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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1889)
Sf-Fils " HMBBBMHHIHHaiBBiBHHHHMHHHHBHaBMHHHHHBHBai 4i -4 53afc 4: -e- , , (v - .-. , f -- jfc- - - -, , j,-"'". ,w "Wr - - c r - - - J 3 '1. i i . t ? fi t."ii' VOL. XX.-NO.-24. COLUMBUS, NER, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1889. WHOLE NO. 1,012. " 3pv 2f -1 r , - :. smvsawmmr mmV .mmmmrammut " snaaaaaav micm, --Bb - ""tBaaaa"aaeeea BaKi '.aamY mmt "ms - -1 17 it tit nrrinz mm mi . v . I 1 fe:. h. .! K COLltMBUS STATE BANK. COLUMBUS, NEB. - Cftsh Capital - $100,000. I Tiff 6HUUSD, PntF -4 -3 JCH. W. HDLBT. Vica Pra't. JUL108 A. BEED. B. H. HENRY. J. E. TA3KER, Cashier. br ftU iamtn. Psy laterMt Time -ill CmOBULBM OF- COLUMBUS, NEB., -HAS AN- Aatkorized Capital ofMMKH) PaM i Capital - !MMM OFFICERS: C. H. SHELDON. Pres't. H. PH. OHLRICH, Vice Prea. a A. NEWMAN, Outhier. . DANIEL SCHRAM, Am't Cash. STOCKHOLDERS: C. H. SbridoB. J. P. Becker, . Uermaa P. JLOehlrich, CmtI Binkr. Juum Wrfch, W. A. McAlliHtor. J. Htmrr Wcrdmaan, H. M. Winalow, Gram W. Galle-. S. C. Grvjr. Fraak Botpt, Arnold F. H. Oehlnch. SW Bask of deposit; interest allowed on time dtnMiit8; boy and ttell exchanire on United Statos and Europe, and bar and sell available Hecurities. . We aball be pleased to receive yonr baHinese. We oUcit joar patroBaRC 2Bdec87 FOBTHE WESTERN GOnAGE ORGAN CALL OS A. & M.TURNER r d. W. KIBLEB, TrBTcHiK ivJeaaua. taTTkaaa miaiis are first class in every par tiealar, sad so Aaara&teed. SCUFrWn PUTI, DCALXSSCI WIND MILLS, MWBTy COBnNnBMy 5WIT ' BfBrB Ww iWIBw. lf air4 ihrt aatiee of Heintz's Drajr Store. 11th Mee. -naovavtf FITS! : SIXSSBTAKSB ! 9M OOLDMaamV m4 Bxchsace. I CURE Bin -a lSAJf AKADICAL CCSX. .BrKflfeBlaaBVsfsl BbBBBBBbhBbVBBB9w. m bbbbVIkbv aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB' ''iTaBVfsBBBBBBBBBBBv eIbbbbb39b1bbbbbbbbb Emn. terorertks) Krta.T God's aa VeaoH, who roas freei taaaaaa of aU beauty and heir to devotloa. Xlr aame, as the name of sweat Lava, is a asaasi Where'er thermay be. thy cfaUorea breathe fas To bear of thy crhuaph or worol disaster. No foster lands weaa thy levers from Msea. No home of adeptioa caa dear to these be As thou art, the baaatiful child of aw! I loe thee. I love thsa, lair land of jbj latmm. " Gmeeeat aad loveliest isle of the earth. Erta. say ceausry. far orer the sea, Erh loved Krte.Gorsbkiaicoa the! " CitRhla ma chree. cuahla ma chreet' ' ' -Susie M. Best In Boston Transcript. LUKE JUDKIN'S EM "Toaghr He's all made o' whip cord, I tell ye. Laktt O' course bell last. Aint be over 'JO a'readyf Smart' Sea 'm out there now a-playiu' croky he an' Henery Green! Henery in a babe as compared with Luke, an' Heuery is over 7X. Tell never opea the new cem'terr- with- sssaarftMl jw. " IMsrawTwaF waitin'." , ', " ,. The luidertakar moved, a quid oL tobacco slowly from one side of his long lantern jaw to the other as he replied, dubiously: "The new cimetery folks say that the folks to Ease Village ain't respondin as they bed ought to the new enterprise." "Waal, they hednt ought to callate oa old Luke, anyhow." The speakers sat on the steps of Enoch Johnson's store in East Village, and looked across the green to where two old mem ware playing croquet a game not yet extinct in the mountain farming districts of Vermont. Pretty soon a quarrel seemed to spring up between the players; loud words rang oat under the elms; then came a fierce inter change of blows. The undertaker and Enoch Johnson stood up on the store steps to watch the contest at better advantage, Presently Enoch said, as if apostrophizing: "Thet Luke Judkin's the consarnedest, cussedest, peskiest old critter! Henery is hurted, and here comes Luke with a broken mallet. Shouldn't won der ef he'd say Henery was all to blame. Spry? Aintbespryl D'ye ever bear about bis dog? He's cuter than old Luke himself. Here the old reskill comes. HTo, LukeP "Hlo, Enoch! How's folksr Luke Judkin briskly walked up to the store, holding the parts or a broken mallet handle in his hands. He was the picture of that agile, athletic old age which so often obtains at the present day among the "hill farms" in Vermont. His nose and chin betrayed a ludicrous intimacy. His back was bent with the weight of years. His bands had grown into long, unsightly claws. The day was hot and it was midday, but the son at 110 de grees only sufficed to pleasantly warm the bald head of the old man, whose sharp-little eyes in their cavernous sockets gleamed up at the storekeeper in keen recognition. "Been a-playin crokyr answered Enoch, not replying according to East Village .eti quette to the old man's inquiry concerning his "folks." "Yes; beat Henery Green three games runnin'," said Luke. "Would 'a beat a fourth only Henery be said I cheated. Tw'an't no sich a thing 1" and his eyes blink ed savagely, like the eyeballs of an antiquat ed parrot. "I didn't cheat no more 'n' no less t"i he did." "Come to blows, ehf" "Yas. TwaVt nothin'. Stack our mal lets together a leetle. Say, Enoch, measure me out a cent's worth o' glue Henery broke my handle." "I'd like to see that cent," drawled Enoch, slowly rising and meandering within his store for the glue. Lake took a seat on the steps, near the un dertaker, and proceeded to wipe his perspir ing face with his shirt sk-eve. The under taker looked him over professionally a mo ment; then said, musingly, "Luke,- what is your measure i Five foot seven au' a barf or five eight on' a harf f He put the ques tion casually, as if not personally interested. "Mr: Stopples, you got money in thet new cem'tery enterprise, ain't yet" Mr. Stapples allowed he had "a few han derd." "Waal, tain't nothin1 to you what I mass-, ure. I cal'latu I ken tire out any cem'tery enterprise as has started to East Village, an' when I decease I purpose bein' buried to Weston." "Shot" Mr. Stapples leaned over and picked up a straw, to conceal his feeling of disappointment and vexation. . "I'm agin all them new fangled patent iron moniments an' iron nxnVs, an agin all this 'ere flummery folks is talkin' about. The old fashioned marble head stuns is plenty goodtauT. Tbers altogether too much fancy flxin' to the new cem'tery. I'm agin fountain play into a cemtery yes I be I an' ef the old . berryin ground's full, as tbey say, I'm a-goin' to Weston." "Shot" again ejaculated the undertaker, in an undertone. "Shouldn't think you'd like to make yourself so unpopular." "What's folks to East Village ever done for me? I ain't a-goin' to do nothin' for them no I ain't!" "We had hoped," urged the undertaker, "that you'd open oar new cimetery, an' we callatad f nave the Weston band." "Taint no use argufyin'," said Luke, stubbornly. "A band, an' a adress by the Methodist an' Presbyterian ministers," softly smiled Mr. Stapples. Luke moved uneasily on the step. "A adress makin' mention of your noble carrickter, an' praisin' of It, an' makin' oat as now you were a great philanthropeed," smiled Mr. Stopples, affably. "A wmat srtr" asked Lake, quickly tarn iBghkaiMrp, discrediting eyes fall upon the undertaker. "A phj-kathropeed I callata cm what is a sorter magnLt" Old Lake began to chuckle well within himself. "Me a magait'n East Village P be grinned. "Why, I cant get trust for a bag o' oats!" Enoch came out with the glue done ap in a bit of brown paper. "Guest ye hnrtsa Hen ery, ye old sinner," said he, looking across the green. "There's Marier a-deia' his bead up in a banksher. Look's though his skull was cracked darn me eft dont!" "Hope tk," said Luke. "He'd no bizaest to say I cheated. Why, croky aiat no fun oaless ye cheat some; an' TTiaery, he's wots fclba." "WaaL" said Enoch, slowly, "folks know yeo-a! aa' I guess Heaery's mostwise ia the right. Say, IkA kre'stsM glue; aowwaarea aeeaatr Old Lake felt about ia his breeches pockets for some i, apparently to no purpose. Then be felt in his boot top and palled oat a dirty aad much. laangVri f3 bill. "Here, Eaoch; give aw four doller. aad aiiiisty-nine cents rhaage" an apthebilL EacK&laagLMasicUylaaca. "Yeou I haint got the change," he said; "bat W ealbageaatertiuebffl,aa'yeeacaalatstgo agin oar akoaat taet there forty-nine doltr aa' eighty-MX cents for store projace aa has sto:d fer le's t Mure year ail' over." Luke quickly throat the aOl teto ms traaw rs pocket I. call ye to witness, Mr. Stan lee. I fcMidered tbo caku. Yes, I did: an' now,, JuKcix. le' have :iie glue." -Lea awrtbabOL like snook hk "Ufa bwL mo glue,1 "WaaLms ztaevma aamwsaaalW "Hmol at jw old games, aiat ja!" Enoch; aad be gbeiaadweJkxd back sate ft grinaan Tr-im ass do get aa Bat soaw day, L aaaOma i0smfJH SaBBaaaataV beawro'mest."saU iaamsarll PlaciagtaeglBeiahai pocket he walked rapidlr acroat the toward ais bara.' "nfmmmmrt -' - ftk. "an' no mistake; bat TcaFlato US tery smarter a him. It kaa.wait loagera be ken, an' he sawwi it I caTlaat rdtd abem talks a good tnra wfeea rpat ia wortl about abrambaadaa!imeowitina Lake kinder pricked up bai easa, I awi" Eaoab shook bmaaad.' ' "Jfo; hall lioat yoa atlksyec,"hesahL "HeTltrstkyesomeway." Bhartiag hk eyes warn aatbaaw.mmni-hlniilrail dowatheroad.'"Daramaef bisdorg aat Lake to sst Vmager "Taiat no mam; lta a Ysa, LaaVs eate,ba bit dorg-kVs catorLuka. 'Batbotb oa 'em are a pair. Land! see thet dorgsawakhoahidm'behint gaaa, bea beaa sold agin far ave dollar the bill ye see Lake ber-aa' l nam' boast far to- be anld agin! Why, Luke's made forty dollars oataa thet p'intar buade.o' three moarba, to my aartin i aasa "ine same aorgr- "Yep. Issa'mssUthep'iamryestiddy to HaakSpmk. Haaka a feller aa wont stand aonassaasataetther. Haak drarosT with the dorg-m Us "baggy, aha ' kinder ertho'heknowedwbatto do without bain' told. Now he's liack,s' Luke 11 try aa' sell 'magmtoaoaMfotMaJaretheweakaoat." "Iswaal That's iiniattn'." ."Cheatia'l LahaU cheat the store teeth outeahtograather. Why , bea the cam tbey renngMlnd into the war far paham' .off shoe pegs oa go verameat bomaa far oam. An' ye ought to hear him brae; o sbeaa war timasl I shouldered a gun, but he never saw Dixie's land 'cept as a sutler, aa' now he's a-Uvin' off H piiinn ha grit 'rim h Hsliwil haw in jured in the Wikkent, beta' tarowed heavy in a wrastlia' match he war allot wrastlln' an p"' a shoulder blade, which be gem tea dollars a month for .ever seace. P'raps thet five dollar bill was dorg. money ; p'raps it was gn f 'i af tif money; guest likely dorg money I daa know." "Poor ma outagalkm o mohwaes," taid the undertaker, as he rose to ga' "Guem ef Luke's a reskiUwadoatwaat tar opea oar new limilij wtth ma taoh a carrickter. We'd better be lookia' around far a corpse at we ken praise ap without lym' about. Sbo! The Tillage hi to derm healthy, an' were waited an' watted, aa spent oar money aad the undertaker heaved a deep sign. "WaaL better look far another corpse aa aiat a reskilL an' kaaut soM a dorg over a tunes," lenghnrt Eaoch, aa the mo slowly drained from the bogsfaeadiuto the undertaker's jog. "Luke would spile any cemtery. Guess folks to Weston wont tbaak Lake much far ais chooatn'. Gaem likely bell be forced to try the new enter prise arter aU." An empty farm wagon drove by la the dusty road, maJmajm great clatter aad ob scuring Lukes boats and barn across the green in a cloud of datt. When the dust rose and they could see .be neath it, Labs could be seta leading ha painter into the barn. Ha sessaed to bit in somewhat of a harry, and the dog proving unwilling, he led the animal quickly back into the house, At toe same moment a horse man rode furiously up to the store, threw himself off his horse, and shoated to Enoch, who stood cm his door step, scarcely tea feet awayiHlcvEaoch! fleeaaaytatngof my p'inter I bought o' Luke Judkin fer live dol lars" "Cheap dorg!" grinned Enoch, in reply. "Bought Im hut Thursday, an' here 'tis Tuesday, an' the dorg run off. I suspect Lakes got 1m back. Ef the confiarned res kill baa gone an' dons me, 111111" The speaker, a tall, thin, athletic young far mer, gave a quick soring to hte arm as be .spoke, indicative of the punishment he would inflict opou old Luke Judkin If found de linquent. "Hank Spink, you'd orter know betterti to try an' buy thet dorg. Menny hex tried it," said Enoch, "an not one on em's ever bed much success. Yoa carrnt buy thet dorg. Haak; you carrnt do itl The dorg too smart. Yes, I see thet dorg not a few minim ago. Guess he's to Luke's barn now." "Well, I guest I boaghtea the dorg; aa' ni hev the dorg, or 111 berths law outer Laker The undertaker smiled. "Mebbe as yoa kenaraataaorg!nheaald. "As for Luke, he 'aint done nothin'; its the dorg's fault" Hank Spink scratched hie head. "I aint no lawyer shark, but guess I know 'nuff, to know thet dorg's boughten an' paid for; an' he's toy dorg, an 111 get 1m oaten Luke's bara, or Luke gets a lickin', one or t'other!" sakl Hank, angrily, striding across the green toward Luke Judlda's white house and dingy gray barn. The others followed. Enoch was altogether too much mterested ia the event of the "dorg" matter to heatste a moment about the need of tendu' bis store. Perceiving his departure, half a dosen young urchins, stroll ing homeward from a bath and swim in a neighboring stream, stole into the store and slyly helped themselves to "Jackson balls" and Tastes cakes in the window. Hot content with these swoem,they daabed their faces with bout, and arrayed themselves in the yellow tarpaulin suits which hung oyer the counter. .But if the urchins were having a good time, the ill concealed look of aasassmeat in honest Enoch's face as ha irraal the green also showed that he too was enjoying bun self, perhaps equally well. "I'd like to see bow Hank 11' go to work," be laughed. "Hank's mad, aa' Lake aint no metre for him in a bare stand op fight Bat Luke's tricky. Hankll never git the dorg! You sbs, Mr. Stapples, itll take a sheriff aa' a to fetch the dorg away-aa' I was i' to say a bull jedge an' jury to hold 1ml Luke is game, be is. Guem he's got thedorgbJd away by this time. Sbo! here How wants ha a-dota' off" for old Luke's shrewdness found vent a laomeat later ia a hearty 'slip upon bis thigh. Lake advanced toward Hank Sfask with a hearty treble "How-tar-door and a hand shahs which, by its warmth of feeling, quickly dhawmedths smlwarf yoamg fatsatr. "So ye forgot to tie the dors; aftdid yal Waal, he's come home. Yet be ham. Haak, ye dkhVt feed him 'nuff Virtiea, Marisr, sbs used to feed himtoonrach;atBlaaeteB;,bs Uhssrittles; to he's ram eat, I s?past.P 'es.Iccaassrfttrthedorg.Mr.Judkia," taid Hank Spink, mioUaed. The old man's tain hair was linissd and -tombed no -back, over his ears. 21b rural argt.. HW JaTway!" iwr ssnas Cnasa avar sawa) aaaaaa aaaaaar aaaT "WaaL has Ugh asr loWboat tht yard aBaaawFSVJtL maasaaaaam X avaaal Baa CaaaaaaaasV "DOVS 'aaimow.'aactly.- " Osi Tabs gaswi thost the yard d at the house tuiUiuly.Bs if he expected she dog to akoatatSBmfroma iiiibsiI sttij uis I w saslwmk. BntSaBmaaBtaBoasaaavssa a wmdow"cr eharhsrs, asvl Bank Spmk shoved las ham aaaaa far dewa hcte bit I'liis nil Hi, .in.. "Laakasre,ljHs;IsBatsam'tosBsad mafsatm. Iwaattaetders Issidferhaa fair, aa' I do adasit he was a dara itsaaj l.sra far aat arica." "WaB, aarmaskml JEsath sbs anew am! asms maway. Iamt spt aeaam'todawamthe nerg, i aeisagsyoarajsams asswayexmes hare. Rjsssstd Laiars mab arabla. "WaaL aeherIgaam, ef ha samt Ma," WBPtsmt aaV Jassb aaWatas eaYBaw afaa taehosss,esif all desire for farther discovery. s a bormtt aTeady," sotto rose, to the undertaker; "am' tee them i t In' ap her clean floor!" Hank Staawbad entered the porch at sbs side of the bouse and Luke bad followed bam. Tbey walked the length of" the porch, which had been freshly cleaned that nwrning, and Haak placed hm band on the leech of, the door, when aat Lake placed his band oa him. 44 Taint no aat goin' in an' upaettin' every thing ia this house on 'cosat of a dorg." "Leggo me!" answered Bank, "rmagnin to hev thet dorg, an' I" caTlast mo oae' aiat goin! to stop me!! Luko placed himself before the door. "I'm a-goin' to stop any man openin' my door an' enterin my bouse without a search warriot. Ye I be!" "Oh, you be, be ye" And Hank gave the old man a thrust aside. They glared at each other. There was a little sparring for a "side bold," when, quick as a flash, the old uuui umw uiui u tum umura, imp ' TY.t- 1... uU...f .1. 1.HJXM hunagood twelve paces on the grass. As Haak lay there sprawling ou the turf, Luke, pals with his effort and with anger, shook hk flat aver hk prostrate foe. , "You'll never git thet dorg. Haak, unless ye luuuwrastle better'n thet!!' Then be put hk hand suddenly to his heart "God A' mighty!" be exclaimed, in a hoarse whisper, as Enoch ran forward. "Somepen's broke inside! Run an' fetch Marier! Some one go for the doctorl I'm I'm I'm He kin her his dorg." The old man sank to the floor of the porch, and rolled over ou oue side, a ghastly white- spreading over his face. "He's dead dead as a nit!" cried Enoch, aghast "No he ain't," said the undertaker, kneel ing by his side. "Ho's only fainted. Hank, you run fer the doctor. Mebbe it's a murder Gtitea ye'd better kinder let the doctor know, Hank, au' then yeou lite out, au' keep hid away. I'll testify 'twau't your fault bein' throwed thet way, but yeou hed orter got a sarcb warrint yes yeou hed!" Hauk took the hint, and went out or tbe yard, much crestfallen and quaking with fear. Although he fancied he heard a dog's ....... . . .. whine come.out to him from die bouse, he did not stop to look back or attempt to whistle after him, the fatal cause of all his trouble that day. Ho left word with the doctor, and galloped back to bis little hill form on the tlinnntm side, a sadder and a wiser, if a dog less man. The doctor worked over Luke for an hour. Aunt Marier, with a scared look, made gruel and poultices, for which there could be no possible we; but on being so informed, only went on making mora gruel and more poul- tices, as if by way of proving herself useful in an emergency, if for no other reason. Luke Judkin "came round." After a week be was out again, tho hard, knotty old fel low. But ho was not tho some man he was. " 'Pears like I hain't got long fer to live," be said, with a melancholy whine, "My innards aint right 'Pears my orgins is twisted in side." But however great the changes wrought by hk last "wrastle" oa Lake's body and in sides, his mental change and moral regenera tion were something astonishing. "He aint tho same cuss," said Enoch, as be aat on his threshold two weeks later, with one or two farmers, and glanced across the green. "He's a sorter meachin' an' wilted down no spank left: Land! he as aster be kinder feelin' round ter do somethin' mean ter hk neighbors, an' make 'em feel mean ter him, why he's turned right round! Guess be won't live long. Kb! Folks says bea paid ,upaJlhk debts. WaaL he's paid my 'coast every cent, an' he went an' paid for MarierV-that's his fourth wife, yeoureklect? sister's child's schoolin' down to Northfield. An' ex fer thet dorg o' hizen, Hank got him back all right; yes, an' Luke, he's try in' fer to act on the square. Why, there's Mr. Stapples a-coming! Dead Luke Judkin deadt Why, I want ter know! Thefsnewa! Whew!" "Yes; dead half an hour ago," said the un dertaker, who came across the green to the store with a pail for ice. "Passed away peaceful like. Yes, yes, I were on hand; hap pened so. Luke's deadat last The strain's what killed him. Yet, looks peaceful an' like a saint" "I callate he's a saint 'nough now," sighed Eaoch, with a New EnglanderHi readiness to canowisn all doressecl persons. "He were wicked at times, were Luke, but mostwise he were so dern smart thet ye hed ter fergiv' Im. An', waaL what ef be did tell hk dorg over a dosen times! Wa'n't it half the dern dorg's fault Deadt WaaL ye dont say so!" "It were part the dorg's fault," replied the undertaker; "but ef I stan' here a talkin, Luke'll spile, an' all thet there peaceful ind of hisen will go for naught I never see a corpse look so mild and good tempered. Most looks sour, Mr. Johnson; but Lake, he smiles away as ef be bed a easy death, kinder pawrd over the river, as tbey say, an' larfin' as' smilin' good-by; an' it's jest hit the cimetery folks off right, tew, Mr. Johnson jest right Oh, we flntshfri off the roadways jest in time, an' we shell give Luke a big funeril as big as from f75 to $100 '11 buy; yes." Luke's was indeed a grand funeral for East Village. There was some """rUng and smil ing over the patent-fact that the "new cemetery-foils" bad got the better of old Luke at last, and there were some bidden winks over the fervid eloquence of the Rev. Mr. Scrooby as be praised the high character of the de reastd encomiums better fitted, perhaps, to the last fortnightof hk life than the previous ave-and-eighty years. But the layd was on head, and Its narrow repertoire, uiough con taining no funeral music, gave the greatest sstaaaction Imagtonahle Was it not auspi ctoat to open the new cemetery with the tune "John Browns Body," followed, between prayers, by "The Star Spangled BannerF Cartes. Old Luke Judkin that summers day had a most cheerful end! "Wo hev made hhn,nssid the undertaker, solemnly "wehev made him a sorter phi-lanthropeed!" J. S. W. in Harper's Weekly. Simplicity. Strange fashions are not confined to or own age or country. rTnlinahod, the famous and amusing chronicler of the Sixteenth century, comments severely upon the manners of the FifrKh of his day. He tells as that "in number of dhuses and changes of meat the nobility of England (whose cooks are for the part Frenchrnpn and foreigners) do exceed; till there is no day in ntan- that pcaseth over their heads where in they have not ordy beef,mtttton, real. Iamb, kid, pork, cony, capon, pig, or so many of them a the season yieldeth, bat also some portion of the red and fallow deer, besides variety of fish and wild fowl, and thereto strndry other d-Jy-ifr- wherein the sweet hand of the sea farmr Portingale is not wanting, so that for a man to dine with one of them and. to taste of every dish that standeth before aim,krataertovieldrmtoaccauapiracy with a great deal of meat for the speedy samwwsamkti of Bataral health thaa the aaaofantrraaaryBsealtoatgasfyhimssif with a oomipetent repast tn matnln his body withaL" Much the same fashion fa kept up to this day, and public ban gneUand the samptnoue tables of the epnJent abound in all that can charm the eye and tempt the palate, and, let aw add, lay the foundation of long aad severe Alness. Hour strange the con trast between thfaredrJessprofafiaa and the simplicity of aasne medimval saint, diet was spare aad phua to a de- ochnm, greater thaa aav of the did am glorious Hfe work allowance of Inrasfa. wild aad water! Corahfll SaOIXFtTL CERAMISTS. $r COOKING AND WATCHING COSTLY VASES FOR FORTY HOURS.. Pereelsia at Sevres Teadra aad Pate Workers as Men ef Great A TlMBXaalasa French porcelain proper k the result of a lkt very made early ia the Eighteenth cen tury by one Louis Potent, a poor faience maker of Rouen, and k a preparation of mineral salts, mostly those of soda aad silica, which, properly compounded, may be worked into the stiff dough required for the atost sow plicated and delicate molding. It k only since the discovery aad wide applica tion of the artificial material that science has basal hraoorht .ta htmr unna th natural . - Tr-' - - ! prouuet of kaolin, and carried its manufact- ure to a scale of perfection which permits it to ve im its owa special proviacs with im ssaetkaaeraamgile and delicate compeer. It will that be seen that two distinct spe cies of .raw material are in use by the na- i tional manufactory of Sevres, aad it may be further explained that the terms pate tendre and pate dur, meaning "soft and bard paste," refer to the main contrast between the two j varieties of porcelain indicated, inasmuch as . the artificial product is, by its extreme fra gility, incapable of service in. the gigantic presentation pieces, such as, of the natural ; earth, have given the establishment its great est renown. If confined by its great delicacy to tbe evolution of articles of small dimen sion the finer pate has still its claims to supe riority, for the colors and enameling applied to it when in the furnace so melt together and form part of the solid fabric as to create a iimpioity, soitness ana brilliancy or glax- I ing absolutely unrivaled. The process of manufacture of costly vases and other forms turned out of the workshops : at Sevres differs only in the sublime decree ' i . to which has been raised tbe quality of art, material and mechanism employed, from the ' operations of the most primitive potters of I antiquity, and exactly the same succession of movements must be followed. A mast of prepared plaster is placed by the first oper ator upon his revolving table or wheel, to which be gives rapid motion by means of a treadle. While uiider the pressure of hk naked hands the lump gradually assumes a succession of meaningless forms which rise and fall, spread, contract, broaden or length en in tarn until thoroughly kneaded into the proper consistency for the final effort When in the judgment of the operator the right moment has arrived, the careless play of hk nngers is arrested into a more decided pres sure, and from the shapeless pile rises as if by magic the outline of a vase or urn in one of the countless varieties to which art gives license. Tint TOUCHES THAT TxXX. When the piece has assumed a clean and definite form the motion of the wheel k quickened, and with a series of deft and skill ful touches the operator follows carefully within and without the delicate curves of hk sketch, which he accentuates and deepens until, without further doubt as to its iden tity, the thus far completed work stands ready for treatment at the hands of artists possessing no mean reputation. Brought to this point, the "vase," we will my, is still oa the table upon which it took definite form, laid aside for several days, during which a considerable amount of moisture k allowed to evaporate, It k then passed over to other ii ntjuta, waopbteeitapoaaiiotsMwikBcrlp-tioa-of revolving table, which, although far different from that used in wood working, k practically a lathe, for the treatment to which the vase is now subjected is that of calipers, which effectively demonstrate any unevennesB, and a series of cutting took which are employed in emptying the interior and smoothing every part, as well as in sharpen ing the outlines of the rim and borders. Leaving the bands of these latter ministers, the object has sawimed the precise form which, short of subsequent ornamentation, will characterise the finished piece. While the operations attending the production of this first ebauche, or "sketch," as it k called, are apparently quite simple, their perform ance requires a steadiness of hand and con summate skill on the part of the worker which few are qualified to give. The modelinc having been completed to full satisfaction, the process of "mi'Hr.g b) now in order, for which purpose the prepared sketch is carefully sliced into as many pieces as there are to be prominent or protruding parts to the completed vase, and each of these is in turn treated to a coating of plastic material, which when hardened and removed is to form a section of the final "ntrrr All being joined in place and firmly braced, the pate, be it of whatever variety, k reduced by the addition of water to a thin liquid, which in the technicality of the manufactory k called barbotine, and the object cast without further ado. This, however, k mainly in the case of small articles. For the molding of pieces of great dimensions, -the manufactory of Sevres employs several processes, which aid in the compression of the liquid beyond the possi bility of flaws or bubbles. Of these the two principal are by means of compressed air and a method of pouring the fluid in a vacuum, without which the obtainment of some of the gigantic pieces made there would be impossible. THX BTISTS. In close proximity to the shops where tbe foregoing processes take place are the ateliers of tbe artists, charged with the correction of all imperfections and with the mnrUitng of tbe various ornaments which it k their basi ness to join to tbe main body of tbe work at the proper stage. These repareurs, so called, are men of great attainment aad ofttimet reputation, whose important tasks are con sidered on par with those of sculptors and painters. The piece u now ready to undergo a preparatory touches' tho fire which hardens the pats for the purposes of the decorators in color; and to allow of a certain amount of sculpturing aad engraving which matt be used upon the details. The first tempering k accoaiplkhed ia the upper part of the fur- uses, where the best k much lets violent than ordinarily required, After this comes the application of that toft sad translucent enamel which f arnisbes one of the features so much admired by ama teurs of thk sort of ware, sad which U com posed of fnsrrt rnrnhinatlon "f ' ' 'tsVil Twlil spar and quartz, than which little of a min eral nature can be harder or more dorable. Ssvrmposaaats, for these purposes, eight great furnaces, six of which act through in tensity of temperature and two of which throw their names directly upon the work. Tbe heat required for the vitrincatiaa of kaolin and tbe other materials k n n-'; terrible, mounting never less high than 1,8U0 degs. Daring forty hours, day and night, while one or more of these vases k baking, the chief officer of the manufactory never leaves the oven, which every few moments he is com pelled to critically examine with special ia stnunentt for determining whether all k go ing well within, Wbea these announce saat tae porcelain k property cooked, the ordet k given to slow down the fire, which, before its con tent may be removed, must be allowed to cool during eight days. New York Tele znun "Tell me about the hole in the watt." "Well, it was one of the famous in- atitntiona of our early days. Pll give you a full history of it something that been toW in print It had its in ham and oread. One of the to John BealL who away back ia. the thJrtam,thatitwcddbeafoodthingto kvaautttoknscheoa sat aaar the hail coald run oat sad ret a bits to eat SoBeallu wife braa4 and Basil broabttisemeViwsatHlast abeam anas, a little circular room just aorta of the rotunda aad on the east side of the corri dor: Soon he added pk&leeanH aulada and such little dclicacice. and the place became very popular. "Then somebody that there ought to be a bottle of whisky there, and after the whisky had been procured there came a demand forgin, ram, brandy, wine and aU sorts of things. In a little while the place be came a regular saloon. There was no bar, of course, not even a siuVboard, the bottles and desui Johns being set ia rows on the shelves. For a long time the sen ators used to go in there and help them selves to whatever they wanted, and the expense was ran in under the contingent account, as horse hire or something like that. "After a time the stock got so large and popular that it was no uncommon thing to see a doacn senators and their friends in there etesia sad having good tiataav The little room, not more than twelve or fifteen feet in diameter, and taking its name from the fact that it was simply a hole in the watt, lighted only by one win dow, was often badly crowded, and a good deal of confusion resulted in the arrangement of the stock, so that the senator who had a favorite brand of liquor had much trouble in finding it. "Thus it became necessary to put a man man in charge, and after a time the ex pense became so great that it was not easy to work it off in the contingent ac count. Then the senators were required to pay for what they got, and after this wua done the popularity of the Hole in the Wall fell off very rapidly. But it was kept up until some years after the senate moved into its present chamber in 1359. It Lt a good thing, I'm think ing, that the walls of that dark little room are dumb! Ohio State Journal. The Ho n. ChilL. Houses of varying pretensions border the Alameda behind the trees. At its upper end tlie streets of the town are reached, and beauty yields to commerce. The streets are roughly paved and dirty; the houses, painted wliite or of pale tints, are plain and rectangular, their smooth walls broken only by light verandas be fore the upper windows and by the nag staffs projecting over every door. The shops are poor. But the street scenes are interesting enougii. Creaking wa gons, drawn by oxen, lumber noisily over the stones, the dark skins and high cheek bones of their drivers showing In dian descent. Lighter horse drawn carts and shabby Iiackney coaches pass by, but very few respectable private car riages are seen. Outside a saddler's shop stands the picturesque figure of a "Hu aso," mounted on a small but strong and spirited horse. The "huaso" is a distinctive personage of ChflL answering somewhat to the guacho of eastern South America. He spends his life mounted on bis horse, which he manages with consummate skill, bis occupation when he has one usually being, cattle driving on the "liaciendas, or farms, of the country. More than half Indian, dark, silent, fierce, he is an unpleasant individual to meet at night in a lonely country road, for he is unscrupulous and ready with liis knife, especially when, as is frequently the case, be has imbibed a quantity of "aquardiente in the low drinking places of the town, A wide hat of well worn straw shades his un shaven face; a "poncho" in appear ance like a striped blanket with a hole in its center, through which his head emerges conreals his shabby dress. From bis heels project monstrous spurs, cruel aa the powerful bit which renders his horse obedient to a touch. At his .saddle, of Mexican pattern, hangs the "lasso," his implement of omce, in the use of which he ia astonishingly dexter ous. His high leather boots rest in gi gantic wooden stirrups blocks of carved wood which protect his feet from' the press of cattle. All the Year TRonnd. Early ttagyelnesiilaa Pliny speaks of his great work on nat ural history in thirty-seven books as an encyclopedia. Quintilian, Galen, Vitru vius and Zonaras apply the term to the "doctrinarian omnium disciplina." The word was introduced into English in the Sixteenth century by Sir Thomas Elyot, who speaks of "the world of science and circle of doctrine, wbiche is in one word of greke Encyclopaedia. But the Middle Ages had their encyclopedias also, the greatest of which was the "Speculum Mundi" of Vincent de Beauvais, who was lector or librarian to St Louis, in the Thirteenth century. It was reprinted in four folio volumes as late as 1624 by the Benedictines of Arras. We pass over a number of similar. works to which the revival' of bmrniijg in the Sixteenth century gave birth, all of them having been frequently reprinted and in general use, until we arrive in the Seventeenth century at the biatorical dictionaries of Moreri and Bayle, which still retain their place in our libraries. The first alpliabetical encyclopedia in English was the work of John Harris, a London clergyman, who was secretary of tlie Royal society and a friend of New ton. But this "Lexicon Teclinicum was superseded by ChuuibenT Universal Dictionary, which was tlie uioet popular book of reference of tiu Eighteenth cen tury. Mr. Lyons mentions that Abra ham Rees produced an enlarged edition of this work in 1788. but lie fails to do justice to tlie far' more important and complete publication known as "Rees Cyclopedia, which belongs to the earlier yearn of the present century, and is still in iiuuiv respect a book of much utility and value. The Edirhnrtrh Roriew. In some anraowa region of tbegew Worst, probably somewhere about tan Bsgalaadsof PBTu-fortaeorsrfnof the potato, like that of Mr. Jeassm de la rlncae si portent pun warns:, it "wron ia taeregiww.attmat ptwaaasark known In i himsiilii ais"nsMi i h in tJmstnsggiefornfe brass or ton i la sash a ef bar of at have beaa to snopt of Mr bare filed 1st stem and inane aacteaaariv cater to tan auan,so that the assets and birds, diagataut at the flrst bite, woald have ueaiatadfremtaavateattaanat to devour it iatotrntaa rather ec attfajtetoa. That boa est and tnmJgatforward plant decUnsJ to iatne it ft ryand tmbivutune ms tan Hninire- YrTatTL TT shrank isf a naii Mnt in iskuf furlrsland. fttetmiiilaatteawav As a 1 -, X aL a a " a - T istwrsi, rant acntM; nana aasaeeataam taateb. ataaawatataya. ntopinn la trnrtneing f or PjmUirt Ipalknn. aatnmij insist aaaasanaysad faauaaaatr mtty at k net, attsoat pteam sawasmt, a reas. wars of s oraaea maraaTSsaBgawmBaww- aabsr, viewed ss a bissass,ssBMBaalf mpbi twocardiaeipaattt, lnhaaaat to da ws an kaewm sbs mmikr oasm ef layers day). soft, r, i m ink laid an to aid aw ma at one of nst (a order to secure for of exaaaacs. In woody sarabs and trass the it ifM 111 laid up by tbe atatvklaal to provide fat the inner bark, which doss not die, and for aw way at Magazine. It tensed to designate thostin tbe Church of Fngkad who have given great proau aence to a particalar kmd ef rsmal recently revived for a uaaaitoand sxamewiedajsd pur pose. Tak knot tetanias to be iotetified with the gaatral hnprovesstat ia taste which hat taken place from aa point of view hi the pabue worship of all re ligious bodies. Even Xoaeoaformkt bodiat have now their kveUmg up of rituaL We read in a recent number of one of their mags tmet, "the holy table should be placed against the wall of the ctaacel or apex of tbe church. It should be covered with a cloth, as richly embroidered with Tuitabk designs as possible. Behind the table should bea reredoa of carved stone or wood or a piece of embroidery. Against thk, in the midst of a narrow shelf, should stand a cross," and so oa. This is indeed mtualkra, but it differs not in degree but in kmd from that to which, for tbe sake of brevity and coaveaieace, we technically apply that term. The Ritualism of which we speak la the expression ia out ward farm, aad the enfeuxeawetoa the minda of the worshipers by external symbolism, of certain dogmas. The Bitusllatt tkemtelvet would indignantly repudiate aay other idea. The late Rev. C J. Le Geyt, a well known Ritualistic leader, wrote that: "The chief point and value of all ritual k that it sym bolism and expresses, aad at the same time enshrine and protects, - truth. Ritualists, to called, have no desire to escape under tbe guke of harmless nonentities. Ritualism naquatHoaably does symbolise doc trine, aad therefore has been to carefully leg islated for by tbe church." Oue of the Ritualistic clergy (the Rev. W. J. E. Bennett) I'Tamined some years ago before the ritual commktinn, oa being asked, "You do not contend, then, for aay aesthetic purpose, but strictly for a doctrinal purpoatr" answered, "Decidedly; the aesthetic purpose forms aa accident afterward, but is not tbe object" Fortnightly Review. Fealty Arithsnetie. A trader who trim to overreach his Indian customers finds himself stamped with aa ex pressive nickname, which be k unable to efface. Mrs. aunzie tells, in her "Early Days in the northwest," of a trader named Rolette, who called "Ah-kay-saupee-tah." or "Ave more," because, let the Indiana offer of they might fat bartar- for aa article. he always mid, "Ave The Indians, however, on tbe arrival of the annuity money, would try to get the better of the agent As a certain sum of money was apportioned to each man, woman and child, the father of a family tried to make the number of hk lodge as large as possible. A dialogue like the following would occur between the agent and an Tndian, aa the red man handed to the agent a little bundle of sticks to register: "How many have you in your lodger "Fifteen," answers the Indian, carefully counting hk bundle of sticks. "How many men!" "Two." The agent lays aside two sticks. "How many women" "Three." Three more sticks are hud aside. "How many cWldrenl" "Eight." Eight sticks are added to the heap. "What k tbe meaning of these two sticks that remain!" asks tbe agent, sternly. The culprit, whom arithmetic bad not served him to play out hk trick, would disappear amid the jeers of hi companions, who shouted at him because he bad been found out Youth's Coaipauioa. Taw Gliaacw Nature made a curious mistake in regard totaegiraffa. She gave him such au extra length of neck that he la obliged to feed on tbe foliage of trees and let tho rich grass under hk feet strictly alone. She made huu pretty, but awkward. She gave him beauti ful limbs, but be rune with a wabble. He is practically defenseless, and yet he k boosted up in the air where everything can see htm There k tome offset, however, in the fact that tbe giraffe k of affectionate disposition. Hk confidence k easily secured, and when once he puts hk trust In you youcanfeed him cayenne pepper in a piece of apple, and he wul lay it on to some one eke. The giraffe lives to tbe age of thirty-five, if not sooner dltpraed of by accident, and be k then re signed to have hk skin made into a rug for sonwbody's pug dog to sleep oa. There is a. legend aaioax tbe natives of Africa that the giraffe never sleeps, but that he spends his hours of dtrknens in weeping over the sins of the world. Thk k probably tbe reason why the world test far more wicked than it ia, and everybody should be willing to pay an extra tea cents to see the giraffe with the cir cus. Detroit Free Prets. Wanted to Hear It Tae principal of one of our great college pmyanitory schook became, in his old age, uanaaally tweet tempered and lovable an old, ruddy faced man be was, with silver aaarsadagoodhamoicouataaance. The village which held hk famous school valued aad reverenced him. Bat be had the frequent hwrmity of the old of retelling hk i uum tills stories inn inaiitly, and many kinds of straw tart nTntiona Trrirn is ilnmtml In ilial lag with tan good doctor. One day he carefully pinned a neighbor on u attest, sad began apropos of nothing at aU to mtrodaca a threadbare anecdote, fanay at ite outset, doubtless, bat now no longer able to provoke a smile. . The lady, ia her desperation, prof eased a vivid recollection of the story. reckless plunge into another subject. "Do yoa remember itr ejaculated tbe de lighted old gentleman, not at all offended. And then, edging nearer, and with a fresh sparkle of interest in his kindly eyes, "Then ten it to mer Youth's Companion, '- w-t Trllias- SataU Boy (to editor) Win yoa print my (reads it)-So, sir. Boy (weeps) Do prist it, or ITl tell oy my grandpa aad my auntie aty uncle Jim aad mysutereaad They all subscribe for the paper. tbey atop sad Hath! it will be in next week, and to bay candy. Epoch. A awaanattv Sight. -That coat not mended vetr R-So, George. lsr.H.-Oa,tbet-l! Mrs, H.-What a rede, horrid maa! (renaatsslly) Forgive aw. dear. or yon at work suzeestad Ufa Yoa know the devil sows tares. sacoaaly.wkkwsn, fatare growth ox its maaypasas sxiopasa by pastas anassBHaawBSBBtroa ana pyres jaaaassm are esabled to blossom to eerry spring before she aBeaWafv. First Natral lfc la the Scale of at the aa, July On. last SttUaTat. ajatsi IMS SB ajtaa 1M.4 3X 4.4M3S lLssta aiat Lames tn? saga U.S. Other lee he. 1 Dna from aaw Dae from State Beaks Baal Batate, Faraitare aad 1 current Xs9mVxBxsnaf laMCl. Checks and other rash items BilU of otW Basks AaaaVBaa taWvfltra............ 0BCler Lsaml trader Botes Hedemptioa fund with TT fl Tniaaai er (S per ceat of circulation) Total .j eVSTiTS. tiset arc oe IXASXUTtBS. ta.rr n aaaaa as ia Daearided nteaka m ihb m Wmjriint fknkniitf n nstiiftniHss. laasf m lautvMiaai uepoaiw Buawet to a Demaad certiiaitea of denniit. surest njmm leUawst Notes and bills re-discoaatcd Total $ oiasoTosa. A.AMDEB80N.Prae't J. H. GALLEY. Vice Prea't aT.BJk.Csasr. Q. ANDERSON. P. ANDKaWOM. JACOB UlUOBKN. HUXUXXAUlOz, JOHN J. SULLIVAN. AprmVamf ashussgmtb. T m. hilia-, DEUTCHER ADVOKAT, OIHce over Columbus State Bank, Coluaabaa. Nebraska. ai U-LUTAJ1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Omee over Nebraska. First National taVtf ill ECAsE.- COUXTY SURVKYOK. BarPmTtisma ammalnaaaV amnwerBjeiaas !.. 7:jy.cita-1-- . -". L.J CO. SUF'T PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Jji'JLfc1-? m 9 ' ' Court House, the third Saturday of each raitalhforUwexaaiiBB Uoa oT applicants for teachers' cerUaealea. aad for the traaaactioB of other school "--il'sis""' J."-" MnlJm, DRA1 and EXPRESSMAN. JFS2&&S!!: """fch-with rnTi . r rr"rT n -. r- rj.-er.siai.'e a tuepnua. i aau St. 2aiaiKf rAUBLK & BRADHHAW. (HucceMtora to Fanble BtuhtU), BRICK MAKERS ! Weare also prepared to do all kiatai of brick wOaK BfiBnaaftBaaunak M. C TUaTjaEJt C0 Proprietor and Publishers of the eoinsTrs jrnrtjraL au &m.TAMBjTxnaAL, Both, post-paid to any address, for 2.0S a Tear strictly in advance. Fauily JonailT trS'J year. v - . ... w W. A. McALLISTFJL W. M. CORNELIUS UcALI.MTKK ATTORNEYS AT LAIV. Colombo. Neb. JOHN G. BIGGINS. C. J. GAKLOW. HI0OIJIS GA1L0W, ATT0RNEY8-AT-LAW, Specialty made of Collection by C. J. Garkiw. RCBOYD, a.xurACTcsxa or riiaidSheet-IrMWare! JosvWerk, laaiaf and Gmttsr- u apruuty. cyah T on 13th street, Liiirteesth street. Kraase stand on T Bm.'s old saf Ciiah. F. Knapp, FUAMK K. KSAPP Contraetirs ni BiiWtrs. Estimate furnished on brick aad stone work StP,tV!Tf,,- Mlcialat3iae?to Mettimc boilers, mantles, etc nin id tnck pointing old or new brick work to reori Bent pressed brick, a specialty. tOTOoos2E; sol.-ciW Inferences Sven. -oudeae iSmayly KNAPP BKOR. Colambas. Neb. A STRAY LEAF! DIARY. THE JOURNAL OFFICE FOB CARDS. ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, BDLL HEADS, CmCULARS, DODGERS, ETCL SUBSCRIBE NOW ton tk tmmm jmmil AMD TIE AMIRWAN MAwAZIIE, HV Oftr Both for a Year, at $4jm. TbeJocasAE.ia neweandwrnilvi , aipj inn is llni i ly manasrne devoted earifBly toi ww, Amertran xnoeant ami uieoaiyuevMieaexpeceBt of uob. itiaKood a any st the eidsr a. lurniflnac ia a year over IflBH paana of the choicest literature, written by the ablest Ameri can aaUton. it is brastifully iliastratasL aad ia rich with chaiauasceutuuad and short Ttnrlae. No asere appropriate present ean be nsue inan a years MBscnptioa to Tae .It be wspesially brilliaat dnrins; the year Tae price of JoeaSAi. ia aSLflB, iaa.wv Maea to he the bast FJatta essaatraasl TIm. larrhis TUJT.n rreavaea. and ia Anwnean fnatitn B- afi'-i, "&i& 'J&?i2si, J ..- f Lmt .i 5U:iSi.rt '&&Li. il. 3r-";'i.-. -;"5j f-tei. flZzke v-rtjfen: y- --- .T3M.-?g3?,'sw ' .rfrsSfc -iS?F. . .:;.-., ja--;! S- ;5J. . C -i . 2