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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1878)
THE JOURNAL. THE JOURNAL. KaYks'oF AD V EK'l'l SING Space. lie 2ir Uno :i eii Ivr IfttMflW IS ISSUKD KVKKY WKDNKSllAY, 0UP1 lcol'mn 12.01 1 ?- $"i $Tr I $00 J fill) K 2L L -""l 11 I'-'l l " co 41nche-"j".V.' 7..V f II j 14 f !." ; 27 M. K. TURNER & CO., Proprietors and Publishers. 3 4.oji;." io i. ; iv I 1 ' " l..i0 I 2.25 I f ft ' ; 2 "to -:: limine and professional card ten line. or less space, per annum, ten dol lars. Leal advertisements at statute rate?. Local notice ten cents a lln first Insertion, five cent a line each stihxi-qucnt insertion. Advertisnicuts clHHii.(i iih special notices five tentr a line first insertion, three cents a line ench subsequent insertion. tSTOOleu in the .lOUUXAL "mlldlng, Llevonth-fct.. Columbue, Neb. Tkums 1'tir year, $2. Sir months, ?1. Three months. 50v. uIc copies, Ac. YOL. IX.-NO. 28. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1878. WHOLE NO. 444. Ml I'1 ill H f I If r i r r CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. Alvix Saundriu. IT. S. Senator, Omaha. A. . PADDOCK, 1T. S. Seuwtor, Beatrice. Fkaxk "WKLCn, Keprcscntntivc.Norfolk. 6TATK DIltECTOKY: Kins (JAitnKir,(lovernor, Lincoln. Bruno Tzchuck, Secretary of State. J. W. WVktnn. Auditor. Lincoln. J. C. Meltride, Treasurer, Lincoln, fleo. II. Robert, Attorncy-Hencrnl. S. ILThnmiikon. Pupt. Public Inatruc. II. C. Dawcon, Warden of renitcntiary. MhbiiiA7' f I,risou ,npMiw-- Ir..I. G. I)avi, lrion VhyMeian. II. 1. Mathewson, Supt. Insane Afylum. JU1HCIAUY: lUuinl fiantt. Cliirr Justice, Jcorjrfi U. I.akti.l Asb0ciatc Judjos. S. Maxwell. J niUUTll JCKICIAI. WSTItlCT. O. V. Pout, .HmV.'c. York. M. 11. llecie, IHMrM Attorney, Wahoo. LAND OVT1CEUS: K. W. Arnold. ltej;Mer.rnd Island. , Viu. Anynii, Uecclvcr, "r.-uid Island. COUNTY DIltECTOKY: J. (i. Ilixsln-. County .finite. John Stntiflcr. County Clerk. V. Kmutiicr, Treasurer, lte.nj. Snlelintn. Sheriff. H. L. Knuohiter. Surveyor. It. II. Henry, Win. Bloedorn 5- Countx Commissioners. John Walker. J Dr. A. Hcintr., Coroner. S. I.. lUrrett. Sllt. or School. S. S. .MeAllJHterJ 4clK.eorthlVacp. Hvron ilillett, CJiarlck Wake, Coiibtable. CITY DIKECTOKY: C. A. Spclre, Mayor. John Schrain, Clerk. John J. Kickly, Mnrnhal. J. W. Earlv, Treisiirer. S. S. McAllister. 1'oliee .fudge. J. ". Koutt-ou, Engineer. counciinikx: 1st HordI. E. North, E. 1'ohl. 2J Ward -E. C. Knvanaush. C. E..More. Sd WalrJ-E... linker, K. A. (terrard. ColMmbHM Iot OJHce. Opvn on Sunday trm II a.m. to 12 m. and from 4:30 to 0 v. m. l"uiucx hours except Suinlny 0 a. m to S ! M. astern maiU cloc at 11:2) a. m. Western mail close at 4:20 p.m. Afnil leaves Columbus for MadUnn and Norfolk, on Tueda, Thurhdavb and Saturdayn, 7 A. M. Arrive Mondays, Wednekdayn, and Fridays, : r. m. Kir Monroo," Genoa. Wnterville and Al bion, daily except Sunday 0 A.M. Ar rivr. .aine.O r. m. For Summit, Ulyn and Crete. Mon day and Tliurkdays, 7 A. M. Arrives Weduesdavs, and Saturdavn, 7 r. M. For Bellevilfe. (Xcoola and York, Tues-dav-, Thurday s and Saturdayt, 1 r. si. Arrives t 12 si. Fr Wir, Farral and Battle Orcek, Mondavn and Weliiesila,6 A. St. Ar rive Tuedav and Friday at 0 r. Si. For Shell Creek, Nebo. Cre-tou and Stanton, on Monday at 7 A.M. Ar rive Tuesdax ' r. si. For Did Citv. Tne-ilay. Tliursd-iv. nd SaturdajV, l i. si Arrives, at 12 M. U. I. Tline Xalle Kailtcanl ltnuii. K'.lsrant, No. 6. leaves at ? cn?'r, " 4. " " .iht, H, ' relent. " in, ' WcsUrnrd ll'ivu'l. Freight. No. '. Iea e at Vaxsens'r, " S. " Fr.icbt. " :, ' Emicrant. " 7, " " r:W a. in. Il:u; a. tn. J:l.. p.m. !:."(! a. m. 2:0 p. in. 1:12 p.m. fitlX) p. III. l::0a. m. Everv d.nv except Saturday the three lines Icadiu? to Cliiiuipi connect with 1. 1. train al Omaha. On Saturdays there will be but one train a day, as alt. iu. n Lr tin- f.illnu inir schedule: ' iC.tV. W. 1 7th . Jl .. It. .VO. 14th ( .. K. I. & I'.i 21st 7tli aiullli. F'pt M . II. A. i. ) " . JC U.I. .V I'.V 12th k .V N. W. liUh IL&'O.. 1 ."th and 20th. Oct . it'.. It. LA- 1.) 2d and 2nd. . VN. W. V Dth and Hnth. h. n. .v . ) 2fov . IC..II..VU. till . Jc, n. la- i'S nth c..c y. w. J 2ist 7th and 2Sth. Dec 1 F,.SAXIIOK'. HAVING EMFLOYED Mr. A. A. Fines, ofiu., a first-class black smith, is now prepared to do all kinds of wagon and blacksmith work. Will make new buggies, wagons, etc,ormciid old ones, and repair all kinds -of ma rhinery. i uMom work a specialty Good work, promptly to promise, and eheap. ill at the sign of the horse hoe, Olive treet, opposite Charles Morse's stable. 42U-1m HAMM0 BOW I Formerly l'acilic House. Thit popular house lias been newly Refitted nnd .Furnished. MeaK . . S5 cts. Day Board per week, . $4.00. Beard and Lodging, ftandfC. Good Livery and Feed Stable in con nection. SA 77SFA CTWy G VASAXTEED. JOHN HAMMOND, Proprietor. " (JKNTKAL NORMAL SCHOOL, Genoa, Pawnee Reservation, Neb. Term begin September 1S78. Three department viz: I. Common School. 2. Normal School, 3. Classical. Thorough inlructiou given in all branches by able and experienced teach ers. Opportunities afforded teachers to acquire experience in the school room. Large building nnd tlrst-class accommo dation. For prospectus. Ac, apply to i . D. Kakkstraw, A. M, Principal 432-3. Genoa, Nebraska. hlrWi'' no1 Msily earned in these JW times, but it can be made vP I I I in three months by any one of either sex. in any part of the country ho is willing to work ctcadilv at the employment that we 1'tirnNti. SW per week in your own towa. You need not be awaj- from home over night. You can give your whole time to tho work, or only your parc moments. We have agent who are making over ?20 per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the preseut time money cannot be made so easily and rapidly at any other busi ness. It costs nothing to try the busi ness. Terms and ?5 Outfit free. Address at once. II. I1M.LTT A Co., Portland, Main-. 375-v. BUSINESS CARDS lr. J. S. McALLIKTKK, SVRGEON AND MEDICINAL DEN tist. Ofilcc on 12th st., three doors cast of Schilz's boct and shoe store, Columbus, Neb. Photograph Booms in connection with Dental Olllcc. 215.y HUGH TIUGIIIZS, CARPENTER, JOINER AND CON TRACTOR. All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Refers to the many for whom he baa done work, as to prices and quality. 2C4. "W. .A.. CLAJRIC, Mill-Writ ana Eiim COLUMBUS, NEB. 402-12 T S.CHRISTISON,M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, t2TFor one vear a RESIDENT PHY SICIAN to the NEW YORK CITY HOSPITALS. Blaekwell's Island, N.Y. Ofh? on 1 1th St., next to the JoUltXAL. Mileage fto et. Medicines furnished. .11. WEISK.-VFI-IJH, WILL repair watches and clocks In the best manner, and cheaper than it can be done in any other town. Work lea with Saml. Gass, Columbus on 11th street, one door cat of I. Gluck's store, or with Mr. Weisentluh at Jackson, will be promptly attended to. 41. NKLtfON MiLLnrr. KYitux snr.LJrrr, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. IV. MH-LETT Ai SOX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Columbus, Nebraska. N. B. They will give doe attention to all business entrusted to them. 2li. RYAN & DEGAN, rpWO doors east or D. Ryan's Hotel JL on 1 It It street, keep a la'rge stock of Wines, Liquois? Cigars, And everything usually kept at a flrst clais bar. 411-x FOR SALE OR TRADE ! MAKES 1 COLTS, Teams of Horses or Oxen, SAIII,K EU:.Siht or broke, at the Corral or 4211 GERHARD & ZE1GLKR. D0LAND & SMITH, DETJGG-ISTS, Wholesale and Retail, NEBRASKA AYE., oppo(lr City Hall, Coliuntiu. Nebr. 3TLow prices and line goods. Prescription and family recipes a specialty. 417 stage Koirri:. JOHN IIl'BEK, the mail-carrier be tween Columbus and Albion, will leave Columbus everyday except Sun day al C .I'elock. sharp, p.irsing through Monroe, Genoa, Watriille. and to Al bion Thu hack will call at eithei of the Hotels for passengers if orders are left at the pnst-otlice. Rates reason able, $2 to Albion. Columbus Meat Market! WEBER &KNOBEL, Prop's. KEEP ON 11 AND. ill kinds of fresh mcati. and smoked pork nnd beef; also frcf-h fish. Maku nusagu a. spec ialty. jSTRcincmbor the place. Elev enth StM one door west of D. Rvan's hotel. 4I7-tf Ilrlrickn ."IcaI .TIarkcf. IVjublncton Are., nrarl) opposite Conrt Honc OWING TO THE CLOSE TIMES, meat will be sold at this market low. low down for CASH. Best steak, per lb., ... .... 10c. Rib roast, " t'c B91I, " c. Two cents a pound more than the above prices will be charged on time and tint to good responsible parties only. 267. J. A.. B-AIOHR, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps AMI GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Nebraska Ave., opp. Clother House. JSTCash Paid for Furs. 3sS DOCTOR BONESTEEL, v. s. EXA.niirG sukgko:, COLUMBUS, KEBHASKA. OFFICE HOURS, 10 to 12 a. in., 2 to 4 p. m and 7 to 9 p. m. Office on Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of E. J. Baker's graiu office. Residence, corner Wyoming and Walnut streets, north Columbus, Ncbr. 433-tf HENRY GASS, UNDERTAKER, KEEPS ON nAND ready-made and Metallic Coffins, Walnut Picture Frames. Mends Cane Scat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black Wal nut Lumber. , TTulhtfa An. ejy:xi.i Ctzzi Zezxt, C&stu, Uit F. "W. OTT3 iKLLS All kinds of Books, Stationery, Candy and Clgarm. ONE DOOU XOBTII OF TOST-Ori'ICE. 400-tf $fc mm m mm J. C PARKER, Proprietor. FIRST door north ofllainmoud House and feed stable, opposite the old post-office. Good work and the best material at low prices, is the motto. Satisfaction given or no sale. Repairiug done promptly. t2J"Fine harness and carriage trimming, a specialtv. Call and examine for yourselves. 405 'liiiiTiiii''iiiiS r. K. E.. HIGGSIXS, Physician and Surgeon. JSTOflicc open at all hours. Bask Building. . "IoMt Ytn Ilet," For if you do you will lose money by purchasing an expensive Wind Mils, when you can-Uuy one of J. O. Shannon for about one-haff the money that any other costs. Call on J. O. Shannon, on 11th street, opposite Maulon Clothcr's store. Columbus, Neb. 411-13 TTi:.RY G. CAREW, Attorney and Counselor at Law, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Formerly a member of the English bar: will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to hiin in this and adjoining counties. Collections made. Office one door east of Schilz' shoe store, corner of olive and 12th Streets. Sprieht Deutch. Parle Francais. 418-tf COLUMBUS BM YAED, (One mile west of Columbus.) THOMAS FLYNN & SON, Propr's. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK A.l-tvayi on Hand In QUANTITIES to suit PURCHASERS 37 M f BERNARD McTEGGART, BLACKSMITH, Is prepared to do all kinds of black smithing in a workmanlike manner, and will guarantee to give satisfaction. He makes HOUSE -SHOEING A SPECIALTY, and in this branch of the trade will ac knowledge no peers. Persons having lame horses from bad shoeing will do well to bring them to him. He only asks for a trial. All kinds of repairing done to order. 440-3m FARMERS! T BE OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the low prices or your products dis courage you, but rather limit your ex- penscs to your resources. You can do so by stopping at the new home or your fellow farmer, where you can find good accommodations cheap. For hay for team for one night and dav, 25 efs. A room furnished with a cook store and bunks, in connection with the stable free. Those wishing can be accommo dated at the house of the undersigned at the following rates: Meals 25 cents; beds 10 cents. .1. B. SENEGAL, Ji mile east of Gcrrard's Corral. CALIFORNIA WINES! Sil :1 TU'.i, 8135SS1.75 A GALLON -AT- SAML. GASS'S, Elrrcnth Strett. Farm for Sale. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ncre ef excellent firm land in But ler County, near Patron P. O., about cqui-distant from three County Seats David City, Columbus and Schuyler; GO acres under cultivation; 5 acre of trees, maple, cottonwood, ,tc: good frame house, granary, stable, sheds, &c. Good stock range, convenient to water. The plnce is for sale or exchange for property (house and a Tew acres ) near Columbus. Inquire at the Jouknai. office, or address the undersigned at Patron P.O. 403 JOHN TANNAIIILL. LUERS&SCHKEIBElt SlacUIi and Wagon Maker. All kinds or repairing done at short notice. Wagons, Buggies, &c, &c, made to order. All work warranted. Shop ou Olive Street, opposite Tatter sal, Columbus, Nebraska. JI52 - coLvnims Restaurant and Saloon! E. I). SHEEIIAN, Proprietor. Wholesald and Retail Dealer In Foreign Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS, DOUBLIN STOUT, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES. tST ' Kentucky Vhiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS, In their season, BY THE CASE, CAN Oli DISH, lltk Street, Sevtk ef Depot, WM. BECKER, ) DEALER IX( GROCERIES, Grain, Produce, Etc. I NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. Goods delivered Free of Charge, anytchere in the city. Corner of 13th and Madison Sta. North of Foundry. 307 ssWtCwflSPt'VV MBOOWH MY. CASTLE. 1 built me a stately castle A castle in tho air And all the treasures or Dreamland I brought to make it fair. Italy's loveliest pictures And the Orient's choicest gold My fairy messenger wishes Brought at my bidding hold. On Araby's sweetsst perfumes, From jewelled censers swung, r lumeu me grunu oiu auincms The Germau master sung. And Fortune came, too, to meet mc Ahl did she bring loss or gain? Some of her smiles she left with me, But she took my eastle in Spain. Oh, Fortune! take back thy favors, And leave me in Dreamland again, But only her scornful laughter Made answer to me in my pain. Then tho world looked gray aud cheer less, And my life seemed cruel and cold, OM would the fresh ai r of Dreamland Never soothe my cures as of old? Long I scarclicd-alono for my treasures On the open, desolate pluin, Till at lust glad Nature met mc And she made me hope once again. She led mc out from the shadows. She showed me the sun aud the bloom. She bade me read from her page's ' Denial of sorrow and doom. I reached the least of her wonders, O blessed, thrice blessed surprise! l ncre l round again my castle. My wife! in thy beautiful eyes! KINGSBORO'S PUZZLE. Nobody at Kiigsboro knew wlial to mnkc of it. Deacon Turner, the oldest inhabitant, snid that during Ii is earthly pilgrimage lie had so journed nt numerous towns, but in no one of them bad any young man who dressed nicely and did no work turned out well. Capt. Brown, who worked hard but managed so badly that be was never out of debt, glar ed savagely whenever he saw hand some Jo Mallison with his hands in the pockets of his neat-fitting coat, and took occasion to remark to the first pcr.-ou he met that he wished the old days, in which people who had no visible means of support were prosecuted, would return again. Squire BcatPin. who kept the post-office, admitted to certain astute questioners that Jo Mallison never received letter?, so it was im possible that any one wns sending Iii in money with which to support himself in idleness. Suspicion even ran so high that Bill Bridget', who was the only apothecary and candy seller at Kiugsboro, nnd who had Jo Mallison for quite a steady cus tomer, made it a rule to examine very carefully every bank note that Jo offered in payment, lest haply the handsome do-nothing might be circulating counterfeits. The mar ried women nt Kingsboro, who hud to work ai hard as women almost always do in new towns in young States, caiefully pointed out" Jo (o their sous as an example to be shun ned, except so far as personal neat ness was concerned. But the Kingsboro girls differed from the rest of the community in their estimation of Jo. He might be indolent in fncl Ibey knew he was, for lie might almost always be seen on the main street of the village, sauntering along while other men were at work but he was handsome and he dressed with real taste, and his breath never smelt of liquor or tobacco, and he was always polite, and ho never was awkward or ill at ease or presuming when in the so ciety of ladies, and he seemed lo understand nil his fair companions 60 well. Iu all these respects he was quite different from moist ofthe Kingsboro boys, go that when good mothers warned their daughters against young men who could only give fine words in proof of affection the damsels experienced strong mis givings as to what they would say if Jo Mallison were to propose. But Jo saved them the necessity of deciding any such question. He proposed to nobody ; he made love to nobody; he seemed to have no special favorites among the girls of Kingsboro. He never even flirted ; he seemed to heartily enjoy himself when with ladies, and to express his gratitude so deftly as to leave no one a word upon which to base a suspicion of any stronger senti ments. And he did not stop with conquering the hearts of all the Kingsboro girls. Without any seem ing intention lo do so, he won the hearts of a few ofthe elderly women in the town. They did not'mcan lo give countenance to a showy idler, but somehow, when Jo would coax some bad or fretful child to take a walk with him; and (hen send the child home with a head full of Bible 6tories and a mouth full of pretty 6ongs, the mother of the child would reluctantly admit that the handsome young do-nothing did have a real good heart. But ritill Jo did no work, nor did he try to do any. He boarded at tho only hotel in town, paid his bills, avoided the bar-room, never played cards, always went to church" on Sundays, and ever formed one of the scant 6core of faithful souls who on Wednesday evenings used to hold a prayer meeting in a corner of Kingsboro church. There was not at Kingsboro any club, that institution so industrious ly hated by all good women, but there was a gathering-place which fulfilled all the requirements of a club, and that was tho post-office. The mail 6tage was nominally due at seven iu the evening, so half the male inhabitants congregated in Bill Burlb's saddle-shop, which formed the anteroom of the post-office, im mediately after supper, and they usually enjoyed a two-hour season of conversation before the arrival and distribution of the mail gave them a bint to go home. Subjects for conversation were not very nu merous at Kingsboro, and 8 the few native characters with -any salient points had been very thoroughly discussed during the many sessions ofthe men who waited for tho mail, the arrival of Jo Mallison was a per fect godsend. It is hardly necessary to say that "Jo found but fow com panions among the Kingsboro ;. en. The young men hated him for es tranging their sweet-hearts, and each of the older men was afraid that Jo might marry his daughter and come under the parental roof for support. Theories about Jo were plenty among the men who talked about him, but none of them were flattering to the young man's character; counterfeiter, burglar's accomplice, confidence man, horse thief, fugitive from justice there was some one to prove that. Jo deserved each of these unpopular appellations, while the only thcorv in tlic least degree tolerable was that, of a scalier-brained youth who consumed quarts of hair-oil nnd read the New York Jiomanccrhe believed Jo was au cxilrd Prince in disguise; but even Princes were unpopular among the hard-working population of Kingsboro. One cool night, several weeks after Jo's appearance at Kingsboro, the opposing theorists as to Jo's character indulged in a many-cornered and very lively duel. It was during a season when sudden at mospheric changes made most of the Kingsboro people bilious; other wise the bitterness with which the conversation finally came to be characterized would have been in explicable. 'Squire Ripson so far forgot his years nnd dignity of char acter as to call Bill Bruth, his tem porary host, a fool for holding that Jo could be nothing worse than a wuii-m-iiu young man cnioving himself, while the aggrieved Bill, notwithstanding the kindliness of spirit which was proper fo a man who was a Methodist cluss-lcader, called the 'Squire a liar. Both men were, upon their feet, inclinin.r slightly forward toward each other, and looking words which should never be spoken, when suddenly the mail-stage drew up with a crush at the door. The postmaster threw a last parting glance at the 'Squire, nnd hurried out for his mail-hags, while the wholo narlv followed to see who might be iu the stage. The light streamed through the open door into the singe, and the villa gers saw Inside a single passenger, whom tley recognized as a Cincin nati salesman, through whom some of the Kingsboro merchants occas ionally purchased goods. They were about to turn away in mingled disappointment and "resignation, when suddenly Jo Mhllison, who had ju-U arrived at the office, sprang into the stage nnd threw hiinsel? upon the passenger, while the stage turned quickly, the driver whipped up furiously aud started for the hotel. The stares which passed around the party of spectators were simply appaljing in their blankness. At last 'Squire Bipson recovered breath enough to gasp : "Detective 1" "No such thing 1" shouted Bill Burth through the delivery window. "It's probably the poor little fel low s brother, and he s been waiting for hiin weeks longer than he ex pec ted to." A derisive smile played over the hills and valleys of the 'Squire's face, and he was about to sav some thing savage, when the reader of the New York Romancer abandoned hi.-, uieory oi ine disguised prince and suggested that Jo was a high wayman; that he knew traveling salesmen carried lots of money ; that he was robbing the salesman ; the driver was in league with him, and like enough they were a mile from town by this time instead of going to the hotel. "Jack Sbeppard wa"s a little fellow," 6aid the theorist in evidence. "I'm going to the hotel," said the 'Squire, starting for the door and followed by the whole partv. A moment later the door of the'post master's inner sanctum was heard to slam, and Bill Burth came iiiiiniii" to join the crowd. Sol. Turncr.who carried crutches and was soon left behind, shouted appealingly to them to do nothing until he got there to see, but no encourngiug answer was wafted back to him. The hotel was gained, and the stage stood before the door, but the consequent failure of the theory of the Romancers reader could not stop the impetuous rush of the vil lagers. They crowded into the public room of the hotel, but neith er Jo nor the stranger was there. In a moment, however, a door opened, and good Mrs. Butler, the landlady, appeared with a smile on her face aud a tear In each eye. "I know what you men are after," she said. "Don't ever talk about woman's curiosity again. Tho whole story is this: Jo Mallison is a woman, and Mr. Brown was her lover. They had some sort of a lover's quarrel, ond parted angry. She made up her mind she was in the wrong, but by that time he had 6tartcd on another trip. She once heard him say he never missed going to Kingsboro, so she came here in a suit of her brother's clothes, and has been waiting for him ever since, poor girl. And they've made up, and are ever so happ', and are going to be married to-morrow. And I've known about it all the time, and I'd have done just what she did if I'd have been her." Tho last clause of Mrs. Butler's speech was enough to set Jo Malli son right in everyone's eyes, for Mrs. Butler was one of those women who are trusted by every one on questions of propriety. But it is doubtful whether her hearers on this particular occasion remem bered this portion of Mrs. Butler's wonderful address until it was re called by some slighting remark made by persons to whom the story was told at second-hand. The men said nothing to each other for sev eral moments; then Bill Burth went meekly up to 'Squire Ripson and whispered : "I was a fool, 'Squire." "I was another," whispered the 'Squire in return. Tho interested parties had deter mined to have the wedding cere mouy performed with the greatest privacy, but some ono learned from liarsou Fish (he hour at which the service was to be performed, nnd the news spread rapidly, and the Kingsboro people took the mutter into their own hands. They dressed iu their best and besieged the hotel, and when the bride saw them through the slats of the window blinds, her sense of fun moved her to order that they should be admit ted so far as the capacity of the largest room iu the hotel would allow. Then it wai discovered that the bride had discreetly brought a trunk fnl of her own proper apparel with her, and that she looked sim ply charming in a neat walking-suit and bonnet. Parson Fish made man and wile of Hubert L. Brown and,!.:.,,, XI Ali:... ,1 il. (I !,.' uvct.'lllim 4.11. 4XIIICIMI, lllll llll II ti M kissed and was kissed by all the Kingsboro girls, and by many mat rons who seem to grow younger as the looked into her happy face. As for the men, they looked as sheepish as they deserved lo, but they had a new subject for conversation, aud it lasted the pout-office coterie for a full fortnight. JV. Y. Graphic. '5"he Power of ji;iallene. It is related that a belated strang er stopped all night at a farmer's house. He noticed that a slender little girl, her gentle ways, had a great influence in the house. She seemed lo be a bi-Jnger of peace and good-will lo the rougher ones ofthe household. She had a power over animals, also, as the following shows: The farmer was going to town next morning, aud had agreed to take the stranger with him. The fam ily came out to see them start. The farmer gathered up the reins, and with a jerk, said : "Dick, go 'long !" It availed .not. Then dime down the whip with a heavy hand, but the stubborn beast only shook his head silenllj'. A stout lad came out and seized the bridle, nnd pulled, aud yanked, and kicked the rebelli ons pony; but not a step would he move. At (his crisis a sweet voice said: Willie, don't do so." The voice was quickly recognized. And now the magic, baud was laid on the neck of the seemingly-incorrigible animal, and a simple, low word was spoken. Instantly the muscles re laxed, and the air of stubbornness vanished. "Poor Dick," said the sweet voice, and she stroked and patted softly his neck with those child-like hands. "Now, go along, you naughty fellow," in half-chiding, but iu a tender voice, as she drew slightly on the bridle. The pony turned and rubbed his head against her arm for a moment, and started off on n cheerful trot, and there wa3 no further trouble lhal day. The stranger remarked to the farmer: "What o wondorful power that hand possesses 1" The reply was "Oh, she's good 1 Everybody and everything loves her.' Sunday School Advocate. t a How Xhc3- Mfcp P.iriM Clean. When Fulfou of Ihe Baltimore American was in Paris, he used to get up early in the tnorniug and ride about the city ou the top of a street-car iu order to see how they kept Paris so clean. He writes: ''The housekeepers bring out nil rubbish and pile it up in the street, one pile for every four or live hous es. It is no sooner emptied than tho rag-pickers, who swarm the streets with their hags and buckets and hand-carls, pounce upon it and gather up all the fragments of paper, rags or metal to be found in the piles. They are so numerous that there is a scramble ou every street, and they move from pile to pile as if their lives depended on their ac tiyity. They seem to take away one-third of the rubbish. Servants arc everywhere to be seen with broom and bucket in hand cleaning off the fronts. The streets arc being sprinkled with hose, and an army of men and women with birch brooms are sweeping the streets. On the boulevards, horse-brushing machines ore in motion, and the garbage-carts aro removing f he "les thrown out by the houscke rs. Water i turned on in all the gut ters, and women with brooms are engaged iu washing them down. Men with hose are watering all the roots of all the hundreds of thous ands of trees on the boulevards, aud taking up the gratings so as to loos en the earth around them. All or nearly all this work is done by the city authorities, and by nine o'clock the city is as clean as broom and brush aud water can make it." How Peter Ite.Itet1 Tempt ation. A colored brother whose eyes were watery, and who had evident ly been imbibing experience whisky was telling his young friend George that he ought to ginc loo. Said George, "I would, but do temptation to do wrong is too strong for me." Wliar's yer back bone dat ye can't rose up and stand temptation!" ex claimed Brother Peter. "I was dat way myself once. Bight in flis yere town I had a chance to elcal a "pn'r of boots mighty fine ones, too. Nobody was dar to see me, and I reached out my hand and dc debbil said take 'em. Den a good spirit whispered for me to let dern boots alone." "An' yon didn't take 'cm ?" "No, pah not much. I took a pa'r o' cheap shoes off dc shelf, an' let dem boots alone!" The modern style of doing up a woman's hair is so complicated that it is difficult lo tell which is switch. Wander of tho Xrnlric Jilr- The mirages of the plains arc ol wondrous beauty. Iu the autumn, when all the utmospcric conditions are perfect, strange transformations take place upou the prairie ocean. It is the moruiug of such a day. Along the eastern horizon a narrow bolt of hilver light appears. As it grows broader tho &ilver-gray of its lower line changes to gold. Fleecy clouds above the belt lake on a yellow red. The grayish shadows of the dawn lift blow'ly from the earth aud imperceptibly float sky ward. Just before the'red disk "of the sun peers above the horizon line weird islands appear in Ihe ky islands clothed with trees nnd wavy grasses, and held together by threads of yellow and green anil azure. The earth stands inverted in the sky. Tho wooded bluffs and timber lands of tho prairie turn bottom upward iu the glaucous ether above with their feet knee deep in water. The groundwork of this illusion is a grayish, semi opaque, mist, but the smallest ob ject upon the plain is limned against it with marvelous fidclitv. Objects far beyond Ihe vision over the prairie arc brought into plain view by this ethereal mirror. I havo seen a little village thirty miles away over the plains standing in ihu sky, every feature traced with Ihe minuteness of a line engraving. I could distinguish the dogs wan dering through the htreets, the cows standing idly about the yards, and the opening aud closing'of a door in the cabins. I have seen dog- sledges whose trains wore out of sight below the horizon, trail thro' the heavens iu tortuous course; long lilies of curt-trains swaying to and fro over the dunes of the sky. In all thoso cises, the ground does not appear; only the objects growing upou or passing over it. Every thing has tho appcaraucc of grow ing or standing in water. The feet of animals, tho roots of trees, the rounilutjous of houses, arc all lost in an aqueous mit. The ordinary features of the mir agethe sample drawing of differ ent objects near Ihe spectator arc of common and, in many places, of every day occurrence at' some sea sons of the year. A few rods away on every side a slight line, of grav ish mist, exactly resembling th'al rising from lake or stream in earlv moruiug, appears, and upon its sur face is limned Ihe whole landscape, chuuging constantly, like the colors of a kalcidescope, as Ihe traveler advances. The illusion continues but a few minutes, however. The gold fades from the fleecy clouds overhead as the yellow light de scends upon Ihe plain, chasing the receding shade before it. The sun rises, and the dissolving views of Ihe mirage fade slowly away. jr. Y. Evening Post. Forcet unci Forgive. We bury our youth, our health and our strength ; aud we only come lo grief when we try to resucitnte the dead and forget the chain of years that we have forged between then and now. The long walk, the day's hunting, the night's dance, the cold bath, and the hair hour's swim, the imprudent food, and the reck less exposure to the sun and the rain, the wind and the snow all these things are amoug the buried dead of our possibilities, and we mufti accept them as memories only, never again to be living facts. Aud why not bury the remembrance of past pains, past enmities, of the quarrel that has been verbally made up, the offence once offered and since atoned for? Some people never bury these things. They say that they forgive, but they keep their dead displeasure, as ttic dwarfs kept Bosercd's pretty body, with a glass window iu the coffin, by which they could look iu and walch her whenever thev idiosc. No; there is uo good in that. Coflius with glnss windows in. them arc a mistake. Let us bury tho d&ad things of life deep iu good honest soil, plant flowers on them.Jso that the place where they lie shall not be barren nor disfigured ; make of each mistake, each sad experience, a means for future good and truth and beauty; and go on always on till we come to the end, when we ourselves shall be among the dead and buried, some of us remaining as beautiful remembrances, ever cn hrincd in honor and delight; gome of us standing out in the backward vista, as but sorrowful mistakes, like blind creatures who have miss ed Iheir way; or children of sorrow, bi ought up under the hard tutelage of pain, and never suffered to escape the hand of that stern teacher, that cruel monitor. Queen. 1 Won Once Yoimp, It is an excellent thing for all who ore engaged in giving instruction to young people, frequently to call to mind what they were themselves when young. This practice is one of the most likely to impart patience and forbearance, and to correct un reasonable expectations. At one period of my life, when instructing three young people to write, I found them, as I thought, unusually stupid. I happened at this time to look over the contents of an old copj- book, written by me when a boy. The thick upstrokes, Ihe awkward join ings of the letters, and the blots in the book, made mc completely ashamed of myself, and 1 could, at that moment, have burned the book in the fire. The worse, however, I thought of mysolf, the better I thought of my backward scholars; I was cured of my unreasonable ex pectation, and became in future doubly patient and forbearing. In teaching youth, remember that you once were young, aud in reproving their youthful errors, endeavor to call to mind vour own. OIU School l!cipllnc. There were two curious b"l3 of discipline nt that school ; one. that whenever a boy committed a grave offense every boy of the school was made a parly to it, and a 'penitential letter was written homo by every boy precisely in the same terras. Here-is an instance: One night, as wo followed the ushers, two-uud-two, down a passage from the school-room to our bed-room, Will- nun gam to me, "ueorge, 1 liatothat usher fellow." "So do I," I said. "I shall spit on his back," said he. "Please don't,'' wild I, "we shall both be strapped." Strapping was administered with a piece of carriage-trace, with the buckle-boles in it, through which the air rushed as the strap descended on the hand. "I shall spit on his back," said he, and, as I expected, the usher having, I suppose, heard whispering, turned round, and William was caught iu the act. The next morning, uftcr due personal treatment ol the lead ing culprit by n process more pain ful than strapping, we were all drawn up in single file in the school room, and everv bov. older niwl younger, had to write from dicta tion, and then to copy from his slate on a sheet of letter-paper, tho letter following (letters then cost 81 each): "My Dear Parents We have committed a great bin. For William Deiiisou spat on the ushcr'tf back as we went to bed. I remain, ourafl'ectionate son, Arthur Shirt." There were four Shirt brothers iu the school Arthur, Lionel, Fred erick and Augustus Shirt. I draw I Vfll nrnfllin Inni:.,,.,. ...! ...... ious of the Shirt parents upon opening the four letters, price 2s Sd. The like thing happened again while I wa3 there, upon the occasion of buying npplc-tnrts from an olrt woman over the playground-wall. In this case flic sin was of a nioro general character, but, as in the other case, was made timvcreal : "My Dear Parents We hove com mitted a great sin. For we havo bought apple -tarts without the leave of the master, when we have plenty to cat, and that of fhc best quality. I remain," etc. The othrr point of discipline was that every boy who had not conducted himself well during the week had no mill ion pie on Saturday. Xovr, this gave the mutton pic a moral eleva tion which, iu its own nature, it did not deserve, bciii composed of what wns left on the plates tho pre ceding days oftbeweek. William had been at school at Fsber, with our elder brothers Efcclyu and Ed ward; before Sunbury. There, ono Sunday moruiug, having lost his hal, he was made to walk to school in a straw coal-scuttle bonnet of ono of tho doughlers of the house. The woys of discipline are various. Arch Deacon Denison's "JVofe of My Life" J I'vII or.'o-lj. AVe have known a contrary so ciety which withered away to noth ing under the dry rot of gossip. Friendships once firm as granite, dissolved fo jelly, and then ran away to water, only because or this ; lovo that promised a future as en duriug ns heaven nnd us staple as truth, evaporated into a morning mist that turned to a day's long tears, only because or this; a father and son were set foot to foot with the fiery breath of anger that would never cool ogoin between them; and a husband and his young wife, each straining at the heated lash, which in the beginning had btcn the golden bondage of God's bless ed love, sat mournfully by the grave where all their love and all their joy lay buried and all of this. I have seen faith trans formed to mean doubt, joy givo place fo grim despair, and charity lake on itself the features or black malevolence, because or the 6mall words of scuudal, and the magic mutteringsof gossip. Great crimes work wrongs aud deeper tragedies of human life spring from the largo passious; but woeful and most mournful arc the uncatalogued tragedies that issue from gossip and detraction; most mournful the ship wreck often made of noble nature- and lovely lives by the bitter wind and dead salt waters of slaudcr. So easy fo say, yet so hard to dis provethrowing on the iniiocen all the burden and strain of demon strating their innocence, and pun ishing them as guilty ir unable tc pluck out the stings they can no see, aud lo silence words they never hear gossip and slander arc the deadliest and crudest weapons mai has ever forged for his brother's heart. It is one of the advantages of keeping good stock that not only is more llcsh gained for tho quantity oT food consumed, and a better qualiu of flesh produced, but the waste iij the shape of offal is greatly reduced The short-horn heifer Miriam, bret" by Mr. J. Stratton, which wa awarded the first prize for best fe male at the butchers' show at Isling ton, England, last yctr, wcighn alive 1,808 pounds, giving over 7". pounds dressed to the 100 pound, live weight. Perhaps there is no other animal than a very good short horn that would dress so well.aud an instance so well authenticated as this shows the value not ouly ofthe breed, but of good feeding as well. Al a collection made at a charily fair, a lady offered the plate to a rich man well-known for his stiugi ncss. " I have nothing," was the curt reply. "Then take something, sir," said the lady; "you know I am begging for the poor." A Boston young man married against the wishes of his parent? and in telling a friend how to brcs the news to them, said: "Tell thei first that I am dead, and gent" work up to the climax." i