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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1899)
4 Br m L 1 SflN T0MA3 IS TAKEN Filipinos Arc Burning Their Towns Behind Them CLOSING IN ON BAN TERNANDO limn Nulinnlui mill Sinilli Dakota TruoM Aro In ii Snni n Kim imMiiiiiit ConfT tliio lli lurim OtN mill IlUplnci I Wltlicml Hoiull InMiiontn Altlng 10 Diijs drum In Conitlili r Manila Mny 4 noon Gunem Muo Mrthur is now assaulting tho town oC San Toinas about llvo nulos northwest of Ciiluinpit Tho Ainerieans nro light ing for tho hritlgo and tho rebels aro burning tho town After a hovoro ciiRngemont General Wlnmtoiis brigado entered San Toinas this morning tho insurgents lighting desperately The Americans found San Toinas burned General Halo is push ing tho insurgents toward San Fer nando General MacArthnr moved forward nt S oclock this morning with tho Kan sas and Montana regiments along tho railway and tho Utah battery and Ne braska South Dakota and Iowa regi ments on tho right Thcro was a so vero engagement at a bridgo four miles this sido of San Toinas whoro tho in surgents wero found in force Summers brigade of Lmvtons com mand is now advancing northward to ward Mnasiu Illlpliins Auk For Tliri o Moulin Truce Manila May 4 There was u con ference lasting two hours yesterday bo tween Major General Otis and tho en voys who ciimo hero from General An tonio Luna bearing a proposal for a ccs cation of hostilities General Otis adhered to his refusal to recognize tho so called government of tho insurgents Tho Filipinos now ask for a truco of throo mouths to en ablo Aguinaldo to summon tho congress and consult with tho insurgent leaders on others of tho islands At Balibog last evening there was a running fight in the course of which one American soldior was killed and threo wero wounded Tho rebels scat tered boforo General Lawtou and Gen eral Halo Yesterday while Captain Wheelor with a detachment of tho Fourth cavalry was covering General Hales advauco ho discovered a largo body of robols at Pulilan Tho cavalry oponod fire but thcro was no responso Thinking that tho rebels wantoa to sur render Lieutenant Boll went forward to parloy with thorn Tho Filipinos ro plied that they did not wish to surrendor bu thatr thoy had boon ordered to rofraiu from lighting during tho negotiations They asked what Lieutenant Boll wanted and in reply wero given half an hour in which to rotiro which thoy improved A Spanish prisoner who cscapod into tho American linos reports that after General Halos advauco on Quiugan 200 Filipinos wero buried 35 in one trench and 27 in another This is tho largest number of rebols that have been killed in any engagement for sovoral mouths Sevnn Men Still Missing Washington May 4 Tho following cablegram has been received from Ad miral Dowoy Manila May 3 Secretary Navy Washington Tho following aro tho Yorktown prisoners at insurgent head quarters at San Isidro Lieutenant Gihuore Ohiof Quartermaster William Walton Sailmakers Mate Paul Van doit Coxswain John Ellsworth Ap prontico Albert Poterson Landsman Sylvio Brisolcse Landsman Paul Ed wards and Landsman Fred Anderson Provisions have been sent to thorn by Otis Am continuing inquiries as to tho fato of tho other seven Dewey Among tho men not accounted for is Charles Albert Morrissoy Ho was born at Columbus Nob and his mother at present resides in Lincoln General Unlit I Wounded Washington May 4 Goueral Otis reports tho following casualties not herotoforo reported Wounded April 20 Brigadior General Irving Halo leg slight First South Dakota Captain Charles II Englesby company II shoulder filight Sergeant Oscar N Corsoy com pany G log slight Fifty first Iowa Fred E Strong company M scalp slight Samuel J Tillon company M April 25 shoulder hlight Bertrau Grace company II April 27 foot slight accidental NeJnihIann Wounded Washington May 41125 a in Special to Tub Nrws Tho followiug additional casualties nro reported from Manila in tho First Nebraska regiment Wounded May 1 Private Paul Osscwski company C in hand sovere accidental May 4 Private John D Kioney company F in hand severe accidental Geo D Mbuclcjohn Act Asst Secy of War Clouilliurnt at Treiniielnu Tkempelau Wis May 4 A cloud burst yesterday turuod Main street in to a raging river flooding mauy busi ness houses Floating dobris and even horsos wero carried down for blocks No lives were lost though soveral nar now escapes aro roported General AmluriMi Aliiied Washington May 4 Brigadier Gen eral Thomas M Anderson who has re turned recently from tho Philippines has been asMgncd to tho command of tho department of tho lakes WOMAN DICTATOR IN CUDA Minium Cenpede Said lo Control Dm tlnle oT Nlullil Havana May 4 Tho ruturoof Culu will probably bo largely influenced by a woman Mine Cespedos whoso salon is visited by tho best known men not only of Havana but of tho entiro island General Maximo Goinoz is a constant visitor and a woleonm guest of this lady Mine Cospedes is tho widow of tho first president of Cuba in tho ten years war and decisions reached at her salon aro far more ellectivo than nny decree pushed by the recently defunct Cuban assembly Men of standing who nro devoted to tho principle of Cubui national indenendeiico nro welcomed to tho salon and assist in its councils It is believed by persons who nro in a position to know that a full understand ing has been reached by Mine Cospedes and General Gomez regarding Cubas future As tho result of conversations at Mine Cespedes salon It is asserted that tho first president of Cuba shall bo Carlos Cospedes son of tho war president Tho party of General Gomez believes that it is none too early to bo gin a movemout in bohalf of Carlos Cespodes us they expect that American occupation of tho island will end before next Miininer and probably by April 1U00 II no l nl Limit Oilier DiJUANGO Col May 4 About 100 homeseokers wero lined up at tho land ollico hero prepared to mako filings on claims in tho Uto reservation which will bo oponod for settlement at noon today Many stood in lino all night and tho number is being slowly augmonted Settlers aro divided in opinion as to tho method of fllin Tho majority boliovo priority of right rests with tho party who settles upon tho land By 1230 actual settlement by hundreds of peoplo will bo made whilo only two or threo filings in tho laud ollico can bo registered bo foro that hour It has always been tho practice it is said in cases of contest to givo actual settlors preference No United States marshals havo appeared and thcro seems to be no necessity for them Tho Indiann aro manifesting no uneasiness atit their lmii cs will bo protected against ull iutriuiJid KincU Uy ounrilK Santiago May 4 Yesterday a Mayari in this province between Hoi guin and Sagua do Tanauio an attompt was mado by four outlaws to rcscuo tho bandit chief Miguel Gonzales and fivo other bandits who wero in tho custody of tho rural guards Tho sontiuol who detected tho attempt fired and wouudod one of tho outlaws Tho guards rushed to tho assistance of tho sentinel and a sharp fight onsued all of tho would rescuers being killed Two of tho guards wero wounded I ii vail urn Will Ho Airnnted Littli Rock Ark May 4 Governor Jones has been informed of a movement to bring into tho coal mining district an armed body of men to take tho places of tho strikers Ho has given instruc tions to tho state auditor to summon every ablobodied man in Sebastian county if necessary to enforco tho in junction of Judgo Rowo All such armed mon are to bo met at tho state lino and placed under arrest Mine operators will also bo arrested Afro Aineilcan Irocliiiiiiitlon NnwYomc May 4 Tho National Afro American council of tho United States has issued a proclamation calling upon tho colored peoplo of this country to set apart Friday Juno 2 as a day of fasting and prayer and has called upon all colored ministers to dovoto tho sun rise hour Juno 4 to special exercises in order that God tho father of mer cies may tako our doplorablo caso in his own hands and that if vonganco is to bo meted out lot God himself re pay Chicago Iiouh lo TuiKior Washington May 4 Beforo tho da parturo of tho cruiser Chicago yester day from Punta Dol Giulu Acting Sec rotary Allon bent instructions to Rear Admiral Howiion directing him to pro ceed to Tangier Morocco Tho United States has several small claims against tho Moorisli government tho result of tho looting of stores owned by Ameri cans and of outrages committed upon Moorish agents of American houses IIouiliirHiin liiplaliiH Curreiiey Iluii Washington May 4 Representa tive Henderson of Iowa had a half hours consultation with tho prosidont today legarding the work of tho Re publican caucus coinmitteo of the house of representatives at Atlantic City He explained to tho president at length tho currency reform plan which the coinmitteo unanimously decided to ro comuioud to tho Republicans of tho next house Caravan Captured liy Tribesmen OaiKTOWv May 4 Word has been received hero that a caravan under tho command of two Europeaus was ro contly attacked noar tho headwaters of tho Rovuna river east of Lake Nyassa the tribostnen killing CO portors and capturing all tho goods Tho Europe ans reached Ohickla fort after wander ing threo days in tho bush Italian Ministry Henleni Rome May 4 Tho Italian ministry has rosigiied It is understood that tho occupation of Sail Muu bay China will tako placo inunodiatoly thus making it au fait accompli for tho in coming premier A report is in circu lation that Gonoral Pelloux has already received an informal mandate to recon struct tho ministry Hviinels Wlieiealionu a Mtery Hastings May 4 Tint mystery con cerning tho disappearance ot II C Hon el is still unexplained ami no trace of tliu missing man cau be found SAMOANSAGGEPT TRUCE Germans However Refuse to Sign Proclamation HOSTILITIES AUG SUSPENDED Mala tin Actupli an ArinWtlri llul lVr 1 nt II i llKit Still StuiiiW In Hut Wav nl n S it M let iny Sett lenient nt tlm Tritiililo In llin liluiuW Nn Word Iliiin Adiiilial KiiutK Aima Samoa April 27 Via Auck land N May 4 Matatilii the rebel chieftain has accepted an armistice Tho Germans however declined to bign the proclamation Washing ion May 4 Since tho re ceipt by tho navy department of tho dispatch announcing that he had re ceived instructions notifying him of tho appointment of the Saninui commis sion and of the desire of the president that tho status quo should be niiun tiiined nothing Ins- been heard from Rear Admiral Kautz The news that Miitiuifti has accepted an armistice though tho Germ ins failed to sign tho proclamation has consequently not been otlleially confirmed There is no doubt however of tho correctness of that feature of tho nios sago relative to tho suspension of hostil ities us it was the desire of the threo governments during tho investigatson to bo made by the commission that peace and order should exist in tho isl ands In view of this well known desire somo surprise is expressod at tho ro ported refusal of Herr lloso to sign tho proclamation unless it contained ex pressions whicl he regarded as injur ing Germanys cause Kill 111m ineiny New Yokic May 4 Alexander Mas terton a director of tho Farmers Loan and Trust company and 72 years of ago was shot anil killed yosterday by James Noalo Plumb in tho Burlington hotol on West Thirtioth street Mastertou was shot fivo times and died within an hour or two The murder was promoditatod as evidenced by a voluminous statement written in advauco by Plumb and givon out after his arrest At present tho real motivo for tho crinio is unknown Plumb in his statement entitlod Why I J Noalo Plumb shot Alex ander Mastertou declared that ho had been actuated to do tho shooting bo cause of a systematic hounding of him by Mastertou Plumb declared further that Mastertou had not only ruined him financially but had attompted to aleimito tho affections of his wife and children and to causo his social down lull llltf OH Tank Allae Mouoantown W Va May 4 A bovero electrical storm passed over this section yosterday doing much damage to property A tank containing 50000 worth of oil belonging to West Virginia producers at tho Standard Oil compa nys plant took llro from a stroko of lightning and at last reports was fast being consumed Tho burning tank is in tho center of a group of 25 all in close proximity to it Ono hundred men are lighting tho firo to provont a spread It is estimated that 2000000 worth of property is in danger A dozen dwellings in tho town and county wero struck and badly damaged Great quantities of hail fell during tho storm and riddled tho fruit orchards and wheat fields Monument to Cliancelloravillo lleroen Richmond Va Miy 4 On tho bat tlefield of Chancellorsvillo yesterday General Charles II T Collis and 20 other members of tho Ono Hundred and Fourteenth Pennsylvania regi ment Collis zouaves dedicated a mon ument to tho memory of three ollicers and 35 privates of their regiment who fell in tho battle Tho vinitors wero uccompauied to the monument site by a number of citizens of Fredericks burg General Collis mado a patriotic address and James Park Corbin ac cepted tho moiiumeut on behalf of National Battlefield association whoso care it has been entrusted R tho to DieyliiM KnvMlon Inquiry Pauls May 4 Slowly but steadily tho net is closing around thj French general stall in the Dreyfus revision in quiry Another auti Droylus argument has roceiveil its death blow General Zurlindon whilo testifying boforo the court of caseation attached gru it im portance to tho closing sentencj of tho bordereau I am starting for tho ina neuvres as proving tho guilt of Drey ius and the innocence of Hstorhazy It has now boon proved that this notifi cation was uctually dated May 17 Therefore Dreyfus could not havo writ ten I am starting lor tho maueuvros in tho following August Irlneenn Sullii Sallil at Ken Milium Deu Moines May 4 Princess Salrn arrived in tho city yesterday for a visit with Major and Mrs S H M Byers Invitations to tho number of 1000 havo been issued by tho Byers for a reception in her honor Friday mid Saturday oven mgs and slio will bo entertained by other prominent citizens vssctSp Amsolviely Pure w sbv 9H4 r Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome BOYtl 0IK0 PO OCR CO SEW VORK - inarm irrnnirnriiu im unni n i OflPW JM1 ry snfrrwTTi if The Norfolk Weekly News NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY MAY 1 180 llTM 0W 1 T i i fc5 - j jm -v - i l o r Jk s mr n skXm i rfit i vm m 1WIWP1WW -V BT5 14 T Fn new spring ana Summer Goods Have Arrived pXAX Xcg - X m c w fts i T w rTrmnw -- stock embraces all the new styles and colors in La OUR dies Boots and Oxfords and Gents Fine Shoes Our line of Misses and Childrens Shoes is large and complete Our Pricesare Right for Reliable Goods u M NV m baSi Bishop Christie of Vancouver Island has been appointed archbishop of Ore gon Only three elovators woro at work at Buffalo Wednesday and the grain con gestion was enormous If a deal now pending in Now York goes through the Clover Leaf will bo come a part of the Missouri Kansas and Texas Tho transfer of tho site for tho United States exhibit at the Paris exposition was made to Commissioner General Peck Wednesday Tho District of Columbia commandery of tho Loyal Legion Wednesday de clared forleitod the momborshipot Gen eral Charles lJ Eugau Asa result of a mountain fond Ar thur and Reason Kitts wero waylaid uud killed lrom ambush by William Ohborne in Union county Tonnessco Charles Mooro Cincinnati sentenced to two years lor sending obscene matter through the mails has recoived a com mutation to tix monthh lrom tho presi dent Thomas W Shackleford sentenced to bo hanged Thumday for the inurdur of a man named iaylnrnt St Jnns was given a respite ol DO dayn by Governor Stephens Arguments wero concluded Wednes day botoro Judge Kolilsaat United States court Chicago in tho interstate commerce commisnious ciso agaiusi tho western roads Assistant Secretary of Wur Mciklo John announces that tho per capita tax mi immigrants coining into the United States is altio to be enforced in Cuba Purto Rico and the Philippines The Philadelphia Ledger makos an uuthoriiativo denial of tne widely pub hshed htntoiuent that a marriage was contemplated between -Mrs Guorgo W Childs and General Joseph Wheeler Tho Amalgamated Association of Street Car Employes in session at St Ijiuis tolegrapned President McKinloy a protest against the too tree use of tho pioteotlon afforded by tho words U S Mail Georgo B Howard alias S W Claw sou au escaped patient of the federal insane asylum at Washington lias been urrosteti at Kansas City Kan whoro he has been in business since his escape Dec 21 lbUl aV4 Baking Spencer Ovelman NORFOLK NEB 14 taMMrW SPARKS FROM THE WIRES FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary Norfolk I N A KAlNIlOIiT PrcBideut At KXANDKU IllvAK Vico lreslclnD W IIHUCHOI UiiHhior K W ZUTC Aminlul Cnaliior National Bank OLDESI ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS jN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sells Exchange Interest Paid on Tl me Deport s DnifLs and Money Oidcrs Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIEBOTOBS A I1KAH K I HANION KJHAM V H HUCHOJZ WM ZDT1 NA IlAINHOIVr JOHN It HAYS K VUHOKri BH COTTON S FUE3LER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fmitsand Vegetables in Season Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand BRAASCH REES DEALERS IN SH Exclusive agents lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal tho best in the market Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 01 rTf nnrrr JMiiinin i uammdmumm y7TJSISffltt