningham of Lincoln, formerly a resident here, was in the city Saturday. Nick Blaser arrived home Tuesday evening, looking in good health and spirits. Mrs. M. J. Thomas has returned from her extended visit to South Bend, Indiana. Hon. W. F. Cody was in the city yes terday morning on his way east. He has been appointed a commissioner of the World's fair, for Europe. Mrs. Inlay, mother of Mrs. C. W. Vance, came to Schuyler from Michigan last Saturday. She will hereafter make her homo in Columbus. "Schuyler Her ald. Clark Cooncy of Fullerton spent Sun day in the city. He brought his young daughter, Stella, with him, who will visit among friends here, during the diphtheria siege at Fullerton. A Horrible Crime. Tuesday night a fearful crime was committed at Clarks, Merrick county. A fiend iu human shape entered tho dwelling of J. B. Cowles, a banker at that place, taking from a window a pane of glass, loosening the fastening of tho window. A chisel was found, with which it is supposed tho glass was removed. Mr. Cowles, hearing a noise, got up to investigate and on opening a door was struck on tho forehead, evidently by a man witit brass knuckles. The robber or robliers stepped over Mr. Cowles's body and on into the bed-room to quiet Mrs. Cowles. Mr. Cowles does not know how long he lay unconscious, but when ho revived he seemed nearly frozen, and staggering to Jus feet, he returned to the bed-room to find his wife's lifeless hotly, with no marks of violence except the imprint of a hand upon her mouth and face. The little boy slept through it all. Tho bureau was ransacked. About $TA or 00 in cash was taken, but ap parently tho thief or thieves didn't want any jewelry, as two gold watches, dia mond ear rings, a diamond finger ring and othor articles of jewelry were dis placed but not taken. In the road wer found part of tho tools used, Mr. Cowles's pants and empty pockclliook, also a jewelry case with the jewelry still in it. There is no clue to tho fiend except that ho is a man of medium bight, had on a dark overcoat and slouch hat, and below the eyes was disguised with some sort of a mask. Mr. Cowles offers a reward of $1,000 for the conviction of the murderer, and the village authorities will doubtless add to the amount. Mr. Cowles is a banker at Chirks, and had resided there several years; liefore that ho was tho U. P. agent at Genoa, prior to that an employe of tho company in Saunders county; previous to that, a farmer in Platte county. His wife was a lady of very amiable disposition, and it is no wonder that Mr. Cowles is al most distracted with grief. Nick Blacer in a letter to Gus. Becher says that at Tacoma, Wash., ho met M. If. White, Georgo Wandell and tho Siegenthaler Bros.; at Colfax, John Knoliel; at Portland, G. Heitkemper, all doing well, and all contented. He thinks Oregon and Washington sro good, but that California beats all. They have flowers, fresh vegetables, salads, etc., in California, and although eggs are 0 and 40 cents a dozen, and butter as much per pound, good meals can be had for 25 cents, with wine at dinner, instead of coffee; wine sells at ol) to .r0 cents a gal lon. The most beautiful country he has seen was between Oregon City and Eugene, and tho best land near Salem. A picturesque journey it is, over the mountains from Washington to Cal ifornia. On the tops of tho mountains four thousand feet high, plenty of snow, while nt the foot everything is fresh and green. Last Wednesday night an interest ing incident at the U. P. depot attracted attention for a little while. Yardmaster Charles McCaffrey was out looking after trains, and in endeavoring to couple two cars, missed the connection, and at the same time was struck on the head. Feeling strange and faint, he got out of the way, and made for the depot. He didn't fall in a faint, but the feeling ho had was most queer and perplexing, and it seemed to him that his head had lieen squeezed lietween the cars, and yet he couldn't just make out how it was. When he entered the depot, he got the laugh from everybody, and to his dazed expression they answered him that his hat was crowned with a stack of snow that gave him a very odd appearance. The bumping of the cars together, had thrown the snow on him, imagination had done the remainder. C. L. S. C. i'nigram. Fell. III. 18JI. Roll call. Quotations from Goldsmith. Table Talk The First English Novels. Sketch Burns and his Works. Miss Clara Weaver. Eng. Hist. Chap. XVI. H. Hocken berger. Reading The Coronation of George III. Dr. Voss. Paper A Peasant Striker of the Four teenth Century. G. W. Woodbury."- Chancer to Tennyson, Chap. VI. Mrs. L. J. Cramer. English Phrase and Table. January Ques. Table. I Meet at L. J. Cramer's. The business and professional men of Platte and adjoining counties, which, of course, includes everybody who has business to transact with newspapers, or through newspapers with the public; all who wish to reach the public for purpo poses of their own individual concern, are hereby informed that we will dupli cate the prices of any of our contempo raries. This refers to advertising and to rates for job work of all kinds. Locals 5 cents a line; displayed advertisements running for a few issues, 25 cents an inch, single-column, first issue; two thirds thiit, each subsequent issue. We have no old job-presses, and do the best of commercial and legal printing. tf The Shining l.isliN world, soldiers, statesmen and :, all write in the most ex travagant praise of our facilities for travel in America. And we are entitled to tho praise. On every English line there is the samo old dusty lunch coun ter, known by all tourists for these many years. Not even a drink of water, nor a crust of bread to be had on the train. No wonder our trans-atlantic friends express amazement when they sit down to a hotel dinner on ono of tho palace dining cars on the Union and Southern Pacific railways- an arrangement which is the most perfect in the country today. uliitlon. 21jan-3t Itch cured in "50 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by C. B Stilhuan, druggist. 2(inovlyr MARRIED. FKISCIIOI-ltUCIIKK- Fib. :t, 10 n. m.. at St. llimtivftittim Catholic i:hurr!i, liy lttv. I'n I'itiviii Kolmeu, . FriM-holi ami Mi-ul'auliua Hnrher. Tlio li:iiy con il.' have tin; kmk1 wi.-iht of their liu-itrf of frii'iidrt fur :i Iihik nnil rHiirrns life-journey together. COLUMBUS MARKETS. tfi'"Oiirimttieiii.if thiMiiarkelxiireolttained Tutelar aftoruonn.nuil art- eorreot mill roliablo at thetiine. CHAIN, hTO, Whont Corn Oatn Kr Flour Hntttr Ekki I'lltntdl'rt ... Fat Iiorh.. Fat cmvf ... Fat ahivp.. Fat stis-TH. FcmIith .... IflllllH.... .. 8houl(lers . Siilet; It VI XI M ?Z 10Q3 UO 1W 1. . IPOiil'J.-. f'-,:rr.'.w ir.witxi $:i :au i oo j u: so H10 lift I2i I'llODUOK. LITKSTOOK. MEATS. justness polices. AilvortiBiMiionts iimler thin hcail five contf n lini'cacli iiiHertion. M.oi'llll.TZ nmkfs IwHitminil Khm-cintho Im'mI Htili-M. anil ugrn only the very l-rit wt.Vk that can lx iiroeinvil in the market. .VJ-tf FINAL I'KOOF. l.:mil Ofiircat Cram! Ii.laml, Neli., January 27. 1M"1. Ikttire in hrrrliy giii-ii that tlic foIlowiiiK- imntal mIIIit lias liliii notiivoi iiih inieiiiioa iu nmki-Minal proof in mipx:rt of his claim, unit that wii.l proof will lie intuh before clerk of tho tlibtrict court, at ('olninbiis. Neb.. on .March Pith, l-'.'l, viz: John J. Eiwiiinnuu, hoineatenil Hit'ilT., for the N. W. U wction SO.-17,-2w. Ho nainm the following witnuMsfH to prove bin continuous rifiilciHv upon ami cultivation of, wihl laml. viz: Christ iun Itie-n. Frederick Ileruer, John Hung, ('liarln Diihter, all of Duncan, Neb. Any person wholf!ire to protest mj.iinxt the allowance of hiicIi proof, or who knows of nuy MibHtantial reason, under the law ami the ref lation of the Interior Department, why hul-Ii proof hhouhl not lie allowed, will be Kiven an opixirtuuity at the above mentioned time and place to crosa-einniiliH the witnessed of said claimant, and to otter evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. Fl(NKI.IN Sweet. 4feb'.t Kei?iter. I.KIJAIi NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: The Hoard of Suiiervietore of Platte county, Nebraska, iu regular set-sion January 15, ImVI, declared lie-following lines oiened as a public road: t'ontm.'nciuKat theS. K. corner of wclion 11, town J0. ratine east, and running thence due north on section line one (1) mile anil terminat ing at tho N. K. corner of section 11, town "JO, range 1 east, and to lie known and designated as the "Powers Koad." Now all claims for damages, or objections thereto, must lw lild iu the county clerk's ollice of Platte county, Nebraska, on or before noon March JI, ls".'l, or the road may be duly located without reference thereto. Dated Columbus, Neb., January 15, ISM. (t. W. I'Ull.l.II'S. &janlt County Cleric. Dr. A. J. Sanders, Wii" 'I .-M Hl-1D -SPECIALIST IX- -nilADUATE OF- LONfi I5UH0 COLLEGE BOSFIT&L, H.7. Three Years Hospitalism. Recently from University of Vienna, Austria. r. o. box a:i. GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. HEFEUEXCKS: .1. D.MoonE, I'res. of Bank of Commerce. H. C. Howakd. Manager of U. l Shops. V. 11. Puvrr. Mayor of lirnud Island. Chas. Hikf, Kepresentntive. S. N. WoLUtcu, State Senator. (iF.o. H. Cai.dwkll, County Judge. iSThose who have lieen sufferers for years and have been the rounds of the profession at home, without receiving relief from ordinary tuethods of treatment, are especially invited to call. Ji.Allof our patients may expect to receive goodeare, careful treatment and square dealing from a business standpoint, as we always exjiect to give value received so far as possible. Will beat the Meridian, Saturday, March 7th, And at HKLLWOOD. Thursday, March fi. JSCj.neultntion free. Address, Da. A. J. SANDERS. rniLi.n ..1.1 meiioi mirs V Nolire of Hiss Nofice isl herebyi'given that ho"fcart nershipxisting lietwen theunder sigirad, doKg business fundpr tlV firm name jyilstW ojf SclLirb-Jth lyrahstji, prior to (hircliSutli, VVMliXavasonwt day dissovlby uVutuAl coiVn, allYc coitnts die tliXtirtit i'ing ilaVd in lie handV tiff C J.tUarldwsq., foKcolec- X Vl. F. SanAFritoxH. X LEOPOLirULATH. fW v-MttwzcjrrT-r -"K- E10I B . Box 23, Grand Island, Nab. 20slgimp LEGAL NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: The Boani or Supervisors of FNtte conntr, Nebraska, in regular hcmiod January 1. IWI, declared opened the following section line as a public road, viz: Commencing at 8. E. corner of section li). town 'M, range 1 west, and running thtnee west on section lines to S. V. corner of section i town "JO, range 1 west, and known and designated as the "DrUcolI Koad.' Now all objections thereto, or claims for dam agi caused Uiereby must bo filed in the county clerk's office of Platte county, Nebraska, on or before noon March -I, A. I). ISM. or the said road may lie duly located without further refer ence thereto. Dated Columbus, Neb.. January 11, l.l. n ur i)tf t ,im 2$jan4t County Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE. Tha Board of Smierviaors in regular session January tiUi, 1V1, declared opened as public roads: I I. Corninncing nt S. Wt comerof section , town 17, rangevl west, and 'running thence due north on section HuA andXteyminating at the I jotip Fork river and knowniftnd designated as t he -..McKira KoaJi" 7 II. Commenting at S.r. comer of section 13, town 1C, rann 4 westbd running thence due east on section line two. (2) mi lea, thence north one (1) mile and terminating at N; E. corner of section 17, town IS. range t west, and known and designated as tire A. (i. Johnson IhwvL" Now all objections thereto or claims for darn ages caused thptebr must lie tihd in the county clerk's oflictMif l'latte county, Nebraska, on wr before noo. March ltith, A. I). 181, or tho final location of the above dmcribed roads or either of theuirttiay be made without reference thereto. Dated Columbus, Neb., January It), ISM. (8. V. Phillips, JlljanTUUt County Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: , TluAspecial commissioner appointed to view and report Mn the practicability of locating a public roud commencing at a ixiinf two C-) rods east of tho northwest corner of NE. lt of seetiou J7, town 17,. range I w6t, running thence due south bOroiw, thence dueosL one-half (H) mile to tho east Iiua of said seclfou 27, thence due south on'aectiorline until same intersects the "Lisco BoaiL" and known and designated as the "(juiawa Koad," has reortd favorably uium said location. ,' Alfio the same commissioner was instructed to report tioa the practicability of vacating nil that part of tho "Vyfot Loup Itoad, commencing at the N. W. ourarr of NXE. of said section 27, town 17, range west, aml running thence diag onally across mid section, and has 'filed his reisirt recommencing thevyueatioa thus set forth. V Now all object ionit hereto, oHrlajms for dam ages caused by the location or vautionof either of the aliuve described roaili. musfNbe tihil in the county clerk's office of l'latte cirfinjjC Nebraska, on or before noon "tlarcli'lfith, A. Ulb'.'l, or the location and vacation called 'for, or either of them as the case may lie, may, be made without reference thereto. Dated Columbus, Neb., Januar) 10. 1M. (8. Y. I'liiLLirs, JlljanTlrijanit County Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE. At a regular meeting of the Board of Suiht visors of Flatte county, Nebraska, held at the court house in Columbus on January 1Mb, ISM, the following estimate of funds necessary to de fray county exenss for the ensuing jeur was iinHtiiiiiousIy adopted by the Board, viz: Exienses tor district court, etc . . $ 13,000 IM " " MipHrt of MNir tl.UOtl 00 " officers' salary, fuel, etc. ".WW to " records, stationery, etc . 2,000 00 ' examining county rec ords .1.000 UU Total general fund ,UU 00 ,000 IW .000 00 For county road fuud bridge " For payment of interval on $sri,wo I.. X N. V. Ifatilwuy re-funding bonds. For iaiiient of iuterest and r .er cent principal on $l.',ou0 Butler precinct im milt For iNtyinent of interest on Ji".,0U0 Co lumbus precinct lionds For payment of interest on f 10,1 WO Co lumbus township bridge bonds For soldiers relief fund 8 1.V 5,000 Ut 3.000 00 2.0U) 11) 2.UU0 00 HU0 CO Grand total Jrts.WWUI tA true copy.) By order of the Board of Siierv isors. Dated Columbus, Neb., January l.", 1-iUI. G. W. I'm I.I.I I'M. 2Sjanlt County Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE. nf the district court of Platte county. Nebraska. Daniel tggleston, t'l.untnt, vs. imel t'oliocK, .louiiii. i ii iocs. .iuu i ..i. .uc- Cov. Defendants. SainVel Pollock, one of thedefentlants in tiie alsive ent it hi I action, will take notice that on the Uth day of DeoemUT. 1W. Daniel Eggleston. plaintiff herein, tiled his petition in the ilistrict court of Platte county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to set aside the instrument purMirting to lie the deed of this plaintiff to said Samuel Pollock, and a conveyance f nun Samuel Pollock to John G. Pollock and the conveyance from John (J. Pollock to C. J. McCoy, anil that each of baid conveyances, as well as the pretended deisl from this plaintiff to said Samuel Pollock be declared null and void, and of no force nor effect whatev er, and that the title to Iots." and ti in block KV, known as the Lindell Hotel procrty situated in the town of Columbus, Platte couuty. Neb., lie ijuieted ill this plaintiff, and that the assignment of this plaintiff to Samuel Pollock of the rights to the rents from said hotel proiierty be declared null and void, and that it Is; cancelled, and this plaintiff lie put in imasession or said prcmiwH, or that an order issue commandingsjiid C. J. McCoy to uiy tho rents and pnttitsinto court for the use ami benefit of said plaintiff, and fif such other and further and different relief .as eiiuity may require. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 17th day of March, lJI. Dated Feb. 3. ISM. DANIEL EGGLESTON. By Woosi.v and Hitfiu.NS V G iui.ow, Att'ys. 4fel- 1UK 1'IUIIIW U." fhc figure 9 in our dates will make a long stay. No man or woman now living will ever date a locument without using the figure 0. It stands in the third place in 1880, where it will remain ten years and then move up to second place in 1800, where it will rest for one hundred years. There is another "9" which has also come to stay. It Is unlike the figure 9 in our dates in the respect that it has already moved up to first place, where It will permanently remain. It Is called the "No. i" High Ann Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine. The "No. 9" was endorsed for first place by the experts of Europe at the Paris Exposition of 1889, where, after a severecontest with the leading ma chines of the world, it was awarded tho only Grand Prize given to family sewing machines, all others on exhibit liaving received lower awards of gold medals, etc. The French Government also recognized its superiority by thedecoration of Jl r. Nathaniel Wheeler, President of the company, with the Cross of the Legion of Honor. Tho "No. 9" is not an old machine improved upon, but is an entirely new machine, and tho Gruml Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grand est advance in sewing machine mechanism of the ngc. Those who buy it can rest assured, there, fore, of liaving the very latest and best. WHEELER & WILSON M'FG CO., 185 and 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago SOLD IW ti. W. K1BLEK, Leigh. Nohr. 23apr''.-72t GROCERIES ! ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL AND NEW LINE OK UKOCK1UK8 WELL SELECTED. FRUITS! CANNED AND DK1ED, OF ALL KINDS (I UAKANTEKD TO UK OF HKST QUALITY. DRY GOODS ! A (iOOD AND WELL SELECTED STOCK AL WAYS AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP EST. ALSO BOOTS & SHOES ! THAT DEFY COSIPETITION. BUTTER AND EGGS And all kinIa of country iroltir tak-n in trad anil all KwlMilelivertJ fret-of charge to any part of tlm city. PLOUE! KEEP ONLY THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUB 10-tf J-i.lErLMH4-f 1 A - Sflttil - Stint ! We have just linishetl our inventory anil although only nine months in business, we wager to sav that we have sold MORE CLOTHING than any other house in Platte County. This statement is very encouraging for us to make and we will tell you the reasons why we have sold more: i?TRST We are the only exclusive Clothing House in Platte County. SECOND We carry a larger assort ment. THIRDOur Prices are the Lowest. FOURTHOur fit is better. FIFTHOur goods are all tailor made, and trimmed superior. SIXTH On account of our one-price system which applies to every one. THESE ARE FACTS ! And can not be disputed. We have decided to give you a big benefit after January 1st, in the shape of a 25 pir Ctflt disctwit on Suits g Overcoats, and hope you will avail yourself of this grand opportunity. This is a bona fide sale, and these goods must be sold under any circumstances. We must have room for SPRING - GOODS ! Now is the time to buy clothing at your own price. Remember, all our goods are marked in . so you won't be deceived. Maurice A. Mayer, THE - GLOBE - CLOTHIER, Thirteenth St., Columbus, Neb. n W oil Pair C 9 3.. fZ & W5 -r, v isi i CD Goo """a""" 1 hi CP Cl p-L o3 OO p ; a CD P PcT B op? CDg op CO 03 p o 2S O eo 3 "" 8 p B 09 t 09 p $ CDgi hCD 1US.Q. BKCBER. Established lttJO. GUS. G. BECHER & CO., Farm : and : City : Loans -ii-nd. "E3ea,l Bsta.te. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. MONEY TO LOAN ON FAKMSat lnwint ratM of iritwrvt, on Mmrl or I-n timf, in mnoiiiit to Mitt ajilii'antK. COMPLETE AHSTKACTS OF TITLE to all ett in Plattt.iounty. Notary I'nlti-h1whh in rhV-. Farm anil city irox-rty for naif. Mukn collvt:tion of foreiKn inWitanc and wll oteiiuioliio tickvtn to and from all .nrt of r.umpe. julSitf SPEICE General Agents for the tale of Union Paeiie and Mldlaad Pacific R. It. Land fcr m1 at from 3.08 to f 10.00 pr acre for caak or on five or tea year tima. in annual paymentn to eoit parchanera. W have alao a large and cnoiot lot of other lands, improjed and nuiuiproTed. for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. All business and residence lots in the city. We keep a complete abstract of title to all real estate it Platte County. COLUMBUS, W.T. RICKLY Wholesale and O Gaae, Ptiltrj, aid Fresh Fish. All Kiitb f Saisage a Specialty. IVCash paid for Hides, Pelts. Tallow. Uishsst market price paid for fat Olive Street, twe Deere Nerta ef tke Pint Natieial Baak. iiMraHKiaM--------L l Q CD CD P o CO o AND IJCOfOLO JJtlUUi & OKTH, NEBRASKA. 621 Retail Dealer. la