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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1900)
i I ti i 1 i V5 K V aw m POPULISTS IN SESSION Convention Begins Its Work at Sioux Falls ISSU2 IB THE VIOB PRESIDENCY V- The Norfolk Weekly News Iclcntc Hlnernp o llent 1lnn for Nonil uiitliiR CamlMnt to Hun Willi llrjnn Benntnr lltitler ntin Inxcrnor Leo Ail- tlreat tlie leleiite t Sioux Falls S D May 10 Tho national convention of tho Peoples Paxty began business ut 220 p m yes terlay in tlio big tont wigwam on the top of the hill on tho western side of tho city of Sionx Falls vThcro havo been larger crowds in atter louco upon national conventions and possibly there buve been questions upon which moro enthusiasm baa boon manifested but there haye been few similar events which have been marked by moro ovi dent sincerity of pnrposo or moro pro nounced decorum of behavior Tho big tent was arrayed in full dress array for the reception and entertainment of its guests and the structure proved in every way equal to tho scrvico required of it There were probably 500 delegates in their seats and surrounding them was a friugo of alternates and visitors number ing from 000 to 800 Seats had been provided for a much larger number but the attendanco did not appear meagre and it may bo tritely remarked that what was lost in attendance was com pensated for in enthusiasm From tho arrival of tho Minnesota delegation bear ing Bryan and Towno banners there wero outbursts of applause at every cou venient opening and upon the least provocation Senators Butler Allen and Heitfeld received liberal greeting wnilo Senator Pettigrow was overwhelmed by the cor diality of tho welcome accorded him There was also generous applauso when the name of Mr Bryan was mentioned by the speakers of the day Many sentiments wero cheered to tho echo and this was notably the case with Gov ernor Leo s reference to tho Boers and the Filipinos A liberal supply of good music was furnished by the band of tho Fifty first Iowa regiment and it was also applauded All told it was a well dressed good mannered and thoroughly well behaved assemblago of people By no means the least noticeablo characteristic of tho gathering was tho prcseneo of a number of femalo delegates It should be stated that Sioux Falls is proving entirely equal to tho demand of entertaining tho convention There lias been no great crowding at tho ho tels owing to tho fact that private resi dences have been opened to visitors and in all other respects the welfaro of 6trangcrs is properly looked after iirnt Session of Contention After calling tho convention to order Chairman Butler called on Bishop OGorman Catholic bishop of Sioux Falls to offer prayer After tho prayer Senator Butler an nounced that the city of Sioux Falls and tho state of South Dakota desired to make in a formal maimer a tender of that hospitality which all tho visitors to the convention had already experienced in so great a measure Ho then intro duced Governor Andrew J Leo of South Dakota who welcomed tho dele gates in behalf of tho city and state Governor Leo was given closo atten tion and was frequently interrupted by applause bis reference to tho splendid heroism of tho South African repub lics bringing a burst of cheers His alluiou to W J Bryan however tho first timo his namo had been pro nounced brought the delegates to their feet in a hurricane of cheers and wav ing of flags some enthusiastic delegates climbing on their chairs to voice their approval At tho conclusion of his address Chairman Butler in a short speech in troduced tho temporary chairman of tho convention P M Kiugdal of Min nesota When Chairman Butler touched upon tho meeting of tho middle-of-the-road Populists in Cincinnati a voico camo from tho body of delegates How about MarkHQung I am afraid ho is thero also re plied the chairman evoiring laughter und cheers Mr Ringdal received a vociferous welcome from tho convention the Min nesota delegation in particular distin guishing itself by lusty cheers and blasts of tin horns Ui oiling Senilon The evening sessiou was devoted en tirely to singing aud musio by the Fifty first Iowa regiment baud Whon tem porary Chairmau Ringdal called the convention to order at 840 p in it was announced tho committees on cre dentials resolutions and permanent or ganization wero not ready to report Ho then introduced Rov Hatch of Iowa who ho said has some songs of his own production Tho minister who is blind sang two songs which were received with wild cheers Tho con vention then adjourned until 0 oclock this morning The doors wero opened und all outsido of tho tent wero admit ted to the concert given by tho Iowa baud Tho situation with reference to tho vico presidency is still tho paramount question among tho delegates aud tho solution of tho problem is apparently us far off as it was when tho dolegitos be gan to arrive It looks as if tho ques tion will be precipitated upou tho con vention by a minority report from tho committee on credentials agaiust al lowing a full vote to the Texas delega tion tins delegation is entitled under tho rules to 120 delegates but thcro are present ouly a Binall number compara tively They favor nominating and theiu may bo an effort to reduco their voting strength to conform to the actual number nreseiit Tho Minnesota dele gation hold a mooting during tho even ing but did not commit its position in Townos behalf Thero is little doub that there is a clear majority in tho convention favorable to nominating ond of thei Towno is said to now control n ninjortry The present outlook is favor ublo to him but his opponents aro vory active Tho fight is now narrowed tlovra until thero aro practically but two proposi tions being considered Onois that tho convention nominate a vico president Tho other proposition is that tho whole matter bo delegated to a committee- em powered to act at Kansas City Tho Nebraska delegation agreed to tho latter plan by n vote of HO to 13 Thomas M Patterson of Colorado was selected for permanent chairman of tho convention by tho committoo on permanent organization J H Curran of Kansas Leo Vincent of Colorado and William M DeiBher of Pennsylvania who served as temporary secretaries at tho afternoon session wero named as permanent secretaries MID ROAD CONVENTION Howard Almost Certnln to Henri Ticket Denver Decline Seconil lluce Cincinnati May 10 Yosterday at 130 p m tho Popu list national convention was called to order at Robinsons opera house Thero wero 470 persons in tho dele gates chairs and 7o in tho galleries when National Chairman Deaver rapped for order Mayor Tufel welcomed tho delegates toCiuciinati in a brief bpeech On tho part of tho delegates Professor J A Boise of Nebraska City thanked tho mayor for his words of welcome Committees wero appointed and re tired to their halls Ignatius Donnelly delivered an impassioned address in which he declared that tho must stand together and save mankind At the evening session tho credentials committee roported and precipitated tho first struggle of tho convention It arose over tho votes to bo allowed tho delegations which wero not fully rep resented It was finally voted to amend tho report in accordance with tho call for tho convention and allow tho dele gates to cast tho full voto of their re spective states For instance the two delegates from Kansas will havo 43 votes apiece Permanent organization was effected by tho selection o Cfolonol W L Peek of Georgia for chairmau and former Governor Waito of Colorado for vico chairman Wharton Barker of Pennsylvania whoso presidential boom appear to huvo been effectually punctured addressed tho convention At 1115 p in tho convention ad journed until 8 a m It is tho inten tion to wind up business today without taking a recess It appears almost certain that former Congressman Howard of Alabama will head tho ticket His probablo mato is problematical Deaver has declined to accopt the nomination for tho vico pres idency and it possibly will go to Igna tius Donnelly The latter appears per fectly content to abido by tho wishes of tho convention From tho resolution committeos pro gress it appears that tho declaration of principles to bo placed before the coun try will be of such a naturo as to prac tically establish anow tho greenback question That plank will probably call for an unlimited issuo of govern ment paper currency Silver is likely to bo dropped Tho other leading planks will demand direct legislation and gov ernment ownership of railroads aud telegraphs IlnrRlieri Hetreut to Viinl Smalueel May 8 It is reported that the federals are quitting Zand river and it is variously stated that they aro re treating toward tho Vnal and aro taking up their position at Boshraud south ot Krooustadt lELEGRAHHIC BKIEFS Tho property loss resulting from the forest fires at Corbett Pa and vicinity is about 200000 The Rhino aud Hessian farmers havo begun tho importation of Hungarian rurul workmen on a largo scale Miss Lily McKonzio of Chicago was drowned Wednesday at La Jolla a pleasure resort near San Diego Cal Colonel Leandor Dyer a prominent member of tho G A R died at Bloom ington Ills Wednesday aged 58 years Tho Great Northern railway in ac cordance with its promise has placed lOOOO shares of its stook on sale at par for its employes Tho funeral of Muukacsy tho cele brated painter who died in an asylum at Bonn took placo at Buda Pest Wednesday and was attended with much pomp Bishop Thomas OGorman during his recent visit to tho Rosebud Indian agency baptised into tho Catholic faith tho fierce old Sioux chief Two Strikes Ho is 81 years old aud in his day scalped many a whito man Bei t Woodford of Dixon Ills was the successful contestant in tho shoot for the board of trade diamond badge emblematic of the state championship at live birds at tho Illinois State Sports mans association at Chicago Wednes day Rudolph and Adolph Bartosk broth ers living 111 Orange Wvis quurroled Wednesday while intoxicated Ru dolph shot his brother below tho heart und then turued tho weapon on him self uud almost blew the top of his head off Adolph is Uyimr NORFOLK NEBRASKA TIUKSDAY MAY IJHK MRS CHECK IIDTTON His Command Has Narrow Es cape From Being Cut Off MANY HIT BY BURGHER SHELLS Hrllili Ioreeil In lletlro Imler Hot Tiro From Ten liitmt Aihlertt Ilom tlio Front Slum Itorrn lo tin All tiling but Inntrlty Smaldkkl May Yesterday Gen eral Hutton attempted to seize a Boer convoy attempting to leave tho river Ho advanced to tho river with mounted infantry including tho Canadians A long lino of wagons was plainly visible On becoming awaro of General lluttous object tho Boers stopped their retreat and opened tiro with 10 guns They seemed in force and threatened Hut tons flank Presently mounted Boers wero seen crossing tho dry bed of tho rivur They circled to tho right and be gan to enfiludo tho West Australians whilo many of tho British wero hit by Boer shells Tho position became seri ous Tho Boers sent up reinforcements placing the Australians in danger of be ing cut off Thereupon General Hutton ordered a retirement to Wolgolegon where ho had left his own convoy A portion of tho forces advanced and en gaged tho Boers to cover his retreat which was successfully accomplished Tho Boers continued to shell tho retir ing troops but showed no desiro to press tho attack further Meanwhile tho Boer trains steamed away northward blowing up tho culverts as they went Drlio llrltlnh llucli London May 10 General Huttons mounted infantry brigade including tho Canadians with a part of General Frenchs cavalry crossed tho Zand river Tuesday anil began to work its way cuutiously along tho railway northward in tho track of tho rotiring Boers About 8000 horsemen wero probably engaged in this advanco General Hut ton before ho was joined by a part of General Frenchs forco had a sharp fight General Hutton fell back sev eral miles tho Boers following until other British cavalry reinforced Hutton During the night tho Boers retreated not further contesting tho crossing The Boer attack on General Hutton does not indicato any such panicky con ditions as havo been alleged to exist among thorn Nevertheless tho British advance rolls on steadily General Broad wood and General Bruco Hamil ton havo penetrated 15 miles beyond Winburg According to Boer advices sharp skirmishes are of daily occurrewo and thero was a busk rifle engagement out side Winburg 011 Saturday From Boer sources comes 11K0 tho re port that in a skirmish outsido Mafo king May 5 Colonel Baden Powell was slightly worsted Tho Transvaal volksraad adopted on Tuesday exptessing indigna tion nt tho British for not conducting tho war in a civilized manner for kill ing wounded Boers with lances lor using armed Kaffirs under British of ficers and for ill treating prisoners Ilepnlra to Itnllmiy Delays Hubert London May 10 A dispatch to the Times from Smaldecl dated May 8 says Lord Roberts has halted hero tc completo tho railway and allow time for the cavalry now returning from Thaba NChu to tako tho placo de signed for them in tho original scheme of advance General Hamilton last week was con tinually m touch with General Bothut rear guard Tho enemy maneuvered field guns skillfully to check General Hamiltons advance On one occasion thoy masked their position so well as to jeopardize tho British convoy which was saved by tho timely arrival of th Highland brigade with naval guns Three 1iitnlly Humeri Chicago May 10 Mrs Anna Gra bent in an effort to end tho lives of her two step children Emma aged 11 and Mary aged 8 and herself last night set firo to her homo 1300 Hpnian avenue after saturating tho clothing of the clnl dren with kero ene Tho threo wen rescued by neighbors beforo thoy had been burned to death but at tho lios pital where hey were taken it is said they cannot recover Shout 1ioiiiUen to Kutiirn San FitANCisco May 10 Elmer L Sheotz wanted in St Louis to answer to a chargo of grand larceny has finally consented to accompany Captain of De tectives Desmond to his former home On tho promise that ho and his wife be allowed to travel in a drawingroom car and that tho trip bo mado as pleasant as possiblo ho decided to stop all habeas corpus proceedings Tapaurnti liumluruiiU Liunl San Fhancisuo May 10 Ouo huu dred and fifty seven Japaueso immi grants havo just been landed in this city Of this number 75 wero admitted ou certificates of landing signed by the United States immigration cOmmis sioner at Vuncouver and 95 ou certifi cates from tho commissioner at Seattle Senate Confirm Hawaiian Nomination Washington May 10 Tho scnat has confirmed tho following nomina tions S B Dolo to bo governor of and Henry E Cooper to bo seeietury of Hawaii II E Bellows of Washington to bo consul general at Yokohama J M OU to bo postmaster at Honolulu Collins Slabs Ills llrotliur Maiiyyilli Mo May 10 Georgo Collins cut his brother John soven times with a pocketkinfo yesterday inflicting probably fatal wounds KNEELING NOT AN EXACTION Metliiiilll Cnnlf ri m t loir Hum n n ltri I11II011 lot tlw niliiil ttiliini Cllli Mit Mav 10 Kiierllng its in the attitude of pi r has censed to be ex action in the MelhuliM cluiteh Tin honk of dlsctplti n 0guii tho hrnil iug of tho knee but the city chin Hies have gradually been diiftlng 1ito the mole unconventional bowing ol Hit head The custom of Wesley pievails lor the most pint only in tho country Delegate Tyndall of Nobiaska is a be ltcver in the devout kneeling foi in and yestenlny sought to correct the tendency of the latter day Methodists in tlepuit ing ftoin the ancient custom by intro ducing 11 lesolution in tho gencinl con feienco cniplnsiing Iho direction in the discipline The conference refused to decline we areas much as ever in favor of observing the kneeling attlilude The effective argument was presented by a city minister who said We would have to rebuild our churches Pew space is too contracted to permit of kneeling Tho Nebraska preacher roso to nrgo tho adoption of his views but tho con ference clamored for a vote and the more easy leaning of tho body toward tho back of tho pow was adopted Tronblo For Tramp Tourist Drs Moinim May 10 Tho fodoral grand jury ol tlio southern district of Iowa 111 session hero ih of tho opinion that it is 11 crime under tho federal statutes lor 11 tramp to steal a rido on 1 passenger train carrying mails Henry B Miller anil C H Cleary of Lucas county woio yesterday indicted for de laying the United States mail Tho in dictments statu that they located on the trucks of near on a Chicago Bui ling ton and Quincy mail train and that it was necessary to stop tho train to put them oil Worlt Tor lovra ltiiinlillrans Dns Moines May 10 Tho Iowa Republican state convention meets here today Tho convention will namo 5M district delegates and four delegates-lit-large to the -Philadelphia national con vention The platform will it is gen erally asserted indorse tho present ad ministration tho St Louis platform and the expansion policy and declare for some kind of governmental control of such trusts and combinations as aro in juiious to tho welfare of tho general public 1iiiniiia llnum Feml BiATitin Neb May 10 A regular pitched bat tlo was fought last evening a few miles northwest of tho city be tween Nicholas anil his son Frank on tho onosido and Charles Doane and Seba Doane A dispute uroso over somo lented land and fists clubs aud boots wero resorted to to set tlo tho dis pute Mr Borgor had threo ribs broken and is otherwise badly bruised His son is also badly used up Both tho Domes ore badly hurt JHIIIrr Appoint mi Anent Kansas Cirv May 10 Tho K11ns11 Millers association appointed nn agent who will mnko it Ins business to soil for export or to eastern tnulo tho surplus piodiiet held by the nulls represented in the association Their inability hereto fore to dispose of this sui plus has caused u demoralization in prices which they now seek to overcome Fmitin Captured In SI Louis Ottlmwa la May 10 Sheriff Frank Slutts received a telegram from St Louis yesterday stating that Con Staf ford who broko jail 111 this city two weeks ago has been captured Staf ford was convicted on tho chargo of robbery and was being held to await sentence Sheriff Slutts went to St Ixniu for him last evening Appeal Irom Ieai o Society The Hauue May 10 Tho Nether liutls Peuco society has adtlressed an appeal to President McKinley begging him to futthcr tho peaceful object of tho Boer mission to investigate their case to bring about arbitiatiou uud put u stop to the pernicious war 111 South Africa lima deration 01 iitoor Dks Moines May 10 Tho Stato Fed eration of Labor opened its mutual ses sion hero yesterday with some 75 dole gates present Committees wero named but no important business was trans acted Officers will probably bo elected today TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD The navy department has mado an adverso roport upon tho Gnthmanu gun Representative McClellan of New York Wednesday introduced 11 bill re pealing tho war revenuo tux on beer Tho Missouri Dcmocratio suite com mittee decided to hold tho stato nomi nating convention 111 Kansas City 011 June 5 General Edwanl S Bragg com mander of tho famous iron brigudo was thrown from his horso at Fond Du Lac Wis Friday and his right leg broken in two places Robert Wetzel a middlo aged man jumped from tho Brooklyn bridge Wednesday Ho may die Ho is the thud jerson who has jumped from tho budgo 111 the lust threo weeks Dainuging gales aro reported from German coist Near Loba four vessels have been lost and all on board drowned From Bremen Kiel and Rensburg come the repoits of loss of fishing smacks with a number of lives Magistrate Zoller of Now York Wednesday gave out his decision dis missing tho complaints against Chair man Gates of the American Steel and Who company und discharging the de fendant Captain dishing of tho revenuo cut ter Rush which has sailed for the Arc tic will tako a census of tlio inhabitants of the Aleutian islands utter which he will devote his attention to tbu Bering tea bcal vouchers THESE FOUR HATS ARE Workmen hrlert Mitrnlnilltnwn CitKfirov In May 10 Marshalltown secures tho next meeting of the grand lodge Ancient Order of United Work men defeating Algona for tho conven tion Tho election of officers resulted ok follows Grand master woikmnn Will M Narvis of Muscatine grand foreman W II Berry Indianola grand recorder B F Rehkopf Des Moines grand trustee P 11 Summci field Du buque uiiieit 1lnjeil entenlujr Denver Omuhii 10 Dit Molnm 10 Sioux City 0 lnrblo 10 St Jo ijh 0 ltuftlllo Si MilllllllpoliH 10 Clevelnnil i Milumikrc 7 Darolt 0 Kniihas City A lumen Toilny Western Ieatftu OinuUa nt Pueblo Dcs Molmsi nt Bliiux City ht Joseph ut Dinvtr National LtaBUu Chicngo at Pituburf American Leauue Minneapolis at Huffnlo KutihOH City at in troit Milwaukee at Clec bind Chic uKO ut ImllanapoliH RoVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powefcrs arc the greatest menacers to health of the present day ROYAL 0AKIIa POVDfR CO MW rOKK Ml- See copies of them tad I INSKEEPS ST LOUIS BIG CAR STRIKE ttvery Iluo In the llty ICiirpt One Is lleil lip St Lotus May 10 Tho second day of the gteat street railway strike was as quiet and uneventful as the first was turbulent nnd riotous The St Iouis Transit company mado no effoit to run its cms and tho Suburban madia none until late 111 the uftci noon when with IMihco mas ed along the line and a de tachment on each carit succeeded in getting ii number through Far ft out relieving the situation hoveer the dcuiriiisliutiou had no fuither oiled than to show that by massing their forces ou 11 single line tlio police could keep that line open At tlio Iliwi of the day of armed inac tivity both sides cjkpiimd lull confi dence 111 tlio outcome The strikers ae ceptnl the abandoned car hacks and silent powri house s as 111 11nl1c1t ton that the company was ui alciiiing The offi cials of tlio latter evidently looked upou their want of success in Tuesdays nu merous engiigeini nts as only 11 tempo rary setback Seciet confidences wero held by tho leadeis of both sides and the air of secrecy prevailing atound tho two heailquai lets pi unused develop ments ol 1111 important character A dynamite caitiidgu ixploded under a car of the Mciainec Highlands divi 1011 of the Suburban lino with gieit loico at 1111 early hour this morning Tho car was occupied by a dozen workmen of the county Succeeding tho explosion a number of shots wero Hied in quick succession but tho persons who did tho firing wero not seen owing to the dark ness and nobody on the car was struck by a bullet As a Suburban car ou route to tho companys sheds in tho western part of tho city was passing tho Baptist sanitarium a number of men gathered in thu grounds of tho institu tion und threw rocks at tho car Somo one on tho car fiied u shot at tho crowd tho bullet finding lodgment in the breast of Frank L brecht Tho wounded mau attempted to cuter the sanitarium but fell dead on reaching tho door v - LATE PARIS PATTERNS Jrjv1 RAKNKS iV TYLER -I II llnmir AlluriiH nt liiu Norfolk Nebraska DR C K PARKER DKNTIST At Iiircii lvr Mniiiliij MiistiBlock - - Nmfilk Neb DR II T HOLIJKN Hoincopulliif IIijhIHiiii ami Surgeon Olllic t llieiiH Niitiiilnil Until IlliiltliiiK I nil phono Hit Sniiitiiiiiiiii iinil Id snl 1 Mum mnl 1 Ui btl lull lllllllll i Norfolk - - Nebraska D- SGUliKK OSTHOPATMIST Ml Nmli iuh stici t Nnifnil Nodi Will In in MiiiIihiii Tin tile mill 1inlii of i in Ii w ili U J COLE imtjst OlllriMiiertllifii r Niitiomil limik Hihlilfnco one hlock nortli oT KiiiKnuiiliiiiiiil chinch Norfolk - Nebraska MISS MARY SHELLEYl Fashionable DrcsMniiker tlituiif in i nttoii blork mir llnimib btoro r iri t chit b work Kiiiiiiintijcil Norfolk - - Nebraska pOWKRS As HAYS Atlonicjs ut Lnn Hi on h 10 11 Mini 12 MtibtSlilocL Norfolk - - Nebraska SESSIONS As BELL riiderfekers ami EinliiilnierF Sit noin Illl NorfoUtAio Norfolk - - Nebraska W M ROBERTSON Attorney nt Law Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wfgton Block Norfolk M C WALKER DKALKK IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE K0S3 L L REMBE Practical Plumber andLSteam Fitter Agency for tho Mvers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wink First door West of Post Oillce