The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 23, 1889, Image 1

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VOL. XLX.-NO. 40.
WHOLE NO. 976.
s? -.
Cash Capital - $100,000.
GEO. W. HULST. Vice Pres't.
J. E. TA8KEB, Cashier.
Bask r Ieplt OlKwl
el Exctmrafre.
CllectlM Promptly Made
ill llBt.
mj laiferesjt Time sei
C. n. SHELDON. Pres't.
W. A. MCALLISTER, Vice Prea.
C. A. NEWMAN. Cashier.
This Bank transacts a regular Banking Busi
ness, will allow interest on time deposits, make
collections, buy or sell exchange on United
States and Europe, and buy and sell available
We shall bo pleased to receive your business.
We solicit your patronage. We guarantee satis
faction in all business intrusted in oar care.
Travrellasr, Smlesauaa.
tSPTheae organs are first-class in every par
tfeolai, and so guaranteed.
Bttokeys Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine.
Pups Repaired sitrt setiee
sVOne door vest of Heintz's Dmg Store, 11th
street, Colombo, Neb. 17noT6-tf
1 1 ht Cobb I do bo mesa merely to
. atop them for a time, and then bare them
fen again. I meax A RADICAL CURE.
I km mads the disease of
Ufe-kmr atady. I wabkaxt myremedyto
Cobb the wont cases. Because others have
- tailed is no reason for not now receiving a cure
Bed at once for a treatise and a Free IioTTLB
ef my Ikfaujble Rekbot. Give Express
. ami Port Omee. It costs yon nothing for a
trial, aad It will cure yoa. Address
. H.O.MOT,MXnlt3rtti.STKarTon
tWSepairing of all kinds of Uphol-
JpmteBSS , !TJamW
rrn a bmb ttetmmt o l
Aa'Wea tofts an aot
I Ida make oar old accorjua
Aa' thet feaajer haagm yaader.
With to gentle rtiak, ptaak, pUnk.
Tycers to git plumb at the bottom
Of the deeper thoughta I think.
Dow me heaps o' good on Sundays
For the prayr at cfaarch U said.
Jes to stand an' hyear "Old HimdndM
Soaria' fur op overhead!
An I 'moat kin spy the angels
Leanin 'Croat the gate up thar,
Whea old Abraa Blackbaras darter
i as la rawest Torn o' PrayT.-
gotefyoasa'a'dwsattos eas
Wea I her my oraades arnOa
Tea most ketch me u the kitchen.
Wen the tittle's on the b0!
Ferlclalm tkar ain't eowarbUa
Ever rte oared birds wiags
Thet km boka taller candle
To UMScag the Mole stags.
let my aoulgtt i
In the tittle's ant sweet i
TB I faery.wesYIHr saaaw
Bcreakm' fom the boa th'oat
6ecb times, ef I snoent my eyes em,
I tin fahly pyear to see
Old man Abrum Blackburnls darter
Bmilin' thoo the steam at me!
Eva Wilder McQlamoa la The Century.
On a weather beaten board, supported
by a creaking iron rod, hung the sign,
"Soles Saved Here," which Breckinridge
thought so exceedingly funny that it
never ceased to attract custom and com
ment. It had been there ten years, since
Jonathan Mender came into the little
town in the Rockies and bought out the
shoe repairing business of Caleb Binn.
Mender on this June afternoon sat in
the door of his shop repairing a small
and extremely shabby shoe. He was a
short, stubby man, with twinkling eyes
behind spectacles and a shock of gray
hair standing straight up from his fore
head. Down the trail from Bad Mountain, as
the afternoon shadows grew long, and
night came creeping under the ever
greens, galloped a lean bronco at a head
long gait. His rider, a big bearded
miner, glanced around under nis bushy
eyebrows and now and then gave a grunt
of satisfaction.
"The old place dont see you no more.
Bill," he muttered, as the bronco panted
up a short incline, "fur you've struck it
rich, as a certified check fur "way up in
the thousands kin testify."
He galloped into Breckinridge, left his
bronco at the hotel, and went along to
the shoe shop.
"Same old sign, m be denied," he
smiled. "Ev'nin. Mender."
"Hullo, Bill; thought you was dead.
Ain't seen you these three years. Same
butes, too, I made. Wal, I alius done
good work."
"You did; but jist clap a patch on this
one whilst I wait, fur 1 ain't a-goin' to
torture myself ef I hev struck it rich.
My feet is'liable to swell in tho keers.
nl leave ye an order, too, Mender, fur
butes is good ernuff with me. No lace
shoes, like a jude."
"Who you roped in on the mine, Bill?"
"No one; they'll double what they give
me three hundred thousand but! ain't
no hog; I know when Tve got enuff."
"Few does," muttered Mender, waxing
his thread.
The miner looked around the shop;
then his eye fell on that shabby little
"Beats all what sawed off feet wim
men hes, though I ain't a mentioning
"The Lord made 'em so."
"Prob'ly. An this now" (turning the
shoe over'in his big hand) "is a gal's, not
a growed woman's'"
"All of twenty-eight; quite a yarn
about that, too. Three years ago I was
a settin' here, betweenst day an' dark,
when my door busts open an' in runs
what I took to bo a gal, but afterward
see was a little mite of a growed woman,
with bright birdlike eyes and curly hair.
'Them miners is a-follerin me,' she
cries, drops inter thet cheer, an' faints
dead away."
"Gosh, this very cheer? echoed Bill,
in an awe stricken tone.
"Same set right there. I opens the
door; 'B'ys,' I says, 'I've got the drop on
ye, an' it s a durn shame to act like thet,
an' git,' which they done, an' I went
back an' give her whisky, an she come
to an' jest kitched my han' up an' kissed
"Lordr cried the miner.
"An' it wasn't over clean, fur mendin'
ain't over pertikler wurk. Wal, she
hadnt no frens, an' was come here to
settle, an' bein' weak an' hystericky, I
took her home to sister Jane, "fears to
me,' she says to Jane, 'all the troubles of
my life is bin caused by men.' "
"They be onnery," said tho miner,
"We ken' her a week, an' then she
went to wurk sewin', an insisted on
payin her board, an' made Jane the
trimmest gowns an caps, and me a
dressin' gown like I was a female. I
wears it to please her, but I alius feels I
looks like one of them old patriarks in't.
We never arsked her hist'ry, but Jane
6cd 6he was bruised from blows, an' I see
she trained her pretty curls over a scarce
healed scar on her forehead. I calc'lated
she was one of them thoroughbreds what
will stan enny amount of drivin', but
it's a smash an' a runaway if you hit
"There's some men as ought to be shot
on sight," muttered the miner. "An
thet shoo was hern?
"Yeah, an' I've got to keer fur her so
much thet I've alius been glad I was here
stid er Caleb; ho wa'n't never neigh
borly. When 1 come here I says, 'I'll
give ye fifteen dollars fur the place.'
Bays he, 'Take it for fourteen an' a harf .'
' Why?" says I. 'Did you,' cays he, 'ever
know a man wot become a sewer fur
gab? Wal, look at me. Ev'ry crank as
has breath ernuff ter git up ther bank
comes in an' talks to me; ev'ry bummer
who kin walk staggers in and vents his
rum soaked remarks on me, an ev'ry
sun bunnited or shawl headed female
woman comes to tell me her troubles
with the old man or the neighbors.'
Wal I says, 'if s compny? Yah, I
bate 'em,' growls he. 'Know where I'm
going, not you. You're the kind as tells
aixntagalyouk)ved,namedSairy, wot
died fifty year aga Wal, I'm goin to
be a sheep herder, where I wunt see one
of human kind fur months on a stretch,
an' where I can go barefooted the year
"round.' So he goes an' I stays."
"When I was in Arizony," said the
miner, laying the shoe down, with a
sigh, "I boarded to the house of a little
woman as could a wore them shoes. The
vittles was awful Some of the biscuits
would a took a blast to open 'em, an' the
pies might a soled them butes, but she
waVt but a young thing, an her hus
band was the onneriest."
Tfcey alms hes thet 'name in thea
caeca," suggested Mender, slyly.
"This wa'n't no canes. He never
keered only that the wurk was done, but
I did" the miller's face saddened "an
I sold out as good a teaming business as
you ever see.
" 'Count o' pooler sentiment, I appose."
"Naw, thare's queer things in a man's
life; an ef I'd stayed I'd a killed her
hnaband, an' that would a bin no way to
git her affection, an wouldn't a looked
fair. Them's my morals. She was bis
wife an' a good woman. I sold out the
bis at a dead loss," (with a sigh) "an' I
jaetwiaht her time o day an ran off
lQnv a csnraad. I starvad no (sera for
ten years, an' I wairt'pfaaacd wttn my
self neither when a feller from Fairplay
told me he'd heered she an' him was
awful poor, an' she was the wust abused
woman be ever see."
It was quite dark in the little shop
now. and Mender lit his lamp, loaning
low to his bench to see in the light. A
lean cat came purring out of a corner
and the miner tilted back his cliai
"An me, with all my mone . -an't
make that poor little soul cotuferhh." fie
There was a sound of quick footsteps
outside, something like the clatter of
down at tne neei,.uien tne tatcn
'Ain't done, Nelly," called the old
in. 'Til wait an finish 'em; they're
party fur gone."
There was no answer, only a sort of
gasp and a smothered exclamation from
the miner, who brought his chair down
with a jerk. The old man looked at them.
"I calc'late you two is 'quainted," he
Bill had forgotten his one stocking
foot, even his stem morality, and she,
tint little, thin creature, with her white,
worn face, her sad, tearless eyes, was
looking at him so wistfully, so yearn
ingly that he must have known she had
not needed his telling her that he cared
for her before he ran away. A quick
suspicion flashed through his mind. She
loved him, and had come to Colorado to
find him these three years back. Still
his lips had to utter the name in his heart
so long.
"Nelly!" he cried, with a sob; and she
she put out her hands like a sleep
walker; then, with a low cry, she ran to
him and hid her face on his breast. Still
he did not touch her as she clung to him,
weeping passionately.
"It aren't right." he muttered hoarsely.
"I sed never should you be as you is now
till it were. You an1 me has seen camps,
an' knows wliat wrong love is."
She only clung closer, such a childlike
thing, in her shabby black gown, with
her snort little curls, and her tiny hand
clutching his arm.
"I tell you," he cried, passionately,
"once my arms meet around you, I shall
never let you go."
"Wal, you needn't" said Mender, dryly;
but there were tears in his old eyes.
"You need't. Bill she's a widder.
"It's only since this momin'," he con
tinued, as the big arms inclosed the tiny
figure, "but it's proper, I calc'late. She'd
run away from him, but he tracked her;
six weeks ago he come in when we was
eaten' supper, an' Jane hove the teapot
at him. vi'lence wa'n't no use: he took
Nelly an' her savin's, an' was iest a-goin'
to leave town arter losin' all sue bed, an'
draggin' hard along, when the altitude
kitched him. I cal'clato this place is too
nigh heaven fur a creepin' cuss lil:u thet
to crawL I was a mendin that shoe fur
his widder to wear to the funercl."
"I knowed no woman but her could
wear 'em," cried Bill, holding tho shoe
reverently, "an it shall be set in gold
outer my mine."
"It's a mile too big," rfie said, very
blushing and shy, "an is so horrid."
"Never heered a woman but sed them
very words," grinned Mender, beaming
on them. "Now, Bill, yourn's done, an?
lemme btick a patch on that one, Nelly,
fur you don't wanter be a creekin round
in new ones to the funercl, like you was
too glad to git him plarnted."
The next afternoon, when tho twilight
shadows were falling, Jonathan Mender
stood inJiis shop door and watched the
train creep miles above on the mountain
on its way to Denver.
"Party rapid this western country," he
soliloquized, jingling the coins in his
pocket. "We never miss no time; but
there ain't many small wimmen like
Nelly as kin bury ono husband in the
forenoon an git merried to the second in
the artemoon, an I guess Bill don't know
how the mate to that little shoe he's got
towed away is over on my 6helf as a
mementomory that little number one
the smallest fur wimmen kind as ever I
sec." Patience Stapleton in Once a
Week. .
French scientists are puzzling over a
spider which has been discovered in the
hollow interior of a stone. It is esti
mated that the stone must be at least
400 years old, but the spider is quite
lively and youthful in its antics. It is
blind and has no mouth.
A daughter of Mrs. Peck, of Titusville,
Ga., drew a pretty little outline design,
which so pleased Mrs. Peck that she
forthwith framed it and hung it in her
parlor. She was astonished to find that
an industrious 6pider had woven across
the frame a web which was an exact re
production of the design beneath. The
workmanship is perfect in every detail.
Mr. Louis Kevin, of Louisville, under
took to bring from Hot Springs anim
menso tarantula which he had captured
there. While on the road between Hot
Springs and Little Bock tho spider es
caped from tho bottle in which it had
been imprisoned and started in a prom
enade down the aisle of the car. For
half an hour confusion reigned and the
ugly insect had all the passengers at his
mercy. Finally he was safely corralled
and bottled up, but Mr. Nevin was
forced to take himself and his pet off at
the next station. Cincinnati Enquirer.
A Bride est a Baaa Car.
A couple who were married in Mo
Adam liaa a queer experience, says The
Lewiston Journal. Arrangements had
been made to have a minister come from
an adjoining county to perform the cer
emony, but on account of sickness be
was unable to appear. It was suggested
that the groom procure a hand car and
bring tho minister from Vanceboro.
A party of young men proceeded to
Vanceboro for that purpose, when an
other obstacle was encountered. The
minister could not come, as it was not
lawful, but couldperf orm the ceremony
in Vanceboro. The handcar returned
to McAdam for the bride and the rest of
the party, after which it started the sec
ond time for Vanceboro, where the knot
was tied, to the great relief of the over
taxed nerves of the distracted groom.
gmere Is a Plskreace.
There is a tremendous difference be
tween holding a truth and letting it held
you; between doctrine merely recognized
and a a doctrine that impels yon to de
mand recognition for it from all the
world. In one case yon have a dead, in
the ether a living, truth. Religion to be
effective demands live wood, not dead
lumber. A great deal of what is called
popular antipathy to religion is simply
Indifference to its dead elements. A liv
ing faith that is translated into action
and makes one gentler, broader and
nobler, developing Integrity and probity,
will never arouse mdntercnce.--Jewiab
Be Hmtat Disobeyed.
The little boy had come in with bis
clothes torn, his hair foil of dust, and
hisface bearing unmistakable marks of
a severe conflict.
"O, Willie! Wfflier exclaimed his
mother, deeply shocked and grieved,
"yon have disobeyed me again. How
often I have told yon not to play with
that wicked Stapleford boy P
"Mamma," said Willie, washing the
blood from his nose, "do I look as if I
had been playing with anybody?" Chi
cago Tribune.
Than areportkoacf Gannany, Ireland
and even EngTmndjwhera Christruris ars
is commdered an nncanny time, whan
mxpeatitxm throbs in arsry freah sigh of
the wiad about tfce tree tops.andczlas
out from the sinkacrrattia ofaW or tim
creak of a loosened shutter.
Weary of myself and sick of asking
What I am and what I ought to be.
At this vessel's prow I stand, which bean ma
Forward, forward, o'er the starlit sea,
And a look of passionate desire
O'er the sea and to the stars I send:
"Ye who from my childhood up have calmed KM,
Calm me, ah, compose me to the eadr
"Ah, once more," I cried, "ye stars, ye waters,
On my heart your mighty charm renew;
Still, still let mens I gaze upon you.
Feel my soul becoming vast like yoaP
From the Intense, clear, star sown vault of heavea.
Over the lit sea's unquiet way,
la the rustling night air came the earner:
"Would thou be as these aref live as they.
TTnnffrtffhtnrt hy tho sUmno mnad fVm.
Undistracted by the sights they see.
These demand not that the thmgs wfchoot
Yield them love, amassment, sympathy.
"And with Joy the stars perform their
And the sea its long mooa silvered roO;
wot self poised they Uve, nor
All the fever of somedt9ermgsouL
In what state God's other works may be.
In theu-own tasks all their powers pouring.
These attain the mighty lifeyoa see."
O air born voice! long since, severely clear.
Aery like thine in mine own beartlbear:
"Resolve to be thyself; and know that ha
Who finds himself loses his misery r
Matthew Arnold.
"Did I not tell you truth. Grant?
Surely yon have never seen a lovelier
face than that of your mother's guest.
Of what are you reminded as you look
on her dark,' rich, bewildering beauty?
"Of a tropical sun; of a host of dusky
browed servants clustering to do her
bidding; of Cleopatra and her spoils; of
the 6plendor of the east; of all things
brilliant, from tho whig of a tropical
bird to the glowing coils of copperheads.
Yes. Hilda, my mother's guest is mar
velously beautiful."
Grant Lara stood with his father's
ward. Hilda Braame, near ono of the
wide, old fashioned windows of the
room, and looked across the width of
light between them to where the newly
arrived guest sat; and Hilda, with a soft
gleam in her gentlo eyes, looked up at
' 'Marvelously beautiful, he said again,
watching a smile flash over the rich
brunette face of Inez Dalgreen, which
was truly as vivid and glowing as an
eastern sun.
It was such a face as one rarely sees,
save in a country where the sun brings
all things to early and transient splen
dor; it was a face which had won the
hearts from many breasts, but lost none
of its bloom or its beauty because it
scattered pain and heart ache.
Tho dark eyes, with their rich fringes,
smiled or grew languid, but never be
came dim; the red lips, dowy, and potent
as lips of a sovereign, were too beauti
ful to have ever known a curve of pain.
If tho low brow had a slight lack unit,
who but a physiognomist would know?
for it was polished as a Parian marble,
and above it were massed the richest
tresses of hair, so black as to almost look
blue in tho lamplight.
from a simple dress of amber arose a
throat as perfect as ever was copied by
sculptor, and idly toying with a fan were
hands as fair and delicate as any upon
Looking at her from where she stood,
Grant could find no flaw in her, from the
coils of blue black hair to the toe of the
dainty amber slipper, that peeped from
tho him of her dress.
The dark, diamond like eyes lifted,
and for an instant met his own across the
width of tho vast room. The red lips
smiled him a summons, which drew him
As ho moved from his place beside her,
a sudden cold feeling went over Hilda,
and she shrank to tho shadow of the cur
tain near, and watched him join those
about Miss Dalgreen's chair.
"A smile from her eyes, and he forgets
my very existence,' she said, bitterly, to
herself; for pain makes the gentlest of
us bitter sometimes.
She was a young, shy, tender girl, with
no especial beauty save that which nature
had given to her soft, gray eyes. But
sho had a heart of gold under the white
sheen of her bodice, and it had never
ached before in all her eighteen years.
Now, as sho watched the tall form of
her guardian's son bend over the
stranger, a pain which startled her
throbbed with every throb of her pulses,
and &ho glided out to the quiet of the
moonlight, that sho might be alone with
and learn to understand it.
Sho would not be missed by those
within she knew, for oven Mrs. Lara, her
almost mother, had no eyes for any face
save that of tho girl who had come on a
visit to one who had known her mother
years before.
As it was on the first evening of Miss
Dalgreen's coming, so it was on many
that followed. Hilda, shy, silent, with
a vague, jealous pain in her breast, was
allowed to steal away when she listed,
never missed, never recalled or sought
for, while Grant and Inez played the
parts of lovers, too engrossed by their
affection to realize that any save them
selves were in the world.
Yet Hilda now and then caught the
dark eyes of Inez watching her, with a
gleam of contemptuous amusement in
them; and sho was very glad that Miss
JJalgreen seemed to wish no friendship
to exist between them.
Summer was nearly over when, one
evening, a man with a pale, delicate
face and compressed lips, asked for Miss
Being told that she had taken a cer
tain path, and was walking down near
the river alone, he turned on his heel and
went through the shadows by the way
they said she would return.
Half an hour later, as Grant was step
ping lightly over the grasses, hastening
back to the presence of one whose beauty
had bound him like a spell, he suddenly
heard her low, silvery laugh, and it
camo from the shadow of heavy
branches, which drooped low above the
path that led up from tho river.
Something like a smothered maledic
tion followed on the musical peal; and
then ho caught the full richness of Inez
Dalgreen's voice, still with a ripple of
mirth in it.
"You are quite tragical over it, my
dear Bex; but! dont see why you should
be, when you know how poor you are,
and how absurd it would be to think of
my ever marrying you. Now this Grant
Lara is an only child did you notice
how broad the acres are that will bo his
in a few years? Be reasonable. Rex, and
let ns part friends."
"Fnendsr Grant iieard a hoarse voice
cry "friends, when you have taken mv
life into your hands and broken it as vou
would a rotten twig? But tell me this
liave vou any love in your heart for this
man wnom you teu me you win marryr
The silver of her laughter rang out
once more.
"Love for Grani Laral I? she said,
merrily. ff'Why, Biix, I never thought of
loving him; but there is a plain, pale,
stupid little thine here who is breakinsp
-her heart about him, and he never looks
at ner. Kex, if a woman isn't beautiful,
she may have all the attractions of the
angels, and men may pass her by; bat
Grant Lara never knew what words of
wisdom followed those on the red Tips
that had softened to such tender amiJes
for him for seven weeks. .-..
. Ha, hurrjfld back hr the war ha bad
comts rtacnea tne river Dane, unmoored
a skiff he found there, and rowed fast
and far on the silver sheen of the
It was late when he fastened the little
boat once more, and his pulses were
beating more evenly; the cool river air
had sent back the blood that had rushed
about his brain; reasonjhad come to him,
and dwelling on Inez Dalgreen's words,
he realized all they signified.
Tho pale, plain, stupid little thing
was Hilda, of course. His heart was
very, sore, but a sort of warmth stole
into it for the gentle, innocent girl whose
heart had ached, perhaps, as his was
aching, and who had borne it and made
no sign.
She was "breaking her heart for him,"
Inez had said, with a laughing sneer in
her voice.
Did fthe love him so well, then, the
sweet; hatured, shy eyed child, whose
toddling steps he, as a lad. had led from
room to room, and up and down, and in
and out, in the long ago? '
And he? Had he no love in his breast
for her?.. Was Jt all given to that glitter
ing, heartless, soulless creature, who said
aha would accept his hand and share his
possessions, even before he had gone to
her with tho gifts? Well, after all, his
infatuation had been patent to every one.
Why not to her. most of all?
He walked slowly toward the house,
bis eyes roving restlessly about as he
went. She was still in the grounds with
the man to whom (die dare to diffclo her
A slight figure in white caught his
glance. He swung around on his heel
and met Hilda in the full light of the
rising moon.
Somehow she seemed very fair to him
i'ust tlien. Was it not because he knew
ter true and sweet and womanly?
"Hilda, ho said, putting out nis arms
impetuously and clasping her before sho
was awaru of his intention "Hilda,
child, sweetheart, do you care for me
moro than you would caro for a brother?
Do you love me well enough to trust
your future to mo from this hour?"
He saw tho gray eyes below him dilate
and darken, felt the slight figure tremble
in his arms; and a sudden glow of glad
ness went over him, even in his pain, for
it would take thoeo soft hands of Hilda
Braame many long months to heal the
wound left in liis life by Inez; and yet to
be loved loved truly, and for himself,
for what he was, not what he had! Ah,
it was very sweet to him!
"I thought," she faltered "I did not
dream you cared I thought"
"Nay! do not tell me what you think
or have thought," he said quickly. "Tell
me what you know. You love me,
"Yes since I was a child. Grant."
Half an hour later Mrs. Lara and Inez,
who had been wondering where they
lingered, looked up as Grant and Hilda
entered the room.
Gtant led Hilda to his mother's chair.
"Mother," ho said distinctly, "Hilda is
to bo your daughter m very truth. You
have loved her for years. As my wife
love her always!"
Ho glanced at the brilliant face of tho
guest and 6aw a great red wave sweep
over it that was all.
She was utterly frustrated, and Grant
soon knew how fortunate he had been.
Saturday Night.
care of Very Young- Babes.
Prom an interesting lecture upon the
"Nursing of Children," delivered by W.
Hamilton S. Quin, at St. Luke's hospital
in Utica, we take the following:
"That no mother can furnish her in
fant with nourishment during the first
hours or few days of life is assurance
enough that tho offspring will do well
enough if left to nature, instead of being
given the nastiness insisted on by bo
many who pretend to care for the poor
little newborns. In the namo of human
ity, do not pour down these defenseless
little ones melted butter, molasses, gin,
whisky, any oil or anything else.. The
most any of these can do is to irritate
the 6tomach and other passages of the
child. In so far as nature's laws are fol
lowed, be very careful how you interfere
or allow the ignorant to. If the infant
is cared for by the mother regularly at
intervals of an hour by day and of an
hour and a half or two by night during
the first few months of life, there will be
during that period very little call for the
professional nurse or the physician.
Herald of Health.
Sambo's Protest.
Congressman Cox, of New York, who
is always full of anecdotes bearing upon
the taking of the last census, asks his
friends to belie vo that in the District of
Columbia a certain census taker was
making his official round, when he came
to the nouso of a wealthy member of
congress from New England. The door
was opened by a black boy, to whom the
white man began:
"What's your name?'
"Sambo, &ah, am my Christian name.'
"Well, Sambo, is your master a Chris
tian?' To which Sambo's indignant answer
"No, sah, my mahster am a memoer
ob congress, sah." New York Tribune.
A Toad In a florae's Throat.
A Berkshiro farmer has just lost a
valuable cart colt from a most extraordi
nary cause. The colt had for a long timo
suffered very much from diniculty of
breathing. An operation having been
performed on its throat to no purpose, it
was finally decided to have it shot. On
the carcass being cut up and tho neck
severed at the shoulders, to the great
astonishment of those present, a fair
sized toad crawled out of the opening in
the windpipe, and the extraordinary
cause of the poor animal's sufferings be
came at once apparent. The toad was
almost red when extricated, but gradu
ally assumed its natural color. London
Tid Bits.
Remarkable Recovery of a Ring.
As a gentleman was alighting from a
carriage on tho Underground railway at
Gloucester Road his valuable ring
dropped. It could not bo found, so ho
left, returning in an hour's time to see if
had been discovered. While he stood in
the station the same train entered, hav
ing been right round the "inner circle,"
and 6trange to say, his eye lighted upon
tho ring, which lay exposed on the foot
board, where it had lain unobserved dur
ing the whole journey. London Tid Bits.
A Pigeon's Straage Death.
A peculiar incident occurred at the
residence of Dr. G. C. Rahauser, 2515
Carson street. The doctor was sitting in
his library reading, when he was startled
by seeing a pigeon fly in at tho window,
which had been raised a moment before
for the purpose of cooling the room.
The pigeon lit on the back of a chair,
and dropped to the floor dead. Pitts
burg Commercial-Dispatch.
English shoemakers alwavs cut a V in
the bench leather for luck. Swedish
carpenters mark a cross on their tools for
the same purpose and many painters
mark a cross and a triangle on a high
scaffvlding before they feel perfectly
comfortable upon it.
One objection to the entrance of
women into politics is the fact that in
nailing lies they would be always smash
ing their thumbs Boston Transcrint.
The fad, brought over from London,
of wearing two scarf pins at the same
time, has met with a cool reception in
Tfcedav dtescknrtrm. tlwti
auw my am wan tae say a wane agoae
Fades Into gray, and softly twilight's hash
Steals Bearer and another Bight Is bora.
Mr heart Is heavy with hot tears
which gather in my eyes yet will act faD;
ay ure. my Dopes, would Ood my heart
Ana over au cungs. Hke a
A black, dense shadow, deep aad dark and caiB.
Inconstant! oh. my Ood, the bitter paia
That now comes after all the joy I felt, antfl
I Lnew that all my tract had been in vala.
I watch the purple shadows drawing near.
, !Mftima ra. imhbj' B(IU I.Ul4jlUt UOJ,
1 watch a pale young mooa hang silvery clear.
An arcniag crescent la the heavens gray.
1 look ahead o'er years of weary waiting.
O'er years of saddest grief and weary pain;
Uy loving heart now changed from love to hatmg
Will never echo to your own again.
You camo and took my heart into your keeping.
You swept Its golden strings with creel might;
That heart which had tfll thea been cahmy sleep
ing , Broke inteaoagsotremaleaB yet Ugh -.
That a0 the clouds which lay across the sky
Of my sad life Hew tremblingly away.
And oa my heart a new Husk seemed to lie
Like rosea dawning of another day.
Now at love's goin? all my life Is dreary.
The cloud comes back that shadowed aB say
I wctch tho mlJnlsht moon, eyes had and weary.
Pmykg that death will end my paia at last.
New Orleans Picayune.
Every woman desires, above all things,
to be loved, and Frida was no exception
to the rule, but when it came to being
put upon a pedaexal and worshiped from
a distance the pleasure did net outlast
the novelty.
It was cold up there all alone, and she
wanted to bo wanned. Respectful hom
age mi'it do fcr queens, hut she was
only :; loving hearted little German girl,
whi hud just Hissed her sixteenth birth
day, and been invested with tho em
broil tend bronze dippers, which signified
that childhood had passed, cod she
might take her place in the world as a
young lady, and be called "you," in
stead of the familiar "thou" of years
past, and who had had no thought be
yond papa, mamma and tho children.
till the young candidate Kheinhart came
to be tutor to her brothers and keep her
from forgetting what 6he Knew.
Much time was passed in the 6chool
room, and Franz Rheinhart soon discov
ered that tho docile, golden haired pupil
would bo the sweetest brido on earth for
someone fortunate enough to win her.
That it should bo himself never en
tered hi3 mind. As soon would he have
:isked ono of the royal family to keep his
houso and mend his socio which shows
of hotv much advantage is deep reading
and knowledge to a man in understand
ing a woman.
It had not taken very lon for Rhein
hart to become Frida's ideal of all that
was great and good. His learning she
venerated, his abstraction covered, to
her, the most profound thinking, while
his careless and nelocted dress only ex
cited a longing to take upon herself the
humble task of ministering to tho crea
ture comforts of this young divine, who,
to an unprejudiced on looker, was at
most an awkward, any, self conscious
dreamer, only distinguished from hun
dreds of others by a linn, an all abiding
belief in what ho professed.
This hero worship, however, did not
blind Frida to the btory told by Rhein
hart s near sighted bluo eyes. Sho saw
that loving her in this reverent way he
had raised a barrier between them that
she alono could remove, and when could
it bo better done than now, at the feast
of tho blessed Christ child?
She could not as yet tell how, but it
'should be done; ho loved her already,
would soon tell her so, and in the mean
time she reveled in innocent dreams of
the future.
Ho would soon have a parish, of
coarse, and she would work bard; oh,
yes, and do all he told her with the chil
dren's classes; but if she could only look
a littlo older; such a curly head and baby
face would ill become a coffee table sur
rounded by Heaven preserve us! Fran
Doctor this, and Frau Professor that.
Oh, no. She will knit and mend lib
socks, brew cherry cordial fcrlifo cough,
keep life bcoL3 dusted, and never, never
lose the loose leaves oi his sennor.: any
thing bat take her place as Frau Pustorla
and receivb all these awe inspiring ladies.
Startled by this idea into looking up,
she met tis eyes fixed on hers, felt sure
ho had read ner thoughts, and hid her
blushing face behind ahuge pile of un
mended socks.
Poor Franz never dreamed the blush
was for dux: he saw himself through his
own blue glasses and sighed, patiently
going on with little Max, who could not,
under repeated explanations, be made to
understand that the square of a number
was not the same as twice.
Was the child duller than usual, or
was it that he could hardly see the slate
through the mist of a vision? a vision
of u little room smaller than this, oh yes,
but warm, with curtains and firelight; it
lias shelves on three sides with books,
and books are on a stand at his right
In tho middle of tho room there is a
table with a green cloth, and a napkin
folded diamond fashion under the lamp.
There is a work basket too, and it be
longs to a dear little wife whose feet are
on the fender, a little golden haired wife,
whose name is Frida. But ho must have
spoken the name aloud, for she looked up.
"Did you speak to me, Herr Profes
sor?" "Pardon, Fraulein, t but thought
aloud; we want to leave the book and
slates to-night, the littlo ones and I, for
tones of the Christ Child."
-if you will listen I will tell them
So, while the good mother in the next
room dressed tne cliildrcn's tree, tho
candidate told quaint old legends of how
tho oxen in the stable warmed the Holy
Babo with their breath; of how the wise
men who worshiped ltim were, after his
death, baptized in the faith. And of how
the Christ Child fills tho shoes of good
children, and knows when only a rod is
decerved. till tho little eyes opened wide
with tho samo wonder they felt every
year, and they ran to hunt for their Sun
day shoes, sure of forgiveness for the
little naughtinesses that liad already
brought their punishment from the dear
house mother.
PWcLi and Franz, left alono, sat very
still: he saw again the little curtained
room, with Frida in the armchair, and
worsliiped her with his eyes. Oh, heaven,
if he sits there ten minutes longer he
must tell her; then sho will open her big
blue eyes at him, and run to her mother;
then to-morrow the father will most un
doubtedly tell him tho little boys are to
have another tutor.
"Shall you pot your shoes outside your
door to-night. Herr Bheinhartr
The candidate thought not; he had
done it last at home, and though all
were heavenly kind to him here, he had
only one heart's desire, and most cer
tainly no Chrht Child would put that in
his shoes.
Still if Fraulein Frida desired it, she
most know any wish of hers was his law.
Here the parents entered, good nights
were hurriedly said, and soon all was
The children made a merry rush for
the breakfast table Christmas morning,
displaying their shows filled toorerflow
InaS. Wham-Stan as ha rantura had
atmameu tneyasKetf tne candidate what
he bad found.
Nothing, not even his shoes.
Possibly they had been taken away for
a joke.
The children cried oat in distress.
At this moment the door opened to ad
mit Frida, walking slowly, her eyes on
the floor.
For an instant she hestitated, gave one
look at her mother, who returned it en
couragingly, then walked straight up to
tho candidate with her hands out.
Sho stumbled a little, he sprang to
catch her, and then for the first time he
saw that her pretty little feet were vainly
trying to keep inside of his clumsy shoes.
He stood an instant irresolute, while
Frida's lips quivered, and her courage
almost faded her. Then she was in his
arms, and the good mother, with tears
in her eyes, drew tho little ones oat of
the room and closed the door. Trans
lated for Current Literature from The
Berliner Tagblatt by Miss J. If. Burgoyne.
Cami Tmr sbJ tlilm1
For the past twenty years, writes a cot
respondent in American Florist,! have
used gas tar not only on greenhouse gut
ters but on benches and other parte ex
posed to dampness as weU. He says:
For gutters I have found nothing better
for making them tight. My method of
application is to heat it over a very gentle
fire and apply with a paint brush while
warm. Tho heating facilitates the work,
as it spreads and penetrates tho wood
more rapidly, besides forming a hard and
glossy coat when cold. Caro should be
observed not to fill the vessel too full, as
it is liable to foam and rise over the side
and communicate with the fire. I give
my gutters a coat once a year, generally
in August, as a warm, still day is to be
While on this subject it occurs to me
that possibly somo of your many readers
might be glad to know that crude petro
leum is also a great 'preserver of wood.
I have found it invaluable for green
house 6tages. etc., as a prime coat for all
wood work where exposed to the weather.
It prevents warping and checking and at
the same time repels water. I consider
it iust so much lead and oil saved. If
followed with a coat of paint it remains
on tho surface and forms a solid body.
Buildings treated in this way will suffer
no harm for several years without other
The Japs Don't Save.
You will find but few rich Japanese.
The rule here is that the people are not
accumulative, in our sense oi mo word.
They have never learned tho philosophy
of investment, and they spend all they
make. They have in the past liad no in
vestment of money, except in lands, and
the saving dono has been largely for re
building their houses in cases of fires,
which are very frequent. Dr. Hepburn,
who has been in Japan for more than
thirty years, is my authority for the
statement that a Japancso house is
thought on tho average to last only fivo
years before it is destroyed by fires. The
frame work and the "intcnors are like
tinder, and whole villages are swallowed
up almost monthly in Japanese confla
grations. Tho people are the most care
less people in regard to fires 1 havo ever
6een, and there aro no fire departments
to speak of out of the four or five large
cities. This danger lias thus been an in
centive to saving, but above this there is
little. Savcu-ientlis of the people, at a
rough estimate, live from hand to
mouth, though the postal savings hanks
which havo been introduced bid fair to
teach them differently. Interest is high
and the banks make monev. There is
not a lirgo government debt, and the
most of tho debt 13 held at home. Frank
C Carpenter.
Smg-jllng Lace la a CoQn.
A Brussels lace merchant had received
from a Belgian, residing in Paris, en or
der for a largo quantity of Malincs lace.
Tho goods wero caret ully packed in a
lead coffin, which was dispatched to tho
Paris address as containing a corpse, says
a Paris exchange. Tho Paris merchant
had to wait so long for tho arrival of the
"body" that he at length complained to
tho manager of tho rforthera railway,
who informed him that the coffin had
been detained at the frontier owing to
the non-compliance with certain pre
scribed formalities relating to tho trans
mission of corpses. Our merchant at
onco took train to Quievrain, dressed in
solemn black and with a mourning band
round his bat, and wearing an expression
of profound sadness. But in spite of his
emphatic protest against such an act of
desecration the officials insisted on open
ing the coffin, when the truth came to
light and the ingenious smuggler was
taken into custody. New York Tele
gram. raying Dearly.
In a small village of New England, a
fow years ago, some of tho young girls
acquired habits of eating starch, coffee,
cloves and the like, to improve their
complexions. Tho habits increased by
indulgence, and the girls consumed large
quantities of these substances all good
m their place, but very liarmful when
taiccn aione, and in excess.
In less than a year four out of the six
girls were under the doctor's care. The
coffee eater became the victim of insom
nia, and was bo nervous and timid that
little things made her cry and tremble
as with terror. Tho clove cater had be
come a victim to hysteria, and was in a
deplorable stato. Those who had the
starch habit learned to the full extent
the meaning of dyspepsia. Youth's
There aro 3,500 watche3 made every
day in the United States, and yet they
are never a dru hi the market. A
watch lias become as necessary as a pair
of suspenders.
The First Symptoms
Of all Luaj;U.waeft are much tliestuiic:
feverishness, loss of appetite, .sore
throat, iaiii5 in the clu-st and i.u-k,
healarhe, etc. In a f;v days you iuay
be well, or, on the other hand, you may
be down with Pneumonia or " galloping
Consumption." Kun no risks, but Legin
immediately to take Ayer's Cherry
Several years ngo, James BIrcliard, of
Darien, Conn., was severely ill. The
doctors said he was in Consumption,
and that they could do nothing for him.
but advised him, as a last resort, to try
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking
this medicine, two or three months, he
was pronounced a well man. His health
remains good to the present day.
J. S. Bradley, Maiden, Mass., writes :
" Three winters ago I took a severe cold,
which rapidly developed into Bronchitis
and Consumption.? I was so weak that
I could not sit up, was mnch emaciated,
and coughed incessantly. I consulted
several doctors, but they were power
less, and all agreed that I was in Con
sumption. At last, a friend brought me
a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Tectoral.
From the first dose, I found relief.
Two bottles cured me. and my health
has since been perfect."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. Ayar It Co., Lowell, Mass.
eUfcysllBrifalsta. rrtMfl; U settle, fa
National Bank!
Authorize Capital $250,000,
Aad tea
SsVDeposieB recsiwd aaa
thae deposit.
VDrana oa tae prlae laal cite la tfcte
try sad Karope beaat wmi i
wnni. Bmmsn, 4. u.j
gmsbusM mm.
Office orer Cohuatwe Stats Beak.
Attorney CMiwHir at Law.
Office in Commercial Beak ranm
cniately sad oBrefauy atteadsdta.
uuh. nan. aii Msanmi naaanmeaaa i
Office over First Natioaal
r 91. MACFAMLAIfaTft.
EOffice orer First Natioaal Bask.
bus, Nebraska.
drees me at Colombo. Neb.or call at
..vwmwmi mum.
T will tw. is mw nCj. ... l J. . n
third Hatorday of each month for tae ezaassaa
t ion of applicant for teachers' certiaeates. aatl
for inA iniHaMinn aIKm .i..w.i i j-ZT"
ALDsUF all
Light aad bearj haoli
ht aad heavy haoliac. Goods haadled with
. Headqaarteni at j7x. Becker 1 Col'TeSsa,
tnhMI. !lt anil ,1 mm im
core, xieauqaanera a
Telephone, 33 and 34.
(Succtstort to Fauble Btuktll),
tfnnTi-Ai-Tr.w anil Tk-.i.4A ll
; - - ----- vao - ituBi7Ee Will JaBtt OSaT
brick fireUclaM anil offered at nasoaabla rates.
We are aluo prepared to do all kiade of btiek
K. TUMULft fc CO.
Proprietors and Publishers of the
Both, post-paid to say address, for SXM a mr
strictly in advance. Fault JotnutJX, tLMa
w. a. McAllister. w. m. Cornelius.
jyrcAiisTEK cauviiuvs
Colombo. Neb.
Office up stairs over Ernst A Bchwars's store ea)
unniui trveu
Specialty made of Collection by C. J. Garlav.
XAHTjrAOTuaxa or
Tin aid Skeet-Irti Ware!
JbtvWerk, lHir aati Gittar-
-ag m ogmnfUhj.
tShop oa 13th street,
stand on Thirteenth street.
Caveat aad Trade Marks obtained, sad all
"" uuiunaasiaaciH xor miiikmth I
V.c ' xyjf " nmTO ao son aaeneie. au
"""Ji mmw ww cau naniaci paMBC
leaa tim anrf t I .VMM nwr
-baa U
irom nasningion.
4.8end a?1", drawiajr. or photo, with deseria.
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A book. "How to Obtain Patent," with rater.
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Almost asalatabtoa Mttfc.
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ShyaicJana to Toe the) Haas aad BaaMff
iwiui taiawBUBiHr MisjsswaaMajiaa.sjsj
coaavaWTtoM, memormjL
jie grtmrtmeajf jor Utmm
WiutmgUChUdrm. SotUg
The best bookforaa
advertiser to eoa-
sult, be be expert.
eAeed or othervlaa.
It contiiin lists of ne wsnanera nnd eatbeatea
ofthe cot of ad verttalnjr.The art vrtiTwaa
wants to spend ono dollar, finds la fttbate
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laves one hundred taouaand dollar la i
erttetag; a scheme la Indicated whlca wfll
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to do By Hyf rsrV s avrsrea' to; r
c. us eomoaa aara oeea lasaaev
Seat post-paid, to any addresafar at
nte bkil y. aowiu,
fctejattomeaT tfca 11 w'ttfa tavsiirf tbS
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