Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1910)
THE NOKFOLK WBEKLL NEWS-JOURNAL , FIJI DAY , JULY 21) ) , 1)10. ! ) WILL OPPOSE COUNTY OPTION. Republicans at O'Neill Endorse Tnft nnd Administration. O'Neill , Neb. , July 2fi. At tlio re- jtubllcan county convention rosolu- tlniiH endorsing the administration of President- Tuft , K. J. Uurkott for re election UH Honator. and Congressman Klnkald and Senator Drown wore adopted. The convention was one of the largest held In the county for yearn and was an enthusiastic gather- Ing. The following delegates were elected to the state convention : 11. 1) ) . Orndy. A. B. Pierce , K. J. Marsh , I ) . H. t'ranln. Joseph Mntan- ftok , William CJnlsh , Dave Stuart , Neil Urennan , J. M. Hunter and Jacob Itnckc. The delegates to the convention are unlnstructcd , but they will oppose a county option plank In the Btate plat- form. K. H. DlcUson wan elected chalnnnn of the county committee and C. I * . Hancock , secretary. JOHN D. AND BROTHER MAKE UP. Breach Between Rockefellers Is Re ported to Have Been Henled. Cleveland , O. , July 25. The breach which developed many years ngo be tween John D. Rockefeller and his brother Frank Is reported to have been healed. It Is Bald to be not unlikely that the renewed friendship of the broth ers will bo cemented by having the bodies of Frank Rockefeller's children taken up and laid to rest around the "oil king's" monolith In Lakevlew cemetery. The cemetery officials have heard that the/ bodies of the descendants of the men may be reunited In one burial plot. plot.John John D , Rockefeller , who Is a Lake- view cemetery trustee , has ordered that no information about his burial plot bo given out. Frank Rockefeller has made and lost povoral fortunes. Ills first wrestle with hard luck was In the days when the Standard OH company was in the process of formation by John D. Frank owned an independent refinery. He wanted to keep it independent and refused to deal with the trust pro moters. This was the first break between the brothers. Frank lost. The trust got possession of his property. A few years later there was a reconciliation. Frank was tanken into the Standard nnd made vice president of the Ohio Standard OH company. Then he went into the iron ore busi ness with James Corrlgan. The light between Corrignn and Frank on the one side and John D. on the other is history. Corrlgan charged he had been de frauded out of 2,500 shares of Stand ard Oil stock. He had Indorsed notes for Frank and had pledged the stock to John D. Frank had 4,000 shares cf the Franklin Iron Mining company stock also up as collateral. John D. won the suit and kept all the stock. Hut fortune was smiling on Frank all the time. He was successful in various business ventures. He went Into the fast horse business , owning a big stock farm at Wickllffe , wher he raised blue blooded stock , sending a string of trotters down the grand circuit. He sold this out. Then he made nnd lost money in stocks. Fin ally he bought a large ranch in Kai sas. He went into the stock ralsiiif business there. Others who knew the game better than he did went after him. This venture is said to hav- < cost him from $200.000 to jr.OO.O"1" . lie never said how much. All tufcl time John D. was piling up wealth. The quarrel that started over busl ness relations between the brothers was heated at the time John D. erect ed his monument in Lakeview eleven years ago. Frank may have question ed the propriety of the erection at that time. The quarrel ended in Frank having the bodies of his children removed tea a plot several sections east. John D. may have thought there was not room for the graves of all the Rocke feller dependents on his plot. Today there are eight graves about the John D. Rockefeller shaft , with lieadstones ranged along the arc of a "wide circle. Four times as many graves can be laid before the circle Is complete. The base of the monument ment bears the name "Rockefeller" on each of the four sides. The epitaphs on the headstones merely give the dates of births and deaths and , in some instances , the relationship. Frank Rockefeller today would not discuss his relationship with his broth er. "The less you. say about the Rocke fellers the better it will suit me , " he cald. Tripped By a Hobble Skirt. New York , July 25. A hobble skirt nearly caused the death of Miss Eva Stuart yesterday afternoon. In an at tempt to get out of the way of a taxicab - icab which was passing Forty-seventh street and Broadway Miss Stuart , who is an actress appearing in the "Follies of 1010 , " at the Jardin de Paris , was unable to properly manipulate a new hobble skirt which she tried on yester day for the first time. As she rushed to the northwest of corner Forty-sev enth street , she tripped and struck her head against the pavement , receiving what is believed to bo a serious Injury. IN SOUTH DAKOTA. Wheat Is About Three-Fourths of an Average and Corn Full Average. Pierre , S. D. , July 25. Superinten dent Moulton of the Chicago & North western road has just made a trip over all the lines of that road in this state and his opinion is that the state will harvest about 76 percent of an average wheat crop and barring hailer or early frosts , will harvest fully an average corn crop. In fact , in his es timation , a better ono than for last year. While there are a few spots east of the river where the drouth lias been severe and the crop very < nhort , they are small in extent , as compared with the whole state , and in many other locations the crop IB ahead of what it was last year , which will go a long way toward keeping up the average. The eastern and south ern part of the state Is reported to be good. An area between Iroquols and Desmet has been hard hit. North of Redficlcl , toward the elate line , the crop will be short except In a circle about Columbia , where it Is above the average. While the straw Is short in that part of the state the grain heads are well tilled and the grain of good quality. The wheat yield for last year was 40.000.000 bushels and 75 percent yield will put it at 30,000- 000 bushels. In the Missouri valley in this part of the Btnto the oat harvest Is on , some good samples being brought in. The country north from central Sully county across Potter and Wnlworth Is reported to be making the best Showing It has come through with for years. West of the Missouri there are local spots where the crop Is a practical failure , one of these being between Fort Pierre and Midland. Another is in the northwest corner of the state , Including Harding and parts of the Perkins counties. Other spots which received timely local rains re port a better crop than for last year. The crop estimates for past years have not taken In much of the west ern part of the state outside of the Black Hills section and whatever is secured in that section will be in the shape of a general gain. The corn crop generally all over the state Is reported to be in good condi tion and late rains have helped along the situation greatly , with the Indica tion now for a good crop generally unless caught by early frosts. The corn yield for last year was put at 86,000,000 bushels and 1t is expected to be up to normal this year. Dahlman at Nlobrara. Nlobrnra , Neb. , July 25. Special to The News : James C. Dahlman , mayor of Omaha and democratic candidate for governor , will be the principal speaker at a Sunday outing to be held in Niobrara Island park on July 31. The Nlobrara Northwestern band will furnish the music. Crops Near Gordon. Gordon , Neb. , July 25. Special to The News : A. G. Finch received a new thresher Friday. This Is the second end now thresher received here within the past few weeks. The condition of crops now indicates that the new ma chines will be needed. The general crop outlook Is good. While the dry time in Juno gave rise to the opinion that small grain might be seriously damaged , it is now gen erally admitted that the compensating rains of the last few weeks are reliev ing the conditions to a great extent. Oats will be a good crop. The late sown wheat Is filling rapidly and promises n yield considerably over the average expectations a month ngo. The straw of both oats and wheat Is short , but the heads are long , large and well filled with plump , bright ker nels. In the most cases the grain will be large enough to admit cutting with a binder. The later crops , such as corn and potatoes , show a promise of yield greatly In excess of the past years. Potatoes are a never failing crop in this section , but while the acreage is smaller , the yield will be far greater than that of the last year. Corn shows excellent promise of the heaviest yield .ever recorded in this part of the state. The dry weather retarded the early growth and rain has come at the time most needful to complete Its develop ment. ' Fats and Leans at Niobrara. Nlobrara , Neb. , July 25. Special to The News : The Niobrara fats and leans played a game of baseball hero which was weird nnd picturesque and Inspired wonder and sundry other emotions in the breasts of the de lighted fans. But the heavy-sets couldn't "come back. " With the "lean and hungry" look of Cassius the thins viciously whang ed the roundthing which at times went nearly to second base. Even the un- risible Spinoza would have smiled at some of the frantic and well-meant physical demonstrations on either side. side.Both Both teams did well but would have done better if they hadn't got out of breath. A good time "was had" by all. The proceeds of the game will be presented as a gift to the Niobrara clergymen. E. L. Gillhnm tactfully managed the thins and George Cham bers did the same for the "weights. " The former won 14 to 13. Frank Nelson and Dr. Clark umpired. 1 PLAN U. C. T. PICNIC. PICNIC.'t Annual Jollification of United Com c mercial Travelers Saturday. The annual picnic nnd jollification of the United Commercial Travelers of Norfolk will be held at the Country club grounds next Saturday. Prelim inary plans are about completed nnd a great day is anticipated. Following Is the program issued by the sports com mittee : Boys' race ( under 10 years ) . Boys' race ( under 16 years ) . Men's race , 50 yards. " Fat men's race , 25 yards. Boy's sack race. Boys' three-legged race. Little girls' race ( under 8 years ) . Little girls' race ( under 12 years ) . Ladles' race. Ladles' ball throwing contest. Needle threading contest. Potato race. Cup race. Sand pile race ( under 8 years ) . Sand pile race ( under 14 years ) . Cracker eating contest. Gentlemen's golf tournament Ladles' nail driving contest. a North Nebraska Leads. North Nebraska has just produced one of the finest crops of wheat that hrtB been raised here in a number of years. Not only in quantity , but also In quality. This part of the state has bi'i'ii noted for the quality of the flour produced from its mills nnd perhaps none have been HO popular and more widely used than Bon Ton Hour , made by the Sugar City Cereal MlllB , Nor folk. The bakers far and near nnd all housewives who have over used Hon Ton Hour unite In praising It. Buyers for the Sugar City Cereal Mills are now selecting and buying the highest grade of wheat to bo had In this , the finest wheat section in the country. So boost for north Nebraska flour. BROWN COUNTY CONVENTIONS. Democrats Against County Option , Re publicans for It. Ainsworth , Neb. , July 25. Special to The News : The republican and democratic county conventions were held In this city Saturday afternoon. The republicans elected Rev. J. B. Cams , C. F. Barnes , T. J. Johnson and Ed Lynch , delegates to the strite con vention and adopted a resolution en dorsing and approving the .administra tion of President Taft and the work of Senators Burkett and Brown nnd Congressman Klnkald , and supporting county option. Hon. George A. Smith of Long Pine was chairman of the convention and made a rattling talk , full of enthu siasm. John" M. Cotton of Ainsworth was the secretary. R. S. Rising was elected chairman of the county cen tral committee and Howard O. Wilson secretary. The democratic convention was pre sided over by John B. Stoll of John stown and Erwln Osborn of Ains worth was the secretary. John B. Stoll , E. W. Ferguson , R. F. Osborn and C. W. Potter wore elected dele gates to the state convention nnd in structed against county option. A resolution endorsing the adminlstra tlon of Governor Shallenberger was adopted. John B. Stoll was elected chairman of the county central com mittee and Erwin Osborn secretary. The Pupils' Eyes. Omaha World Herald : In the old days the birch rod and the husky schoolteacher tho' subject of pupils' physical well-being did not enter into the scholastic considerations. Young people were sent to school for mental and moral instruction , and their bodily welfare was confidently intrusted to providence. Now we have come to ventilation and sanitary drinking cups and com fortnble seats and systematic physical exercise. The sound body in which to house the sound mind is recognized as something that can be achieved as well as wished for in proverbs. And the superintendent of Chicago's public schools would even change established literary custom for the sake of stu dents' eyesight. She recommends that the ordinary Gothic type in which Ger man is printed and should be dropped from use and Roman typo substituted. Anybody who has noticed the differ ence between the legibility of the type in which English newspapers are print ed and that of "Old English" type can appreciate the reason. The fact that in Germany scientific books are now printed in English , or Roman , type is a start in the direction of the reform advocated by Mrs. Young. The German emperor has reached the age where he may be expected to turn his enthusiasm somewhat away from martial subjects and become more interested in the every day nf fairs of peace. If it is not asking too much of his patriotic spirit , here is a reform that he might begin to agitate in the fatherland. It is to be hoped , of course , that he does not recall Mr. Roosevelt's experience with spelling reform } in the United States. Newman Grove Beats Tilden. Tilden , Neb. , July 25. Special to The News : Tilden and Newman Grove crossed bats on the latter's grounds , and an error for Tilden lost the game. The ; score was as follows : Newman G 00200003 0 5 Tilden 00200000 0 2 Batteries : Newman Grove , Provo and McKay ; Tilden , Forenan and Stu art. Tilden would like to make dates with any team in the surrounding country. Address all letters to Man ager Baseball Team , Tilden , Neb. EIGHTENCAMP IS 18. Norfolk Traveling Man Says He Looks Like a Mere Boy. R. G. Stroble , a Norfolk traveling salesman , had a short talk Friday with William Eichtencamp , the hired man who claims he witnessed the kill ing of Miss Louise Flege at the Flege home northwest of Wayne on June 30. Mr. Stroble was seated at a dinner table in a Ponca hotel talking to an other traveling man. - - "What kind of a looking man is this Eichtencamp ? " he asked his traveling companion. "Well , there he sits behind you , " was the reply. Stroble turned around and met the gaze of the man In ques tion , who had heard his question. "So you are Eichtencamp , are you ? " said Stroble. "Yes. " "Well It's funny , " continued Stroble , "how many different opinions of you and your age people around the coun try have. Some think you are 21 , some 18 and others have it about 19. " "Well , I'm 18 years old , " replied Eichtencamp , who seemed nervous and not anxious to continue the con versation. "Eichtencamp looks to be a good boy , " said Stroble. 'If I were asked to pick the murderer between him and Flege I would pick Flege. " MONDAY MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards returned from visit at Lincoln. E. P. Weatherby has gone to Sioux City on business. Mrs , Qua Dock ot llosklns was a visitor In the city. Miss Mary Raduonz of Hosklns called on friends here. F. W. Colegrove of Meadow Grove was fi visitor In the city. C. H. Fuerst t.pent Sunday with friends at Battle Creek. vvaicr Commissioner August Drum- mund returned from Omaha , where he attended the meeting of the national saonfi ! > rfest. Dr. A. B. TfiHlijonn returned from a business trip at Madison. B. P. Olmsti'd returned from n three weeks' business trip in Colorado. Theodore Anderson of Brlstow was In the city enroute to Sioux City. Miss Lulu Porter returned from n short visit with friends at Pierce. M. J. Sanders returned from a busi ness trip nt Bloomlleld nnd Wnusa. L. P. Pasewalk returned from Onm ha , where he attended the aviation meet. Miss Ella Schulz of Pierce Is In the city visiting with her cousin , Miss Loulso Schulz. James Delaney , who has spent n two weeks' vacation in Iowa , has re turned to Norfolk. Mrs. A. Nlland has gone to Madison , wheie she will spend a few days' visit with her daughter , Mrs. Edward Mar tin. Mr. and Mrs. Willis McBrlde nnd their bon and daughter of Elgin spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Reynolds. The superintendent of telegraph of the Northwestern railroad company , Mr. MacFarland of Omaha , was In the city on business. C. F. Bullta , publicity manager of the Nebraska Telephone company with headquarters at Omaha , was in the city transacting business. W. J. Stafford and P. E. Carberry returned from a two weeks' vacation in the Black Hills country , where they enjoyed some good fishing. Postmaster R. J. Marsh , Sheriff Grady - dy of O'Neill and W. J. Hall , commls sloner of Holt county and a possible candidate for the state legislature , passed through the city enroute to Lincoln to attend the state republican convention. N. A. Rninbolt returned from n trip through South Dakota. Mr. Ralnbolt purchased six quarter-sections of land near Pierre and enjoyed a 96-mile automobile ride through some of the best portions of South Dakota. He reports that crops are looking good there. Mr. Rainbolt has considerable property near Phillip. / Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Stadelman , at Santa Monica , Calif. , n son. The northeast Nebraska tennis tour nament will bo held at Wakefleld , Neb. , about the middle of August Norfolk delegates to the republican state convention , who left the city for Lincoln nt noon were : C. E. Burn' ham , Goerge N. Beels , Burt Mapes , M. D. Tyler. A largo number of delegates to the state republican convention from Chadron and that vicinity passed through the city enroute to Lincoln. Ex-Senator F. J. Hale , Charles Rice , Dr. A. Bear , Herman Winter , Herman Gerecke and John Flynn have gone to Grand Island to attend the democratic convention. C. L. Gose of the Midland chautau- qua circuit of Des Moines has opened his offices in the Durlnnd Trust com pany's office. Mr. Gose will be the local chautauqua manager and point ers to the campers will be given by him. him.Dr. Dr. A. it. Tashjean reports that no arrests have yet been made of persons who crippled his valuable driving horse on a Stanton county farm last week. The doctor has suspicions as ' to who the guilty persons are. The tickets for the chautauqua which will bo held here August 6 to 14 inclusive are now on sale at the Hoffman & . Vlele furniture store , Dur- land Trust company , Bennett Piano company and the Norfolk furniture store. Miss Agnes Flynn underwent an op eration at the home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Flynn , Sunday af ternoon for trouble arising from the effects of an operation at Omaha for appendicitis. Miss Flynn is reported doing very well. Mr. and Mrs. Hyland Stanfield of Tekamah , who were in the city visit ing with the Ed Monroe family , will move here as soon as suitable rooms can be found , and make Norfolk their future home. Mr. Stanfield is a trav eling salesman for an Omaha hard ware house. The first automobile hack license ever Issued in Norfolk was made out by City Clerk Ed Harter Saturday night and given to Henry Hasenpflug , who recently purchased a Fuller auto mobile , with which he- will carry pas sengers to nnd from the depots and for other passenger service. Bids for the construction of the Nor folk Y. M. C. A. building will be opened this evening at the office of Mapes & Hazen in the Mast block , at a meeting of the executive committee of the Y. M. C. A. A large number of bids have been received and the lucky bidder will get his contract tonight , Chester Housh , who was arrested by Special Agent Stewart and Con stable Flynn in connection with the Northwestern freight car robberies , has been taken to Dawes county , where he was wanted , by Deputy Sher iff James Gore of Dawes county , who passed through Norfolk enroute to Madison to get young Housh. Mrs. W. Mapes is in the city visiting with her parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Blakoley. Mrs. Mnpes has only re cently returned from the Philippine Islands , where her husband , Captain Mnpes , has seen much service with the Philippine scouts. Captain Mapes may come to Norfolk from Washing ton , where he is now attending ma neuvere. 1 It is rumored that two attempts reti cently have been made by a young girl c house servant to end her lllo by cut ting her throat. According to the re ports the first attempt was made a week ago. The girl , it is said , had ' r been quarreling with 'a ulster nnd last Friday she made another attempt to cut her throat , but did not succeed , the sumor sayn. Norfolk Is well advertised In the programs just Issued by the Midland chautauqun circuit , which have Just been circulated In this city by M. C. Hazen. The second page of the pain- phlot-form program contains a full de scription of Norfolk's enterprises. Its business houses , its buildings , loca tion , population of 6.000 , railroad no lommodatlons nnd other things of In terest. Editor Fred Evans of Naper Is in the city arranging to ship the Evans printing press to Omaha for exhibi tion. The press is ono of the inven tions of his father , C. S. Evans , de ceased. A building Is under construc tion on the property of J. Custer , on Fowler avenue In Omaha. In which the new invention will be housed and exhibited. The machine has beenj tried out by Mr. Evans nnd has been ' found to work satisfactorily. Fred L. Domnlsse , deputy game warden since1909 , has sent his reslg nation to Governor Shallonbcrger. Al though Mr. Domnlsse does not glvt any special reaBon for resigning , he says the job Is not an agreeable one and other business gives him no tlmo to look after the game law violators1 in the way he should. Mr. Domnissee has made a success in his office , cap hiring many fish traps nnd running down many breakers of the game laws BURKETT ON OPTION. Whatever the People Want , He Is Ready to Stand for. Under the new process in the sugar refineries , the United States Is In no more danger of being defrauded in duties , says Senator Burkett , who , be tween trains at the Junction eating house had luncheon with J. K. Moore of Bristow and Fred Evans of Naper. To his friends at the luncheon table Senator Burkett explained the work ings of the sugar refineries. "I am satisfied with the political sit' ' nation here ; everything is in good shape , " said the senator. When asked what he thought about the county option proposition , Senator Burkett said : "It looks now like an even break , but you can't tell now until a vote is taken. Whatever the people want I expect to stand for. " Senator Burkett rras enroute from Wayne to Omaha to attend the state convention at Lincoln. Mr. Moore ac companled the senator. DRUG FIENDS ARE COMMON. Norfolk Drug Stores Have to Turn Down Many Dope Buyers. Norfolk drug clerks have their trou bles and are not backward in relating some of their experiences with un slrable customers. The undesirables , they say , are the "transient" dope fiends or "bums" in search of extraor dinarily strong "booze. " They no longer use the gentle ways of refusing liquor to this class of customers , but can always pick their customer , and the answer seems in every case to satisfy the eager customer who , if not given a sharp answer , holds the clerk in a long argument as to why he should be sold his "dope"'or "booze. " "Gimme a pint of 'white lime' will yer , " was the query of a transient "bum" at a local drug store recently. The "white lime" referred to is trans lated by the drug clerk as pure alco hoi. "We don't keep It , sir , " answered the clerk , and the "bum" in a puzzled way scratched his head and then asked for whisky. Being given the same answer , the man of many homes only smiled and asked for "two bits' worth of ginger. " The gentlemanly clerk immediately wrapped the ginrer in a neat paper and handed it to the customer , who laid down his "two bits" and walked out seemingly happy. "You see , " said the clerk later , "It's easiest to tell them that we haven't it in stock and that saves us an argu ment not desired. I couldn't refuse him the ginger , although there is al cohol in it. "We have many cases like this , " continued the clerk , "but the hardest to deal with are the 'dope fiends. ' They are very common here in Nor folk , not residents of the city , but bums passing through. They always have a long tale of woe to tell of how they were sick and the physician had given them morphine to ease the pain , and they later had contracted the hab it. We usually toll them that we can not give it to them without a doctor's prescription and , although they man age to get it somewhere else , they seem to prefer to go without it for a while than to dig up a dollar for a doctor's prescription. Many of those who ask for the dope have favorites of different kinds. Most of them are morphine fiends , but many prefer co caine and opium. " CAPTAIN ANDERSON WON IT. Commander of Local Militia Company Took Revolver Prize. Captain C. L. Anderson , commander of Company D , the local company of national guards , has won the revolver cup given as a prize for the best marksman of the forty line officers participating in the state target prac tice at Ashland Friday. Captain Ivor S. Johnson , commanding the Stanton company , won the rillo contest. Out of the twenty-one rillo teams compet ing at Ashland , Norfolk's soldiers , ac cording to unofficial figures , were fourth in line , with a chance at pos sibly third after the official announce ment is made. Lieutenant Hans Anderson , a broth er of Captain Anderson , also of the local company , mode a good showing among the line officers nnd was very close to winning the prlzo for third place. Lieutenant Anderson , Musician Lynde , Privates Inglls , Beemer , ; > Strong , Graucl and Marker Odlorne returned to Norfolk Saturday aftern noon. All the inmnberB of the team wore Jubilant over the good showing they made on the target range. Lieutenant Anderson BMOWH Blight bruises on hl face an the result of an accident ho had with his rifle In the contest. Captains Anderson and John- ton remained at Ashland to partici pate In the state rlllo association con test in which Captain Johnson won the first prlzo last year. There are good prospects that he will again coino , out with honors for Ills company. Cl vlllans are also allowed in this con tost. WHY NOT A HOSPITAL ? Commercial Club Directors Discuss Some Such Plan for Norfolk. Why not a hospital for Norfolk ? i Many business men of this city are In I favor of the proposition and all are of jone ! mind that the city IB now largo j enough to have such an Institution. I Hardly a day goes by that at least I ono patient from different towns sur rounding Norfolk does not pass through the city enrouto to Omaha or other cities to enter hospitals. Even Norfolk physicians send ninny of their patients to hospitals in other cities. Norfolk has plenty of first class phy sicians and should a hospital bo built here1 It is believed it could be main- tained. Dr. A. B. Tashjean has offered three fine lots on South First street near the Junction school house for the pur pose of building a hospital. "My offer to the city of the throe lots still holds good. I only make ono provision , that the hospital be built on the lots. The lots will bo given to the city free. They are good lots. The site is very good for a hospital. Such an Institution should not bo con structed in the congested pait of the city. " At a meeting of the Commercial club directors last week , the hospital prop osition was brought up , but It ended In discussion. It was first believed that the sugar factory buildings could be remodeled for a hospital , but busi ness men do not look favorably upon this proposition. The question of tear ing down the buildings nnd using the material for the construction of a new building was also found to be useless , owing to the fact that all the bricks on the buildings were laid In cement and it would be impossible to clean them. If this could be done , it Is said by business men hero , the Norfolk Indus trial company , who have been under a heavy expense on the buildings , would have torn them down some time ago and sold the material , could the bricks have been cleaned. The objec tion to the remodeling of the building is that the site Is not suitable for a hospital and that the cost , of remodel ing would touch close to the construc tion price of a new structure. The offer of Dr. Tashjean of the thro'e lots is talked of favorably by several of the directors of the Com mercial club , who seem to be of the same mind that Norfolk has grown to such size now that it Is necessary to have such an institution here. "The hospital proposition should be agitated , " says one prominent busi ness man. "I for one am willing to subscribe for a building. " A hospital company should be formed. "The way to do this , " he said , "is to organize a hospital company , with a board of trustees composed of Nor folk business men. Any physicians M should be allowed to take his patient to the institution. If a hospital com pany is not organized , some charitable institution should take charge of it. but the objective point is that all phy sicians have all rights to enter their patients. " About a hundred fans witnessed two fast baseball games on the driving park diamond yesterday afternoon. The first game between the clerks and the firemen was won by the clerks only after seven innings of league playing. The second game between the railroaders and the Edgewater teams resulted in a score of 5 and 3 in the former's favor. The clerk-firemen's game almost be longed to the firemen , who were one score ahead of the clerks up to the last inning , when the fire fighters .seemed to go to pieces , and their an pitcher allowed six hits , the clerks running in five scores , defeating the firemen by a score of 9 to 5. it For the first time since the city league was organized was it necessary tie for Official Umpire O'Toolo to bench a player. It happened in the last in ning of the clerk-firemen's game , when the clerks had put out two men ; the Pi [ PiM last man was up to bat with two Piai strikes recorded against him. Wilde ai threw a ball and O'Toole called it B.I "ball one. " th "O o h ! " yelled Second Baseman jd Schelley of the clerks. 01 "Go to the bench , " said the umpire , in and for a time it looked as if the game si would go to the firemen , the clerks th not having an extra player handy. Af th ter a discussion Walling , a star player ki on the railroad men's team , offered his pr services nnd the game was finished kr krDi without further trouble. Di DiSi The score by innings : R.II. E. Si Clerks 020011 5 9 11 B sa Firemen 140000 0 5 4 7 nr Batteries : Wilde and Gllssman ; of Kelleher and Persons. Summery Double plays : Wlldo to he Schelley to Brucggeman ; Kolleher to Hauptll to Pasewalk. Two base hits : Clarke , Hauptll. Struck out : By Kel leher , 6 ; by Wilde , 5. Bases on balls : D. Off Kelleher , 1 ; off Wilde , 7. Umpire , er ; O'Toole. Bl ; rli Klnkald Sold Hie Coal Land. Pi The much talked of Klnkald Alaska BC coal lands have passed out of the lands of Congressman M. P. Klnkald of the Sixth district and are now the property of Rapid Olty parties. The Tl deal was made by William P. Mohr of th Spencer , In the office of Judge Klnkald el at O'Neill Saturday night. All the on apers in connection with the Alaskan th lands were on hand and the congressman - T < man signed them over to the Rapid pr Was thnt dish ft failure ? Perhaps it was the fault of the spice. Did it lack snap and character of flavor ? Thou it surely was the fault of the spice , Next time use " BROS CANNON BRAND the results will delight you. Snappy , flavorous tang comes from fresh ginger , popper , cinnamon tlie Tone kind in air tight packages. At Your Grocer' * We or ( tend un a dlino ( or full- size parkauo and "Tone's Spicy Talks. " 10NC BROS. , 0 MOIKtI. IOWA BUIIIII of Futiui On Cuu Cinu City people , receiving a chock for them. After nn address before the repub lican convention at O'Neill Saturday night. In which ho explained to the ninety-seven delegates present how Ins purchased his quarter section of coal land In Alaska legitimately and straightforwardly , Congressman Kln kald sold the coal lands to Rapid City , S. D. , parties who wore present at the convention. The deal was made in the office of Judge Kinkaid at O'Neill In the pres ence of a number of people. William H. Mohr , a real estate man of Spen cer , handled the deal for the congress man. Who the Rapid City parties arc has not been learned. Judge Kinkaid paid $2,800 for the coal lands. What ho received for thorn from the Rapid City parties Is not known. In a statement made at the conven tion in reference to the coal lands Mr. Kinkaid said : "As about three-fifths of the an nouncements of my competitor con sists of an attack upon my record , 1 shall give It such brief notice as the nature hereof will permit. The ref erence incidentally occurring last win ter in the Ballinger-Pinchot Investiga tion to my purchase of a quarter HOC- tlon of coal land In Alaska , carried with It the information , derived from official source , that the transaction was legitimate and straightforward ; but in disregard of this , to advance his own candidacy , my competitor ques tions Its regularity. It was because only of the fact that Mr. Balllnger , as my attorney , had passed on the tltlo to the property before he was secre \ tary of the interior , when in the prac tice of law at Seattle , that life trans action was mentioned at all. No gov ernment official has pretended that I did what was wrong or improper. Glavis , special agent and attorney for the government In coal land matters , In substance , swore there was nothing contained in the transaction on the part of either Balllnger or myself that was wrong. Brnndeis , attorney for Pinchot , said : "Wo have looked Into the case carefully. * * * There is nothing wrong or improper. * * * Mr. Kinkaid has nothing to conceal in this matter as far as I know. " My purchase was made of the entrymnn who had an equitable title which the law permits to be assigned or deeded , for which I paid $2,800.00 , and to se cure a patent , must yet pay the gov ernment price of $10.00 per acre. I have not made a coal land entry. If the entry of my grantor was made In good faith , and the law in other re spects has been complied with , a pat ent will be granted ; otherwise not. Certainly , the government is secure , because its officials have the exclusive determination of these questions. " C. Sundell Arrested. Carl E. Sundell , the Omaha contrac tor who last Wednesday evening acci dentally ran down and killed 5-year- old Harry Drefs nt Omaha , is well known in Norfolk , having resided hero Thirteenth street , and Madison ave nue , in 1904. He was a carpenter ind a fine mechanic. To" the police Omaha Mr. Sundell says he was tiot exceeding the speed limit when ran over the little boy. The au thorities claim ho was going at a rate of forty miles an hour. Two of the Drefs children were ilaylng In the street when suddenly .JK Mr. Sundell rounded the corner in his . * uitomoblle at a terrific speed , it IB said. It is claimed he did not sound Lhe warning horn. Little Harry sav- his brother's life by pushing him jut of the way of the fast approach- ng machine. Mrs. Drefs , who was ilttlng : on the porch of her homo in .he northern part of the city where .he accident occurred , saw her child tilled. Mr. nnd .Mrs. William Kiefs , mrents of the dead boy. are well nown by several Norfolk people. Mr. Drefs Is a clghr maker by trade. Sundell was arrested and was only mved from a fn-Jt growing mob of ingry neighbors by the timely arrival police. Sundell Is held In Omaha under icavy bonds. Herrlck's Team a Good One. Manager Hunt of the Herrlck ( S. ) baseball team has signed up Stein- , Gregory's third baseman , and Tin- lo , n new pitcher from Butto. Her- Ick now has a good hunch of ball ilaycrs and a good many games are ichedulcd up and down the line. Valentine School Picnic. Valentine , Neb. , July 25. Special to rho News : The Junior normal had heir annual picnic at Perry's Falls , sight miles east of hero , several wag- m-loadu of teachers spending the day here , and nil report n fine time , roasts , songs and a big feed was a part of the program ,