The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 12, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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The Norfolk Weekly Ncws-Journul
'J'lll : yjttVVH. K > | ; | | | | . , | ISSl
_ TIIK .lol'UNAL. ' KHlnlillMhcil 1S77.
TIM : in si ; IM III.ISHIM ; CIIMI'.X.N v ,
\v. N iirsio , fri-Hiiii-iii.
I ! ! ' . Ill Si : , \ In I'l..Mldrllt
N A IM'HK. Hi-rrutiiry.
i : rrj Prliln ) . II ) mull , per ji-iir , yi.r > 0
I'ltiliTi'il ill tinitiiNjnritri' al Norfolk ,
TitlopliuiiPH Killliirlnl Department
Ncln iixUa , IIH M' < ytnl-rliiHM inntlur.
Tchtplmiii'K. Ili-ll 'i'i Automatic 1122
That i oiil winter we-athor In he-re.
Involution IH holler thai ) resolution.
Culling down the tarirr on wool re
quires nioru skill than Hlu < ep shearing.
Tlu > railroad companies report con
tinued buying of earn , locomotives and
Htool rallH.
Ponnul iiolltlclans should bo given
a rich brown roast. They don'L
amount to shucks.
Textile inlllH , especially woolen
mills , huvo buun biiHlur of Into than
for two years beforo.
Th Imchollors already art1 begin
ning to take to tlie weeds realizing
Uiu danger tlioy are In.
An uloveii Htory steamship IIIIH buun
projected. It will probably ride thu
waves llko a sky serapur.
II. Rider Haggard has buun made a
buron by King lieorge. What will he
do with Kudyartl Kipling ?
A Maryland man wrote poutry to ii
girl and now .she wants $ a5.0l)0 ) dam
ages. The girl desurvus It.
We can't toll whether wo shall noeci
any more coal this winter until we
bear from tin ; groundhog Feb. 12.
Questions which concern the belter
inent of humanity and the equalizing
of opportunity can not be kept out ol
polltlci ; .
The Toledo Hindu says : "The pol
usud to call the kettle black , but whal
will the llreless cooker say to tin
paper bag. "
Persons who desire to attain philo
sopliic calmness of soul should nevei
add up the totals of their cash books
for the year.
The Italians and Turks both claim ;
victory after every little battle
They'll have to have an umpire to do
eido the same.
The total number of farms on whicl
irrigation was practiced in the Hnite <
States in 1OH. ! ) was Ifil.tIO ablins
108,208 In 18 ! ) ' . .
The foreign trade of the Unite <
States last year amounted to threi
and a half billion dollars , exceodiii !
all previous records.
( ! ov. Hooper of Tennessee , afte
spending two days in the state's prlf
on as a common convict , was might ;
Kind to parole himself.
Senator Kenyon has introduced i
bill at Washington reducing the mile
age of senators from 10 ! to 10 cents
It also cuts out free shaves.
Chicago is to have a home for dif
abled poets. The people who do th
disabling will not be asked to coi :
tribute. They have done their part.
Many single men will feel belle
about Jaap year on learning that the
are permitted to decline on presen
ing the proposer with a new silk gowi
The Chicago packers face a possibl
jail sentence. If they could only pae
a jury as easily as they can cattl
and hogs the result might bo dlfforen
As thu woman suffrage movemei :
Is spreading rapidly , it would bo we
to have all school boys Instructed i
sowing on buttons ami darning stocl
New Year's resolution for all wh
write for thu newspapers : To us
two words where formerly you use
four , and yet expruss the Idea pe
There can be no doubt thai the don
ocratlc managers fear President Tuft
strength , if they did not they woul
not try so hard to prevent his nom
Senator Hailoy of Texas is oppose
to the further encouragement of ar
The people of Texas scorn to bo 0 ]
posed to the further encouragomei
< n Ilalley.
The mother of the Chinese ompen
recently eloped with an actor. It wji
not Nat Goodwin. It probably woul
have boon though , had Nat been give
the chance. .
Oeorgo W. Perkins , the man wli
has recently started out to rofori
business , has just finished a J5.0C
chicken coop at ills home. No woiuh
eggs are high.
Relative lo the crnsado against pn
HP drinking cups , some one snggcsl
a device that a man can carry in h
hat. Hut if a fellow has a hat , win
else does ho need ?
In one of the eastern cities a ma
\\as found starving to death who wn
wearing a Cnrnogio mednl. Medal
are all right in their way but the
an- not of much account to a hungry
Many people fool thai a good not of
resolutions renders you exoiiuit from
malting any more for nnoUier fifty
From thuvny so'mo one leaves that
door open up in Mndlolno Ilnl , wo nro
convinced that he was brought up In
a barn.
Sonic- people start a good movement
and then run away from It. The G'znr
of Russia Is responsible for originating
The Hague conference.
As paint costs high and a lot will
bo reiiulred , Mr. Tuft will have to
pay roundly for that portrait he has
been having done recently.
With snow storms In Texas and ripe
strawberries in New Englnnd , the mi-
Bacioim weather man shuts his eyes
and snaps up a cent , confident of get
ting right half the time.
The Indian Is being civilized rather
than exterminated. The census re
ports show that thure are rually moro
Indians in this country today than
there were 100 years ago.
A tender hearted man in Ohio who
advertised for a wife , got so many
application * that he decided to stay
single. He says ho doesn't want to
hurt anybody's feelings.
Now it appears Mint Morse won
$2,000 while speculating in AM.intn
jail. If ho wore given a free hand
no doubt the government could gel
all the jail expenses paid.
The grizzly bear dance is general ! }
condemned , but the young folks arc
impatient about holding each othei
off at arm's length when you can hire
a horse and buggy for $2.
fen. ! Diaz is to be invited back tc
Mexico by the Madero govcrnmeni
and is promised protection. Hotter lei
him stay where he is , both for his out
comfort and the peace of the country
That bonnic Scotchman , Andrew
Carnegie , is said to enjoy a daily in
come of over $ -10,000. About all thai
Andrew has to do is give advice tether t <
other men as to how to best moot tin
cost of living.
From the way the applications an
beginning to come in. Uncle San
might just as well withdraw his advertisement
vortisoment of the white house fron
the For Rent column , and save unnec
essnry charges.
There is a now school started li
Now York whose special business i
is to tench women how to pick out ;
husband. Just as if women noodot
to bo taught , .lust watch thorn , uov
that leap year is here.
llr. Wiley is lighting fake , inlnci
meat , but good mince meat aloui
does not make pies like mother's. Tin
most important thing is to pcrsnadi
sistejr and wife and daughter to di
some cooking themselves.
Since Houston , Tex. , adopted tin
commission term of government fivi
years ago , it has wiped out a debt o
$ 100,000 , paved seventy miles o
streets out of the general revenue
and reduced the tax rate from $2 pe
$100 to $1.70.
It was the endorsement of Theodor
Roosevelt that gained the nominatloi
for President Taft in his first can
paign. Strange as it may seem it i
not unlikely that it will be his oppc
billon Mint will secure Mr. Taft'
second nomination.
It has been said that Eve wa
brought into this world for Adam'
Express company. It looks as if
great many other people had who
It is shown that the express companie
of the country in their net income
lase year , avoragen " 8 percent.
Col. IJryan's visits to Jamaica ar
undertaken , it is charged , in ordc
that ho may get a new supply c
ginger. There is a colonel living i
New York , who never has been i
' " Jamaica , but whoso supply of polit
cal ginger and popper Is inoxhaustibli
! James A , Patten is said to live ver
largely on fried mush and syni ]
Why should a man who can live a
cheaply as that bo rushing aroun
worrying himself by stacking up s
big a pile of money as ho Is reporte
! t to have ? Almost looks like a wast
of time.
Dr. Woods Hutchlnson says thf
four hours a day is enough work fc
any man. Now if the doctor will to
us how to got the cash with which t
pay for the butter and a litlle brea
on it wo will bo very thankful for th
extra time and bo glad to live th
slmplo life.
Secretary Stimson says the Unite
States Is unprepared for war. Seem
a little strange that nobody is wantln
to light us very badly. The nation
of the earth have evidently been lool
ing up our record and find that , pn
pared or unprepared , we have alway
been able to defend ourselves an
make a pretty good showing.
The Chicago board of education ha
granted the use of eleven school bulli
ings as social centers where dance
or oilier forms of entertainment which
do not conflict with law may bo held
without cost. Those who favor this
Innovation contend Mini It Is the
greatest move for public decency and
belter morals' that has yet boon made.
Thorp IH a bill before congrctm to es
tablish n children's bureau. It Is
bndly needed. The time Is coming
whi'ii the federal sovornmont. no mai
ler how strangeIt may seem , will ac
tually take as much pains and spend
us much money In the raising and de
velopment of hoys and girls In the
best possible and most healthy man-
lor. as they do now to the care and
study of mules and shoep.
Cincinnati has launched an Inno
vation now Mint If properly managed
will do as much toward the sanitation
of Mio tenement districts as any one
thing well could. They have a free
municipal laundry for the use of the
poor women of the tenements. This
will remove tlie clothes washing pro
cess , with Its soapy steam and other
discomforts , from the rooms in which
the families live and sleep.
A person traveling in Germany
should bo very careful not to make
too close observations or to be In
quisitive , especially when In the vi
cinity of the palace , government build
ings or forts ; noilhor should he make
skolchos oven though they bo merely
of the kaiser's woodshed. For doing
such things several Englishmen were
recently given sentences of from
three to seven years by the imperial
Editor Harvey of Harper's Weekly
who is not an admirer of Col.
volt , gives this ironical pen picture
of him : "He has views on everything
He can cook you a chop with the same
skill , deflness of touch , and delicacy
of service with which ho can maUi
peace between warring nations , tend
mothers the duty of their sex , or write
history of the origin of man betweci
shooting lions before breakfast 01
strangling boars with his bare hand ;
after lunch. There is nothing ho does
not know or has not done. "
The people of Jamaica are awake
- , to the changes that the opening eli
i canal will bring and the opportuni
ties for trade expansion that wil'
come their way. The governor of the
island recently visited the canal /.one
to inspect the sites of the fortifica
tions and it is understood that Greal
Britain will fortify the island ant
make It a commercial center whore
her ships can find a haven in case one
is needed. Jamaica is most ad
vantngcously located and is probabl )
on the eve of great development.
Secretary Fisher proposes the ere
ation of a national park bureau. Mucl
has been accomplished in the line o :
rescuing from the despoiling hand o
the pioneer , the lumberman and tin
speculator largo tracts of the mos
beautiful and picturesque natural parl
land in the world , Large slices o
the primeval forests have also beci
saved , but there is need oC constan
progress and development if our sys
tern of national parks is to beconu
3 i half what its possibilities suggest am
f : a wise and comprehensive control am
[ | management Is the first essential
President Taft favors the creation o
such a bureau.
The country has now entered upoi
that one year in four which the bus !
ness man is supposed to view will
dread as unfavorable to business.
Nevertheless , we doubt if much wel
grounded and legitimate industry i
checked for fear of what the America ]
people may do next November.
Over-confidence has caused mor
industrial suffering Mian over pru
donee. Over and over again it ha
happened that business men , at Mi
top of some wave of prosperity , woul
extend their ventures to a point ii
viting disaster. Mills would cnlarg
and machinery would bo bought t
an extent beyond the capacity of th
, country to buy. Undoubtedly the cr
paoity of our factories today is in th
main sufficient lo supply the need
of the country.
Any man who is worried about th
economic policy of this country as 1
may bo affected by legislative an
electorial results , should rent or bu
some land and set men at work pre
( lacing tilings to oat.
The market world is wide \ , and mouth
( )
are hungry , even in bad times.
Another year has ended and a nc\
one begun , In the Commercial clu
r calendar , and Norfolk business me
have reason to congratulate then
selves and the retiring hoard of d
rectors over the achievements of 1911
As shown by the socrolary's report , ;
very great deal has been done fo
Norfolk during the past twelve month
and the new year opens with a. spier
did outlook. The retiring board is or
titled to the sincere thanks of th
public ,
The fact that the Norfolk Coir
merclal club is the fifth largest in th
stale , in point of membership , show
that Norfolk Is nllve to the necosslt ;
for organized effort in city bulldln
and that the whole community is be
hind Mio work of the club directors
A new board has been chosen , ii
whom tlie members have utmost cor
lldeiicc. and there Is irnson to be
lieve ( hat this orKiinlzntlon will be
able' tn do much In the coming year
to push NoiTolU ahead.
Norfolk never could expect lo nrrlvo
at the development to which It IH en
titled , wit limit organized effort. A
good , live Commercial club can nniUe
In town by persistent work. And
that's why Norfolk has boon and Is
itolng to mipport this orgnnlznllon to
Its utmost. The co-operation of every
business man Is needed to make the
work successful. And to the extent
thai iivcry man Is interested In Nor
folk , every citizen ought to be willing
to lend a hand.
It was one of the charming features
of the personality of Rear Admiral
"Hob" Evans , that he could never un
derstand why ho was called "Fighting
Bob. " Ho felt himself that his tem
perament was a sweet and gentle one.
Endless anecdotes illustrated how
Evans gel his nickname , and some of
l them have boon reprinted since his
death. One from his "Sailor's Log"
which has been overlooked , tells how
a band of Chilian ruffians followed
' him and another officer about the
streets of Valparaiso at the time ol
the Chilian imbroglio. Evans wrote :
"Wo wore on the main street of the
town , otherwise1 they would no doubt
have attacked us , and If they had , wt
would surely have pounded the life
out of two of them at least. "
There was a charming frank sincer
ity about Evans that endeared him tc
the American people. Ranks and dis
tinctions never meant anything to him
Ho was as good as anyone , and every
one else was as good as ho. Hit
simplicity of heart is illustrated bj
the following incident told in the
"Sailor's Log. "
At the time of the Kiel naval re
view ho was introduced to a yomu
Gorman captain , whose name ho dlt
not catch. The young man secmc (
brilliant , and they engaged in a loiif
talk on naval matters , in which end
expressed sharp dissent from tin
other. Soon the captain introdnco <
him to his wife. "She was an attract
ive and charming woman , " Evam
I After a long Mine it came ovei
Evans that a crowd of people secmoi
to bo awaiting n chance to talk l (
the couple , so ho hied himself to the
smoking room. Afterward ho lenrnct
that he had boon talking so long t (
the Gorman prince and princess.
! Ho impressed those royal person
ages so delightfully that when late :
I Prince Henry toured America , Evam
J was made by Emperor William spocia
aide-de-camp lo the prince , and ho nc
companied him on all his travels.
Evans paid a severe price of pail
for'tho time lie chased the doctor
out of the room with a revolver , whoi
" they tried to amputate his leg afte
Fort Fisher. During recent summer :
ho was a familiar figure at a Lak <
.Uohonk hole1 , where the children usei
, to gather about to hear sea storici
1 ; from the o'd ' lighter as he sat witl
1 i his aching leg in a chair.
You haven't had quite all that's 'join
I ing to you in the way of winter ox
_ I peripnces , unless you've 1'ad u ridi
on .some of tlieso late trains. Mailif.e-i
is getting so it can't sleep nights , it'i
so used to silling up to wait for SHi :
"Ever see so much fine sleighing am
so little sleighing ? " asked a Norfoll
The ice ouglil lo bo Ihick enough
skalc on.
There were less swimming partie
last week than usual.
"I'll bet there isn't a chicken i
Norfolk that hasn't had its com
frozen by this time , " said a Norfol !
B man who owns some.
J ,
i- We see by the paper Mint they bur ;
e1,000 tons of coal a day in Omaha. W
o burn almost that much ourselves.
But wo have this to bo thankful for
wo haven't had any frozen pipes ,
What in thunder would this colum
do if the pipe should freeze up ?
ot It was staled at the Commercial clu
. mooting the other night that some c
the directors had spent so much Mm
) ' in the club work Mint they had boo
' ' at home only two nights a week. On
man who never had thought aboil
that as an excuse for being awa
from home niglils , wants to got o
the board.
\ - Sunday morning would have bee ;
the psychological moment to atlomp
suicide in Norfolk by blowing oul til
It made us kind of sore to sec i
letter come from California with Mil
or. the outside of Mio envelope : "
, Norfolk , Neb. Where it's cold.
Wo contend that the outside of th
envelope is for the address only.
MIH l > e ( ho weather man turned 01
the winter faucet and then went t
sleep. Why doesn't somebody invet
tigate. It would servo him right If h
had frozen.
Isn't it EVER going to let up ?
When the people of Winner sav
that gale headed this way they mlgh
have done the friendly net nnd direcl
cd it townrd Pierre. What's the us
of xhoulni ; MIC nto Norfolk to all
these storms ?
If ever > body that bought coal paid
liot' ! bills , we'd like to be In the coal
\7. \ this wools.
It was Just twenty-four years ago
o\t Friday that the- big olio came ,
'lino to dust off those- old yarns
bout how warm it was In Mio after-
eon and how by night you couldn't
ce from the house to the barn. Per-
onnlly wo haven't much definite
collection of Mio Incident.
Heats HitdiMico how Mils spoil of
c'ltipornluro keeps up. Also how It
scops down.
But there's always a little silver
n the lining of the cloud , if you can
; > nly find It. For instance , this Is
real for Mio Iceman.
Also for the coal man.
We don't know , though , as the coal
man's bumper sale's add much real
silver to the lining of the cloud , after
nil. They add It lo the lining of the
'onl ' man's pocket.
It's robbing us of a chance to use
that new pockel for anthing but
keys , that's what this weather's do-
ng. The whole $1,400 Mint we wore
arrying around a few days ago , has
none for coal.
When wo think of that , wo don't
blame Friday for vetoing anything
that looks like a bill.
Our declaration of armed hostilities
lias put to rout the b. c. , all right , all
Hut hang 'em , they're gelling around
the cannon's month now by Bending
'em through Iho mail.
We see by Iho picture of the colonel
nel in the paper , that ho still wears
the o. f. kind of cuffs Mint are cyl
indrical in shape , like a stove pipe.
A real hero doesn't often have nn
audience when lie begins his perform
Still , it is better and cheaper tc
guess on the weather than the stock
Somehow the men in the chorus al
ways look as if they wore inclined tc
regret it.
Members of the box party should be
seen and not heard. Sometimes they
are both.
People are abused for talking about
the weather , but that isn't what the
gossips discuss.
An Atchison man is so lucky thai
the only time he over missed a train
it was wrecked.
While we have considerable sym
pathy to dispense , very little of it ii
over sent to jail.
It is also strange that girls whc
are pretty lazy in other respects are
willing to entertain.
And there are those who travel the
straight and narrow path because tliej
nro too stingy lo pay toll along the
primrose Promenade.
As a general rule , a girl's conver
sation entitles her to enter in tin
featherweight class.
You know something of self-contro
if you can enjoy u holiday withon
eating too much.
For a nation that has never beei
whipped , America abuses its army am
navy a great deal.
It disappoints a man some to re
turn from u trip and find people dii
not know ho was away.
Many women continue to overcsti
mate Mio importance of a slendo
waist as an aid to beauty.
A mechanical piano player also dc
serves some credit for nol talking al
the time it Isn't playing.
Wo lamp by the advertisement
that a woman with a full beard Is ap
to be neglected a good deal.
It must pain a baseball player to hi
sold for twenty thousand dollars am
not got any of the money.
Considering the phrases they use
a brief probably seems short to law
Keeping white gloves clean secnn
to bo Iho most difficult achievement
How do you bet on a doctor wbt
has a reputation of curing or killing' '
Economy should always stop shor
of writing on both sides of the paper
A hypocrite usually overestimate !
the number of people ho is fooling.
Christening the first baby is usu
ally a greater ceremony than the fiftl
one gels.
A woman rather enjoys tolling whin
a great baby her husband is when he
Is ill.
So few women rcnllzo the hit thej
can makei by letting the man do the
It doesn't do much good to advor
tlse for a lost reputation.
It is hard for a cheap pronograpl
to deny it.
If a man isn't kicking about taxes
It's rent ; no one HCCIIIO to be
When a rich murdcri-r sots out on
mil , that also helps to swell the so-
Inllst parly.
AlwiiyB ge-t your work doiio up earl >
n the day so that you will bo rond\
'or company.
Logic IH the line of ( nils put up
'or your side of the argument.
There Isn't enough honor among
lltli'vos to nmko It nonotonous.
Some men are saving because
of their families won't be- .
A lot of people talk about justice
when sympathy Is what , they want.
Employing a Chinaman in the kllch-
-n Is another way to keep your hus
band from kissing the cook.
A woman Is beginning to age a little
when she would rather got a kitchen
cabinet than a toilel case.
When a corn develops a grouch , it
can afford an aching tooth consider
able competition accouling to size.
While the devil doesn't always de
mand pay In advance , InIs the great
est little bill collector in ( he business.
Very few IIUMI quit smoking , and
those who do seldom found libraries
with what they save on the transac
Considering how awkward and in
convenient a side-saddle is. It took
the women a long while to outgrow
the habit.
Elaled as wo are with the success
of the Jacobs multiplane , we still prefer
for to com < > down a stairway or In an
When the consumer deals directIj
with the farmer , ho doesn't always
find him so liberal as the high brows
One of ( hi1 common mistakes pee
pie make is to iimminc Mint beenust
a man has money he is willing to jar
loose of it.
Whal kind of a child is a "blue en
nmoled child ? " A Kansas City pa
per offers a "blue onamok'd child's'
bed for sale.
Women who want the right of suffrage
frago so much should remember that
many men don't think it worth the
price of poll tax.
Everyone imagines ho is somewhat
graceful when dancing ; no doubt the
dancing elephant at the circus fools
that way about it.
It is a good idea to cultivate pa
Menoo. for yon may want togo fish
ing or raise children , but don't prac
tice It on nn age-nt.
All bids submitted for the construc
tion of a new high schol building at
Dallas were rejected as not sufficient ,
ly reasonable. New bids are beinj ;
advertised for.
Representatives from six cities hav
ing the commission form of govern
ment are in session at Huron , form
inn a state organization.
A passenger train derailed on the
South Dakota Central near Chcstei
tied up traffic for two days before
the track could bo put in repair.
John Ryan , a farmer living neni
Watertown , was arrested on n charge
of disorderly conduct. The complain
Ing witness was his daughter.
Negotiations are still under way al
Washington , whereby Mio stale ol
South Dakota is to secure a big for
esl reserve of its. own near Custer.
A passenger train on the Northwestern
woste-rn line ; was ditched two mile ?
north of Piedmont. Several passengers
gors were shaken up , but no serious
injuries resulted.
Membership in tin ; automobile clul
recently organized at Watertown h
increasing at a rapid rate and prom
Ises soon to include practically everj
auto owner in Mio city.
On visiting the grave of his grand
father in Germany. Henry A. Meyer ,
a Hroklyn millionaire , accidentally
got in touch with Mrs. Otto Peemlllei
of Yankton , his only remaining rela
tive , after a separation of fifty years ,
In connection with the good roads
convention which has been called tc
meet at Dead wood next month , agita
tion for a cross-stale road from Sioux
Falls lo Dendwood has been resumed ,
It would go \iit Chamberlain and
Five successful Caesarean opera
tions have recently been successfully
performed at the Sisters' hospital at
Hot Springs.
According to the government geological -
' logical report the bullion output of
the Black Hills mines Mils year ex
ceeds liiat of any previous 'year.
Spontaneous combustion resulting
from heated corn caused a fire which
destroyed the farm buildings of P.
Gudahl of Oldhnm. The loss was
$ ! ! ,000.
The extreme cold weather and
heavy snowfall has tied up and de
layed most of the railway lines of the
entire state. Some places are entirely
without train service.
( ! ov. Vossoy has appointed Dr. M.
R. Hopkins of Aberdeen to the state
board of dental examiners to take the
place of Dr. 12. S. O'Neill of Canton ,
who recently resigned.
Some practical Joker sent a letter
to Miss Elizabeth Blackburn of Tim
ber Lake , just before her marriage to
C. C. Lover , in which ho stated Mint
Lover wns married to n squaw. Lover
succeeded In clearing himself , but the
authorities are looking for the joker ,
who will bo prosecuted If found.
/'NJ '
Text , "Anil Jrsiia snlil. Mixko the iiiua nil
flown. " John vl. 10
Oed cures for cnlendnm. No use rlti
IIIK nt 2 a. m. to llnd fault with dark
ness nnd nsk why the sun ImH not
risen. It IH not time. Though all men
should clamor nnd complain , Iho sun
will not rise until the appointed time. .
There's nu exne't second for that
ovcnt. Astronomers mny cnlctilnto It
for this date 3000 A. D. ( Joel workn
Mint way. The Almighty timed hour ,
ml mi to nnd second when the Htnr
should finsh to the wise men nnd Mm
nngels sing to the shepherds. When
his Son cnmo thenWIIH divine order
"Mine liour Is not yet come. " he said
ngnln nnd ngnln. AVhen the work wuti
done he nnld. "The hour Is at bund. "
The. cnlcndnrlng wns complete.
Ono April nftcrnoon In ( Jalllee dl
rlnlty nnd humanity Blood face to
fnce. A mighty mlrncle wnt ) ncnr
irivo thousand pe-ople were going lo bo
fed from n hul's inncli basket , Thore'H
great confusion , danger of nn awful
pnnle ; . Cossack knouts Ix-at back ltnn
slnn pcnsnnUi nt the cznr'H celebration ,
yet 200 were trampled to death. Brit
ish bayonets pierced famine crazed .suf
fcrcrs In Indln before relief corn cotilrt
be distributed. Christ calls n hnlt
No tumult , with the throng trnmpllnc
down the weak. "Make the men sit
down. " There's no hurry , no fussing.
no fever with the Sou of < ! od.
The American Disease ,
Hurry , justly or unjustly , is onll ' l
"omorlcnnllls , " the American dlsonm- .
Our climate , dry and overplus wllh o\
ygcn ; competitive system , honor iitul.
opportunity beckoning at every street
corner , the very American "ntnnw-
phere. " breed nervousness , oversoliol-
tudc , dyspepsia , promntnre death. The
Frenchman shrugs hlsshouldorslaughs.
pins n ilower on bis coat. Is elY to the
piny. The Ccrninn after dinner slowly
llglils his pipe. Fran snys , "A cus
tomer Is In the shop. " "Ach. hlinmel.
lot him wait ! " John Bull Is rosy chiN-t
od , red blooded ; Brother Jonathan thin. I
wiry , cadaverous. He must "git thorc J
or bust. " "Lawd. Pnrr-vuss. " drawled
my English friend as 1 dragged him .
through a fierce Jam down the steps of I
the subway and the car door was snapped - '
ped In our faces , "Is this the Inwnt
train today ? " "No. " 1 clicked ; "there'll
be another In a minute. " I can
his big hearty British laugh yet. Wlu >
is setting this pace ? Some in visible
malevolent iiitionil ; : spirit driving us i
on. The whole ; striiclure of Anier- ,
lean society is a race ! for the ; prize ,
I've seen the ranchmen on the plains
take blazing branding Irons and burn
the mark of ownership on horse and I
steer. Hurry is taking a fiery brand
and putting ils mark on the American -
Man's Manin For Speed. j
There's something In our climate dry
and electrical that brings a necrosis "f J
activity. We are 80,000,000 charg-d .
galvanic batteries. Atlaeh one of ute - . \
to a desk , a pulpit , n pen. and wi > \
' Hash on till the current Is exhausted |
1 If Micro are thirty porches In a r ' % v ,
i there will be at least ninety rocking
'chairs , nil isolng furiously , while tin' I1
. oeciipants tell excitedly , possibly
1 ' hrilly , of an ontorlninnienl where they
j "nearly died" laughing. On the wi\ :
, homo Mio darkness was "Egyptian , " it
, I rained "pitchforks , " and thu mud wis :
\ "knee deep. " Stand at the ferry , tiny
, r.'illrond station , the trolley terminus ,
i See the crowd surge on or da h > ( ! .
lighting going up stairs or down ,
squirming nnd elbowing to get ibroush I
the gateway , AVhat's the hurry ? > 'r > '
one knows. The Niagara goruo N a ]
swift .stream , but It bears no vo-.v-ls ,
of commerce. The nutoKr goeat : i
fl'iglltflll clip ill the hope ol UTIIIIIU-
somewhere lie doesn't need to u In us
small a fragment of lime as the sp > etl
laws will allow. He has a dread > (
considered " " To be lias-
being "slow. ; i -
been' ' Is . "Old ' l
disgrace. IWi.1' ) once
the prldo of the New York Centntl.
bolder of nil express records , now '
draws a milk train nlong thu Hudson. ,
From Empire Stnte express to milt j
train ! Degradation ! That's the spo-tur
Mint bnunts our national American
life. Yet our nientnl picture of th
Fnthor of His Country Is loftily calm.
No book or oration on Lincoln would
j be complete with the adjective
"patient. " Our mightiest general wn
1 the "silent man of ( Jnlrnn. " With our
twentieth century eighteen hours to
Chicago speed are wo any better tlrir.
when Samuel Adams drove from Ios- !
( on to Philadelphia In nn old Hm- -
Mint squeaked with patriotism ?
"The Rovnl Road To"
It's nn ngo of electricity snapping
and crackling. Electricity seeks short
circuits. It's Mio day of short storj
Dickens , Eliot and Hawthorne are for
gotten. Magazines are even abandon
Ing Mio serial story. Sermons spok : <
must bo twenty minutes ; those print < <
must be tabloid , it's Ihe bark of t I'
ll vo Inch rapid flro gun rather than ti ! *
boom of the thirteen Inch ordminco. Ed
ucntlon Is rushed. Degrees are eon
ferred Instead of onrnod-"Spnnsh ! at
n Glance , " "Business Taught In Ton
Lessons. " Colleges offer cross cuts to
diplomas. One correspondence school
has 200.000 students. The singular
thing Is that with Increase of hurrv
there Is n decline of faith and attend
mice to nlslous ! things. An ago of
hurry Is extraordinarily fickle. Hurry
U not because of fullness , but of omp-
tyuess. Haste , fuss , fever , is the aure
mark of human lnferle > rlty.
A want ad campaign will get you
acquainted with a lot of Dfloplo who
want to buy homes and the home you
wani to cell would surely ault some of