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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1910)
\ THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. . . . , . NORFOLK. NKHUASKA. KKIDAY. ,11'IiY 2'2. 1MO ! DISASTER IN ARTILLERY ELEVEN AMERICAN SOLDIERS ARE - KILLED. DURING DAY'S ' TARGET PRACTICE Fort Monroe is the Scene of a Fatal Accident to a Number of Artlllerv men During Thursday's Teats ' Marksmanship. Fort Monroe , Va. , July 21. Eleven artillerymen are dead , two fatally In jured and five others hurt , Including two olllcers , as the result of the blowIng - Ing out of a breech lock In a 12-Inch shore gun at the Derussy battery , dur ing the artillery practice , here today. The accident occurred while student olllcors were endeavoring to sink a fleet of towed targets , representing nil Imaginary hostile fleet proceeding to ward Washington. The battery was under the immediate command of Ser geant Harry Haas of the Sixty-ninth company United States coast artillery. The dead are ; Sergeant Harry Hess , gun com mander. Corporal Bradford , gun pointer. Corporal Adklns. Privates Sullivan , Duffy , Adey , King , Chadwlck , Smith , Hogan and Turner ; One Man Blown Into Bay. One private was blown Into Chose- peako bay with the breech lock. Lieutenant Vanduscn suffered a broken leg and Lieutenant Haws was wounded about the face. Several children of several of the men killed wore present at the target practice1. A BLOW TO ENGLISH STRIKE Amalgamated Society of Railroad Ser vants Refuses Aid. New Castle , England , July 21. The Amalgamated Society of Railroad ser vants today refused to recognize and finance strike against the North East ern Railroad company. This attitude on the part of the society , which em braces the whole country , probably will prove fatal to the success of the strike. The strike of the employes on the North Eastern railroad is fast demor alizing the Industries depending on the line. Disorganization of tralllc threat ens ruin to many shippers. In addition to the 12,000 railroad men who are out , It was estimated to day that fully liO.OOO workers in the collieries , ship yards , iron works and other plants have been rendered Idle through the Inability of the compa nies to give their products. t'ho loss of perishable goods , fish , .ullk and the like , is enormous. Whole catches of herring fleets Intended for virmouth and Lowcstoft curers are ottlng at the different shippink points. Taft Playing Golf. flnr Harbor , Me. , July 21. Another day of ideal weather called President Taft early ashore from the Mayflower and before 9 o'clock he was on his way to the golf links of the Kebo Val ley club. Mr. Taft will hold a reception for the summer colony at the club this afternoon. Sometime before nightfall he expects to have a conference with Chairman P. H. Emory of the tarlfl commission. The regular residents of the islaiul here are keenly disappointed over the evidentjntentlon of the president to devote the entire time of his stay tc the fashionable cottagers from New York. Improving Neligh Park. Neligh. Neb. . July 21. Special tc The News : The commissioners ol Riverside park of this city are makint extensive and permanent improve ments this week. Over $300 is bolm expended in having the park llghtet by electricity. One hundred and tor candle power tungsten lamps will bt strung from the main entrance am through the entire park. The work o setting the poles anil wiring is nov nearly completed. The plan Is to him the park Illuminated each night durini five months of the year , starting li May and ending In September. Many of the enterprising men am boys of the city have just completed i bath bouse at the extreme south em of the park. This is an improvemen that has long been looked for. Th commissioners furnished the uiatorln and the work was donated. The commissioners of Rtversld park consist of M. B. Huffman , pros dent ; J. J. Meltck , secretary ; J. F Boyd , treasurer. After Neligh Weeds. Neligb , Neb. , July 21. Special t The News ; A called meeting of th Women's Federated clubs of this clt was held Tuesday evening at the horn of William Wolfe. The object of tb call was lor the purpose of electing president , on account of the resign ; tlon of Mrs. H. U McGlnltle. All tb clubs of the city were represents which are as follows : Logos , Review ers , Mayflower and Rubalyat. Mrs. 1 I W. Beattlo was unanimously elected proMldonl for the remainder of the year. The ladles discussed the problem at length In regard to the condition of many of the principal streets In the town , and especially where the wor > ds have made an enormous growth. In all probability the city authorities will be waited upon by a committee. It was the plan of the ladles present to have a rustic stove built of cobble stone and placed In the city park. Cherry County Republicans. Valentine , Neb. , July 21. Special to The News : Following Is a list of the i delegates to the state convention from the republican county convention held r-ero , : Max Vurtol , W. O. Clnrkson , < j , K. Morris , D. F. Storey , John Adam- E. C. Davenport. Woodruff Ball. , ' ° Delegates go In Instrucled as lo co. \ option. IN R FOR STATE SENATOR Lee Henry of Plalnvlew Against D. Rees of Norfolk for Nomination. Pierce. Neb. , July 21. Special to The News : The following filings were made with County Treasurer Hecht for the primaries In Pierce county : For state senator : Lee Henry , Plaluvlew , democrat. For representative : Dr. J. M. Alden - den , Pierce , republican , and Elmer Re cord , Osmond , republican. For county attorney : Charles H. Stewart , Pierce , republican , to sue eed himself. No democrat Hied. For commissioner : Chris Boll and larry Crunwald , of Slough and Logan rectncts respectively , republicans. Jlatz Fuelberth and George Fox , both t Logan precinct , democrats. The democratic convention of this ounty will be hold at Pierce on Frl- ay forenoon. The delegation to the tate convention at Grand Island will e enthusiastically against W. J. Bry- n and his county option program , the emocratic leaders of Pierce having iready prepared resolutions denounc- ig such a plank and endorsing Slml- enberger and demanding that the resent republican Slocumb liquor law e retained. The 8 o'clock closing iw will bo endorsed , though the same waders denounced the signing of same y Governor Sballenberger a year go. GREEN FOR LIEUT , GOVERNOR nox County Democrats Refuse to Fol low Bryan on Option Dream , Center , Neb. , July 21. Special to 'ho News : The democratic coiiiuy onvention hold In this county , adopt > d the following resolutions : We , the electors of the democratic arty of Knox county , In convention ssemhled do hereby pledge and re- icw our faith in the principles of said iarty. 1. We wish to and hereby do en- erse to the fullest extent the excel- ent and efllcient administration of ur present governor , Ashton C. Slinl- enberger. 2. In the candidacy of W. H. Green f Creighton , Neb. , for lieutenant gov rnor , wo believe the people have a nan In whom they can safely rely ipon and we do hereby unqualifiedly ocommeml him to the voters of the tate. I ! . . In Congressman J. P. Latta we ealize that we have a competent and earless representative and we urgent- y commend his election. 4. We point with pride to the re- ord of Dr. J. M. Talcott , as our re- iresentatlve , and cheerfully endorsi ilm as a candidate for the state sen ate. 5. In the candidacy of W. E. Van Pelt , we feel that we have a candidate vhom we know where he will be at it all times and , therefore , recommend ilm to the voters of this representa- Ive district. 6. We hereby Instruct our dele gates to the state convention to vote as a unit at all times against the In sertion of a county option plank in the state platform. v 7. We declare ourselves to be In 'avor of the initiative and referendum ind lecall and we hereby Instruct to vote for same. S. We favor the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people , and to this end we endorse the Oregon plan. W. H. Green , candidate for llouten- int governor , was permitted to fae- ; ect the delegation to the state con vention , which Is as follows : Dr. J. M. Talcott , William Kyriss , J. F. Green , Frank Carroll , L. D. Smith , Henry Schwartz , George Koster , W. H. Green , B. N. Saunders , W. E. Van Pelt , Dr. C. C. Johnson , J. H. Roddy , James Baker and D. C. Laird. A New York Fire Panic. New York , July 21. One person was killed , another Is missing and 300 tenement emont dwellers were driven from their homes In a panic as the result of a fire which early today burned out the three upper floors of a seven-story fac tory building at Lewis and Rlvlngton street , near the Manhattan end of the Wllllamsburg bridge. Three Die In Forest Fire. Albany , Ore. , July 21. Three men wore burned to death in a forest fire along the North Santlam river four miles east of Detroit. The dead * Philip B. Richmond , Salem , Ore. , Jay M. Brooks , Crawfordsvlllo , Ore. Frank McCoy , Clearflold , Pa , The men met death In an effort to save their tools. Another big fire Is bum Ing In the Cascade mountains , north west of Mount Jefferson. GRIPPEN IS IN FRANCE ? AMERICAN WIFE MURDERER IS TRACED TO THAT COUNTRY. USING NAME OF "HENRI TARBOT" 'holographs Received at a French Ho tel from London Police are Said by a Number of Persons to Prove that Crlppen was There Sunday. Bourges , Franco , July 21. A young voman who committed suicide at a lotel here on July 13 is believed to iave been Ethel Clara Lenove , the ompanlon of Dr. Crlppen. There are trlklng points of resemblance , The voman was a foreigner and gave the lame of Jeanne Maze. The police of .ondon have been notified. Stornet Les Baltics , France , July 1. The police have received photo- raphs of Dr. Hawley H. Crlppen , who s wanted In London In connection vlth the disappearance of his wife , Jello Elmore , and today submitted lie same to several persons who saw he stranger who stopped at a hotel tore ovoor Sunday night under the ume of Henri Tarbot. In every instance those who saw the holographs declaie there was abso- utely no doubt in their minds that Crlppen and Tarbot were the saiue. RAILROAD SOLD ROHEN EGGS Bad Eggs from Nebraska Sold by Rail way In East , It Is Said. Philadelphia , July 21. On the charge of selling decomposed eggs hat were shipped to Philadelphia rom Nebraska , William J. Wilson , relght claim agent of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad company , is uu- lor bail here tor a hearing on Friday. The arrest was the continuation of a case in which a commission house was Ined $200 for selling bad eggs. The commission firm made affidavit hat It was acting for the railroad com- mny and that it got only a commls- Ion in the transaction. Upon the ar- Ival of the eggs here from the west he firm to which they were consigned efused to accept them. With the eggs left on his hands , it is charged , Wilson called in the commission firm o dispose of them. Thirty dozen of hem were purchased by agents o the state food department and they were ound to be unfit for use. Hurry P. Cassidy , special agent of he state dairy and food department , llscussing the case said : "This Instance is only one indiea- ion of the custom of the railroads of he working off their damaged food stuffs on the public. "It is our intention to break up-this ralllc in damaged , unlit , unhealthy and dangerous foodstuffs which are distributed , to be eaten by the public neiely to reimburse the railroads fore o s of which they are entirely to blame and which they must inevitably expect in the railroad business. " After Ice Cream Cone Men. Washington , July 21. Prosecution * against manufacturers of Ice cream cones containing borax are to be started by the government under the Hire food law. Large seizures of cones were made in different parts of .he country by inspectors of the de- mrtment of agriculture. Analysis of the cones seized disclosed the pies- once of borax , a property which has jeen held to be deleterious to the hunan - nan stomach. Manufacturers using borax contended that this Ingredient s necessary to make the cones hold heir shape. GOMPERS WANTS CASE TRIED. Says He Wouldn't Have Suit With drawn From Courts if He Could. St. Louis , July 21. Samuel Gom- pors , president of the American Fede ration of Labor , who took part hi con cluding the settlement of trouble be tween the federation and the Sucks Stove and Range company at Cincin nati , arrived here. He declared his coming had nothing to do with the settlement and that he is here to make arrangements for the conven tion of the federation to bo held hero in Novemebr. "The agreement reported In Cincin nati , " said Mr. Gompers , "can have no effect on the case against myself and other officials now pending in court. "I would not have the case with drawn If I could. It is a principle we are contending for. "We did not , however , want the at torneys of the Bucks company ap pearing against us now that our dis agreement has been settled. So that paragraph about the dismissal was Inserted. " GOVERNOR CARROLL INDICTED. Must Answer to the Charge of Crim Inal Libel. Des Molnes , la. , July 21. Gov. B. F Carroll was Indicted by the Polk coun ty grand jury on the charge of crlm inal libel , a former member of the state botud of control , John Cownle being the prosecuting witness. Governor Carroll was not placed under dor arrest , but was notified over the telepbono by Sheriff Ness that th | Indictment bad beeu returned agalns him. Attorney M. H. Cohen entered in appearance for the governor , who lid not go to the courthouse. The gov ernor was permitted to remain at lib erty without bonds. The Indictment Is the result of the nvestlgatlon Into affairs of the state ndustrlnl school for girls at Mitchell- Ille , and which called forth a state- uent from Governor Carroll , published n the Des Molnes Capital of May 24 , vhlch Cownle alleges was a libel upon itm. In this article the governor set orth at length his reasons for de- nandlng the resignation of Cownle. The Indictment Is expected to cause i big sensation throughout the state , nd Des Molnes politicians already are xcltedly discussing the probable ef- ect upon the state campaign. RESTORING FREIGHT SERVICE Passenger Trains Have Got BacK on Schedule In Strike District. Boston , July 21. With the passen- or service restored on practically very line In New England , the oth- lals of the Grand Trunk and Central 'ermont railroads today turned their ttentlon to the moving of freight rains and the relieving of congestion vhlch the tie-up has caused. One freight train of twenty cars , oaded with beef , Is on Its way to 'ortland where the stopping of relght traffic threatened a meat amlne. Because of the strike , the German learner Rhelngraf sailed from Mystic vharf today with only a part of her argo. Reports of desertion on the part of ome of the imported strikebreakers re being received from several points , 'he railroad olllcials say , however , hey have more applicants for posl- ions than they can care for. Try to Wreck a Train. Toronto , July 21. Grand Trunk of- .clals . say that an attempt to wreck he company's Muskoka-Buffalo ex- iress was made here today. The rain was running Into Toronto when bout two miles from the depot ran ute open switch. Some one had ex- inguished the switch light and left he switch open. The engineer , P. Jelaney. and fireman , G. Kashner , umped. Delaney's back was severely njnred. The engine and two cars left he track , but no passengers were njured. They were sent Into the Ity on strpet cars. Toronto , July 21. Grand Trunk of- iclals today began Investigation of an accident originally reported to have icon the result of au attempt to wreck he company's AIuIsKoka-Buffalo night express. The engine and two cars of the train vere derailed just outside the city Hin ts and the engineer and fireman were eriously scalded. First statements vere that a switch had been tampered vitli. Later it was said spreading o > ails might have caused the accident. Would Supervise Alaska Roads. Washington , July 21. A proceeding was started before the District of Co lumbia supreme court today to com pel the interstate commerce commis sion to assume jurisdiction over tlio Alaskan railroads and transportation companies and to compel the com panies to file tariff with the commis sion. D. E. Thompson In 'Lincoln. Lincoln , July 21. D. E. Thompson , iresident of the Pan-American rail- vay , is in tills city today. He will re- nain four days and will then start for Mexico. Die From Heat In California. Imperial , Calif. , July 21. Seven vie- ims have been claimed by the heat of the last three days in the Imperial val- ey. This Is the first instance in the ilstory of the valley where residents iave succumbed to heat. The deaths ire attributed to the extraordinary tumidity. WAS THERE A RIVAL SUITOR ? A New York Bride-to-Be Disappeared Two Hours Before Her Wedding. New York , July 21. Believing that she was kidnaped by a rival suitor , detectives today are hunting for Mazlo ullen , 17 years old , who disappeared from her home In Brooklyn a few lours before she was to have been narried. Guests had assembled at the Cullen tiome when word came that Mazie could not be found. Her fiance , John Fernando , has urged the police to find her. A search of the hospitals re vealed no trace of the missing bride- to-be and nearby towns have been no tified to look out for a pretty girl with golden hair , dressed In a black and white princess gown. The police be lieve she was carried or lured away by a rival. Her parents say they know of no other suitor , but her friends say she had several. Mrs. Young Is Better. Chicago , July 21. The condition ol Mrs. Alexander C. Young , who was shot by Charles W. Rlgdon before he committed suicide last Friday , showed marked improvement today , according to the hospital physicians. Mrs Young suffered a relapse yesterday. LIVES WITH A BROKEN NECK. Grayvllle , III. , Man , Struck by a Train Shows Remarkable Vitality. Evansvlllo , Ind. , July 21. Jamei Weir , aged 40 , was struck by a trail at Grayvlllo , 111. , and his neck wai broken. He was brought to a loca hospital and still lives , In spite of hi Injury. RAWN TOOK OWN LIFE * PRESIDENT OF-MONON ROAD NOT SLAIN BY BURGLAR. I POLICE DROP INVESTIGATION The Acting Chief of Police of Chicago Issues Statement Declaring Rawn's Death was by His Own Hind : Burg lar Story Was Family Framc-uo. Chicago , July 21. The Chicago po lice have , dropped the Investigation Into the death of Ira G. Rawn , presi dent of the Chicago , Indianapolis and Louisville railroad ( Motion ) , and Her man Schuolter , acting chief of police , said today that ho was satisfied that Mr. Rawn had committed suicide. Acting Chief Schueltor announced his decision after a long conference with the detectives who had investi gated the Wlnn'etka shooting. They declared all the details pointed to sui cide. cide.The The suicide theory is believed to have been strengthened by the results of an investigation by Coroner Hoff man. man.The The bullet hole In Mr. Rawn's night garment had been carefully examined and Its appearance leads to the sui cide belief. The hole Is surrounded by blood stains In which there are believed to bo powder marks. While the private detectives an nounced yesterday that they expected to make an arrest today , no one was taken Into custody. As a basis for their suicide theory , the police advance the following rea sons : They point to the fact that Mr. Rawn was operating vice president of the Illinois Central railroad at the time the fraudulent car repair con tracts were placed there and that re cently he has been drawn Into the Illinois Central graft Investigation as a chief witness. They say that the action of Mr. Rawn's relatives in re fusing aid of the Chicago detective de partment to search for the alleged murderer Is suspicious. Mrs. Rawn , wife of the dead man ; R. G. Coburn , his son-in-law ; Mrs. Co- burn and two children and three maids were in the house when the tragedy occurred. Mrs. Rawn says that her husband was aroused from sleep at 1:30 : o'clock In the morning by a noise on the first floor of the house. She says Mr. Rawn picked up a revolver in his room on the second floor , start ed down stairs and was shot on a landing on his way down. Roth Mrs. lawn and Coburn say that two shots vere fired. . A minute search of the rout hall and adjoining rooms of the louse , show but one bullet , that fired rom Mr. Rawn's revolver and which , ipparently , had passed through Mr. Rawn's body just below the heart. Coroner Hoffman took personal barge of the Investigation into the death. He refused to say whether he bought the case was one of murderer or of suicide. He said , however , that lewder marks had been found on Mr. lawn's nightgown , indicating that the bullet which killed Mr. Rawn was fired it close range. Friends and business associates of : he dead man say that he has been ooklng badly for several weeks. Some attribute Mr. Rawn's worried expression to the Investigation of the conspiracy by which the Illinois Cen- ral railroad claims It was mulcted out of hundreds of thousands of dol- ars. This Is now going on in court. The outcome of this investigation , it s said , would have involved Mr. Rawn at least indirectly. On two successive days last week Mr. Rawn begged for and secured a ) ostponement of his examination as a witness on the plea that his wife was 11. His examination was scheduled ; o take place Tuesday. Mr. Rawn left the Illinois Central railroad In November , 1909 , and be came president of the Monon. Starting a Roosevelt Party. Kansas City , Mo. , July 21. "The re- [ iiibllcan national league , " whose oh- | ect is to "perpetuate the Roosevelt policies and principles , " was organized liere at a meeting of prominent repub licans. It Is planned to organize sim ilar clubs throughout the state and na tion. E. M. O'Reilly was elected chair man of the executive committee and O. V. Dodge was elected president. Big Lumber Plant Burns. Winnipeg , July 21. Forest fires reached the Rovelstoke Lumber com pany's big plant at Revelstoke , des troying it with a loss of $100,000. CANNON TALKS OF INSURGENTS , Thinks They Will Cease to be Issue After Present Campaign. St. Louis , July 21. Speaker Cannon who passed through St. Louis enroute from Kansas to his homo In Danville 111. , declared hero that after tlio pics out campaign Insurgency would cease to bo an issue. He said he was mac ! pleased with his reception In Kansas and believed ho had done much good "I have not been bitter agalnsi Senator Brlstow and the Kansas In surgents , " he said , "I do not wan them shot , as I have been quoted ai saying. This is not warfare. If I wore though , they would ho shot be cause they are nothing more thai guerrillas. You know guerrillas flgh on both sides. That's what the in CONDITION Of THI MAlHtR Temperature for Twenty-four Hours. Forecast for Nebraska. ' Maximum . 89 .Minimum GO Average 14 Huromctur 29.8ii Chicago. July 21. The bulletin Is- Issued by tlio Chicago station of the United States wuiitlier bureau gives the forecast for Nebraska as follows : Generally fair tonight and Friday ; not much change In temperature. surgents are doing. " The speaker snld he expected to rest at his home for the next three veoks. FIVE IOWANS HURT IN AUTO. Bank Cashier of Panorn Will Die fron * His Injuries. Dos Molnes. July 21. H. Max Cul- orison , cashier of the I'anora Citizens itato bank , and four other prominent 'nnorn business men were badly In ured when an automobile driven by no of the party , P. Hart , collided with fence post while returning from the iremon's tournament at Perry last light. The men were found uncoil- clous by another party a half hour nter. Culbertson cannot live , doctors ay today. HERE'S SMOKE IN THIS PLOT Heroine's Love for Cigarettes the Basis of a New Leipzig Play. Berlin , July 21. Eugenio Wolf-For- ari's latest work , "Susanna's Secret , " ias been produced in Leipzig. It is he first opera composed around a loroine's love for cigarettes. Her msband cannot abide the odor of clg- rettes and she conceals her devotion o them from him. When he detects he odor of tobacco lie suspects her of laving a lover and the scenes of Jeal- usy between them make up the ac- ion. of the play , which runs for forty- ive minutes. There are only three harncters , the wife , the husband and heir dumb servant. BOY FOUND BURIED TREASURE hest of Valuable Papers Uncovered by Robert Louis Stevenson's Stepson. Sail Francisco , July 21. When . .ouls Osborne , the 8-year-old son of jloyd Osborne , a novelist and stepson f the late Robert Louis Stevenson , rmed himself with a small shovel and vent out on a sandhill near his home icre to dig yesterday lie had visions f finding treasures. He has not heard ils father's. Illustrious stepfather alked about without getting a spirit f adventure of the author of "The Treasure Island" fixed In his mind. The boy stopped digging because its shovel had encountered an obstruc- lon. Tested , carefully , the thing that eslsted proved to be metal. Then jouls dug more furiously than ever , n a few moments ho unearthed a met- il box. And , sure enough , it contained rcasure. Opening It hastily , the boy omul twenty-six hundred shares of alnable mining stock , deeds to city iroperty , other valuable papers and veral empty ring boxes. Of course the boy did not realize the alne of the property , but he knew the tapers must be worth a great deal or hey would not have been placed in ? ucli a secure box. So he hastily car- led his find to his mother , who gave t over _ to the police. The papers belong to Augustus Im- > rle , a wealthy man whose house is losed and who Is out of the city. The ) ollce think robbers have ransacked he Imbrie residence and after taking noney and jewelry from the box bu ried it. MAKE BOOKS WITHOUT TICKETS How Bets Are Placed at Cock Fights In Havana. Washington , July 21. "If you want .o see expert bookmakers , you should ; o to Havana , " remarked A. T. Geet- ng of Chicago at the Raleigh. Short- y before he had watched several men climb In a patrol wagon on Pennsyl vania avenue and had been told that they were arrested for making hand- ) ooks on the races. "In Havana , " he continued , "book- .linkers certainly have their business down line. I went to a cockfight In one of the suburbs of Havana on Sun- lay. Nearly everybody in that part of town had turned out. With two j'lends I got seats close to the pit. I : iad never seen a cockfight , and I was interested. At the edge of the pit several natives were standing , facing the audience and yelling and waving their hands. I asked one of my friends , who had been In Havana a short time , what they were doing. Ho said they were taking bets. Sure enough , the spectators were shouting back at them announcing their favor ites and placing their bets. But the bookmakers were not using even a pencil. One of them , I am sure , must have taken fifty bets. . "I wanted to get in on the game , so I decided to bet $2 on a black cock that looked good to me. I handed over my money , but I didn't get a 'ticket.1 I felt sure I should never again see my money , even If I had picked the winner. Well , the main was fought and my bird won. I watched the bookmaker as he won ! among the crowd , handing monoj hero and there. When he came to me ho handed over $10. I was surprised but he didn't notice It , as he was toe busy cleaning up his slate. Finally 1 discovered , through a spectator neai by , who could speak English a little that my bird 1ind been a 4 to 1 shot. "How that 'bookie' ever kept al those bets in his mind Is more than can understand. " FEAR FOR AMERICANS UNCLE SAM SENDS A'WARSHIP TO NICARAGUA. STRONG ANTI-AMERICAN TALK Owing to Continued Agitation Against Americans Under the Madrlz Gov ernment , American Government has Sent the Tacoma South. Washington. July 21. Fear exist * that Edwin W. Trimmer. United Stnteir consul at Capo Oraclas. Nicaragua , may bo assaulted or possibly oven as sassinated , wherefore It ban boon de cided to send the cruiser Tacoma to the port to Investigate and If condi tions seem to demand It to land ma rines to protect American lives and property. This was the report madu to the state department by Thomas P. Moffat. United States minister at Blue- Melds. Two officers and forty-live men wcro- ordered to Cape Grnclas on the To.- coma , ho says , this action having boon , decided on after a conference between himself and Commander Plnor of Urn Duhuqtic. The Tacoma probably ban reached the seat of trouble by thla time , In the opinion of officials hero , although they have not yet received word to that effect. It was from continued abuse of the governor and other ofllclals of the Madrlz government at Capo Graclas. he declares , that fear arose for safety of Americans. An article published In La Naclon , an olllcial Mndrlz organ at Managua , Indicates the feeling In Nic aragua against Americans. In part It reads as follows : "Another of the means to whlrh wo may resort for revenge for so great an injury and for this I do not ho- Ileve we are less able than the Young Turks lot us organize In the form of a powerful coalition of active prop aganda , to the end that In all these Latin American countries no goods shall be purchased from the United Stales , making our people understand that this Is the most elllcaclous meth od of combating the common enemy of our race , so proud on account of its power ; so Insolent of its pride , and so- detestable on account of Its Insolence. " To Take American Lives. "Wo Nlparaguans have some limit ed means to whlcn we may resort an a final recourse if it comes to tho. point that the Yankee tries to executn his threat ; let 113 lay hands on all the North Americans residing in Nica ragua and lot us ? uy to Mr. Tnft "For each shot you hurl against u a head of one your countrymen -hill roll on the ground. " BRYAN IN BATTLE. Lincoln , July 21. William J. Iliyan has a hard light on his hands in at tempting to place n county nr > M m plank In the democratic state plat form. Lancaster county , in which I Im oln is located , went with him stronulv on the question , placing htm at the l.t-ad . of the delegation and Instructing for both the county option and the Initia tive and referendum planks. Hut a number of the other counties are strongly opposed , and the county lead ers have shown that they mean to put up a fight to a finish in the state con vention , which will be held In Grand Island on July 2G. Douglas county , in which Omaha Is located , and the largest county In the state from the standpoint of popula tion , yesterday fcnve Bryan a black eye , although this was not unexpected. Douglas county Is the stronghold of the wets and It was expected that the county convention would go against county option by a big majority. The name of Mr. Bryan was not mentioned at any time during the convention. Governor Shallenberger shared the same fate , being Ignored. The delegates without a single excep tion are against county option and fa vor Mayor James Dahlmaii of Omaha as candidate for governor. Mr. Dahl- man will head the delegation of lOt members. Among the oilier counties that have come out as opposed to Mr. Bryan and the county option program are Cass , Thomas , Fillmore and Jefferson. Thomas county , after a short discus sion downed county option almost un animously. In the Fillmore coin en- lion the vote stood 104 to 2. > against. Cass county by a vote of 101 to 35 instructed the delegates to vote against the option plank. Cass county , as In Otoe , which la regarded certain to send a united dele gation against such a plank , Is In the First congressional district , which sent Mr. Bryan to congress. Bryan has always been strong in these coun ties , but they are with Douglas , tha | stronghold of the anti-county option- Ists and the democrats there will be | among Bryan's strongest opponents on the question. In the convention held In York coun ty n surprise was sprung. York , the county sent , was one of the first towns In the stale lo vote out saloons , and It Is one of the strongholds of county option. The resolutions passed wera silent on the question of county op tion and the dolegnles were Instructed to vote as a unit. Bryan will personally conduct tha fight In the convention and from tha way the counties are lining up It la evident that the contest will bo bitter and hard fought.