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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1886)
Vj Cv ," V x g .Ttyvrvy'y-gV;.-; V ---.V "Pt-. iagguigjj iMMMMCttHBiMMMMI MS ll 4 1. 4btajfaunti WEDNESDAY, OCT. 6, 18SJ. latwtist ttt Poitoflei, Csluatu.XTrt., t:ncosi clut Btttir. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. I ForGoTernor, GEX. JOHN 31. THAYER, For Lieutenant-Governor, H. H. SHEDD. For Secretary of Slate, G. L. LAWS. For State Treasurer, C. H. WILLARP. For State Auditor. H.A. BABCOCK. For Commissioner or Public Lands and Buildings, JOSEPH SCOTT. For Sunt, or Public Instruction, GEORGE B. LANE. For Attorney-General, WM. A. LEESE. Wahoo has a board of trade. It is better to boast after the battle, if at all. Mr. Blaine has been invited to speak in Tennessee. The Republican State central com mittee has been called to meet at Lincoln Oct. 8th. There is talk of the Democrats, at their state convention nominating a candidate for U. S. senator. The next county 6eat contest in Madison county will come early in November. Ox tho 2d iut. a heavy frost ap peared at Ashcrville, N. C. It in jured vegetation, particularly the tobacco crop. The Nebraska City Press estimates Howe's majority over McShanc iu the First CongreBional district at fi, 000 majority. The Republican stato ticket throughout is composed of old soldiers, two of whom, Laws and Scott, are one-legged veterans. Acting Secretary Fairchild has authorized the reopening of the mint at Carson City, Nev., as an assay office for the receipt of deposits of bullion. It is reported in an exchange that the shipwrights of the United States have agreed to put in no bids for the construction of Mr. Whitney's British designed cruisers. Owing to the disease among the cattle at Chicago, the state board of health of Kentucky has issued a proclamation of quarantine against the state of Illinois. The weekly statement of the as sociated banks in New York shows a reserve decrease of 13,116,000. The banks now hold $5,964,000 in excess of the 25 per cent. rule. " Judge O. P. Mason has accopted the position on the railroad commis sion tendered him by Secretary Roggcn, filed his bond, and entered upon the duties of his office on the 2d in st. Senator John Sherman, of Ohio, by invitation of the republican state executive committee of Kentucky, delivered an able speech the other evening to a largo audience at Louis ville. A majority of the members of the Nebraska legislature and senate will doubtless be republicans, and can easily decide among themselves whom they shall want for U. S. senator. The Telescope of Nance county does not seem to he tatisfied with the actiou of the late count)' convention, and is especially opposed to Mcikle john, who evidently had the utmost confidence of the convention. A special trom Chadron, Neb., states that a sergeant of the Indian police the other day killed a Chey enne Indian at Pine Ridge agency. The Indian had resisted arrest. There are reports of 6erious trouble. It is now said that the North western is preparing to checkmate the contemplated north Nebraska branch of the Union Pacific from Albion by building north from that point to Oakdale itself, being a con tinuation of the Scribner branch. There appears to be a determina tion, judging from information re ceived from exchanges, that there will ie a combination among coal dealers In several of the eastern cities and some of the western towns to raise the price of coal. Whenever fowls can run at large without detriment to the garden, they should be allowed to do so by all mean b. Nine-tenths of the troub le and diseases bmoug poultry are the result of keeping fowls too close. Plow the heavy land and leave it in the rough condition so that the frost can penetrate it and render it fine. There is no better agency for pulverizing tough soils than frost. It will also at the same time destroy the cut worms. Pleuropneumonia waB raging last week with unprecedented violence among the cattle in Limerick town ship, Montgomery Co., Pa., as well as the neighboring districts. Many have already died. The farmers believe the only remedy is o kill the cattle, leaving the state to pay for them. The Grand Island Times remarks that the Toung Men's Republican Clnb of that place was influential in securing the nomination of Thayer for governor. Some forty members of the Clnb attended the state con vention, and no donbt did considera ble towards the General's nomination. Ik several counties this year two separate and distinct conventions were elected, the first to select dele gates to state and congressional con ventions, the second for the transac tion of all other business. In many conntiee, as in Platte, the work was provided for at two sessions of the MM COBVCBtiM. FfcelpgaBd Irelsmil. Secretary Bayard does not eeera to be a good man of affairs, and is decidedly a poor judge of human nature, if we may be allowed to think that he is responsible for the blunders that have been made by this democratic administration in nolnr.tins? reDreaentatives for this w a m - country in Japan, China, Mexico and England. Henry Watteraon of the Louisville Courier, whose democracy there is none to dispute, says that Phelps, this country's representative in England, has assured the tories there that "all these home-rule demonstrations in America were by demagogues seeking the Iiish vote." Watteraon further says, and he speaks from observation, "I do not mean that the Americau minister in London should wrap the Americau flacr about him and perform. I do not mean that ho should stick hie j legs in a pair of Irish jack-boots and whoop up the boys. But I do say that popularity in England for a minister of the United States means the subordination of American to British ideas, and the adoption by the minister of a complete British outfit. Mr. Phelps showed that he had done this, or was seeking to do it, when he tickled the tories by the conceit that nobody in America but a ritr-raffot demagogues, seekiug the Irish vote, sympathized with Mr. Gladstone iu his home rule light, ami then, thinking to reinstate himself in the good graces of the riff-raff, our genial but inexperienced representa tive hurries down to the foot-lights to preside at a midnight supper given iu honor of a variety eig dancer." The iustiuct of the Irish in the last presidential cauipaiyu, when Imh'.s of them voted against Cleveland and for Blaine, was founded on the fact that tho policy enunciated by Blaine was purely American, and not in favor of English interests a against our own. Iris-b-Americans, why should you support an administration or a party which will so belie your sentiments abroad, and truckle to gain favor? Phelps is too much of an aristocrat to represent any phase of American politics except the kid gloved, silk-pursed democracy. This administration thinks to contiuue itself, perhaps, by catering to southeru politicians (whence comes the 6olid strength in a nominating convention) and to British influences, which are alarmingly strong in New York, in commercial affairs. Repmlrilcsm State CoaTeatloa. The convention of Wednesday last was the largest party gathering ever convened in tho State. It did its work between seven o'clock p. m., and two a. m., and did it unusually well. There was a marked absence of unnecessary speech-making. Many at the time wondered that no nomi nating speeches were made. When the chair declared nominations in order, there was au ominous lull, and everybody was expectant. No man roBe in his place to "present a name" to that vast assembly. The delay was but momentary, and the conven tion moved on to its work, minus the speeches that uo doubt had been well prepared for the occasion. It is supposed that each ppeaker wished to be the last one, and none wanted to bo followed by John Thurston. Most of tho talking in the conven tion wa6 done on the proposition favoring the submission of a prohibi tory amendment to the constitution, to a vote of tlic people, which was carried by a decided majority, not withstanding the earnest protesta tion against such a policy, by (J ere, Rosewatcr, Laird, and others. Donbtlet-s many voted affirmatively on this proposition who will vote against prohibition, on (lie ground that the people should be at full liberty to declare their will in the matter. The vote on the proposed censure of tho legislature for euacting the railroad commission law, after the submitted amendment had received the disapproval of the electors of the state two years ago, was taken with out much discussian. This method of testing the real sense of the con vention was perhaps uuiortunate, there probably being a number of members of the legislature and their friends present who would not care to join in the censure. A resolution pledging the republican party of Nebraska to make the present law more effective or else to repeal if, would, we believe, have received the assent of the convention, and would be, in our opinion, in full accord with the sentiment of the people of Nebraska without respect to political affiliations, outside of railroad influ ences. This, we feel sure, is what the republican party, at the next ses sion, will do. The Madison Democrat is trying to make itself believe that the Republi can party in this state is all torn up on the Van Wyck question, and that there is hope for the Democracy to elect the next U. S. senator. While Republicans, as is the usual thing with them, are divided in' sentiment, being independent thiukers, they are abundantly able to select a U. S. senator who will be republican, all the way through, and a man to rep resent the 'people's interests. As the campaign proceeds, this fact will be abundantly demonstrated. No coalitions or tie-ups that the democ racy can make, no amount of extra labor and means spent to capture doubtful districts, and no amount of abuse heaped upon republican candi dates will be effective in electing anythiug but a simon-pure republican to the U. S. senate. Terrible loss of life is reported from exploding fire damp in a Ger man mine near Scbalke the other day killing forty-five persons tad serious ly injuring sixteen others. Some nieu are never satisfied, un less they can claim a victory. The Beatrice Express says : "with James Laird for temporary chairman of the state convention, and A. J. Weaver for permanent chairman, tho Express fails to discover where a victory for Van Wyck comes iu the state con vention so as to be made a Van Wyck test. How does he like U i If there was any trial of strength on the organization of the convention, after it met at the Opera House, it was not visible to spectators. The "stipulations" seemed to be carried out to the letter, as far as they went, viz : to the appointment of the com mittees. Neither wing of the party is in a situation to claim a victory over the other, in the organization of the convention, and the Beatrice Express may as well understand now, as later, that the republican party of Nebraska is a unit on national issues, if not entirely harmonious on state matters. Van Wyck will be his own successor, if the people's wish is carried out. We have never beeu able to see why the Republican party of Nubras ka, after placing in the constitution and npnu the statute book the right of the electors to express their pref erence for U. S. Seuator, should have gtme uo further towards making the law effective. Tho democracy, it seem, are inclined to take advantage of the situation, and make a nomina tion at their state convention. And this would doubtless be a good thing for theui to do. The Butler Couuty Press says : "There will be an effort iu the Democratic. State Cnuvcutiou to nominate a caudidato lor U. S. Seuator. James E. Boyd will proba bly receive the nomination. It is a step in the right direction. It is very proper that the democratic party should be true to its past his tory and be tho first party to recog nize the principle involved iu the right of the people to express their choice." The State Journal says that "Bene dict, the new public printer, plays the same old dodge that has served the administration so well from the beginning. Having a great many friends to supply with places who couldn't wait for the slow action of a pretended "weeding out" of in efficient employes, he discearged 125 men from the office in a bunch claiming that they were superfluous, and that he was an economy and re form "Injun" of tho first water. This he caused to be telegraphed all over the country. In less than thirty days be will have replaced them with hia own friends in squads of two to a dozen a day, but he will not tele graph anything about it. It is the meanness of this democratic method that commends it to the favor of the administration as high statesmanship. But it wasn't the way of old An drew Jackson. He had many faults but be abhorred low tricks." It does make a difference; the Omaha Jtepublican seems not to be very favorable to the election of Dr. L. J. Abbott of Fremont, to the State Senate. The Doctor is an old republican ; a republican from prin ciple; not an office-seeker by any means; he is an enthusiastic political worker, and was nominated by a full fledged republican convention. Is the Jtepublican about to antagon ize the nominees of the party through nut the state who may not be in accord with itself on objects of minor in.portance, or is it about to continue its attempt to be the leading organ of the party in the state, by airing its prejudices against individ ual republicans who have independ ence enough to do their own think ing? One of our exchanges remarks that Rosewater can hardly conceal his preference for Thurston as Senator Mandersou's successor, or words to that effect. If John Thurston had always " paddled his own canoe," instead of becoming an attorney for a railroad, thus neutralizing half his native force, he would be oue of the greatest individual forces if not the very greatest, in Nebraska politics. He has many good qualities, but the political leader mimt keep very close to the heart of the people, cost what it may. Here, as elsewhere, the man who is most self-sacrificing, is most honored by the admiration of his fellow men. The democracy of the county will find just a little neater contest this time than they have ever bad before in Platte county. You want to put a weight, a heavy weight on every stone, or you will find it turned against you. Don't waste any time. Make the campaign short, sharp and decisive. It is not on the principle of being forearmed by being fore warned, but because tho Journal wishes to let you down easy. If a Republican president had spent as much time away from Washington as Cleveland has done, there would have been a continuous outcry all over the country from the democratic prees. Cleveland will be all the bet ter for his vacation, and, if he will take a trip west the next time, and "view the land," he will have a better conception of the magnitnde of his high office than he has yet shown. The clerk of Butler county has been instructed by the county Com missioners to provide in the election proclamation for this year "an op portunity for the electors of Butler county to express their choice for a U. S. seuator to be elected by the legislature of 1887." The belief that the fire at North Bend that occurred last August and destroyed about $100,000 worth of property had been set out, has been carefully worked by detectives, and Henry U. Thege in whose boose the ffre originated has been arrested and jailed at Fremont, charged with setting the ire. Am la veator'M Advice. George Stevenson, when advising young nion bow to get on, would finish by saying "Do as I have done persevere." For fifteen years he plodded and worked before giving the finishing touches to his locomo tive In as many days those perse vering in the use of Dr. Price's "Golden Medical Discovery," have experienced great relief and found themselves on the high road to health. Liver complaints, impure blood, chronic long disease and many others yield to its healiug in fluences never to return. All drug gists. The Lincoln correspondent of the Omaha Bee gives the full votes, by counties, in the republican state con vention, on the resolution censuring the legislature for enacting the rail road commission law, and also for the submission of the question of prohi bition. The tables are quite lengthy, but will make an interesting para graph for the political scrap-book. A Walklas; tUceleftsm. Mr. E. Springer, of Mechauicsbuig, Pa., writes: "I was -tHicted with lung fever and abscess on luugs, and reduced to a walkiny Skeleton. Got a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which did me so much good that I bought a dollar bottle. After using three bottles, found myself once more a man, completely restored to health, with a hearty appetite, and a gaiu iu flesh of 48 lbs." Call at Dowty & Heitkempei'o drug Store and get a free trial bottle of this certain cure for all Lung Disease Large bultlex $1.00. Aontiiki: shrink of earthquake at Charleston on the afternoon ot the 27th tilt., accompanied bv a loud rumbling sound. The wave inov.'d from north to south. The shock lasted abont two seconds. Houses were shaken perceptibly and a num ber of persous rushed into the afreet. No damage was done except the falling of some loose plastering. Watch for it ! The first symptom of true croup is hoarseness and if Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely given at once aud the doses frequently repeated the dread disease may be entirely prevented and all danger and anxiety avoided. Sold by Dowty & Heitkemper. 22-4t A delegation of New York steam ship owners was in Washington City the other day to urge the repeal of the President's proclamation issued iu 1884, suspending all discriminating duties against Spain. The conference resulted in a promise from the Presi dent and Secretary Bayard that the subject would receive prompt atten tion. Leagrellew's Birthday Hook is a beautiful preeent to give any lady. But there is a little book pub lished in pamphlet form, with no pre tensions to literary merit, that would be as appropriate, and might be the means of saving a life. It is called Dr. R. Y. Price's treatise on disease of woman, for whose peculiar troubles the "Favorite Prescription" is especially designed. It is pro fusely Illustrated with wood-cuts and colored plates, aud will be eent to any address for ten cents iu stamps, by the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. The acting Secretary of the treas ury, at Washington City the other afternoon, issued the one hundred and forty-third call for redemption of bonds. The call is for $15,000,000 of the three per rent, loan of 1882, and that interest will stop on the same on the first day of November, 1SS6. The best treatment for cuts, bruises, sprains, swellings and lameuess is to apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Sold by Dowty & Heitkemper. 22-4t It was reported Friday last that tbe editor ot this paper was a candi date for nomination to congress as agaiust Hon. G. W. Dorsey. There was no foundation whatever for that report or any other attaching the the uame of the editor of this paper to a desire for any office. TbsHHUads Misy S: Mr. T. W. Atkius, Girard, Kan., writes : "I never hesitate to recom mend your Electric Bitters to my customer?, they give entire satis faction and are rapid sellers." Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively cure Kidney and Liver complaints. Purify the blood and regulrfte the bowels. No family can afford to be without them. They will save hun dreds of dollars in doctor's billa'cvery year. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Dowty & Heitkemper. laateasmatery Raeaaaatiaaa. For over two years I Buflered in tensely with muscular rheumatism. I became almost helpless, and bad to be helped out of bed. At times I was unable to turn myself in bed, and bad to be handled as tenderly aa an infant. My chest was involved, and the pain was intolerable at times. All the old and well known reme dies were exhausted, but no perma nent relief was obtained. About a year ago I was induced by a friend to try Swift's Specific. The effect J was magical. My friends scarcely recogaized me. My rheumatism is entirely gone, my general health is superb, and I am weighing thirty pounds more than when I commenc ed taking S. S. S. I am able to at tend to all my ministerial work. I am devoutly grateful for my restora tion to health, which I owe, under tbe blessing of God, to Swift's Specific. J. M. Lowry. Hampton, Ga , April 20, 1886. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3 Atlanta, Ga. New York, 157 w. 23d street. tlwrLlcw-. rlrn aalT. The B's Siiv in toe wild for Cuts, Bruisos, S'ires, Uu-cr. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Oiilblaiu. Cora, mud' all Skin Eruptions, aad positively cares Piles, or bo pay roonired. It ! gr anteed to ;(ive perfect satisfaction, or money rol-inded. Price 25 cents per box. Foi sale by Dowty & Heit kemper. Mayl7-ly COLUMBUS liUITI. Our quotations of the markets are ob taiaedTueidsy afternoon, and are correct aud reliable at the time. GRAIN, AC. CO 47 18 19 17 16 27 Wheat uew.... Corn in car... Com shelled.. Oats new, Oat (white). gVj Flour a v . fKOUUCB. i! 4008 00 Butter, -Sgg". Potato i, new MEATS. Hams, Shoulder, 8ides, LIVK STUCK . Fat Hogs FatCattte COAL. Iowa Hard Rock Springs nut Rock Springs lump Carbou Colorado 7410 10 2580 17 S&10 7010 3DO04OO 2 5003 50 S BOO ll SO 6 00 700 e on tt oo A . PROCLAMATION. flTHKRGAS, A JOINT RESOLUTION V wns adopted bv the Legislature of the State nf Nebraska, at the Nineteenth Sesiou thrrcof, and approved March Atli, A. 0. 1nHT, proposing an amendment to Set-lion fuur (4)ot Article three (3 of the Cmittitiition ot aid State, and that said htiliou 4 amended, shall read as follows, to-wit: 'Section 4. The term of orBre of nieni ber ol the Legislature shall be two ear-, and I bey shall each leeelve piy at the rate of live dollar per day duriiiir their .iltin-. aud ten vents for every mile they nh:ill travel iu going to ami rc turiiiiit; from the place ol meeting of the I.egixliiure, on the moat usual rouiv; Prurhlnl, however. That they shall not receive pay tor more than sixty days at anv one tittin, nor more than one hun dred day- duriug their term; that neither members of the Legislnture nor employes shall receive any pay or perquisites other than their salary and mileage. Each session, except special sessions, shall be not less than sixty davs; after the expiration of forty days of 'the session uo bills nor joint resolu tions el' the nature of bills shall be in troduced, unless the Governor shall by special message call the attention of the Legislature to the necessity of passing a law on the subject matter embraced in the message, and the introduction of bills shall be restricted thereto: Provided, The ballots at said election shall be in the following form: "For proposed Amendment to the Con stitution relating to the Legislative De partment 'Against proposed Amend ment to the Constitution relating to the Legislative Department.'" Therefore. 1, James W. Dawes, Gov ernor of the State or Nebraska, do hereby give notice in accordance with Section one (1), Article lifteen (l.'i)of the Con stitution, and the provisions of an act untitled '-An act to provide the manner of proposing amendments to the Con stitution and submitting the same to the electors of the State," approved Feb ruary 13th, A. D. 1377, that said proposed amendment will be submitted to the qualified voters of this State for ratifica tion or rejection at the general election to be held on the 2d day of November, A. D. 180. In Witness "Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this isEAi.l Twenty-sixth day of July, A. D. 1880, the Twentieth year of the State, and of the Inde pendence of the United States the One Hundred aud Eleventh. By the Governor, James W. Dawks. E. P. Roggen, Secretary of State. 4 Aug liui. LEGAL H0TJCE. To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to view aud report upon the location of a public road commencing at the S. E. corner of the N.E. M of N. E. of Section 18, Town 17, Range 1 east, and running thence south i mile more or less, on section line to S. E. corner of N. E. M of S. K. K of Section 18, thence west be tween the N. . and S. E. & or the S. E. H of Section 18 until it intersects the "Gottschals" road, has reported In favor of the location thereof. The same commissioner upon the vaca tion or that part of the "Gottscbalk" road lying between the above described intersections and station No. S of said road, has reported in favor of vacation thereof, as requested by petitioners. Now all objections to the location or vacation of the above described roads, or claims for damages caused thereby, must be tiled in the County Clerk's office on or before noon of the 16th day of November, 1886, or tbe said lines of road will be duly established, and va cated, as called for without reference thereto. Dated, Columbus Neb., Sept. 14th 188G. John Stacsphb, Ssptl5.4w Couaty Clerk. LEGAL H0TICE. To all whom it may concern: The Commissioner appointed to view and report upon the alteration of a part of the "South Shell Creek" public road de8criledas follows: to-wit: That part of the said road now running anglewlte through the SK , of theSW X, of Sec tion 9, Town 18, Range 2, west, be dis continued and vacated, aud that in lieu thereof a new road lie located commencing eighty rods west of SB corner ot SE i, of SW X, ot Section 9, Town 18, Range 2, west, and running thence north to a point where the said road will intersect with the said "South Shell Creek" road, has reported in favor of the alteration, vaca tion ana location as caueu tor in peiiuon. Now all objections to the said alteration vacation and location as above described or claims for damage caused thereby, must be tiled in the County Clerk's office on or before noon of the tth day of De cember, 188G, or the said road will be duly altered, vacated aud located as called for without reference thereto. Dated Columbus, Neb., Oct. 4th, 1S80. John Stauffbr, Oct. 0, 'SC-4 County Clerk. Electlea Xetlee. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of county of Platte, in the state of Nebraska, that on tbe 2d day of November, A. D. 1886, at the places of holding the general election in said county, there will be submitted to a otc of the legal voters of said county, the proposition fol lowing, to-wit: Shall the county board of Platte county, in the state of Nebraska, appro priate and expend S12.000.00 of the unappropri ated moneys now in the treasury of said county for the purpose of erecting a suitable building In the city of Columbus, in said county for the accommodation of tbe county court, county treasurer, county clerk and such other of tbe county offices of said county as may hereafter require rooms and offices for their accommoda tion. The form in which this proposition shall be submitted shall be by ballot, upon which ballots shall be printed or written tbe words "For building for county offices Yes," or "For building for county offices No," and if H of the votes cast shall have thereon the words "For building for county offices Yes," then said proposition shall be declared adoptsSl otherwise it shall be declared lost. By order of tbe board of supervisors of Platte county in is zm aay oreepieniDer, issc. Attest. John VTJforrmu. , E. NOBTH. Chairman. Coanty Clerk. I court .of f, I Supervisors f seal. I i Platte Co., f i Neb. C RGBOYD, M AMUrACTDSBK or Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware! JoVWtrk, Xeoimf art Gitter Uf lyteulty. aTSbop OB Olive 8tret, S doers oortk of Brodfsukrer's Jswslry S tors. as-tr . LEGAL NOTICE. In l he District Court of Platte County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate r Charles licit sm an. deceased. NOW, ON THIS WTH DAY OF All ien at. 18BG, this, cause came oo for hcariag on the pctitlsn of 1. J. Nichols, executor of said estate, heretofore filed ia tats case, prayiag for a license to sell cc. tain real estate belonging to the estate of said deceased, to-wit: The west half ot the northwest quarter, of section fifteen, and the south half of northwest quarter of section ten, all in township twenty, north, range one, cant of the sixth principal meridian, in said Platte County, Nebraska, to pay the debts and liabilities ot said deceased: It is therefore ordered by the Court that this cause be continued for service of notice, and that all persons interested in said estate ap pear before the Judge of said Court at the Court House in Columbus in said County of Platte, on the 18th day of October,138o at one o'clock p. m., to show cause why license should not be granted to said Executor to sell said lands, to pay the debts and liabilities of said deceased. It is further ordered that a copy of this or der be served by publcation in the Colum bus Joubnal, published in said county for four successive weeks, prior to aaid 18th day ofOctobcr. 18S6. A. M . Post. State of Nebraska.! Judge. Platte County, f 8s I, U. Heitkemper, Clerk of the District Court in and for said county, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a true and correct copy of i be original or der ia said cause, as the same appear of record aud is on tile in my off ce. Witness my hand aud the seal of said Court at Columbus this 28lh dav of Au- gust, A. 1)., 188G. By G. Spkick, Depl. G. Hkitkkmpkk, Clk. Dlst. Ot. 15SepNw Votiet of Chattel Mortgage Sale. VJOT1CE is hereby given that by virtue ll or a chattel mortgage, dated on the 15th day ot May. IBS."., aud duly bled fr record iu the office of the county clerk of Platte county, Nebraska, on the 35th dav of May, 1H8.,and executed by D. L. Arm strong to C. II. Davis, to secure the pay ment or tbe sum of $141.00, and upou which there is now due the iiunoflUOO, together with $5Ua d'tiiiiges for non fulfillment of cotiintet. Default having been made in the p.iyuieiit of said sum. therefore I will sell, at public auctiin,ttie property therein describe l.v.z: u steam boiler, pipe and lining belouln there to, one mii ill beet-irou boiler, three iron crates, I wo vats, one cr.iue, oue icc. two pipe tiuif,'!. two moiikey-wreiiche-, foil r wooden tables and tr.tys. live r-jses of tin fruit cans containing about J,(KM eniii., and all the fixtures beinit;iu to thecau niu house of i II. D:ii. Sale to take place at the eanuiug situs ted immediately back of OeblricbN grocery ntore in the city of Columbus, I'lattecounty, Nebraska, ou the 7th day of October, IJ-NJ at one o'clock p. m., o'f aid day. Dated 14tli dav ot September, UviO. v. II. Davis, Mortgagee. By his Atts nigin & Garlow. l.hcp4w NOTICE OF SALE. In the matter of the estate of Columbia 1). Clot her, deceased. NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of an order of Hon. A. M. Pout, judjre of tbe district court of Platte county, Nebraska, made on the 4tii day of September, 1880, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the Clother House, in the city of Columbus, Platte county, Nebras ka, on the 0th day of October, 1880, at one o'clock afternoon, at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, the interest held by said Columbia D. Clother, de ceased, in the real estate belonging to the late hrm of C. D.& G. W. Clother, to wit: The undivided one-half interest in and to lot No. eixht, in block No. eighty-feix, in the city of Columbus, Platte county, Ne braska, on which is erected a hotel, known as the Clother House, subject to the liens thereon, and also the undivided one-third interest in and to the east half of lot No. seven in said block No. eighty six in said city, subject to the liens thereon; said sale will remain open one hour. Dated Sept. 15, 1SSJ. Gkorgk A. Scott. Administrator of the estate of Columbia D. Clother, deceased. loseptw COLUMBUS Roller Mills! SCB&SOEE- BEOS., fropriiton. MaNCraCTUBSRd OF Flour, Feed, Bran, Shorts And Meal, AND DEAUCR3 IN All Kinds Grain. OUR FLOUR BRANDS: "WAY UP," Patent, "IMPERIAL," "IIQ 4," "SPREAD EAGLE." We guarantee our flour to be equal to any flour manufactured in the state. We call the attention of the public to the fact that we make a specialty of ex changing flour, bran and shorts for wheat, as good flour and as much of it as any other mill in this part of tbe state; also the exchange of corn meal for corn. We have put in special machinerr for grinding rye flour and buckwheat flour. JST Satisfaction guaranteed. IMease give us a call. 2t-Feb-'fi-y Ad- 5 S S??2H'Te. aaODaC3 n SB so s s oa"-6i'o . '2 9., BABB OhBO 22 10 a a5. 5 a gQn 5aT 2 ?? 5 Bos? A.J.ARNOLD, DKALKR IN DIAMONDS, FINK WATCHES, Clicks, Jewelry SND SILVERWARE. Strict attention given to repairing of Watches sad Jewelry. IjSrWill sot he usderssld by as y body. Ms JLvsaas, Oapsslt Clstasr Haass. TAMES SALMON, CONTRACTOR AND IUILDER. Plana sad estimates'supplied (or either trans or brick buildings. Good work Susrsatssd. Shop os 13tb Street, sear t. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne braska. S26KO. COLUMBUS JWM. BEQKER, OKALKK IN ALL KINO? UK :STAPLE AND FAMILY: GROCERIES! I KEEP CONSTANTLY OX HAND A WELL SELECTED STOCK. Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups, Dried and Canned Fruits, and other Staples a Specialty. Delivered Free u part r she 4'ily. aay Cor. Thirteenth ami K Slreetstnenr A.J: N". Depot. JOHNSQNsANODYNE LIHIMENT How .Inlrn .HsoSIng CoucSuwhoopiaK InMTTluM. yidy Tronbl . and Stwl PI . . PARSONS TkMPtUWMwudMfyudlMovwy. Ko relieva all aoMrof alMaaa. Tn information around aaek baxltwanalaitlaai taa aaat of a box or Mils. Find out about than aad you win alwaja ba taaakrol. On pill a. doaa. XUawaratad paiapalat frsj aoldaTarywaara.ogaaBtbyllloraac.iBatapa. Pr.I.a.JOm3tSOMaCO..SBC.M.St..Boatoa. . .-.;. .U.oa'a Condiboaaaa aTaai a aann an aa aBMamaiiaiir-apl-""'aBa"a aaHotalaa: on .area rgyys pj ww .swawj. aas ssiys viaw w si yy.t i HAKE HENS LAY liuiler ia aaaolutaly pare aaa aucaiy con icntrziea. Oneeunaa is u.octu a pounaor nv other Viad. It is itncCra medlaina to tciitonwlthrbad. SlBas Sold ararywaara. or aaat by mail for SSoaatatS Six oaua by atjraaa, prapaid, for $6.00. With jronds enough to -npplj AS OTJTt STOCK TS AND DON'T YOU From the Beat Markets In tho Rapt, iu Flannels, Blankets, CLOTHING, BOOTS AMD SHOES, FDKNISBIHG AND IB GOODS IN AIX THE LATE NOVELTIES. OUR CLOTHING LINE is the Largest in the City, of the Latest Styles, bought early in the season when we had the Choice of the Markets. We have the fiueat assortment at all prices in UDIES'WINTERGARMENTS. We invite all to Call and see us when in the City. 00B KOTTO IS: One Price J. H. GALLEY & BRO., Oldest Dry Goods House in Columbus. Sept. 21th ::m ,CTETC Meat Market, C. E. MORSE, Proprietor. Keeps on bands best quality of fresh and salt meats, Poultry, Vegetables, &c. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Olive Sl.,one door north of poxt-offlce. 22Sept. tf Mi Sslaa ara atatca. sat tkoa bo writs to laca.rortlaad. Js.iu iccttra foil taforautioo abobt work which a4 Uaa boeM.taatwUI saw Mat Si to SS far day. Sosm bava astisaasra. YoaaiaaMftoaftsa. TaosavbosUrtataaca aw atsalalafr w of aag Isaia famnss. SUiaaaw. atuaaaataaar. saasrasa, iiwiim. vaanai 3S.J BOOMING VV. T. K1CKLY & BR0. . holcs.ilo and Hct.iil Dealers in Fresh and Salt Meats, GAME. POULTRY. And Fresh Fish. AU Kinds tf Saisage a Specialty. KirCash paid lor Hides, Pelts, Tallow. Highest market price paid for fat cattle. Olive Street, second door aorth of First National Bank. :a-tt JACOB SCHRAM, )PKAI.KR 1N( - DRY GOODS! Roots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, FMisms GOODS m NOTIONS.' LOW PKICKS KOU CASH . S4-tt MAKE PILLS NEW. KICK BLOOD. otaw Ufce th ia li w 14. WU1 imWnIt cut or win auka haaa lay Ilka it. It cum kiakaa akolara aaa aUdlaaaaaa of bana. Xa worth ita waiaat IB MlS. XUuatratoS WlBF BSmBJ Bl boak bv aiall frao. Mass. ai-Slb.a!r-tlc&tUaeaBa,Sl: l7 aull. Sl-SSW teaks Hm- m aW 1MWMI vn FORGET IT ! ! all, old and ytiiinif, rich and poor, "W'KLL SELECTED To All; Dinli lr Nhi. Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top, and Blue Grass Seed AX Herman Oehlrich & Bro's. Grocery Store. JG-3m MAKE HONEY! We want Agents, both ladies and gen tlemen, to sell our Standard Works, Gift Hooks, Family ltibles and Albums. 1 revious experience unnecessary. Posi tions worth from $)19M to fjfs)S)e per year. Now is the time to commence. Do not delay but address at once, E. P. JORDAN Jc CO., St. Loula,3Io. 18.W-10 1 ? i J. .1 1 A jr