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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1900)
U K v The Norfolk euas W N UUStt PuUUuhor Kvory KOtV Ih conlo DAILY IXnMlilii 1W ilny except Kmiilny Hy rnrrlor ior liy mnil ornnr wwi MKKKIV KMnlillnliwI ISSt Krory Tliurnln Hy mull lor i oir ttV Kutcrrit nt tlin PoMnlllco nt Norfolk Noli ns tocmul cluff nmttnr ToIpjiIioiio No 22 HEPUULICAN TICKET Hlulo For Governor Uiiaium II DinTiitcn Xr Lteutcnnnt Governor 1C P Havaoio XVh Brorotnry of HtntnOnoiuiM W Maiidii JjrTronsrr William RTititrpitn For Auditor Chaiukr Whston JFor Attorney Oenernl Khank N Inotrr For Iiuitl Coiiiiiilvloiiorlioiuinl ForMKii Vut Btipt of rulitlo Instruction W K Powikr Joint V NitantTi I I It It WINIKIM I ft- r ft tMldntll Klootors vim aiii mil nil I Haour H I lAVllHON JAoonli Jaooiwon John L Krnnithy John jLanubh CoHKrcuHlonul PnrroiiKrniminiiii Third Dlotrlrt JOHN It HAYS Norfolk Tho republican administration Iiiih ofluroil to not as mediator in tho war with tho cotisont of both parties bnt this doos not null tho followH who nro endeavoring to inalto political capital Thoy would UIo tho United States to tfot in troublo with England in South Africa and would thou turn about mid roast tho ovoruniont for HondhiK our boys ovor thoro to bo killuil This was tboir tuotics in regard to Spain Thoy helped force tho United Satos into war and thou found fault continu ally Tho fusionists aro at presont nioro interested in tho Boor English war than they aro in tho Philippine situation Thoy found thenisolvos unablo to enlist tho sympathies of tho pooplo in tho lat ter caso and aro now taking a now tack which will probably result no moro suc cessfully than tho other Tho pooplo of tho United States quite gonorally sym pathize with tho struggle of tho Doors to maintain thoir Korornuiout but thoy would bo less justified in outortaiuiiig n war to assist thorn than they would havo boon in tho samo course in regard to tho Armenians when Turkoy was cut ting thorn down in cold blood and yet no ouo suggested making political cap ital of tho latter condition England Jias uover boon as cruol as Turkoy Tho Fremont Horald boars tostimouy that it need not bo countod in on any fusion deal with tho populists Editor Smails is ovidontly domocratio or noth ing Witness tho following Oou grossmau Stnrk is being congratulated ovor having sbcurod a ponsion for ono of his constituents a Mrs Lydia Strang of Osceola Polk county Neb Tho caso is said to bo ono of tho most intorestiug ponsiou cases that has recoived tho at tention of congress in alougthno ns under tho bill Mrs Strang is pousiouod for tho death of a person who was not rolated to her by blood or marriage Its lucky it is not somo of tho old time machinists working this way people might say tho treasury was brokon into When wo hear of a congressman object ing to a money claim against tho gov ernment by ono of his constituents wo will know tho day of tho populist mil lennium has arrived I Thoro has been much comment by tho World IIorald and other fusion shoots about what they ehooso to term boiler plato aud ready mado editorials appear ing in somo of tho republican papors Hero is somothlng from a papor in thoir own ranks which would indicate that fusion editors nro just as guilty of tho practice as tho republicans Tho ONolll Indopondent says Thoro has beou n growing tondoncy on tho part of many since our party has bocomo firmly established in Nebraska to give up thoir old timo nggressivouoss and originality und to turn their editorial columns ovor wholly or in part to tho nows bureau nt Lincoln nud instoad of voicing Jtheir own eentimouts gleaned by obser vatiou of conditions in thoir own lojal ity thereby furnishing their public sor vants with ml vice and inspiration direct from tho voters to just reverse their positiou nnd with tho nows buroau stuff attempt to train tho sontimout of tho voters by feoding them on tho inn chiuo mado logic of tho oflico holdors by whom tho bureau is conducted Tho fusionists aro not dauuted by anything to mako political capital Suoh a small thing as a war with ouo of the great world powers would not deter them in in tho least and if all tho powers would combine against thorn they would be delighted at tho coun trys predicament because tho repub licans are in power Colonel Bryan aud his ardent ndmhers might be persuaded to enlist with a position as colonel or general ns an inducement but would according to precedent resign and come homo at a mere suggestion of service Should Presideut McKiuley again offer but his mediation to the Boer euvoys in itheir struggle agalust Kuglaud aud not latcedo to all tho requests they come to make ho will be howled at by every big and little popocrat Ho will bo called coward English sympathizer Jmuexialist aud all other pot names srtilch these pnrtiaus may conceive of They will not admit that the president is braver in enduring thpir taunts in bracing himself against the pressure thoy mny bring to bear more patriotic in refusing to lead his countrymen into an entanglomont which would menu war more for peace than for war in refusing tosacritlco Uvea and troasuro in u cause which oven then might not win and Rhowing moro wisdom than tho whole pack of Jlngoos who aro daunted at nothing that may sorvo their political purposes so long as thoir person or property is not endangered Tho Sioux Olty Trlbuno domocratio sizes up tho situation as follows Tho reported proposition of tho Hoor envoys to this country moans that tho onvoys aro going to propose wnr botweon this country and England It could not mean anything elso If tho United Statos government should tako notion nloug tho lines suggested for it has beou mado plain enough thai England Intends to hold tho Transvaal und tho Froo Stnto horsolf ODD TOWN OF CULLODEN Tlu Manor Ili iurnt Hnrlneircd 1i A ii In Out of Im VIIIukc I reckon weve got tho oddest town In our state that theru Is In the United States said a West Virginia man Ever hear of Culloden I dont mean tho clniiH of Oulloden described by the poet Campbell I mean Culloden W Vu Well sir about half the popula tion of tho town doesnt live In the town and cant vote In the town al though they are right In the town Ill explain The good people and they aro In the majority too aro down on silicons and liquor In any shape They got up a temperance meeting and purposed to drive tho liquor men out of town When you tlnd a West Virgin Ian who believes In liquor you find a man who Is ready to light for It The liquor people got together nnd in some way got the confidence of the own en gineer 1 dont know whether he was a liquor man or not but they got him on their side The engineer discovered that tho town was not laid out right and he got authority to change the metes and bounds When he tlnlshed the job the temperance people found out that they lived Just outside of the line of the town no matter what part of the town their houses were In A man could stand in his back ynrd and talk to the man whose place was right up against his plnce nnd who was a voter but tho first ninu had lost his vote The linos of the engineer excluded as I have said tho temperance people It took In tho license folk all right The ninp of Culloden ns It Is now looks n good deal like a sheet of paper after a lly with Ink on Its feet meanders across It You can tell how n citizen of Culloden stands on the liquor question by the plnce where he builds a house If he builds one which doesnt often occur In spite of Its zigzag bounda ries however Culloden Is n contented community New York Sun A Pnlnful Memory A lady who 11 on Morgan street took her 5-year-old son to a photog raphers to have his picture taken She was anxious to secure a good like ness at this particular sitting because she wished to distribute the pictures among some friends who were then her guests The childs Idea of the affair how ever did not apparently harmonize with that of his mother for when the man with the camera began to ad- Just the lens and direct it toward little Edward that young person set up what was unquestionably a howl In vain did the mother call Into use hor utmost forensic abilities Edward did not want his plcturo taken Why my child she said soothing ly the gentleman wont hurt you Just smile nud keep still a moment and It will be all over before you know It Yes 1 know mamma whimpered the youth with the tears running down itla checks but thats what you told me at the dentists St Louis Post Dispatch t A Model of Joy The nrtlst placed the easel In front of his model and worked away rapidly on his allegorical picture of Joy Uncle Ephralm ho said If this picture is a success I shall give you be sides the half dollar I promised the finest nud plumpest young pullet In the market A grin overspread the shiny face of Uncle Ephralm but the nrtlst was dis appointed The result was not quite what he had expected An Inspiration came to his aid Down on South Water street this morning he went ou I saw tho fat test possum that was ever brought to this towu I mu going to get It for you Golly Aud the plcturo was n magnificent success Chicago Tribune CliurchiUa Iatrlotlc Ilctorl Lndy Churchill has inherited the wit of her father ns she demonstrated up on one occasion to an eminent British politician He was somewhat annoyed nt the campaign she had made aud said I really dont understand Lady Churchill why or how It is that Amer ican ladles refuse to enter political life In their own country but overwhelm us here in England That Is because you have never traveled In the United States The men there are so Intelligent and patri otic that they do not require the serv ices of our sex as tin educating force Saturday Evening Tost Tlic Very Mini Who would be the right ofllcer to approach for Inside governmental In formation asked the new Washing ton correspondent of the old one The secretary of the luterlor re plied the latter promptly Chronicle Telegraph THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MAY 17 1900 HOTEL PROVES DEATH TRAP flmun InlfilltltM nt n Ctilnngn Ilre Mfiny llnilng Ue tn CniOAOO Mny 17 Two porsons were killed ono Is missing and 15 wero In jured in a Iro which destroyed tho Ho tol Holono nt 110 to 114 Fifty third street Flvo of tho injured will prob ably dio Tho doad UIIAIIIOTTK lKICIlSOX IjKVA Pkaimon W E Horn S J McIIaddln E 13 Tarbux Elizabeth Florence nnd Mrs T D Allen aro probably fatally in jured A Mian named Patterson is missing Tho destruction of tho hotol was ro ploto with daring rescuos and narrow oscapos in which Juntos McNeil tho portor earned himself tho tltlo of hero lie was tho first to warn tho slooplug occupants of thoir danger Ho carried Helen Joseph down a swaying ladder from tho third floor and then nmid tho cheora of tho oulookors returned to tho Bocond floor where a woman was lying unconscious her clothing on tiro Ho enrriod hor to the window and droppod hor into tho arms of Policomau Wolf Tho effort and tho heat wero too much for McNeil nnd ho staggerod back into tho Biuoko Tho people bolow thought ho wns lost A policeman mounted to tho shouldors of a brothor officer and cluinborlng ovor tho window lodge caught MoNoil by tho foot and dragged hint from the room MoNoil was passod down to tho ground and hoon regained consciousness ENVOYS OPPOSESURRENDER Voliuiiiuntly Dnny tlio Itopnrt Tlitit They llnil liven Siirli Ailvlrn Nkw Yomt May 17 Mossrs Fischor Woohnarans and Wessols constituting tho envoys from tho South African re public and Orango Froo State who ar rived horo yesterday commanded bv thoir governments to endeavor to in duce tho Uuited States to use its in fluence for tho establishment of peace in South Africa wero quostioncd today regarding tbo statomont from London tluit a cablegram from Capo Town as sorted that thoy hod advisod surrendor should thoir countrymen bo defeated on tho Vaal river Sovorally and collective ly tho envoys vohomoutly doniod that thoy had given any such advico and thoy declared that thoy wore opposed to surrondor They recoived tho follow ing cablegram from Pretoria Messrs Wossols Fischor nud Wool marans May justice and rightoousnoss bo with you KnuaBn Moro Troublo at lloutrlco KEAmiCE Nob May 17 Robinson nd Scott omployos of tho iusauo asy lum at Lincoln wore in this city to holp out tho embroglio at tho iustituto for tho feoblomiuded and wero sorved with injunction papers by Shoriff Wadding tou Dr W II Deariug arrivod from Lincoln and was mot at tho depot by Sheriff Waddington and likewise sorved with restraining orders from the court Neither parties wont to tho iustituto It is thought tho hearing on tho injunc tion will bo hold beforo Judge Stull to morn ltepulsu llour nt Aliifokini Loukenzo Makquez May 17 A Portuguese ofllcial dispatch says an on counter has occurred at Mafeking and that tho Boers havo beou ropulsed with heavy loss Quito Visits llofultnl London May 17 Tho queen visited Nottloy hospital yesterday Her ma jesty distributed flowers to tho wounded nud cou versed with many of thorn Fnrls Is capricious even in the matter of her public statues which are being constantly dethroned nud others set up In their plnces The deposed ones are stowed nwny and there aro yards at Auteull full of them The Korean woman Is so little es teemed that she has not even a name She Is simply the daughter or the sister of So-and-so Thoro is more catarrh in this seciton of tho country than all other diseases put together and until tho last few years was supposed to bo incurable For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease nnd pre scribed locnl remedies and by constantly fniliug to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to bo n constitutional disease and theroforo requires noustitu tioual treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J Cheuoy Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional euro ou tho market It is taken inter nally in doses from 10 drops to a tea- spoonful It acts directly on the blood aud mucous surfaces of tho system Thoy offer ono hundred dollars for any caso it falls to cure Send for circulars aud testimonials Address F J Cheney Co Toledo O Sold by druggist 7c Halls family pills ore tho best For lluniliinL Steam Fitting Pumps Tank Wind Mills And nil work in thin line call ou W H RISH Satifactiou Guaranteed Tirtt door South of The Daily News Office GRSEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold o Commission Braasch Avenue and TnlrU St PHONE 44 V V 1 1 A A M Fashionable Footwear Some of the leading styles in our line of Spring and Summer Specialties t are here represented They I BICYCLE k o i l V v C i Vu- 3 I mil- - h ui N M V V are made in Black and Tan ---- -- I Kid exceedingly comfortable and yet snug fitting with plenty of too room Ladies Boots from 2 to 4 Oxfords 100 to 350 BOOTS fc Ladies who like out-of-door sports will appreciate our Byke Boots They aro not heavy but suilicient staunch aud very easy for walking or riding pur poses Made in Tan and Black Kid Price 300 UPTODATE OXFORDS Our Oxfords are the handsomest easiest coolest and most up-lo-date shoes made An inspection will convince anyone that we are justified in our claims w SPEW OVELM South Side Main St NORFOLK NEBRASKA Our Store is always open until 9 oclock p m IVIIEX YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH GO TO W D Halls Barter Shop MAIN 6T THIRD DOOE EABT OF FOUBTH L L REMBE Practical Plumber andQSteam Fitter Agency for the Mrers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Woik First door West of Post Otllce Summer Excursions VIA r fefv Tho Union Pacifiio will place in effect on June 21 July 7 to 10 inc July IS and August 2nd Summer Excursion rates of ONE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP plus JOO ftom Kansas nud Nebraska points TO Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo Ogden and Salt Lake City Tickets Good for Return Until October 11st For Time Tables and full information address F W JUNEMAN Agent i V C AHLHAN t jKjvjxjxjvjj x H i 4 K rl5J s4AyjAsv BOOKBINDING Books and Magazines Neatly Bound II BRUMMUND NnxttoDoaus Paint Storo 3th Stroot AHLMAN BROS C V AHLMAN The Norfolk Bicycle Men Proprietors NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS Mnnufncturcrs Jobbers and Dealers in Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs Auoncy for Waltliam i Mnnufnctiirinu Vs Orient Ilicyclef tho Finest Strongest nud Faetcst Hicyclo in tJio World Wo 11U0 Imndlo tho Acmu World Tribune Hoybo fl cJVii0 ne nnd our own make oithor chain orchaiulesD whioh will bo known as tho Amman Specials We do Repairing Promptly and Reasonable ------- FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS SEE The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary ISfck WHEATLING AND BREAD MADE FROA1 BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS G A LUIKAET Pkssident CHAS S HEIDGE Vice Pbxsident Norfolk W II JOHNSON CAsniEB W B BBAASUH Asst Cashier The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Buy and boII exchange on this country and all parts of Europe Farm Loans Dlrectori CABL Asmcs W II Johnson CnAs S Bridge C W BnAAScn O M Swank U A Lcikabt T F Meuminoeb L Sessions N A BAINBOLT Proaident 3 ALEXANDRE BEAU 1 W H BUOHOLZ Ca E VYZUTZ Aeiletaut National Bank Yice Presldaol Cannier Cashier OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Ooes a General Banking Business Buys and Sells ExohanKe Interest Paid on Time Deposit1 Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign PassaiQ Business Transacted DIHBOIOB3 A BEAU F PIUNLON F J HALE WHBDCHOLZ WM ZDTZ N A BAINBOLT JOHN H HAY3 F VEBGES B BCOTTON 3- f K