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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1878)
THE JOURNAL. f KATES OP ADVERTISING 18 ISSUKD EVKRY WEDNESDAY, M. K. TURNER & CO,, Proprietors and Publishers. Space Iw i'ic iio ;m km Vr Icoi'nin 1 $l:M1 J ?it $i- f ?3T J $tm j Jt0 li I S.00 vi bzn ? cb 1 tTooi nfi :5 -jo 35 X 4 inrhe o.25 7V) li)U 15 , 27 f.50 (5.75 10 12 J 15 f 20 1.50 2.25 4 I 9 10 Htioinrw and prof".ionaI rarn ten lines or hiss space, per nunum. ten dollars.- Lip.i ailvrrticinrnt. at st.itnt ratrs. Local notices ton cents a HnR first insertion, fivn cents a lino each suhefiucnt insertion. Advertisments cla.itied sim special notices five cents a line firxt insertion, three cents a lino each uhscucnt insertion. Office in tho JOURNAL building, Elcvcnth-st., Columbus, Neb. Terms cr Tear, ?2. Six months, $1. Three; months, 50c nglc copies, 5c VOL. IX.--NO. 32. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1878. WHOLE NO. 448. THE JOURNAL. fit ivipiil At i W CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. Auvin Pacnders. U.S. Senator, Omaha. A. S. Paddock, U. S. Senator, Heatriec. Frank AVelcii, Upprcscntativc,Xorfolk. STATE DIRECTORV: ilas Gakbkk, Governor, Lincoln. Bruno Tzchuck, Secretary of State. J. II. W'ottnn, Auditor, Lincoln. J. C. Mrltritlo, Treasurer, Lincoln. Geo. II. Roberts, Attorney-General. S. R. Thompson, Supt. Public Instruc. II. C. Dawon, Warden of I'cnitcntiarr. W. V. Abbey, '. It. timilil. Dr. .1. G. Darin, Prison Flivsieian. H.I'.3IathcVfcon, Supt. Insane. Atylum. Prison Inspectors. JUDICIARY Daniel Gantt. Chief Justice, George II. l.aVc.1 . Maxwell, -KUltTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. G. W. Pofct, .lurtri. York. M. II. Reese, District Attorney, "Wahoo. 'I Associate Judges. K. W "Win. LAND OFFICERS: . Arnold. Renter. Grand Inlanr Anyan, Receiver, Graiid Uland COUNTY DIRECTORY Ili-glns, Countv Judge. J. G John Staufl'er. Countr Clerk. V. Ivuminvr, Treasurer. Henj. Spielman, Sheriff. It. L. Roht-lter, Surveyor. BUSINESS CAEDS r. .F. S. !HcAl.L.ISTI?IC, URGEON AND MEDICINAL DEN- tist. Office on 12th Ft., three doors east of Schilz'8 boct and shoe More, Columbus, Neb. Photograph Rooms in connection with Dental Office. 215.y S' Ir. K. I.. KIGGIXS, Physician and Surgeon. R. II. Honry, 1 "Wro. Rlnedorn V John Walker, 1 County CommitMoners. Dr. A. Heintr, Coroner. S. L. Hirrett, Supt. of School. flA'SJill1"" Chariot-"Wake. Constable. CITY DIRECTORY: C.-A. Speico, -Mayor. John schrain. Clerk. --. John J. Rickly, Mar-hal. tx -J. W. Earlv, Trc-isuror. " S. S. McAllister. Police Judgc.--, J. G. Routkon, Engineer. j , cofxni.MKx: Ist Hard 1. E. North, E. Pohl. HUGH HUGHES, CARPENTER, JOINER AND CON TRACTOR. All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Refers to the many for whom he has done work, as to prices and quality. 264. "W. .A. OLAJEIK, Il-Wrii anfl Ear, COLUMBUS, NEB. 402-12 -T S.CHRISTISON.M.TJ., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JSTFor one vear a RESIDENT PHY SICIAN to the NEW YORK CITY HOSPITALS. RlackwelPs Island, N.Y. Office on llth St., next to the Journal. Milcaire 50 cts. Medicines furnished. tSTOffico open at all hours Sank Suiting. Iont You Uet," For if you do you will lose money by purchasing an" expensive Wind 31ils, when ynti can buy one of J. O. Shannon for about one-naif the money that any other1 costs. Call on J. O. Shannon, on llth street, opposite Mahlou Clother's store. Columbus, Neb. 411-l.T TTE3IBY . CAKE1V, Attorney and Counselor at Law, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Formerly a member of the English" bar: will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to him in this and adjoining counties. Collections made. Office one door east of Schilz' shoe store, corner of olive and 12th Struets. Spricht Deufh. Parle FrancaN. 418-tf COLUMBUS BRICK IAED IIEAJiVS-EASE. BY MARY K. BUAULEY. w er-2, H'ar.I-E. C. C. Knvnnaugu. E. Morse. Zd Ward- K. J. Raker. E. A. Oerrard. ColuntDits Koot Ofllco. Open on Sumtavs trm 11 a.m. to 12 m. and from -:.".0 to v. m. Humiic. hours except Sunday 0 A M. to 6 V. M. astern m&iU close at 11:2) a. m. Western mails eloc at 4:20 p.m. Mail ltar Columbun for Madison and Norfolk, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday. 7 A M. "Arrives Mondays, WdnevdayK, and Fridays, il r. m. Fr Monroe, Genoa. Waterville and Al bion, daily except Sunday G A.M. Ar rie. same. 0 i M. For Summit, Uly8C and Crete. Mon days itud Thursdays, T A. M. Arrives Wedneadsvs, and Saturdays, T l M. For ltvll"iltV. Oseooln and York, Tuc.s dav. ThurMlay t and Saturdays, 1 1. M. Ariives st 12 M. Fr Will", Farral and Rattle Creek. Montlavs and Wedneday, a. M. Ar rirps Ttienl.iv ai.d Friday at 0 r. m. For Shell Creek, Nebo. Cretn and Stanton, on Mondays at 7 A. M. Ar rive. Tuesday 0 r. M. For David "it"y, TuoMlays, Thursdis and Saturday", 1 r. M Arrivet., at 12 M. XI. lVIUSKn'FJLIJfl ILL repair watches and clocks in the best maimer, anil ciK-aper tuau it can be done in any otlier town. V, ork left with Saml. Oa., Columbus, on llth street, one door cat of I. Gluek's store, or with Mr. Wei-enlluh at Jackaou, will be promptly attended to. 41.". NKION MII.LKTT. BYRON MILLKTT, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. IV. JIILIEYY Ac ..', ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Columbus, Nebraska. N. R. They w'ill give close attention to all buMiicsi, entrusted to them. 248. RYAN & DEG-AN, rpW0 doors cast .f D. Ryan's Hotel JL on llth street, keep a large stock of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, And elas bar. evervthinjr usuallv keit at a flrst 1 x FOR SALE OR TRADE ! MAKES I COLTS, Teams of Horses or Oxen, SA3EE.i: I'O.A'IKS wild or broke, at the Corral or 42J GERHARD & ZE1GLER. (One mile west of Columbus.) THOMAS FLYNN & SON, Propr's. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK Always on Xluncl in QUANTITIES to suit PURCHASERS 371-tf BERNARD McTEGGART, BLACKSMITH, Is prepared to do all kinds of black- smithing in a workmanlike manner, and will guarantee to give satisfaction. He makes HORSE -SHOEING A SPECIALTY, and in this branch or the trade will ac knowledge no peers. Persons having lame horses from bad shoeing will do well to bring them to him. He only asks for a trial. All kinds of repairing done to oi dcr. 440-.1m BE OF low I!. I. Time TaMc Eastward Hmind. Einiu'i-.iiit, No. 6, leaves at Paseni;'!-, 4. " Fritisht, " X. " freight. "10, Westward Hound. Freicht. No. 5, Icjvcs at J'ussens'r, " 3, " rPeiskt. " i, " Eniisratit, " 7. 4 " Eurv day except Saturday the three lines leadin? to Chicago connect with l. P. train at Omaha. On Saturday- ther will be but one train a day, a Miewii bv the following schedule: It. &.. 1 .in auuMii. fiept . . . -i II . It. I. .V 1-1 "ISI 20th. f.:25 a. m. ll:(Xi a. in. 2:l.r p. in. 4:::"0a. m. 2:00 p. in. 4:12 p.m. 0:iil j. in. l::;in. in. D0LAKD & SMITH, DETJGGrlSTS, "Wholesale and Retail, VTERRASKA AVE., opposito Citv 1 Hall, Columbus. Nebr. J3TLov prices and tine goods. Prescriptions and family recipes a specialty. 417 JOHN IIFRER, the mail-carrier be tween Columbus and Albion, will leave Columbus overyday except Sun day at G .rdork, sharp, p.issiug through Monroe. Genoa, WaU-rville, and to Al ' ion The hack will call at eithct of the Hotels tor pas-cngers iforders are lfl at the post-otiice. Rates reason able, to Albion. Columbus Meat Market! FA It .11 kick: OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the prices of voiir products dis courage you. but rather limit your ex penses to your resources. You-can do so by slopping at the new home of your fello'w farmer, where you can find "good accommodations cheap. For hay for team for one night and day, 2."ct. A room furnished w ith a cook stove and bunks, in connection with the stable free. Those wishing cm be accommo dated at the house of the undersigned at the following rates: Meals 2." cents; beds 10 cents. J. R. SENEGAL, Yi mile cast of Gerrard's Corral. Ofall the bonny buds that blow- in nrigiit or cloudy weather, Ofall the flowers that come and go The whole twelve mouths together, This little purple pansy brings Thoughts of the sweetest, saddest things, I had a little lover once. Who used to give me posies; nis eyes were blue as hyacinths, His lips were red as roses. And everybody loved to praise His pretty looks and winsome ways. The girls that went to school with me Made little jealous speeches. Because he brought me loyally His biggest plums and peaches, And always at the door would wait To carry home my books and slate. 'They couldn't sec' with pout and fling "iue migniy fascination About that little snuh-nosed thing To win such admiration; As if there weren't a dozen girls With nicer eyes and longer curls!" And this I knew as well as they, And never could see clearly Why more than Marion or May I should be loved so dearly." So once I asked him why was this? He only answered with a kiss. Until I teased him '-Tell me why 1 want to know the reason;" When from the garden bed close by (The p.iiisies were in season ) He plucked and gave a flower to me, w iiu sw cli auu simple gra uy. "The garden is in bloom," he said. With lilies pale and slender, With roses and verbenas red, And fiisehia's purple splendor, Rut over and aboe the rest, This little heart's ease suits me best." "Am I your little heart-ease then?'' 1 asked with blushing pleasure; He answered yesl and yes again Heart's-ease and dearest treasure; That the round world and all the sea Held nothing half so sweet as me! CALIFORNIA WINES! 2sa a.a Wbte, Sl.25eSl.75 A GALLON -.T- SAML. GASS'S, Eli'Tcntli Street. I listened with proud delight Too rare for words to capture, Nor ever dreamed what sudden blij Would come to chill my rapture. Could I force the tender'blooui Of pansies round a little tomb? ht Life holds some stern experience, As most of us discover, And I've had other losses since I lost my little lover; Rut still the purple pansy brings Thoughts of the addct,s"weetest things. Js.. V Vet . Xov Dec C. A N. W. l 7th C, R..t o. 14th ( ., R. I..v P.) 21st CR.AO.. 1 C. R. I. .V P.V C. & N. W. 1 C, R. 1. & P.) 2ii N. W. J- Jit C, R. Q. ) ICt C.,ll..l-o. ) 7th C, R I. & P.V 14th C. & N. W. ) 21st nth and 12th l!Mi d and h and IGth 7thaud2ith 23d. tilth. 1 F. SAafllDItX, HAYING EMPLOYED Mr. A. A. PutCK. or 111., a tirt -class blnck k mi th, is now prepared to do all kind of wagon and blacksmith work. Will make new buggies, wagons, etc., or mend old. ones, aud repair all kinds of ma chinery, t ustom work a specialty Good work, promptly to promise, and cheap. Call rft the sign of the horse hbe. Olive street, opposite Charles Morse's stable-' i Formerly Pacific House This popular house has been newly Refitted aRd Furnished. Meals. tt cts. Dav Roard per week, . . $4.00. Roarii ssd Lodging, . .. ,rand?G. - Good Livery and Feed Stable in 5on nnction. SJTISFA TIOX GUARANTEED. JOHN HAMMOND, Proprietor. OJCXTKAL . NORMAL SCHOOL, Cenoa, Pawnee Reservation, Neb. Term begins September 1S7S. Three departments Uz: I. Common School. 2. Normal School, 3. Classical. Thorough instruction given in all branches by able and experienced teach ers. Opportunities afforded teachers to acquire experience in the school room. Large building aud tirst-class accommo dation. For prospectus. Ac., aply to C. D. Rakestraw, A. M Principal 432-3. Genoa. Nebraska. Cfif??' nte:l"lyoarilld in these Nv times, but it can be made Vy I I I in three months by any one of either sex. in any partof the countrv who is willing. to work Mcadily at the employment that wc furnish". $iG per week in your own tewa. You need not be away from home over night. You can give your whole time to the wort, or only your spare moments. "We have agents who are making over $20 per dajC VII who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time monev cannot be made so easily and rapidly at anv other busi ness. It cnFts nothing the busi ness. Terms and J5 Outfit fre'e. Address ati8nc. H. Hat.ltt & Co., Portland, Main. 37.Vv. WEBER & KNOBEL, Prop's. KEEP ON HAND all kinds or fresh meats, and smoked pork and beef; aNo fresh tih. Make sausage a spec ialty. 3Reiiiembor the place. Elev enth St., one door west of D. Rxan's hotel. 417-tf EfictricZc' JSejit Zlnrlivt. WatUinf;tGii Are., nearly opM)ito Court House. OWING TO THE CLOSE TIMES, meat will be sold at this market low. low down for CAbii. Rest steak, per lb., 10c. Rib roat, " ... Sc. Roil. " Gc. Two cents a pound more than the aboe prices w ill be chirped on time, and that to good responsible parties only. 2t7. J. .A. BAIv05R3 Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps AXP GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Ifcbraska Ave, opp. Clothcr House. I3Cash Paia for Furs. CSS Farm for Sale. iNE HUNDRED AND SIXTY V aeres f f excellent farm land in Rut ler County, near Patron P. (., about eiiui-distaut from three County Seats David City, Columbus and Schuyler; GO acres under cultivation; 5 acres of trees, maple, Cottonwood, ,tc: good frame house, granary, stable, sheds, &k. Good stock range, convenient to water. The place is for tale or exchange for property (house and a few acres) near Columbus. Inquire at the Jouknai. ofliec, or address the undersigned at Pat! on P.O. 40S JOHN TANNAIIILL. LUEKS&SCHEEIBER DOCTOE B0NESTEEL, U. S. EXAIE'I'G SLUGE03, coLrMiics, : XEnnxsiCA. FF1CE IIOCRS, 10 to 12 a. m., : to KJ 4 n. m and 7 to 9 p. m. Office on Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of E. J. Raker's grain office. Itesidcuce, corner Wyoming aud Walnut streets, north Columbus, Jfebr. 433-tf HENEY GASS, Blacksmith and Wagon Mak All kinds of repairing done at short notice. Wagons. Ruggies. Ac., fcc made to order. All work wai ranted. Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter sal, Columbus, Nebraska. ,"52 UNDERTAKER, KEEPS ON HAND ready-made and Metallic Coffins, Walnut Picture Frames. .Mends Cane Scat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black Wal nut Lumber. T7uikr. A". :i?:dte Cnrt Scat, C:hfca, 17rt JF. f. OTT3 &KLLS All kinds of i MUSICAL IISIEIHIITS Rooks, Stationery, Candj and Cigars. ONE DOOK NORTIT OF TOST -OFFICE. 400-tf mmi AND SASSLES ! J. C. JARKER, Propriotor. FIRST door north of Hammond nouse and feed stable, opposite the old post-office. Good work and the best material at low prices, is xhc motto. Satisfaction given or no sale. Repairing done promptly. JSTFine harness and carriage trimming, a specialtv. Call and examine for voursolves. 406 COLU.HVUS Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAN, Proprietor. Wholesald and Retail Dealer in Foreign Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS, DOUBLIN STOUT, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES. XSTKentuciy miskies a Specialty. OT'S TEES, In their season, SY THE CASE, CAN OS DISH, 11 tk Street, South, of Depot, WM. BECKER, ) DEALER IX( GROCERIES, Grain, Produce, Etc. Gooll Goods aiMDe I. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. Goods delivered Free of Charge, anywhere in the city. Corner of 13th and Madison Sts. North of Foundry. 39T POOSC .3 3.11.11 Y. One morning I was walking down C street, which At thut hour v;is full of liiicly-iii'cssm Indies and bright litlie children, when I came upon so u of ul a sight that I slopped as though 1 was El ruck. A poor, Utile, white-faced hoy, with a de formed taller "than a healthy child of five years old, hut looking much older in his pinched and wati face. He was sitting on the hare stones, his thin legs drawn up with cold, and a basket, containing hull a dozen miserable apples, beside him. He made not the least clTort to at tract the attention of the gav pass ers; but his little white hands were mecklj clasped on his knee, and his eyes fixed on the crowd with a hope less, staring look, as though his bcwildeied mind was struggling with the problem why so many were warm, well-fed and happy, and he was so wretched. 'Poor child!' I said, going up to him : for I could not help it. though I have not much sympathy with common street beggars. 'Can 1 do anything for you ?' 'You can buy an apple,' he said, quietly, hardly looking at me, though he took up his basket as he spoke. 'You shouldn't sit on the cold stones,' said I. 'It is bad for von.' 'I can't stand up,' he said, siinplv. 'Uut it's a shame that you should be out this cold day, an) wayaid I, warmly. 'You don't look able to sit up.' lie flushed tip. '1 have to. Jo can't leave the baby, atrd somebodv must.' 'But where are your parents? Have vou none to care for you, poor child?' His dark, sad eyes looked square ly at me now, and his poor little mouth quivered, as he replied: Mo takes care of me. Father and mother are dead. Mrs. "Wilson used to take care of us, but she's dead too.' 'And where do you live?' I asked, for I could not bear the sight of that unfortunate child, who ought to be in a hospital, instead of sitting on the cold stones. He told me where lie lived, and. after giving him some pennies, I went directly there. With sonic trouble I found it a wretched room, so poor and uncomfortable that I shall not describe it to you. And I found Jo, a ragged, pleasant faced girl, about twelve years old, taking loving care of the most wrcicucit, puny, iretiui uoy you ever saw. From Jo I learned their story. Their parents were respectable, well-to-do people, and they had al ways lived in comfort till their par ents died, about three years ago, and left them a comfortable home and some other property. The man who took Care of their property (their guardian) had given them into the hands of Mrs. Wilson, a kind friend, who had taken good care of them ; and every few mouths ,ou bhiu; jj.r.. wiison uecci to go and get money from the man who had the house. But a year ago their kind friend died, and left them in the hands of her husband, an idle, drink-loving man, who cared only for the monev, and nothing for them. He had sofd most of the furniture, moved them into this wretched room, threatened to do something awful to them if they complained, and abandoned them. What they could pick up aud what had been given to them by kind-hearted, though very poor neighbors, was all they had had since, uow these many months. 'But who is our guardian?' I asked. Jo didn't know. She knew neither his name nor how to find him ; and besidce, she was afraid of Mr. Wilson. She (Jo) couldn't leave the ailing baby, who, though three or four years old, looked not more than one, and could not stand yet; 60 poor, little, deformed Jjmmyhad to sit on the stones to get a few cents to keep them from starving. When the bubv slept, Jo would steal out and pick up a few sticks, if she could, for a small fire. And she also had to carry Jimmy back and torth, for he could walk but a few steps at a time. Oh I what a tale of misery! What did I do? Well, going down those rickety stairs, I pondered on what to do; how to find that careless or wicked guardian, and bring him to an account. I could think of but one way the newspapers. So I hurried oil to tho office of a large daily, told my piti ful story, enlisted the sympathy of the kind-hearted editor, and the next paper brought out the whole story. An hour or two after the paper was out, a red-faced honest looking workman walked into the office and asked to see the man who wrote about tho starving children. He was taken into the editor's room, where lie announced himself as the guar dian of the three children, and said he came in to explain. 'I hope you can explain,' said the editor; 'for I must say it looks strange, the poor little ones starving ano owning property enough, as I understand, to take care of them.' ' 'Deed, sir, and that's true. It's a tidy bit of properly and brinirs in about five hundred" dollars a vear. I have been paying four hundred of it to Mrs. Wilson to lake care of them, and the other hundred I put in the haul: for them, against thev were old enough to need schooling, as was their fathers wish. Mr. Wilson has come regularly for the money, and of course I thought thev were all right, as usual.' 'But it was very careless of you !' 'I know il,' he interrupted. 'But Mrs. Wilson was a mother to them ; and I'm so busy a carpenter I am and never get a minute to look after them. I never knew Mrs. Wilson was dead. That idle brute of a man, I suppose, didn't tell me, lest I should take the children away --as, of course, I shall to-dav.' 'Where shall you put thciii?" ask ed the editor. 'That baby needs a doctor's care, besides irood food anil nursing, and the boy, too if, indeed it is not too late. 'I in monstrous sorry, Mister,' said the honest carpenter, "his face grow ing even redder, in his excitement. I wouldn't a had John Walker's babies suffered for anything. It's my fault, and I know it. I was too easy, like. But I'm going noAv to take them to my own house, though it's full and running over, till I can find the right place for them.' 'Don't keep the poor things long in a house full of children,' said the editor at the door. They're too weak and miserable.' -o, i wont,' said (lie carpenter. 'My old woman wouldn't favor that plan a minute.' Well, the next day I hunted up those starving babies again ; and where do you suppose I found them ? The conscience-stricken guardian had found a colored woman who had been a house-servant, all her life, and who was a born nurse, be sides being a warm-hearted woman. The four hundred a year was a for tune to her. and there in two nle.'is- ant rooms near the guardian's own house, where he could always see to them, I found the children comfort ably established. Jinimv lay smil ing happily on a Jit tic bed in tho corner; the hungry baby, well fed. for once, was sleeping quietly in a cradle; and Jo, in a new "calico dress, helping the pleasant-faced old Aunty to spread an abundant, though plain meal. I wish you could have seen Jim my's face when I gave him the flow ers I had brought him, and told him I hoped I should never sen him lif ting on tlic bare stones again. 'But I'm right glad vou did that time for if it hadn't been for vou and thai editor man, I'd a been there yd. Oliver Thome. Answers to Questions Law. Any surplus of money raised to pay bonde, and remaining alter the bonds are paid may be by the dis trict at the annual meeting oia meeting called "for that purpose, transferred to the other funds of the district. The action of the district duly certified to the Co. treasurer would warrant him in making the transfer. The public school fund of the state cannot be loaned to school dis tricts for any purpose. Where the moderator is absent, the meeting should elect a mod erator pro tern. The director is the clerk of the meeting aud has no right to preside, bee sees, it, An old treasurer has no legal right to demand a receipt. A new direc tor may give the new treasurer a written order, countorsigned by the moderator, directing the old treas urer to turn overall books and pa pers belonging to the school district. If on presentation of this order the old treasurer refills to deliver the books he can be held for damages and cosls. At a meeting for a special pur pose, no other business can be Tlie Origin ol' Sc.Xf:s. Aristophanes, the funny man of classic Greece, gives the following myth- Once upon a time man had three sexes and a double nature be side this, he was perfect I v round. and had four hands and four feet, one head with two faces looking opposite ways, bet on a single neck. When these creatures pleased, they could walk as wc do now, but il they wanted to go faster they would roll over with ull four legs in the air, like a tumbler turning somer saults; and their pride and strength were such that thev made war tinon the gods. Jupiter resented their insolence, but hardly liked to kill them with thunderbolts, as the gods would then lose their sacrifices. At last he hit upon a plan. "I will cut them in two," he said, "so that they will walk on two legs instead of four. They will then only be half as insolent, but twice as numerous, and we shall get twice as tinny sac rifices." This was done, and the two halves are continually going about looking for one another. If we mortals (says Aristophanes, with a comic air of apprehension) are not obedient to the gods, there is a dan ger that wc shall be split up again, and shall have to go about in bisso rclieve, like those figures with onlv half a nose, which you may see sculptured on our columns. The great demand of the times appears to be a girl who can saw ood, clean house, cook for a family of seven, take care of the baby, wash and iron, "answer the door," fight flies, work fillceu hours a day, never get cross, never waste, spoil or lose anything, never go out, never want anything, have no company and be happy, smiling, well-dressed aud contented for ?1.75 u week. liur linglon Hawkeyc. transacted. The school board arc the proper parlies to fix the wages of teachers. It cannot be done by vote at the annual or any other meeting. Sec sec. 27 to 33 inclusive, which fix the duties of district meetings, and sec. 45, which provides who shall hire teachers. Sec. 57 authorizes the board to fix rates of tuition of non-resident pupils. Money derived from tuition of non-resident pupils goes into the teacher's fund of the district board. The tact that a child is hurt at school is no ground for claiming damages of the teacher, unless it wa3 plainly negligence on the part of such teacher. The only way by which a county officer can be removed is by im peachment and trial before the Co. eonimisfioners. See general statutes of 1873, page.-2G0, tliil. The change from a district of three officers to one of six can be made only at the annual meeting. A city of the second class has but lour members, in the board, and the provisions regarding their election are somewhat complicated. See session laws of 1875. Bonds issued by a district are of the nature of ti first mortgage on the properly of the district, and cannot be released except by the payment of the bonds. An apportionment, made to a dis trict alter it has been divided and before the next annual meeting, is to be divided by the Co. Supt. accord ing to sec. 11 of school law. Sec. 50, of School Law has been held to allow the district to pay its omcers. tut a special t tax should be voted lor this purpose at the annual meeting. The county treasurer is not enti tled to charge any per cent, for handling the state school fund ap portioned by the Co. Supt., and city or district treasurers have no right to allow it. Money raised by tax for "teacher's wages" cannot be transferred to the teacher's fund; hut this can be done legally at the annual meeting only. The things mentioned in sec. 33, must ue (lcicrmiiifd at the annual meeting, and if not then determined must be left to the board. The ''direction by the district" spoken of in sec. 32 is general, not special. When a treasurer receives orders drawn in a legal manner and pro perly signed, he has no discretion but to pay them. A school district has no right to use funds in the treasury to pay for teachers one year to the exclusion of just claims for services already rendered. March 3, Congress enacted that a person occupying a homestead or preemption, shall have the right to transfer by warranty against his own acts anj' poi tion of his home stead or preemption for school pur poses, and this transfer shall not vitiate his title.? Stale Superin tendent Thompson in Literary Holes. in School The Pulsion Thnt Imlticc lis- eusc. The passions which act most se verely on physical life are anger, fear, hatred, aud grief. The other passions arc comparatively inno cent. What is called the passion of love is not injurious until it lapses into grief aud anxiety; on the contrary, it sustains the physical power. What is called ambition is of itself blameless; for ambition, when it exists purely, is a nobility lifting its owner entirely from him self into the exalted service of mankind. It is injurious when it is debased by its meaner all, pride, or when stimulating a man to stren uous efforts after some great object, it leads him to the performance of excessive mental or uhvsical labor. L aud to the consequences that follow such effort. The passion called avarice, ac cording to general experience, tends rather to the preservation of Jhe body than to its deterioration. The avaricious man, who seems to the luxurious world to be debarring himself of all thfc pleasures of the world, and to bo exposing himself to the fangs of poverty, is generally placing himself in the piccisu con ditions favorable to a long and heilthy existence. By his economy he is saving himself from all the worry incident to neuiirv: bv his caution he is screening himself from all the risks incident to speculation or the attempt to ama?s wealth by hazardous means; by his regularity of hours and perfect appropriation of the sunlight, in preference to artificial illumination, he rests and works in periods that precisely ac cord with thepcriodiitcy of nature; by his abslcmiousnes-i in living, he takes just enough to live, which is precisely the thing to do according to the natural law. Thus, in ahnost every particular he goes on his way freer than other men Irom the eter nal causes ofall the induced disease, and better protected than most men from the worst consequences of those diseases which spring from uncontrollable causes. Jfcst Trotting fiErci-l vein her, 17S. Jliles. Horse. Year. 1 b.iddle, Great Eastern, 1S77, 1 Sulky, ICarus, 1S7S, 1 "Wason, llopfful, 1373, 2 .Saddle, De.l r, lsi't, 2. Sulky, Flora Temple, l:i!, 2 Wagon, Gen. llutler, 1SK5, 2 Wuxon, Dexter, lv;), .1 S.iddle, Dutchman, 1KH, .".Sulky, Huntress, 1S72, ;i U'agon.KeiHhleJ.icksonl.STK!, 4 Saddle, Dutchman, 1S.'(5, 4 Sulky, Trustee, 134!, 4 VUK0I1, Longfellow. 1NW. - l-. .:.. --.. . .i ouihj, iany jiacK, 5 Wagon, Little Jiac, 10 Sulky, Controller, 12 Sulky, Top' Gallant, 15 Sulky, Girda. 20 Sulky,Capt. -McGowan,lNi5, 20 ,ij;on, Controller, liT.K 50 Sulky, Ariel JUtf, 50 Wagon. Snanglc. 1S55. 137 J, INS, 1373, 18.-50, 17, to rvo- Time. 2:!5H 2:i:t'4 2: 103 j :0tff 4:50", 4:55J4 4:5J4 7:;J2'r 7:21 'i 3:o:i 10:51 lt:(Ni 10:;u i:;:00 K:4?,4 27:17J :w:oo 47:20 5S:25 53:57 :55.40J. :.i!.iu " 100 Sulky, Conqueror, IS;, 3,55.b3 'PI I .!.. T , j ni; ;iuuvu luuiu i nave prepared not so much to show the fast time, or the fast horses, but to suggest the question, Which are the more valu able, the fast horses for a short distance or the fast horses for a Ion" distance? The "Ranis" who ha" shown a mile in 2:1.'! has indeed proved himself a rare horse, but is not "Conqueror," making his hun dred miles in less than nine hours, the real conqueror aud the type of the horse we are to prefer? A care ful study of the tabic is not calcu lated to show that the roadster of to-day is superior to that of 25 years since as a rapid and enduring trav eler. J. A. Hood, in Schuyler Sun. 'I'rne Worth. a rcany modest and meritorious person will never make pretentious of any kind. Jlis manner and ex pressions will always have a ten dency to underrate his real ability, not because he will nrclend to lii. Tlie Ilillosnjliy ( iVcivpuier AIvertiiB. "Ilermit," the 2fcw York corre spondent of the Troy Times, a close observer of things, in his latest letter philosophically remarks : "The autumn trade is now in full activity, and business men are ex erting every ellbrt to improve tho harvest. One method is tho hand bill system, by which the hotels are daily inundated. During tho busi ness season one boy after another will go tho rounds, and in this way attempt is mado to obtain trade. Of these, however, tho greater part arc wasted, since the waiter gener ally picks them up and throws tlicm into the street, and the next dav a fresh iiiuudatiuu takes place. Ex perience has clearly demonstrated that the most efficient method of advertising is found in the judicious use of the newspaper columns. Tho ground on which newspaper adver tising, as a system, i9 bused is human confidence, since wo cannot avoid believing that which wc constantly read. This confidence is sometimes abused, but still it is evident that a good advertisement will, if suffi ciently repeated, carry popular opinion. Men who advertise with the greatest persistency eventually reach success. There is a military principle involved in this method", since the article advertised should be piesscd on the publiirby repeat ed assaults. The cortect view, which experience brings to each man, is that advertising should be included in the geneialtestimate of expense, as regularly as store rent, clerk hire and insurance. It is often said a good stand at u high rent is better than a poor one rent free. Well, advertising brings a man be fore the public in a way that makes any 'stand' good. The best stand you can have is to be in the newspapers." The Tramp. The only remedy for the (ramp is to abolish him utterly and forever; ami this cuu be easily done. The tramp is a person who roam from town to town, Slate to State, beg ging, stealing, robbing, assaulting women and children in Ihe woods and fields, and on unfrequented high wins. Wc aro informed that Iheie is not a tramp at present in the State of Xew Hampshire. A little more than a year ago the State was overrun with them, so that it was nut safe for a woman to go alone anywhere in the woods or fields. A short and summary law pnssed last winter by the Legisla ture effected all lliis change. It is in substance thisr Any tramp who begs is arrested ; if he is not a native of the State, he is sent to the State prison for three years; if he is a resident of the State he is sent to the town where ho holum's? n re ward of foO is given fur the arrest and conviction of a tramp. This has done the business. Tramping, as a prolcssion, has ceased in Xew Hampshire. It is an equal and just law. W enacted in every Stale, tramping would be at end. Every town would then be obliged to look after its own poor and its own scoundrels, as it should do. -- v. The Among the curiosities of litera ture, the anachronisms of Slinks- peat e form an interesting feature. In "Troilus and Ciessida," the scene of which is laid at thesiegcof Troy, about 118-1 B. C, Hector refers to young men whom Aristotle thought unfit to hear moral philosophy. Aristotle was born about 384 B C., 880 years alter the siege of Troy. In tlie play of "Coriolanus" Tittis Larlius, addressing Coriolanus.says : "Thou wast a soldier even to Cato's wish." Cato was born about-200 years after the death of Coriolanus, which occurred about 490 B. C. Menenius Agrippa, in the same play, refers to Alexander the Great and Galen, the former of whom was born 35G B. C, and the latter A. D. 130. Striking clocks are alluded to in"Julius Cajar," and spectacles in 'King Lear." Cannons are spoken of in "Hamlet," "Macbeth" and "King John." As cannons wore first used at Ihe battle of Cressy, in 134G, and the scenes and events of these plays belong to the tenth, eleventh and twelfth centuries, the anachronisms are "very striking. Modern coins, clocks and a ntiuucrv are spoken of in the "Comedy o'f Lrrors.'lhe scene of which is I in the ancient city of Ephesus l.n .... ..!.? ,1 1 II - , ius3 i.iiituiu limn uu rcany is, out as so many men have become preten tious in their manners and express ions, he fears he may he considered as such. We aie, in consequence, too apt to consider the extent of the capacity of those whom we meet a little below the standard indicated by their acts and expressions. therefore, true merit is seldom appreciated, and its cultivation is never greatly encouraged. On Ihe contrary, pretense 13 almost alwavs successful. He who is pretentious affects the interests of society in a similar manner to ihe swindler. He induces men to doubt the capac ity of others, and often to refuse aid and employment, because they measure the merits of all by those of the pretentious lop and conceited ignoramus. Many an honest and skillful man, and many a valuable improvement, has been refused sup port and adoption because the pre tentious swindler had previously misled the people, and imposed upon them outrageously. Preten tions or every kind arc the true indications of a weak mind or a wou.d-be swindler. Mtt. Lincoln's IIone&tw lit I Ifift, ti. rls..... 7. 4..T., ... .. .w...,..i.i- iuij j luiu iu snow iue rigid honesty of President Lincoln in early life: When he was Post master in a small Illinois village word came that Ihe post office agent would be along in n day or two to collect the money due to the Gov ernment. It was about $75, and one of Lincoln's friends, alarmed lest the young postmaster should bo embarrassed by the sudden demand for so much money, offered to lend him the sum. MrLincoln declined with thanks the proffered kindness and going to the upper shelf of the closet, brought down a bag con taining tiic amount in the very coins which had come into his hands. He said that he never allowed himself" to use, even for a day, money which in his possession belonged to other people. Algernon, under her window in the cold white moonlight, with ten der expression says: "'TN the fa-hast rose o-hftf Miminvr Lc heft hloo-hooming alo-honc; All its fo-huv lee! eenipaiiioni Ah-har fj-deli-hed and go-honc " Voice of pa, from the next window, strained and cracked Jike,a3 though the old gentleman didn't have timo to look for his store teeth: "All right, young man, all right; just pin a newspaper over it to save it from the frost, and we'll take it in with there,t of the plants in the morn-inir." laid A brainless young noodle stopped a grufl old merchant on the street, and said: "I have a thought." "Have you?" said tiic merchant, "I'll go right off and hunt up a re porter, and tell him about the acci dent.'' And as the old man started off the young fellow was so amazed that he couldn't think of what he thought. Xmo hides ol a. Not long ago as an elderly couple were out walking, a ladv on the op posite side of the sti eet'tripped and tell down. The old gentleman rushed across the street, raised his hat, and offered to assist her in everv possible way. His wife followed him across at a slow pace, and wit nessing his devotion to the stranger, she got mad -and shook her fist at him. "It's all right it's all right," he whispered. "Yes, I know it is," she hotly exclaimed ; "here an un known woman stubs her toe and you plough across the street to eat her up with kindness. The othor day when I fell down stairs vou stood and laughed and chuckled and tickled your ribs, and wanted to know if I was practicing for a circus!" His Wife. TJiat was a delicate compliment of a seven-year-old Milwaukee boy paid his mo'ther ihe other evening. The family were discussing at the supper-table the qualities which o to make up a good wife. Nobody thought the liltle fellow had been listening, or could understand the talk, fill ho leaned over the table aud kissed his mother, and said. "Mamma, when I get big enough, I'm going fo marry a lady just like you." Live on whaf you have; live if you can on less; do not borrow either, for vanity will end in shame, and the pleasure in regret. A little boy in Suudnv-schnol put a poser to his teache'r. The lady was telling her class how God punished the Egyptians by u-ing the first-born of uach hou-eliold to be slain. The little bov listened at tentively. At the proper interval he mildly inquired: 'What would God have done if there had been twins ?" Independent. How to rise: Itesolve you will, take a long breath, kick ofl tho clothes and make a bound for Iho middle of ihe room, cold or no cold. Chicago Journal. The man "who resolves on this subject is lost. Tho only way 13 to quit thinking and kick ofi" the cover. Cincinnati Commercial.