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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1878)
w ' Mk"p " "'''. mmix 1 1 in m 111 $i i Wm n I'. IJWtlW l itW" - THE JOURNAL. THE JOURNAL. RATES OF ADV ERTIS I N G Space. Ito I'tc into Sm 1; r IcoPinn $l--'.oi j ?. ?-JT. fST :7to7ltCt is issuj:d evxuy Wednesday, f M. K. TURNER. & CO., Proprietors and Publishers. H " 3.00 1 12 1 1.1 2 ' IW 9 f (NUi minis llwpsiL in .TV tJ 20 ,5 i" .; W2. 10 t? t K ' I I inches 0.00 ;Vii 7.M "Ml" in I 4.r) G.7. 10 li -:o:- 1 " 1.S0 -'.23 4 f j Ruslnej and profeional cards ten line or less wpaco, per annum, ts-n do' lars. Lesral advertisements at statute rates. Local notices ten cents a line first insertion, live cent a lino each Hiih-efiuent insertion. Advcrtismcnts elall?ed : pec!nl notices five cents a line firt insertion, three cents a Una each iiuhscuuent Insertion. ESTOffice In the JOURNAL building, Eleventli-ft Columbus, Xcu. ' , Tkcms Per year, $2. Slx'montbsl. Three month?, W)c. nglc copies, 5c. VOL. IX.-3STO. 27. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1878. WHOLE NO. 443. l t- I f - T i j: CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. ALVIX Sacnders. U. S. Senator. Omaha. A. S. Paddock, U. S. Senator, Beatrice. Fkank WklcH, Reprc6cntative,Norfolk. STATE DIRECTORY: Silas GAitnmt, Governor, Lincoln. Rruno Tzchuck, Sccrcury of State. J. 11. "Veton. Auditor, Lincoln. J. C. IcRrid. Treasurer, Lincoln. Geo. II. Robert, Attorney-General. S. R. Thompson. Supt. Public Instxuc. II. C. Dawoon, Warden of Penitentiary. Z'Z GouW' on Inspectors. Dr. J. . Davis, Prison Physician. H. P. Matbe W6on, Supt. I u sane Asylum. JUDICIARY: Daniel Gantt. Chief Justice, UoorRe B. Laks,l AHBOcJato Judges. 8. Maxwell, 1'UtIRTII JUDICIAL HISTKICT. O. "VV. Pofct,.IudRi, YorH. 2d. It. Reese, District Attorney, AVahoo. LAND OFFICERS: E. AY. Arnold. Reenter, Grand Inland. Win. Anyan, Receiver, Grand Inland. COUNTY DIRECTORY: J. O. lli!jins County Judc. John StaunVr. Count Clerk. V. Kumnier, Treasurer. ltnj. Splelman, Sheriff.,. It. L. Roilter, Surveyor. It. II. Henrv, j "Win. Blnedorn CountvCommhtloncrs. John Walker, J Dr. A. Hcintz, Coroner. S. L. Barrett, Supt. of Schools. S. S. McARMer,) TPtjCP0r thePcaee. Bvron Millett, f "'""'C0801 l,,el cacp Charles Wake, Constable. CITY DIRECTORY: A. Spnice, 31ayor. John Srhram, Clerk. John J. Kickly, Marshal. J. W. Early, TreiHurer. S. S. McAliintcr, Police Judc. J. G. Routnou, Engineer. codncilmkn: 1st Hard-,T. E. North, E. Pohl. 2d irorJ-E. C. Kav.innugh. C. E. Morwe. 8rf 11'ard-E. J. Baker. E. A. Gcrrard. Columbus Ioxt Ofllce. Opon on Sundays tr.m 11 a.m. to 12 m. and from J:S0 to C p. v. Business hours t-xcept Sunday C a. M. to 3 p. si. astern mails close at 11:20 a. M. Western mails cIobc at 4:20 P.M. ilail leaves Columbus for Mndisou and, on Tuesdays, Thurdays and Haturdavn, 7 a. si. Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, .1 P. St. For Monroe," Genoa. Waterville aud Al bion, dally except Sundaj C a. Si. Ar rive, tame, 0 P.M. For Summit, Ulysso and Crete. Mon days and Thursdays, 7 A. si. Arrives Wednesdays, and Saturdays, 7 p. Si. For Bclluvillu. Osceola and York, Tiics dars, Thursdays Hud Saturdays, 1p.m. Arrives t 12 si. For Wtir, Farral and Battle Creek, Mondavs and Wednesdays, t a. SI. Ar rives Tuesdays and Fridays at U P. Si. For Shell Creek, Nebo, Crcston and Stuulou, on Mondays at 7 A.M. Ar-j-ies Tuesdavs C r. M. For Duid Citv, Tuesday. Thursdnvs and Saturday's, 1 P. M Arrives, at 12 M. U. I. Time Tabic. Krnlgraut,, leaves at ljisseni;'r, 4, " " Freight, 8, " ? rolcht. " 10, Waticarxl Hound. Freight, No. 5, leaves at C:2o a. m. 11:00 a. 2:15 p. 4:30 a. in. m. m. in. in. 2:00 p. 4:12 n. Fasscng'r, " 3, FniRht. M !. Emigrant. 7. .4 it (:00 p.m. 1:00 a. m. Evorv dav except Saturday the three lines leading to Chicago .connect with U. P. tratiu at Omaha. On Saturdays there will be but one train a -day, a shown bv the following sctieiiuie: ft'X-N. W. 1 7thand2Sth ' (C. Jt N. W. 1 7th a . h, 11. .v. Q. Y nth (C, R. 1. & P.) 21st b'ept CH.&O. 1 otn h It. I. & P.V 12th In. x- v. v mtli nth and 2Cth. Oct (C, R. I. & P.) 2d and 23d 4N. W. ) !Uh and .TOth K IL.tQ. 16th Nov 'th and 28th. Dec JC, R. I. A- I'S 14th C. & N. W. J 21st I I SA'ROICrV. HAYING EMPLOYED Mr. A. A. 1'IUOS, of III., a tirst-classldack-emlth, Is now prepared to do all kind of whoh and blacksmith work. Will make new bupgic, wagons, etc., or mend old ones, and repair nil kinds of ma chinery. Custom work a specialty Good work, promptly to promise, and cheap. Call at the sign of the horse shoe, Olive street, opposite Charles Morse's stable. 429-.".m JUmmotW ft0Ir. Formerly Pacific House. This popular house has been newly Refitted and Furindied. Meal. Day Board per week, Board and Lodging, 35cts. $4.00. .... 5 and ?G. Good Livery and Feed Stable in con nection. SA TISFA CTIOX O UAJiANTEED. JOHN nAMMOND, Proprietor. CENTRAL NORMAL SCHOOL, Cenoa, Pawnee Reservation, Neb. Term begins September 1878. Three departments viz: I. Common School. 2. Normal School, 3. Classical. Thorough instruction given in all branches by able and experienced teach ers. Opportunities afforded teachers to acquire experience in the school room. Large building aud first-class accommo dation. For prospectus. &c, jipplv to C. D. Rakestuaw. A. M., Principal 432- Genoa, Nebraska. $rrris not easily earned in these times, but it can be made iff in thrco months by .anyone of either sex. in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily av the employment tLt vre furnish. $66 per week in your own town. You need not be away from home, over night. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are making over $20 per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made so easily and rapidly at any other busi ness. It costs nothing to try the busi ness. Terms and $5 Outfit fre'e. Address at once, IT. Hm.ltt & Co., Portland, MaiP"- 375-v. I - BUSINESS CAEDS Ir. .1. S. McAl'LISTEIt, S' URGEON AND MEDICINAL DEN- tist. Office on 12th St., three doors east of Schwz's boct and shoe store. Columbus, Neb. Photograph Rooms In connection with Dental Ofiice. 215.y HUGH HUGHES, CARPENTER, JOINER AND CON TRACTOR. All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Kefers to the many for whom he has done work, as to prices and quality. 2G4. -W: A.. CLAJRIC, Il-WiM fli Engineer COLUMBUS, NEB. 402-12 T S.CHRISTISON,M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, EST-For one vcar a RESIDENT-PHYSICIAN to the ,KW YORK CITY HOSPITALS, Rlackwell's Island, N.Y. Oflice on 1 1th St., next to the Joukxal. Miluagc ."0 ct. Mediriues furnished. ?a. iVEisu."n.i;ii, WILL repair watches and clocks In the best manner, and cheaper than it can be done in any other tow n. Work left with Saml. Gass, Columbia, on 11th street, one door cast of 1. UluckN store, or witlrMr. Weiscnfluh at Jackson, will be promptly attended to. Jlfl. NKLSOX MIM.KTT. UYKON MILLETT, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. IV. SIII.I.ETX A: .SOIV, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Columbus, Nebraska. N. B. They will give cloo attention to all business entrusted to them. 21S. RYAN & DEG-AN. T WO doors cast of I). Ryan's Hotel on llth street, keep a large stock of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, And everything usually kept at a flrst elass bar. 41 1-x P0U SALE OR TRADE ! MARES S COLTS, Teams of Hordes or Oxen, SA!)!)!.!!: I0;ia:S, wild or broke, at the Curnil of 42 GERRARD & ZEIGLER. D0LAND & SMITH, DRTTG-G-ISTS, "Wliolosalo and Retail, VTERRASKA AYE., opposite City 1 Hall, Columbus, Nebr. KSLow prices aud fine goods. Prescript inns and family recipes a specialty. 417 STAGE BIOJJTE. JOHN Hl'RER, the mail-carrier be tween Columbus nnd Albion, will leave Columbus everj'day except Sun day at 0 .iVlock, sharp, p:issing througli Monroe. Genoa, Wat.rille, and to Al bion The hack will call at cither of the Hotels for passengers if orders are left at the post-oilice. Rates reason able, $2 to Albion. 222.1 y Columbus Meat Market! "WEBER &KNOBEL, Prop's. KEEP ON HAND all kinds ofrpMi jineals. and smoked pork and beef; also fresh lish. Make sausage a spec ialty. JST'Remember the place. Elev enth St., one door west of D. Rvan's hotel. 417-tf IMf" Jlcnt Zlnrltct. lVjLshington Ave, nearly oppwitc Court House OWING TO THE CLOSE TIMES, meat will be sold at this market low, low down for cam I. Rest steak, per lb., 10c. Rib roast, " . ..8c. Roil, i. . .. Cc. Two cents a pound more than the above prices will be, charged on time, and that t6 good responsible parties only. 207. J. A- 33 AJKJSR, Dealer in Boots, Shoes," Hats, Caps AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 2fcbrsu:ka A t c, opp. Clother House. ISTCash Paid for Furs. 58S DOCTOR B0NESTEEL, U. S. EXAMIIVIIVG SURGEON, COLUMBUS, : NEBKASKA. OFFICE HOURS, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. Office on Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of E. J. Uaker's grain ofiice. Residence, corner Wyoming and "Walnut streets, uorth Columbus, Nebr. -iltt-tf HENRY GASS, UNDERTAKER, KEEPS ON HAND ready-made and Metallic Coffins, "Walnut TIcture "Frames. Mends Cane Scat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black Wal nut Lumber. 7uiStts Ave. c;;j& CW. Zczzt, C:hrta, !To OTT, SKLLS All kinds of MUSICAL IISTR1HIITS Books, Stationery, Cand j--and (lean. ONE DOOi: NOBTH OF l'OST- OFFICE. 400-tf &k mi:: aud saddles J. C. PARKER, Proprietor. I7XRST door north of Hammond nousc ? and feed stable, opposite the .old post-office- Good work andhf best material at low prices, is the motto. Satisfaction given or no sale. Repairing done promptly. tSTFine harness and carriage trimming, a specialty. Call and examine for yourselves. 40$ in. -w. B5-w wT Itr. E. Ij. SIGGirVS, Physician and Surgeon. I270fllee open at all hours. Bank Building. DoBt Yon Ret," For if you do you will lose money by purchasing an expensive Wind Mils, when you can buy one of J. O. Shannon for about one-haif the money that any other costs. Call on J. O. Shannon, on 11th street, oppo'site Mahlon Clothcr's store. Columbus, Neb. 411-15 TTEXItY G. GABEW, Attorney and Counselor at Law, COLUMBUS, NEBItASKA. Formerly a member of the English attention to all bar: will 4 t-k 1 K, IUUIIIIIV ri trt fi-i tt business entrusted to him in this and adjoining counties. Collections made. Office one door cast of Schilz' shoe store, cornerof olive-.and 12th Streets. Spricht Deutch. Parle Francais. 418-tf G0LO1I WSL YAi, (One mile west of Columbus.) THOMAS FLYNN A SON, Propr's. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK jVl-wnys on. ITancl In. QUANTITIES to suit PURCHASfillS n, i-tr BERNARD McTEGQART, BLACKSMITH, Js prepared to do all kinds of black- smithiug in a workmanlike manner, and will guarantee to give satisfaction. He makes HORSE -SHOEING A SPECIALTY, and In this branch of the trade will ac knowledge no peers. Porsons having lame horses from bad shoeing will do well to bring them to him. He only asks for a trial. All kinds of repairing done to order. 440-3m FARMRKS! BE OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the low prices of your products dis courage you, but rather limit your cx pciucs to your resources. You can do so by stopping at the new home of your fcllo'w fanner, where you can find good accommodations cheap. For hav for team for one night and day, 25 cts. A room furnished with a cook stove and bunks, in connection with the stable free. Those wishing can be accommo dated at the house of the undersigned at the following rates: Meals 2-" cents; beds 10 cents. J. R. SEN ECAL, i mile, cast of Gerrard's Corral. CALIFORNIA WINES! 2ci ssd Wiite, $155?S1.75 A GALLON -AT- SAML. (JASS'S, Eleventh Street. Farm for Sale. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY acres i f excellent farm land in Rut ler County, near Patron P. O., about equi-distniit from three County Seats David City, Columbus aud Schuyler; 00 acres under cultivation; f acres of trees, maple, Cottonwood, tc: good frame house, granary, stable, sheds. Sic. Good stock range, convenient to water. The place is for sale or exchange for property (house and a few acres) near Columbus. Inquire at tin Joukxal office, or address the undersigned at Patron P. O. 403 JOHN TANNAniLL. LUERS&SCH11ELBER Blacksmitb and Wagon Maker. All kinds of repairing done at short notice. Wagons, Buggies, Ac, fcc, made to order. All work warranted. Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter sal, Columbus, Nebraska. " .".V2 CO LVMUVS Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAN, Proprietor. Wholesald and Retail Dealer in Foreign Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS, DOUBLIN STOUT, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES. XSTKentucl-y "Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS, In their season, J3Y TUE CASE, CAX Oil .DISU, llth Street, South of Dopot, WM. BECKEE, tDEALER IJJ( GROCERIES, Grain, Prodnce, Etc." l NEW STORE, NEWGOODS. Goods delivered Free of Charge, anyichcre in the city. Corner of 13th and Madison Sts. North of Foundry. 397 tffl&iSMK&r s2! (MMsaiFairl AIIOU'JT HEIGHTS. Hermits arc not so plentiful now us they were in former nj;es, but they are, nevertheless, to be found occasionally, and when found are always objects of common interest. What induces these people to abau don the haunts of civilization is often a matter of deep mystery, but the cause is generally to be "found insome. abnormal condition of the mind producing an aversion' to so ciety and a corresponding love for solitude. Ilermits arc, quite fre quently learned men, and in some instances have distinguished them selves by brilliant public service before retiring to caves and hidden places. The Duke of Savoy is the most notable example of this kind. After a glorious reign, lasting many vuiue, aim siguaiizeu oy unusual ability, he withdrew fiomthc world and finished his life as an anchorite. The "Roxbtiry Hermit," an English man of noble blood -and an accom plished naturalist, was a noted recluse, cast in the most eccentric mold. His visit to this country, uiiriy years ago, win be well re membered. In America, the peculiar nature of our society and country has been favorable to the production of her mits. "While with us 'business is fast aud fortunes are rapidly made, reverses arc couallv sudden. If misfortunes, like death, come grad ually, their terrors are lost, and we meet them with resignation; but if they befall us suddenly and without warning we grumble at fate and feel that we are spcciid objects of divine wrath. To such abrupt disappoint ments mote than other cause:!, is attributable that morbid condition of the brain which embitters the mind and prompts the melancholy man to hide himself in "Some forlorn and naked hermitajre. Remote from all the pleasures of the world." The great majority of hermit-lives are undoubtedly induced by ill suc cessful business enterprise; some become morose from bad luck in love and hide themselves, while "others are born with a desire to bo let alone and with nature. A re markable case was recently reported from Western Xow York of a sin gular individual, only forty years of age, who had lived for twenty-two years in a hut by himself. There appears to be no motive for his sin gular seclusion beyond a desire to be alone. He never makes his .nn- penrance, except when forced by .necessity and then only for the briefest possible time. It is related that even in his earliest childhood his parents found it almost imprac ticable to keep him away, from lone and dismal places, so over-mastering was his mania for solitude. This mania is much stronger with some hermits than with others. Many content themselves with a partial abandonment of the. world, returning on periodical occasions, and once in a while communing with their fellow-men. Some seek absolute and uninterrupted solitude, and shrink from their kind with ap parent loathing and fear. A case of this latter kind came to light a short time ago, on Long Island, where a party of hunters found a German underground hermit. lie had hid den himself so ingeniously that even close neighbors had not discovered his presence. When discovered he shrank away, refusing to look at or speak to his visitors. A Connecticut hermit retired to a cave-dwellin", with )?10,000. He lives alone, with his money around him, counting it daily and returning it to some secret recc6s in his place of abode. "When torccd by necessity he sallies out for food, but always under cover of darkness, and to some place where few can see him. A Pennsylvania gentleman had' a brother whom he had not heard from for forty years, and had long since placed "him on the dead list. A few weeks ago, while on a visit to Connecticut Hjc discovered his long-lost brother, living the life of a hermit. He had been there during the entire forty years. The most peculiar hermit story, however, which we have heard in a long time, comes from the state of Arkansas. Whilesonic Pike county hunters were out on the chase re cently, they came to a little stone cabiiirudely built with cement, aud set down in a deep gorge, almost entirely shut in by overhanging hills on cither side. Inside they discovered an old man, who, after much persuasion, was induced to come out and talk with his discov erers. Around his head was tied an old piece of black cloth, doubtless the remnant of a worn-out garment, that was being made to do service for a hat. His beard was of prodi gious length and white as the driven snow. He was poofly attired, in linsey shirt and brown jeans pants, of antique pattern and badly worn. He stood in the doorway distrust fully for a long time, but was fiually persuaded to come out and talk with the hunters. He walked with a rude 6tick, leaning upon it for support, and, upon invitation, seat ed himself on one of the huge rocks that lay near the entrance to the cabin. Of course the first inquiry was as to who he was, and why ho was Jiving in so peculiar a manner., At first he refused to reply compre hensively to such questions, saying: ''God knows, and that is enough." Througli his Tespdndcs to number of questions.put in various-ways, it was learned, according to his own account, that he was past eighty five years of age, and that he had led the life of a hermit for fifty-five years. He looked fully that old, though apparently hearty and vig orous .for one of such venerable years. The 'hunters continued to ply the old man with questions, and he fiuajly. gaye his name. Having gone thus tar, he grew more cqm rauujeative, and. told a sryof such romantic interest that- ii' is well worth reproduction. His name he, gave as William Waggoner. He was born eighty-five years ago in the county of Kent, England. Hav ing been educated at the Uythe Mil itary School, he entered the army, at the ace of twenty-two years, as Second Licutenaut. He wa? assign ed to service in an East India regi ment, where he spent three years. Obtaining a furlough, lie returned on a visit to his father, who owned a small farm in the immediate vicin ity of Ramsgate, in the county of Kent. Or. this visit ho became ac quainted with a young lady whose miner owned a handsome villa at llamsgate, then, as well, as now, a popular watering place. He Ml desperately in love with her, and laid himself at her feet. She recip rocated, or professed to reciprocate, the warm feeling, and agreed to marry liiin at a future day to be fixed. He did not return to the East Indies, but was promoted to a First Lieutenancy in the Fourteenth Ucgiment of her Majesty's foot ser vice, which was shortly thereafter J 1 A A . uruereu 10 America to take part in chastizing the haughty and defiant Yankees. He came through the lializo with Packenham, and partic ipated in the memorable battle of New Orleans, commanding his com pany and losing eight men killed. He was among the wounded, his left knee being badly shattered. He was taken prisoner and carried to New Orleans. Within a few days it was known that peace had been declared, and Waggoner was free to return to his own country. 15ut the wound on his leg was too severe to aiiuw ins removal, it was more than twelve months before he could stand upon the wounded member. In the meantime, he had heard from home. The lady who had promised to be his forever had married anoth er. He was devotedly attached to her, and even during the most pain ful period of his afiliction, had written to her, vowing eternal love. She continued to write to him al most to the day of her marriage. Tho shock was too great for him. The knowledge of her perfidy con tinually prayed on his mind, and he resolved never to return to England. Without delay he forwarded a res iirnation of his position in the army. At that time he was twenty-eight years of age. He resolved to cast his fortunes among the people of New Orleans. Deing an accom plished civil engineer and surveyor, he established himself in that busi ness on a street at that time known as Exchange Place. Here he so far forgot his troubles that he became infatuated with another lady, a Cre ole girl of surpassing beautv, to whom he offered his hand and heart. She favored his suit and pledged her love, but in lime, like his English sweetheart, proved untrue and wedded another. lie had long sus pected the heartlcssness of the fe male sex and this last act of treach ery convinced him that the vows of women "were traced in sand." After this a deep and permanent melancholy settled upon him, and in his desperation he determined to leave the walks of civilization and plunge into the mi trod wilderness of the vast southwest. This was in the days before steamboats, and he took passage on one of theflut-boats that then plied up and down the Father of Waters. He went, half unconscious, not knowing whither he was goiug. He wandered up and down the Mississippi for a long period, without aim or purpose'. Finally he found himself ashore a few miles below Natchez, the guest of a squatter who had made his pio neer home in the tangled thickets of the great bottom. Here Waggoner's life as a hermit began. He lived with the settler for six years, assist ing in the tillage of a corn and veg etable patch around the lone cabin, and hunting the dense swamp and the hills beyond for game. For weeks he would disappear from his friend's hospitable roof and slept in the woods, burying himself in the voiceless solitude of the unexplored forest, and living upon such gnmeas he chose to bring down with his rifle. During these six- years he never spoke to a mortal soul, save his pioneer friend and family. The year 1S27 found him still there. In the fall of that year the yellow fever appeared on the Gulf coast with unusual violence, rapidly traveling up the Mississippi and its tributaries, and decimating the river villages and spreading terror among the set tlements. One day Waggoner's friend was taken with the fever, and went to bed in delirium. His wife speedily followed, and then the two children. Waggoner nursed them as best he kuew how, and a distant neighbor came to assist. But in ten days the humble squatter and his wife and children were sleeping their last sleep, and the ill-starred ex-Lieutenant found himself alone in the world. Providence seems to have reserved him for another fate, for he went through the plague sea son unscathed. He resolved to seek new fields of enterprise, and reso lutely struck out alone in a north westerly direction. After ten days' travel through the wilderness with out meeting a human being, he came to the Quachita river. Here he in tercepted a party of explorers, who oflcred to take him on a voyage of land inspection up that stream. They proceeded northward about 300 miles. It was then in the midst of winter, and the weather being unusually cold for that latitude, the explorers concluded tp go into camp until the atmosphere became more genial. This was at a spot near where the town of Camden is now situated. Here Waggoner left his traveling companions. He found association with his kind irksome and repulsive, and one day, in obe dience to an uncontrolable impulse, he suddenly walked away and never more laid eyes on his new-made acquaintances. He pursued his way in a westerly direction, traveling slowly aud at his pleasure, resting in the hollows of trees aud building fires when the weather was too se vere. After several weeks' wander ing he came to tho Itcd river, at Fulton Sheals, and here ho saw the first people he had beheld since leaving the Qunchitar A scttlcmcut of white people had been made here, and he endeavored to assimilate himself again to the society of his fellow-meu. He had a ceaseless desire to be alone, how ever, and ho resolved to seek some secluded spot where he could com mune undisturbed with nature. He retraced his steps eastward, and, after three days' travel, made a de tour to the northward, encountering a broken, mountainous country, aud barren of luxurious vegetation, but full of game aud beautiful streams. Here he found a place that suited him a deep shadowy canyon, darkened by overhanging dill's, and cooled by perpetual breezes that swept through the nar row pass. It was the place where the hunters had found him. Here, forty-five years before, when the surrounding country for hundreds of miles was a howling wilderness, the melancholy wander er had built the little stone cabin which still stood there. It was a rude btructure, twelve or fourteen feet square, and gray with mold of time. Not a change had been made in it since it was first erected, save the roof, which had been renewed a number of times, as occasion re quired. No light could penetrate the interior except such as went in at the opened door or strangled through tho crevices between the irrcgularly-slmncd rocks that com posed the walls. In this hut Wag gouer had lived for upward of forty years. For many years alter he first settled in this strange spot, he did not see a single human being, living upon the iisli he caught and the animals he trapped, and utilizing the skius of the latter for such cov ering as was necessary for the bod v. The first settlement made anywhere near him was where the town of Washington is now situated, forty miles to the southward. This place he visited about forty years ago,-but quickly retired to his solitary cabin. About that time another settlement. was made about ten miles below him. Ho had been in the habit ol making yearly visits to this point to barter such hides and peltries as he might secure during the year for little necessaries in the way of food and clothing. He had never heard from England since his departure from New Orleans, lie did not have a book. He had occasionally picked up an old newspaper in his iambics through the country. The floor o' his cabin was covered with skins of wild animals. This was his only furniture. He owned noth ing but two rude cooking utensils, a small supply of fishing-tackle and an old-fashioned rifle, which he had bought twenty-five years ago. His ignorance of current and modern events was singular, not to uay amusing. He could not give the name of the present President. He knew there had been a war of some sort in this country, but had no idea of how it had been settled. Ho had never heard of the Atlantic cable, nor of the electric telegraph. Rail roads he. had heard of, but did not think such things existed. He did not know whether he lived in a State or Territory, nor did he care to know. Subsequent inquiry among tiie 6cttlers who lived nearest to the old man showed that his story of his titty years' isolation was entirely truthful. He was rarely seen by any of the faw people who lived around, and his desire to be alone was so well known that no one ever intruded upon him. Ho was regard ed as a harmless, crazy old man. Few persons know the location of Ins cabin, and none had ever enter ed it. When he had not been seen for a long time, some neighbor would go to his door to sec that he did not sutler for want of attention. He had never been known to con verse with any one, except when he went to barter. A few years ago he grew sick, aud was visited by neighbors, though he did not speak to them, except in monosylla bles, and refused to let any one cuter his cabin. The country round about is sparsely settled", the land being poor, and ottering few inducements for settlement. Neighbors live four and five miles apart, and the old hermit is four miles removal from any other human habitation. He select ed a fit place for solitary life. He is undoubtedly the most remarkable hermit in the United States, aud the history ofhi3 eccentric life would furnish material for a splendid ro mance. &l. Louis Globe-Democrat. Nlieep V;lue aud Irofit. Keep sheep for the following rea sons: First. They are very profitable both for wool and mutton. Second. They speedily enrich the land over which they range. Third. Their number increases with rapidity when properly cared for and protected, and they will thus make the owner rich in a few years. Fourth. A German agriculturist has carculated, that the droppings from 1,000 sheep during a single night would manure an acre of ground for any crop. By using cheap portable fences moving the same from place lo place a farmer may manure his outlying fields with sheep at less cost than the hauling and spreading of ordinary manure. Filth. A great deal of the most valuable manure may also be made by a cheap and easy system of night folding on well-littered yard and in sheds, which should always be erected on the range to protect the flock against sudden and severe changes in the weather. Virginia Valley Farmer. Young men should pattern after pianos be square, upright, grand. Hov ISojn J2tty Succeed In Ijllc. "A Poor ISoy" inquires what oc cupation it is best for him to follow, and how can he best succeed in life. The choice of an occupation de pends partly upon individual pref erence, and partly upon cfrcum staiices. It may be that you are debarred from entering upon that business for which you are beat adapted. In that case, make the best choice in vour power. Apply yourself faithfully and earnestly to whatever you uudertake, and you cannot well help achieving at least a moderate success. Patient appli cation sometimes leads to great results. You emphasize the fact of your being a poor boy, but this afford; no grounds of discouragement. Not only many, but most of our success ful business and professional men were trained in the hard school of penury. Stowart, Vanderbilt and John Jacob Astor struggled upward from a youth of poverty. A well known Member of Congress assured the writer that at the age of nine teen he was a flat boat man on the Mississippi River. The obscure be ginnings of Abraham Lincoln are familiar to all Americans. Yet more remarkable was the rise of President Andrew .IoIiuhou, who did not learn lo read and write till alter he was tweuty-one. So nu merous arc similar cacs that it almost seems as if Poverty, instead of being a hindrance, were a posi tive help. Rich boys are often spoiled, and thiir energies sapped and mideruiiucd, by luxurious hab- its, the too free use of money, and t ne lack ol that discipline which comes from indigence. As an element of success great stress must be laid upon incorrupti ble integrity, which of late vears is unfortunate!' too rarely found. A business man once said to the writer: "1 can find plenty of smart young men to work for me. What I want is an honest clerk, whom I can im plicitly trust." Scarcely a day passes in which some defalcation is not brought to light. Wide -spread misery often results from the lax principles of some young man placed in a posi tion of trust. Let our young cor respondent resolve that he will live on bread and water rather tliau ap propriate a penny that is not his own. Let him imitate the stern integrity of John Quincy Adams, who would not write a private let ter upon Government paper, but provided a separate stock of sta tionery for such uses. A boy or man who establishes a reputation tor strict honesty will not remain out of employment. Don't give up all your time to business. Reserve a pari, if only an hour daily, for reading and mental improvement. If Abbott Lawrence had been familiar only with the details of his business lie would never have received the appoint ment .of Minister to England, a place which he filled with credit to himsell and to Ins country. Some men prominent in business have found time also for a wide and varied course of reading, which made them agreeable aud instruc tive companions. Once at a dinner party an eminent clergyman made an incorrect historical allusion, and was at once set right by a quiet merchant who sat beside him. Last of all, remember that you owe a debt to humanity. Try to live and labor so that the world may be richer aud mankind the happier for your having lived. A great in ventor, a great philanthropist. leaves a legacy to his race. Who can esti mate the incalculable debt of the world to the inventor of printing, of the steam-engine, of the tele graph? Who will deny that Wash ington, Franklin, John Howard, helped to make the world better than they found it? How long will the memory of Scott, of Dickens, of Thackeray live in the fund of inno cent pleasure which their work3 are destined to afford for generations to come! All cannot attain their celebrity or emulate their great achievements, but no one is so hum ble that he cannot promote in some degree the happiness of those around him. A good mother, when her son was leaving the home of his child hood and going out into the great world, knowing that he was ambi tious, gave him thi3 parting in junction : 'My son, remember that though it is a good thing to be a great man, it is a great thing to be a good man." No sounder or truer words were ever spoken. A great man may dazzle, but a good man is a beacon shining afar, by whose beneficent light a multitude are enabled to walk in safety. The best success is often achieved by the humblest, and an obscure life, well-spent, is better than a wicked renown. JVew York Weekly. Many people take no care of their money till they have come nearly to the end of it, and thm do the same with their time. Their best days they throw away let them run like sand through the fingers as long as they think they still have a countless number of them to spend ; but when they find their days flow ing rapidly away, 60 that at last they have very few left, then they will at once make a vory wise use of them ; but unluckily they have by that time no notion how to do it. "Sweets to the sweet," said a young man on passing the syrup to a young lady seated at one of our hotel fables. "And beets to the beat," remarked the lady, shoving a disji of that vegetable toward the young man. For some reason the observation cast a settled gloom o'er a countenance that just before was radiant with smiles. A Romance of tlic Jlordcr. There passed down on the train the other day an aged but smart looking lady belweeu GO and 70 years of age, having with her a child about two years old, wli09e dark complexion unmistakably be tokened Indian origin and naturally excited somo curiosity. Tho lady was communicative and told a story filled with romuueo. Shoawaswid dow, with an only son living in Connecticut. Her bov crew to bo a young inan; and filled with alovo of adventure, he forsook the paren ral roof and came West. Ilia rov iugs led him to Rismark, Dakota Territory, where he bepamo inter ested with Indian traders and final ly married the daughter of a chief, tho fruit of the union being one child. At length in an engagement with the hostilcs tho young man was killed. The sad ncw3 iu due time reached hi3 mother. She was almost disconsolate in her grief. With true maternal allection she at once resolved to search for her son's child, and, if possible, iind it an object upou which she might be stow her care aud motherly love. Forthwith she journeyed to Minne sota. The difficulties in the way formed no barrier to her New Eng land energy. Her diligent inquiries along the Northern Racific railroad brought to her acquaintance a man who had known her son. For $50 he ottered to find the squaw who had been the sou's wife. Without going into details of the search it is sufficient to say that the tribe of In dians was found, and with it tho squaw and child. When the 1-idy first saw her graudchijd she thought she could discern in his features a resemblance to her son, but when the little one was in the midst ol a number of Indian children, it was Hard lo discover much difference. Nevertheless, tho grandmother of the dusky little half-breed was bout on having him brought up under the gentle influence ol Connecticut civilization, and she quieted her compunctions or bartering in human flesh by the exigencies of the case and the gift of six sacks of Hour to the bereaved Indian widow. Tho old lady d parted with her new found treasure, as happy as a boy with a new toy. She fondled the little Sioux with indescribable affec tion, and the little chap responded by making his doting grandma buy him all the peaches ami pears that the train boy ottered. Tho picture of youth and old ago seldom has more romance done up in a couple than was here presented. I will not be suprising one of these days to hear of that cultivated little savago pulling with the Harvard crew. Ex. TIte Silent XtraHger. A stranger sat iu a corner of tho car hence to New York, in easy at titude, his feet upon a large black trunk. The gentlemanly conductor, going his rounds, at the first station politely informed the stranger that the trunk must be put in tho hay- gag c car. To which the stranger nothing re plied. At the second station the displeas ed conductor, more decidedly, told the stranger that he must put the trunk in the baggage car. To which the stranger nothing re plied. At the third station the vexed conductor more imperatively tohl the stranger that he must put the trunk iu the baggage car, or it would be put off tho train. To which the stranger nothing re plied. At the fourth station the irate conductor had the trunk put ott'aud left. To which the stranger said noth ing. At the fifth station the mollified conductor, addressing the stranger, begged him to remember that he had but done what his duty requir ed and that he had done it only af ter repeated warnings, and that it was solely the stranger fault. To which the stranger lacouicaliy replicd : "Don't care ; 'tain't my trunk I" lVorldiy Wi.tdom. In vain docs man try io content himself with material enjoymeut; the soul recoils dissatisfied with its own pride, self-love and ambition. Rut on the other hand, what a mis erable existence is that of cold, cal culating men, who deceive them selves nearly as much as others, aud who repel the generous inspirations which may be born in the hearts, as a disease o'f imagination which needs to be dissipated to the air. What a poor existence also is that of men, who, not satisfied with do iug evil, treat as folly tho source of those beautiful actions, those great thoughts. The' confine themselves in a tenacious mediocrity; they condemn themselves to that monot ony of ideas, to that coldness of sentiment, which Jet3 the days go by without drawiug from thcui either fruit, progress, or remem brances; and if time did uot wrin kle their features, what marks would they retain of ita passage? If they had not to grow old aud die, what serious reflections would ever enter their minds? A young lady of six summers mail ed into her mother's presence on Sunday last, with the- remark: "Mother, wonders will never cease !" "Why, my dear?" "Why Mr. and Mrs. W. are sitting on the porch, talking just as sweet as though they weren't married I" For of all sad words that ever were written. The saddest are these "I got the mitten." Any man pays too much for his whistle when he has to wet it 15 or 20 times a day.