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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1900)
r1 The Norfolk Weekly News n wnm MlllAUltMl Lord Roberts Casualty List Forebodes Heavy Losses GEN BAETON BEFORE LADYBMITH Hit Brigade Ilcnchr the Illllt Uomninnil Iob the Tnmi nwl lti Relief Appnr to Be One of the Event of the Immediate Fntnre Fight IlrllUh to RUnilntlll London Fob 23 Lord Roberts list ef 40 killed and womidod offlcero in cluding two Ronerals in tho engage ments up to Sunday croning cauroh anxiety especially as in tho ofllcers list neither the lossos of the Welsh and Es box regiments nor those of the mouuted infantry are included ThiB is about tho number that fell at Ooleuso where the noncommissioned ofllcers and men brought the total lossos to 800 It is coubidercd straugo that when sending his casualties Lord Roberts gave no in formation us to tho result of tho fight ing If ho has sent sueh a report tho ofllco is withholding it Moreover nothing is known as to what took place Monday Tuesday and Wednesday Tho absence of details from Lord Roberts dispatch contrasted with his rather full - nMtti MAJOR OENEIUX O BARTON narratives during tho first part of his operations produces uneasiness among military observers All tho comment in the morning newspapers is threaded with tho disturbing suggestion that despite tho hard fighting Geneial Cronjo has been able to beat off his pur suers has escaped and is being rein forced by rail from Ladysmith and by forces on foot and horseback from north ern Capo Colony as well as the late be leaguers of Kimberley ltecelves Credence As tho correspondents with Lord Rob erts are silent tho telograms from Boer sources receive some countenance Tho latter aver that General Crouje while the British wero endeavoriug to sur round him between Paardoberg and Kodoorsrand received reinforcements under Dewet and that together the Boer commanders fought tho British to a standstill However all this may be public opin ion hero will not bo reassured until tho war office gives out explicit statements of successes which of courso would clear away the gathering doubts re specting the uninterrupted success of Lord Roberts forward movement No one doubts his ultimate success but thero is a fear of temporary disappoint ment and that a lot of hard fighting is yet ahead of the British The latest report regarding General Bnller was that an agent of tho De Beers company had received a cable gram from Gape Town which must have passed the censor to the effect that General Bartons fusileer brigade had reached the hills commanding Lady smith The early relief of the belea guered garrison is thought inevitable ReporU From Boer Sonrcei The Daily Mail has the following dis patch from Lourenzo Marquez dated Feb 21 Boer papers dated Fob 19 report that General Dewet won a bril liant victory over the British troops at Modder River General Dutoit reports being defeated by tho British cavalry column which got into Kimberloy He retreated to Riverton 10 miles north of Kimberley with all Iuh guns lost and even men killed According to the came papers General Oronjo succeeded in getting through a message to Koffy fontein with the news that he is hold ing all his positions and that the Boer cordon is around Kimberley again The Boers expect a general engagement on the Tugelu All is quiet in Ladysmith Tho Times has tho following from Lourenzo Marquez dated Fob 21 According to a Boor account General Dewet claims to have capturod in an attack on tho rear guard of General Frenchs column 180 wugons of provis ions and ammunition 3800 oxen and G8 men Winston Churchill in n dispatch fjomChieveloy duted Feb 20 says ho Mill expects fierco fighting beforo Lady ninth is relieved aud ho again urges tho imperative necessity of pouring a continual btream of men guns aud sup plies into tho Capo Meanwhile ho Bees mnuy encouraging signs that tho Boers uro wearying of tho btrugglo CASUALTY LIST RECEIVED IlubuilH SeinU Report of rour Ottlccr Wounded unci One Killed London Feb 22 Tho followiug dis patch hus been received at tho war of llco from Lord Roberts PAAitpKiiKita Feb 20 Between Feb 10 and Feb 18 Major General Knox was wounded Major General lletor MucDouald soToroly woundod and Lie tonunt Colonel Aldworth killed In th Highland brigado 10 ofikors wero wounded including Major Maxwoll of tho Black Watoh brother of Lord Porn ham and Lloutouaut Ackers Douglas of tho Argyll aud Sutherland Highlanders ROBINSON IS NAMED lou City JurlM Nominated to loiluon on Hoard of Control DehMoinkh Fob J2 Governor Shaw sent to tho t ennto tho ninno of Gilford S Robinson of Sioux City to bo mem ber of tho board of control to succeed cXGovcrnor Larrabeo Mr Robinson rctirod after 12 years on the stnto nretno bench two months ago His nomination was referred in tho senate to n special committee which promptly reported in favor of confirmation Tho house committeo on appropria tions voted to abandon tho iuduntrUl homo for the blind at Knoxville It is understood that tho Hayward bill providing for compulsory education will bo reported favorably by tho sonato committeo on schools boon Thero are two bills bofore the senate committee one by Hayward and one bucked by tho Iowa Federation of Womons Clubs Tho lattor contains far more striugont measures than tho former which has resulted in Hay wards bill mooting with fuvor Innocent Man Sent to Prlinn Ottumwa Fob 22 W A Daggett of Albia was arrested two years ago by United States Marshal Wray charged with violating liquor laws Ho avowod his innocence but was sentenced to one year and has just been liborated Mean while Wray had been superceded by W T Richards and his inquiries re sulted yesterday in tho arrest of Will iam Levan of Albia on tho charge of perjury Richards says he has un doubted proof of Daggetts innoconco as ho was in another part of tho coun try ew lonn Knitd Ircpurlni to Itulld Des Moines Feb 22 Tho Des Moines Iowa Falls and Northern rail road incorporated three mouths ago has raised a largo sum of mouoy and is actively preparing for building it in the spring from this city 85 miles north to Iowa Falls to connect with tho Illinois Central There is a general bolief in business and railroad circles that tho company is a branch of tho Illinois Cen tral Hoy del h Hem y Sentence Dns Moixes Feb 22 John Wood a 17-year-old boy wasyestcrdny sentenced to six years in tho Fort Madison peni tentiary Ho broko into Luudys general sioro in Altooua la a few miles east of acre and stole 15 worth of merchan dise Wood perjured himself on the stand aud that was one of tho reasons for the severe scntenco of one so youug Threshers Association Election Fokt Donai la Feb 22 An elec tion of permanent ofllcers of tho North west Iowa Threshers association re sulted in tho choice of the following James Winter of Gilmoro president J H Rolfo treasurer and W B Wier of Gilmore secretary Tho association will hold its next meeting in Rutlund March 1 Held For Murder Ottumwa Feb 22 In the prelimi nary trial of Leslie Eastburn at Bloom yesterday tho defendant was held to the grand jury without bail East burn is tho man who is charged with murdering Jasper N Sutton of Bloom field because the latter objected to the marriage of his daughter to Eastburn Sninllpoz Scare at Fort Doilgo Fort Dodge la Feb 22 Four well defined cases of smallpox of varioloid typo have been discovered by health physicians in the eabtoru part of this city Strict quarantine will be enforoed and ull school children will be required to show a certificate of vaccination be fore being permitted to attend school Starch lltint to Buck Trust Sioux City Feb 22 In anticipation of a consolidation between tho United States Starch company and National Starch Manufacturing companies busi ness men hero are preparing for the im mediate incorporation of an independ ent concern to establish a plant hero TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Dr Leslie E Keeley of gold euro fame died buddouly at his winter home near Los Augeles Wednesday Tho house of commons Wednobday rejected by 282 to ISO votes the second reading of the Irish evicted tenants bill The senate committee on foreign re lations Wednesday ordered a favorable report ou tho treaty of reciprocity witli France William Jeunings Bryan addressed an audience of ubout 0000 people- ut Jackbouville Fla Wednesday night Tho meeting wus hold in tho open air Representative Ltmtz Wednesday in troduced in tho house a bill to provide for the pubho distribution of a United States map to ull schools in the United States Tho receipts of tho American board of foruigu missions for the first five mouths of the fiscal yeur shows an in crease of donations ot 25201 of lega cies 120202 Jehse alloy a former assigueo of tho Spaulding s Pepper company bicycle mumitucturers wus arrested in Boitou Wednesday charged with the embozlo ment ot f 1000 Brigudier General George M Randall commanding the depai tmeut of Alaska will loavo at ouce lor Fort St Michael Alusku to take commaud ot tho now military department The Ohio houbo Wednesday by a vote of 41 to 42 retubed to indefinitely post pone the McKeuzio bill providing tor the kubmiBbiou of all btrcet railway franchises to u vote of the people NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY IKRRlARY J2 1900 CAUCUS ON PORTO RICO House Republicans Will Hold a Conference Saturday WANT A LINEUP ON MEASURE Ilrnninoll tlifi lMril Hniu1illcmi to TilU ARnltut Iho Hill Opioc It on the Oronud of Follry Senate Mill at Work ok Hauallnii Meamre Washington Fob 23 For tho first mo in tho dobato upon tho lorlo Ricau tarifl bill tho voice of a Repub lican was raised yesterday against the measure Bromwoll O spoko against tho bill Ho opposed it on tho ground of policy aud not constitutionality His hostility was not so itbsoluto but that ho announcod his intention of voting for it if tho substitute failed Tho other speakers wero Hay N Y and Long Kan for tho bill and Henry Tox againit it Tho Republicans hnvo de cided to hold a caucus or conference on tho bill Saturday night Although thero aro baid to bo between 20 and 110 Repub licans who uro hostilo to tho inoiiHUio tho Republican leaders who arojcuivass ing tho situation bay that not nioro than four or five will cast their votes against it They also say several Democrats will btipport it Tho only Domocrat who is outspoken in his advocacy of tho bill is Davoy La Ho represents one of tho largest cano sugar districts in the south Somo otheis including Meyer and Bioussard La Dovries Oal Davis and Spark man Fla aro in the doubtful column but tho Democratic whip says that only Davoy and Sibley Pa will voto for it Wilson Silver Rep Ida is also said to bo inclined to voto for tho bill Somo of tho Ropub lican opponents of tho bill who dislike to go on rocord against thoir party bo liovo that tho way out of tho diloniuui in which they find themselves is to voto to recommit tho measure On account of tho piessure for time tho dobato here after will begin at 11 oclock To Cull Vi Utmy Cne Washington Fob 22 An effort is to be made to got tho question involving tho seating of former Senator Quay of Pennsylvania formally beforo tho senate for consideration Penrose gave notice that ho would call up tho caso today As it is a privileged question ho may bo able to hccuro a ote on tho taking up of the cabo for consideration and fur ther develop tho Quay strength in the senate at least approximately During the gi eater part of tho session tho Ha waiian government bill was under con sideration But little progicss was made WELLCOME ON THE STAND ClurkH MnnnKcr tho Only Wltneas Itoforo the Senato Conimllteo Washington Feb 22 John B Well come Senator Clarks manager in hi 6onatornil contest was tho only witness beforo tho sennto committeo in the Clark case yesterday His testimony was at no time startling Mr Well come placed his expenditures lor the benatorial campaign at not to exceed 125000 and at tho request of the com mitteo produced his bank book uud old chocks to substantiate this statement These documents wore taken in baud by a subcommittee- uud wero not made public Ho baid ho suspected Mr Daly of supplying tho money used in tho Whiteside exposure He albo said ho hod concluded tho Montana supremo court was prejudiced against him and this was tho reason why ho had not gone on tho stand in his disbarment trial At tho conclusion of the days sitting it was understood Senator Clarks bon O W Clark would goon the stand Final ICxpeclltlon In Luzon Washington Feb 22 According to information received at tho war depart ment from Manila with the end of tho present expedition of General Bates into tho two provinces at tho extreme southern part of tho island of Luou military operations in tho Philippines close Afterward it is said thero is nothing to do but to undertake to main tain order through a police system At tention is now being given to that sub ject and steps aro being taken to form a thoroughly mobile lightly armed gen darmerie something ou the order of tho Canadian mounted police to covor tho islands ut all points and conserve tho energies of the regular troops j Fear for W SI Iltitm Safety Chicago Fob 22 Friends and rela tives of W M Isham of Auamosa la believe ho has been dealt with foully m Chicago Ho loft Findlay O ou Feb 5 for his homo in Iowa via Chicago aud hus not boon heard of since his ar rival here Communications from Ana moba to tho police btuto that he was ex pected home the uoxt day and that lie had a considerable niuouut of money ou his porsou He is more than 0 years old and is said to bo it man of good habits MICHIGAN CLUB BANQUET Llouleuuiit Governor Woodruff of New York the Guest of Honor Detkuit Fob 22 Several striking ovations wore given last night by tho leaders of tho Republican party m Michigan to the stars who appeared bo fore thorn on the occasion of tho 15th nnuual banquet of tho Michigan club but the enthnbiubtio rccoption accorded to IIou Timothy L Woodruff liouten ant governor of Now York fur outbhoue ull other features of the occasion In troduced as tho probablo caudidato of tho great pivotal sfato of New York for vjee president of the United States Mr Woodruff stood mute before a long con tinued slot m of npplaiibe Mich as would have easily upset Iho equanimity of Usb stuidlly poibeil peiMin than tlm brilliant and iiggiosslvo joutig Now Yorker Major Joiiiial Hlmftur Gov euiors Niihh of Ohio Shaw ol Iowa and Pingioi of Michigan all leceived wid conies second only to that of Mr Wood mil Hllllllltlrn III llttll ll fillltlM Fiusitroitr Feb 24 -The contents oviu the state olHciiH in o wry much simplified by an agreement ontoied into between the attorneys for tho Uepub licans and the Democrats uminscnting both nidus and Htiniglitoning out the legal tangle over tho multiplicity of in junction suits for the title tolliognv einorshin The agreement is there shall boa speedy tiial in tho couitHoti an agreed caso involving all of tho is Mies tho first hem ing to bo Inifore Judge Einniett Field at Imisvillo lltineuger 1 rain Telcn nped Chumio Feb 22 Passenger train No 5 of the Baltimore and Ohio toad was telescoped by it milk train at Edgomore Intl 21 miles fiom hero Michael Kelly engineer on tho milk tiain James Hng hitt lluinan anil the steward of tho dining car woio seriously hurt Con ductor John Kitunoitof the milk tiain was struck on tho head and became in sane Nono of tho passengers wuio hurt SAPHO IN JPOLICE COURT OIrii Nrtlierniile Clinrcril With OITmnlliij Illlillo Itrt nncy Nkw Yokk Fob 22 Ou a warrant charging her with offending publin de cency Olga Nutherbolo the nctross was arrested yesterday and niado to ap pear in tho Cantor street police oouit She was paioled in tho custody of hot counsel and tho caso sot for hearing to morrow Tlioariestis the culmination of the attack upon aud denunciation of Sapho Clyde Fitehsplay now being produced by Miss Nothorsolo at Wal hxeks theater The play is a stage nAiptution of Alphouso Daudets novel Sapho The attack bcomed to como from all directions the play being denounced by pulpit aud press With Miss Nether solo were ariehted upon the same chargo Hamilton Povello her leading actor and Marcus Mayer her manager The complaint sets forth that the play is tho portrayal of tho life of a lewd and disbolnto woman in away to offend pub lic decency Dibtnct Attorney Gardiner in his 10 quest that a warrant bo lbsued alleges tint in a dramatic performance en titled Sapho indecent postures inde cent suggestive language against good morals and indecent conduct have been portrayed beforo public audiences CENTRAL AMERICAN WAR Clash llctivtiitn Contii Itlrn noil NhitriiRim in lrobiihln Washing rov Feb 22 A serious con dition of aflairs exibts in Central Amer ica as is shown by tho following tele gram received by tho secretary of stato from Mr Morry United States minister to Costa Rica Revolutionary invasion oxpocted from Nicaragua Martial law declared Troops moving to the frontier Owing to tho largo commercial and political interests of the United States in tho two countries named und espe cially in connection with tho proposed construction of tho Nicaraguan canal by this country tho reported revolu tionary movement on tho part of the inhabitants of ono country against tho other is viewed with considerable ap prehension as it practically amounts to a war between Costa Rica aud Nica ragua both of which aro probably moro intimately associated in tho general pol icy of the United StuteB than any of the other countries of tho American conti nent Kansas llurli Boldler Giay Ckvtkii Kan Feb 22 The body of Charles B Pratt of tho Twen tieth Katibas volunteers was buried with military honors yesterday Pratt was a member of company M and was tho first American volunteer killed in the Philippines He was killed in Manila Feb 5 189 All business houses wero closed from 1 to II oclock to do honor to him who gavo his life for his country Lieutenant Colonel Little of the Twen tieth Kansas gave an eloquent and im pressive address at the Methodist Epis copal church A band playing tho Doad March headed a long funeral procession to Greenwood cemetery where he wus luid beside his father ami mother Ho was 27 years old Viitorln In Mourning VICTOHIA B 0 Feb 22 With flags at half mnst the city mourns tho loss of 40 per cont of her volunteerb in tho first South African contingent Tho legis lature adjourned yesterday as a tributo to tho dead Tho flag on tho United States consulate- is among thobo at half mast Crinije In u Tight Ilitm Capetown Feb 22 A special cor respondent of the Capo Argus says General Cronjo is surrounded at Paardoberg drift bnt is offering a stub horn resistance Tho British uro shell ing tho Boers vigorously aud expect to capturo the whole force Moat UIU Adopted Bekiin Fob 22 Tho reichstag com mitteo yesterday adopted tho amended bill for the inspection of cattle for slaughter and tho inspection of meat including the more btrmgent penal pro visions advised by tho sub committee Hamper Return Uuuie Nkw Yohk Feb 22 Ainoug the pas sengers who arrived on the steamer Mexico from Havana was SuinueJ Qqni pern president of the American Federa tion of Labor REPORT ON MAIMI State Department Sends An swer to House Resolution SKOULTARY HAY MA KISS UiPlY Hiijk nte Conxiil SuM Nothing to Iti imt initit Hi lint or Alli i K tinning IIiiiiip AIimiiI l Ing oT Mall In IliltUh nnl So v itt 1 1 In ll ti Willi I ngtiinil VMiiNinoN Feb 22 Tho iiiinwki of the Mute tlcpiitmeut to the house resolution calling for infoi million in guiding cetliun charges niuilo by lain Consul Miiertini was tiuiiHinitted to the houso yufcttuthiy by the piesldent It is signed by Seeietuty Hay anil after cit ing the lesolution sujs Tho only in stance of complaint in icqicct to the transit of the uutils for Uuueno Mar quc and Iretona was in November lust when a tempoiaiy stoppage ol the mails occurred at Capo Town against which Mr Miteruni and the consul at liOtireno Minqiiiv piolesled At tango moats were niado tot the piotnpt tleliv cry of tho consular mails to tho United States consul genet nl at Capo Town by whom tho mail for Mr Mollis uud Mr Mnerttm wits forwuicled lit Louiono Miiiquiv The delay lusted hut a few diis uud hits not teiiuied ho liirus the tlopailmenl is mhihcd After hat time the dopaitnionts mail for Louroni Muiquciind 1iotoria was sent by a ueuliul ionic which il appears wits known and open lir Mr Macruiu and Mr Hollis as oinly us No veniber 11 last No obstacle thoiefoio is here known to have existed siucotlieii to MactumH uiihumpoicd cm respond ence with tho department ol state At no time while at ins poM did Mitcium reKii t to the depai tniout of any instance of violation by opening or nthciwiso of his olllcial mall liy Iho lhttish censor at Dm bun Neither has ho so reported siuco he left Ptetorit although having tho untplest opptu unity to do so by mail while on the way home and in person when ho ropoi ted to tho depart ment upon his return Answering tho second part of tho aforesaid icbolution tho undersigned secretary of state hits tho honor to say that thero is no truth in ho ohm go that a secret alliance exists bc ween tho 10 publii of the United Status and he em piro of Great Britain that no fotm of secret alliance is possiblo under tho con btitution ol tho United States inasmuch as tieaties require tho udvicu and con hont of tho hcuutu uud finally that no bicrot alliance convention at taiigcnioiit or understanding exists between Iho United States and any other nation John Hay VIi lory fur Im IU Atchison Kan Fob 22 The fight between Congressman Charles Ctiitis und Congressman tit -Largo W J Bailey for supremacy in tho First Kansas dis trict resulted in a victory for Curtis In the holectiou of delegates to tho county conventions Curtis earned Atchison Jackson and Brown counties and is now kuio of bix moro votes than enough to Dominate Ilnm for Mllltury College Mai on City la Feb 22 The com mittee of the Sons of Veterans having in chargo tho plaus for the founding of u national militury college have made btich progress in the work of securing biibbcriptious that the location of the collego will bo belected at tho meeting of tho in Syra cube N Y next September Fred Uetliimiu 1reitldciit Hastings Neb Feb 22 The county commihbiouers of Nebraska elected ofll cers for tho ensuing term as iollows President Fied Bookman of Lancaster county vice piesldent II W Winters of Madibou county treasurer Thomas IJoctor of Douglas county secretary Joseph Roberts of Dodge For Plumbing Stun Fitting Pumps Tanks Wind Mills And nil repair work in tbli line ea W H RISH Satisfaction Guaranteed Pint door soutb of Daily New office Mrs HHHull WILLOIVI rial Treatment MtuifDriog tod SbiEpoi Vlllfladlj call t your boron and do atiyof thl work Orderi taken for fine hair awltobei 161 feet match guaranteed Heildencn on Firil itreet Jnnotlon Order may ba left at thi Junction Drue Htore Telephone lO PURE GROCERIES Aro essential to health UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration and sells them at FAIR PRICES You pet what you pay Joy at XJhles BARNICH A TVLKK i J II IKirno M DTflnr Attorneys at Lav Norfolk Nebraska EU O S IAHKHIt miYHST At Ill irr lvnv Miinilnj Musi Illock Nut folk Nob H II T IIOMHCN ritHlcliin mid Surgeon tlll i IliriiiK NiiIIiiiiiiI llimk lliiilillnu Itilililiime Ull Siiniliiiiiiiii Mini Hi nidi m n M ii In iiinl Illli HI IiiIiIiIiiiiiii i Norfolk NobriiHku JJ J JOLK DENTIST Offlon Otiu lltlann Nntl llnnk llnBlilnnon mm blook tinrtli ol JouitriiHnllonnl olmreli Norfolk Nobraska jyISH MANY MIKLLICY Fashionable DroHHinnkcr Up itnlrn In lotion ntook liter llmiin atorn Flrrt I ol work Ktinriintniul Norfolk NubraHkn pOWKUB ft HAYB Attorneys ut Law Hoom 0 II mill 13 Mint llloak Norfolk - Nobrmtka gKBBIONB BKLL Undertakers mid EinlinlinorB Hniilonalllk Norfolk At Norfolk Nobranka Iff M IlOltrcilTSON Atlornc at Law Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson JWIgton Mock Norfolk whin you want a km SHAVE or BATH W 0 Hairs BarFer Shop MAIN riT Till III 10011 llAWl W I Ot KTH CRSEILER Sale and- Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold on Commission aunTarsre phone 44 M C WALKER DKAIKK IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 33 L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for tlio Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satlhfactlon Guaranteed on all Wink First door West of Post Olllce KARO BROS Everybody wants the best of meats We make a special effort to please our trade Our Sbp ii tfae NMtoit la the City t i r i i