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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1878)
For the Joubxal. Tired ofCifc. Many people have not only paid they were tired of life, bin" have proved the irutlt of lheir assertion by committing suicide; and many others would have made way with themselves if it was not for the wickednes of it. Many young people who have formed bud habits and have been enticed into the haunts of vice, have become tired of dissipation and would fain have re turned to the path of virtue, but no fricudly hand was extended to help them: their own strength was but weakness, and they looked not np to God who forgivelh and "upbraid eth not," but giveth wisdom and strength to all who ask, and says "blessed is the man that endure'ih temptation, for he shall receive the crown of life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him." So they tired of life and rushed into eternity. And will not God say to us, "where is thy brother?" or where is thy sister? and shall we dare to reply as did one of old, "am 1 my brother's keeper? Some people tire oflife because of domestic troubles; others on account of the loss of their earthly possession. Each heart knows its own bitterness, and their name is legion, who think, if they do not say, 'Alas for life I if that were all, and naught beyond the grave." Some people who have carefully and tenderly provided for their children, denying themselves not only the luxuries, but often the necessaries cf life in order to do so, become broken hearted and tired of life when sickness and old age comes to them, because then their children neglect them, and leave them alone in their loneliness, for getting who lovingly watched over them by night and by day, week after week when I hey were sick, unmindful of weariness or cost, or time or trouble in trying to make them comfortable, and in procuring dainties to tempt their appetite. But for all the ills of life, "is there no balm in Gilead? is there no physi cian there?" Aye, the "Great Phy sician of souls," wiil, if we ask him, give us that peace which the world knows not of the peace of God which piescth all understanding, and which can make iib gloriously happy under all circumstances of life. N. D. Howe. Teaching; Cliiltlron to Xick Thing; Up. "We know a man who is quite par ticular about keeping everything in its proper place. We heard him say that he acquired this habit through the training of his mother. When a boy, even as far back as he could remember, his mother always made him pick up and put away liis play things after he had got through with them. He was olten allowed to get out all the materials he want ed for a good time. In bad weath er the kitchen was often at the disposal of himself and brother, but they always understood that every thing was to bo cleared up at the close of the play. No doubt there is a difference in children, for wo have known boys of the same fami ly, of nearly the same ape, brought up in all respects as nearly alike as possible, jet one of them was always careless, and became a careless easy man, while the other was extremely particular in all the details of his dress, sports and work. Still, grant ing this difference, which many would call a natural difference, wo believe a persistent training in early childhood would make an orderly man out of the most careless child. V raying to Chaucc. A lady, who had forsaken her God and the Bible for the gloom and darkness of iniidclity, was cross ing the Atlantic, and asked a sailor one morning bow long they should be out. "In fourteen days, if it is God's will, we 6hall be in Liverpool," an swered the sailor. "If it is God's will!'" said the lady; "what a senseless expression ! don't you know that all comes by chance?" In a few days a terrible storm arose, and the lady stood clinging to the side of the cabin door in an agony of terror, wheu the sailor passed her. "What do you think," said she, "will the storm soon be over?" "It seems likely to last for some time, madam." "Oh!"' she cried, "pray that we may not be lost." Ilis reply was, "Shall I pray to chauce V'Ex. AWhcs IJcnclicUil to Cm lie. One of our substantial subscribers, in a recent conversation, gave his ex perience in treating neat stock affect ed with the habit of eating wood, chewing bones, etc. His cattlo were one spring affected in this way; they presented a sickly a) pparance. lie put Tour bushels of leached ashes in his barn-yard, and threw out to thbtu about a shovelful every day. They all ate with evident relish. Af ter turning them out to pasture he put aicck of ashes per week upon the ground hi the pasture. They ate it all up, and gnawed the grass off where it had been lying. The cattle began to improve, gaining flesh, ana looking better than they had for several years. He now gives ouc quart of ashes, mixed with the same quantity of salt, to twelve head of cattle, about once a week, and finds it to agree "with them wouderfullj. There is a freight war up a Fre mont, May Bros., wholesale grocers of that place, have shipped over the G. t X. W. Toad for years but a short time siuce changed to the U. B. & Q. and made terras at which they contracted all their freight for six'montiiB. The C.&JC.W. folks immediately commenced shipping freiglits to May Bro's. competitors at cut; rates and as a cousequeucc staple groceries tire very cheap at Fremont. Apples arc selling for $1.50 per barrel, salt is away down and all kiuds ot staple groceries taken .a tumble. Big ir Pilot . The way in which Dob Ingcrscll manages his children is quitccharac tcristic of the Colonel. He says: "J place a wcjl-filled pocket-book in open drawer and the children go and. help themselves to money whenever tliey want it. They eat when they want to and sleep all day if they choose, sit up all ni;ht if they desire. I don't coerco them. I Hevpr"puniBh, never scold. The buy their own clothes and are mas ter of tbomselvos.' A IYcriiiapcr llaa's Experi ence He is a prominent newspaper man and parts bis huir in the middle. The part is over live inches wide, which gives him an innocent cast of couuteuauue. To those who knew him not hu might be considered verdant in appearance. He was riding Tn -a sleeper on the Central Pacific Railroad, and fell into an innocent little gnmo of pedro with a Colonel, a Protessor and a Doctor. During an animated conversation and quiet deal, three aces were thrown on his side of the table, after which one of the three gayly re marked, with the greatest coolness, "I wish that we were playing poker. I don't know that I havu been favored with such a hand for years." Our editorial friend saw the game, looked up innocently, and remark ed: "I have- been favored also., J have a pretty good poker hand my self." The three looked at each other as he continued, thuslv: "They call vou professor?" "They cull' you Colonel?" "They call you Doctor?" "You are from the East?" "Yes." "Yes." "Yes." "Yes." " Well, gentlemen, he continued, rising, "vou had 'trMl Ittwl linftnt fnt'n iltn next train back. "We meet it just .' if.n kiik the other side of Battle Mountain. You caii'l make a cunt at this. They hnvc been teaching it in the Sunday schools in California for years." JYcm? York Graphic. Itcliirioii and Restraint. People talk about religion being a restraint upon men. In some senses, it is a restraint. But this is not its chief idea. There are in men cer tain destructive tendencies, passions, appetites and inordinate affections which need the curb; and religion operates as a curb upon these and reins them in. But it has other and larger uses than this. Fetters and cords and gags do not represent it. It plants more than it uproots. When the world's correction is ended, it has only just beguu its operations in the soul operations which will continue in force eter nally. Negatives do not express religious duly. "We love to think that religious life means the growth of all the faculties, and not a stran gulation of them. Religion no more cramps a man than wings do a bird, or tins do a lUli. Piety is not a ship at anchor ou a level sea ; it is a ship in motion, with every sail set and swelling with wind and the water around it crested white. Christian ity makes a man .active, vibrant, tense. Great injury has been done religion by teaching people to re gard it as a mild form of slavery, iu which people consent to be tied up that they may not hurt themselves or ojhers. But there is no such re ligion as this, at least in the New Testament. The gospel Christ taught is a gospel ot liberty. It is a stimulant to man's energies, not a narcotic. It mahes him a doer, not a hearer. Watchman. IciTcrfeonrt Ten ICuIch. Take things always by the smooth handle. 'Never spend your money before you have it. Wc seldom repent having eaten too little. Pride costs more than hunger, thirst and cold. Nothing is troublesome that, wc do willingly. Never put off' till to-morrow what you can do to-day. Never trouble another for what you can do yourself. Never buy what you don't want because it is cheap. How much pain the evils have cost us that never have happened. When angry, count ten before you speak, if very angry, count a hun dicd. In digging in the ruins of Pompeii they have opened a house that was undergoing repairs seventeeu hun dred years ago, when the lava from the Volcano Hooded and buried (he city. The tools of the workmen were fouud as they dropped them. It was nearly dinner time, and bread was in the oven ; a pig was lying iu the dish ready to bo roasted, just as the cook set it down when she stepped out to see what was the matter and never returned. The bread taken from the oven is now shown iu a museum. Just think of it seventeen hundred years ago. IStirncd to Death. About four weeks ago, Mrs. Schaff, of Center precinct, went out to milk the cows, leaving two snxall children, in the house. She had been gone but a short time, when one of the children, a girl, wo believe, aged about four years, ran screaming to her, its clothes enveloped in flames. It was badly burned, and alter suf fering intensely, died last Saturday. It is not known exactly how the child's clothes took lire. Butler Co. Jlcpublican. A farmer's, wife, in speaking of the smartness, aptness and intelli gence ol her son, a lad G years old, to a lady acquaintance, said : "lie can read fluently iu any part of the Bible, repeat tho whole catechism, and weed onions as well as his fath er." "Yes, mother," added the young hopeful, "and yesterday I iicked Ned Kawson, threw the cat into the well and stolo old Ilickcy's gimlet." There arc over forty thousand words in the English language, but none of them can adequate!' express the feelings of the compositor who is surrounded by an audience of six, all of whom deem it incumbent upon them to pick up the types, throw them back iuto the wrong boxes and to remark that thecompo "acts like a hen picking corn." A man's first difficulties begin when he is able to do as he likes. So long as a man is struggling with ob stacles, has an excuse for failure or shortcoming; but when fortune removes them all, and gives him the power of doing as he thinks best, then comes the trial. It used to be thought impossible to break a colt without a whip. But sense and experience have taught that an apple is better than a lash, a caress better than a blow. A round trip The circus rider's. A well balanced man The rope dancer. Crash in the dry -goods ibusinesg Towels. Boston Com. BxillefSn. The, Western Kami. The Western llural comes to our table from week to week complete iu all its departments. In matters relating to the farm, orchard and ardeu,, it is unsurpassed, and yet it does not ignore the family circle. It is a fireside companion, much en joyed by the women folks and the children, each having a department full of interest to them. The llural is increasing in circulation and in fluence, and deserves the patronage of all interested in the cultivation of tho soil, or in increased intelligence among the sons of toil. It is now generally urged iu ex tenuation of Auanias's offense that he was raised with no other pay mates than a couple of gas meters. Burlington 12awkcye. The wise man placeth the stock of his gun to his shoulder before he fireth, but the fool looketh down the barrel to see the ball start. Borne Sentinel. It is estimated that Colorado's gold and silver yield for this year will be in the ueighborhood of $45, GG5,SG3.43. ' Never tell a man lie's a fool ; iu the first place he won't believe you ; in the next you make him your cnemv. sc C?2 S S a o X h w Q H o z o O .s -1 "Z O 7T O O d 3 I. 2.S w en C w m J3 SI 05 o; o FOR SALE. The undersigned oilers at private sale hh farm two and a half miles north of the city consisting of 680 ACRES OF L,AI1, fifty acres uudcr cultivation, and sixty acres of as good hay land as can be found, and under a portion of it is a vcrv excellent quality of brick clay. The" improvements upon the place are a two-story concrete dwelling, 20x30 ft., a comfortable and convenient house; a wind-mill: a large, substantial shelter for stock; shed and yards for hogs; corral for cattle; granary; tool house, etc., etc. Also 133 IIEiiD OF SIIEEI?, mostly'sides horses,cows,stccrs, heifers, hogs, farming implements, Ac. The location is a very excellent one for farming and stock raising near the city with easy and (piick access to mar ket; a fiftcen'minutcs' ride to the post oflice, the railroad depot, the telegraph oflicc and church. The site of the dwelling-house com mands as line a view as can be had of the country, for twenty miles in even direction, and the place would not be offered for sale except that my increas ing business in the city renders it desirable to give it my exclusive at tention. For further particulars call on or, Aaddrcss Jl. lv. TUKMilC, Columbus, Neb. G-eo. T. Spooner, All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Refers to the many for whom he has done work. His motto in regard to price is, Live and let live. Ilis Suing of Cisterns a Specialty, KJTIIcndquarters at the "Nebraska llouse." CsIl and sec inc. 413lm RAMS k SADDLES Daniel Faucettc, Manufacturer and Dealer in Harness, Saddlesf Sridks, and Collars, keeps constantly on hand all kinds of whins, Saddlery Hardware, Curry combs, Brushes, Bridle Bits, Spurs, Cards. Harness made to order. He pairing done on short notice. NEBRASKA AVENUE, ColumbuB. o3.4. MRS. W. L. COSSEY, Dress and Shirt Maker, 5 Doors West ofStillnianN Dm? Store. Dresses and shirts cut and made to order and satisfaction guaranteed. Will also do plain or fancysewing of any de scription. 13" PRICES VERY -REASONABLE. Give me a call and trv my work. 4i-j-ly " $6W week in your own town. $5 Outfit free. No risk. Reader you want a business at which persons of cither sex can make great pay all the time ther work, write for particulars to H. Hal lbtt & Co Portland, Maine. Ucan make money faster at work for usthanatanythingelse. Capital not required; wo will start you. ?12 per day at home made by the indus trious." Men. women, bovs and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is'thc time. Costly outfit and terms free. Address Tkue Co., Augusta, Maine. i w5 SPEICE & NORTH, Genera Agents for the Sale of Real Estate. Union Pacilic, and Midland Pacific R. R. Landa for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00 per aero for cash, or on tiyq or ton years time, in annual payments to suit pur chasers. We haVe aUo a large and .choice lot of other lauds; improved apd unimproved, tor sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also btisiucs i and residence lots in tho city. AVe keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate in Platte Couuty. G3.T COLUITIISUS, IKEK. Win. SCHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer in BOOTS-AND SHOES! A complete assortment or Ladles and Chit dri'ii'H Shoes kept on hand. All Work Warranted!!. Our Mottn--Good stock, excellent work and fair prices. Especial Attention paid to Repairing. Cor. Olive nd 12fli St. JOHN WIGGINS, h-4Mtim.miiziGX3? txrrw WHOLESALE AND STOVES. IRON, TIlWAEE, ES5S! Nails, Eope, Wagon Material, glass, Paint, Etc., KE3SE3 QESatfS corcunEK kl.i:ti?;tii S9 COLUMBUS, iwii mi ff" mvsag O. B. STILLMAN "Wholesale and DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AVUSTDOW" GLASS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. Keeps on hand all articles usually kept in a first-class Dru;r Store. Dealers in surroundinj,' country wilWind it'to their interest to purchase from him, as he .can and will give RED-ROCK PRICES. Prescriptions Carefaillv Camuoimded. ISTA GOOD ASSORTMENT OF WALL 333 5p JlifIL JKr JiSlai iSJP Ji The Celebrated Diebold, Norris & Oo's (ff.afe I)icboId'& Kicnzle,) Fire and Burglar" Proof ! HAVE THE LEST RECORD OF ALL. All leading Railroa i & Express Companies ani Bankers in iteNortkest hve them. Not One Lost in the Two Great Fires in Chicago; also preserved the contents iu every instance, at Independence, Iowa: at Central City, Col.; at Oshkosh, Wis., and at all places have stood the test, without failure. All Sizes for Sale and Made to Order. Old Safes taken in ExcLange. Count j- and Runic Worlc a. Good Work D. S. CO VENT, GENERAL AGENT, CHICAGO. WILL. B. DALE, Agent, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 234 COLUMBUS S'eIos Etisi qs XS7S ; ... Fall Belitresy. Annie trees, in v.irlctr. 4 to fi ft. a -mo.. Apple trees 2 yrs., i-rown in. Antelope Co., Siberian Crahin variety, 3yr...,4 to 5 ft ...'iT?' "' ' "" ,aiK luiiuiunn, it., iowa grown PIums.-Minoe and Wild Goose, 4 ft., Concord Grnnes. firtf.plis. . vn-ir ,.... inn"n v Itlackberry, Kittatiunr and Snvder. 2 vcar, per 100. fi.OO Haspberry, Doolittle, Mammoth, Clus'ter and Philadelphia He'd' .1VV, -fl.Vl. ... ... Goos-eberrjv Iloujrhton, 2 years Currants, Victoria, Cherry and "White GrapeVs'vear Strawberry. WiUon, Monarch of the West, per 100, 75 cents".. Pie Plant. Strawberry .Mammoth. (extnO ... . . . j Kilmanock Weeping Willow, well formed heads.C feet'.'.'..'!'.!.! A iconin " " ' " u u ' Box Elder and Soft Maple, 1 year, per 1000, ?2.50 1 .'.'..'.'.'.' " " for htrcet. 6 ft ' "White Pine and Norway Spruce, per foot Snowball, Flowering Almond. Lilac, pnrpic'ati'd white, i'ft ."!" Jtoscs, Mos. June and climbinir. in varietv rears Trumpet, Vine. Honeysuckle, WNtina ami Virginia Climber" PlPonieo. TllllllS. Tllhn Kocna nnil nil,,,- ,n , 1!w".rserj "'as established one year apo. and I have a jrodd awortinent of small fruit prowmj: here, and havemade nrranjtements with nei-'libin"- nurser ies so that I can furnish anything in the above price-list. Patties engaged in fruit growing will find it to their interest to give mc a call before buying of traTeling agents. I airi permanently located here, and expect to do a home busi ness. Satisfaction guaranteed. Correspondence solicited. -6 "" C'AI,t,ISO:V,oIuinbnv, IVebruKka. YOU BET." it LW... LAWRENCE, AGENT FOR TnF. 3 ei WIND MILL, "Will hereafter be found THREE DOORS SOUTH of the Post Ottice, where he keeps a full line of every style PUMP. PIPE, HOSE, And the Celebrated I X L FEED MILL. Ashe keeps a Pump House exclusively, he is able to sell CHEAPER THAN THK CHEAPEST. Pumps for anv depth well. Pumps driven or repaired, and Rods cut. GIVE III.1I A GALL AXD SAVE 3I0XEY. 35C E-5-T -i:&Sf.VHt3lUlIM RETAIL DEALER IN zwBfmssa&fx&'tnFmsssa Jl - TvSFE3Fa akd omve strrfxh, NEBRASKA. 3 Retail Dealer in TAPER ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. Specialty. Price as loir an can lie illadc. NURSERY. t.. - . nrnrt ,... inn to nn Karh. Vox. 3 to 4 ft., per 100, $15.00 L'O ;i no !; 1 !)0 3 00 4 SO 4 r,0 1 7.1 1 00 "l i :o t m l ro 30 40 40 lb 10 per ir. 1 25 CO 10 25 SO CO 25 25 1878. THE (jjohtmbits tSJomwil Is conducted as a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the best mutual inter ests of its readers and its publish ers. Published at Columbus.PIattc county, the centre of the agricul turalportion is read by hundreds of people cast who are looking towards Nebraska as their future home. Its subscribers iu Nebraska are the staunch, solid portion df the community, as is evidenced by the fact that the Jouhnal has never contained a "dun" against them, and by tho other fact that ADVERTISING In its columns always brings its reward. Business is business, and those who wish to reach the solid people of Central Nebraska will find the columns of the JoUKXALa splendid medium. JOB WORK Of all kinds neatly and quickly done, at fair prices. This species of printing is nearly always want 'ed in a hurry, and, knowing this fact, we have so provided for it that wc can furnish envelopes, let ter heads, bill heads, circulars, posters, etc., etc., on very short notice, and promptly on time as wc promise. SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy per annum " Six moiitlxi ... " Three months, f2 00 1 00 . . . no Single copy sent to nny address in the United States for 5 ots. H. K. TURNER & CO., Columbus, Nebraska. QQEiTTJSSTS'S STATE . BAKK, Ss::::::r: ts Qsrrzri & Ss:i asi Ten:: Eslrt. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. CASH CAPITAL, $50,000 directokb: Leaxder Gerhard, Presri. '" Geo. TV. IIuxst,Fcc Pes' Julius A Heed. Edward A. Gekraim. Akxf.r Turner, Cashier. IE;: ii It oT Xejo4lt, Discount and Ixxcliiinge. Collection I'roiiipfly Sialic on nil PointH. lay Interest on Time Depos Itt. 271. BECKER & WELCH, PR0PKIET0BS OF SHELL CEEEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS & WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFICE, COLUMBUS, XEB. Dr. A. HEINTZ, DKALER IX ii, MICHES. CHEMICALS, i U'rES, ft.MlL'OSS.S Fine Soaps, Brushes, PERFUMERY, Etc., Etc., And all articles usually kept on hand by Druggists. Physicians Proscriptions Carefully Compounded. One door East of CIiiIIcj'k, on Eleventh .Street, COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA uivio: PACIFIC LAND OFFICE, SAMUEL C. SMITH Agent, ATTENDS TO ALL BUSINESS pcr taiiiinin? to a general Estate Agency and Notary Public. Have in structions and blanks furnished by United State Land Oflicc for making linal proof on Homesteads, thereby sav ing a trip to Grand Island. Have a large number ol farms, city lots and all lands belonging to U P. E. It. in Platte and adjoining counties for sale very cheap. Attend to contesting claims before U.S. Laud office. Office one Door Went of Hammond Hoaif, COLUMBUS, NEB. F. "W. OTT, Clerk. Speaks Germcn. ism CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN The Great Trunk line from the West to Chicago and the lUst. It Is the oldest, shortest, most direct, convenient, comfortable and In every respect tbe bet lino yon can take. It Is the greatest and grandest Hallway organization In the United States, it owns or controls 2100 MILES OF RAILWAY PDLtltAK HOTEL GARS are ran alone by It through between COUNCIL BLUFFS & CHICAGO! No other road rnns Pnllman Hotel Cars, or any other form of Hotel Carl, throsgk, between the Missouri lUrer and Chicago. PASSENGERS GOING EAST should boar fa mind that this Is the BEST ROUTEWCHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. PaMcnffers by this route Lave choice of FIVE DIFEUEN'T ROUTES and the advantage of Eight Dally lines l'alace Sleeping Cars from CHICAGO to PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, AND OTHER EASTERN POINTS. Insist that tho llcket Agent eclls yon ticket by the North-Western Road. Examine your Tickets, and rcf QIC to buy if they do not read orcr this Road. All Agents tell them and Check usual Baggage Free by this Line. Through Tickets via this Route to all Eastern Points can be procured at the Central Pacific Rail road Ticket Oflicc, foot of Market Street, and at I New Montgomery f treet, San Francisco, and at all Coupon Ticket OQces of Central Paclflc, Union Paciflc, and all Western Railroads. New York Oflke, No. 415 Broadway. Boston Oflicc, No. 5 State Street. Omaha Office, 245 Farn bam Street. San Francisco Office, 3 New Mont gomery Street. Chicago Ticket Offices : Clark Street, under Sherman nouse ; 75 Canal, corner .Madison Street ; Kinzle Street Depot, corner West Klnzio and Canal Streets ; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzle Streets. For rates or information not attainable from your home ticket agents, apply to Maktix nconiTT, W. II. Stkhxett, Gen'l Maae'r. Calcaco. Oen'l Pais. Ag't, CblcaRO' TJl E Albion Mills. SACKET & CEOUCH, Albion, Neb. The proprietors are practical millers, attend to the giisding themselves, and thev DEFY COMPETITION! Furnished with the latent improved machinery, they are prepared to do all kinds of RYE AND FEED OKOUXI) EVKIIY DAY. COBN MEAL CONSTANTLY ON HAND. "Wc make several brands of 1 our. Unt recommend to the trade our AL II ION .MILLS 1 1 STAR" BBAND, I i a superior article made CHOICE SELECTED WHEAT. from &iiQBJB? NEW STORE AXIl- New Stock. A full, fresh supply of groceries, STAPLE AND FANCY, Just opened, and fur sale at low-down prices. J3T Olive Street, opposite the "Tatterall.' .fames McAllister. CITY MEAT MARKET, ox OI.BVE St. OPPOSI jo:i iioi-'se If A. II- "Will keep on hand all kinds ol Fresh and Salt .Meats, aNo S-.uine, Poultry. Fre.-h Fish, etc., all in their season. Cash paid for Hide!, Lard an! Ba con. AVILL.T. ltlCKLY. CITM MEAT MARKET OIV lltli STREET. Dealers in Freh and Saltrd Jleats. Ac. Town Lots, "Wood. Hide , &c. J. IHCKLY, Agent. Columbus, Jnne 1, 1877. NEBRASKA HOUSE, S. J. MARMOYrPropr. Nebraska Ave., South of Depot, COEIJ.tlKlTS, 2VEII. A new houe, newly furnished. Good accommodations. Board by day or week at reasonable rates. IZTSetm a I'lrKt-Cl.-ist XalIe. Heal?,.... 25 Cents. I Lod SS-tf ngs 25 Gts cM- 67 p "w 0 - Iff u H 1- 0 9 r.i - ! SI H 2 O Q iH- BB r 3 fft Ul Q-H in oass S3 p O X r:Qog Ho H 1-4 O m O O c an o o zz. k! zz vj tm 1 flu a rv y O "S r-j is ft 0 IB Mua H t H w O 4 SO odcq(5 R mJ " 5?S . t ... ma . i n o 2 ef o SO H H 0 L w v J Wl &ft- 2 ' r r m f SBS" i 9 ' a 9 v 1 -IMj t - . I i w T