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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1899)
Thefloitfolkfleijas W N HUSH IuWIrthor Krer WOOk I DAILY KkIiiIiIIkIiioI IviJ t tiny ncnil Ninnlii iiy icoiiiK Us mull porjour Jli nirrlnr IH WKICKIY lfctnlilMiiil ivtl Kxoti Tlmrilis illy mull nr jnnr l 0 Knlorcl n tlio IontollliMt nt Suffolk NnU HVOIIll oIiim HllllllT Tflliiilumo No ii ior llIB Tho best hustler tlml imy Norfolk ilriu cnti oniploy Ih iv Hvo iuWrtinoiiioiil in Tin Daily NYws Try it As mi illiiHtrntlon of tlm imrtirfiilnty of fiimo it iH Willi Unit Ouitln whoso works worn nil tho nipi twenty years iiKO is SPiurtily rmiil nt nil T Dowitt Tiiliiiiio miyH No power on earth in ao stiiniK llill 1 n own well pntronicil iintl itH iui n iiHWHpiipor f owor Bhoulil bo approbated Nebraska evidently wants Hrynn noniiiintuil for president iiKiiiti noxtyoai WiJl ho will make about iih oaHy n victim n anyone tlio lonioonils could name Tho Nowport H 1 Muroury oliiims to bo tlio oldost iiiiWHpniior OIlOlltlllUOllH existence without n uImiiko of niimo in tlio United St ntiw It was established in 1771 If ovnry county luul shown tho rotuniH Madison county does Mr llolcomb would not liuvo been allowed to Hit on thoupreino bench with his mill recount ivoonl as bowois Tho fiiHionifitH inny tnUo comfort from tho rauiltH in Nebraska but t hoy will havo to Honroli tho country closely for any other crumbs of satisfaction flint foil from tho administrations table A rnthor qnoor result of tht oloction is shown in tlio returns and that is that whilo tho ropublicniiH about hold thoir voto tho fiiBionints mado largo gains Whero tho votes enmo from Is n question thnt has many unsworn Nebraska is tho only stnto with tho courngo to deny an ovidont fuct the voters say by their votes thoy boo no prosperity Thoy will require another Hoason of Olovehuidism or llryanisni to bring t honi to t heir souses Somo ono woll says If overyono would cnrofully caml skilfully tiorform hiB own work and lot alono those things outsido of that for whioh ho is cspooinlly lifted a world of trouble would be saved iu thiBday and gonoruUou Tho valuo of your advert isingdoponds not nlono on keeping your location bo foro tho public tho goods you luivo to offer and the prices at which you will sell thani but vastly more in koopiug ovory promise that you make your cus tomers Tho result oven iu Nebraska is no groat cause for rejoicing to tho demo crats llolcomb was elected governor Ivy 21 KM majority whilo this your he will rocoivo less thuu 15001 majority llryan and all tho national force ot workers for tho party brought into the state couldnt bring tho majority up to its old standard of oxcollonco The success of the scheme for the utilisation of power from Nlngara falls Appears to be assured This Is cert i tied Ivy the announcement that bids will be received for the construction of a new wheel pit The pit now open nccom modates ten turbine wheels with an aggregate of f0000 horsepower The new one will accommodate ten more wheels of the same power so that the aggregate will be 100000 horsepower Thus the power available from tho great cataract seems to be almost lim itless Iu an article just published by Mill hull tho ouiiueut English statisti cian on Five years of American Prog ress somo very interesting facts are brought to light Among thorn these Tho avorago daily school attendance is increasing much faster thai tho popu lation The national banking business has increisod threo times as fast as tho population That tho amount of money in actual circulation is 1 10000000 mn o today than it was fivo years ngo That tho area of laud under tillage has in creased 10000000 acres binco IS while tho number of livo stock has fallen oft It is also very eviilont Unit population iu tho United States is now advancing at a slower rate than at any previous time iu its history Prof Bourne of Yalo in a recent ablo article puts iu a strong ploa for a trained civil service to administer our colouial governments Such a plea is a most timely ono Tho success or failure of our handling tho uew possissious will depend on whether wo adopt a rigid civil service system demanding of nil applicants a thorough training for tho positiou sought coupled with honesty of character or shall allow tho fellow who has the strongest pull ou accouut of his skill to bring about party success by questionable mothods to have charge of affairs Disguise Jit as we may attempt to evade it if we choose the fact remains that the stability of this government depends very largely on tho character of its civil service CIiiihImr dm Plkln Th football season Is now fnlrly upon us nnd those who take an In terest In vigorous and niniily athletic spoils n no Inconsiderable element by the way of this great American nn lliui turning their eyes toward tho college gridiron The teams have lined up for he Intercollegiate and varsity battles scheduled to be played between this time mid Thanksgiving day Al ready we begin to rend In the news columns of broken limbs unhinged Joints nnd buttered noses but this Is to be expected mid docs not lessen tho cnlliuslnmi of the players nor the In terest of tlio public However much some iiiiiv decry the brnlnllty of the game the collegians will continue to wrestle for tho possession of the pig skin with uiinbated vigor Public Interest pnrtleiilnrly In tho enst nntiirnlly centers around tho big four Harvard Princeton University of Pennsylvania and Yale Never In the history of the game bus there been such widespread Interest In these four teams and never bus the question of comparative merit been so much In volved In uncertainty Last year tho remarkably brilliant record of Ilnrvnrd In Its splendid victories over Ynle nnd the University of Pennsylvania gave mi Impetus to football at Harvard which should serve as an Inspiration for many seasons to come 1rlnceton too emerged from tlio season victo rious over Its old rival Yale and main tained Its reputation as the abiding place of the genius of football While Ynle and Pennsylvania were the vic tims last year there was no discredit In the defeats It was the fortune of that mimic war and If any one Imag ines thai these reverses Imply their uninterrupted defeat ho little knows the spirit and stamina of the young men of these two Institutions While the teams of the big four which yenr In nnd year out unques tionably have the best players and set the pace attract the widest attention there are hundreds of other universi ties colleges training schools and academies whose vigorous young men pursue the pigskin at this season of the yenr with unvarying devotion and varying success Tho game Is Indeed more than any other game tho uni versal college game and the results of the play are watched with keen Inter est by the public as the college yell resounds throughout the laud The champion horse thief of Amer ica one Peter Zimmerman has just been nrrested In Indiana Pa Peter Is 7fi years of age and claims to hold the horse stealing record and there Is like ly to be no counterclaim tolhe cham pionship lie has served off and on 40 j oars of his life for taking horses that didnt belong to him and according to his count he has during his career stolen lV steeds varying In value from r0 to U50 each Mr Zimmerman Is altogether proud or his record He has never he declares stolen a horse from a widow or an orphan or from a hard working man who bad no horses to spare Only from people who could lose horses without serious Inconven ience has Mr Zimmermans delicate conscience ever permitted him to steal and now In his old age he naturally looks back with pride and satisfaction upon his long and honorable career as a horse thief The agricultural department at Washington has sent agents to the Mediterranean regions to bring here tho Hulgarlan rose and other plants from which are derived the fragrant extracts used In making perfumes and their culture will bo tested In various sections of the United States Nearly all the perfumes used Iu this country or the essential oils employed In their iiiiinufacturo are Imported and the de partment wisely desires to inako tho experiment of producing them at home As there aro said to be sections of this country which do not differ very materially In soil and climatic conditions from the Mediterranean re gion the experiment ought to be suc cessful One of tho cruisers bought of the Armstrongs In England was to havo been completed for tho United States navy iu April last but Is now advanc ed only 87 per cent Though thoro Is perhaps no great rush for the comple tion of the vessel the Incident Is an other reminder that our own shipbuild ers like our locomotive makers aud bridge builders are the best and most expeditious In the world A Montreal paper returns nn adver tisement to nn Albany llrm with tho remnrk that wo do not publish any advertisements having for object the emigration of our people to the United States This Is perhaps prudent Should tho stream of Canadlnus com ing this way be greatly augmented the Dominion would be depopulated The Mexican government offered to glvo President Diaz 100000 with which to have a good time nnd ho re fused it Diaz evidently would not be a fit man to put ou mi American legis lative junketing committee The University of Texas owns some thing over 3000 square miles of land As that state Is developing quite an oil field the university may yet become as richly endowed as Rockefellers Chica go college THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 0 1899 SAMOAN Iimrri ACT IS REPEALED Will DImiiIiii tnrtnnrthlp nnd Mn In nliWImi of lnlnniM DruiiN Nov II It was olllcially an nounced yesterday that an agreement subject to tho approval of tho United Htatcs had been arrived at botween Great Britain and Germany by virtue of which tho Hainoati act is repealed and tho islands of UimiIu Havali and tho small adjacent islands fall to Germany as free proiMaly anil tho island of Tti tuilaand the subsidiary islands go to tho United Stales Great Mritaiu it is added renounces any claim to tho Kamuin islands and Germany iu turn renounces any claim to tho Tonga islands anil to thu Savage islands in lavor of Great Hsitain and also cedes Chniscul ami Sau Isabel tho two easterly islands of tho Solomon group with their insular surrouudliigs to Great Hritain Iliiilun Hiiliilnml na Miiyor Han Kuancisco Nov 0 Corrected returns show that tho Democrats mado almost a clean sweep iu tho municipal election hold hero Tuesday Tho lie publicans succeeded in but soven cases on tho entire ticket Tho Domocrats elected tho mayor and all other comity olllcers and 15 supervisors Mayor iholans plurality over Davis Hop is 7751 Nlilll ikiiiIk rHlil Depot 11vstinuh Neb Nov P The freight depot at the St Joseph and Grand Is land railway station was completely de stroyed by lire The tiro originated from sparks lioin an omtino A Very IIroIchh limccit A writer In the Philadelphia Tlmca who has been looking up the record of the mosquito in natural history has come to ho conclusion that It Is a very useless Insect Here is the result of his Investigation Mist why the mosquito bites people Is not yet known It Is not to furnish 11 food for It Is an established fact that u mosquito nftr gorging him self with human blood dies within a few hours whereas mosquitoes that have never tasted Llood have been known to live very comfortably oven through the entire winter and Into tho next season The adult mosquito does not need food During Its larvae stage It has stored up enough nourishment to last all Its life and It Is a normal state for It to go without food for the rest of Its existence All that It needs is moist air adult mosquitoes being known to pnss the winter In damp cel lars living on nothing but the mois ture Tho Tact hat It Is estimated thnt only ono out of 10000 ever tastes hu man blood also proves that it Is not necessary Why It persists In tortur ing mankind therefore has not yet been found out and scientists can on ly swear softly with the rest of man klnd nnd make tho general statement thnt the mosquito Is born with a vitiat ed appetite for human gore an nppetito that causes tho death of tho ludulger Home of tlic Ill mil Clirene While the Kdum cheese Is n familiar visitor on the table not every ono knows whence It comes nor how lis cannon ball proportions nnd gay col oring have been achieved The north ern part of Holland Is the seat of the Kdiim cheese Industry and the conse quent cleanliness of the relish Is there fore doubly assured In making It the fresh cows milk Is carefully strained and the rennet add ed As soon as the milk curdles tho whey Is drawn off nnd the curd thor oughly kneaded Is pressed Into molds This process Is repeated until the whey has all been extracted and the curd Is comparatively dry It Is then wrapped Iu a linen cloth and kept for 10 or 111 days until quite solid Then the cloth Is removed and the cheese put Into salt lye Afterward a little more dry salt Is sprinkled on the cheese until the maker thinks it Is salt enough to Insure Its keeping t It Is next put Into n vessel and wash ed with whey and scraped to remove the white crust It Is next carried In to a cool room and laid on shelves whero It vhi frequently turned The ripening process lasts from two to three months the round balls grow ing the line yellow or reddish color peculiar to Hdum cheese The cheeses Intended to bo exported to this coun try arc rendered still more brilliant by dyeing tho rind with a vegotablo dye New York Tribune Saved tho Viuie The little sou of an English gentle man In mischievously playing with a vase munnged after soveral attempts to get his baud through the narrow neck anil was then unable to extricate It For half an hour or more tho whole family and one or two friends did their best to withdraw tho fist of tho young offender but iu vain It wns n very valuable vase and tho father wns loath to break it but the existing state of alTnlrs could not contluuo for ever At length after a final attempt to draw forth tho hand of tho victim tho father gave up his efforts In de spair but tried a last suggestion Open your baud he commanded tho tearful young captive and then draw It forth I cant open It father declared tho boy Cant demanded his father Why Ive got my penny In my hand came tho at oundlng reply Why you young rascal thundered his father Jrop It at once Tho penny rattled In tho bottom of the vase and out came the hand Then Ho Your CuimliiK If you feel llko cussing the paper nud rdltor remember that ho eaut run It nnd inako It better without financial rupport and that he will appreciate It more and It will do you as llttlo harm f you no over and pay up your sub lerlptlon If you aro a delinquent sub icrlber or If not pay a subscription jor your frleud Lawreuco Democrat IliMtfnnM Cnmint Im Cured lly local applications as thoy cannot reach tho diseasod portion of tho car There is only ono way to euro deafness and that is by constitutional romodicp Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tho mucous lining of tho Kuntuchian Tubo Whon this tubo ifl Inflamed you havo a rumbling sound cr imporfect hearing and when it is en tirely closed eafness is tho rofliilt nnd unless tho iuflamiiintioii can bo takon out mid this tube restored to its normal condition hoarlng will bo destroyed forever nine cases out of ton aro caused by catarrh whioh is nothing but an iiillamcd condition of the mucous sur faces Wo will give ono hundred dollars for any cane of deafncBs caused by catarrh that cannot bo cured by Halls Catarrh Jure bond tor circulars ireo V 1 Chunky Co TolcdoO Sold by druggists 7fio Hulls Family Pills aro tho boat Agirls complexion may boBtampcd on lior lovers honrt but most of tho comploxion comes off unless put thoro by Rocky Mountain Tea Powders a bud thing A ClnilKoto Miiho from All Wliilur y to r A A y Wo want two moil to work for us dur ing tho fall and wintor in this county to take subscription orders for Tho Prairio Farmer Dig money can bo made by our special plan of work Many aro now making from 2 to 1 n day and will dotiblo this after tho subscription season fairly opens up Our plnn of work gives a clear field Wo want only two good men for this work Send rof eronco and write at onco Tho Prairio Farmer has been published for nearly sixty years and is woll known to ovory good farmer and stock raiser Writo at onco Address Tho Prairio Furmor 100 A hunt Stro t Chicago Youll never got tired fagged out disappointed unhappy or make mistakes in marriage if yon uso Rocky Mountain Tea A Hourtim Sturdy iih an Oiik But what about tho blood which tho heart must pump at tho rato of 70 times a minute If tho heart is to bo sturdy and tho nerves strong this blood must bo rich and puro Hoods Snrsaparilla makes sturdy hearts because it makes good blood 1 1 gives to men and women strength coufidenco courago and en duranco Hoods pills aro uou irritating aud tho only cathartic to tako with Hoods Sar sapurilln Baby sleeps and grows whilo niammn rests if Rocky1 Mountain Tea is given its tno greatest baby meuicmo ever oflorod loving mothers 5 cents Medical Hook Copy of Dr Humphreys Manual 100 pages aud cure of disoase mailed free Address Humphreys Medicine Co Now York jB Aire You Ever SSepMeetl And la It not duo to nervous eilia na tion How van you ltavo courage when sutTcrtnu with hratlachc ncrv ou9 prostration and great physical weakness Would you llko to bo rid of thU depression of spirits flow Bv removlnc tho cause By UA taking Ayers mmm It removes the cause of yoursuffer lnp tweauso it removes all impurities from your blood 5100 All druggists To keep in good health you must have perfect action of tho bowels Aycrs Tills euro constipation and biliousness 25c a box WrHo to our Doctorm TOl Lowell Man -v Wrlto ui frrelr all tho particular In our caso AildrCM UK J U AXXM v iW V Ci 4 OFF WITH THE OLD OrJ WITH THE NEW OfT with tlin old kIhhmS of annoyance nnd iiniwftCt vision on with tlinmiw null kimi giving and comfort nnd nlicf Many u porfou bttiiiililuo on through lifo with Ill fitting Frames mill Clienp doreiitnrml liiibo novor knowing thnt Perfect Vision may I hi given them hy our thorough methods in oxumiiiatioii mitt tuh glabseti ilbtMueut llttiug of pniMr G F W MRRQURRDT OPTICIAN Norfolk Nebraska Graceful Hnsy nnd Long Wearing THE FAMOUS Olga Nethcrsole 250 Shoe FOR WOMEN PoAsessot Mia morlt of perfect stylo fit comfort and durability No lircnkltiK in tiocoaenry mado to conform to tlio lines of tlio foot Bolo vory lloxiblo Chromo Kid stock that fs soft ns a rIoto jet wears llko Iron KxccUauy f lMslioo for wonr nnd comfort No IM riirntufl Kid wild tip n tho usunis medium wpIrIiI boIp too tlinvtlillliot n Oliver halt ilnlhir low lictl mill uolf Ilittorn inn mi iiiiu iiun nnwu it uiuiimimiiini in bijio unit ciiuiinri riiintilicMirril hylhc Uock Island Shoe Co Rock Island III nnuoli exclusively In thl city by F A HUSTONC -a C C3 Urn 3 o u R it TIME TABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley CAST Omaha Passenger Chicago Express EAST Chicago ExproRS Omaha IaBscngor WEST FRITZ H0EHNE EXPERT WATCHMAKER Is now ready to Repair your Watch and Jewelry Everybody will be surprised how good and cheap 1 will do It at Koenigstelns Drag Store Money to Loan ON Real Estate Elkhorn B S Associate DErART BKrnm 12i0pm ARRIVE 700p m 1210 11 in DKrART niack Hills Exproes 720 pm VordiKro IassonRor 1210p m Vordicro Accommodation 900 am WEST ARRIVE Illnck Hills Express 1220 pm VordiRro Passenger H 05nm Vordigro Accommodation 740pm ThoChicugo and Black Hills Express arrives anil dnparts from Jnuction depot Tho Omaha and Vordifjre trains arrivo and depart from city dopot II O Matbau Agent Union Pacific ROUTn DEPABT Columbus Accommodation B 30 p m Omaha Oonvorand Pacillo Coast Jl00a m NORTH ARRIVE Columbus Ace mmodatlon 1030pm Omaha hPeuvernnd Pacific coast 900 pm Connocts at Norfolk witli F E M V going west nnd north and with tlio C Bt P M O for points north nnd oast F W Jonkman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha EAST DEPART Sioux City ami Omaha Passenger 705 am Sioux City Passenger 125pm WHT ABIUVK Slonx City Passongor 1085dm Bioux City and Omnhn PassenRor 555 p in Connects at Norfolk with F K M V going west and north aud with tlio U P for points south F W Junkman Agent Ualy excoptJSunday sPM3 NORFOLK STEAM LAUNDRY CRAVEN HcCOY Proprietors FirstClass Work Guaranteed Proinpb delivery Work called for and returned Your patronage solicited Telephone 83 Norfolk Nebr FOR Q00D LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary H C TRUMAN O A LUIKART Pbesident OHAS S nitlDGE Vice Phmident DEALER IN COAL zrin WALL PAPER From ioc a Double Roll up Window Shades1 Room Mouldings Paints Oils Glass 04 n 4th3st Brushes Etc Etc Painting Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at Fair Prices WWW W n JOHNSON CAsniEB W K BBAASUU Asst OAsniKB The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Buy and Roll oxchanRO on this country and all parts of Europe Farm Loans Directors Iabl Asmus W H Johnhon Chas S Riudou O W Bbaabcu Swank G A Luikabt T F Mkmminqeb L Sessions cj C W BRAASCH C M 2 1 Exclusive agent iur the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best in the market Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE 61 Railroad and Business Directory en CTJ Q CO S3 55 CO CO C S HAYES Watch Repairing Spenoep Ouelman Boots and Shoes Repairing Neatly Done JBHERMANN Contractor and Builder 1 7 Fourth Street H C TRUMAN Paints and Ha 1 Paper House and Sign Painter IBSKEEPS flllliLlHEBY Cheapest and Best 22Norfolk Avenue JWEDWARDS The Norfolk Hopseshoer All Woek Guaranteed Cor 4thStnnd Hraasob Ave GFoeeries Always Fresh and Just as Represented AT UHLES Highest Market Price Paid ior Uuttor aiuI Eggs