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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1899)
r vr i I M l The Norfolk Weekly News BVHNE8 TYLER J VVtX Attorneys at Lar Norfolk Nobrnskft R II T 1IOLDEN llninropnthlp riiTsltIiin nm Surgeon OlHco ovor Citizens Nntumnl UntikDOllloi honrB 10 00 to 1200 a in mid 200 to rO0tiin OTOuiUKB 7 00 loM W IleMdoiico Telephouo No B OIUco No 101 Norfolk Nebraska pit 0 S PARKER DENTIST At Tlorco Kverv MonilnjJ Mast Block - - Norfolk Nol J J COLE DENTIST Offleo oyer OltlcenB Natl Bunk BeildeneB on block north o Conitrotf atlonal ohuroti Norfolk Nobrnnkft MISS MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker Up italrt In Cotton oloek OTer Baamt itor Flnt olast work iruarautoed Norfolk Nebraska pOWERB HAYS Attorneys at Law Boom 10 11 and 12 Matt Block Norfolk - Nebraska gKBSIONS BELL Undertakers and Embalmers BeeeloneBlk Norfolk Ave Ntrfolk Nfibrashn ff M ROBERTSON Attorney at Law Rooms I and 2 Robertson Wigton Block Norfolk For Plumbing Steam Fitting Pump Tanks Wind Mills And all repair irork In this line ca W H Satisfaction Guaranteed Flrat door south of Dalli Hew oBtca ED WEGENER Livery Feed and Sale Stable Hack Line In Connection Telephone 68 Mrs HHHull WfLLOIVB Facial Treatment Manicuring and Sharapoi Will gladly call at yocr hornet and do any of thl work Ordera taken for fine hair ewitohei Perfect match guaranteed Hoeidonco on Firit etreet Junction Orders may be left at tin Janetlon Drag Store Telephone lO Our Stock is Moving Very Fast You ask why Low Prices Honest Goods Great Variety 0 A FUSILAPE Of Ileal Bargains awaits jou iu Diamonds Watches Jewelry- Sterling Silver and Sil ver Plated Goods Cut Glass China and everything in Musical Goods in cluding Organs and Pianos wkichj we sell on easy payments Second hand organs at 20 to 55 New ones 50 up Save Your Eves Hayes the Famous Optician guaran tees every pair to lit Ho has fitted thousands of people and has their name to show tho largo business ho has done in Optics HAYES Jewelry and Music House Norfolk - Nebraska KENTDCKYjN DOUBT Both Sides Are Strongly Claim ing a Victory LATE RETURNS TAV0R G0EBEL Itcpulillcatii Mnlm Tnjloin Ilertlou lir 1roin A000 to 8000 ItiM iiriiw lleiimed lj tlin Coiirler loiminl IWn loetiel a Lend or iO00 Loiisvuii Nov 1 Returns ro reived by Tho Courier Journal up to liOa in give Goubol a plurality of S070 votes These figures aro based on ictuins ftoni 1701 out of ISUI precincts Of tho 72 missing prooincts 520 aro in tho Republican Eleventh district 7 aro in Republican counties of the Tenth distnct and ill aio in Democratic coun ties of the Tenth dish ict Returns received by Tho Courier Journal give Goebcl a plurality in tho Mate outside of tho Eleventh distiict of 1500 The Eleventh distiict as far as received shows tho usual Republican majorities Six counties in this dis trict which Tuesday night loported Taylor pluralities send revised llgures increasing theso phualities by 1100 On tho other hand Goobols plurality in the First district in tho oxtronio west ern part of tho state the banner Demo crat io district iuci eases its pluiality for Goobel several hundred over tho llgures returned Tuesday night Mil Cunt cm In Kentucky Louisvimk Nov No matter what result tho face of tho returns of Tues days election show a contest is very likely to occur Additional returns re ceded today continno to show Repub lican gains and basing an estimate on the normal complexion of the precincts still unreported indicate a pluiality of 0000 or 8000 for governor Tho belated returns aio mostly from mountain coun ties which aro strongly Republican Tho Eloventh district which m 1800 gave McKinley a plurality of 10000 is only about half reported Eleven coun ties in this district gave Taylor n plu rality of 12000 indicating that the Re publicans have carried the district by about tho same figuicsas in 1600 Tho Goebel people cling to their claim ot a plurality ot 0000 in tho state theso figures being the estimate made by tho nominee himself At Republican headquarters in this city Taylors plurality is claimed at 8000 Almost completo returns from Louis ville and Teflorson county rlo last nights estimate ot n Republican plurality of n httlo over HOOO Governor Bradley is still in tho city and announces that ho will romaiu hero for several days In view of tho piobibility of a con test over tho toto for governor tho statement made by Chairman Long of tho Republican campaign committee is significant Said Mr Long Tho legislatuio is close but I think wo havo lost both houses From semiofliciil re turns from all counties except two and careful estimates irom these wo have carried tho state by 8000 plurality for Taylor Todays developments bring tho legis iatuio into prominence because of tho probability that it ultimately will havo to determine who is to bo the next gov ernor of Kentucky In all expressions upon the result of tho election coming from Democratic headquarters tho legislatuio has been claimed as safe for thatpaity No statement of its mako np has been given but it is probable a number of members claimed by tho Democrats aro not Goebel men If tho strength of tho two great parties is nearly equal theso anti Goebel Demo crats probably would hold the balance of power thns furnishing all tho ele ments for a repetition of tho exciting and bitter contest of 1S97 which re sulted in tho defeat of Jo Blackburn for tho United States senate While the returns on tho head ot tho ticket ore incomplete but littlo attention has been paid to tho llguies on members of tho legislature and until the contest bo tween tho leaders is cleared up some what it will bo hard to get an accurato cbtinmto of tho rolativo stiength of tho parties in tho assembly i T1Slr Goebel Claims III Election Pkankfokt Ky Nov 9 Senator Goebel arrived hero last night and wss mot at tho train by a crowd of 1500 en thusiastic followers From tho balcony of tho Capital hotol whero his head quarters aro located Mr Goebel mado a speech in which ho said I boliovo I have been elected in fact I know I havo I seo my friend General Tay lor says he will assumo tho office of governor All I havo to say is if I havo been elected ns I boliovo I will bo in augurated in spito of tho Lonisvillo and Nnshvillo railroad or Bradley bayo nets Ex Senator Jo Blackburn also 6poko claiming Goobols election by a slender majority and calling on tho people to seo to it that ho is seated Chairman Blackburn gavo tho follow ing figures of tho complexion of tho next legislature Senate 27 Democrats 11 Republicans house C5 Democrats 15 Republicans withachaucoof 58to42 IlruiociatJoHik t lLcted In MUIklppl Jackson Miss Nov 0- Tho Demo eratie stato ticket elected is as follows Governor II Longiuo lieutenant gov ernor J T Harnson secretary of stato J L Power auditor W Q Cole treas urer Robert Stowers attorney general Monroo McOlurg Tho ticket was voted bolid and thero will not bo a variance of 100 votes between uny of tho candidates on the list Late results do not change the estimated majority of 30000 NORFOLK NEBRASKA TIIlUSDAY NOVKMHKU 1899 NEW YORK ASSEMBLY iiitlii win in ni or Mm mo Ms- trlt it Hutu nf Vi Nnw Yokk Nov 0 HoturiiH To rched front up tho state increase tho Republican assemblymen to U against f7 Democrats it Kcpublieun gain of 12 In New Yoik county the laigest Tain many pluiality was that of the candi date for suiiogate Abuer O Thomas nrJ70 He was fonnerly a Henry Geoige leader 1 Justice Joseph Daly fusion candidate for supieme judge who was expected to get many Denio ciatio votes did not head tho poll for his ticket Tho independent labor vote ns indicated by the olo for John S Crosby for supremo judge was A 700 or Jl000 less than tho Socialist vote The Tammany phualities in the several counties aie about uoriunl the gains of assemblymen in this city being hugely duo to combinations with Citiens union and labor men against Republican candidates Richard Cioker again ox piessed hisiegret that tho Democrats up the stato had no orgiuuttinii and although ho did not say so it is inferred that Tammany hopes to organio tho whole stato for tho campaign of 1100 Mr Croker pointed to Nebraska as an illustration of what energetic work will do Senator Piatt and Assemblyman Mazot denied interviews in which they weio credited with saying that Assem blyman Stowaits seat would surely bo contested They said that a contest would bo mado only in caso convincing proof of fiaud was discovered BAY STATE ELECTION Doiihh mix Are Miuln llnpij Over 1iuty X l lor In lloitou Boston Nov 0 While the entire Republican ticket was elected Tuesday tho Demociats are jubilant over tho party victoiy in Boston The llgures tor the stato aio Ciane Rep 108870 Paine Dem 10181 1 Republican plu rality inOtiJ The plurality ot Gov ernor Woleott over Candidate Btuco last year was 811 180 In tho senate the Demociats havo nine members a gain of two which means the ability to demand a loll call a pailiunoiitary advantago not within Domociatio means for some yeais Tho senate will stand Republicans 111 Demociats 0 The house Repulluans lGi Demociats 70 Social Democrats 2 Independents 2 The Republicans have lost one lepreseutativo and tho Democrats havo made a net gain of four while tho Socialists hold then own CORSON WINS BLACK HILLS Kopublli ail Huh a Good I tad In Koutll Ditkota Dead woon S D Nov 0 Tho Re publicans are iigunng out a majority of 1100 for Corson in tho Black Hills Lawrence county has given 500 Re publican majoiity thus far and all tho other Black Hills counties excepting Pennington havo given fioiu 100 to 200 Republican majority Pennington county is liable to go either way The new election law does not allow tho county auditor to open tho poll books until tho canvassing boaid meets which will bo Saturday or Monday No definite newb will bo known until then Iipin View on the Kiel Hon New York Nov 0 Senator Ohaun cey M Depow was asked for his views on tho election I regard this election as an endorsement of President McKin loya administration ho said It proves that tho American people hao absoluto confidence in him To my mind and I am not speaking idly it settles tho question beyond doubt of tho next presidency I believe it means that Mr McKinley will bo tho nominee of the Republican party and that Mr Bryan will again secuio tho Demo cratic nomination Neil lemej ICepulilliinii I 30000 Nkwakk Nov it Taking the high est canduluto for county ollico on each ticket in all tho counties the Repub lican plurality in New Jersey is well abovo 20000 Taking what political leaders call a fair averago in each coun ty tho plurality is about 10000 A year ago tho Republican plurality in tho stato calculated in tho same manner was 8 100 On tho sumo year Voor hees Republican for governor had 514 plurality Ie n ii HyHitnln He t u r n Phixadei viha Nov 0 Comploto ro turua from 60 of the 70 counties of tho stato including Philadelphia with carefully revised estimates from tho Bovon missing counties show a plurality of 100005 for Barnett Rop for stato treasurer over Creasy Dem Tho plurality for Brown Rep for supremo court judge will exceed that of Barnett by probably oOOOO IteifiilnrM Win In Xni Orleans New OitiEANs Nov Tho regular Democracy won an easier victory than was oxpeoted Tho registration lias been thoroughly purged and tho negro voto piactically eliminated leaving Jib 000 votes as against 00000 on tho roll two years ago Of these i2000 votes wero cast Paul Capdovillo the Demo ratio candidate for mayor received a majority ot 0700 MiuiU Ipul Kiel IIoiih In Utah Salt Lake Nov 0 Thompson Rop for mayor has a majoiity of 0W1 Tho Republicans also electul recoider tho Democrats attorney treasuier and jus tico of tho peace The council stands Nino Republicans ami six Democrats The Democrats elect mayors in Provo Qirden Park City and Logau i puhllrun Jtajoritj In South Dakota AuEiuiKEv S D Nov 0 Complete roturus liom tho state at largo confirm last nights estimates of a Republican majority of fioiu 7000 to 10000 for nupreiue judge VICTORY FOR FUSION Carry Nebraska by Substantial Majorities ENTIRE 8TATE TIOKIIT EIB0TBD Total otii list I In iien4 or Innt War Millionth utile Mm stato In at IeitM 14000 Vmllle Ilei toil n oiiki III he Slvtl IIMilit Limoin Nciv 0 Complete countv retui ns coining in today do not niater uilh change tho e lv estimates ot tho results ot Tuesdays election The ftis ionistsciiiiy the state by 15000 peihaps moie on the luce of tiie lotuius fioiu noiuly half of the counties They oh ct William Ncilln to eongiess oer Muses P Kinltead in tho SKtli district but by a t educed majoiity ami gain slightly m judicial distitels Chaiimau Kdmistou r the Populist stale ceutiat comnuttto insists that S A lloleomb is elected judge ol tho supiotno coiiit by 15000 probably mote The Republican com mittee gave up the light and quit count ing Wednesday morning W J Bryan said he bail nothing fur ther to add to his comment of Tuesday night that tho fusion victory in No biaska was a lebulce to tho national ad niinistiitiou He lefused to discuss the result in other states Mr Bnau ie coned many tolcgralns of congratula tion fioiu all ptrts of tho United States Theio was an iufoiinal jollillcation meeting in the Populist stato headquai teis esteidy atteinoon Cliaiiinan Btlmisten was kept busy nt the long distance telephone leceiving ictuins and answeiing liiquuics The fusionists mo arranging for a demonstiatioii at the capitol giounds 1iiday night Out of 50000 votes outside of Douglas county lepoittd in such a manner as to make comparison possible link omh has made a net gain ocr tho oto last for Poynterof 2515 votes Republicans make no elToit to ex plain the causes though a lumber of Ieideis iji this city differ fioiu W J Brjm in his statement that tho gains aie only over last year when the fusion ists lell fju shoit of their not mill stiength Thej p mt out ho fact that ioriucr Governor lloleomb when hoian for governor the last time cm l led tho state by 21000 lloleomb cairied Douglas county by neatly 000 majoiity according to tho returns so far received which include all but llvo of the III precincts llay Wnrrt last year carried Douglas county by 800 while lloleomb in 1800 hail car ried it by 000 Tho totals aro llol eomb 10 ISO Reese OJllil Tho Republicans elected tho entiio judicial tick t and most of their county ticket also their school boud ticket Tho Demociats elected tho dis trict court clerk and Measurer Ono leaf uro ol the leturns ih that Reeso has polled practically the Repub lican voto of last voar out ill the state and that Holcombs increaso comes al most entirely from the increase in tho total voto SOUTH DAKOTA REPUBLICAN Supreme Com I CiuiiliiliiteH ICIeitnl hy lUnoi HIih or AImiiiI 4000 Siorx Falls S D Nov Addi tionul reports received from points m the state make but hltlo change in the Republican majority uici easing it from 1 875 to 4017 Part of this incieaso is shown in Boiihomino county where tho early estimates gavo tho Republican nominees 107 majority Ton precincts iu that counry met eases this to I2J and the complete report will show a still further increase Minor county com pleto gives tho Republican ticket ll majority Tho Republicans thero elected threo county commissioners Tho voto cast iu that county testifies to tho lack of interest on tho pirt of tho oters Last year the county cast a total of 100 votes whereas this year only 111 ballots wero doiHisitod Union and Davison counties practically nullify each others voto tho fusionists carrying tho former by an averago ol about 100 majority whilo tho Republicans carried the latter by about tho same figure Julian Ben nett ono of tho fusion nominees for tho stato supremo bonch carried his judicial district nominally Republican by about you majority a testimony to Ins personal popularity SHAW HAS 6OJOO0PLURALITY Jleniihlliiiii IrKlKlutlve Majority In I own I IiKremeil Des Moines Nov 0 Returns from 90 out of the 09 counties of tho stnto with ostimutos on the others show that tho Republican claim of 00000 plurality for Goernor Shaw is easily maintained and may go slightly above that figure His majority over all candidates for governor is estimated at -18000 which is tho largest in tho history of tho stato on tho gubernatorial voto Compared with tho oto of 1808 tho voto of this year shows an increase of uliont C per tent for tho Republicans and 10 per cent for tho Democrats which would make tho total Republican voto about 213000 and tho Deinociatio voto about 100000 But this is a falling oil from tho voto of 1807 of about 0 and 10 jier cent respectively Tho legislature will stand Seuuto lii Republicans and 15 Democrats huu o 81 Republicans and 17 Demociats a gam of 17 votes on joint ballot lor tho Republicans Both tho Gear and Cummins forces claim a majority ol the Republican votes for tho United State- bonatorhip Chairman Hullmauof the Democratic state committee Mid Wo attribute tho victor of tho Republicans to tho sena torial light between Cummins and Gear and to the use ot amounts of money iu varioua districts CLEAN SWEEP IN MARYLAND lleiuiK rntn Iln I Iltllie Slitte I Ii kel hy llnoo MnlmlM IlMTtMimi Nov 0 Returns fioin Baltinioio and all the enmities of the Mate show that tho Democrats piacli callv swept twuytliiug be ft no them in Tuesdays contest John Wallei Sniilli Dr Joshua Herring and Isidni Kitvnoi their candidates lot governor comp tioller and attorney geneial lespect lely weio elected oci the Republican candidates by appioviinatoly llilOO umjonty Thej elected II state sella tins loi four on tonus which with Unit fom hodin eiH will gie them 15 out of a total membership of 21 iu the uppei house In tho lower house composed of 01 luembcis the Demociats elected HI while the Republu aus w ill have onl 25 th legates in the ligtHlatuio to meet In Jaiiumy ol next eui The pluiality in Kallimoie cit ol all the Deinot lalio candidates iiiiin close up to those ol the letih is on the ticket while m Pie conn ties local piejiiiliccH cut down the ma joiilits of siiecessliil candidates for hi cal olllces Many theoties hao been advanced as to the cause of the Demii ctatie landslide but a caicful uimhsis shows that the independent Demoeiatic otcis siippmtcd Colonel Smith whilo many disgi untied RcptihlifuiiH cither teinaiuetl away fioiu the o11h or cast their balloth tor he Deiuoeiiitic caiidi date A special election iu the Hist coiigiessionol iliMnct will be niiide ue ocsaiy bv tho success of Colonel Smith as a candidate for governor RESULT IN OHIO NiikIik Iliniillit In Nun Ilm fit ill ler I lllj I IioiiniiimI CoiiMius Nov 0 The statisticians at the Republu iu hcadqtiai tei s have been bus all day endi ioi mg to siitne some aceiiiate llgute on the pluialit ol Judge Nash the Republican candidate for governor and an unollleial table of phualities by unities was completed This shows thai iu 57ounties Nash has SllOOovei McLean and m III counties McLean has 1 10lfi oer Nash This gives Nash oei McLean in the state 50il It is not believed the olllcial l etui ns will make itny ltiinnt tint change in these llguies No llguies ate nnnl able on the total vote m lie state as tho committee sought to obtain only phualities Notwithstnn ling ofloits wete made to get tho voto lor Jones ictiiinn have been seemed from only H comities These liieludo tho counties in which the heaucst Jones vole was polled and show a total ol 81000 Tho leniainiiig oountus jC1 swell the Jones voto to 100000 The Republican figures on the legis lature aie House Republicans 01 Demociats 15 doubtful 51 Sinale Republicans 18 Demociats 11 doubt ful 2 Lucas county complete gives Jones for governor 1511 pluiality over Nash let eiiKer Ih Com h led Liiu un Mo Nov 0 Hi nest Clev enger a young fanner was convicted of murder in the Hist degieo at his dial lor killing George Allen and Delia Clev enger last December near Missoun City Clcengor was in love with Delia Clevengci s sister Jennie and was jeal ous of Allens attentions to her All threo had gone to prayer meeting Clevenger followed and when they emerged from tho building shot Allen dewl fatally wounded Delhi and was about to shoot Jennie vvhen arrested In June Clevenger escaped from jail but was recaptured Hook Tallin ly lllirai laim O Ill a it RaiIDs la Nov 0 Tho tenth annual convention of tho Iowa Library association negiiu hero yester day with about 00 delegates in attend auce President Johnston m his an nual address showed that the growth of library advantages in Iowa in the last ten years had been exceptional Tho papers wero full of interest Mrs Allan Dawson ol Des Moines read one on The Making of Books Classill cation and Cataloguing was dibcussed by Miss IMna Bullock of Des Moines Quitrrel CuliulnnteN Serloimly Four DomiE la Nov 0 A shoot ing nirniy occurred at the town of Judd a luvy miles east of hero Whilo in Merrills storo N II Wagoner and Alvin Kellogg becamo involved in a disputo over an old business traiibic tion and Wngoner pulling a revolver began firing at Kollogg Tho latter ro treated but received ono shot in tho leg Wagoner has Ixjoii bound over to tho grand jury under 1000 bonds TopoUu liiHiirnute War Kuileil ToiEKA Nov 9 The bitter fight be tween tho local flro insurance agents us a result of which tho rate has lieon cut to 1 per thousand was ended yobturday through arbitration Tho Continental company of New York which led tho fight has instructed its agent hero to discontinue the low rate and to work in harmony with tho other companies in maintaining rates Mm lilnlnU in on Strike Boom- la Nov 0 All tho maehiu ists and helpers iu both shops ot the Northwestern went on stiiko for higher wages They havo been leceiving 200 and made a demand for 275 which lxiug refused they put woik Tho shops are well supplied with work and it is thought tho matter will bo set tled III Clue to Coticreu CoiUMHUs O Nov 0 J J Gill Rop is elected over Lav osier Spenco Dem for oongrohs in tho Sixteenth Ohio district by -1410 votos Mr Gill will fill tho unexpired term of the lato Loreu0 Dauford GRSEILER Sale and BoardingrBarn Horses Bought and Sold on Commission Irnntich Avenue and Tnlrd St PHONE 44 M C WALKER DICAlrlt IN FLOUR - FEED Oil anclGasoline TKIiHlMlONI NO 33 L L RIEMI3E Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Mers Foico and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Giiaiautecd on all Woik Kirs doir Wohtof Post Ollico KARO BROS viea amcm e mmmmm mm Fii G Everybody wants tho b3st of moats Wo make a special effort to please our trade Our Shop Ih the Neatest in the rilv NHIN YOU WANT A H0I SHAVE or BATH CO W 0 Halls Barber Shop MAv T Tlllltl DOOK iaht opiuuhth THE NORTH WESTERN LINE F E M V R R is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska Clrtat Oiler A ciiiiii for j on to tr 1 hex of Dr Kacrit fiitiioiiH mi iliilnob for 10 t ciitt Dr SawjurB hijntiw ItiMit i faiiioiih mill know 11 tlirounliout tint world un 1111 iimxjimlrd remixl for nil puciillur to uomiii mill Jr Sau jorh llllit Hi rrioi fur llilloiibiioh In the niott ixipular unit ITictno remiily in the murkut It iHisitUoly ciirrK liiliiiUbiicbH in nil form Iioailiiiho eullow com polx ion hail tiihtu in tlm uioiith 111 til uinriiliu ulc Tliiiiimiulb can hour uklileuro of the wonderful curutiwi propertii of tlioeu fain one reiiiedioH Cut tluu coupon out urltoymir iiiiino mid addrct 8 nrront it In ink and tit Uu it toouriiKcut iiiimod Ixilou nnd tlio will kUo you for 10 centH n tl00 n 1 711 lxx of Dr Kiiuurii Hipiuw Hoot routuitiluK ono fourth the inisli rino Mild for 100 urn Imix of Dr Kawjurb lhlo Ilorriib uO cniit ulro cdutiilnltiK ono liiilf tho uibdiciuu bold forO renin Mkk Am 1 ia CovinT South rifthhtrout Norfolk Nub CALIFORNIA The Land of Sunshine m r 1 i 1 x 1 fpIcTOrV TIIKRB IS NO CLIMATE LIKK IT ON THIS CONTINENT FOR A WINTER RESORT Finn Train Service via tho Union Pacific Palaco Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Free Reclining Chair Cars Buffet Smoking and Library Oars Ordinary Sleeping Cars Piutsch Light Steam Heat Fivo Daily Trains from Missouri River For Tlrue Ttibleu Folderg Illuitroted Hoofcu Pamphlet debcriptlve of tbo trrritory travers ed call ou F W JUKEHAN Agent