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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1900)
f t ii 4 i i f CELEBRATED jnw K1tLiLlSBf3Tllp I Wjl rtgp Boer Ioail Tliclr Onus for Slilpmcnt North nml Iletrent In Good Order Roberts Still Wiiltlng at Krooimtiidt 1 Guerrilla Tactics In Cnrio Cnluuy London May 17 The British relief column fought the Boers at Kraui Pan JJJ miles south of Mafokiug on Tuesday according to a telegram received Wed nesday at Lourenzo Marque from Molo po 100 miles north of Mafekinrr This intelligence is accepted hero with somo reserve because it is difficult to under stand how the news could have been so quickly put on the wire from a placo 133 miles from tho scene of the engage ment A correspondent of tho Meruit Post presumably John Stuart Is reported captured by the Boers at Kraai Pan Tho British public is keenly expectant of tho announcement that Mafokiug has been relieved In army circles the opinion feems to prevail that this has already been accomplished although tho war offico asserted that no news of the relief had been received Tho steadfast courage of tho hungry garri son ban produced a deep impression and news of succor is awaited with more anxiety than has been felt regarding any other event of tho war Tho Daily Mails correspondent at Pretoria wires Tho Boer govern ment is holding back somo big news Feverish activity prevails here Presi dent Krager is working day and aight Tho latest Boer official bulletin is that i the relief column has been defeated Vith great loss Lord Boborts continues passive at Kroonstadt His cavalry ore strotching lliko a semi circular screen many miles in length without lapping flanks I Tho railway will probably be completed today The Kroonstadt consor permits i the passage of long dispatches dealing iwith incidents prior to tho occupation It seems that General Frenchs cavalry had one lively fight after crossing tho Zand river A mixed squadron com jposed of the Soots Grays the Inniskil lings Carbineers and Australian Horse took a kopje and dismounted Tho Boers suddenly flrad from a con cealod position killing many horses and stampeding the rest Tho Boers then advancod in overwhelming num bers and drove tho squadron back cap turing some Tho Boers robbed tho dead and looted tho saddles A small detachment of cavalry drove them off General Bailor is moving toward Newcastle He Appears to be using 25 000 men against 5000 or 0000 His op erations will almost certainly result in ihis foreing his way into the TranBvaal poesibly in time to co operate with Lord iBoberts1 advanco although General Buller is now 252 miles from Johannes burg or 25 days march A Done who was captured by the South African horse says there aro 500 Frenchmen with tho Boers opposing General Buller together with many German and other foreigners i The war oflico has posted tho follow ing dispatch from General Buller dated Dundee May 1G We occupied Glencoe yesterday Tho Transvaalers have now evacuated Eiggorsberg Tho Free Staters on the Drakensburg are much reduced iu numbers Tho Carolina Lydenburg and tho Pretoria commandoes trekked Jiorth from Hlatikulu on tho 13th and l4th of May Eleven guns wero en traiuedat Glencoo Tho last train with ambulance loft there at dawn May 15 This result has been largoly produced Ifcy tho action of tho Fifth division avbioh during tho last few days has done a great deal of very hard work marching mountain climbing and road making u Tho Lftdyimith correaoondent of the Wash Silks Fivo stylcH Fancy Kaikal Wash Silks retrular 40o values at Daily Telegraph says only one Boer was i hot iu the movement which resulted in the taking of Hclpmaakar - General ltundlo is bwceping through tho northeast part of tho Free State Some of tho Boers aro surrendering Their main force is assembled between Ficksburg and Winburg but it is with out close orgaui7atiou Todays install ment of tho war story from every part of the field is therefore seemingly a nar rativo of British success but with the Boers preparing for a last desperate fling farther iu tho interior and with Boer guerrilla parties looting houses and stores in tho northwest section of Capo Colo ny it is not all roses for tho British The Lourenzo Marquez correspondent of tho Times says There has been a heated discussion in the raad in secret session respecting the expediency of destroying the mines Tho result is not positively known Tho foreign owners aro greatly alarmed and have addressed notes to their respective consuls Western Unltnriiin Conference Chicago May 17 Tho first regular cf tho Western Unitarian con ference was hold hero today Rev Georgo W Stone Hold secretary of Kansas Nebraska Missouri and Colo rado conferences delivered an address in which ho predicted tho downfall of tho orthodox denominations of the Christian church Ho declared that the progress of science and learning was cutting away tho adherents of tho old dogmas and theories Tho election for the ensuing year resulted in tho election of Rov E W Guild president Rev J R Efllnger vice president and Albert Schioble secretary and treasurer Mexico Is Shaken City or Mexico May 17 Two sharp shocks of earthquake wero experienced here at 180 p m both from east to west Tho duration of the first was forty seconds and tho second twenty seconds Tho shocks wero also felt across Mexico There was little damage reported here TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD President R oca of tho Argentine re public will visit the United States in cognito Tho disturbances in tho Italian cham ber of deputies havo resulted in a royal decree proroguing parliament Tho Wyoming Republican state con vention renominated Frank W Mon dell for congress by acclamation More Boxers outrages aro roported CO miles north of Tien Tsin where a number of native Christians havo been massacred County Attorney Putnam of Salt Lake has decided to retry B H Roberts on the charge of unlawful cohabitation on May 29 Tho Republican congressional con vention for tho Twenty first Illinois dis trict renominated William A Roden berg for congress At tho biennial meeting of tho Cath olic Knights and Ladies of America at Chicago Wednesday tho reports of tho several committees were read Mrs Mary Shores who was arrested at Beardstown Ills charged with the murder of Milton Beecham in Calhoun county five years ngo was Wednesday discharged no ono appearing against her Fire started Wednesday in tho Can ada Cycle and Motor companys estab lishment at St Catharinos aud spread to tho Welland Valo companys works aud both plants wero destroyed Loss 500000 Deputy Auditor Ausho and Expert Accountant Nettleton who havo been designated to assist iu tho conduct of tho investigation into tho Cuban postal frauds lett Washington Wednesday for Havana In tho case of tho Germania Trust company against tho city of San Fran cisco tho California supremo court Wednesday decided that tho bonds of railways and other quasi public corpor ations cannot bo assessed for tho pur poso of taxation Mrs Phoebo A Possons si6tor of Congressman Albert J Hopkins shot aud killed herself at her home Wednes day in Maplo Park Ills Sho had been brooding over the death of her husband and to this fact and her ill health is at tributed her act 29c Howsilk socallod because t hey look liko silks very Fiino Mercerized Sat ines very pop OQ ular this seaBou at special price of L Jj Wo had theso early ami have sold out our en tire Etock at UGc a yard Percales 20 pieces Wash Percales all choicest dork 1- styles at U2U Theso percales were bought six months ago be fore the advance in cotton goods and aro worth 8c The supply is limited and will not last long NEWEST PATTERNS FLORY FORf VKRNOR Missouri Republicans Nominate a State Ticket EEW CONTESTS OVER THE 0ITI0ES Platform In Tlno Wltli 11m Tolley of tlio Xnttonnl Administration Nat linn 1riink Delenteil for IeliRit to rhlluilclnliln All Itcnuinlnntml In Kuiinns Tor Governor Jorlll Floitv St Louis Tiovtt Governor B V AiLHN Kinwis flty Sec of HtntuK li IohtrhficiI Spriucllolil Treasurer W F riiMlN Webster Grovo Auditor W 1 BiomiAUu St Charles Atty Oenurul Hamiii OTaiion Oreon liy Com C O Cittiunc Plurco City Kansas City May 17 Tho Repub lican state convention of Missouri yes terday in a continuous session lasting from 0 15 a m to 4 I5 p m named alternates-at-largo and presidential electors to Philadel phia and selected a full sot of state officers Tho nominations for governor and lieutenant governor wero by accla mation and there wore but slight con testa for the other stato offices Tho big fight of tho convention was expected to como over tho selection of Major Bittinger liko Major William Warner who Tuesday withdrew his namo to prevent impend ing strife was sacrificed to a sentiment that federal oflico holders should not attend tho national convention and his name was not presented Tho vote re sulted Honser 094 Burton 0 13 Min nis 003 Dyer 040 Frank 010rf and tho first four named wero declared elect ed Alternates Lewis Woods Kansas City J O Chastine Kansas City O M Wood St Louis H H Walker St Joseph Electors J W Mooro California Joseph Black Richmond Nathan Frank who was tho only man for whom National Committeeman Richard O Kerens took a firm stand and who was in addition demanded by tho Zicgenhciu machino of St Louis was deserted at tho last moment in or der to make a placo for Dyer Thus for tho first time in twenty years tho Republicans of Missouri broko away from bosses This fact was emphasized by tho delegates when Dyers selection was made known by the most enthusiastic demonstration of tho convention Dele gates waved their hats and stamped thoir feet and shouted for Dyer in a manner that stopped proceedings for several minutes Tho convention voted to namo negroes for alternates-at-largo and tho quartet wero selected by acclumation Tho resolutions are in lino with tho policy of tho national administration and indorso Kerens for national com mitteeman Webster Davis who was expected to bo a factor in tho conven tion and who was mado tho occasion of an hours wranglo Tuesday took no part in yesterdays proceedings asido from that of a KANSAS TICKET IS NAMED Stato OnlcerH ltnomlnatil by Acelninn inntlnu Ielauil Defeated For Governor W E Htaniet Lleuteimnt Governor H K KlcilTKH Anoeintu Juxticu W A JoiiNbON Secretory of Stnto Gronoi A ChAHK Treasurer Fhank Guimeh Auditor GkowieE Coie Attorney General A A Goiidaiiu Bunt of Iublie Instruction Fhank Nki min Insurance Commlhaioner W Y Oilmen TorrKA May 17 Tho Republican 6tato convention hero yesterday nomi nated tho above candidates with unex pected unanimity Tho only balloting was on candidates for electors for and for M A Lowe for delegate to Philadelphia Tho fac tional war iu tho party was not in volved iu tho voto on electors but tho followeu of Cyrus Leland national committeeman mado a fight on Lowo and wero overwhelmingly defeated lowo will likely be named as natinua1 committeeman to succeed Inland The promised fight over the chairmanship of tho state committee was not carried into tho convention and it is now gen erally understood that Chairman Al Imugh will bo ro elicteil by tho commit tee This is regarded as a victory for the Leland forces Charles F Scott of Allen county was nominated for on tho first ballot defeating D W Blain of Pratt county For presidential A W Smith of MoPherbon I F Bradley of Wyandotto county and O P Ergon bright of Montgomery county to Philadelphia con vention M A Lowo of Shawnee W S Metcalf of Douglas county A O Du bois of Elk county B II Tracy r Pot tawattomio county E W Weiington of Ellsworth county Frank Martin of Reno county Alternates G W Ford of Bourbon county A D Walker of Jackson county 13 M Nimocks of Bar ton county J JMitchell of Wabaunsee Frank Shane of Phillips O F Lewis of Crawford county All of the stato officers proper aro now serving their first term and wero renom inated by acclamation Tho resolutions unqualifiedly endorse tho national and stato administrations and pledgo tho delegates to support McKiuley Will Submit Minority Report Cinoino Muy 17 Tho friends of President McKiuloy in tho tomporanco committeo of tho conforenco who mado a losing fight against tho adoption of tho leading paragraphs in the report which criticise tho prcsidont and cen sure him for his acoeptanoo of tho Griggs decision in tho anti canteen law will take the fight to tho floor of tho conference in tho form of a minority re port substituting other paragraphs for tho objectionable sentiments Tho ma jority report of tho sub committee on all matters beforo it including tho criti cism of the president was adopted by general committeo aftor a long fight on several paragraphs which roferred to tho attitude of the church on the license question TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS By tho narrow margin of two votes the house Wednesday decided against abolishing the death penalty in Massa chusetts Tho infant son of Commander and Mrs Booth Tucker of tho Salvation Army died of pneumonia Wednesday in Now York Joseph Werno was appointed receiver for tho E Jaccard Jewelry company of St LouiH Wednesday by the United States district court Minneapolis mon havo incorporated a million dollar stock company to operate fisheries and packing establishments along tho coast of Alaska General Benjamin F Tracy has sev ered bib connection with tho law firm of Tracy Boardman Piatt and bo came counsel for tho firm of Coudcrt Brothers May 1 1001 has boon agreod upon by the Dawes commission and tho commis Honors for tho Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians as tho dato for tho closing of tho tribal rolls Sam Hinson a negro was lynched by a mob of whito men near Custusha Miss Hi n sou was employed on tho farm of Mrs Eliza Adams and attempt ed to murder hor Ofileers of tho Red Codar Shingle as sociation at Tacoma announced that tho mills will shut down between May 10 and Juno 4 Five thousand men will bo laid otf for threo weeks Eire at Greenwich Conn Wednes day resulted in tho total destruction of five busiuess blocks including tho post office building and St Marys Catholic church Tho totul loss is 175000 A K ncutonal murder is roported from Kossenblahd Germany where Herr Buchhultz an estate holder has killed two persons and hoverely wound ed two others tor testifying uguiust huu in court In a collision betweeu a party of drunken negroes aud some white merch ant iu tho littlo town of Four Oaks N 0 Wednesday night Policeman Sau derhu was badly hurt and 18 or 20 peo ple altogether sustained injuries The uegroes wore routed The Norfolk Weeexy News NORFOLK NEBRASKA TIllUSDAY MAY 17 1100 LATE STYLES New Goods Wo wo constantly watching the markets mul buying the newest and most favored things put forward in the eastern mnrkot Each week adds n great many uev goods to our ttore Silks This week wc place on salo ten styles very de sirable new silks Taffetta Plieso a regnlar 1 00 grade handsomely appropriate for silk OC waist making at very low price of Oub JS rf i ibFtiClAL FRlCfcib Ladies Aprons Pivo dozen Whito Hemstitched Aprons large full sie regular I0 to lfo value now on I n salo at the special price of I Ol You cannot buy the material for this price Ladies Tailored Suits Our stock won vory mnoh broken a couple of weeks ago but wo have since received a lot of now suits and our stock is at complete with choice styles as it has been this tenson Nazareth Waists The best waist ever maiiiifnetnied for Hiidrens wear Sixty dozen Itought direct of tlm maim- Tneturer at iiiMimraeturer h prices iiy tlie nuso We ran give you better value than ever before All sies from I year to IU 444 F MAFEKIN G Fate of the Garrison Shrouded i In Much Doubt GEN BDLLER 000UPIE8 GLLNOOEi TO ABSORB GREAT WESTERN Arrlvnl of Prominent Knlluiiv Ollleluln Ieuiln Cierirnee to lleporla Dicr Moinis Mny 11 The arrival in this oily of a special train of four conch es on tho Great Western railway bearing President Klickney and many promi nent otllciulH and stockholders of that road has revived tho rumor that tho Baltimore aud Ohio and the Great Northern are about to absorb tho Great Wostem and thus complete tho miss ing link between tho two great trunk lines Them wore u number of Balti more nnd Ohio stockholders aboard tho special and thiH added to the fact that another special car passed through the city on tho Great Western yesterday with Great Western and Baltimore and Ohio officials seems to lend plausibility to tho story though tho railroad men aro very roticent Iliictiiii In Convention Drs Moini s May 17 Tho annual convention of the Iowa Stato Medical society convened this morning with 200 doctors present aud during tho day many others arrived There has been such a fight ou tho presidency that tho congressional districts mot in caucup to name a man each on tho nominating committeo The candidates for tho of fico are Dr Connifi of Sioux City and Dr Priestly of Des Moines Tho com mitteo as selected is for Conniff but uh it will bo required to namo two candi dates tho fight will be finished on tho convention floor President T J Max well of Keokuk delivered his address this afternoon and the rest of tho after noon was taken up by tho reading and discussion of papers OHIceri for Health Ilnnril Des Moines May 17 Election of of ficers of both the Stato Board of Health and Board of Medical Examiners was held yesterday Dr J C Shrader of Iowa City was elected president Dr Walton Bancroft of Keokuk was elected Ladies Underwear 25c Targo aif orlment and prices you cannot match Pull regular made garments O 1 and 50 o Ijong sleeves U ilo and Mlo SEASONABLE GOODS We can please you We invite you to look over our large assortment of Ladies Suits THE JOHNSON DRY GOODS CO president of the State Hoard of Medical Examiners Prof S li Macy of High land Park college is ro olecled slate chemist and Dr ICIi Grimes of Des Moines bacteriologist 1 V Kennedy was ro uppninted secretary of tlm State Board of Health and will act as secre tary of tho examining board Wrreli nl Vlelor la Vicioit la May 17 A disastrous wreck occurred hero last night result ing in tho destruction of several thou sand dollars worth of property and stock A westbound Rock Island freight rain was sidetracking when it was struck by on eastbound freight which was running ou passenger timo Fortu nately none of the train crews wero hurt although all had to jump for thoir lives The easlbound train contained four carloads of cattle One hundred and fifty of those were instantly killed and the rest had to be shot Siitoon Men Iiimi Town SnilrY In May 17 All tho saloons of Osceola county aru closed Several of tho saloon keepers havo removed to Minnesota aud Nebraska Tnll of ItovUlon of Creed St 1juis May 17 Tho Presbyterian general assembly will convene toduy and the first important business to be transacted after tho presentation ol credentials will be the election of a moderator for which position tliero arc a number of candidates Among othoi matters to como beforo tho assembly that of tho revision of the creod is the most important It is expected that no loss than 20 presbyteries will petition for tho revision Nt IouU StrlUe U Still On St LouiH May 17 At 1225 oclock this morning the executive committeo of tho i rikers rejected the ugreomont ar rived at between tho Transit company and tho strikers griovanco committee Tho striko is still on will aid the cook as no other agent will to make The dainty enke The white and flaky tea biscuit The sweet and tender hot griddle cake The light and delicate crust The finely flavored wafrle and muffin The crisp and delicious doughnut The white sweet nutritious bread and roll Delightful to the taste and always wholesome Royal Baking Powder is made from PURE GRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR and is absolutely free from lime alum and ammonia There arc many imitation baking powders made from aiin muitly sold cheap Avoid them as they make the food unwholesome ROYAL BAKING FOWDER CO HEW YORK