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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1908)
NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL : MtlDAY MARCH 6 , 19US. MADISON COUNTY DEMOCRATIC DELEGATES GO TO OMAHA. CONVENTION CALLED THURSDAY It IB Expected That Every Madison County Man on the Delegation Will be In His Seat In the Convention Hnll Shouting for Dryan. The final line-up of MucllBon county's ' delegation to the democratic state con- mention nt Onialui ThurHiluy was an nounced on the eve of tlio delegation departure for Omnlm. Mont of thu ( IclCKnlen loft over the U. 1' . passenger Wednesday morning. Madison county , entitled to twunty- oiio delegate's In the Mate and district convention both meeting Thursday In Oiimha , will bo represented by the fol lowing democrats : Dr. A. Hear , C. S. lirldgo. Alex Morrison , John F. Flynn , K. 0. Dean , 13. 1J. Knuffmun. Norfolk ; W. F. P. Winter , Nofolk precinct ; J. b. Donavan , W. 13. Heed , Curl Rolncc- ctus , S. C. Hasklns , Madison ; Pat Stanton , 13. W. Lulknrt , Tlldcn ; E. Hans , George W. Losey , Uattlo Crock ; John Hughes , Door Creek ; Ed BreBB- ler. Meadow Orovo ; Wlllhin Hartwlck , Newman Grove ; John O'Urlon ' , Enior- Ick ; E. A. Craig , Valley. The Norfolk delegates were selected at a mass convention at the city hall. The rest of the delegation was chosen by members of the county central committee. Ono of the principal alms of this committee was to have twenty- one delegates who would bo in Omaha. Per this reason the personnel of the delegation was not finally known until the last moment , changes being made whore some of the ontsldo delegates found themselves unable to attend. The Madison county delegation Is of course a Dryan delegation. Real Estate Transfers. Real estate transfers for the week ending February 28 , 1908 , compiled by the Madison County Abstract and Guarantee company , office with Mapes & Haxcn : Rudolph Illatt and wife , Mary , to William N. Dean , W. D. , consideration 12,500. lots 0 and 10 , block 2 , Pase- walk's Second addition to Norfolk. T. E. Odloruo and wlfo to Walter Colman , W. D. , consideration $575 , lot 12 , block 12 , Dorsey Place addl tlon to Norfolk Junction. Silas W. Douel and wlfo to Zera Hayden , W. D. , consideration $100 , lot 2C , Silas W. Deuol's First addition to Meadow Grove. Henry C. Christiansen to Angnst Christiansen , W. D. , consideration $3- 000. one-sixth Interest In SEV4 and NW > 4 of 11-21-3. William H. Shlppec and wife to N. A. Ralnbolt , W. D. , consideration $3- 000 , lots 7 , 2 , 3 , 10 , 11 and 12 , block 13 , Western Town Lot company's ad dition to Norfolk. N. A. Ralnbolt and wife to Marlon V. Shlppee , W. D. , consideration $3- 000. lots 1 , 2. 3. 10 , 11 and 12 , block 13 , Western Town Lot company's addi tion to Norfolk. August Christiansen and wlfo to Doratho Schcor , Andrea Christiansen , Anna Christiansen and Christ P. Chris- tlanson , W. D. , consideration $4,300 , two-sixths Interest in SEV4 11-21-3. Andrea Christiansen and wife , Anna Christiansen and husband , Christ P. Christiansen and wife , Dorathe Schoer aud husband to August Christiansen W. D. , consideration $1,835 , four-sixths Interest in 11-21-3. John Manor and Elizabeth Manor W. D. . consideration $1 , lot 1 , block 27. Clark and Madison Mill company's addition to Madison. Johannes Linse and wlfo to August Weiss , W. D. , consideration $12,000 NEU 30-21-1. William Bree to C. J. Schroeder , W D. , consideration $1.100 , lot ll1 , block 5 , Pasewalk's Third addition to Nor folk. folk.James James H. Conley and wife to E. C Danes , W. D. , consideration $0,500 SWi 9-2P.-1. Frank U. Nor t limp and wife toTro > C. Osborn. W. D. , consideration $5,300 , SW > 4 21-21-4. Charles J. Lodge and wife to Joseph 31. Roberts , W. D. . consideration ? ! , - 400. part of K' , { . of SE'/i of S-23-1. Charles J. Lodge and wife to Joseph JI. Roberts W. D. , consideration $ S- 000. WM : of SK1of 8 and WMs of " D. C. Resscgui to E. D. Rcssegul , W" . D. . consideration $1 , cast 32 foot of lot S. block 17. F. W. Barnes First ad dition to Madison. Henry C. Clausen and wlfo to E. D. Ressegul. W. D. , consideration $10 , north 20 feet of lot 12 , block 2 , Chan- sen's cemotery. C. D. Hurrows and wife to F. II. Cor nell , W. D. , consideration $200 , lots S and 9 , block 9 , Riverside Park addl tlon to Norfolk. THE DAY BEFORE LENT Shrove Tuesday Was Appropriately Celebrated In Norfolk. Shrove Tuesday was a merry day In Norfolk in a social way. Being the day before Lent , it was the day to make the most of In view of the fact Ihat forty days of rest are to follow , In sections of the country where Lent is more strictly observed than here Shrove Tuesday is the gala day of the year , and not until the stroke of the bell nt midnight are the festivities stopped. In the south Shrove Tuesday marks the climax of the Mardl Grass celebration , the Lex nnd Comas balU closing a season of parades and hi larity. Mrs. C. E. Burnham entertained about fifty ladles at a 1 o'clock luncheon / eon Tuesday. She waa assisted in serving by Mrs. Bradcn , Mrs. Gentle , . VJs. . T.vAVflr' Huriiliain. After the lunch tables had been cleared away games of six-hand ed euchre occupied the remainder of the afternoon. Mrs. Nappor won the prlzo for high score nnd Mlsa Brldgo the shouting prize. Mrs. Jack Koenlgsteln gave a fancy dreHH party during the evening to a number of matrons and misses , which was a pleasing novelty in the way of society amusements. The costumes worn by the various guests were worthy of special mention but The News refrains from attempting it. Sulllco to way that they were different very much so. A Jolly evening waa passed by those present. Thu birthday club planned and ex ecuted a very pleasant surprise upon Mrs. J. C. Stilt Tuesday evening , the event being In celebration of that lady'a birthday. Well filled baskets were brought and a picnic supper served that was good to look upon. The Norfolk band gave the last of Its series of dancing parties at Mar- quardt hall in the ovonlng , which was probably the most enjoyable of any of the popular parties given by that or ganization during the season. The attendance was good and the music fine. REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC BOTH HELD SATURDAY. LINE UP ON OPPOSITE SIDES The Republicans Instruct for Taft , While the Democrats Endorse Bry an Resolutions Endorsing Congress man Klnkald Are Passed. O'Neill , Neb. , March 2. Special to The News : Saturday waa convention day in O'Neill , Holt county , through ts party organizations lining up for Taft and Bryan as opposing presiden tial candidates this year. There were some sixty delegates In : ho republican convention , which was larmonlous and enthusiastic through out. The following delegates were named : State F. W. Phillips , C. W. Mass , Jacob Kraft , D. M. Stuart , W. P. O'Brien , D. H. Cronln , Jacob Maton- sek , Thomas Slmonson , A. Smith , Win. Calkins , Alex Searl , J. P. Hancock and Thomas Halldorson. Congressional C. J. Malone , E. A. Clark , Frank Kernan , John Brady , Sanford Parker , R. R. Dlckson , L. E. Skidmore , C. E. Hall , O. O. Snyder , Frank Dobnoy , Zob Warner and M. W. Holcomb. The convention was solid for O. B. Snyder of O'Neill for one of the dele gates to the Chicago convention , passed a resolution endorsing his can didacy and pledging him to the sup port of Taft's candidacy. Congressman Kinkald came in for a good share of the resolutions , large ly because a report recently published In a Lincoln paper and purporting to come from Washington to the effect that republicans of this county wanted an explanation of his position in the recent contest for the revenue collect- orshlp. The resolutions strongly in dorse Klnkald. and "condemn In un qualified terms" these reports "as In no wise reflecting the sentiment of the republican party of this county. " Continuing , the resolutions read : "Wo repose implicit confidence in Roprcscntalive Kinkaid to take such a stand on all public and official mat ters as will the better subserve the interests of the district at large. " The democratic convention was a sort of "profession of faith" meeting. Several populists that have been lean ing democratlcward for some time and wondering how to get Into the fold were In the convention. Among these was G. A. Miles of the Independent. Ho became a probationary member on "profession of faith" and was given a place on the state delegation. A. F. Mullen , who has had congressional as pirations for a year or more , was In dorsed for the democratic nomination for congress. The convention tried to instruct the delegation for A. Mor- rehey of Cherry county for national delegate but three of the delegates said they would not go to the convex tlon under such Instructions and the resolution was \oted down. One set of delegates will go to both state anil congressional conventions. They are : T. J. Wilber , J. A. Cowperthwaite A. F. Mullen , C. H. Scott , D. A. Doyle Willlan Fallen , Lev ! Van Volkenburg G. A. Miles , E. H. Whelan , J. P. Me Nichols , Wlllard Wheeler , T. V. Golden and E. H. Whelan. HANDSOME NEWJANKING ROOMS ? Brown County Bank at Long Pine Oc cuples New Quarters. Long Pine , Neb. , March 2. Spelca to The News : The Drown Countj bank moved into their new quarters in the Masonic building today. Thej have every thing new and up to dati in fixtures and a large commodious room well lighted by a full plate glass front , which makes it ono of the bes banking houses in this part of tlu state. Mr. Ducklln , the cashier , Is entltlei to feel proud of the now homo and tin patrons of the bank appreciate tin hotter accomodation which Is In keep ing with the growth of the town Rrown County bank was establlshet In 1SS1 , and was the first bank to locate cato here. It went through the pani < of the 90's unshaken , withstood th < business depression of the dry yean and was ono of tlio few banks In tlu state that paid all demands and pap era presented , In cash during the 190' panic , The people feel that they have It Long Pine ono of the strongest bank Ing firms in the state. THIRD ANNUAL FARMERS' MEETING - ING AT ELGIN. MANY PROMINENT SPEAKERS The Meeting Was Marked With Good Attendance and Much Enthusiasm. Corn Exhibit Brings Great Interest In That Feature of the Meeting. Elgin , Nob. , March 2. Special to The News : The third annual farm- crs * Institute mooting hold hero Fri day and Saturday was the most suc cessful that has over been hold hero. The meetings were largely attended and much enthusiasm was manifested. The farmers took a greater interest In the meeting than they have over done before. An excellent list of promi nent speakers was at the meeting. Prof. A. L. Haeckei of the experi mental station , Lincoln , made an ad dress of "Cream Production , " that waa unusually Instructive. Miss Lulu Wolford of Pawnee City spoke on "Homo Convenience at Small Expense. " She lectured to the ladles and demonstrated how to do house work much easier than the customary way. way.F. F. W. Chase of Pawnee City gave an address on "Growing Better Corn , " which was of especial Interest to El gin farmers as corn Is the principal crop of this section of the state. Ex-Govoruor Poyntcr waa unable to bo present , and his tlmo was filled in by local speakers. Mr. Chase also gave a Iccturo Satur day evening on "Farm Buildings , " ad- ocating hotter shelter for domestic animals and farm Implements. 'Relations of the Farmer to the Business Men , " was the subject of an address by Willis McBride , president jf the First National bank of Elgin , number of local speakers entered nto the discussions , and it was withal a very successful meeting. Officers were elected as follows : \rthur Robblns , president ; Jim Hutch- son , vice president ; Joe Schulttc , reelected - elected secretary ; Walter Nott , treas- irer ; Aug. Shultz , J. G. Totton , Jas. \lderson , directors. The First National bank of Elgin lad offered $25 , divided into three prizes , $15 , $7 and $3 $ , for the best bushel of corn shown at this meeting. The prizes wore won as follows : > 'irst , Walter W. Nott ; second , Jim Hutcheson ; third , John Pennt. There were seven entries In the contest. The prize bushels of corn were sold at auction for the benefit of the asso ciation , the prize bushel , bringing $26 , being bid in by the grower , the second bushel brought $9.50 , also bid in by the grower , and the third was bid in by the grower at $4.50. CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION INSTRUCTED - STRUCTED FOR HIM. PIERCE COUNTY CONVENTION Democratic Convention Met at the Same Time and Launched W. E. Powers as Delegate to the Demo cratic National Convention. Pierce , Neb. , March 2. Special to The News : The republican county convention met here la&t Saturday and selected delegates to the state con gressional conventions. The follow ing persons were chosen to attend the state convention : W. G. Hirons , N. M. Nelson , James McWhorter , W. L Mote , Joseph Hall and Charles Chand ler , while the list of delegates to the Norfolk convention was made up of the following : L. P. Tonnor , Gee W. Littell , B. S. Leedom , P. J. Canon O. J. Frost , Elmer Phillips and August Schwlchtenberg. The convention passed resolutions endorsing the Roosevelt and Sheldon administration and eulogized J. A Williams and entirely forgot Judge Uoyd the able congressman from this district and then to be doing some thing W. G. Hirons of Plalnvlow sue ceeded after a stirring debate in hav Ing the convention go to Norfolk , In structed for E. R. Gurney of Fremont , as district delegate to the Chicago con vention. While the republicans were holding forth In the opera house the democrats were having tholr convention In the court house and selected" ono set o delegates to go to the state conventloi at Omaha which will also assist ii nominating delegates to the Denvei convention. The following Is the per sonel of the delegation : W. E. Powers Venus Huebnor , Herman Stelnkraus Douglas Cones , John Milnltz , F. M Salsbury , Benjamin Doyle , E. A Dwyer and J. B. McDonald. The > endorsed Bryan for presidential can didate , eulogized John Kuhl , the demo cratic member of the last legislature from this district for faithful service and with stirring resolutions brough out W. E. Powers of this place as ono of the delegates to the Denver conven tlon. Mr. Powers has Just decided to enter the race but as ho Is a promln ent democrat with a large acquaint ance over the state as well as being popular at home In business circles will no doubt bo chosen at Omaha as ono of the two district delegates. HOME FROM EUROPE. Mrs. Thomas Chilvers and Daughter Have Enviable Trip. Pierce , Neb , March 4. Special to The News : Mrs. Thomas Chllvors and daughter , Miss Ada Chilvers , returned - turned yesterday from a five months' ' rip abroad. They visited London and jlhcr Important places. Tholr trip en- route to Europe was made on thu Lu- cltnnla nnd their homeward trip on the ilarltanla. They had an enviable oyagc. Mrs. Elliott Very Low. Word was received Tuesday by Nor- 'olk friends that Mrs. Mary Elliott was ery low at Rochester , Minn. , and that she was to be taken to the operating able again. A sister in Omaha was summoned to Rochester. Mrs. Elliott was operated on for gall stones some line ago. JUMPED FROM THE ENGINE UPON SIGHT OF DANGER. BURNING BRIDGE NEAR NELIGH W. A. Woodbery Is so Badly Injured That It May be Necessary to Ampu tate His Leg Traffic Delayed for Several Hours. Nollgh , Neb. , March 3. Special to The News : W. A. Woodbory , fireman on an extra freight coming cast at 4 o'clock this morning , Jumped from his engine and was so badly injured that amputation of his leg la contemplated. A llttlo more than n tnlla west of Ne igh the trainmen discovered that what s known as the Huffman brldgo was on fire , and strenuous efforts were made by Engineer Hamp Nelson to ston the train , In which ho succeeded n the nick of time , the train being slowed down by the vigorous nppllca- : lon of brakes to a stop before the en- Ino touched the destroyed brldgo. In .he meantime , Fireman Woodbery see ing the danger Jumped from the en gine , and in doing so caught his foot in the curtain and fell. In falling ono of his logs became tangled In a wheel. As soon as possible the Injured man ivas brought to the company's surgeon licre , Dr. Beattle , who made an exam ination of the injured member and asked for a consultation with the chief surgeon , Dr. P. H. Saltcr of Norfolk , before deciding whether amputation is necessary or not. Northwestern headquarters at Nor folk verified the dispatch from Neligh as to the essential particulars of the morning accident. The bridge on flro s known as No. 223 , and only one bent of the structure was burned. Superin tendent Reynolds , accompanied by Dr. Salter and a bridge crew loft for the scene of the trouble at 7 o'clock. The freight train was ahead of the morn- ng passenger and both trains were tied up west of the bridge until repairs could be made. The bridge was placed n condition for trains to pass by 10 o'clock and traffic was resumed. The home of W. A. Woodbery , the Injured fireman , is at Center , Knox county. New Mall Route at Dallas. Dallas , S. D. , March 5. On March 10 bids will be opened for carrying mall on a new route which is to be established between this place and the new town of Lamro. Both Dallas and Lamro are situated in close proximity to the eastern line of Trlpp county , now a part of the Rosebud Indian res ervation , but which will be opened to white settlement in the late summer or early fall of this year. About 1,000- 000 acres of the Tripp county lands will be opened. Dallas and Lamro promise to develop Into towns of much Importance. A Card. This Is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money If Foley's Honey and Tar falls to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough , heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a .yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Kicsau Drug Co. When wedding cards In a town like Atchlson where no one can afford a lengthy wedding tour , say "At home" after a given date , It means a notice that the friends are to keep out until the bride has her pictures hung. How Cough Germs Multiply. When you have a cold the mucous membrane Is Inllamed and the disease germs which you breathe find lodge ment and multiply , especially the pneu monia germ. Foley's Honey and Tar soothes and heals the inflamed air passages , stops the cough and expels the cold from your system. Refuse substitutes. Klesau Drug Co. Every boy should have a dog so that he can feel , when his father makes him go to school , and his mother makes him say "Please" at the table , that he has one true and satisfied friend In the world. A Life at Stake. Your life may be at stake when you notice any sign of kidney or bladder trouble as Brlght's disease and dia betes start with a slight Irregularity that could be quickly cured by Foley's Kidney Remedy. Commence taking it at the first sign of danger. Kicsau Drug Co. Before a wife thanks her husband for a gift he has made her , she scolds him because ho didn't let her pick it out. Foley's Orino Laxative Is sold under a positive guarantee to cure constipa tion , sick headache stomach trouble or any form of indigestion If It fails the manufacturers refund your money What more can any ono do Klceau Drug Co. NORFOLK FURNITURE COMPANY IS BRANCHING OUT. FOR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A. H. Klesau , President ; S. D. Robert , con , Vice President ; A. Randklev , Secretary and Treasurer Capitaliz ed at $25,000. , The Norfolk Furnlturo company Is n now business corporation In Norfolk. The company will transact wholesale and retail furniture business. It IB thu business that has boon conducted by Ktesau & Randklev that la incor porated , S. D. Robertson having become - como associated with thorn in the justness. The new corporation is capitalized at $25,000. The Incorporation Is for a period of twenty years. Officers are : A. H. Klosau , president and manager ; S. D. Robertson , vice president ; A. Randklev , secretary and treasurer. This Is ono more firm which seea the splendid future of Norfolk's busi ness opportunities , and which Intends to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the city's unexcelled loca tion. By branching out extensively nnd aggressively , the firm will mater ially aid In making this the real com mercial gateway to the now northwest THURSDAY TIDINGS. Mrs. Barrltt is very ill this week. Miss Maud Whltla , who spent Tues day and Wednesday with Norfolk trlonda and relatives , returned to her home in Battle Creek last evening. Tom Hagard resigned his position In the roundhouse yesterday and will move ills family to Missouri In a few days. days.Fred Fred Mohatt of Chadron was In Norfolk yesterday visiting friends. The portable sawmill gang finished sawing all the old timbers at Chadron and moved back to Norfolk yesterday. Lyman DeWltt has moved his family from Neligh to Mrs. Craft's house on South Second street. A llttlo son has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bley. The D. W. C. club will meet with Miss Hattie Schmlcdeberg Thursday evening. A pleasant dancing party was given at tlio Rome Miller eating house at the Junction last night. Omaha Worud-Herald : W. H. Bucholz , cashier of the Omaha Nation al bank , has gone to New York and the east. General Manager F. Walters of Omaha and General Superintendent S. M. Braden of Norfolk have been In the Black Hills on a trip of inspec tion. tion.Ten Ten thousand feet of lumber has been cut off the Stengo farm , near Norfolk , and there Is said to remain 90,000 feet more to bo cut. This lura- bed Is said to be worth $20 per 1,000 feet. feet.Tho The first roller skate accident of the season reported in Norfolk result ed from a fall by Bernlce Barrett in which several ligaments in one of her ankles wore torn loose. Jack Horner , living at Warnervllle , who took a sandy homestead some years ago , and planted black locust trees In a "blow out , " Is reported to have harvested $200 worth of fence posts from the acre. Senator Brown has secured the pas sage through the senate of a bill to authorize the secretary of the interior to issue a patent in fee simple for cer tain lands of the Santee reservation to the directors of school district No. 30 in Knox county , Nebraska. The land thus sought to bo convoyed con tains some two and one-half acres. The Baptist church of Norfolk , with out a pastor for several months past , has received word that Rev. Mr. Head- bloom of Stromsburg has accepted the call extended to him by the Norfolk church. The Stromsburg pastor is said to be a strong man and lias been with the Stromsburg church for twelve years. He will come to Norfolk the first of June. W. A. Woodbery , the Northwestern fireman who Jumped from his engine at Neligh and who as a result of the Injuries received had part of his foot amputated by Dr. Salter , Is being cared for at the Junction. It was thought yesterday that Woodbery would have fair use of his foot. In the amputa tion the big too was taken off and a good portion of tlio foot back of this toe. toe.The The authorities at Ponder gave notice yesterday of the theft of a team of bay horses , weight 1,400 pounds , and a Demann wagon with an old box , there last night. The thieves also got a pair of three-year-old mare mules. The sheriff learned later that such an outfit had been seen near Hooper this morning. A reward of $150 is offered for the capture of the thieves and the return of the property. Battle Creek Enterprise : The many friends of Mrs. V. Kuntz , a former Madison county resident , will bo pain ed to learn of her death which occur red In Washington last Sunday , par ticulars of which alive not been ob tained. Mrs. Kuntz was ono of Madison county's old settlers and until about four years ago , when she went to the Pacific coast , resided with her family on a farm near Meadow Grove. Pierce Call : Mrs. P. E. Perry , who visited her daughter , Mrs. Win. Edden- field at Pierce last week , resides at Minot , North Dakota. She was accom panied on her visit by her grand danghur , MU Edna ! ' rry of Stanton Mrs > Pi-ri'v ha armid a' the MIIC old ago of SI } i-ai Lai t November she kft huine and cimc. to Nu rasUa to vlrit rclatlvcn at Stamen and Norfolk 'and ' her daughter hero A remarkable thing Is that ono of her ago wan able to make this long trip alone. Uoo. R. llodson has resigned an president of the Norfolk pleklo factory , ind has been succeeded by (1. ( W. UvaiiH. When Mr. Hudson on mo to Norfolk last full It was as a retired business man and he had no Idea of assuming the active duties of the fac lory for nny length of tlmo when he accepted the presidency temporarily , his retirement now being In pursuance of the original plan. Ho retains bin stock In the company , and will con tinue to bo Interested In Its succosa. Plorco Call : W. E. Powers reports the sale of the line residence property of Dr. Cross this week to John Turek. In thu deal the residence of Mr. Tnrek was made a part of the consideration. Mr. Turek will not move Into his new homo until April 15. This undoubtedly moans the removal of Dr. Cross and his estimable family from Plorco , as wo learn ho contemplates moving to Norfolk. Wo believe the Call ex presses the sincere regret of this entire community over thla family's Intended removal. Brains : The fact that Barnum & Bailey's circus , after three years of experimenting without a parade have returned to the old feature for the coming year should start Ideas in the heads of some advertisers who have been cutting their advertising hills. While It Is possible to operate the show at n greatly lessened cost by omitting the parade , the Judgment of the management now say that the not result was a loss , and that the addi tional advertising of the parade brings enough business in every town to make it a dividend-paying Investment. Norfolk friends have received Invita tions to the marriage of Sterling Hugh McCaw of Omaha to Miss Frances Ester Standlsh , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myles Milan Standlsh , on Tues day evening , March 25 , at 8 o'clock in Hanscom Park Mothodlst Episcopal church. They will bo at homo April 15 at No. 1053 Park avenue. Mr. McCaw Is a newspaper man on the Bee. He was formerly a resident of Hooper and Is a graduate of the state university , whore ho was a member of the Delta Tan Delta fraternity , with a number of Norfolk young men. Ray Kennard , the young man sen tenced to ono year in the penitentiary after confessing his connection with the Northwestern pay check forgeries in this city , will probably bo taken to Lincoln this week by Sheriff Clements. The sheriff on account of tlio Bocho trial baa been unable to leave the county for the last two woeka. Young Kennard , following his sentence , waa a frequent visitor In the court room during district court sessions. Ho saw the first part of the Bocho trial until the size of the crowd made It Impracticable. Young Kennard's father , mother and slstser were In Norfolk today on their way to Madison to say "good bye. " Madison Chronicle : After the Bo- che verdict had been announced Sen ator Allen requested permission to question the jurors , which was grant ed. Ho put the question to each ono as to whether he had considered any other circumstances in connection with the life of the defendant other than appeared in the evidence in arriving at his verdict. Each one answered in the negative until Ole J. Nelson was reached. He admitted having heard on his way to Madison of the effort of Boche to escape from the custody of the sheriff last summer and his attempt on the life of Clem ents. He said he had not spoken of the matter to any of the jurors. Tom Olson , however , said that Nelson had asked him if he had heard anything about the occurrence and if it was true. A GENUINE SURPRISE. County Attorney Koenlgsteln Gave His Wife an Automobile. Jack Kopnlgstein yesterday sur prised his wlfo with a twenty-four- horse-power Lambert touring car. The first Intimation that Mrs. Koenlgsteln had of Jack's new acquisition was when the county attorney ran the big red car up to the house for inspection. The county attorney's car was one of three machines , all Uimborts , brought from Lincoln. Dr. P. II. Sailor's new machine was ono of the shipment. It Is a twenty- horse-power Lambert runabout , a pretty three-passenger car , cream col ored , with almost'any speed possible. The third car , a red machine similar to Dr. Sailer's , belongs to W. C. James , district deputy for the Modern Wood men. Mr. James will use his machine for his work In northeast Nebraska. He has had the car fully equipped and had ordered an extra seat to make It a four-passenger car. These three cars are the first now automobiles added to the Norfolk list this year. A number of other Norfolk people are contemplating purchasing and the list is expected to grow rap- Idly. COMING BACK WITH A RUSH. Business Activity Is Getting Back to Ante-Panic Conditions. W. S. Harding of Nebraska City , special agent fur the Springfield fire and marine insurance company , was in Norfolk over night , leaving at noon for Tilden. Mr. Harding , who Is In touch with business conditions over the state , said that business activity , such as marked the period before the eastern Hurry , is coming back with a rush this spring. Ho said that freight shipments had been strong the last ton days and that trains were again being filled up , the presence of com mercial men being especially noted. Wausa Has Freak Pig. \Vau a Nt' ' Mart it f > A pig was HHI o < n , the farm of f'hno 'Wolf near ' uu' hao eii ; ; t ic" four CHTT and 11 j uiln flu lund wn perfectly Menlth- Eoonomy Calumet shaped with one ear on each side , but directly on top of Its head worn the other two earn. At the shoulders the body divided Into two parta. An Early Dane Dall Accident. Horrlck Press : It Isn't every year In South Dakota that It Is possible to chronicle a serious accident caused while playing Imso ball on February 23 , but Hiieli Is the case this year. The noted Horrlck ball team Is already whetting up to meet all comers nnd It wan during a work-out for the team on the grounds hero last Sunday aft or- noon that what looked for a tlmo Hko a very serious accident occurred. Many of the interested citizens of the town had gathered to watch the practice of the regulars and some wore Induced to take a hand In the game just to 1111 In the two teams. Among these was Clement Lowls , son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lowls. The game had began to warm up and got Interesting when Clem came up to bat. A speedy young man was putting the ball over the bag at a killing pace when ono happened to go estray. Young LowlH dodged but the hall got to him full In the mouth and glanced up the chock bone , dummy wont down for the count , and a long and nervous count it wan too for the watch- em on the side. There probably waa not a person on the ground at that tlmo who expected to see him on his feet again. Hlood ( lowed freely from his mouth , nose and eyes and ho was fully unconscious. Quick work on the part of some cool heads present was of great assistance until when medical assistance reached him ho had gained consciousness , although much dazed. Ho was carried to the P. M. Louis residence whore ho rallied quite rapid ly and In the evening was able to return - turn homo. The accident recalled the opening of the ball season last year when Ed Reiser was laid up for a week on a similar accident , but the team went through a successful sea son almost devoid of accident there after. Young Lowls was able to bo around Monday although his face was much swollen and his eye blackened. Till * f Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ho ward for nny case of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo. O. Wo. the undersigned , have known F. J. Cheney for tlio last IB years , and be- Hove him perfectly honorable In all biiHlncHH transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by IIH | firm WALDING , KINNAN & MARVIN. , , Wholesale Druggists , Toledo , O. T Hall'H Catarrh Ctiro IB taken Intern ally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi menials sent free. Price 7Bc , per bottlo. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for conitl- natlon. Growth of Anarchism. Hartlngton Herald : Anarchism has grown to alarming proportions In this country and become a serious menace to the lives of people and the safety of institutions. This Is a free republic , but it Is no longer safe for national or state ofllclals to venture forth with out a bodyguard and that shocking incident at Denver the other day proves that not even the clergy when clad In the robes of their holy oillco and perf/jrmlng / their sacred duties are Imuno from the bloody hand of the assassin. Anarchism Is a system with Its code and creed and almost perfect machinery nnd there Is no head too high or too lowly to be safe from Its revengeful edicts. The anarchist - archist is a perfect martyr to his god. He knows no fear ; jails and gallows have no terrors for him. Ho Is ready to sacrifice himself to carry out the decree of his society. Anarchism has grown to alarming proportions ; sociely Is honey combed with It and It Is time that wo Americans , who arc suffering for our good nature In throwing open the door to all the world , should take some measures to protect our lives and property. " " SURE CURE"FO"R BABY'S Oil of Wlntergreen In External Wash Produces Remarkable Results. How to Get Prescription. Is your baby burning up with tor turing Itching eczema ? Is ho tearing his tender skin to shreds vainly trying to scratch away the terrible agony ? Are you or any member of your fam ily suffering with an aggravating per sistent skin disease ? Use oil of wlntorgreon mixed with thymol , glycerine , etc. , In D. D. D. Prescription. It will give Instant re lief. lief.Oil Oil of wlntergrcen , this simple ev eryday oil of wlntergreen , mixed with other healing herbs and vegetable In gredients , cures the worst forms of skin disease , and the remedy is so easy to apply , Just an external liquid wash. No drugs or medicines , Just a few drops of the wash applied to the Itching , burning spots , then instant re lief. The instant the oil 1s applied the itch is gono. To secure the proper results from this soothing curative remedy , it Is necessary to use oil of wlntergreen compounded with other mild Ingredi ents. This compound known as D. D. D. Prescription , not only relieves but permanently cures Just try D. D D Prescription Try a few drops and note the relief Wo positively vouch for the merits of this remedy. Asa K , Leonard , Norfolk , Neb ,