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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1878)
., - !- 3 MEJOgJKNAL. KATKS OF ADVERTISING Space. ltg itc line ti fiw lyr icoT'inn f jl:!.tM f JWr $2f, $3&ryr?tt THE JOURNAL. 001 --- IS XSSUXD EVBRY TXDS1WDAY, M. K. TURNER & CO., Iroprietors and Publishers. 3.00 1 12 15 20 8S g " ti.l 9 1 lf WL i'll 35 4 inches S.M 740 1 JljM IS 4..10 1 15.75 Hi J 121 111 2 1 " 4 Hj 9 i HimIiicss and proreIonaI cards Jen lines or less space, per annum, ten' dol lars. Legal advertisements at sUtut rates. Local notices ten ccrits a linn first Insertion, five cents a lliw? rteh" subcquent mertinn. AdvertismcRts classified a special notices Are cents line insertion, thrcr cents a Har each subsequent incrtion. VOL. IX.-NO, 31 . , COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1878. WHOLE NO. 447. I ill Dtii 1i it t: rir ill I'll 111 II II ! loitpl (&tm f- A- t' I'L ft A r C3TOfflcc In Ihc JOURNAL building, Elcventh-sU Columbus, Net). Tkkms l'r Tar, 2. Six months, 1. Three months, 50c. ngle copici, 5c. CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. Ai.vix Saunders. U.S. Senator, Omaha. A. S. Paddock, U. S. Senator, Hearrice. Fuask Welcu, UeprescntatIve,Norfolk. STATE DIRECTORY: 5iLAs (Jaubkr, Governor, Lincoln. Itruno Tzichuck, Secretary of State. J. H. Weston, Auditor, Lincoln. J. C. Mcllride, Treasurer, Lincoln. Geo. IT. Robcrth, Attorney-General. S. It. Thompson, Supt. Tublic Insruc. II. C. Dawson. Warden ofJL'enltcntiary. S" IlToouW Prin In8t0"' Dr. J. G. Davis, Prison Physician. 11. P. Mathcwson, SupU Insane Asylum. JUDICIARY: Daniel Gantt. Chief Justice, George H.1.akc,l AM0CIate Judges. . Maxwell, j FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. G. AV. Post, Judr". York. JL M. Uecse, District Attorney, A ahoo. LAND OFFICERS: K. TV. Arnold, Register, Grand Island. "Win. Anyan, Receiver, Grand Iklantl. COUNTY DIRECTORY: J. G. Hijxins, County Jurtpj. John Staiilfer. County Clerk. V. Kiitnincr, Treasurer, ltonj. Spk-lman, Sheriff. R. L. Uosssitcr, Surveyor. R. II. Henry, 1 . , "Win. niordorn CountyCommtssIoncrs. John Walker, J Dr. A. Helntr., Coroner. S. L. Barrett, Supt. of Schools. S. S. JlcAllWtcr.l .)ucticcsofthereace. Itrron Millett, f Charles "Wake, Constable. CITY DIRECTORY: C. A. Spelcc, ilayor. John Schram, Clerk. John J. Ricklv, Marshal. J. W. Earlv, Treasurer. S. S. McAllister, Police Judjje. J. G. Routson, Knsincer. cncxnutRN: lit Hard J. E. North, E. Pohl. -id IJ'arrf E. C. KavanaUKh. C.E.Morse. 3d Hard-E. J. Raker. E. A. Gerrard. ColHmbHN Poit OfHrr. Upon on Sundays trm 11 A.M. to 12 M. and from A:M to 0 i m. Ilusines hours except Sunday 0 a. m. to tf r. M. astern mails close at 1 1:2') a. m. Western mails close at 4:20r.M. Mail leaves CoIutnbtiM for Madison and Norfolk, on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturday. 7 A. M. Arrives Mondays, Wrdtipsdavti. and Friday, :i v. m. For Monroe," Genoa. Waterville and Al bion, dally except Sunday C A. M. Ar rive. ame, fi p. M. For Summit, L'lytc and Crete. Mon dars and Thursdays, 7 A. M. Arrives Wednesdays, and Saturdays, 7 P. M. For lUlIevlIlV, Osceola and York, Tues days. Thursdays and Saturdays, 1 P.M. Arrives tl2u. Fr Writ Farral and Rattle Creole. Mondavs and Wednesday, 6 A. M. Ar rives Tuesdars and Friday at 0p.m. For Shell Creek, Nebo, Creston and Stanton, on Mondays at 7 A. M. Ar rives Tuesdavs fi P. M. For David Cit, Tuesdays. Thursdsv aud Saturday , 1 P. M Arrives, at 12 M. V. IN Time Tabic. Rasttcard Hound. Emigrant, No. 0, leaves at . . fi:2S a. m. VasseiiK'r, " s, " " Frleht, " . " ". 2:15p.m. rrelRht. "10. " "...- 4:30 a.m. W'etltcard linund. Freicht. No. S, leaves at . 2:00 p.m. I'Mienr, " 3, " . 4:12 p.m. FrriKht. " 9, " " C:K)p.m. Emiprant, "7, " " Eerv dav except Saturday the three lines leading to Chicago connect with l P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays there will be but one train n day, as -K.tu-,, i.v tti fnllmviii" chedule: r..v . J .,-..-.-.---.- IrtfJ.l (C. .t N. W. 1 7th : Sept . .. Jc. IL.tQ. th 1 JCIM. P.i 21st (C-1I. &li. Mln Oct ... i' R. 1. A- P.V 12th if. .t- v. W. I ltith iiii auu --'tu. Mil and 20th. C, R. I. & P.) 2d and 23d. Xov . . . -IN. W. V !thand3th. (C, R. A- Q. 1 K'th (('.. II. .V . J .in i Dec ... Jr., K. I. l Hth (C. & N. W. ) 21st 7th and 2Xth. P. F. SAXnOKf. HAVING EMPLOYED Mr. A. A. PlKCC of III., a tlrM-elass black smith, is now prepared to do all kinds of wapon and blacksmith work. Will make new bncpies,vapon. etc., or mend old ones, and repair all kinds of tna rhlnerv. Custom work a specialty Good work, promptly to promise, and cheap. Call at the sin of the horse hoe, Olive street, opposite Charles Morse's stable. 420-Cm Formerly Pacific llousc This popular houe. has been newly Refitted and Famished. Meals. . ... fficts. Day Board per week, . J4.00. RoaTd and Lodcinc, . . o and $6. Good Livery and Feed Stable in con nection. SATlSFA TIOX GUAIiAIfTEED. JOHN HAMMOND, Proprietor. CENTRAL. NORMAL SCHOOL, Cenoa, Pawnee Reservation, Neb. Term bcpin September 1STS. Three departments viz: I. Common School. 2. Normal School, m 3. Classical. Thorough instruction given In all branches by able and experienced teach ers. Opportunities afforded teachers to acqcilre experience in the school room. Large building and first-class accommo dation. For prospectus. &c, apply to C. D. RAKEbTKAV. A. 31., Principal 432-3. Genoa, Nebraska. $im not easily earned in these acc. but it can be made iu three months by any one of either sex. in Tiny part of the countrr who is willing to work steadily at the employment .that we furnish. $GC per week in your own towa. You need not be away from "me over sight. You can cive your w"hole time to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are making over $20 per day.' Ml who engaire at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made fro easily and rapidly at anv other busi ness, it costs nothing to try the busi nc. Term and Outfit free. Address at once. H. IIu.ltt & Co., Portland, Maine 3" -v. BUSINESS CAEDS Ir. J. - MCALLISTER, SURGEON AND 3IEDICINAL DEN tist. OflScc on 12th st., three doors east of Schilx's boct and shoe store, Columbus. Neb. Photograph Rooms in connection with Dental Office. 215.y HUGH HUGHES, CARPENTER, JOINER AND CON TRACTOR. All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Refers to the many for whom he has done work, as to prices and quality. 264. "W. -A-. CLAJEIK, 11-Writ anil Eiw COLUMBUS, NEB. 400-12 J. S. CHRISTISON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, f Mice on 1 1th St.. next to the JoL'KXAL. Mileage 50 ct. Medicines furnished. HI. WElSE.FUJn, WILL repair watches and clocks In the best manner, and cheaper than it can be done in any other town. Work left with Satnl. Ga-s, Columbus, on 11th street, one door cast of I. duck's store, or with Mr. Weisenfluh at Jackson, will be promptly attended to. 415. NKUJOX MILLKTT. BVIIOX MrLLKTT, Justice of the Peace ami Notary Public. I. MILLETT A; SOX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Columbus, Nebraska. N R. They will give close attention to ail business entrusted to them. 248. RYAN & DEGAN, TWO doors east T D. Ryan's Hotel on 11th street, keep a large Hock of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, And everything usually kept at a flrst class bar. 411-x FOR SALE 0E TRADE ! MARES I COLTS, Teams of Horses or Oxen, SAIII.I? IMKVIKS, wild or broke, at the Corral of 420 GERRARD & ZEIGLER. D0LAND & SMITH, DRTJGG-ISTS, Wholesale and Retail, XTERRASKA AVE., opposite City i Hall, Columbus. Nebr. t3"Low prices and fine good. Prescriptions ami family recipe a specialty. 417 STAG 12 ICOl.'TE. JOHN HI HER, the mail-carrier be tween Columbus and Albion, will leave Columbus everyday except Sun day at U.i'cloek, sharp, p.issing through Monroe, Genoa, Watjnilli'. and to Al l Ion The hack will eall at either of the HoteN for passengers if orders are left at the post-otlicc. Rates reason able, to Albion. Columbus Meat Market! "WEBER & KNOBEL, Prop'a. KEEP ON HAND all kinds of fresh meats, and smoked pork and beef; aNo fresh fish. Make ausagc a spec ialty. JstrRemeinbcr the place. Elev enth St one door west oT D. Ryan's hotel. 417-tf IMetricksi' Jlvnt Market. WshInj;ton Ave., nrtrlr opposite Court Moutt. OWING TO THE CLOSE TIMES, meat will be sold at this market low, low down for CAMt. nest steak, rcr lb., 10c. Rib roast, " Sc. Boil, " Cc. Two cents a pound more than the above prices will be charged on time, and that to good responsible parties only. 207. J. A.. BAJEOER, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps axd GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 2Tcbraska Ave, o;;. Clothcr House. EETCash Paid for Furs. 3SS DOCTOR B0NESTEEL, II. S. EXAIrllXIXG SURGEON, COLUMBUS, : NEBRASKA. OFFICE IIOL'RS, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 ji. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. Office on Nebraska Avenue, three doors uorth of E. J. Raker's grain olHcc. Residence, corner Wyoming and Walnut streets, north Columbus, Nebr. 433-tf HENRY GASS, UNDERTAKER, KEEPS ON HAND ready-made and Metallic Collins, Walnut Picture Frames. Mends Cauc Seat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black Wal nut Lumber. TTx&!gU2 An. cjytttti Cnrt Ecai, Cdsslu, !7iv K F. W. OTT, &KLLS All kinds of MUSICAL IIST11IHTS- ltooks, Statloaery, Candy and Offtrs. ONE DOOU NOUTH OF TOST -OFFICE. 400-tf fc mm m mm i J. C. PARKER, Proprietor. I THIRST door north of Ilammond nouse ; and feed stable, opposite the old post-office. Good work and the best material at low prices, is the motto. Satisfaction given or no sale. Repairing done promptly. iSTFinc harness and carriage trimming:, a specialty. Call ?nd pr amine for tohxstIvm. " 40 5TFor one vcar a RESIDENT PHY SICIAN to the NEW YORK CITY HOSPITALS. Rlackwcll's Island, N.Y. w"" Ilr.E. I.. SIGGIiM, Pliysician and. Snxgepn. BBTOffice-open at all hours M Biiilin?- UoBt Yum Bet," For if you do you will lose money by purchoiing an expensive Wind Mils, when: jTatl can buy one of J. O. Shannon for abouLone-haif the money that any othef costs. Call on J. O. Shannon, on 11th fctreet, opposite Mahlon Clother's store. Columbus, Neb -111-I3 TTI2KY G. CARI2W, Attorney and Counselor at Law, ' v"COtUSmr,' jiKBUASKA.- Formerlv a member of the English bar: will jrive prompt attention to all business entrusted to him in this and adjoining counties. Collections made. Ollieo one door east of Sehilz' shoe store, corner of olive and 12th Stroets. Spricht Deutch. Parle Francais. 418-tf COLUMBUS BRICK YA1, (One mile west of Columbus.) TUOMAS TLYN'N & SON, Propr's. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK Always on Hand In QUANTITIES to suit PURCHASERS 371-tf BERNARD McTEGGART, BLACKSMITH, Is prepared to do all kinds of black smithing in a workmanlike manner, and will guarauteu to give satisfaction. He makes HORSE -SHOEING A SPECIALTY, and in this branch of the trade will ac knowledge no peers. Persons having lame horses from bad shoeing will do well to bring them to him. He only asks for a trial. All kinds of repairing done to order. 44U-3in FAKNEBN! BE OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the low prices of your products dis courage you, but ratluer limit your ex penses to your resources. You can do so by stopping at the new home of your fellow farmer, where you can find good accommodations cheap. For hay for team fo.r one night and day, STiets. A room furnished with a cook stove and bunks, in connection with the stable free. Those winning can be accommo dated at the house of the undersigned at the followiug rates: Meals 25 cents; beds 10 cent. J. B. SENEGAL, J mile cast of Gerrard's Corral. CALIFORNIA WINES! 2siislTOito, 81.25?81.75 A GALLON -AT- SAML. GASS'S, Klrrrath Street. Farm for Sale. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY acres f excellent farm land in But ler County, near Patron P. O., about cqui-dista'nt from three County Seats David City, Columbus and Schuyler; 00 acres under cultivation; 5 acres of trees, maple, cottonwood, Ac: good frame house, granary, stable, sheds, &e. Good stock range, convenient to water. The place is for sale or exchange for property (house and a few acres) near Columbus. Inquire at the .Touknai. office, or address the undersigned at Patron P. O. 40J5 JOHN TANNAHILL. LOERS&SCHREIBER Blacksmith and Wagon Hater, All kinds of repairing done at short notice. Wagons, Buggies. Ac, &c; made to order. All work warranted. Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter sal, Columbus, Nebraska. 3-V2 COLU.1IBUS Restaurant and Saloon! E. I). SHEEHAN, Proprietor. Wholcsald and Retail Dealer in Foreign Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS, DOUBLIN STOUT, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES. tSTKcntucly MTiitkies a Specialty. OYSTERS, In their season, BY THE CASE, CAN OR DISH, 11th Street, South, of Depot, WM. BECKER, )DEALER IS( GROCERIES, Grain, Produce, Etc. Good GooQs and Fair DGaliDg. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. Goods delivered Free of Charge, anywhere in the city. Corner of 13th and Madison Sts. North of Foundry. ?57 yVgU, MY LOVER. v T BY EMMA MORTIMER "WHITE. . V . " I rl At iastl am blefrscd with a lover, w Just what a lover should be Devoted and constant and handsome, Handsome as handsomo can be. T Devoted! devoted, believe me! He never has left me a day; I'm ever his pride and his darling Without me he cannot be gay. He cares for no lovelier lady; To him I am very fair; Contented he rests on my bosom, Kisses my lips and my hair. f , ' Handsome! his cheeks arc like roses, Hfsjicad is run over with curls, nia lorchcad Is white as a snowdrift. His-teeth glimmer clearer than pearl '. His eyes they arc bright as the vmishinc, Willi lashes that can not be beat, Aud then I know that you'.ve never Seen such hands and such feet. Wealthy? He's careless of money Money to him is but dross; Silver and gold for my lover,. Arc only for pitch and for toss. ne must have been born to a fortune He's lived at his case ever since; If you'd see but the style of his dressing, You'd probably think him a prince. Shirts thick frosted with stitching, Silken embroidered socks; I think the most of his money He keeps in a painted box. Of teeh he has half a dozen. Set to the ciinningcst mold; For Lam my lover's mother For he is but one year old. XIBi: DARK DAY. Of nil the wonderful stones Hint my great-grandmother ued to tell my mother when she was a little girl, the most wonderful was about the dark day in New England, Fri day, May 19, 1780. This was during our Revolution, you will remember, and the same year iu which the traitor, Benedict Arnold, attempted to betray his country to its enemies. For several days before the 19th, the air was full of vapors, as we often see it when fires arc raging in the woods near us, and the sun and moon appeared red, and their usual clear light did not reach us, espe cially when rising r.nd setting. The winds blew chiefly from the south west and northeast, aud the weath er was cool nnd clear. The morning of the 19th was cloudy and in many places slight showers fell, sometimes accompanied by thunder and light ning; but as the sun arose it did not increase the light, and the darkness deepened and deepened, until the children standing before the tall clocks could not sec to tell the time, and older people peering over the almanac were not able to distinguish the letters. The bird? sang their evening 6ongs nnd flew to their nests iu the woods, Ihc poultry hur ried to their roosts, while the cattle in the fields uttered strange cries and leaped the stone fences to gain their stalls, and the sheep all hud dled together bleating piteously. Color, which you know depends upon the light of the enn, filled many with astonishment by its unusual appearance, for the clouds were in some places of a light red, yellow and brown ; the leaves on the trees and the grass in the meadows were of the deepest green, verging on indigo, the brightest silver seemed tarnished, and every thing that is white in the sunlight bore a deep yellow hue. The shadows, which before uoon fall to the westward and after noon to the eastward, were observed dur ing the darkness to fall in every direction. The rain, also, was unlike any other rain, and it set all the people to wondering as they dipped it from tubs aud barrels; for a scum formed on it resembling burnt leaves, emit ting a sooty smell, and this same substance was seen on streams and rivers, especially the Mcrrimac, where it lay four or five inches thick, for many miles along its shore. Another peculiarity was the vapor in many localities; it descended to the earth from high in the atmos phere; but at one point a gentle mau saw the vapors, at nine o'clock, rising from the springs and low lauds; one column he particularly noticed rapidly ascending far above the highest hills, then it spread into a large white cloud nnd sailed off to the westward, a second cloud form ed in the same way from the same springs, but did not rise as high as the first, and a third formed fifteen minutes afterward. At a quarter of 10 the upmost cloud wa9 of a red dish hue, the second was green, indigo and blue, aud the thiid was almost white. So unwholesome was this vapor that small birds were suffocated iu" it, and many of them were so fright ened and 6tupefied that they flew into the houses, adding to the fears of ignorant people, who considered it a bad sign for a bird to enter a dwelling. The commencement of the dark ness was between 10 and 11 in the forenoon (when the men were busy in the fields and offices and work shops, the women spinning, weaving and preparing dinner, and the chil dren at school, or helping their fathers aud mothers at home,) and it continued until the middle of the following night ; but the degrees of darkness varied ; in some places the disk of the sun was seen when the darkness was the most dense. Lights were seen burning In all the houses, aud the people passing out of doors carried torches and lanterns, which were curiously re flected on the overhanging clouds. Thousands of people were sure that (he end of the world had comet, many dropped their work and fell on their knees to pvny, others con fessed to their fellows the wrong they had done and endeavored to make restitution. The meeting-houses were crowd ed, and neighborhood prayer-meetings were formed, and the ministers and old church members prayed long prayers, mentioning the nations and individuals of Bible times who had been destroyed on account of their sins, aud begging that as God spared the great city of Nineveh when it repented, so He would for give them, cheer them again by the light of the sun and give victory to their armies. It is said that the Connecticut Legislature being iu session, the members became terrified when they could not see each other's faces, nnd a motion was made to adjourn, when Mr. Davenport arose and said : "Mr. Speaker, it is either the day of judgment, or it is not. If it is not, there is no need of adjourning. If it is, I desire to be found doing my duty. I move that candles be brought, aud that we proceed to business." All the shivering, frightened peo ple began now to look forward to evening, hoping that as the moon rose full at 9 o'clock, her light would penetrate the gloom ; but all the children who coaxed to sit up and sec her, grew very sleepy, their strained eyes were not rewarded by her beautiful beams, for at eight in the evening the darkness was total ; one could not distinguish between the earth and the heavens, and it was impossible to sec a hand before one's face. Then nil the weary children were sent to bed after the most honest prayers that they had ever prayed, and the older people sat up to watch for the light that never before had appeared so glorious. Aud never dawned a fairer morn ing than the 20th of May, for the sun that opened the flowers and mirrored itself in the dew-drops, brought the color again to the chil dren's faces, and filled every heart with confidence. The birds sang joyously, the cattle returned to their pastures, the places of business were opened, and every one went about his work more gen tle toward man and more grateful toward God. After the darkness was passed, several persons traveled about to gather all possible information con cerning this memorable day, and Dr. Tenny wrote au account of what he learned while on a journey from the east to Pennsylvania, lie says the deepest darkness was in Essex county, Massachusetts, the lower part of New Hampshire, and the eastern portion of Maine (where my great-graud-mother lived). In Rhode Island and Connecticut it was not so great ; in New Jersey peculiar clouds were observed, but the darkness was not uncommon, and in the lower parts of Pennsyl vania nothing unusual was observed. It extended as far north as the American settlements aud westward to Albany, but its exact limits could not be ascertained. In Boston the darkness continued 14 or 15 hours, varying in duration at other places. As it was impossible to attribute the darkness to an eclipse, the wise people formed many theories con cerning it; being convinced that it was due to immense fires in the woods, winds blowing in opposite directions, and to the condition of the vapors; but Herschel says: "The dark day in Northern Ameri ca was one of. those won'derful phen omena of nature which will always be read of with interest, but which philosophy is at a loss to explain. Ella A. Drinkwater, in St. Ificholas. "George," she said to the perspir ing.young man, "I love you just tho sartier bu as our city relatives are coming next week, mother thinks you'd better stay away, be'eause your long hair and freckled face might make them think that our ac quaintances weren't very high-toned." The young mau is staying away. "Charles," said she to her Sunday class, "mention sbme act of violence that was inflicted near the sea about this time." "Don't remember any 'cept Jonah was whalc-Iald on the shore." WILD MAN OF THE WOODS. A Fearful Prodigy Captured in the Wilds of Tennessee. Tho wild man brought to the city yestcrday'by Dr. O. G. Brovier, of Sparta, Tennessee, is truly a myste rious and wonderful creature. He will be exhibited throughout the country by Mauagcr Whallcn, of the Metropolitan, who is a third owner in this remarkable being, who promises to successfully bafllc all scientists who desire to give a satisfactory explanation of, this un uatural appearaucc. .Before enter ing into the details of his capture, which form quite a thrilling aud interesting episode, a description of tho curiosity which promises to ex cite more attention than Barnum's "What is it?" will be given. At a distance the general outline of his figure would indicate that he isouiy au ordinary man. Close inspection shows that his whole body is cover ed with a layer of scales, which drop off at regular periods in the spriug and fall, like the skin of a rattle snake. He has a heavy growth of hair on his head, and a dark reddish beard about six inches long. His eyes present a frightful appearance, being at least twice the size of the average-sized eye. Some of his toes arc formed together, which give his feet a strange appearance, and his height, when standing perlectly erect, is about six feet five inches. A nervous twitching of the muscles shows a desire to escape, and he is constantly looking in tho direction of the door through which he en tered. His entire body must be wet at intervals, and, should this bo ueglected, he begins immediately to manifest great uueasiuess; his flesh becomes feverish, and his sufferings cannot be alleviated uulil the water is applied. "At times he is danger ous, and yesterday morning when Mr. Whallcn uttempted to place him iu a wagon, iu which he intended to bring him to the theater, it occupied some time. The strungc creature acted in the most mysterious mau ncr, refusing obstinately for some time to get into the wagon. He has quite a sharp appetite, having eaten a meal yesterday that would have fully satisfied at least four men. With the exception, offish his meals are all prepared iu the ordinary way, but the fish is eaten eutirely raw. Dr. Brovier Bays that wheu alone he will sometimes mutter an unintelligible jargon, which it would, be impossible for any one to understand, but that in the presence of visitors he remains perfectly silent. Yesterday after noon, from one to four, a private exhibition was given, and a number of physicians were present, among them. Drs. Brady and Cary Black burn, who said that he was a great curiosity. Dr. Blackburn said that his 6caly condition could not be attributed to any skin disease, but undoubtedly he was born iu that condition. He will be on exhibition iu one of the private rooms of the Metropolitan theater this afternoon and to-morrow, between the hours of one and four o'clock. Only phy sicians aud those especially invited will be allowed admission. His exact nge is not known, but for the last eighteen years he has been running wild in the Cumberland mountains in Tennessee, near the Coney Fork and Big Bone creek. He has been the constant terror of the community, although he was never known to attack any one until the day of his capture. Dr. G. G. Broyler, of Sparta, Tennessee, says that sinco the surrender of the con federate army it has been his inten tion to capture this creature and exhibit him throughout the country. The doctor 6ays the parents of the wild man arc respect able citizens of North Carolina named Crosliu. That their son is unquestionably a mysterious freak of nature they do not deny, but they could not account for his scaly skin. At the tender age of five years, haviug always been possessed with a roving disposition, he left his home and plunged immediately into the mountainous region of Tennes see. Hero he lived as best he could, subsisting on the products of the country, such as roots and herbs and small animals that he could capture. Wheu in the water he was in his element. He would dive down into the depth of the inland lakes, remaining under water for a considerable length of time, aud finally emerge with both bauds filled with small fish, which he would devour at once in a raw state. Dr. Broyler says that until about eigh teen mouths ago he had not attempt ed the capture, altlvough he had been watching the creature's action for the past twelve years. About the 15th of September he started into the mountains fully determined to succeed in the capture. "The 'wild man of the woods,' as he was termed by the people of the vicinity, was unusually fleet of foot and possessed with a great deal of agility, bounding over the moun taiuons regions in the most fearless manner. During the chase lliey kept the wild man constantly in sight. aud (heir plan was to tire him out, in which they finally succeed ed, lie was pursued through the wild, mountainous country, over lakes aud precipices, until his pur suers almost despaired of success. Stratagem was finally resorted to. The lariai was thrown at him with btlfsufccess", arid then a kind of net was formed, into which he was de coyed aud captured, lie 'ran fear lessly into the net, aud became entangled iu the meshes. Captured, but not conquered, a struggle en sued, in which Dr. Broyler was seriously wounded. The wild man fought with his hands, after tho fashion of a bear, aud bruised aud scratched the doctor in a frightful manner. At last they quieted their unwilling victim aud brought him to Sparta. The doctor immediately telegraphed to Mr. Whallcn, who purchased a third interest iu the wonder, and had him brought to Louisville yesterday morning. The presence of this wild man in Louis ville has excited considerable atten tion among the doctors, aud also a large crowd of curious persons, who are anxious to see the wonderful creature. There will be only one public exhibition in this city, which takes place at the Metropolitan the ater Saturday afternoon. Louisville Courier-Journal. .Sad Ead or . KomuHtlc iTInr- nngo. A curious divorce suit now on trial in Bridgeport Introduces plen ty of romance, with the old moral against runaway matches. Miss Elizabeth Adams years ago lived iu Syracuse, N.Y. She met clandes tinely one Charles E. Hill, who soon after went as clerk to China. She kept up a correspondence with him, but her parents did not know she even had his acquaintance. One day she started on a journey with her mother, but got left at a way station and disappeared. She was not heard of for a week, and then came a letter that she had sailed to marry Mr. Hill. The chip was wrecked, and for fifteen duy3 she was tossed about in au open boat. Finally she was rescued nnd mar ried Hill. Now she sues lor a di vorce after all that she endured to get her husband. She came home twice after marriage, aud in 18Gb' her Chinese servants were the won der of Syracuse. Of recent years Mrs. Hill has been traveling abroad. Not long ago, at Bridgeport, she filed a bill for divorce. He heard of it, and, being very rich wrote to a Maine frieud to give her $75,000 if she would make it a quiet separa tion. Subsequently, hearing that the affair had become public, he re duced his offer to -525,000. His friend called at the Sterling House to talk it over with her, aud imme diately she broke a pitcher over his head and had him arrested for as sault. He also complained against her. They are at it. Hill has filed a bill of divorce, and is on the way home to fiht, and there it stands. Scandal, disgrace, discord, etc., all the natural fruit of the one-sided elopement of long ago. Hartford Courant. Tlie I.ady of Culture. The first element of true culture is utility. The homely uses of life are the strong body, without which accomplishments have nothing to adorn but themselves, and are thrown away. In the swift fluctua tions of business, and the terrible reverses which so often sweep away the best founded fortunes, none are safe. It is folly for any family to rear a girl iu the lap of indulgence for a life of luxury, when a single wave of misfortune may sweep the castle beautiful away and leave its inmates at the mercy of the pitiless elements. Every girl should be so educated that, should adversity throw her upon the world, she will fall, like a cat, on her feet, ready for a ruu on her own account. A lady of culture 13 one who can us her knowledge and accomplishments for her own support in case of need, and docs not feel that any useful indus try is demeaning. The practical must precede and support the orna mental, .and even the ornamental should be so thoroughly ingrained that it can be made of use in case of need. The worst evils or modern society will not be got rid of till every woman is able to earn an honest livelihood, and respects every other woman who earns one,wheth cr she is a "lady of culture" or not. A young man who is much given to athletic sports would like to know when the much-talked -of Anglo-Sazou race is to come off. BELCHING VESUVIUS. One of the Grandest Sights Ever Seen by Mortal Eye. Tho actual crater is placed almost in an amphitheatre, thrcc-fonrtks of which are enclosed, while one-froatb is open. The enclosed Wills- rise above the bed of the crater from 250 or more feet In some parts, ap parently composed of sulphur. Tho diameter, judging by the' eye, is about 300 yards, and tho whole of this area Is filled with lava of fire, but crusted on tho surface with a skin some inches deep or lava thai has been chilled. All who have crossed the Mcr do Glace at Chamotiui arc aware of the character of its formation ; (he deep, intensely bluo tints of the crevasses, the hugo boulders of ice, aud some times tho fantislic shapes assumed. Imagine just tho same formation, but substitute heat for cold, fiery' red color for the blue, aud the ap pearance of tho crater may be realiz ed. The surface of the lava blocks is black, hot, rough aud somewhat brittle, aud lying moro or less at one level. Looking down the crev asses the glowing fires a few inches below our feet were seen. When, the mouth of the volciuo showed signs of movement ten mouths since, it was raised much above the rest of the bed. listen mouths activity however, has enabled it to raise a cone almost in the center of the cra ter, at leasta hundred feet in height, very wide at the base, converging at the summit like a sugar-loaf, but with the summit of the Ioof remov ed. With a pulsation as regular and as marked as that of the piston of n steam-engine iu full motion, did the huge mountain carry on its works, so that we were clearly able to un derstand what was meant by "every pulsation of the volcano being duly registered at the observatory." Clouds of smoke and fumes, were issuing from the summit of the cone now densely dark, as if a fresh supply of coal had been heaped on the fire; then intensely light, as if the engine were blowing off it steam ; then most beautifully and delicately tinted with the tenderest rose-pink, as if an artist were testing how best to combine the loveliest tints of his art ; then a pale salmon, aud then as if five thousand torpe does had simultaneously exploded. The huge mountain seemed to heave, and from its mouth issued immenso quauitics of molten lava apparent ly at the mouth all iu one body, but there separating into millions of piece.', all glowing with the most intense heat that can possibly bo seen. Each piece as it ascended into the air was separate; no pcicc was partly red and partly black, but was on fire and red-hot, most of the lava emitted fell back again into the bosom of the heaving mass, but with every emission quantities, large or 6iuall, fell on the outside of tho mouth, aud thns we saw how the cone had gradually increased iu size aud height. As we stood watching, at intervals there seemed to be the lin'Lg of ten thousand guns of light er caliber than Krupp's, aud wo soon found that this was the pre cursor of a grand display. Up rose au immense mass spreading in the shape ol a fan, aud presenting one of the most magnificent sights the eye of mau can ever see. And this upheaval was not a thing for which we had to wait till our patience was exhausted, but was continuous, and almost seemed as if every renewed explosion were grander than its precursor. As wc descended to the crater the rain had ceased ; while there it again fell for a lime heavily; the thunder overhead was pealing liko the roar of fifty parks of artillery in concert, and the lightening flashed with iuteuse vividness; then all ceased, au there wa3 a perfect calm, nothing was to be heard beyond tho machinery of the mountain iu full vigor and steam up. As the day was drawing, on it at last became neces sary to think of returning to Naples. With much effort and the aid of our helper we again got out of the crater to the summit, but our descent was to be by another way from that by which we ascended. It was down the side of the mountain, but being of loose, friable materials similar to those we have previously described, there was little danger of rolling to the bottom. Stepping out bravely with the foot and leg half-way up plunging into the mass at every step, our American friends made descent of the outer cone in uine minutes; wc traversed it more leisurely, and took from twelve to fifteen. The Hermitage was soon reached, and at once taking a carriage we started for the hotel. Naples Cor. London News. The sweat of a man's brow comc3 easier than his daily bread.