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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1900)
Y Over Work Weakens V old when ho died His father nnd mother nod two sisters Uvo in Madison nnd anothor lives nt Lnurol Roports from J O Troutmnn who wont to Chicago to havo au operation porformed a few days ago aro that ho stood tho shook woll nnd that ho is now improving although slowly Hois now in tho Marion Sims sanitarium Chicago nud if bad complications do not sot in ho -will bo ablo to como homo in about three weeks Dr P II Salter went to Crclghtou Saturday in responso to a call iutondlng to roturn that evening When ho was rondy to como homo ho found that tho last train had gono and ho drovo 1J miles to Brunswick whore ho caught tho Short Lino train for ONeill going from thero to Atkinson on thcKlkhorn ho romainod nil night roturnlng to this oity by way of tho Elkhorn yes terday noon It is nu open question with his friouds whether ho might not bottor hnvo wnlkod in from Creightou Mrs Miko Kennedy whllo on her -way from church yesterday fell on tho icy sidewalk and broke her arm It would scorn that bCjio of tho owners of sidewalks wero not entitled to tho com mendation given by this pnper a fow days sinco Perhaps The News should apologize for stating that the walks wore in good condition Commissioner II W Winter of this city who waB elected vice prosident of tho County Commissioners and Super--visors association nt its meeting in Hastings lost week was ono of tho originators of that organization The first meeting was held in Norfolk on Maroh 19 1807 pursuant to a call issued by tho commissioners of Madison county whon Mr Winter was elected its first president Sinco that timo tho association has mot regularly once or twice a year and has grown in member ship until it now includes commissioners and supervisors from nearly every county in the stato That it is productive of good results there can bo no question for at tho meotings tho various obstacles whioh nro met by the county boards during the intervening time are discussed and plans and ideas are interchanged The meeting at Hastings was a particu larly profitable one and Mr Winter says tho people of that town wero lavish in their hospitality to the visitors The next meeting will be held at Aurora on the second Tuesday in December Lett or Lint List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postoffice February 20 1900 Etta Bridge Harvey Clark H D Plint O Folson M A Lagrotte Joe Kimmerlee John Koruer Wm Kye H T Morrow Kate Newton J C Seymour Ohas Sterer A H Shirle W C Tolman Johann Vartz John Wimer J O Yocum 1 If not called for in 30 days will be sent to the dead letter oflico Parties calling for any of the above please say advertised P F Sprecher P M O K S Thoro will be a special meeting of Beulah Chapter No 40 Thursday March 1st at P ui for practice By order of the worthy matron Summon by Iuullcution Ollie M Foxworthy 1 Plaintiff vs George Foxworthy Defendant To George Foxworthy non resident defendant you are hereby required to take notice thar on the 0th day of Feb ruary 1900 tho plaintiff filed her peti tion in the district court of Mudison county Nebraska against yon setting forth that you have been willfully absent from her lor more thuu three years last past without any fault or provocation on her part That being of sufficient abil ity to provide for support and maintain hor you have wantonly grossly and cruelly ref us- d and neglected so to do She prays that she may b divorced from you and b restored to her maiden name of Ollio M Wade and for general equit nble relief You aro required to answer said petition on or before the 19th day of March 1900 Dated February 1900 Ollie M Foxworthy By Barnes Tyler Her Attorneys Your Kidneys Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes I he kidneys are your blood purifiers they fil ter out the waste or impurities In the blood If they are sick or out of order they fail to do their work Pains achesandrheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid In the blood due to neeleoted kidney trouble Kidney trouble pauses quick or unsteady heart beats and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble because the heart is over working in pumping thick kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr Kilmers Swamp Root the great kidney remedy is soon realized It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and itsolri nn Its merits fcvKv by all druggists In fifty cent and one dollar siz es You may have a51 BfSrwnJtnLMll IKS laiiiwEHP sample Dome ay man Home of swmp Root free also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble Mention this paper when writing Dr Kilmer 2c Co Binghamton N Y TUESDAY TOPICS K A Grum tho roal cstato man from Creightou was a city visitor today Dr Kindred nnd daughtor of Neligh wore guests at tho homo of Mr Camp bell over night County Attornoy Tylor went to Madi son this morning to attond tho mooting of tho commissioners Honry Plngonant nnd John Nelson of Stanton transacted business In tho city yesterday nftornoon Miss Emma Knobol who has boon visiting friends in this city returnod to her homo in Winsido today D C Covert and wife returnod yes terday from Oregon where they have boon visiting several weoks Mrs W II Vail and daughtor have returned from a very pleasant visit with friouds at Hock Hapids Iowa Miss Wilda Thornburg who has been visiting friends in tho city returnod to hor homo In Oakdalo on Saturday Tomorrow Is guest day with tho Wodnosday olub and tho mootiug will bo hold with Mrs W II Buttorllold llov Mr Itocd of Columbus was in tho city last evening nnd attouded tho recoptiou toudered to Hov Mr Wollls nud family C W Brokaw who has boon with W B Vail in tho jowolry storo loft for Story City Iown where ho expects to buy n stock of jowolry Georgo Davenport sr was down town this morning for the first in sov oral days having been confined to his house by an attack of rheumatism H P Goldsworthy who has been living near this oity Is arranging to remove his family to Meadow Grove for which place they leavo on Friday Mr A J Durland is expected homo Saturday or Monday from his extended business visit to Now York and other portions of the east Dr Frank Salter wns called in consul tation with Dr Ohouoy of Winsido over a case of pneumonia 111 miles northeast of this city where ho drovo at an enily hour this morning Commissioner Hughes came down from Battle Creek last evening and this morning accompanied Commissouer Winter to Madison whoro a meeting of the board is being hold today Hon Orlando Teft chairman of tho republican state committee is holding a meeting with a number of the chairmen of county central committee at the Oxnard hotel in this city this afternoon Frank Davis who was operated on for appendicitis at the sanitarium a short time ago left that institution today having entirely recovered from the effects of the operation and the disease The News was misinformed yester day when it stated that Trinity guild cleared 7175 from Friday evenings entertainment The figures should have read f 0S80 The republican county centeral com mittee has been called to meet at Bnttlo Creek on Saturday March 10 at 1 nplrwlr n m fnr fchn nnrnnsn nf fixinfr L r r 0 time and nlaca of holdine a countv con- vention Mr and Mrs Louis Fisher living in Edgewater were reminded that Satur day was their wooden wedding by a party of friends who surprised them that evening There wero refreshments games and a general good time C F W Marquardt has on display in his window a water clock of ancient design like those used among Egytians tho Caldeans the Greeks and tho Romnns It is a curiosity that is well worth ones time to inspect Councilman Antone Bucholz was 42 years old yesterday and in honor of that event his wife invited about GO friends in to give him a surprise There were refreshments and games during tho evening and at midnight au elegant supper was served The reception at tho homo of Dr Holdon last evening tendered by the Ladies guild of Trinity church to Rev Weills and family was a very enjoyable affair throughout Duriug tho evening dainty refreshments wero served About 80 persons were present who lingered until midnight loth to say good night Some ono carried off tho carbido buckot belonging to O F W Mar quardt last night returning it this morning This is tho second time this has happened and the noxt time it is taken he promises that it shall be filled with dynamite or something that will make tho unlawful user remember that he had it Tho special meetings nt tho Baptist church opened very auspiciously Inst night with a fair nudienco and good interest Mrs Hill Booker is already in much favor Her clear teaohing her calm though intense maimer nud her gentle womanly bearing all combiuo to make her a wonderfully effective evnngeliBt Two made a start for tho better life lost night The subject for tonight is All Manner of Weavers Frank Brady was very drunk yester day afternoon so drunk that ho suc ceeded in falling down a Sight of stairs in a buildiug on Main street Wheu he picked himself up he was bleeding pro fusely from many cuts on his head He proceeded to explain to a crowd who had gathered around that ho didnt know whether he fell down the stairs THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 1 WOO or whothor somo ono pushod him down tho only thing that ho wnsposltlvonbout was that ho camo down suddenly and soveroly Then ho was tnkon In ohargo by tho pollco nnd reposed In jail for awhile Norfolk Is not tho only town In terested In tho frolght rates question bolug prosnntod Iwforo Coniinissonor Irouty of tho lutorttato connnorco com mission Soorotary Utt of tho Omaha commorcial club and E O Uowlo secre tary of the Businoss Mons association of Lincoln are both closo obsoivors of tho proceedings Thoro is to bo n meet ing of inquiry nt Onmlm tomorrow concerning tho freight rates as they affect that town whllo Lincoln which has flguiod so largely in tho proceedings as a basis fools that sho has a fow kicks coming herself nnd hor representative is hero to ncqulro n fow pointers Stnnton Picket A now ordor was organized iu Stanton last Saturday a Robokah lodge which Is a womans ordor auxiliary to tho I 00 F It was organized under tho tianio of Estella lodgo No it8 Daughters of Robokah nnd was Instituted by Mrs Clara M Hnzon of Norfolk who was appointed spocial grand mistress for tho occasion Eight members of the Norfolk toam of tho ordor assisted Mrs Hazou iu tho work They wore Mesdnmos Sturgoon Marquardt Kiorstead Beynier Schor oggo Spauldlng nud Missos Spauldlng nnd Davis Georgo N Beolls past grand mastor was also prosont and directed tho work which was neatly porformod Tho order was Instituted iu tho nftor noon with oloven chartor members nnd throo others wero added in tho evening making a comploto membership of fourtoon nt tho start The elective officers nro Mrs Emma MoFarhuid N G Mrs Lulu Daniels V G Mrs Willio Elmore secretary Mrs Martha Carrier treasurer Tninr lllu Bom Thursday February in to Mr nnd Mrs Fred Chandler a daughter Tim Kennedy went to South Omaha Monday with a car load of hogs for Charles Kauall Frank Pettitt returned homo last week after an absence of eight mouths spent in Idaho Louis Brown has moved into O D Muusous houso and will haul milk to Norfolk the coming season Tho dauco in tho hall last Friday evening waB not very well patronized owing to the inclemency of tho weather The populist voters of this precinct will hold a caucus next Saturday even ing to elect delegates to attend tho con vention at Battle Creek March G Frank SiniBon who has boon in poor health for some time post sold his personal property at public auction last week and on Saturday left with his family for Marion Iowa Gen Grosvenor of Ohio is tho most bitter opponent that the civil service law has in the house Ho is ngaiust it all tho time Ho declares that under the present system of competitive ex aminations the departments aro full of incompetents and that practical exports are being displaced by theoretical ex perts who cannot become useful public servants He considers tho condition much worse than it was 20 years ago under tho spoils system Judge Taft is to receive a salary of 123000 a year as president of tho Philip pine commission As judge ho received only 3000 so the chunge is not with out its compensations Save the Middlemans Profits by Buying Direct from the Manufacturer GREAT REDUCTION IN GUITARS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY mWM jrair mi Hill IM HAVE decided that in fu ture I shall sell my manu factures direct to the con sumer saving them the jobbers also the retailers pro fit I guarantee them in tho following particulars wz Ab solutely true scale perfect workmanship and correct adjustment of strings OUR 269 WALO GUITAR reduced from SI is genuine blrchwood beautiful rosewood finish rosewood finger board position dots American patent heid standard size We include 1 RliG with every iuitar an extra set of strings and a valuable self instructor OUR 348 WALO GUITAR reduced from 5 00 is same as above vwth extra celluloid bound edges best French finish neatly inlaid soundhole a magnifi cent guitar Free Free Free A Genuine Walo Silver Steel String for your Violin Mandolin Guitar or Uanjowill be sent absolutely free to any address on receipt of a cent stamp for return postage Send for Wolos Catalogue of All fluslcal Instruments and Furnishings Latest up-to-date Band Orchestra and Piano Music Catalogues on appli cation A T WALO MUSIC HOUSE No 9 S Broadway St Louts Mo Fine Kepilrine a Specialty Watch fur Our Next Uargalns WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Sydney Hobortson Is homo from Mil coin Hay Seymour was a visitor to Wuyno Monday Win lrahl was a visitor yesterday from Pierco Ohostor A Fuller wont to Madison this morning Aug IM low was n oiy visitor yester day from Plalnvlow Miss Sutherland of ltntllo Creek wtvs in Norfolk yesterday 11 G Manto of Wayne had business iu tho oity ytstoulay 10 Ktitt mudu n business ttip to Oioightou this noon Helen Hridgo who bus been sick for several weoks is ablo to sit up lohn A Hhrhnidt and II II Pylmau of Stanton wore in tho city yesterday O 1 Canig nud OK Snyder of Platto Center aro in tho city on businoss 1 K Wilder an extensive stockman of Neligh was iu the city over night Mr and Mrs 1 li Simpson enter tained a few friends at whist last even ing O L Sturdevaiit a prominent citi zen of Atkinson was in tho city yester day Hov Weid of Columbus returned homo yesterday after a fow days In tho city S F Klippel representing tho Bur lington routo win iu tho city over night C S Hayos wont to Tildon on busi ness Monday evening nud returnod yesterday It U Wolfe representing the Trav elers Insurance company of St Louis is iu tho city on businoss S 1 Bracket t ami Carl Kllis dopaitod this morning on thoir trip to Portland Seattle and other coist points John Heck has removod his family from South Norfolk to Fremont where thoy will make thoir future homo Goo Doincs anil family with their household coods departed yostorday for Ames to make their future homo Wm Weiss and family departed to day noon for Harney N I whoro they oxpoct to muko thoir home in future Sol G Mayer returned last evening from a four weeks visit iu Now York Chicago Omaha Lincoln and other cities Dr II J Colo is expected homo from his visit to tho east tho latter part ot this week He will bo iu his oflico Friday Conductor Young of tho M O is tnking a lay off for a fow days and Con ductor Gary who formerly had tho run is supplying J Hauptly section foreman of tho Union Pacific is in Omaha taking tho physical examination recently provided by that road J L Hitchoy of Tildon formerly of this city is iu town buildiug n houso for his mother-in-law Mrs Kelly at South Norfolk Hov A E Fowlor of Clearwater and Rev J K Fowler of Madison aro horc assisting iu the protracted meotings at tho M K church The democratic city convention has been called to meet iu tho city hall on March lfith aud tho primary caucuses of tho various wards havo been called for tho 17th R W Williams and family enjoyed a mess of new peas tho other day which were sent to thorn by a California friend and wero as fresh as though just picked from tho vines W C Roland the South Norfolk grocor has taken iu as a partner A Wilkinson Thoy have added a dry goods department and other goods aud expect to do an increased business John Johnson who gavo Piorco as his homo was up beforo tho police court this morning on tho charge of disturb ing tho peace and disorderly conduct His fine and costs amouuted to fc8 10 A membership contest has boon started in tho Y M C L The contest ing factious aro named respectively tho Blues nnd tho Reds No forfeit by tho losing side has yet been deter mined upon Services wero held at Trinity pal church this morning at oclock Services will bo hold every day at -I iu the afternoon except ou Fridays when they will bo held at 7 110 in tho evening during Lout Tho special meetings nro still in prog ress at the Baptist church By those who havo been attending Mrs Hill Booker is said to bo a powor nud thoso who aro not attending the sorvices aro missing a treat Tho Pacific hotel has added a now counter set to its fittings that is a dream mado of silver with porcelain advertising cards It includes iu its conveniences toothpick nud match holders ink wells stationery and card racks etc The Salvation Army peoplo have been having some troublo with a num ber of young toughs who have been disturbing their moetiugs lately aud it is understood that complaints bavo boon mado of somo of them by tho captain to tho peace oftlcers aud arrests aro likely to follow Today is Ash Weduesday the begin uing of the Leuteu season wheu all M e foor i - i I v HI i j 7 I Ws 3S gu 5 WM mx v iirnirnTT MU JMWn tf n vb atstff 77J r V k 1 i tu m vyi vu -v i r if l Thc Ivory is a favorite shaving soap because it makes a profuse rich lather which softens the beard to be removed and leaves tho skin unharmed It costs about one fifth as much as the so called shaving soaps and many who have used it for this purpose for years will not have any other The vegetable oils of whuli Ivory Soup Is made fit It for many special uscsj for which other soap- are uiisale or unsalisfaUoiy c npyniciku in m ur imi imkicu m 4 hamuli co Cincinnati pleasures and dissipations are foiegouo by christians of many denominations for a poriod of 10 days or until after Hunter Yesterday wuh Hlnovo Tuesday whon in many parts of tho country and woild tho society Reason was closed amid grand and imposing festivities Hrmist Liudomau has lesigued his position as justice of tho peace llnus forestalling any olllciiil notion which might he taken to oust him owing to tho recant decision of tho supreme court declaring tho now law unconstitutional Accoiding to that decision each prpoiuct will ho entitled to but two justieos of tho poaco two constables and one as sessor as heretofore Tho North Nebraska giain buyers association is holding a meeting iu this city at tho Oxnard hotel this nftornoon Mattors of interest only to elevator men aro being discussed About 25 mum bors aro present of which tho following is a partial list A H Browster S J Brown C T Poavey and 1 W Chambers of Omaha T D Sharrar traveling auditor for tho Nyo Schuoidor compnuyof Fremont J A Limlorholm ot Blair 10 K Crue and W N Krakine of Tildou O II Torpin of Oakdalo W F Hammond of Klgin L L McKim local agent of tho Omaha Beo says that beginning with March X tho morning edition of that paper will roach this city at an hour that will ouablo it to Iki delivered by carrier to sub cribers beforo broakfaht This is fortunate for tho peoplo of Nor folk Coming at a timo when tho Times Tribune announces tho discontinuance of its enrrier service peoplo will bo nioro reconciled to the disappointment of not receiving its early morning visits nud tho vacancy will to a limited degrco at least bo filled by tho receipt of the Beo Roport to tho Omaha Beo from Win side is to tho etlect that a peculiar ail ment is apparent among tho stock of a certain neighborhood which has all tho symptoms of hydrophobia and is so pronounced by Dr Hammond of Wayno and Dr McKim of this city Four horses and a uumlier of cattle havo been lost in the neighborhood aud almost all tho Jogs in tho vicinity of tho troublo havo leen killed It is said that thero is much excitement as thero nro largo herds of stock iu tho neighborhood When au animal becomes alllicted with the malady it cannot bo restrained aud tears down tho barn or fence in which it is confined Several animals have been shot aud others are becoming af fectod Tho Knights and Ladies of tho Mac calicos held a very enjoyable joint instal lation of officers last evening in Odd Fellows hall The room had been nicely decorated in tho colors of the ordors aud with bannersand the services wero successfully conducted by Mrs Frod Linerodo for tho ladies and Fred Koerber for tho knights as installing of ficers After tho installation a fine supper was servod to those iu attendance Tho officors lUBtalled wero thoio pub lished some time ago as boing elected the chiof officers of tho knights being H C Truman commander and S R McFurland record and finnnco keeper Of the ladies Mrs W H Clark is lady commander Mrs Atkins record keeper aud Mrs Biggs finauco keeper A uumber of musical selections wore rendered during the evening For Male 1 acres ono block southwest of the Grant school good six room house barn etc All new At a very reason able price Calvin Burns Notice Harriot Torreuco and Albert W Torreuce uon resideut defendants will take notice that on the 12th dny of No vember 1893 Ferdinand Verges plain tiff herein filed his petitlou iu the district eouit nf Madison county No braskaaigaitiHt I Ionium iiirockn Sarah 10 Goreoko and ot hois the object and prayer of which at o to foreulo e a eui tain contract executed by the defendant Herman ierecko and the plaintitl for tho sale of following describti promises situated iu the mud county troin the phuntitV to the defendant Herman jeieoke vi Commencing at a point fifty live tods east anil two rods uoith of the southwest corner nt tho northeast iiiaiter of tho southwest iuarterol section twenty two iu township twenty four nmth ol range one west of the sixth principal merid ian and measuring from thence north fifteen rods thence west fifteen rods thence north three rods thence west nine rods thence north twelve rods thence east one rod and twenty -two links thence north nine rods and thir teen links thence east live tods and twenty links thence south twenty eight degrees aud eight ininutoH east fourteen rods and two links thence east seven teen rods and nine and one half links to the right of way of the Fromnnt I01k horu fc Missouri Valley railroad thence along said right of way south lifteon degrees and fifty minutes oast twenty eight rods and two links thencj west lifteon rods aud ton links to tho place of beginning containing four acres and thirty live and ono half Fiuaro rod more or less which property was used as a brick yard for the manufacturing of brick said contract being dnted March 20th I8ICI and providing that tho said defendant Herman ierecko should pay tho plaintitl oh purchase price therefor tho sum of 1 000 00 as fol lows 00 December Ml 1 1M I20 00 July l ISIMill20 00 December I8l 8000 Inly l lSi I MO 00 December HI lW i ilium July I LSt ti SI 01000 December ill 1CI with inteiest at tho rato cf eight per cent annum from date payable semi annually and iu default thereof said contract should bo null anil void and plaintiff would be entitled to the possession of said property that default has been made in payment of said sums of money and rhere is now due uioii said contraot the sum of iii7i with interest from this dato at the rato of eight per cent per annum for which sum with interest plaintitl prays for a decreo that tho defendants bo requited to pay sancj or that said prem ises may bo sold to satisfy the amount found due On tho day of April 1800 plain tiff filed a surpplempiital petition substi tuting Harriet Torreuce and Albert W Torreuce n a partici defendants instead of Victor K Torreuce the said Victor K Tomuiftj having died and said parties being his only heir- at law which fact at said time were unknown to plaintiff anil havo since como to Ins knowledge tho said Victor IC Torrenco having obtained a judgment against the defend ant Herman Gorecke of record in said court and still in force Yon are required to answer said jioti tion on or before tho 2nd day of April 1000 Dated Februarv 11 IiOi Fkiujinasd Plaint i ff Wwtkd Honest man or woman to travel for large houso salary I5 monthly and expenses with ineiease position pernianent enclose self-ad-dressed stamped envelope Mawokh ilO Caton bldg Chicago Dr Humphreys Specifics euro by acting directly upon tho disease without exciting disorder in any other part of tho system HO CCRKiI I HICE8 t Veer Conjotloni Inflammations 2S J Wornn Worm Kuver WormColtc J5 a TcethlnColloCrjrlngWalcefulntw4 iS 4 niarrhcs orCbllJrenor AdulU ii 7 Coughs CoM llroucbltti 3 8 Neuralgia Toothache Kaceacho ii 9 Headache Sick Headache Vertigo i5 10 IlpeplaIndlgeUonWeak8tomachiS 1 1 Kuppretted or Ialnful IerloJ iS 1 J While Too Profaso Period 25 13 Croup Lartnglll Boarteaet iS 14 8altllheuni EryalpelaKrupUonj 45 15 nheumalliniRhcumatloPaltu j5 16 Malarla ChllU Feror and Aue 43 19 Catarrh Influenza Cold In the Uead 45 SO Whooplnc Couch 45 UT Kldney DUeate 45 4ri Xervou Debility 100 30 lTrluarv Weakne Wetting Bed 43 77 3rlp Uay Fever 45 Or Humphrey Manual of aU Dlwaaej at your DruigUU or Moiled Free Sola by druggUU or aeut on receipt of prliv Humphrey Med Co Cor WUUaiu 4 John BU New York