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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1910)
NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS = JOURNAL , , , , . NORFOLK iYKBKASKA MUDAY OOTOBKK 7 15)10. ) ONLY ELY IN THE RAGE NEPHEW OF MRS. E. E. GILLETTE OF NORFOLK TO FLY. FROM CHICAGO TO NEW YORK The Qnly Starter In the Chicago-Goth am Race Sunday Will be Eugene Ely Others Will Make Merely Tech nical Starts , Chicago , Oct. 7. There will bo but one real starter in the Chicago-New York aeroplane race , scheduled to be gin here Sunday. It was announced today that Kiigono Ely will attempt to go the route , but that Wlllard , Post nnd McCnrdy will make merely tech nical starts. Mr. Ely Is a nephew of Mrs. E. 13. Gillette of Norfolk. A LOST MINE FOUND AGAIN Old Santa Fe Teresa Gold Mine in Mexico Is Rediscovered. BIsbce , Ariz. , Oct. 7. Mexican of ficials at-Cananca yesterday announc ed the rediscovery of the old Santa Fo Teresa gold mine , one of ( lie few real ly "lost" mines of the southwest which was known to have been worked by the Spaniards more than a century ago , and which has been lost since 1810. 1810.The The main shaft was well preserved , but the timbers had boon removed nnd the earth caved In. Two skel etons were found at the bottom of tlio ghaft , Indians had kept possession of the mine so long that Its location had become n mystery to the Mexicans. The Mexican government is now mak ing arrangements to take charge of the mine. FLOODS IN OHIO VALLEY Eleven Inches of Rain Fall Within Forty-Eight Hours. Louisville , Ky. , Oct. 7. Almost un precedented rains have fallen In the lower Ohio river valley In the last three days and threaten to reach Hood stage soon. In the last thirty-six hours the river at Pnducah , Ky. , has risen Szfeat ar.d c&ittlnueis to rise. At Evansvlllc , Iiiel. , the river was ris ing at the rate of .3 of a foot an hour. The rainfall at the latter point total led eleven inches In forty-eight hours , breaking the record. At Louisville , Owensboro , and other points In Kentucky , Evansville , Boone- villo nnd other places in southern In diana , the rain has caused much dam age. Bridges have' been carried away , crops destroyed and railroad tracks washed away. A dispatch from Booneville , Ind. , says GOO persons are homeless and that the deluge has destroyed much property In southern Indiana. Dam ages to bridges and roads In six coun ties In Kentucky have been placed at half a million , NOMINATED AS A DUMMY Democrats in Massachusetts Name Man who Agrees to Withdraw. Boston , Oct. 7. Although the demo crats of Massachusetts after a stormy thirteen hours' convention at Faneull Hall early today nominated Frederick AV. Manslleld of Boston for governor , the party probably will have anothei candidate to oppose Governor Eben S. Draper In the coming campaign Mr. Mansfield's selection was a tempo rary expedient , made when a decision on the two candidates before tlio con volition became Impossible , and was intended to fulfill the legal require inent that the nominee's name bo 111 ed with the secretary of state by t p. m. today. It Is understood Mr lansfleld will withdraw to make waj for a candidate chosen by a commit tee appointed 'for the .purpose. This committee also will select f candidate for lieutenant governor The withdrawal of the three candl dates and the active participation o a squad of policemen enabled the con volition , which convened at noon yes terday to adjourn nt 1:30 : a. m. to day after nominating Mr Mansfield The remainder of the state tlcke nominated is : Secretary of state , A. 55. E. Charest treasurer , General B. F. Peach ; and ) tor , Charles C. Paine ; attorney general oral , John Rntigan. The Foss nnd Arnhoy leaders nt 1:11 : n. m. , presented the conference solu tlon of the difficulty the nominntloi of Mnnsliold with the understandlm ho would withdraw in favor of som ono else within seventy-two hours ai ter the filing of nomination papers The convention accepted the propos tion nnd n committee consisting o \rahey supporters and two Foss mo was appointed to choose a permanen candidate for governor and lloutennn governor. This committee went Int conference with the state commltte tills forenoon. Dismisses Newman Grove Case. Mndlson , Neb. , Oct. 7. Special t The News ; Many persons from Nev man Grove wore In attendance t County Judge Bates' court where tli case of the village of Newman Grov HEADS NEBRASKA BANKERS. GEOHGE N SEYMOUR. All northern Nebraska feels pride in tlio selection of GeorgeN. . Seymour eif Elgin as piosldenl of the Nebraska Bankor.-i association. Mr. Seymour staited Ills banking ca reer in Nollgh In JSSS , when he ac cepted a position in the Merchants bunk of Neligh , which has been out of existence for many years. After a short duration hero he went to Elgin and started the Elgin State bank , and has been continually In that instltu- 1 tlon for twenty-two years as Its presi dent , lie also holds this distinguished position in the Atlas bank of Neligh. Upon being elected the president of the Nebraska bankers at Omalni last week and carried to the speaker's stand , In making his speech of ac ceptance ho said ho would rather bo the president of the Nebraska hankers I than governor of the great state of Nebraska , at the present time. Ho accompanied the Nebraska delegation in a special coach to the American bankers association , which is now in session at Los Angeles , Calif. against Christ Norker for exceeding the village speed limit for automo biles was hoard on appeal from the police court of Newman Grove. Some days ago Christ Norker , the owner of a garage at that place , was arrested charged witli having violated the vil lage ordinance limiting the speed of automobiles and was tried before the police judge and acquitted. Judge Bates dismissed the case on the. grounds that the case had been once litigated and verdict for acquittal found. BROWNE ON STAND. This to trfa Sessions of L'orimer In vestigating Committee. Chicago , Oct. 7. Lee O'Neil Browne , minority leader In the legislature which elected Senator Lorimer May 2C , 1900 , was scheduled today to re sume the witness stand before the Lorimer investigating committee , Browne denied ho had ever given any money to Representative Charles A , White who testified that Browne hael bribed him to vote for Senator Lori' mer. mer.Tlio hearing of witnesses will prac tlcally bo completed witli the test ! mony of Browne , according to the an nounced purpose of the counsel , unless Representative Robert E. Wilson , saiel to have been an agent In the payment of money to some of the legislators , Is served with the subpoenao Issued foi him. There is probability that todaj will close the sessions of the commit tee here. A NEW IDEA IN RATE MAKING. Divide the Country Into Districts , ot Federal Court Lines , the Plan. Austin , Tex. , Oct. 7. In a letter he wrote today to Governor Stubbs o Kansas , O. B. Colqultt , member o the Texas railroad commission am democratic nominee for governor , sug gests a plan by which Texas and sev cral other states may combine for tin purpose of regulating railroad frolgh rates. He says in part : "It has occurred to me that by ai act of congress such states as Kansas Missouri , Oklahoma and Texas , wliicl exchange products largely with eacl other , might bo authorized througl their state railroad commissions ti tix such rates and regulations on tonnage nago passing between said states a may be deemed necessary and tha such course would bring about a mon perfect and satisfactory regulation o interstate commerce than we can eve expect through the medium and char nels now employed. "It may bo well , also , to umona tn Interstate commerce act so as to prc vide for a division of the country Int contiguous districts composed' of th states which largely Interchange o exchange products with each othe and provide for the appointment of n : interstate commerce commissioner fo each of these districts who could fre quently consult with the railroad con mission of the several state comprh Ing his district with authority to pre mulgato orders affecting rates for th said districts subject to revision b the full membership of the interstat commerce commission nt fixed lute vnls or on extraordinary occasions called sessions. " More Census Returns. Washington , Oct. 7. Population stt tlstlcs enumerated in the thirteent census were issued by the censu bureau for the following places : Cedar Rapids , la , , 32.811 , an Increns of 7,155 or 27.9 percent over 25.C5G 1 1900. 1900.Council Council Bluffs , la. , 29,292 , an li crease of 3,490 or 13.5 percent eve 25,802 In 1900. THE KINO ON YACHT ROYAL FAMILY SAFE ON "AME- LIA" AT GIBRALTAR. AMERICAN SHIP SALUTES THEM The Report That King Manuel and the Queen Mother had Landed Is Incor rect They Remain on Imperial Doat Republic Established. New York , Oct. 7. The Associated Press this morning received direct from Lisbon n dispatch from Senor Barnardo Maehado. tlio minister of loreign affairs in the newly constitut ed provisional government of Portu gal , In which the republican lender sets forth the purposes and alms of ' tlio present government. 1 Senhor Mnclmdo , who speaks at tlio ieque > st of and for Theophile TJraga , tlio provisional president of the new republic , cabled as follows : "The republic of Portugal has boon proclaimed by the army , tlio navy and tlio people. "The maintenance of order com pletely assured. There Is general ad hesion to the government In tlio pro- % luces. The enthusiasm of the public is imam passed. "The provisional government has been at a great duty , Involving much work. It has in effect a country to make over. Concerning other pro grams , 1 can say that wo will en deavor to put in operation the pro gram of the republican party. Tills includes a policy of decent representa tion , both in the local administration and the government of colonies. "Tlio llnancial budget Is to bo equal ized In the general Interest of the count ] y and it will bo made up with honesty and fairness. The national \\ealth will bo developed. "All national alliances now existing will bo respected and friendly rela tions with all other states are desired. "Freedom of the press will be as sured and all star chamber methods and opportunist laws will be abolished. A Public School System. "Public Instruction will be complete ly secularized , relieved from icligious control and the religions teachings will be suppressed.Vo plan the es tablishment of a broad system of pub- ' lie instruction , both primary and ad- ' \aiicod , under government endow " ' ' ment. "The re-organization of the army and tlio navy , whose patriotic services have been beyond all praise , will be proceeded with. "The government has profound re spect for public opinion and it approaches preaches Its task with a high resolve to perform duties with unfailing hon esty. It wishes to serve the best in terests of the country. "The foregoing sets forth in a few words the purposes , the acts and the earnest endeavors in these moments of anxious labor of the members of the provisional government of Per tugal. "I send the above at the request of the president of the provisional gov ernment , Theophile Braga. ( Signed ) "Bernardo Machado , "Minister of Foreign Affairs. " Brazilian President Sails. Lisbon , Oct. 7. Dr. Jose Maria Do Alpoim , chief of the progressive dissi dents and a former minister of jus tice and worship , has joined the re publican movement and his own party lias been dissolved. President-elect Fonseca of Brazil , who was a guest of King Manuel when the revolution broke out , sailed for Hlo Janeiro on the Brazilian battleship Sao Paulo to day. The Brazilian cruiser Barroso has arrived here. The custom house hero lias been reopened. i American Warship to Lisbon. , Washington , Oct. 7. The members i of the Portuguese royal family are all i well at Gibraltar and the two cruisers i which escorted the royal yacht Amelia ) to port have sailed for Oporto , accordIng - Ing to a dispatch received at the state 3 department today from Counsel t Sprague at Gibraltar. ) The protected cruiser Des Molnes E lias been ordered to proceed to Lisbon r to represent the United States , Commander - mandor Lubey will make observations and report to this government. This 3 action Is understood to have been taken - en under the telegraphic direction of ) President Taft. The Des Molnes was 3 ordered to sail immediately from Gib' r raltar. r i ! Under British Protection , r I London , Oct. 7. King Manuel , who i- has been driven from his country by n . . I involution , with other members of the ; . royal family , Is today under the pro lection of the British government. The Portuguese minister here re celved a telegram from King Manuel this morning in which his majestj says the queen mother , Amelia , the Duke of Oporto and ho arrived safely and in good health at Gibraltar on the yacht Amelia. King Manuel In his message made no reference to the revolution or te his future plans. Rush Gendarmes to North Spain. Bordeaux , Franco , Oct. .7 Passen gers arriving hero from Madrid repor that heavy reinforcements of gen dnrmes are being rushed into northen Spain and that the gendarme escor of trains has been doubled. LIFE'S DISAPPOINTMENTS ( Copyright. 1910. ) WILLIS M'BRIDE SUING AMER ICAN EXPRESS CO. FOR REFUSING TO PAY ORDERS A Unique Suit for Revenge Against the Elgin Agent of the American Express Company Is Begun by Pres ident of National Bank of Elgin. Neligh , Neb. , Oct. 7. Special to The News : Three novel lawsuits to get revenge against the American Ex press company were started in An telope county ycfo'vlay by Willis Me- "Bride , president o't the National bank of Elgin. Mr. McDride sues in three courts for refusal on the part of the expiess company to pay eighty-five ex press orders for $20 each , presented last Monday at 3:55 : p. m. The ex press company's agent at Elgin had aroused Mr. McBride's ire by .refusing to accept drafts and insisting upon currency , whenever lie had money due him. him.Mr. Mr. McBride went to Omaha recent ly and bought $2,000 worth of express orders in $20 denominations. Eighty- five of these he presented at the Elgin ofilce Monday and payment was re fused. A protest fee of $2.02 Is tacked on each order. A representative of the express company from Chicago is said to have gone to Elgin to see Mr. McBrldc , tryIng - Ing to make a settlement , but he re fused to pay the protest fee. Suits were filed In the courts of Justice of the Peace J. W. Payne of Elgin , John L. McAllister of Neligh and County Judge Robert Wilson of Neligh. Hearing In each Instance conies up next Monday. MICHIGAN DEMOCRATS. They Meet and Denounce Tariff BUI. Favor Bipartisan Boards. Kalama/.oo , Mich. , Oct. .7 Denun ciation of the Payne tariff bill and of the congressmen from Michigan who aided In Its passage , was outlined to day as the strongest plank in the plat form of the democratic state conven tion to ba adopted today. The delegates to the convention ex pressed pleasure over what Is deslg- I nated by them as the evasive tactics of the republican convention in meeting ( ing tlio tariff issue yesterday , and ' they prepared for fierce onslaught on the measure and Its adherents. I The promise of bl-partisan appoin tive boards and commissions through out the state in the event of the dem ocratic victory was expected to large ly eliminate the state issues In the fight and center the contest on the tariff and other national measures. Vigorous charges of republican mis rule in the state , which was asserted in greater part to have been exposed In the previous campaign of Lawton T. Ilemans , the present democratic nominee for governor , also were ex pected to form part of the platform. The selection of bl-partlsan commis sions , It was asserted , will Insure a lldellty and vigilance on the part of the state officials not to bo obtained In any other manner. Aldrlch at Madison. Madison , Oct. 7. Special to The News : Hon. C. II. Aldrich speaks In this city this evening under the aus pices of the Aldrlch club. WILL LIMIT BIRTHS. Chicago , Oct. 7. "It will bo a sta > tutory crime for any woman to give birth to more than two children , " was the prediction of Dr. Rose D. Howe who spoke before the Austin Woman1' club yesterday on "Education. " "This CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Hours. Forecast for Nebraska. Maximum 77 Minimum 38 Average 57 Bai emictcr 30.03 Chicago , Oct. 7. Tlio bulletin is- Chicago , Oct. G. The bulletin is sued by tlio Chicago station of the United States weather bureau gives the forecast for Nebraska as follows : Generally fair tonight and Saturday. condition will exist , " she said , "when the people are so educated on the conservation of health that the death rate will be brought to a minimum. Roosevelt on Way South. Lynchbnrg , Va. , Oct. 7. Theodore Hoosevelt passed through Lynchbnrg early this morning on his way to Bristol tel , Tqnn. , whqre . Jo makp the first speecli of his southern trip. lie was still asleep when his train passed through. The Roosevelt party Is to stop for two hours at Bristol and the colonel Is to make a speech to the board of trade there. lie Is schedul ed to arrive in Knoxvlllo at 3 o'clock this afternoon and remain there until midnight , speaking at the exposition and attending a dinner. From Knox- vllle ho Is to go to Atlanta , stopping at Home , Ga. , to speak tomorrow morning. I DAKOTA SOCIAL DEMOCRATS. List of Candidates is Filed at Pierre. | No Congress Candidates. Pierre , S. D. , Oct. . The social dem ocrat list of state nominees was tiled today. It does not Include congres sional nominations. The list is as follows : Governor , M. G. Opsahl , Sioux Falls. Lieutenant governor , S. II. Goodfel- low , Brookings. Secretary of the state , B. T. Ander son , Pukwana. : Treasurer , W. M. Hlngsdorf , Huron. Auditor , Leroy Hlxson , Marietta , j Commissioner of lands , Walter Iloush , Fort Pierre. Superintendent of instructions , J. J. Pietella , Lead. Attorney general , Stacey A. Cochran - ran , Aberdeen. Hallway commissioner , H. N. Me- Nutt , Marcus. Judge , Eighth judicial circuit , J. J. Woolsten , Belle Fourche. i J. E. Ballinger of Lead attempted to file a petition for congress from tlio Second district , but it did not contain enough names and it was not accept ed. TWO ARRESTS ARE MADE. It Is Believed the Times Dynamiters Have Gone a Long Distance. Los Angeles , Oct. 7. Two men were arrested nnd are being held for inves- I 1 tigntion In connection with the Times I building dynamiters. They are Charles 1 Nehr and Frank Itussell. The former , 1 according to the report turned in by I the arresting olllier , declared that "the unions have something else up ( ! their sleeves , " j Captain Flammer Indicated his be lief that the men who actually blew up the Times would not be found In j fan Francisco. The detective chief Is of the opinion that the plot to destroy the Times and the homo of its owners was carefully worked out , ar.1 ample provision made beforehand for the es cape of the conspirators. The anests are expected to bo made at some point far distant. Another body was taken from the ruins. This makes seventeen bodies BO far recovered. It was not identi fied. fied.The The condition of the body Indicates that If any others fell near It when the llames were at their height they were burned to cinders and were shov eled out and carted upon flat cars with debris to bo hauled away. The fund being raised for the fain- Illes of the victims now totals $10,000 , ASSASSINATION OF A CHINAMAN NARROWLY AVERTED. WOULD-BE SLAYER IS CAPTURED As He was Drawing a Revolver with Which to Assassinate Prince Tsa ! Hsun , Uncle of Emperor of China , a San Francisco Chink is Caught. San Francisco , Oct 7. An attempt to kill Prince Tsal Ilsun , uncle of the emperor of China , as ho stepped from the overland train at the Oakland Mole half an hour befonvbonrdbig. ale liner Chleyo Mam for the return trip to China , was frustrated yesterday af ternoon by Harry Moffltt , secret ser vice operative , and Detective Sergeant George McMahon of the local police department when they seized George Fong , a member of tlio Young China association , as ho was about to draw a revolver witli which to flro upon the royal visitor. Fong was handcuffed and quickly taken from the crowd that had gath ered at the station to welcome the prince upon ills return to this city from his visit to the cast. Fong svas taken across the bay on a ferry boat and hurried to Mofflt's offices where he confessed his Intention to assassi nate Prince Tsal Hsnn. A live-cham bered revolver , fully loaded , was found In his pocket. The arrest was made so quickly and quietly that neither Prince Tsal or any one of his party or members of the reception committee knew of it until the steam er was ready to sail. Then Hear Ad miral Thomas S. Plieips , representing the government of the United States , on the final ceremonies attending the visitor's departure was informed by Moftitt of what had hapened. Wheth er the prince was told of his close call from death was not learned. In his statement to secret service men Fong denied that his action was the result of a conspiracy. He said that the organization to which ho belonged - longed , while revolutionary in ten dency , Is in no way responsible for nls attempt to slay the prince. > Fong expressed regret that , lie had not accomplished his purpose , saying that lie wanted to bo a martyr to the cause to which ho had consecrated his life and that ho wanted to awaken his countrymen. He said ho would have considered It an honor to have been put to deatli had ho accomplished what ho sought to do. Miss Wilson to Campaign. Des Moineg , la. , Oct. 7. Miss Flor.i Wilson will campaign In Iowa witli ! her father , Secretary of Agriculture , Wilson , according to word from Miss 1 Wilson which readied hero today Secretary Wilson will address a re ' publican meeting at Atlantic Octobei 12G at which Miss Wilson will sing ; The following day Secretary Wilsoi nnd Miss Wilson will bo heard at An dubon. I AUTO HITS TRAIN , Scrlbner Party. Has a Close Call a Crossing. , Scrlbnor. Neb. , Oct. 7 . John Sliafor near Scribner , ran his nuto square ! ; i Into the side of freight train No. 330 and escaped with his life and the live : of the others seated with him , becnusi ' the nose of the machine hit a trucl I and rebounded Instead of plunglni j under tlio car. The automobile cut i I circle * and bumped Into the train i second time before it could be got mi , der control This time It was knockei clear across the next track and lande- - in a ditch. Nobody was hurt and ih damages , It is estimated , will not b over $250. IS TOLD TO GET DIETZ CAMERON DAM DEFENDER REFUSES - FUSES GOVERNOR'S TERMS. BUT HE OFFERED COMPROMISE Dlctz Agreed to Surrender If All tlio Charges Against Him Save the Hor- rel Shooting Were Withdrawn This the Governor Declined to Do. Winter , Win. , Oct. 7. After a long conference with Attorney Gcm-nil 0. L. Gilbert and Colonel Mumum. .U TO- tary to Governor Davidson of Wise on- Hln , John F. Dlotz , tlio Cameron hum ( outlaw , abHolutoly refused to ghv himself - self up peaceably to tlio olficcin of the law and announced that. lu would de-IViid himself to tlio Inn ! against ( lie attempts of Sheriff Madden and tlio deputies to arrest him , Tlio representatives of the Mn < "iior assured Dietz that no \ lt > ! oivnuld follow Ills arrest , that h would lo , glvon an Impartial trial and chnngo of vuinio and that capable counsel \wmld bo provided him at the > expense of tlio state If necessary. To all of thono offers and oven to the entreaties of his visitors , Diet/ turned a deaf enr. livery available rig In town wended its way toward the DIe-t/ cabin \\hrii the emissaries made their start nnd almost tlio whole town watched from the woods , a distance of 700 mils from tlio cabin , during the conforcnro. After Dietz's final refusal to give him self up the entire party of nlllclnle , deputies and townspeople came back lo Winter to take further counsel and await developments. It has been learned today that DloU proposed tlio following terms ol sur- lender at yesterday's conference : "I will surrender , " he said , "if all charges against mo are dropped ex cept the Horrol shooting. I am will ing to stand trial on that. " Dietlias refused the terms olloreel by Governor Davidson's lepresontn- tivcs and Deputy Thirbalin has been told by Slierilf Madden to "do ' 'Is duty. " Threats for Governor. Madison , Wis. , Oct. 7. A score of letters threatening deatli or containing hints at violence , received by Gov ernor Jnmo ,0. Dnvli'FoiVs ' prn sn'i- ' mitted today by the executive to the police. It is expected a guard will be placed around the executive residence to- ! night. The letters appaiently are In- 1 spired by the governor's attitude in the Dietaffair. . THE WHOLLY SANE DULL. A Diseaseless , Stupid Age Foreseen i by a Scientist. | New York , Oct. 7. The man of the future will be a sane , dlscaseless , sturdy , stupid creature when science shall have lobbed the world of both disease and genius. 1 Such was the picture drawn today by Dr. William G. McCallum , professor ser of pathology in the Columbia mil- \ersity college of physicians and sur geons. Ho was speaking at the openIng - Ing of the school year of the Institu tion. Ills subject was "The Fnturn of t Medicine. " All diseases except those due to accidental causes , such as a burn , poisoning , cuts , etc. , would be entirely eliminated , he asserted. "In the study of disease , " said he , "we have made the most progress up to date , but in the cure of disease wo have made little , with a few brilliant exceptions , including yellow fever. "All Insanity in time will be stamp ed out witli the exception of that re sulting from Impiudenco nnd intemper ance , which always will exist , as they are tlio price of a man's personal lib erty. " Ol' the ellseaseless. insanity-proof age , Professor McCallum said : "Indeed , since development of gen ius and of special individuality nnd charm seldom seem allied with per fect mental symmetry and balance , but rather with some alight defect which permits concentration in anoth er direction , I am not sure that It might not be very dull to live amour I people of invariable , unblemished san ity. " Taylor for Tennessee Governor. Nashville , Tonn. , Oct. 7. I'nlted States Senator Robert L. Taylor , three times governor of Tennessee nnd who&o term in the United States sen ate does not end until 1912 , was nom inated for governor by the tegular democratic convention. Governor M. ' H. Patterson was nominated several i months ago to succeed himself , but his nomination caused a split in the party and he withdrew from the race , hoping thereby to unite the party. It was In the interest of harmony that ; Senator Taylor was nominated. Ho accepted the nomination but said ho ' would not retire from the senate un less elected governor. : i Straighten Humphrey Street. Humphrey , Neb. , Oct. 7. Special to 1 The News : W. P. Vaughn , who Is 1 working for the Union Pacific railroad , lias completed the cement walk on East Main street On the north sldo ho straightened the street nnd load 3 184 feet by eight feet. On the south a side 14C feet by four feet nnd 17G feet I by eight feet.