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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1899)
i i 4 4 L 1 M 9 ft vt A t They fit the feet as nature Intended iBl YOUR SPRING GOWN will bo greatly enhanced by wearing graceful shoes The mosl comfortable most perfect fitting and most grace ful shoes on the market for women are the Jenness Miller SHOES at 350 Per Pair l We are sole agents for these superb hygienic shoes for this city THE JOHNSON DRY GOODS CO OHAS DUDLEY TELEPHONES II i I niarl Hemoved from Davenports Bta bio to In i Dullojh btibli on ith St Ladies Attention If you art in iioor health lmoatitjntc lie YIAVI TKKUMIZST Oilire open nil day Mouliy and Tuib Ju in Cotton Illock tuor UuTin llros Htorn Ilelllh Honk free by callniK on atlilniisiiiK tlm mauuKur MUS S K lONfi Norfolk Nebraska Fifth Street Livery Stable OiE0 DUDLEY Proprietor Good Rigs at Reasonable Rates HACK LINE IN CONNECTION Applltiitltin for IJriiKKiHtii IliiiurIliPiiH Mutter of application of J L Hersh iser for liquor license Notice is hereby pivon thnt J L Hershisor did on tho 2th day of March 18 filo his application to tho mayor and city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for licenso to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors for medioinal mechanical and chomicnl purposes at Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May IS to tho JiOthdayof April 100 At lot 8 block -1 Norfolk Tuuctiou in 1ourth waru of sam city If thero is no objeotion romonstranco or protest filed within two weeks from tho 23th day of March lb tholsaid liconso will bo granted seal J O Stjtt City Clerk Not lct of Salo Under Cliiitllo Mortise Notlco ih horuby kIvod that by virtun of a cliauio nniriHiKH iiuiwu uu iiiu ittiuuyii itin LrtO I JI nnl t tl iiirtln our I Jork lbSS ami duly tiled in thn otllce tho county if Mnilinnu eniintv NchrnHka on thn luth thivof March 1SW anil oxpcutntl by Herman Tillonhurtf to tho Norfolk National Ilanl turn cine tho payment of tO0O0 threo hundiotl dnl lurB and upon which thorn Ih now cluetho huiii of lGOOQouo humlrotl ami sixty dnlliirntoKrtther with couth and nxpoiibea of fnrocloBure default havinRbeeiimudoiii tho payment of mid sum and no suit or othor prcelluK ut law haviiiu hoou instituted to recover said ilolit or nr part thoroof and tho said mnrtfiaKeo boim in tho ac tual niiHscMiioii of tho hhuI proporty ilescrihed in Haiti mortstiBHj therefore I will hbII tho prop orty therein tleaonliod to wit All of tho furni ture aud fixture coutainotl in and about thn Herman Tilleiihurir saloon located in tho corner room of tho MnrUnK hloek corner of Fifth street nnd Norfolk avenue in Norfolk Nehrceka consist iinsof counter hack Inr cluar cawii ico clients ofriituratoN tahluj chain pictures kiiihbo bottled ui barrels b ife sloven cash remittor hot water hoaterB show caws front bar dUliim 1 ill- II id ilnjn itiitnu Mir- ny nam ucrniuu iiiteuourn ut imuuu uwuiiuu at the livery ham timi btornsfl barns of noro Daiouport in Norfolk preclact city of Norfoll Madison county Nebraska on the Mh day of Slay lbUJ at 1 o clock p m of euiil day Oated April 10 ISM NOKIOLK N VTlONU II INK MortHWen HEAVY F1R1NGJS FAGED Filipinos Bring Artillery Into Play at Calumpit PORTION OF THE 0ITY 0APTURED Amerlrnn Com iiinntlnr Expert Inln of the War to llo Settled nt Thin Point liullt iitloin Point to n llnny IliicnKn nunt Three Antrrientift Klllril nnd Sev en Woilutletl Liiuton illcotK Obitaulrn Manila April 27 AKtiinaldos nrmy Is dofendinp Calumpit energetically which is Haiti to indicato that tho rebels aro finally making that placo their last ditch or stand which tho Americans ex pected them to make at Malolos For the first timo tho Filipinos aro employ ing artillery They brought two guns into action in tho trenches yesterday foro Calumpit firing modern shrapnol which burst over tho heads of General Wheatons men without effect Tho fighting was resumed at ll oclock yesterday morning During tho night Mitj American engineers repaired tho Dagbag bridge thus enabling our troops to cross tho rivor General Wheatons brigado advanced in extended order with tho Kansas regiment to tho west of tho railroad and tho Montana legiinont to tho east of it and took up a position covering one and a half miles on tho south bank of tho ltio Grande On tho opposite bank were fortified trenchos from which a few American soldiers would have been able to defy thousands bo strongly were they constructed The Americans found tho trenches on the south bank Df tho rivor deserted This furnished them with cover from which they could pick oil Filipinos when sver ono of them showed his head When tho rebels bogan firing tho rising of two puffs of smoko simultaneously from tho trenches on caeli sido of tho railroad track showed thoywero using cannon which was a genuine surpriso to the Americans Several shells burst close to General Wheatons stall but it Beemed that tho Filipinos failed to mas ter tho machinery of modern shells as they were unablo to get the right range Youngs Utah battery was ordered into position in the center of the Kan sas regiment to silence tho robol guns and at 11 oclock tho rapid firo guns hatl been ferried across tho river aud came into lino At noon tho rebels wero still pouring a heavy firo in tho direction of tho Americans who returned it spirit edly Three Americans wero killed and Foven wero wounded Invton Meets Obttnrlrn General Lawton is meeting with tho greatest obstacles in tho character of tho country His troops have only had i few skirmishes thus far resulting in fivo of his men bein wounded Bat ho lias been forced to put his men at work building roads and tho transport service is giving much troubie bul locks dying from exhaustion and China lniii hivo to be tinployed in pulling homo of the carts Thercfuro tho gen tral has been unable to cover the ground he hoped to oovur The natives flee before tho expedi tion but they swim back to their huts as soon as tho American troops bavo passed A few Filipino sharpshooters uro harrassing tho American Hanks 1 1st ot Killed mill Wounded Washington April it General Otis has forwarded to tho adjutant general tho following additional casualties Killed First South Dikota Wagoner Morti mer Bowen company II Corporal Vickar K Johnson II Corporal Harvey M Breed B Privates Charles Still H James A Lyes K Charles Peterson II Guy Jones H James A Liscr K liar loy do Jean L First Nebraska Privato Harry Mo Cart company I First South Dakota Woundod Frod llancho company B chest sevnro Ser geant Charles A Butler B slight Paul Weise G forohead slight L C Dean L neck severe Alexander S Sjobino L hand sovere Sergeant Arthur Seni enson 13 hip slight Sergeant Oliver C Lapp I leg sovero Quartermaster Sergeant Anton Jurich L elbow slight Corporal Chris L Myer K shoulder slight Corporal William Hcainan F leg flight Frank II Goobel 13 kneo Blight Jnuos Gibb 13 shoulder slight John Murphy D faco sovero Thomas Coleman h head slight Charles Wag ner G head slight Herbert A Put nam I knee slight Dan J llanous K knee slight Guy IS Skinner K knee slight James II Davis E foot slight Ilobert W Hawkins 15 back slight First Nebraska Second Lieutenant W G Lungan O oye sovero Artificer John Boiler C arm niodcrato Charles I Cadwell F thigh sovero M O Logg L abdomen severo Georgo Wageck L nock sevoro Major Frank D Eigcr foot sovero Oorioral Charles Browstor C foot moderate David Gillespie K shoulder Might Lucius W Pangborn I knee sovero Willurd Carter L foro arm slight Francis Mason L nock Bovero Harvey Majors L shoulder se vere Fifty first Iowa Major William J Duggan arm slight Corporal Louis Wyland C thigh moderate John Besm M leg niodcrato John Konnan B back slight Nathan K Hodges D leg severo Elmer Narveo D shoulder tevero Patrick II Dwyer 11 leg slight Kepiiil Irom CeiiHinl OtU WashiniTon April 27 Tho follow iug cablegram was received at the wir department Manila April 20 Lawton at Nor zagaray and Angat his two columns united have driven enemy to north and west flight casualties Only means of communication couriers Mr Arthur has taken portion of Cahnuplt south of river Movement attended with dilll culties on account of jungle limit and strong intrenchmonts Ills casualties yesterday three killed and II wounded Developments thus far satisfactory Oris Iurtlier Cuniliiltlrn WAsiiistitoN April 27 Special to Tin Nkws The following additional casualites wero reported in the First Nebraska from Manila this morning On the 2th wounded Privato Harold K Blake company D in thigh moderate Privato Noah B Land in chest slight Gro D Mkikiimoiin Asst Secyof War niOTING IN PARIS Advocate mill Opponent of Dieyfns Ilo iMoit lltilil KWilI Meeting Pauls Apiil 27 Tho advocates and opponents of Droyfus revision hold rival meetings in Paris this evening Several persons wero injured Tho Figaros publication of tho evi dence of Captain Cuignot before tho court of cassation has thrown tho anti revision party into consternation All tho anti Droyfus papers aro boiling with indignation Several of them suppress altogether tho testimony of this officer whoso principal statement was that tho guilt of Dreyfus could bo only inierentially established lrom the secret dossier His designation of Paty dii Clam as u forger is considered to bo a complete giving way of the general staff Tho only possible ex planation for it scorns to be that Cuig net acting under orders is making Paty du Clam a scapegoat for tho stall Wleelt on Norfolk anil Western PmTjjsnuiui Va April 27 Tho west -bound passenger train on tho Nor folk and Westornraihoad wifc wrecked about four miles west of this city The locomotive was overturned on tho main track aud literally wrecked as also was tho tender The baugago and mail cars tho passenger coaches and sleeper ran through a barbed wiro fence into an men field for a distanco of i00 yards and all but tho sleeper woro wrecked Four passengers wero injured Teller linn a Tuliitlng Attack DrNVin April 27 United States Senator I lenry M Toller had tin alarm ing fainting attack at Longinont yes terday Ho had attended and spoko at tho funeral of ex Attorney General By ron L Carr After tho fuuorul ho fainted at tho church He was taken to tho Oirr residence and it was about J5 minutes beforo ho regained conscious ness Tito senator came back to Den vur ou tho train last ovening and was feeling lairly well Iaiiii IineH Mutt Dotvu Pava Ills Anril 27 When the 200 negroes and nonunion wlnto minct re ported tor work at tho Pan a Ciul com panys mine yesterday they were told thero was no work for them and that tho mine had been closed down indefi nitely They lear tho much talked about settlement of tho suko is ttbont to boeoiuo a reality Clop rilluie In Ontario TonoVTO Out April 27 Reports received by grain men here indicate heavy damage to winter wheat in sec tions east of Toronto In many cases tho crop is a total failure and farmers tiro plowing up the ground preparatory to planting spring wheat or barley Hiih Sailed For Apia San FitANiisco April 27 Tho Unit ed States dispatch boat Badger with tho Samoan commission on board has Bailed for Apia The steamer will prob ably stop at Honolulu for coal Minder Out of Pony Ninth Town Dis Moinis April 27 Word comes from Savannah that tho Forty ninth Iowa will be mustered out thero on May 11 aud that tho regiment will not re turn to this city in a body Kvidfiice In MeTaiIimd Case All In Dis Moinjs April 27 Evidence in tho McFarlautl oaso was concluded yes terday Tho dofenso asked a verdict for McFarlanl and tho stato one for tho amount of tho bond Tno court took them under udvincmuiit The case will bo submitted today Memorial liy in ioiirKlii AlULVT Ga April 27 Tho graves of the Confederate dead woro decorated hero yesterday with appropriate core monies Tho niomorial day parade was headed by the band of tho Third No braska regiment kindh loaned by Cul onel Viftiuiun Corporal Daley Dies ut Wound Drs Moint s April 27 -A privato cablegram announces that Corporal R L Daley of company L of Council Bluffs has died of wounds received in tho battle beloro Calumpit Wlnicln llHKuball imiiea Ixiuisville i liltnhuiK7 lliiliKlflplii il llo lono Jlrooklyn h llaluinore Cincinnati 1j I lutelumlfj AteSOLWKEVX PURE t Nr sci tun renco u fowm Mokes the loot more delicious and wholesome - -- Ji JCj IlIiVi ---- mi Ovelm nl Ul jm J J l fii Mir NORFOLK ftSEB i A 11 IKAI1T 1iiKNiiiiNr CIIAK S HKJIKIC Vol Iiiksiium a The Norfolk Weekly News NORFOLK NKBRASKA TlllKSDAY Alltll 27 1890 awjupp iEl m yi D New Spring and Summer Goods Have Arrived 4 j m Ij r tiJ ft A u iiii nrn s JmyV d - s a m I fra PTSS OUR stock embraces all Hie new styles and colors in La dies Boots and Oxfords and Gents Fine Shoes Our line of Misses and Childrens Shoes is large and complete Our Prices are Right for Reliable Goods 1 LA Spencer SaG The Zwight tvnMTMMt rrfrrm fnrtMMriT r SPARKS FROM THE WII3ES General Miles is seeking appointments for ins son to West Point The Ninth immunos will shortly leave Cuba for tho United States The old Matldox distillery Day ton Ky lias koiio into the trust Santa Fo net earnings for March 1101 Will incn as SI 11113 Hugh Bonne chief of tho New York fire department litis resigned Father Biraada Santiago is eon firnn d by the pope bishop of Santiago The British government litis decided to contribute to a British Columbia Anstralia cable El Cobro ono of tho worlds richest copper mines near Santiago do Cuba will shortly resume Firo Wednesday destroyed mpro than SI 00 000 worth of property in tho busi ness portion of Tula -Miss Tim Murphy tho comedian who is ill at Onhkosh Wis with pnoumouia is reported to bo somewhat improved Secretary Alger has approved the re port favoring reimbursing Swiit Co lor meat tin own overboard near Porto Rico A combination to control tho manu facture of hnrso shoos in this country originating in Boston is in process of formation Roland Qtiontin secretary of tho Eagle Boat Store company St Louis now missing is found to bo short 10 000 with more appearing Tile verdict for 10000 has boon sot aside and anew trial granted in the suit of J M Maxwoll against Nat C Goodwin involving tho right to uo tho play Ambition Mitchell Ieters a drunken Sliawneo Indian was over tho Sturgeon falls tin1 inott dangerous plaoo in tho Menominee river region Wednesday and ii eaicd alivo Two well shooters Joioph Suialloy and Daniel Lino were blown to irig incuts and lohn R Gibbous aud John Knox wero injured by the oxploiiou of a torpodo near Brudlonl Pa Wednes day Ore assaying 1000 gild to tho ton has biun taken out of tho sido of tin Blowout mount mi in Polk county Ark ui and every claim within a rulc t4 the tliscoverv litis been staked Fmuiis have quit umr fluids ami gouu piospeeiing FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary II JOHNSON C Annual W It JHIAAKIH Asst Jahiuku LThe Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 litis 11ml ni II exchange on IIiih fount rj and all parts of Kiirnie Kami Iohuh Directors m Ahmim W II Iuhsmim Ciiah fa llniiioi C W Hiiaascii C M HWAMt O IllHAIll TI MlMUIMi L KlChtlOSH Liquor Store Successor to Turf Exchange WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS EVERYTHING IN THE LIQUOR LINE NORFOLK NEBRASKA S FUESLER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables In Season Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand CD CCZ Ic per BRAASCH REES DEALERS IN GO Ii G KI3ST c CO Exclusive agents lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best in tno imirKci Scranton Ilard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 01 y