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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1882)
THE JOURNAL. rZDEDAT SOV. 5. . Ea-rd xs ta Pc--.:5ce- Ccrcaiaaa. 5eb-. i wrad eii- zross-ir- Syow fell at Boe and Atlanta- Gt, 02 the 2Gh- Thx Garreid fair opened as 2 p- -C-s the rS-'h a: Wishiagtca- PSXSIIZKT AJZTZZT2. Wi IMS " egiged as prfri ti irscrf -sage- Draise tb tsoath of October 45 &5S immigrant landed !a tie United SSAteS- Iaac B Bcni. the oldest Boto-n prta.'er and DGbtlsier, died tie oer day, igd . It hi docbted wi.etir erer. AlTis Sicider? rocid co to: f&r . .--i 7 f-.rrvkf a?lL t.w th-otierafri: it Perry, IIL. - Frw frK eT retTeicopyoi :Lt report e. ixricnStsre wlcc -t-r Bcrc3 d jocettrre g oat. Ck, W- H. McILlhos, C4CUrof tie Ti.-f'Coczior, died cddeily 4: w- rs-c-r ---- --- tie ?bt a --.. .:. . w fia.-j"i. ru rii?!r j. tjiJ i-w - - Krid tO iCZiliw CipjAIi- .-. w-;-v-- - -- ,- T T..K... ...- -..- rsoci tocz: of n:or.eyT jk. to &i i -rsci it lodCOiCOX rired fros HATrerii-i oz bcird ffty-oce beep o: tie B.ic:bcu: Dreec. . j i.' -. . . . .. -.&.. 7" r.r-. - m rw Kvifrvi ... .-- iiTi : a rspcrted ka: twenty js.xi- - - - ' cir wi ere tilled by the IadizJ rear Caritsox, Mexico, a few diy- 10. ceat. fr coaeriioa i:o ic A tlzz it other norriar brot bc-ATdiazhocieialadiiaApc- .rr.Un--.sH'Ieetwiz ce: ia a lis. led .ted -" - - mK ir sa ta npper rcora were bcraai to deuh. Ditbzix wv Sncreuiu ! week in PhiiidelpiiA. Pa, iad fear? ei&re.:ed:iAti:wn!cecotaepKeni- ic. It bA h-se siarclir'.y f. Ltl ia ' realt HrTtT Cor, of Crete. -iil neez'dj iaatia oa tae Ptitie, tiUed ia ea?ie raearia ieTea fee: frora tip to tip It vill be pUced ia ie Dcaae cotie-xe rawiec si Hii. if 5C.7TLI.I. wife of rlaiaeer ja.- jva - . jietTiue. i t.-i- wui.-.. . , , dar fori - 2"c.rritowa, Pi. ,-i other ier horae. ha-Jia .toeipieteiy reaAia- , . ' eit aer h.iita. A ?x.LrrT. "iiprvvikKi of cyaiaute Cime-red tae o-her caoraiax a: 3-irr -ct LiiseilT. Wtie. tarftaatly ksJfiax . a s i tar?1 ziri tad tQ raea. iac. wecac- ! " tf e-rea otaera. La-st wee the dorkeeper of tie cot ial er?e-.i.t i: arra r i-. j t . & jesiite aa: taeir repeirtiTe aan ns reatia as w aiaiazitrti, hjj m.s i-, secibviar e-f Coc-zre. Ifa. S:7tixr s ci-e of iaaaiiy taiea up ia the cocaty coan at Chkaxoiia tee otaer ciy. aad coa- r SaEeI a. iiroeaf. of the aoa-appear-aa:e of Mr?. STi:Ie. Ir U iUted that rltty pcpiU a: ti-t asyicra for iaabe:Ie yoeth aear Co fcirafeci. Ohio, ire prostrated with jc-irvet fer. Three death recently ccctrrretl at the a? lara. snois or -tesHw. si , aa, receauy xrrrru x. . - ; '; , . ' lliu, , . , I J-- Aad ra aitar cai ha.: a:irrow i escape frcra aip'wreti'.c. iH1 P0 e CCer uA- . ir PLz-rirr rr. Ci-trcrreo 7e-w ---u., j---- , - - ..t;.fJ. fThrp.; r fj-4r-v5r.ip.t T.r-- - -,.-- ---- ---. " ..-F -jc:a ki iosc --ts ,s. . - .r rscrv-& - fAWtf-tSft1tiiIn-broftLe C XHler. detectire, gotlty. Tie pec- "-J . ' w .- -. . . rT A TT Ur2 tDt csoa S iW tj ieArfor cd imxe-him br A'- Wfe - toM sbtt tiecitTGf, "--- -r i .arr i r . sier-SHre. u: ;e ia w use. I di.t. w-rrbfetotierixrdeje i. ; ! 2-o--ttestio to wraey Gescr! Breiter were co- -IeM tuat?:oaof we!tiy '.a- - '- ""t: f siea. r iuni. i,r fiL-, rrs-ai 'o- 3 cert, itce -ie Thx rec::: ---- J B102 -0, jfiu fro sietro-oli- I . d pirtieaUrlr tte !!- j a--"- - '-' Psrf a d, -- r ,ii k-iV f t a exc .0 - f - ce-r U of fe Kow of Join Brown, W.n.-tt.iLl di,born.a. of the ncblie I itc LZncoia Jc pccnIUr -"Ttr Tifl- -- I-.tA-edlAiteektiAt lUjz- i -r adirr Ssp. 3X 1S5, tie ri'-.Cl-'rfest u 'f IC , I of public ifTtiri by tieir oc:aL. ute Szcvion htre beea dboo-iaz cf art dipbtberii had ipreire.5 Iz i3- gar-iizr were fU2S3SfI e- "r - " ." , , v . . ao. " octy. tee Ur.i before isa: period e!i-;L I-toc V T. Schcdi -srere closed crease of 0lc4 ec.c-red witi i? CJS lT - tro2C j mmm ibcs eosipijicg with the !ener wh::e Jd fAtr-ili- were tcATir. :ce -eTioc Tear. I J : !J c ftrrw Acd THxr ;i ft: jv oiA J?. riotu :he ."pint of tfce .aw. Tee d:. icz oHUs: For: Worth. f ded ti,: d m fe icldered tic Tgws, "W - '" ?J " ,troo the coantry Actia, S:- TexAS w; corded tie fc wefehiwc 0: or ftr poasd. of " pont p of la?e, Acd tere toraey, for prMM rlng bnrini aizb-J I. b.-c: A0- iH be Emitted : the Bilb C- J H' - u C.i of tfc CiT!r clc b i?ai2.7ft,a - fe,or T- S-b " ,ccb - . I. . . . casdidAte tilted of bT icti-moco&o- rc:id nococolr. Wa: 1 cSAaiGHT ? ;T:r i..- rnr-.m,;inni- xr-c,,.. icx 3.-wiu i.-v tia for tre U. s. assure- Tie Cip- tc-ere Araocs ttiea: rsisc;. ifser All! t.d h..i - :'vr!v-i- -- v-- yftfi :n otcer ct o: n kl i-;r ya'i- . . .. ... . . .... . . - Wx. Fwr. :te cocry :rea,Crer of ' ?- . d; fa tte j3Eher . of Stetl ; rroopo?y. If yea objer: to piyia ' lfe f : cnreiiAble pnper, ia iJif$ vdios cous:y, recently set op a; Thx LietiwAaa.1 Iroo Aad Coal ' aJv Co, in ikKto- Ti :U ; star - oftea tt boJG i :o I- ":' I a zitz i- :- for;. cnAia tzizz- UP h boaor of VAlectiae. eiectio- .opAry i iccepted , eoaina to r jp Qd . ! chir?5i Arbitrary, for the z: i! w. 5s? -'eed- re?- - 7Jah Si? aW; .d i: i Aid. bore sit ie eires. ce2rr 3i0 to4 of steel ri'l a: the j d wn;2. 7 fV, drr TiJ rtAtioc of freixb: oc rtiiAT-, tv : poiiic-i eat.meat. It ; .irSfrr c .;! u f.;Gr:a. ua.ip t i . .. -. . . s., t work a:4-c too. Tii price t " " -"- - V- . ?rr -.-r'- -r, r.l i-.i-. r-n. :I coa this o ft Aad o enrttciH- Vf zJlZ-. ri" - ,s :E ?Ia:: Sisct oxember lit. taerec-A cer. I '--- " , ,. - - oc: to test tae iiceu. Tie ctrso: -cc JC go ica u cp - 2;-. -ortii, :. .arr ::f piTs-e: boJ- receive a: the trery J Tori. Tfc w of peoftKs; u . f T fe :ortoixi. j - becAS.e yoCVe fot :: left, - 7" '- : " 2 i5d 3" fcftSi fe iaterdfcted, cxder the sccialc t-'ctt the ale f priraphiec ca tae Jabot cntioa in. tae i:vce o :w speecaes dttSrered ia tie reacaM. U32I or tae ijacota .o-c-aoi ctai- ne airaseit as aa.Taz aea. ia i t o( thi tirrack z Ciattanoosa a a pa: carapaigTj. ia ionest. able aad .pox bopitaL refojed to" do o intelligent caadldate. Tii ract be , on tfce na tfcat WOc!d one of hi -illesed" joke. j -ender xhem nnnt for other pcrpoe Thx police the other night at Chi- I aad probably reqaire their destrac caso made a raid on one of the gam- tioa. blicg hooe aad captured 125 per son. Keep at it. Let the great city of the ares: west clean cp. Gbeat excitemeat was can?ed the other diy At GJro owing to ihe re port of recruit refusing to proceed to London cnle they go under their commander, Arabi Pa2A- Feok Madrid we leara that the cab inet has reo"red to reply to the de mand of the United States in regard to Ioe zxiiZiT&i br American dar- j inc the Cuban ia Liectexat 'WLT3CA3r, who ha ben exploring the Co-ago riTer re gion, has arrired at Zaaatbir. Ia hi journey acr eqcatorial Africa he gained valuable ictormatios. Michael. Caset, fA'her of Patrick Casey, who was sentenced to be hanged for the murder of BriHgec Joyce, wns indicted for complicity Id the murdur of the Joyce family. The wlioleaala drug warehouse of Gilbert Urn. & Co., Baltimore, Md., burned the other night. Los uc .fcuown, Six youug women on the lour'lj floor veit rescued by firemen tid Liouhi dowu ou Uddr. It t staled at Dsbixs tia DiSms I? shortly coming to AixerK to make a ksag; sojeem witi its brother is Col orado- He insist epea s Sj"aiag:hi seat in parSaraeEt before -sj depart-crs-Mtxxs Jctcs, WEsreeeatiy rralgE- ed aad tried ir Dhtic for tie aEcrder of Mrs- Joyce, wa foend gcilty d sestexared to dti- He y& grt eocsia of the eajs Joyce, wto waj I msrdered. a v.r vr- - of Ptott- -.- -fff--. Wf-CEt ad ini'fc! .-.-- - s --- " mil 12 cesiieu. lte ecxs cu Hiiea c' - - l j r. . --r Tjvitrr.tter szert! & tet-tic. i i-ir-i?vr-,? tn v.t "Vf rs. JnlLk Wrd ig MvcUcie S-Oer, OKrer WfiS- w.-MB..vww. .V - deli Holne itd Geo. Eeaiei!, set- -.. v.4S -.I.-i tf.r Ci.Jri - fe Cila.0 thi T corijdiiaaed-SatiIeri- rr r- rjj:,-- v?rf!! hId tin ! Si-pSit i-i-r,i - i: fr IprT."V I . .- --- - -r-tr- 3 -- , ccGJ ..LCOa. Thx 6-cai -p. aI report of tie BJtircre i-d Oiio Read rAA thaw tiLj for tk fi- " r:T5 " " ,J " . . I c t ei o. o. u t . " I .. - .T r.......! w.m.v. r r c. ir .. r,t r . r- fiTr " fhc: . -ww - ikictbko. ,...-.. . . .. . T- 3 r - - t ... .. . . tt . r frora r-er.yTAai.i era oe exraiwec . tcare-!y by rh re of the eoostrr -r - ritr . .? , - ...) --- two i-iiiuLiUw. -rws-rti vt yv - ok coaty of Arw tiifAlL Dryicx iifcaare bear Kir- :i or. raACT o: tie firr-j; a 5ew Tort frn i? dryiar ipple t tie rite J -- . i, - - f tbiJ -crope. , of 1j'O bciel per &T, -d as.-aizz ''kis- " "r -" r" , tae corarartioa ct ra-q3iry h rcrains l tae tnAi or ji.r3.oi r"i-aa rata a iatws. Aid Brcadley ia wi defeae. after Tiroro aiiat the Tiotatjoa re ide witi iira. -r .t.. .t .t.-r--. t. -.. -,a ; .IV U. WC CliUlj t-T U.S. J.--. i 1. T. P -..? .! t il!A.l 'a- .fci V.. I . . . jm we aope ae wili loot ta-to tae tAXioa of E. E. Uad- whica ia at? . . t ...... aeecc a ere he aid he did not tnow he: theT raid fixes oa. ail their laad. -. - . . , &z!CHier Herald. A it at atraed SACler wu arra: fe ed the other diy la Ladoa for end . lis a letter to Gltduone tareaieoicz - ... , - to ranrcer aira. He wa reraaadea After dirLiiciiai hi iateatioti toraar- der the prioe caiaitr. Tie raaa U a dtazero-r Inaatic. 1 Vraxosr aad iKtcoi propo to raie the whole tate re-eace bj tax- iaz corporatio-s. Tie excesse of raaaia the itate i abont tzSfxJX .. "., fceIsTi lLi! tL arCsld4 , -. siaifrft. Ti- nor pay ocly f&jJj'.Q per artanra. Faoic Dnblia we Ieira that Free raaa Jo-trxal aya tie Pope at a re ceat iaterriw expressed hi horror at tie ostraes cocarattted ia Irelaad, aad ciarxed bishop to c their ct I raot eiertioa. to prereat the ceople c&anz the tawa. Gi2 jj- Jomai h m & St hiraelf woo'c , ,. . . . .. .-. i r.mcjst.T t:i: c r i.,ujt"ir. -:." rv.jir. i r 1 i i ucal jura jjiaa.' Tie Caere raestion of j jj-j- Tia -R-?ei s; to hnnzf tie St. Tieeae u oae which crI?i M fcaiediAtely rabmitted to j jy. &-& Tl ecretUT Of War wio wa ! w - id the to : tfce CK - . v The result of the naral court mar tial held at "Waabinston to icqt?ire in to the conduct of Capt. Alfred Hop kins in leaving Ihe Pensacola nary yard when yellow ferer made its ap pearance, was an order dismissing; the officer. Hopkins wss commander of the yard. A giei. liTing at Waakoc, Iowa, beipg very fond of babie, borrowed one of a neighbor for the day. It fell into the fire and wa burned to death. The girl was not the immediate casse of the accident, and yei she was so griered and frightened by it that she died within an hour. Me. Makt D. Fitch, of Oaklwd, Laport county, Ind is a farmer in ' equal and harmonious partnership with her husband, also s farmer. Mrs. i r :tcb- ilthongh fully acquainted with all the details of farm management, dToLes ier time to the production of batter, supplying nice families aad making 125 poonds of gilt-edged but ter erery week- The labor of makieg this amount of batter the performs herself, but she has red seed it to the minimum by convenient arrange uteuU, and the use of mechanical aid. & -nter boefce ud tigLed forty- ( AstfLeffcffi!irdrof it. "4i r. " ,w JT'T ST J ' - z -S "I S K r aSri 5, wniecmcriSftRtisa c- - - . Ste-n to isii-:fc Jcd:Liw5c llnS-: L2aeo Serenei in t-S leader us rr cf :a 3Siex-5 sirer f-f I7l ana Ornamental IzqMan. .imrink and Fan " . r " .7 . ' .w .- ivK-r M-fBTu?-. t -wwj - rsstaonrioi -BonrsoB jje forcotiea or thxt dcu-ble jteei S tie tcr p. -i, fuse coca: j. c- wnneueu uu ir .uurot (WffM. fc ssbesitted tie otter dy, sa wnt- ! J a Duom ecstEt?u. Tie t & -t ef F. W. Frii or vbbisz to -, A- '- t . . -, 1 rtu isd rcaaiar tiK tsa. cs ti M derted iii p.r. drl tie jeifo ?oli suisoo by 5tro5cort of;otLTMiftftt.ooe TSiTTSUSS ifcSi Tl -2-ar . n;. -r . a n . -, w,t :. CiiCie Ot i K-Ise w. tait ir s fc-.w. .i -xj-icrs-u - . . ... .. . . . -i.. ..:.J. -.-. . ,.m. . ,3 ?n u- -r trr nwiTr-rwi iz .!? t . ... -- ...... .i...ji. . . c;. ikc iouirj'j uu ur?ti-.rr;i -u -.--. a r --. .-..i Ji-n. i P A sza&z driver. !e tie Black: H3I g tie ether day sndertoak to horse- -: passesgees into getticg oct of tie ;ae mad pashfgg it cp feSL ct tie passenger esptfed tielr re- 5 Treascrer of Madiscc coccij, wti C dtsisz&z&ii j cfns ia kicksrs, deaa- ' ir dsrribi rvow paMie ne Tolrzr ntto Hm a few tiEes fceld a ; pet Into cSce, m abo tfce ce fce U p cfrACS. rs!d-ejei scaacs id so oa " ff -t-:ofCt if f Corcser mis axd fossd ihtx. fce Tfex ssprese coeri of Pesrrir - j eh fcwt week rendered & decr-zoa in fcror of tie 5uadrd Oil Cccccsy i, of Oiio. wUct es&s th loc eoatro- li TersT betvecx tte eoEi3:-cweIth sxd E t CoassmsT ecacersiKX taxw sd i - ErS""-!.- -- iic kmc u tteuii. " . . . . t i - - -- ' jy nrirF-yr s-TjT-rvT:iTT'- : n .r!. EdstasD WnnisftToy. n Ecjili- H I iid ceec Mat free Iirespoo!, by etc eaitscwa to iira, to Sew Bo-i , with tieprce! id did ro: fcrw wiit 1,. .,Iwi " - M - T-w stpi4 p-t z up trrfc..i-4 f ' --- --- .ti.. E '-,-'u",l- v ' ",c -"" -5- ar J w rT- tn rrn";rA P? rnotirsori rrCT-5 SiAiipeAre, I sot 10 U!i 1 & church stAijole. nor 30 wide u a br door. .... .. . .. loaTsicaiiT. bat ce 1 rore th.-tr. ttAt ,, udxM!d dosbclesi m.Uce if.n -.. t - . kEw Ti - , -vAk r w - - -w . ji-c: iuu sr ." i. . ? o-w - w m. m uu i i iT - a. riLz ra r.. - . -ii. r .--.x. j . i - - - a.? -t-. gi, 4;c , i -!." i-ti., " , 'J T-r- ji j -k. Uii lUUC. t ' . i - " r. .c .i... I EEtE, waa Arrested tee otier dAT 0 , . . . - . - - , . k , bis Arrri! t Xortfcwal! qcr, IreUrd ( ul " ." . a wt Wei few ?roara :o greit ProW-iATic- twectv DMbsHoe'dTcsnuiftl '" orB, oMh y. ,SoM i, aor,faj :he iion Jr. k ,,4-L,? TT .-r , :i-- Pro?-T &yt - -t -7 of Coini-ioscr McFirlisd of tbe - . . . . .aoIv Te. htfc a t-- a Jiu:. Mi m. a.. x c w.wm.. w .l.- PsracUr? cot grres. C- " T rf-.T"c .r. miiiiv r- Lv t:bcinrf hi Aaact! , ,v p-w t u. V Ar J Ur r AiiJV teuf-'Tiwai. w o- iU AjldJ'Jf .vi--TTW W. 1 - reoort .W - aT fc .. WaU.MW .fc - -f tfcal drrifioa eti itetae followtar field o: USz or Cora, ljjjjjjjjj bel: whu, 41WJ0SSJ) boiheL: . 4TyCOi bcihe! ; brfj, i5X- COJfXJJ beieli ; rye. 3j.Mxt.0 ooj . beciwheat. IzJSjOjOx i ijr iu u. jc ii.c u''i:.uiacui .j tj i - . . . j, jjvj.. ace for tie appreio2 of .1 f tae lATe trade, with bout2 of the ' Hezaz jtatn. cf siaTery tarcazhoct ' "?-VTTr thdrawa frocs the I " 7 . " , " j -kvJicctj woold ojciider aa -;- I itiTerr 5r:err ra Loadoc r orater. I . .... .. r m tm-m. m-m v . .. M . Ab I cIy protetia? . . , p-yrzeaz penrx: a: nine, latceraeia- of tie asreeraa: i . - - T - . -., arae a!I 50a feltowi coa: tzuat c:er- Eypc Tie re-ofntloa wa ccAai- j -s-hea iOEc-tiiaf dencit ac e5ect caocily adopted. J ca! cao he doce to iicait their Arbitra- la MaT B. MaroiT. of Bearer I Oty. Neb, iw zoae to tadbapoKi fortheparpceof t:eadiEgtheE.r!e.r-' tic Mediea! College, which i c-ffcriax aae5called iadaceraeou to worae tudear. Mr. M&Hory ha Ar-Ad eoaiderab!e kaowlede of raediciae. harios itadied cader i tctor, Aad for the pa: foorteea year pra.stced oa the western froatier. Thx yosag bo of the Omiia Rt- FzbZiccz. ocght to wakec cp froca hi I-n.Ln Amr-. -. .-A m. ' I r uui.iui bicauiu a. ' raore reteraa oa: of the party. Tii c-zre racst be itd. if it lake the ea tire raacie. There's Ladd, of the Bocae Cosnty 3"ei, for laua-o-, woald ctte a delectable raoreL Jct gulp him dowc whole- It woaIdat do to ciicce hire icy. Thi Mormoa commiiion hare ac ihed their work, aad Zige is ti ald to be OTerwhelrcicgiy ilormoa. I Tnoaandj of polyxaniisti were di- fnachised, but whea the rotes were .. . . ..j r. . . :-- -j .v.. t-. cuuuicu Jt u uuwncicu tiik ista thao 5.010 Geatile had roted. while ,K rf,nrt-h eAudidcte fora!rr h.Afl poned a total of 23,0 rot. Whit ha become of tie work of tie cotn- raifsroc r T rr so i n fn Kt-n OffvhrL nd ,--.. .. . wondrfni 0EwArd tendency last week stopping a; oae dollar and fifty cent- It i a!o stated that the war made freight rate eqcal'y cheap and satisfactory. From Siotxx City we learn that Last week ticket i from that dry to St- Pad -arere selliag j for twesty-5Te cenu, aad frota tie j same city to MHwackee or Chicago j for one -dollar and tweoty-sre cents-j The Ysnktos aad Ozallala Indian it Pice Eidge Agency, Dakota. haTe axrezd to separate reserTatiocs of limited proportiocs. Tie Indians, at Boeebcd Agency bad prerictisJy Agreed to reiserTatioa, aad a the Ia disns of these two reerTitioc com prise half the Sioax nauon, tie work of the Commission under the rm Judge Edmnndj. i practically accomplished. Os the morning of tief-ttc, aterri ble storm Tisited Bafialo, 2T. Tn aad Ticiaity, accompanied by thunder and lightning. Tree were blown dowB, mi nnhfrPii. and vtccqvi olom in. Two schooners, it is feared, are lost. Sereral persons were injured by falling signs. The sidewalks are covered with debris- Tie harbor presents a gloomy appearance. In J addition to the schooner Doace, the schooner Mos it wrecked. Tte life saTbsg crew rescued all hands. A floatiBg elevator capsized dsrisg the night aad was tirowa mpen the dock. Th lev will xweb ttJfiO'x I It rocld seec fron the la? c-ss j ber of the yorfolk 2Tecr Has. patilie, B fcae dicc.ie2 ha b-rca upon tie ( Earner 1 which F. W. Ftitz, Cotratr E r3kfag of It. A eorrej-iEf ai o lb ! Eictirdsoc wm tturted bj f cssjority, cat izix Fritz, - I fcd sd forgery (cerpe?r:ad f o: l eiectioc retcra : " tad been de!iT;i isto it ' niU of Oecty U-ci: w de- . . ViDTlTV W-PTTC - . t-.. .- payera ot Aits cocsty sr rfepn-- .?.. '-.'(,, rejeu vci aiti i .. . . ...i -.. . -j fnad of ti rrtT. .i ha mrJ.-.-r n w-jj - mrm- - i rttr MT1 rjrri-i rw-. fKArxniii ' I 7"; 7, 7 T." - '- vw-.5- i.t. iu.i.c u. prta o' libejj iad loar tAieT Aid --- .-t'j -c. Mi.i. o.-u- " KeS A -srelt ti MidtiOr. Ar be-iiCCir iKi t-.s-... -C-V-.. ,v. : .i ... - so i?r -i:-.- i fcol ramj perti- t sea: qce-tjun co& tie ceadact ro --ti tf sr.v; s-ivr if Tfir rnn was: to piy foer eiti a trsile for rid- I ir oa the ear, or tea ceeu fu ned f i wtzearcfti fores er: t oe c&.5r sec: wct .. . ... . vac caa so a.'c To he sore, tii: ; --,- - lr-n-r-rl rr. v rr-.-v. . - - : DB"UU d-LviC4C Aad wi!d-eyed t snscat, wao tiir: for iccis . J corarac: 1k . b. - . J" Vm L-L .X -It m.. b -w V.s.k . kt ..4 . . . .i D ..-.... . -2 r ... h . ' 2. . w-r. taere cas oe no ritlrcrid nao-ootT. . s - w-- --"- -rri-? r-. -u- -i-.a- trica jai .;. i tl. . - - c ao ju- upoa iia 3-;;. aaii jnrtra:s. oi sr: .oa att zaai- , ; riortririi :a- ?aai of St. fr wajei -eta , - -- -.- irrf it-: tn ! shi rKJs.s-r..W .. . - i. - - t - - t . -. j , . . cocrie acq Gci.AtO-Tie, wto De- heve that there cia ie -ocb i thiag A? a railroad raoaop-5!T for act ia:- portaat period of tirae. I; wili be Lcreaiin aoar io taoi ia.aow. z. Thz reoale wlil oatiace :o dirai .V tie railroad on e.::oa oatil tie tirae tr-?d opoa the coramerce- of the 7- jQiI '"5 the ie of it U! IO ct:wte foreei.. I Km air-. (Ktr.i. .PiiiT r-ii-f-r tnd imoatLera 'Jke idi ih :heperfe.:tlr lera!, oroper lad le- r .,.:.. xiuraare wore of the raiL-o-A.i coapi- aie the cooatry OTcr i to bcitd tad , aitnrally coa-erritiTe, -proriar a.v " thing, and holding fat to that whfch i ec-od," and it is tot to be dotbte.1 ' -low aocxh to :: the mot fA:idi - -,a sutler for i fall duccsioe. Tie JocijrAw ccdirtake to sar :ia: whit- raaaazetaec-, far a shore eri , toacithe oabiie welfire. be fiirfr Aad hoaeriy e: dewo. The raere ! forrnil itATeraea: will zo a Ioaz At . t il towArd recaedyirig mitter-, becaa to care is pirtly to kaow what the disease is. Tow tii: zhi clamor of :he polit ical carapiign are past, i: may b-z welt eaoagh for Ciarlea H. Gere, editor or ihe Liacola Jovrwl, ad the repc:ed Aa'feor of the putform oa which the reoablicaa pirty of the stile ctAde tae i: campija. :o -ipsaia ia :u:i 20: oaly the exact taeiciag of taa: precioc. dctccen: wiere it toeche? cpoa the policy of the state board o; lad aad bcildiag, bet Also '. ae- ceasity taere was or tae seemiag se ce.iir for tie endorsement of aa? policy tie board might be pcrc:as in the premises- We belieTe that tie people of tte state would like to be enlightened on these points, apon j wtich we care not noticed erea any attempt at explanation by the Lincoln - - - - . - - m -. eaiiT ire coraracaiit acg cercAarorces ' eait their roid. aad a'! the faac- 'eapoa- cimeo; irocac :a the pocket t j.-, ell v.rm. m swrxra r.Vnx --r M-f-i -.' -r reo!:ei ia the deith of t wif Aad Ta '.oca:? oraai-tioaer of P!a:: uoa of eoraoa earners o. f.rxht do & ,oarict', !:f for th hBs- -T iaTdrtir4 w-rAd. .tioa Aai pueorer. orer tie Atae-oaly .j tlsL .. ., &, V ri'-m- :hu aad aothia? raote. 5cricty L- - fcr their ciildrea. ZrflL'rlt:' !.1U -r. crer esictraeats are prop.e,i they j Araoag those preseat w-re the u f , ;g c'i. 3. ' saToV-wi" ! hocId re: np-oa a bai of ractcal of the EriAiAg Jvei-s'iL a piper' j' iu! rxil aia: ---: air.1 ia :a- onstj latere! of tie zeaera! ooolic Aad j focaded &y ei, ar.d 2.0 csp!oy- dlJ f f-rri.-r. tvr. the owner of railroad prop-rrtr. Le: oi the priatieg h.c-e of Weed. A: ' t Johx T-xxt,rrzz. ill 'i ickaowIe.3ged eril of railwA? f the coaclasios of :h-r errice. the re- "' '.o.a-.j l-f. 6hiz-S?c2' or ;s ozhiT. Id-bw leader of repcblican sentiment ia Xe- i bra ska, the Omaha Bzpvbticax. PsrstDEsr AarTHirz oq the ereaing of Iht 5:h iast dire-tted the remoral of Charles E- Henry, mars hall of the District of Columbia: D. B. Aiager, potmater for the city of Washing ton: M. D. Helm, foreman of tie CwjttJnoxal Eicord, aad George E Spencer, government director of the Union Pacine railroad, cpoa charge made by the attorney general aad CoL Bliss, that the above mentioned ofi cials interfered with tie ends of jus tice ic connection with the star rocte trials- These ccaa will all be filled immediately, so there will be no in- urrupuoa of tie public errice. Ai rEpso-lKies who ciSer from fl Gere, tie: be platfs-nn tatec?iri of tie liacolc J&ani-dl, Life cadrcate I fcr reseat of the University, , are I tc xfc eai of the crststar. Of coarse brxt m tte iojiiy of iloteoo- !, ad tte deedr? of tLe c5iii! .. . . .. -. -... .. y.--.. w.- t. a GErrsier of tte -site seJ.:e ia I dcSCCO. .. - . . i f 3 - f-- - u .--. s, .o pr-vtcs frOC iO Ciiic WT-Sl li iSOTS A iicber ev:n.z ratri frora db-o?sc ., . o: ice:r entri-r- wirtoa. eatib mae ti nm? ?mr.rt-rimT,ri; 1: rVa lor eoatcrD-jEire- Tie U'H" i!!ors a ye: mixe imoroTemeari .; .. i..:..i j -. .1 - t..i. er, clert :a the rece:TCr" cce it Witr?-ii rvv. -- .;-r : .v. ..--.... ..v.. -.. w.ii iii 4. hcf-M F - hi Oaitci Rtt.vbhca U stresn- c1? z?diz prorins iii: i: i ll . w .- fc. - - L.r . p -J-V w fi-st ttktor from hn.-W ?vrt .1?.i r.r -.- t.;. .:..;- rv .,- v.:v.- . - ...-w w .j. it(i i rTT '.rtvr. t jtit .? a'j .nfjia tir. . . . , " bac rra laea jrcseu o ite t- -. j - - t -. a state; ieaate tiiict Gcrl, no; be Ia?: oae, by aiot shamele raeth- cd?T Aad ia tie iatertitt of the rill- read ojrporitioa.."" Estrntl jrn : JT-iiCA. .. -. TH ti!of Alexaader PAtnck for the raarder of hii wife. CiroHn- Pat- . , TKi.y tc-k puce a: sewArd recectlv frrfore Jcdre Pot- Tie rerdic: of tae jary "if grri:y of raerder is the iecoad a.zzr aad the ea:eace - of the coart, peaitectiAry ror life, at iArd labor. Tie seird Blidi r. --- Tii; i the aaile of aaother te: bu trT.t: ,7 Irr i-d ve tm?r, a? Jode oor coaa- rol re-'-ilttrjli tfi: ir Ti!l-j.rKi oae. A a rc.e cnraia.J hire bad.y w Sewird coaaly, isd i: ( t- booed tai cae wiii oe a -iroiu? i lhA, L, Lttd4d DT jjj iTii po?-! d oeros. Thi U aca: -wfceredcadlv Tsz remaia of Thcrtow Weed were riewed by theciands of pecpEe ' it St. Peter chsreh. AJb-tcv. y. Y S2 :he iSth. Brirf fccni erricea j re held ia the chsreh which wa crowdeii to it crrao: capacity. maia wre takes to Rcril cemetery ' md place.i ic the raait. A the cor-, tege pa.ed frcra the caercc miccte ran; --r n-. gua QreL . F Evis Htltoa of tae BiAir Piloi it dowc oa c-oor Caareh Howe, thai: -la the aidi of the zeeeni Repcb- Iicaa wreck tan i c:itrerd . ict now. there i coaoL:ioa in the taowgn: tait poiiticai meeks of tae w-acrcn now ijn Are oariec .ae deep-:. Canrch wa? ki Jed ia old ' yeraiha-tco dead to kic." a-oEitwillr, Aad his renrrrctioD wii: tike a lonz time.' Tier ere wore ooitticai bam- mer than these of the Chcrch Howe sort Ikgz&L, aad raeaaer oae wco rejoiced in tceir e ec:ca. r-!Tm!!r FIT4L PKOOF. ri-rf trm r.n.i r.ii-rf k . . XoT.ii. is-2. B-iari a" - H-r aAai-r :i iaildizs ' ji:ae.e zc z-r-,? ai ccaaa-i-c. rt-: diz.'K cr.ia. Aad eslziriziaa of. Ai liai. etLtT osIt referred for tJsos mn rfco ire ti 3Sef aid Twc to i. 1 oj ihwbgI ecr-?eI ia d rme little totrds -a iT tf5raaiBrf :is sJl Iwi&u . - -Ls. w - .... ... Hrsl oo tt-i XH!CEa 2r tier Asa Li Cfi-ir up niis csar ric trj acArj & .. ur zsz uzio: ic- jmc o. it- pJpie- ni .e- -rsix: currrcf sbe omm.! at- -& J". . c t -t- .. .....V. J" "X . .. . -f ---. . m vvtat- --. w -mm. ,. " a wrircri :o V-OTIc E Trj ritea :aA: zz ft- " V 'Vv V 74 Tri - . .te7r-i ! has flvi zazze ?: & j cf ar ia:aaoa ii zlxX iatl pr;.if ia . ZT A -"T rTll.VlIJ si S. -n ?. W. a. . Sioa !i TraiaI-i l- . 1 M- 3- fAli- 2r. s' ya Pfcv t V.iTiv i i VOTIi H i aresr" 7- --Zl- r- Xarc- prmctical :-..-, (otiltMU, iaI .0 .br !rkT'behtad WaSndST sVltfe . .ax-aof Ur S. SW !: F lcf.Ha r, -t.- ..ywm ;-a:er.PlA:Csa:T.y. . aaeeofiIt ia:a:ioa zozzxa aav! prsf i?r volaaae of -' ,. rVl, ' n,i" tTJ7- Fl. At. PKOOF. cf :ae tr r- f PIa FI3AX. PKOOF. "SS L'r", JZrrJ:?' ?. TnValV I- alaS S W? EtSii - tewCrtsAtfer6il!Bie 4 ' o. Por.Uad, KaiB6. 3,.7 ; r flt.. DVf .- T- . T fi Ifc-? -'r. Is a I .-.-- aa w "- -w t--z - -7-. "- "- - ,-rr"- ." 7.- -r; ta-3- faeTriar-jriu:, ;,j -t '- -. G- tata:a tc at-tt iaai proof in rS'tlf til m.YrX-.- rt" cC.aIdILTiz LsttI, H-dlaad. E. 3. u. B- -- NesiaB,i lerSc K V ladatrMUt. It biaM 7M for "xlrx" V Te5-- T X. 3. EOXxZ. 2ri,:,r i" 7 ' 7F H,I5 Esr? ?- c- . ". J and ?lrl int- raiwS-5-H.-as: Ey p. ssrjferss iS'SisssiSft Xcee- il t oS btAom ii mew oswefra.- '' Is aATiarNjea' a icly diterauaeni &y the ESVli JS fccacc as! tssabUs&SMSt cf ti follow. n Tmte . sscth of Siieze5lLtp.c. lr f --J be: ;trr:er of Stcaasi j 53.c PL&xce CeaiT. Xeb'ruL . n . j -r i - - siiC iciija r.. rs ic iorr. -ic sae iAI ajJf sitZi&z La. Aoi :i-as vja' cr:a'-v; &asi -f -.t.r.i .r-ie-c ;.i "i S heid "i-r hj d- 8 Bt enier f ;a Ba-i1 of C&ss't Coa- JCHV ?TACF5-EE. S l-i. isuSi. TSEAS1TSY DEPAETHEHr. Orna or LoxyrsouLxz or the Ccr-j ETSCV. 'W"AHrNGTO.V. TTHEREA:-. By i;Ufic:cr; tuin- cAtJi :. Appear :;a: -Tar Fir: Kiiions! Bit-i eft cluribc.." :c Uir ei:j of t oicrj. &2?. :a tie eoQa:j of FU:;e. iad -ia:- of ytbrxi ii. ii conohd tcl:a a!! ;s- oro- vi-ioa- of :b- :M--i ?:i:n:e- of :a- rai;s i S;a;-?. rri irrd v btr coaptiii i:b. tcfer- as Aiciitio:: -hilt au :anzri :o 2nK; ;a l-asiE-- -f t'intiar. yow"THr?.r7Q2E. I. Jota Jj Koox. t oii-:rli-r of :3 1 crr-atj. J -.-? e-rtifj ir: -Tie Fir: Xauosa! Bii " C!B:bu. ia ;r- ci:v of t. oluajoas. :a :be coaaty ef Pli:e. aeJ r of .Vrbn tu :- ABiiMrirec :o ca:sc :a ba-t-B-f? of & a pr"sid-i ia -ce;ie aj:j-j2T acajri isg ..iiT-r.e-r of :a Rrviird 5i:-:e? 'f :a-r Uai:e-i ?i:r. j I" TETIVO"V ,arHX&jF wit- 1 Scjj EJ Si-G iafi Ml! ofo Cx :ri 2T:a diT cf oe:or. Ii- JOHy jay kxux. CoEa;rwi:r f :a- t a -bt. 50TICZ. ?ial HIa? iad C'an:!-i Kli d-fad-Aa-. Til! ist a:ite tail c :fe it di of yTnir. 'a. Ac--:c- Loera-r plti:i' a!ed ii r:.:ioa ia :a-? Di-;rie: azorrir :a- ?cai of $. - f r' ! rirc a jar-rT-: froa; :ai- i:4 pUiaufi a G-r-r .51: ;? t:-r-aiiat- :r pit :c- ae2- or :sa: zid p. ?2s:r ii? -r :u .a wn w ' ia: focrf . Y-q a.- rr.tcir-.i u, r - . - - - ... .-r ,j. --,- i-? - i - T"-- ' Dit! NvTsr irsi. Iti-2. - aJGI-TI 5 I.o KKEK. : By Joaa H. HAgfrrua-. Atwraj. 3 jfoncE OP COFTZST. f-ic ft- ii Grind I.!iad. yb-j I "oT-as- i i. is-a. i '"j'HPLAl i a-.ib2 vn eatrrJ a: " v- ta o:r. by Jaiia Etae- AAsa-: ; F-iaW . -Afford &r ftiior to caply "- :'J Tiaso-.-u 3.:a: Eat.-j y. ii"J. dAt-2 April 2Ua. I-T. cpa ta-r . r r. . 5-ioa To'sro-asa H. Kare z ' ir:- - ?luw-' :?- "V W,:L a , '.iatetua: Ali'ria :ai: Fnat J. ri-w- uv.f,.r iiuoisM lX,,2lk!"e: txa1 atiiar -4 -rstrr. taJ tax: a d:l c: jt. -irm. or :Iutii iaj an of Wra5diritr:fcTiri l-TS-i. !-el l vr la iac ;! av. ;: oqc :rt-r a rc- i airvn fej u. !-: jaic partse-Ara-r ; t -j.1 caisuai v it-r-ir a: tan caio oa I i :.-j. r!ra- .in af fj -ri-s-r. IJ il 1 f , .vi.., -, .,. .... .. ,, ...,1k ? t iiaccT ijarraiar &:! lir-r2 uilcf. I . ? J ti,'ij.&M a,"M!. VSi t. i- ?.- tii..a-.- - iof.wy i . , ia zb.i AtoT- t iZ at Ctie oa D--ai- '-. ,; .ira - sn. M. B. HOXIE. Bn-:r. sancz. r w-M. ii.- u ! -nni ai-tr oa hs- is.2 ttraiattitr : J f-fiiTt ICr3 he- ( -tz-s. 4;:sc "55. Toajaip K? Bia ! iai Srtj. a lLTT;iipK. Biar i;ai.-iaua t; :a -. vr. ratrf --r-:ioa .. fUsTa- IVT'X w.jaiar::a - E. sora-r of -rt.c r-. Fl.AI. PBOOF. Laa.i ijee i: GrAad I-liad Vtb., -jt1k 2 :t a-r-rT zi-r-n it.z ta-r fi!- - !-H-ar-wAaid :t.- ax !!'! so;irr w ai ia:ia:i:a w ai: isU prof ia epp:r: of sa lti.. Aai tii: nc proof --jI oe aids sfor- C. A. Viraia. r!rt ii :ae Dt:n: .oer a: olissaa y&. in Ti-iirTfcr :f?.t lin. ziT- &e.atf Alfr-'iDia:KAa,Hvrat:-twi y "H. fcr :--r ". " -t tt 11. rj&.B. w- E?aia-:a-fi-Kowirjr i:s VcIutaucc i ud Uad. t.z: Ba Eiasca. La Otua. ?-r Hot-oa. tai C-at! S;.xie aI. i LViarfjtA. PIau ,.caa:y. y. .T awy K H H" a" ?- rn.4L pkoof. , Liad Oi i:Groa1 I.Easi. ""& itnrv .1 -.--.t 5-it1- "--t-"-- -I 1-ntriar.iraiC ::l4r an f id. a:u - V . . W, - .... - - 3 - .... ... .4.S- I .cppr: ofhiLu. a4:aA.- i.i -..-? '"iii fc-tati Sfr w'-ari of ta En:n': .cn. Sr PIa:: oasty. y-S-rttti. 1: Cri:-'5- lx!ir iM. --i. tiz Ol'ir G. ' jaau oaie:ea-l 5"o. 5T':i. for FXV4X. PKOOF. Liad OzZa xz Grrai JiLtad. "i . -. fc-- i '- T' -Ji J-" -V J - -r- -u. .'.lU -k fr T uW l l G. jaau -oaie:ea-i 5o. "57'.o. for J. E. MUXGEB, Undertaker ! Furnitnre Dealer, ?aj5?anrit&-? rat j "-' --- - - , - r & cap?'jfi- t.::rtxi .a-- i6ais-i- ARE TOTZS1 rxsa BiTD sricxos iia en rnT nr WATER PX00F WATS. T15H E2AJB SUCXTtS 'L1S2T STICK jrrSL TOTBRS TI5H BEAM) UCXK HCKSZatAM A FARMER X ICTiX taTZ y.X i tyi tf. rl m w J.rg - ITfec 3XOJ. A. J. TOWEB. Sole Xfn, KOStOB, JI&M. a, X -r' T- T . k x. V.vNJ -X i.vyrD,. -?rn iizjx j i .v r." - o - -- k 7 V - - ,. -S-V 1 let imkkkkmkm il 1 . ..v .If I r-. ". tk fiow .. "" &. n? hJ SLICKERS J?? vivft c r, x VvjoPnft yy X.C"ffv " S St. t "7-i5'Vr r B. j J, fel .af t. o- ,' of 7 fnill iftM2 : ". r.trzt wm.i&s then- i en in-?. oy giving him a entL Emn.mi- h-, h .rorrsni.f every pair. En& d.-iy t "Firsr - v In.- rdoor an.fl H-2 I-i- oairirtj: Don't forget :-. plice, T"3irtatit Street, en do: vmc a Hurmatt) 3inirh', . THE REVOLUTIOX jDry Goods and Hu o h a Ready-made Clothing. Dry Goods. Carpers Hats. Caps, z.zc ZtC- At pes it urn m M of iii i Qiiii I bzT ny foodi iictiy for eaii. zd -vS2 rrr ht (Eiaaomiin e Give Me a call and eorinee yourself &f ik fiwss. I. GXTJCK. COLUMBUS STATE BANK! .'.rrtm u 3cnrt 2oJ iii t-crtir i ZiJa. C0LU1CBUS, 5ZB. CASH CAPITAL, . $50. MO DIBECTP- Lxan'OEH G2J:2Ai:D. Pres'i. Gzo. W. Hci-ST. Tice Pn.r't. ICLICi A. P.Z'D. ED"sraiit A. GrsaAEn. cw.,-er. ; Balc r I-poIt. Dlroaal ! a-d Each..-- ! ClIectioa Protsptlj nadr eat all PelBtM. ' I Pay latere t ea XIaae Ibh. ' rTt HEAT YOUR HOUSES I I A2.V7.2 TCJiVX aVaVaVaVaVaBBW.'J bbbb9bLS 5- bbbVbbC-L 9 a aBiaKS Z aBBWawBi ii'FUIACEIlEWOU)! I KADZ3T uaii!Hi iiYHii k w.. CHICAGO, rr-iai. t TT i. . --k LiiEfe. Iseb. a.jji - V-l.tAJL.; c mi( "iinx y Tw-E3tr Pti Brxaif Sitiian 11 Ta uiamr rmium ixi. rrc IWM3. a- Si Wl-t-J-uc- a4 f? .-Trt -ir.nri, crnrif da i.t:f.,T2 r x ixTrt- eTrrvtuir-t. --C2. 55fiL5imi NEVVMOHE! SEfflTOOB HD ?t W, Fit I2X1$S A jkzzt. aaa ccxspieci laacrtairtaa i Ikrucs'j ia Qlm'i Sana mSki; BED-ROCK PRICK: h.cve r?Eor- izt CVJ2it5t;vKiMa N"rra:I Done. Clotliing Store lalsrf i-acx DRITGS. MEDICDiTS, Bf. n. WEiTKi i ia. riAi .If. .ai". a v -.t me, wrai miaiB. m. A ! . -T r- -H- me -ti I nit. A '- s ti.t tr :i ir. i- i MA.- ra mm S3" a iac ) D. W. & C:'s Csh Svn::. I PnnfCnfrsf6fl Pcccniva r? 1 1- w-w.iw- -- "' G,nSf- SASSAFEASSO. Jff" ?! 3M-" .ir'I --"HttT . aial. j.2i. to. OUR EQUINE POWDERS. Jy ic :. t. u v t.ii4i-. tn, ifimi; -a :a n-j-ri-":. ia.t 71.1.1 j ici.:rt 3ic lee Tji',ac.aijit. Jr-.- 'tfXi- J -Mt" , licaiH'tlttimt '.-, UXDEETAKER ! roFFISS A.VD METALLU 1 AE5 : Faraasare Ciaors. Becjweads. Hc- 4c jnctare Praazts and 3ar::dfgs. 5-tf wULt-KBCS. X23. RESTi a-t. .! 1. .rtMs' hT. al dxr bfirt" ra Goffliii bj - v I. i 1 I j A -0 L - .1 ?i