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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1888)
' T, "V $,' " -" v-- -., r-J 'ST",. t .. J -'' -:. r --.-iiviw'-,-s5itf(---,---x " r tJK' . '--'- T" otv - -, ---J- . V : I :' c- -f. & x--. O J. BBBBS bbS . . :,- WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. 1888. ' "p'LHSaSE5a3BcH50 V ; - A. N. TIME TABLE. 1 I: i- : : - ' Pass. . Freight; Leave OoluniHis . . . -BeUwoci... DavidCitjr.. ' - .ttonni , . Anlfasat Lincoln 1 T !.. 1.. .. ).TC Vk TTV ATlfl The passenger jeave. iuwu -.; ; . arrive atColnmbus .70 p. m; the freight loaves LUeolnat7.-U0a; m.. andarrivei. at Columbus at t:Q0 p. m. , LMON PACIFIC TIME-TABLE. uiivn atiiT. nTA W8T " AUanticKx.., 4:0n.m. . Local..-. ,.,-:.. 7:10a.m. TwtlE. ...... 1:15p.m. Pacific Ex.... 1220 a. m. iw.1 -. 6:00 p.m. Fast Kx 1W0 P.m. jo'r tsorfolk. Passenger Iww... 1:45 p.m. 8:00a.m. .....11:15 a.m. ..j.. 6:30 p.m. uxed leave - PassMiger arrive Mixsd arrives FOB AI.BIOM A!CD CKDAB BAWDS. Paaarager leaves.-... "Mixed leaves Passenger amves Mixsd itmrt :-- iar.i.jn.- ..,.. 7.-00 a. m. 10 p. m. 8:40p.m. gotietg'&ptitts. ra-All notices under this heading will be charged at the rate of 12 a year. ?W LEBANON LODGE So.M.A. F.AA. M. , Regular meetings -M Wednesday in i each outh. All -thr.nvjted.d. H.-p;CooutQK.Bec,y.- Wl Avfoon. All an coniiiti i: linlly 11. J. inriTm. MjulS Elder JIuimom, Piwadent. -District court in session. Platte county fair next week. It pays to trade at Kramer's. New-tailoring goods at Kramer's. Pra Marlyn & Schug, office Olive fit "Get your team insured with Hen rich." List your property for sale with Henrich. Ladies' shoes, cheapest in town, at Delsman's. Ladies' hats, cheapest in town, at Dels-nan's. A. full line or German knitting yarn at Kramer's, 5-20-3t Books! Toys! Follow the crowd to Fitzpatrick's. 21-5p Best store, cheapest and best goods at DelBtnan's. Legal blanks, n full line, at John Heitkemper's. Hamburg eels, clam juice, and ca preBat E.Pohl'B. Henrich pays all insurance losses promptly and in full. If you want any blankets, go to Kramer's to buy them. Fall woolens for suits and trousers just received at Kramer's. , '.For sale, an almost new $25 zither for $10. Inquire at this office. 20-2 ' For dry-goods, clothing, groceries, v. jcrookery, etc., etc., go to Delsman'B. JIhe best assortment of dinner sets and lamps at Herman Oehlrich & Bro. First-class goods, through and through, at lowest living rates, at Dels man's. Hagel Je. Co. are doing a rushing business in fruits, jobbing to retail dealers. --Frank Daugherty, formerly of this sjjlace. haB started a blacksmith shop at "' -Creston.. ., -The Harrison and Morton club will meet Monday evening next at Fitz patnck'fl i Halt rbreaC. slashing in clothing, fhats, caps, tc.,vat Geo. F. Cremer's in the JocBNAii block. Ex-Senator Van Wyck speaks here on the second, day of the fair next week, .September 27th. It is well to remember that P. W. Henrich leads them all in fire insurance and farm, loans. . Pi W.. Henrich has purchased a . handsome pair of blaek horses from a party in Schuyler. 0Valter Meade is engaged, this week a in putting up pens and stalls for the fair association.. Insurance Is a good thing when placed in a good company. Henrich has . the best companies. '" Miss Alice Plumb has been engaged r .10 teach the school in W. H. Selsor's district, aear Humphrey. -Joorxax. and Omaha Weekly Bee, to any address, in the United States, to V Janwiy lst 1889, for $1.00. .-i-The Public Schools will have one '.day to attend the county fair. The day,. ' as yet, has not been chosen. JouBSAii and Omaha Weekly Bee, to 'akv - address in the United States, to "January lstl889; tor $L00. "-The Columbus "Kid" nine played fiinat ft man nine of Benton Saturday 4-55 to 8, infavor ot the " Kids." . . i-Mose6 Kunzelman, who fell from a tacicer.and had three of. his ribs broken, - Bad m: restless rughi of it Monday. . '... Tbe Firemen s band render good 'mastc, and at the rate" they: are improv-1 in wUl soon be Excelled by ffw." .; . rrSpedal prices given, on application, i- ;toitK)seirishing to lay in'their winter Supply of coaL L. W. Weaver. 21f6t " ' -The. invitations are out for the lnar ...riitbda.y'pf P..W. Jacobeon and Mrs.-J'-'AaBiHar,both of Lost Creek township. '"'fJXh&jovusxii is on" sale, each .week,' V'aV'tnjbopk 'and news ftorea :qf E. D. '- -RUpstiick and J.Heitkempert 5 cents copy. -. " " " '-T-Fbr steainBhip'iickets;see Gus. "G. BaehM '""i CoJ- they 'sell - ticket, from. Eteope.tq Columbus at a reductipn oY ti2Iorfie."preeent. r , . 19, .: SkMt'kDeeches-were made' at the J '.Haniibo : and :Mbrton'olub meetiag Sa;t .mrdaT'.eTwiing '$ 'JM: .Macfarlandi W. -jt McAllister and Carl Kramer. ' .- " . . .- " . . . ; " VM'fcinzelman; while working- with a'kay stacker sit -Turner's farm-south of v lto:cityVa3: threeribe on.nis left'tpde broksa. Dr. Scfaug tended bin: "- - .. v- . : - . says the Platte . 4p.m. 813 " .30. " . '..'. 10:07 " 6:10 " ...1l2J5 " 115 . -i .-. --Haiy ia- -w .. - - . : 5HBTa.l 3n-5ka HsBB .iSBBmBBBBBf bbMbm, SsBBBbIsBbS aJVSBBBBB Vll BBBB VHK HsMT . W QBkfV BBBbCJ " J, Wt?" MMJM'SBBSBBmSBBBMlBBi' BittSBBB? Boclr Springs coal, always on hand atL..W.;Weaver. 21tf Secure bargains in crockery, glass ware and lamps at John Heitkemper's. For rent, two unfurnished rooms, with or without board. inquire of Mrs. Hi L. Winterbotham. o . ", Joubsaii and Omaha Weekly Bee, to any address in the United States, 'to January 1st, 1889, for $1.00. Henrich loans money on farms: at six per cent, interest and a small com mission paid at the end of five years. D. J.-Chesnutwood has been pro moted to be second clerk in the railway mail service between Omaha and Chey enne. The Columbus B. B. Association give a ball next Friday evening, Sept. 21st, at Fitz Patrick's new "hall. Tickets 75 cents. Thurston has returned " from Wis consin and -goes to Indiana to open the campaign on the 25th. John's fame is now national. Notice! We want a correspondent in every township in Platte county not represented regularly in the JotTRNAt Apply at once. At Seward they are complaining of the road workers not making the grades wide enough, and leaving the roads rough with clods. . If the" Columbus -Democrat is afraid of 'republican "ghosts," what will be come of it when republican flesh and blood enters the White House? Do not trust a traveling solicitor but place your insurance with Henrich; he has been in the business for -years and thoroughly understands it. Some mean devil (no other name will suit) kicked a hole in the Union Brass band's drum and knifed the Fire men's drum one night last week. Bishop Worthington has given a special invitation to Occidental Lodge No. 21 K. of P. to be present at the Episcopal church, this city, next Sunday afternoon at 3. The Uniform Bank K. of P. have an invitation to be present at the opening ot the corn palace at Sioux City. They have accepted the invitation and will go in a body on the 27th. B. Ellis, late in the season, planted a few acres to corn, for the fodder only, but it looks as though he would get at least twenty bushels of ears to the acre, besides an immense crop of provender. There are 76 pupils in the primary department of the Third ward. The board of education intends having a building erected on the school lot, in order to have the extra number accom modated. A great many more farmers than is usual are cutting up corn. Mostly it is being done to feed to fattening steers, but all who can possibly find the time 6hould cut up the corn, and thus save hay for sale. Mrs. Drake of this city was one of the judges of the babies competing for awards at the state fair; the recipients were Miss Ruff, 9 months, Miss Hennes sy, 3; Master Bnshmere, 23, Master Baldwin, 11. The program of the Columbus As sociation of Congregational churches is out for the fall meeting at Clarks, Oct. 2 to 4. We notice that Bev. a V. Bice, Rev. J. O. Jasker and C. G. Hickok have places on the program. Edward Jones, the colored gardner of this city, took the first premium on carrots and the second on Irish pota toes; at the state fair; A. Berger, the first on display of brooms; John Tannahill, first premium on sweet potatoes, garden stuff. The:state fair last week was proba bly, all things considered, the best ever held in the state. Wednesday's receipts alone were sufficient to pay the entire expense. Great crowds of people were in attendance, and the exhibits were good. At the meeting of the school board Monday evening the board determined to rent the Bollin building on Olive street for occupancy by Mrs. Geer's de partment; Miss Clara Weaver was se lected to take charge of the Third ward school. One of Platte county's mechanics who runs a farm cleared $1,000 last year on hogs, and thinks they are decidedly the best paying property on the farm. Another year he will be still bettor pre pared to. care for them, although he now grinds and steams their feed. While in Chicago J. C. Fillman pur chased an elegant silver tilting ice pitcher and other articles which he will give away Jan. 1, 1889. Every person making a cash purchase of $1.50 will be entitled to a drawing. Call and examine the prizes and secure a number, as the draw ing is now open. 1 P. W. Henrich has recently made the following sales. The prices show ah advance in real estate: The Rev. St Clair property on Fifteenth street to Chas. H. Conner, engineer on the U.T, $lj500 cash; 560 acres of land in Lost Creek township for Geo. P. Shebbins ot Omaha, for $7,900. It is estimated that at Mason City, lav, the heavy frosts of last Wednesday and Thursday nights damaged the corn crop- to the extent of twelve bushels, to the acre. Nebraskans can be thankful, so far,.for the mild fall weather we are having, in which thousands of tons of hay are being put up. . Nebraska has, so far, been wonderfully-favored by the weather clerk.. While much com was planted late, and much besides, owing to the very rapid growth- ot the early season, was soft, frost has kept off until, all matured. A few -more such days and'-.the. latest planting wouldprobably be entirely out of danger; - . -. Talk' about raising hogs! Mr. P.1 Higgins tolls us that he lias sold within the last -four months $1500 worth which were all 'raised within the past twelve months and that, during itke past year he-has sold about $1800 worth. Tins' as the Tight way to utilize the corn crop and Mr. wpn kaowa how it-is done. -SABylarSwil. : i Bbb Ya WkKi rendered Satur-'' last 'at the Opera House, py the asdience. is always interest- th PERSONAL. CoL Merritt is in the city. E. A. Sheets has returned to Denver. John McMahon was in the city over Sunday. D. C Kavanaugh of Platte Center was in town yesterday. Mr.'Apgar, the Woodville postmaster, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. D. McDuffy returned last week from her trip to Missouri. Mrs. B. H. Henry arrived home from the state fair Saturday evening. Mr. T. Wolf, a banker at Creston, was in town Wednesday on business. John Harr left last week; with his family, stock, eto, for Lusk, Wyo. Mrs. H. B. Faublo is visiting friends east and will be absent several weeks. Mr. Flemming and John Barrell of Creston were in .town several days last; week. . I S.' J. Wheeler and Mr. Byers of Cres-j . . .. 11J 1 ton twp. were in town yesieruay, mjukuikj hearty. 1 Charles Coolidge went yesterday toi North Platte to work for Mr. Foley, a' merchant. Success to him. John Wise, Esq., of Sherman twp. was; a very sick man last week; we are very' glad to learn that he is better. W. Saunders of the Platte Center Ar, gus passed through the city Monday morning to Fremont on business. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Westcott, Sr., go this week to Creston to visit their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. ClarlL Mrs. Bloedorn and children returned from their Colorado trip Tuesday, great ly benefited by the mountain air and scenery. W. A. Hampton, Esq., of Humphrey, the republican nominee for representa tive, was in the city Monday, in attend ance on district court. Sheriff Bloedorn attended the sheriff's convention at Lincoln Thursday. This was preliminary to a meeting during the session of the legislature. Mrs. W. H. Winterbotham and daugh ter Hazel, who have been visiting friends in the city the past two weeks, returned Saturday to their home in Genoa. Mr. and Mrs. a B. Cowles of Clarks, (former well-known residents of Platte county) are on a four week's visit to Mr. C's old.home at New Haven, VL Mrs. H. J. Hudson started yesterday to visit her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Win terbotham at Genoa and her son James at Woodville. The Judge will follow Saturday. Miss Clara Martin visited Columbus friends last Friday and Saturday. Miss Martin commenced teaching a term of ten months in the David City schools last Monday. Ed. Hoare, of Lost Creek twp. was in town Monday. He is one of the most ardent republicans in the county, and is posted on the wages problem as con nected with the tariff. Mrs. H. E. Ballou was quite sick for a few days last week with pneumonia, but under Dr. Schug's care she has recover ed. While she was ill her son Edward took her place in school. John Huber and John Freeman, both of whom were employed at the state fair grounds last week, returned home Sat urday. Freeman says that John Tanna hill had a magnificent display at the fair very nicely arranged. David Smith and Chris. From have returned from their trip to the fairs at Norfolk, Omaha and Lincoln; they must have enjoyed themselves, as they look brown as nuts, fat as pigs and as pleas ant as a basket of new pine chips. Judge Bowman of Columbus, repre sentative from Platte county, member of the republican state central committee and of the executive committee of the state central committee, who has been in the city for some days attending the fair and to business, returned home last Thursday. Lincoln Journal. G. N. Crawford, Esq., returned Satur day from Idaho, where he has been spending the last few weeks grubbing sage brush and seeding some land to Alfalfa. On twelve acres last year he raised three crops, 72 tons in all, which sold at $12 a ton, or $72 an acre; $10 an acre represented the entire expense, leaving $62 an acre as the net profit. Mr. Crawford says that the inter-state commerce act has been a detriment to that country, because the miners of high-grade ore have held railroad com panies strictly to the law concerning rates, and have .virtually ruled out the miners of low-grade ores, and their ven tures are being abandoned. A Narrow Escape. Monday at about five o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kummer were going homeward from the city in a wagon loaded with merchandise, barb wire and a wardrobe being a portion of 'the load. On the west end of Eleventh street, the bit of one of the horses fell out of his mouth from some cause, the team be came unmanageable and 'ran away; for a little while they ran on the straight road, Mr. Kummer holding to the lines, until one of them gave way. At once a front wheel was cramped against the wagon box, which was overturned, throwing the occupants to the ground, fracturing Mr. K.'s right shoulder and Mrs. K.'s left wrist. Cap. Tschtidy, who caught the team and from whom we get the par ticulars, thinks Mr. K. was struck on the shoulder by. the wardrobe and that Mrs. K. was hit by the wagon box. The many friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mra. Kummer will be glad to hear that notwithstanding their injuries, .they had strength and pluck enough to walk into the city and place themselves under the care of Dr. Willy; It-was certainly a narrow escape and the JocBXAx, expresses the universal feeling 'of thankfulness in this, commu nity that the .lives" of two of its best and most respected citizens have been spared for further' usefulni Unusualprearatiohs have been made by the managers of the 'Columbus Driv ing Park and Fair association .to make their 8th annual fair, to be held Sept. 26, 27 and 28, the most successful 'one of the series.- Already. large number of en tries have been made and several special attractions arranged for. . This associa tion is a member of .the.Cen.tral Nebras ka Fair circuit, and promises, to give' one of.theTsry bast fairs in the circuit The premiums are iiberal'and the entries' will be large. Full informatirn maybe had of G-W. Phillips, fecntary, Colum hm, Nab. 82-2 Celaiisas Tewashi. From A. W. Clark, the gentlemanly supervisor- of Columbus township, we learn some facte of interest to the pub lic. . . The' grading now being done is under ft contract with Mr. Fuller, and the work is preceding with a Gould & Aus pn machine; about two miles of 'grading is completed .on what is known' as the JBrowner road and Becher road. The contract is at 35 cents a rod, the 'grade to be not less than 28 nor more than 30 feet wide, nd not less than. 2 nor more than 3 feet in perpendicular hight be- ( tween the. top of the ridge and the bot tom of the ditch. . About five miles of work-has been-con- tracted for, and work is now being done on the. grade south of Westcott's on the Ernst road. It is intended also to grade the hill north of Ernst's into better shape for travel. Now is certainly a good time to work the toads; the weathor being, dry, the dirt will get packed. The ..township authorities are to be commended for the action they are tak ing, being convinced that more is got for the money by contract in this way. A township hall was ordered in the spring,and has now been contracted for, further operations 'awaiting the selec tion of a site. 'The building is to be 18x24 feet 10 feet ceiling, brick founda tion. James Salmon has the contract, the building to cost'$375. It should be located so as to be as convenient as prac ticable for the voters of the township; near Fred Gottschalk's has been talked of, and near C. C. Miller's, but the site has not yet been determined, and any one desiring to donate can call on A. W Clark. Again. The JouBNAii is not disposed to quit saying a good word now and again, for the establisement of a canning factory here. We .are satisfied that it is only a question of time, but we want the time to be short so that we can have some of the. benefits to follow. The main thing lacking all along has not been the money necessary for the. enterprise, but the man of practical knowledge to invest his time and talents and some money. We believe that stock for an $8,000 in stitution could be secured in an hour after the practical man makes his ap pearance. Under date of Sept. 16, Judge H. J. Hudson is in receipt of a letter from E. H. Potter of Warnerville, this state, (where he is superintending a success ful factory) telling him that he will give any information desired concerning the business. He does not state that he would take a moneyed interest at all, but it may be that if he could not, him self, he would find a man that would. Nothing like ''pegging away" at what you -want. Platte Coanty at Lincoln. Our county's exhibit at the state fair is thns spoken of by the Lincoln Call: "In charge of John Tannahill the large variety of products of this rich county are nicely placed and are demanding a large share of the visitors' attention. Fruits, vegetables, grain and grasses in all varieties are here and all of mammoth proportions and of finest quality demon strating that quantity and quality can bo combined in the products of this rich county. Mr. Tannahill is among the early set tlers of the county and is in every way posted and is certainly representing the county very creditably. Some of the finest varieties of apples, grapes and oth er fruits are to be found here. The display of bottled goods is exten sive and very nice, consisting of table sauces, meat dressings, eta, made from the products of the county. The garden seed display is the largest yet shown, there being over 100 different varieties. The vegetables are among the largest and best ever exhibited in the state. The specimens of artificial stone made at Columbus is a drawing card.. One feature of this exhibit worthy of mention are the wooden bottom shoes manufactured by Siegenthaler Bros. & Lutz of Columbus, which are pronounc ed as exceedingly fine. The exhibit is second to none and is a credit to the Platte county people. Hon. M. K. Turner, the vetern edi tor of the Columbus Journal was in the Center Friday last. He made, a pleasant call at- the Argus office, and expressed himself as being surprised at the rapid growth of the town." So says the Platte Center Argus. We seldom object to anything said of us, but we must this time enter protest, in a good-natured way. We object to be ing quoted as "surprised" at the rapid jjrowth of the town. In eighteen years we have seen Boone county grow from a country without a white man living in it; Nance the same, except government employes, at the old Pawnee agency; Madison and Polk nearly the same, and it is too late along for us to be Surpris ed" at rapid growths anywhere in Ne braska. If the Argus will accept the word "pleased," we will call it square. Colanba Honey at Lincoln. Aside from its newspapers, mills and banks, there is probably no single busi ness represented in Columbus that bet ter advertises the city than the business transacted by Mrs. if. N. Heater. Of her exhibit at the state fair last week the Lincoln Journal says: "Each succeeding year the apiary de partment finds Mrs. Heater, of Colum bus,, present with a large showing of comb and extracted honey, wax, imple ments and all bee-keepers' supplies. The exhibit is in the form of a large pyramid of jars of .Honey arranged around an ornamented velvet back ground, bearing the name and residence of 'the exhibitor. This exhibit shows to advantage what well directed intelligent study and years of experience can do in this direction, and all who visit the state fair should not fail to visit apiary hall arid inspect this exhibition;" It is little paragraphs such as foK lows that attract the attention of sensi ble, farmers east more than all the brag and bluster that can be heaped' up: James M-Frost, though haying Jand Of his own in Kansas, has rented for several years; a tract near this city, of. Patrick Murray. This year he seeded 300 acres to corn and 100 to oats. While his oats were about as the usual run, his corn he thinks will not be less than 14,000 bushels, Pat Murray estimates -it 15;-, 000. vMr. Frost has lived in several different places,' but he thinks Platte county is the best 'farming -country he hasstruok. .. .Columbus teachers seem to be in demand. A-few days ago a committee, from an adjoining- town visited Colum bus andv offered' tha present city super intendent a much larger salary than he now receives if he would, take charge of their -schools.' And now comes David City offering D. G. Christy a larger sal ary if he. will accept a position as assist ant principal in their high school. LIFE OF GEN. HARRISON. . BY OES. LEW. WBLLACE. This book, lust out, is the life of a great man by a great -author. . It is a superior' literary production worthy, of special attention. Both subject and author have'risen by superior- qualities,. indomitable energy and application from the quiet walks of life to world-wide fame. They have been life-long friends; both have had thrilling iBxperiences on the field of battle; have served in the council chamber of the nation. How fortunate that the man whose illustrious- ancestry shall be put in the shade -by his own' elevation to the presidency of a. far greater 'nation and whose fitness for. sucn exalted position the people desire iu uvcu.oie.iamuiiar witu, suouiu nave such a biographer. One' who has pass ed through like experience in the war for the Union and in the national coun cils and rho can intelligently unfold and discuss the views Gen. -Harrison holds upon national issues. One also who wields a pen of such wonderful des criptive power as to have reached un challenged fame as authorship. The work is issued by the Messrs. .Hubbard "Broa, of Philadelphia, Chicago and Kansas. City, is intensely interest ing, elegantly illustrated, and we under stand is having a remarkable sale. It is sold through agents and undoubtedly affords exceedingly profitable employ ment for a great many activo young men as every true American should cer tainly read this book before Nov. 4th. d E. Barrell, local agent hero ot the B. & M., left Saturday week, ostensibly for .Plattsmouth, whither his- wife hiUl gone the day before. Not arriving there, it was ascertained here, by a letter left for his wife, that nsome debts; contract ed before bis arrival' here, had greatly troubled him, and ho would leave until such time as he could straighten them up. It is said that he was given to mag nifying affairs greatly, enlarging mole hills of trouble into mountains of diffi culties, and it is thought that a tempo rary giving way to this feeling so pos sessed him that he became completely discouraged. There is no evidence that his accounts or transactions with tho railroad company were anything but all right. Bismarck Township. Threshing is in progress now. Hay making is almost finished here. Small grain is a very light crop this year. The corn is drying out very fast and will soon be beyond the injury of frost. Jacob Karline sold two loads of fine fat hogs last week to Rickly Bros. O. D.Butler and W.H. Swartsley took a trip to the Lincoln fair last week. The enrollment at the academy has increased to twenty-one, with new ar rivals almost daily. Messrs. John Conley and J. C. Swarts ley put np tho hay from forty acres of land in two days, which is a pretty good record. Charles. Lyceum Program Sept. 22d. The first meeting will bo held at Fitz patrick's now hall, 13th street. Opening remarks II. J. Hudson Piano solo Clara Lehman Recitation GracoGeer Souk Misses MorriHon Recitation Francis Barnhart Select reading - L. Phillips Piano solo EnorClother Recitation Kate Taylor Debate: Would it be for tho best interests cf the city to vote the bonds as called for, at a special election to be held Oct.. 3d, 1848? Affirm ative Carl Kramer, W. B. Backus; Negative M. P. Hard, C. A. Brindley. A resident of this city, a red-hot democrat, lately on a visit to New York state, says although he is a democrat himself he must confess that the jig is up for Cleveland in New York, and it is the tariff issue that is doing it. He speaks of the workmen at a slate quarry; they -will all vote tho republican tickot, every one of them, because if free trade prevails their occupation is gone, and they will have to hunt another job. So it goes. The men who toil for a living for themselves and families know on which side their bread is buttered. H. H. Huntomann was in town Wed nesday last on business and gave the Journal a very pleasant call. He has lately contracted for the erection of the following improvements in his section: a dwelling-house 28x36, two stories, for Fred. Behlens, Shell Creek township; a dwelling, 34x26, two stories, for Henry Robert of Sherman township; a barn 48 x60 foot and posts 16 feet for John H. Leutgeluschen. Democratic sheets take great pains to deny the fact that some John Jones, a clerk in one of the departments, is in charge of the distribution of campaign documents, but we notice they are not engaged in denying that Graver Cleveland, president of the United States, has furnished $10,000 as a contribution to the fund designed to re-elect him president. If the former is civil service reform what is the latter? We are in receipt of a letter from J. A. Beed, dated on steamship City of Berlin, on mid-Atlantic, Aug. 30, 1888. It is a lengthy, interesting letter, but, received just as we go to press, we can not find space for it this week. He writes that his health is improving fast and that he is enjoying his trip exceed ingly. His address, for the present, will be care of Inman Inter-National Steam ship Co., 13, Pall Mall, London, England. .Good Enongh! 1 lost a mare. recently, by disease, sud denly taken down with, brain fever. She was worth $175, which would have been a total loss had it not been that I had insured her. P. W. Henrich was the agent for the company, and my loss was promptly paid me without delay or trouble. Walter Mead. Base Ball Challenge. The E. D. Fitzpatrick base ball club hereby challenge any organised base ball club in Platte county to play a game of. ball on the .second day of the fair at the base ball grounds in Colum bus, , Chas. Raymond, Capt. For. Sale or Rent. My feed lots, containing., 30 acres, with all necessary buildings and facilities for handling .stock; located in west endrCo lumbuscity. -. ' D.Akdebsojt, ".." South Omaha, 2T-- Or. L.-WEAVEB, Columbus. One man from Piattsmouth and two of Omaha, belonging to the StAndrews society, spoke at the EbiscoDai church last Sunday, and: urged that more men join in doing church work: A large aur aience was jut attendance. PARVATTOa . u- ..- ..-... TKi.r ocjjuuwr lain, to Jirs. W.-H. yarnanan, a bob. CJJPtewbjw' . to Mrs Aifert BECKER-Sepfember 13th, to Mrs. Wm.Beck er, a aaagnter. ATTENTION, aaBBBw aV ksbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbh bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbU bbbbbbbbbbH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) tsbbbbbbbbbnv hbf SBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV BBBBBBl K BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnV BBBBBBBBBBBBBT ftsBBBBBBfBBBBn. VBBnW BBBBBBB) BBJ BBBBBbI LbbbV- IF- 'Lr ' MRST-CLASS HARNESS SH0P: WA11 goods guaranteed as-represented. I use nothing but the. very best of stock and employ none but thd most skilled workmen: It you. are in, need .of any mjr line&will pay you to look at my goods before- buying. By strict attention to business and fair dealing I-trust to merit a share, of your-patronage. tWBxPAixaa neatly done, on short notice, and at .low Trices. Call and me F. JBSS4f OUS.O. BECHER. Xttabltihed GUS. G. BECHER & CO., Loan, Real Estate COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. oner ta Uu oa Farms at lowest rates of interest, on short and .long time, in amounts T ""cemfUAfcrtraets sf Title to all Keel Estate in Platte coanty. Notary Fobuo' always in Omcz. Farm aa City Preserti for Sale. . luwaaee against Fire, Lightning and Tornadoes. Lira asd Aocidejjt Insurance, none bat Cha very best companies represented. oQ-t Meaauhlt Tickets to and ficom all parts in Europe. 28jaIjSCMf MURDER! Did you hear how they are slashing Clothing, Eats, Caps, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, "JOURNAL" Block, 11th Come early and Aug. 29, 88-tf. W.T. RICKLY & BRO. Wholesale and Fresla. i 2veots. Gaae, Paaltry, aid Fresk Fish. All Kinds f Saisage a Specialty. CVCaah paid for Hides, Felts, Tallow. Highest market price paid for fat cattle."CJ Olive Street, twa Dears Ntrth tf the Fint Xatioial Bart. DIED. WILLY-fiept. lltii. or inflammation of the boweK Mrf . Amanda Willy, aged ffi! yearn. Tho fnneral took placo Hnmlny from the late resi dence of the deceased on Eleventh Ktreet, Itev. O. V. ltice officiating. The deceased came here a year ago last July,, from Shelby coanty, Iowa. usiness Notices. Advertisements under this head five cents a line each insertion. "POR SALE! A house and lot west of High School building on Ninth street. Inquire of J. Waoneb. lSjunam FOR good young breeding Stock of all kinds, c-.ll at Bloomingdale Ktock farm. A. ITen rich.Plntte Center P.O. Neb. 30-tf WM.SCHILTZ makee boots and Bhoesinthe liest style, and nsee only the very best stock that can be procured in the market. SZ4i POll EXCHANGE.-WU1 excliange good milch cows and some young cattle for a good young mare or work horse. 23joUp J. W. WlTCHCT. Duncan P. O. Lecal Xotlee. To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to locate a road cominenring at the south end of Monroe street in Oiila Villaze addition to the cltv of Colum bus and running thence due south until the same intersects the Columbus and l'hitte river roadand terminating thereat, and known and designated at the"Oida road," has reported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all ob jections thereto, or claims for damages, mnst be filed In the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 15th day of October, A. I. 18&3, or such road will be established without reference thereto. Joiix Stauffer. Conn It Clerk. Dated. Columbus. 3teb., Aug. IStb. '88. -it. SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL. Resolved, That a special, meeting of this coun cil be held on the 29th day of September, 1588, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of asseftging upon the following described lot, to wit: Lot one in block 150 in the city of Colombns, the expense of laying a sidewalk upon Lincoln, stroetabutting said lot. Further" jefeolved. That notice to Frank Egan of the timo, place and purpose of holding said meeting be published by the clerk in the Colum bus Joubnai. for four weeks prior to said date. By order of tho city council. lAttest.j 2,Jt City (,,ert SHERIFF'S SALE. By Virtue of an order of sale directed to mo' from the district court of Colfax county, Nebras ka, on a judgment obtained in the district court of Colfax county, Nebraska, pa the 6th day of August, 1888,' at an adjonrned 'session of the June A. D., 1888. term,'in favor of F. N: iloffstatt and W.JJ. Taylor, partners, as F. NI Hostatt Co., as plaintiffs, and against John Graff, James I. Bennett 'and Kobe rt Marshall, partners, as Graff, Bennett & Co., as- defendants, for tho sum" of Twenty-five Thousand Six Hundred and Three dollars and Twenty-eight cents, and costs taxed at fW.08, and accrningcosts. I have levied upon the. following reel estate.laken as .the" property of said defendantsto satisfy said. order 'of sale iuwii. a uu wui. uau vt. uie nocinwest quarter or section thirty-one (31), the east haH of the north east quarter of section twenty-one (21), the east half of the-sontheast aoartef, the west half f the'sontheast quarter.-the east half of the eodth- wesi uuaner oi section- twenty-two 422), the I north hall of the northeast quarter, the west I - the northwest quarter of section twentr-thres (23), .the north half of the southeast nuarter of section twenty-four (24). Lots five (5). six (8) and seven (7), m section thirty ), all in town, ship ' eventeen m), nohof range one.(l), east of the. sixth (6th) principal meridian In Platte sale to the highest bidder.f or cash ia hinH tka .bras term &. .&..! : .!. I ,... " - ,. wm .... m ...w am awmmiii.iii. imi,. r m mmmmmm 1 of court was held, at tli kwlf 7rS ' p. m 01 saia qar. wbea aad . dm -: ante wUl be by fommimmim-i. T t HORSEMEN! Harness Depot. . . . . . . . - .. Jl you wish to get value received, . . . .go-to " : F. S. IDSGHES; ELEVENTH ST., " -. OppMHtUhldil tW. . . r hare constantly, on hand all -goods, from, the cheapest to.the "best, and will sell them 'at -lower prices than the same quality 'of goods bought anywhere else ia Platte county. You can find here single and double Carriage and Buggy Harness, -Farm harness light and heavy, a beautiful stock of -Robes' and. Blankets, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Hal tersj' Whips, Sleigh' Bells, Curry Combs, Brushes, Wagon Covers and. Tenia, Trunks 'and Valises,- Buggy-tops, and in fact every? thing that is kept in a RXJSCHE, Ool-uxxibus, ITolaraajlca. 1879. LEOPOLD JJKGGl MURDER!! ETC. Street, Columbus, Neb.? secure bargains. GEO. F. CREMER. Retail Dealers in PROBATE NOTICE. Notice probate of will, Thomas McPhillips. de-: ceased. In county court, Piatt County,. Neb. The state of Nebraska to the heirs and next of kin of the said Thomas McPhillips, deceased: Take notice, that npon filing of a written instru ment purporting to be the last will and testament of Thomas Mcl'hillips for probate anil allowance, itis ordered that said matter bo set for hearing the 22d day of September, A. D. 1888, before said county court, at the. honr of o'clock a. m., at which timo any person interested may appear and contest the same; and notice of this proceed ing is ordered published three weeks successive ly in the Coluxbus JouHNAfc,a weekly news paper published in this state. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the county court,- at Co lumbus, this 25th day of August, A. I)., 1888, 29auglt H- J. Hunsox, County Judgo. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. In the estate of Willard Eltzroth. deceased, ta county court, Platte, county, Nebraska. To tho creditors, heirs, legatees and others interested in the estate of Willard Eltzroth: Take notice, that John Hnb-r has filed in tho county court a report of his doings as adminis trator of said estate and it is ordered that tho .tame stand for hearing the 20th day or Septem ber. A. D. 1888, before the court at th hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at which timn any person interest-. ed may appear and except to and contest the same. And notice of this proceeding is ordered given three times in Columbuh Journal prior to said hearing. Witness my hand and .the seal of the countr court at Columbus this 30th dny of August, A. 1. 1883. 5sep3 if. J. Hudson. County Judge. MH0NT1HHALSH The object of this school educatv practic ally, to prepare teachers', fpr their -prpfession, to promote the commbn schools, ahtl'to' giv thoeo. who are seeking a scientifie and cl.issic'.e'luca tion that privilege at this school. Th organiza tion is s-icli. that Istndents of any- 'grade m.ij enter, 'and pupils are'not detained oq thft inoHIc iencyof some one ols4. Industry anddetprmin- ation are rewardel. A thorongif. knowledge of the subject.taught is tlie.reiuisite forprumotuin. Fall term opened September 4, l&r9." " First winter term opens Tuesday! Nof-feinber' lsTiass. . For further information address." W. H. CLEHMON?. 21-5t Fresifient. WMtebrait, per ton' $5 00 6 00 Illinois, Sock Sprang;' Canon City, . .-.-.- 7 001 :i- T (DO Easliri & Wcslin Har. GoaJ. 'A 1 amfcaad. 8pecial .' TAYLOR. WiUJ I . COL'UMBTJS. aTAITfY ,0A...nntaki,uv,tfuiiiak'.AAaaMADai Tuesday af ternooii,-and artf correct utl rjtlifM . -" - gt the time. -" -".""" . .-.-w fm . i Whes......-: ...v ....".. :..-.. i. . ? ." .... . Cora -(jn oar) ...-....-...,.-........ x "...-., ?" ; Vprn (sbeJIcp......?...v-.'":r-.:--aP V . -"" -". . Oats... .,. .m. .... ..... .v "- . ia . m hjl - . --.-- ;.. ;.---as..- ... Flour....,..- t. ..x".-."... ..,..;;... $24wB"08.-r .. ,. ; Buckwheat.. "C....".... .!... ..-.-.".l ... .!$" -". :..-.-- - . Flnv . - 1 j""" -. " iU6 .i " X U&& .... ..... ....... I . ..I. w. ..... .. -. .3 ww . -. .- . . - ." ..- .PnoUUCB." "--.-".".! "- :".-:.i' '' Butfcr .. ...XKATS. ..-. Shoulders.... Vy .... .rj:..r... .7-- Sjf ', aiiltir.:.. .....x.. !.. -."v.......". . tMmj . :'.: J4TK STOCK.. .-. 'B.'p " -" ' . . fAsatswV lU.CUWB.M a ' mm - .-. .-. .- inn n ... -. ' m mBIs . ABrfcAJSf Fat Btaero. ........ ....i. .. ........ ..'j laJiW,"--;. i .. In.- -??A? '- ""-..:". ' SB""- f '" ' '' " ' Hani, lVniij-VlVauia.'..-. .-,---.......:. o.. ,"-- -l.-.' : -.-. -.. Hant.-lJ,tror;to.,... ...... "....i.;-;-.,.' t :- l1 :".. ?. .,;". luK-k. SnrinirS. liut . ' . 1 '. . . . .-"-. S-0S.. .". . -C - . lCork Springt,luiiiV .-.;.... ...;.. ;... .. ' DS-- -. .. vartM.-.... .-;. .....-.,.. -..c. .- v-- .:..!" . .-. .. .. Colocuio :-..'-: t'.-....' a ow..--...--... .-.j. m' t . BTJSSElLiE DK.LKR;S DUPLEIWIHDiULS AU Kinds of PUMPS .REPAiREDON SHORT -- ?: Olive St.", ajtarly. apaetita f ast-aJtoc. j-"-". ' jun8S.y . '''': -. A STRAY E&F,; jm&fj "'tfer: ' -'" .- JOURNAL OFFICE CARpiS;- ;.:- -:.-- v'. . ENVEtOPES;.: r . -t -. - XOTE-ilEAOS;-... -;: - Rltili -HEADS. ---.-: - ; .-". .i3IRBULAVRS, ... ,;-l . ." l'WpjirufiStT&TU.. TIE ..--r-.jeetof.OiHtiha;atW-. -"-V."--"-.-:".i -"V"-.- . GREISEN BROS. :vW, The best ; rnjinnfiiutories of .-.tlie eouatry.-v v " -. -".-:".. roproeented". .Nt)t";to bo linSersol-J-'':' -" ".. '. . .'- -'" "." s" bv'unvbudr. -tL'oti.ean'd- see '--" ..-:. "V " -.:' lv an ybbd ..-. ;Cpiiie" an'd- ... - pn(jorai. ... ..-'.-.; GrREliSlEN BROS. TMflta tie most FBAOTTJOAIt HKX&CUT BHOS ever invented. . ltls very QENTOII. and TJHSSfiTaadi-rras (ho earao protectloa as a boot or over-caltor. Atls ' tnamnlent to Dut on and thrt ton can br aril: fif fnv 1rTn Tit fl(mnl Tnfir4r"tftrtl.ntln ItaraalBb; &REISEN BliOS. l.':-.lL".r-tf Special ADDODQceieit! firt TISK NEXT' 60 DAYS WK OFfER OUK XAKRK AND COAIfLETK STUCK OK GEKTB'- - Furnishing Goods ! BOOTS & SHOESV -AT GraIy-:-Rediced-?fice r -'HTrCnlij'samine Goods and learn. prices.. " '. -. ' ".-' ..' '," '".--. Grcican Eros. S. Co. Pat. "S,5a. IBm'-v..-paijBja!- -4aaP-aaBB'- JK s " bbW -bW-sbbf - BBBBBBBBB-BBa' lJSl J -' a l WBBBBBfK- B Bm Ja. "BBBBBBBBBBB'BBBBBBs- aV SBBBBBBBBB iBBBBV t - -. "" r " ' - ' '.'..-' 22epSC-7 I .'; ': I "j fi I nbailaaJgfcafsBBBBBBaTi. GBOCeMes! ALWAYS- OX'HAJf D A -FCLLAsSI) NEW LINE- v C' -' . OF OUOCEKIKSXVEL-LBSIJsCTED,-; S;-.: - ' ;. CANNED ANP DNIElV OF. AfL.: nUSDBr ;- - u .- " frCAISASTKEW.TOHEOPBEST-".:; --.'--'.'-- " - QUALITY., ..;.--:-..:: .:-...-.-. - ' :'."- ' A C0OlAXWEIJASEliyIXrWk-At'-' . -; "' --WAYSASCHEAPASTHEGHEAP-- V- ;-.; . . BT-TH AT DEFY C.pM'.lbilTIpNV"-'-""'-.1-'.''-. -i AndallkindAof .counti.'produ'cefakenintradaV"' "- '-'. i! "-" : and' all goods delivered free "of charge :' V. :;'." ;. '.- "- "- : to-any'part .of ,the citjr.- -:.;""..' C . : .' . ". '.;". " ' KtEP.QNLY THEBES'T GKADEB F FLOJ ;.: "- - : . V - -.- .-v.-. ' ".. - I'm, .V.-A. .--.' . V.- ?. XJL --'- ".'-'. .. . - "..-. :. -. -" --.v.. ' : - -.O ''. - - . -r - "' - . - v:-: :.. :. iMftt lilt- -y-'Sim.l ?&.$& '&:. gat'SlZ T-k, SX;f?-??.. a j ,- -a., -... . --r .-:. T--vT-3 VTT : t-t ims&i T fc.i r - jr3'1Ll BBBBBBBBBBeS&S'::- V- ' . "J. '- -, ' -SkkLj&&ZJJ-- I 22-:'5Ci; JikV's?