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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1884)
SLAVES OF AIWKKTISINC;. JSTBuaineas and professional cards of fivo lines or less, per annum, five dollars. TSfi For time advertisements, apply at this office. !3TLegal advertisements at statute rates. TSTTor transient advertising, see rates on third page. T3TA.W. advertisements payable monthly. foitpai J3T OFFICE, Eleventh St., ty s fairs m Journal Building. terms: Pervear ? Sir months Three months Single copies a OO ; VOL. XV.--N0. 3. COLUMBUS, NEB., WEDNESDAY. MAY 14, 1884. WHOLE NO. 731. SO ; OS i THE JOURNAL. ISStKI KVKKY WKIt.NKMlAY, M. K. TUKNEli Jto CO., Proprietors and Publishers . lie ulitttlii Kr I 4- 1 k j BUSINESS CARDS. O.T. Maktvn. II. D. F. .1. srciicr.. M. D. . Drs. MAB.TYN & SCHUG, U. S. Examining Surgeons, ; Local Sun-eon-". Union Pacific, O., X. ,t b. rr. ami . r. it. kv. Cnustiltitions iii German and ThIc pboneaot otlice and residence. COLUMBUS. - NEBRASKA. Ai-y -p imi;giii:kti. ii. .. I'll YSKIA X d- 7 'It li EON. ESTOfflVe second door e.i-t of noM-onice. J. f WIS.. 31. i'i i'SI CI AN d- sip G eon. Disease!, of women and children a spe cialty. County physician. Office former ly occupied by nr.Uonestcel. Telephone exchange. o l.l,A ASH H A i; II, ... DENIAL PARLOR. On corner of Klewnth and North streets, over Ern-t' hardware store. O lOKKKI'KW Ac SiJ,I,1VA:, A TTOltXEYS-A T-LA ', Upstair- in Oluck lluildinjj, Hth street, Almve the New bmk. H. .i. iu:ui4:. XOTAUY PUBLIC. 12th Slri-rt.i lfirt. Hfst or llammoml House, Columbus. AV. A9. rpiU'KS SO' A: POWIWK I S U UO FOX DEX TISTS. tSTOttice in Mitchell Mod., i'oluni bus, Nebraska. 1M1 r . ici.l.init, A TTOL'XE Y A T LA W, Oiliee on Olhe St.. '..liiinbu-, Xcbr.i-ka. Mf V. A. MACKEN, IVKAI.KK IN Foreign "il Domestic Liquors ami Cigars. Uth street. Columbus, Xeli. AO-v M rAIJ.IN'1'KK 1IKON.. A TTOIINEYS A T LA W. Ortlce up-slair- in McAllister's build ing. Mth M. W. A. M.Alli-ter. Notary Public. J. t. MAC!' Utl.AM). It. It- COWKKRV. AttersijasiycurjPsWc. C:Jtw. LAW AMI COLLFATIOX OFFICE OK MACFAHX.AND& COWDBRf, CiluiahM, Nebraska. v. . ki A"M:r. .ii. i.. (Succe or to Ir. '. ;. A . Hulllmr-I ) HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AXD .SMUEON. Uccular graduate of two medical col leges. OihVc Olive St., one-liail iiiock north td Hammond Home. J-lv C. M. SWEEZEY, Land, Loan and Insurance, UrMPHKKY, Ni:i!. Monev to loan on lonijor short time on lteal Estate in -um- to -ut! parties. :"0-y J. J. .UAlX-IIAiV, Jvslicc, County Surveyor, Notary, Land anil Collection Agent. 2TParticj. deirinp survej ins done can stifv me by mail at Platte Centre, Neb. liotifv rl-m F H. RIJMCIIK, llt-i St., opposite Lindell Hotel. Sells Harness, Saddles, Collar-, Whips, Blanket. Curry Combs, Brushes, trunks, valise. Imgirv'tops, cushions, carriage trimmings ,ve., at the lowest possible prices. Repairs pr uiptly atteuded to. $66 a week at home. $.".00 oiitlit free. Pav absolutely sure. -o risk. Capital not required. Header, if you want business at Which person- of either sex, young or old, can make great pay all the time they work, with absolute certainty, write for particular- to II. I (allot v Co., Port land, Maine. GEORGE SPOONER, CONTRACTOR FOll ALL K1XDS OF MA. SOX WORK. Okfick, Thirteenth St., between Olive and Nebra-ka Avenue. Residence on the eorner of Eighth and Olive. All Work Guaranteed. 4tf JS. MURDOCK & SON, Carpenters and Contractors. Havenad an extended experience, and will guarantee satisfaction in work. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Our motto is, Good work and fair prices. Call and give us au oppor tunitytoestimateforyou. jSTShop on 13th SU,oue door west of Friedhof A Co's. store, Columbus. Nebr. 483-y o. c. sBLAisriNror7 MANUFACTUKKR OK Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work, Roofing and Gutter ing a Specialty. yg-Shop on Eleventh Street, opposite Heintz's urus store. 4C-v G W. CLABK, LAND AND INSURANCE AGENT, HUMPHREY, NEBR. His lands comprise some line tracts in the Shell Creek Valley, and the north era portion ot Tlftte county. Taxes paid for non-residents. Satisfaction guaranteed. 20y pOLCnBCS PACKING CO., COLUMBUS, - NEB., " Packers and Dealers in all kinds of Hoj: product, cash paid for Live or Dead lloga or grease. Directors. R. H Henry, Prest.; John "Wiggins, Sec. and Treas.; L. Gerrard, S. Jory. TOTICE TO TEACHERS. J. B. If oncrief, Co. Snpt., "Will be in bis office at the Court House on the third Saturday of each month for the purpose of examining applicants for teacher's certificates, and for the transaction of any other business pertaining to schools. 567-y COLUMBUS STATE BANK! S:e:etx:::t) Oirnrl k Sill lal Tvsir Islft. C0LUMBU8r MEB. (jaxTucapjivPl, $50,000 JL IHUECTOKS: ' !'di:k (. kk u Attn, Eres'l. v"L (Jko. W. Hulst, Vice Pres't. Julius A. Rekd. Kowakiv A."Ge'brakd.. J. E. Taskkii, Cashier. SEank oT lepoMlt, Wixcoant :ind EwbaHRe. ;ollet:iosi lkroiuptly UlnJe est nil l'olut-s. I3" Interest oh Time lepoi Um. 274 DREBERT & BRIGGLE, BANEEES! HUMPHREY, NEBRASKA. KJTPrompt attention given to Col lections. JSTInsu ranee. Real Estate, Loan, etc. 5 LINDSAY &TREKELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLOOR AID EEED STORE! OIL CA-JCE, CHOPPED FEED, Bran, Shorts, BOLTED i HE! EDSI MEAL. GRAHAM FLOUR, AXD FOm KINDS OF THE BEST WHEAT FLOUIt ALWAYS ON HAND. U3TA11 kinds of FKUITS in their sea oii. Orders promptly filled. 11 tli Struct Columbus, I""clr. 47-Om HENRY GASS, TJISrUERTLKEIl ! COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES AXD DEALER IN Furniture, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bu reaus. Tables, Safes. Lounges, &c, Picture Frames and Mouldings. ZSTRepairina of all kinds of Upholstery Goods. C-tf COLUMBUS, NEB. GOLD for the working class Send 10 cents for postage, aud we will mail you free a royal, valuable box of sample poods that will put you in the way of making mo:e money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any busi ness. Capital not required. We will tart you. You can work all the time or in spare, time only. The work is univer sally adapted to both sexes, young and old." You can easily earn from 50 cents to $." every evening." That all who want work may test the business, we make thi unparalleled offer; td,all who are not well sati-fied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing u. Full particu lars, directions, etc., sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Great success ub&oliitelv fciire. Don't delay. Start now. Address STlNfeO.N Jc Co., rort!and,3laine. A WOKU OF UAItLti. 17AIO(EKS, stock raisers, and all otln-r . interested parties will do well to remember that the "Western Horse and Cattle Insurance Co." of Omaha is the only company doing business in this state that insures" Horses, Mules and Cattle aainst los by theft, accident, diseases, or injury, (as also airainst loss by tire and lightning). All representations by agents of otherCompanies to the contrary uot-with-tanding. HENRY OAKN, Special Ag't, 15-y Columbus, Neb. TAMES SALMON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and estimates supplied for either i rani e or uricti ouuuin'-. uooa work guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, uear M. 1'aul Lumber l ard, Columbus, Ne- braska. r2 timo. J. WAGNER, Livery and Feed Stable. Is prepared to furnish the public w.'tb good teams, buggies aud carriages for all occasions, especially for funerals. Also conducts a sale stable. 44 ILYON&HEALY I Stilt A tfaarat Sts..Chlcat- mUwiiwHUuyitwtli . ANDOATAtOQUK, l Mr 153 WK?" IPBBseM. Eoaltb. Ctv-Uau -- : r. -r u tf. TWm MftMW. Staflk. &aA Saadry Bt usintk sifuni. hkaiioisaadiiuxrvcwvBa w f or Amlra &. ksd I oCHwHt-HMriY, B.1U.V BSl FIRST National Bank! COZXJ u. Aithorised Capital, -jPaid Im Capital, Sirplus ail Preflts, - $250,000 50,000 - 6,000 OFFICXRS SD DIRKCTOR3. A. ANDERSON, Pres't. SAM'L C. SMITH. Vice Pres't. O. T. ROEN, Cashier. .1. W.EARLY, HERMAN OEHLRICH. W. A. MCALLISTER, O. ANDERSON, I. ANDERSON. Foreign and Inland Exchange, Passage Tickets, ann Real Estate Loans. 23-vol-13-lv COAL LIME! .I.E. NORTH & GO., DEALERS IN Coal, Hair, Cement. Rock Spins l!oalt Carbon (Wyoming) Coal.. Eldon (Iowa) Coal ...$7.00 per Ion .... 6.00 " .... 3.50 " Blacksmith Coal of best quality al ways on hand at low est prices. North Side Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, NEB. 14.3m UNION PACIFIC LAND OFFICE. Improved and Unimproved Farms, Hay and Grazing Lands and City Property for Sale Cheap AT THE Union Pacific Land Office, On Long Time and low rate of Interest. IST Final proof made on Timber Claims, Homesteads and Pre-emptions. S5TA11 wishing to buy lands of any de scription will please call and examine my list of lands before looking else where tdTAll having lands to sell will please call an,d give me a description, term . prices, etc. J3TI a so am prepared to insure prop erty, as I have the agency or several tir.-'t-class Fire insurance companies. F. W. OTT, Solicitor, speaks German. 8 AMI! El' C SMITH, Columbus, Nebraska. BECKER & WELCH, PROPRIETORS OF SHELL CREEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFICE, COL UMB US, NEIL SPEICE & NORTH, GWra( Agents for the Sale of REAL ESTATE. Union Pacific, and3ltdland Pacific R. R. Lands for sale afff om $3.00 to $10.00 per acre for cash, or on fire or ten years time, in annual payments to suit pur chasers. We have also a large and choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also business and residence lots in the city. We keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate in Platte County. 621 COLUMBUS, NEB. LOUIS SCHREIBER, All kiids of-Repairiig deae a Short Notice. Baggies, Wag- ohs, etc. Bade to erder, aad all work Gaar- aateed. AIm stll the world-famous Walter A. Weed Hewers, leavers, Cemhin- ed Machines, Hamsters, and Belf-sdmders the best made. 'Shop opposite the "Tattersall," on Olive Stn COLUMBUS. 26-m 8KATIN0 AND COURTING. Twas noonllt-ht, aad the world was white; Je were a merry part; We skimmed the glassy field that night. Yean? blood, and spirits hearty: We scored the ice In fancy whirls. Each did bis share of prating Warm-hearted men and bonny girls The night we went a-skatin?. Boaa was there, and that was why My heart was like a feather: I crossed her oft, but she slid shy. We could not come together. Fortune at last was kind and free I had for months been waiting For Just that chance that came to me The night we went a-akating. I could not tell you all the game. For love had made me stupid. But plump into my arms she camo A living, breathing Cupid. She did not fall, she did not scroatn. She did not start Derutmjr, We simply both slid with the stream That night we went a-skating. Since then we've gone through life as ona. In every kind of weather In storm or calm, in rain or sun, 8U11 keeping pace together. And though there's winter on our brows Love's power la still elating We'll no'er forrfe-t the hurried vows That night we went a-skating. irflltom Ltfe, in A. 1. Journal. BEATER HATS. Tho following" joke " has been going the rounds of the newspapers for some weeks pasL " Pa," said a child, thirst ing for knowledge, " they say that beav ers are the most industrious of animals. What do they make?" "Beaver hats, my child, beaver hats," replied the father. This paragraph, although coming un der the head of "Fun and Humor,' ' has soma serious, significant facts connected with it, which ought to be very suggest ive to the fathers of this generation. The "pa" here spoken of is like a num ber of other "pas" whom we have seen, "pas" whose minds are so entirely absorbed in solving the financial prob lems of business life that they have no time, or thought, to give to their chil dren. They see them for only a short time in the morning, and an hour or so in the evening, and consequently do not know their own children, as far as their peculiarities and characteristics are concerned. We saw a father a few days since who could not guess within two or three years the ages of any of his chil dren! Yet, he was a good father in the way of providing for them, and gave them all the advantages of education within his power. When the child spoken of asked his father about bea vers, it was to him an all-important ques tion. He was anxious to know what the industries of these wonderful animals are. His father gave no thought to the question; he was probably hidden be hind the sheets of his voluminous morn ing paper, engrossed in the current news report, or market values, or turning over and over in his mind some contem plated business scheme, which he hoped to carry through that day, and only heard mechanically his son's question. The word beaver made impression enough upon his mind to be associated with hate perhaps he was in need of a new beaver hat, or had just bought one. He carelessly answered his boy's question, and it immediately passed out of his mind. Not so with the boy, how ever. He pondered over his father's answer for an hour, or more, after he had left the house. The beavers mubt, indeed, bo very ingenious animals to make hats. He wonders why ho has never heard of their wonderful achieve ments before. Where are their manu factories and stores? lie finally con cludes that in the room back of the stores where hats are sold there must be a large force of beavers tit work, making them, and he is determined upon investigating for himself the next time he goes down town. But on sec ond thought, he fears it may be some time before the opportunity will pre sent itself, and the subject being quit too weighty to cany long upon his youthful mind, he seeks his mother's counsel. The mother is in the sewing-room, very busily engaged at the sewing-machine. She is barricaded all around her with a wall two feet high of unfinished' garments, which are needed in the fam ily immediately, and must be finished off that day. As her boy comes into the room he stumbles over the blocks of white cloth in his way, to get to his mother's side. The mother turns from the long seam which she Ls rapidly run ning through the machine, to see the different portions of several garments which she has placed together all dis arranged by the thoughtless little feet in search oi knowledge. "Do be more careful, Tommy," she says; " just see how you are disarrang ing my work!" "I am sorry," the boy replies, "but. mamma, do beavers make hats?" " Hats! why of course not," replie.-: the mother. " Well, papa says they do; he told me so this morning.'' "Oh, you must certainly be mistaken. Tommy; your father would not tell you such a thing as that." "He did for true, mamma," the loy declared, emphatically. "I asked him this morning what the beavers made for Aunt Mary read yesterday about their being industrious animals, and papa said they made hats." "Papa could not have understood your question," the mother replies; "his mind must have been upon some thing else." "Well, he ought to pay attention to me when I want to know "useful things, don't you think so, mamma? What do beavers do if they don't make hats?" and Tommy looks intently into his mother's face. The mother slackens the speed of her sewing-machine, while she tells -her lit tle boy all she knows about beavers, and even stops to read up the subject of "Beavers" in the encyclopedia, so as to be enabled to give her child a full ac count of what he is so anxious to know. The boy goes off to his play satisfied, and the mother returns to her work with an increase of force to make up for lost time. She ponders her husband's answer to his boy's ques tion over in her heart, and begins to feel anxious lest her poor husband is losing his mind or his interest in his family. Home training seems to be turned over almost entirely to the mothers of this generation, and they eeem to have all the responsibilities of the bringing up of the .children. We know that the bread and butter question of life is a very important one that business men in these days of competi tion must be on the alert to get their hare of business. We know they are tried in many vexatious ways; that they have a great deal of wearing work to do, and come home wear with the contest But so do the mothers. It is remarkable what financial problems they solve! Look out of the window in the morning, when the street are full of children going to school, and see how well-dressed they are. Look at the boys, with their neat, warm, well-fitting home-made suits of clothes, which were nude oat of father's old ones. Look at the girls, with their pretty combination fcoHOTea gat of the good parte of three or four of mother's dresses which have done service for years past. The larger number of these children do not belong to the "well-to-do" families of the community; they are from families where the father earns anywhere from forty, fifty or sixty dollars a month; and yet, ff you go into the homes of such peoplo, how many of them you will find neat, attractive" and prettily furnished. All the necessary comforts will be there, and some of the extras. Perhaps there are four or five children in these homes, to be clothed and sent to school every day. The accomplishment of all this depends upon the management of the wife and mother of the family, lalk about the extravagances of our Ameri can women! Rather tell of the wonder ful economy and good financial man agement of the wives and mothers of our country. Tho economical women far outnumber the extravagant women of this age. The mothers manage the temporal wants of their children so ad mirably that it is very easy for tho fathers to give the training of tho mental, moral and religious character of their children over to the mothers, also. It is a very often-quoted phrase that " a man is what his mother mado him." If a boy becomes a noble man, it is due to the intluences of a good mother. True, but if a boy turn out a dissolute, dishonest prolligate, is that also due to tho mother's training? We all know the worth and influence of a good mother, but have fathers not an equal responsibility and inlluence in the training of their children? Do the children not inherit from the father as well as the mother? When we look around us we see everywhere the verity of God's laws. " The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon thechiUrcn."' Asa general thing, whore the father has vices of a peculiar character some of the chil dren will be addicted to the same sins. This great question of inheritance is one we snail not try to explain as it is an unsolved one, "an intricate one, which the wisest of us can not unravel. But it seems to us as important that children should have a good father as a good mother; that fathers should be as care ful to cultivate pure, true, Christian traits of character as the mothers; that they should be a3 interested in the train ing of the children as the mothers. Will not the father be held as responsible for the faithful discharge of the sacred du ties of parentage as the mother will be? It is very hard when a business man turns his key upon his office for him to turn it also upon all worrimenLs and thoughts of business, and go home un trammeled with financial cares, to de vote himself to the happiness and inter ests of his children. But the man who has will-power and stamina enough t? do this is a happy husband and father, and his family is a happy one in conse quence. How many children there are who hear their fathers continually grumbling over business prospects, and talking about losses and disappoint ments, until the sympathizing young hearts, that should" otherwise be free and happy, are weighed down with father's business troubles and trials Mrs. Susan T. Tern, in Chicago In terior. Hew She Choked Him Off. She was a handsome young woman. This was remarked b' a dozen different people as she entered the Union Depot, bhe was going East by the Canada Southern. This was remarked by a conceited ycung snip of a fellow who looked "masher" from the crown of his hat to tho heels of his gaiters. She had no sooner purchased her ticket and taken a seat than he began to circle around. She saw him and read his character, and beckoning him to ai proach she asked: "Are you going to Buffalo?" " Yes ah certainly." "I am glad to hear it. Will you do me a favor?" "With all my heart. Command me." " I'm afraid my trunk was left at the hotel. Could I ask you to run up and see about it?" " Of course certainl,- only too hap py!" It was twenty minutes to train time. He was back in sixteen, his face flushed, his ears red and his breathing spasmod ic. He had done some tall running. The trunk was not there. " Oh, dear, but would you be so kind as to look into the baggage-room?" He would. He did. He ended a score of trunks around, mado a doen inquiries for a Saratoga with an "E" on the ends, and finally returned to tho waiting-room to say But she wasn't there! The train was also gone! A man who had a sore throat and felt mad at the whole world informed him that he had no sooner started for thebaggnge-rooni than she picked up her reticule and boanled tho train, her face wearing a happ' smile and her rosebud mouth gently puckered up as she hummed: "The chap 1 left behind me!" "And it looks to me," added the ill natured invalid, "as if it Mas a put up job to choke offyour society." "Hanged if it wasn't!"" gasped the other as lie sat down to rest his knees. Detroit Free Press. Turkish Character. In character the Turks are thrift, sober andfairly industrious; the mount aineers are an especially hardy and act ive race. Temperance is enjoined by their religion, and such insobriety as exists is limited to the Christians, and is not general enough to present itself as a temptation to a foreign workman. It appears that the quality and consci entiousness of the work executed is bat ter in Asiatic Turkey than in other parts. Nevertheless I find that iu Epirus the embroidery is noticed as be ing particularly rich, beautiful and du rable, the jewelry and diamond setting very good, but the work of builders, masons, joiners, carpenters, black smiths, is quite second-rate and want ing both in solidity and finish. In this district the artisans seem to live under favorable conditions. In Yaniha, the principal town, a tolerable kind of house may be purchased for $350, 400, or rented for $45. There is such abundance of excellent game in the country that a hare costs twelve centa, a brace of wild ducks or partridges twenty cents onlj. At the cook-shops a good meat dinner, with wine, may be had for fifteen cents. These charges, compared with the rate of wages, prove that as regards food the laborer has no reason to complain. French, Italian and German skilled workmen generally manage to save considerable money some of them earning twenty dollar oer month here easily save ono-half oJ their wages. The land-owners agrc in stating that their great impediment to good farming is the absence of plow ing, reapine and.thrashing instruments, which would however be most certainly imported at once if there were work men who would properly repair them when out of order. Constantinople Cor. Brooiiyn Eagle. Pompeii, Past and Present. When the Pompeiians looked from elevated forum as sightly a place now, aud lacking little but the "pillared porticoes that surrounded it they saw, 3n their uear northwest, a pleasantly i::cessible mountaiu, cattle grazing on t beautiful meadows, which "covered all aut the summit that was level, but iterile. The geographer, Strabo, who ived before and after "Anno Domini," aid: "The summit has an appearance f ashes, and it shows rugged rocks of ooty consistency and color, as if they ad "been formed by fire." And, in the tyle of a modern scientist, he added: One might conclude from that that the lountaiu had once burned and possessed ery abysses, and had become extin- uished "when the material was spent; nd just from this cause may be its pres- nt fertility." Fifty orsixty years afterwards there ras no doubt "about Jts nature. Its lopes began to tremble, and sixteen ears from that time, in the short reign f Titus, A. D. 79, iu the most elegant ra of Roman civilization, when every ling was just freshened aud new at 'oinpoii the serious damage by earth uake being repaired with a liberal ap propriation for the purpose "by the Ro ian Senate just then, with no warning, ragic nature spread over the whole a ide, deep layer of fertile soil, and, in aany instances, without blurring tho rescoes or breaking the marble tables, losed the gates that we shall now enter. Let us go at ouce to the Forum. It vas the lively center, and is surrounded iv public edifices, mostly, religious wc night call them churches, for that is vhat they were. It is a sightly spot, bout one hundred and ten feet above ea level: and thence we shall seethe vhole grand spectacle, all we had been alking about - all the approaches. We go in the -Sea Gate." ami while ve rapidh a.-cend bv the best of steps, he old Pompcian step.- we understand tow the sea came near this side of the jity. before the fall of a tremendous hower of boiling land, ashes and baked lebblcs. and warm water and stewed mid. The first fall was the little, clean, irht pumice stones; that is vhv evervthinsr is so nice mil uninjured. Then came ashes. mil. sifting in, sealed everything up lir-tight, 1 suppose. Hot water and leetrilied mud were showered around n the air and lava was running on the round, but none of these", either earl r late in the shower, happened to blow md How toward Pompeii, viz: The uva which becomes a solid rock when t cool-, aud which hardens exceedingly y age. It did How over Herculaneum the Italian- write Ercole,' "Erco ano" and "Ercolanese" instead of -lereiiles, Herculaneum and Hcrcula liau and that is why the uncovering of Ercolano" is not pursued; being diffi :iilt, laborious and expensive, added to .he fact of a populous town over it, jwncd by persons who would be incon venienced by haviug to abandon their tomes. Walking on. we begin to understand, tNo, that Pompeii was built longer igo than history can tell of, ever so lung before the time of the Roman Em pire on a shelf of lava that was an ient when Pompeii was young: that broke ofl'.-ti-eply at the shore, and also along the low bottom lands of the old time Santo, non-existent now. The forifni'' i the public square. The "piazza" and "plaza" of the towns oi modern Italy, Spain and Spanish America are the lineal descendants of the ancient forum. Then, as now, es pecially in the smaller towns, the forum was the civil aud municipal family lounging hioni, gossiping place, prom enade resort, declamation opportunity, the "City Hall Square." The public edifices around it were finished elegant ly, and were liberally embellished with 'tattiary, generally of a mythological lesion, illustrating noted occurrences .if the long, symbolic stories. These adilices were all constructed very openly in the front, making the little forum of the little city for Pompeii was not arge a lovely center, an architectural classical bijou. Nature aided, as nature let roved, or rather, did not destroy, furiously robbed, appropriated and pre served for the benefit of the nineteenth century thinker. For after learning what here we can of the details, the art, architecture and special modes of Roman Empire times, we have stored ".way a skull bowl full of material for arefu' thought. The Manhattan. How Raisins are Made. Malaga. Valencia ami Smyrna raisins Jerive their names from the places whciiiv t!ie come. Of these, the Stnvrua black raisins are the cheapest; I he Malaga being held in the highe-t estimation, and fetching fully a third more than any other description of rasius. In Andalusia, in Spain, there are two di-tinct vines -the Pero inienez, which was imported in the fir-.t instance from the liorders of the Rhine by a German some two hundred and fifty years ago, and the Mu-cat, which i- indigenous. Opinion as to the respective nieril-of the two vines varies; but their cultivation is conducted in the -ame wa. manure of great strength being liberally supplied. The growth of the vines is dilk-rcnt from those of Southern Italy. In Andalusia, they creep along the surface of thejrouud as -liawberries do, thus gathering all the atnio-pheric heat; the branches appear like roots, and the grapes, though while, have a golden tinge. The vintage i- very carefully conducted, the fruit not being all gathered at once, but the same ground gone over three times, .-o that all the grapes are proper ly ripe when picked. The grapes arc prepared for the market iu three different ways by simple drying in the sun; by washing, and by steam drying. In following the first method, which is the general process in Malaga, divisions are con structed of either brick or stone, in an inclined position, .exposed to the sun's rays. These divisions are built in at one end with a triangle formed of masonry, and so arranged that the sun always shines on its contents. The interiors of these compartments are thickly spread with fine gravel to absorb the heat. Directly the grapes are gathered, they are put into these divi sions aud are fully exposed to the intense heat of the Andalusian sun. It is stated by experienced cultivators that during the month of August they attain a temperature of one hundred and forty-live degrees Fahrenheit. At night the 'fruit is protected from the heavvy dews or ram by stout canvas being stretched over the tops of the divisions. Some people put on planking instead. Grapes take a longer time drying in this manner than by the scalding plan, as then they are ready in four days; but dried only bv the sun's heat, th'ey take ten days". The loss of thne, how lever, is fully compenstated for by the economy of the process. In drying by washing, the following method is pursued: Furnaces of feeble draught are built, in which wood only is used as fuel; a lye is made of the residue or refuse of the grape, after pressing, which is either that obtained from the present year'3 vintage, or what is left over from tho last The lye is put into a round kettle, capable of holding from three hundred to four hundred litres. The grapes are then put into wire sieves or colanders with long handles, and plunged into the lye, boiling at a temperature of about two hundred and twelve degrees Fahrenheit. After the first immersion, the grapes are looked over to see if the skins are shriveled enough; if not sufficiently done, they are" plunged into the lye a second time. Sometimes a third im mersion is necessary; but this is rarely the case. Drying by steam, is chiefly followed in the province of Denia, because there the heat of the sun cannot be depended upon, as in Malaga. In wet vintage seasons this plan is also adopted in the South. In carrying out the process, the grapes are exposed to the sun's rays for twenty-four hours, after which they are placed on boards and carried into a building with shelves in it from six to seven feet high. Heat is produced by steam, which circulates through the building in an iron tube. The heat is kept up to one hundred aud sixtv degrees Fahrenheit, aud valves, which are placed along the lloor, regulate the temperature. The drying generally takes about twenty-four hours; but as too great a change "of temperature sud denly experienced would cause injury to the raisins, they are allowed to cool gradually in a room built for this purpose, and adjoining the steaming department. When quite cool, they are carried to the stores for packing. When the drying is thoroughly ac complished, bywhatever plan pursued, the raisins, prior to being packed for e.)ortation, require to be carefully looked over, and all the broken and bruised ones removed, as a drop of moisture from such would very likely damage a whole box. After this comes the proper classification, by no means an easy affair, as merchants and culli vatorsdiffer, often very materially, on this subject. Besides the raisins already named, may be mentioned Sultans the best kind to use in making puddings, cakes, etc., for children Muscatels. Lipari. Belvedere, Bloom or jar raisins, and Sun or Soils. The best kinds are im ported iu boxes and jars, such as Malaga and Muscatels; while the inferior sorts are shipped in casks, barrels, frails and mats. Chambers' Journal. Heroic Mr. Spilkins. "No," said Mr. Spilkins to the small boy who rang his door bell and asked if he wanted his sidewalk shoveled off, and who offered to do the job for a quarter. Spilkins had just been read ing a book in which a lot of pernicious aphorisms about the desirability of economy were set down, such as, "a penny saved is a penny earned," "a groat a day is a pound a year," etc; therefore he said to himself: "I will save the quarter that the job of cleaning my sidewalk would cost, and do the work myself. Besides, the exercise will be good for me." He told Mrs. S. ot his resolution, aud she, like all true wives in these cases, told him that he was a fool to think of such a thing, aud that to do the work him-clf would be ten times what it was worth. But Spil kins has a mind of his own, aud he put on his rubber boots aud mummified himself by means of a louguUter, a com forter and a fur cap, aud went out to his self-selected labors. As he emergid from his door he struck a piece of ice on the top step and went into the street Hying and got a lot of snow up his sleeves and trousers legs and down the back of his neck; however, a little pro fanity relieved his mind in this respect and he fell to work. The job was harder than he antici pated, but he stuck to it. aud at last went into the house agaiu. bathed in perspiration and triumph. But on sit ting down to smoke, as was his cu-tom after anything particular, he found that in his fall down the steps he had ground to snuff three twenty-five cent cigars which he had in his pocket and the next morning woke up with an intlueuza which has given him the aspect of the weeping philosopher and the temper of a bear ever since. He therefore says that economy is a fraud and has thrown his book of maxims into the fire. Bos ton Journal. "English as Shells Tau-cht." Hitherto San Francisco has been comparatively free from Anglo maniacs, for, excepting an occa sional Eastern traveler who elec trifies the clerks and habitues of the Palace Hotel office by asking "what he shall do with the braws-es" when he is desirous of redeeming bis baggage from the transfer compain . the Queen s Euglish has not been inflicted upon the public ear. But tho-egood days are over, for far away iu the wilds of the We-t-eru Addition the principal of a primary school has undertaken to Anglicize the mode of speech of the rising Americans under her charge. A reporter of the Chronicle saw two little girls returning from Sunday School e-terday morning, and was astoni-hed to hear tlini take leave of each other in tie following man ner: "Hit's 'awlf-past ten, .ltie, awnd I mu-t go 'ome. Me mother will be hangry. Don't forget to come hover to tne'onse this hawfternoon, Hawnie," replied the other; and they parted. "Who told you to .-ay hawfternoon'?" the reporter a-ked of one of the little misses. "The teacher," she answered. "Hall the boys and girls have to do that." "Since when?" "O, a long time now. Our teacher says that it is not proper to say 'after noon.'" "You don't say so," said the aston ished reporter. "Docs she make you u-e any other words?" "O yes; she makes us say awnd,' and the little girl opened her jaws like a rock-cod's to give the proper pronunci ation. "Awnd she sas dawg, too," she continued, "awnd" brawss. awnd cawn't, awnd pawk. awnd mawn. O, hit's beginning to rwain;" and nbe scampered off without giving the re porter an opportunity to ask the name of the school and its principal. - San Francisco Chronicle. It should occasion no alarm that there were less than five thousand dollars' worth of diamonds exported from the Cape from August to Novem ber of last year. You will be able to get just as large pieces of paste for five dol dollars in this country as vou ever did Detroit Post. That was a bright prison chaplain who, when asked by a friend how the psrishoners were, replied: "All undar conviction. " Waltham Btserd. BEIJGIOUS A5D EDUCATIONAL. The Mormon Church in Utah re ceives about $2,000,000 a year in tithes. Indiana has 3,737 church edifice?, Talued at $12,555,000. She pavs hex soinisters $1,037,337. The Congregaiionalist wishes that ministers afflicted with drawling, drowsy, clipped or other objectionable habits'of utterance could have business talk through a telephone half an hour each day. At Mr. Moody's recent meetings in London the Bible'readings were attend ed by about 3,000 persous daily, and the preaching by 5,000. Overflow meetings were often necessary. Tho .work has boen highly commended by the London press. Minnesota, where a Sunday-school was first established thirty-seven years ago, has now 1,444 schools, with 7(5.000 scholars and 11,000 teachers and offi cers. The net gain last vear was 118 schools of 4,000 scholars and 100 teach ers. St. Paul Iress. Free seats seem to be popular in Massachusetts. The Episcopalians havo 128 churches or chapels; the seats iu more than half of them are free Of twenty-two churches in Boston thirteen of them are free; aud of niue new ones organized during the pat year in the State eight are free. liostoii Journal. Out of the entire population of 1,783,085 in 1880, in Massachusetts.only seven-tenths of one per cent, were native-born illiterates, less than that of any other people in the world. So says Governor Robinson. And he adds that "it may be safe to assume that no one will hold the schools respousible for the ignorance of men and women born and reared in foreign countries, or who nev er crossed the threshold of a Massachu-settsschool-houso." Poiton Transcript. The Faculty of Bowdoin College have established" trial by jury as the best mode of inforcing college disci pline. Each class elects a juryman, and each of the secret societies and the anti-secret society does the same. The President is the Judge, but the jury de cides all questions of fact. The ac cused is not entitled to plead "not guilty" unless the plea Is true, and if he makes this plea falsely he is liable to be proceeded against for falsehood. A", y. Examiner. This is the centennial year of Meth odism in America. The General Con ference organization of tho Methodist Episcopal Church in America took place in Baltimore in DecemlMsr, 1781. Iu commemoration of that event the Gen eral Conference of delegates from all Methodist bodies will celebrate the cen tennial in that city next December, and already preparations; are making for it. There are now 3,500.009 Methodists in the United States and thev have churHi property valued at 70, 000,000. Cin cinnati Commercial-G a rctte. Guessing aiid Knowing, A writer in the Milling World says: "The man who knows he is making lift' cents per barrel ou his Hour is apt to bo better off than he who 'guesses' he is making 'about' seventy-five cents." There is a grcatdealof wholesome truth in the above statement. Too many manufacturers allow themselves to guess at what profit they arc making, instead of actually knowing that fact. Instances are by no means rare where men engaged in busine-s think they aro making money when they are on the very verge of bankrupted . An old com mercial agency reporter relates an in stance in point. He was interviewing a merchant in one of our Western towns. In the course of his conversation ho asked the latter how much he consid ered himself worth over aiid above all liabilities. The reply was that he thought himself worth fully ten thou sand dollars. His surprise was very great when the reporter kindly informed him that were he to be compelled to close his business at once he would not, after liquidating his outstanding obliga tions, be worth a penny, and this asser tion was made upon facts which tho merchant himself had disclosed. There is no excuse for such ignoranco. With a moderate degree ot care a man can keep him-elf at all times well informed as to the statu of his busi ness. It would not be difficult to find man ufacturers wlu arc actually selling their productions at a loss, because they hav not properly estimated their co&t. The trouble is that the manufacturers either do not understand what elements enter into the cost, or. so understanding, are too negligent to make the nece-sary computation. It is easier to gues-, that materials cost so much. labor -o much, packing and shipping so much, and marketing so much, than to tiacc out the actual expenditures in e.ich de partment, and to finally arrive at some thing approaching mathematical ex actitude. It may be well enough to do tie guessing-work when the margins of profit mi) broad and the chances ol making a fatal mi-takc are not great, but it is otherwise when go.ds niu-t ba sold at a close figure. Then it b'eo.nes necessary for the nuiniifaetiirer to he fully acquaintaneed with hi- aff.iirs. In close competition it is e-,-euti:tl that the actual cost of his goods be as certained so that he may know how close he can make his prices. Suppo-e that he be a maker of locks which a tu ally cost eight cents apiece to produce. If he is offered nin cents for them he can make the sale and still re-erve a profit; btit suppose iu-tcad of knowing the cost he guesses that it is nine cents, he may lose this trade by refusing au offer which he thinks is below the cost of production. On the otherhand, sup pose that he uupssks that his locks only cost seven cents and is offered seven and a half cents for a quantity, which offer he accepts because lie thinks that he may get out whole in the transac tion lie will be likely to find himself in the condition of the oid lady who sold eggs for eight cents per dozen that cost her ten cents, who, whrn interro gated as to how she could make money m such a trade, replied that she did so by carrying on a very large business. If the manufacturer finds that he is un able to compute the cost of his produc tions, it should be his first business to employ some one who can. It will not do to make mistakes in suou an impor tant matter. Obviously we are speaking in this article of but a small fraction of the manufacturing fraternity. The major ity have au intelligent idea of not only the cost of the completed articles of manufacture brought out in their works, but also of the cost of the several parts thereof aud of the material of which they are composed. Indeed, there are many concerns where it is absolutely essential that this should be the case, and if all other man ufacturers were as particular, the list of failures, which now presents such for midable proportions," would b greatlv 4ctta9d, Industrial World.