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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1908)
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL : FRIDAY , JANUARY 311)08 ) C4UNDRED8 WATCH FIRST STREI RESIDENCE DURN. FIRST FIRE OF THE NEW YE/ Qrummund Home Ourns Early In t Evening Firemen Are Handlcnpp < Unable to Get Water on Durnli Building Until Too Lnte. Srvernl hundred people Mend evening \vatcliud Emll Brummuni Immo on South First street \n\rn \ \ the ground. Tlio leas wns In part cc < jrwl by hiRiirnncc. It wns the lit tire In 1908 In Norfolk. The nro wns discovered shortly i tor 7 o'clock. No one wns nt lion stt the lime. The orlpln of the flro w unknown although the men first arrive nnld tlie flames Htnrted no the chimney. The IJniimnund lion was a one story frnmo IIOUBO wor jibout $1,000. It wns the first lion tiorth of the Dnrlnnd row of hous * jn South First. No wnter wns thrown on the bur SIIR dwelling until the building wi virtually consumed. The Mast hoi company nrrivod before the fire lit Ruined much headway but ns the ncn jst tire hydrant was on Third strc their hose did not reach to the bur Img bouse. The Queen City compar Old not know that their services wei needed and when they finally arrive the fire had every thing Its own wn "Further delay wns occasioned , ho\ \ n-rr , by the fact that several kinks 1 Abe Queen City hose were frozen. Seine furniture wns removed froi Uho houbo but the loss was almost tola iMr. Brummund carried $500 Insurnne nn the house. He had $200 Insurnnc * t > u the furniture. Mr. Drummund i employed In the Degner hardwar utoro. Chief l > llger of the flro dopnrtmer , vrns quite Indignant nt the conditlo of the hose. He said that the hose ha been dried following the Inst flro nn that there would bo an Invcstlgatlo t see If it had been taken out nn Wised since. It was pointed out thn It was most essential to the work edie die department that the fireme : should bo able to depend on tholr hose A. few weeks ago Mr. Drummund' hum caught on flro but was exth finished without calling on the depart ment. ' .DISCOVERED THE FIRE. H. E. Owen Smclled Smoke From tin Road and Investigated. "If I could have had help , or coult ! got to a telephone quicker , cstild have saved the Drummund homi troia flames last night , " said II. K fiwen , who discovered the fire. Mr a d Mrs. Owen were driving to tin function depot on South First street Whey swelled smoke and heard tin r mr of flames. Investigating , the ; found the house on flro In the rear tf. took ten minutes to get to a tele phone and sound the nlarra , so that the bouse got under headway. RAILROADS ENGINEER BADLY SINGED. Engineer J. Hibben of Fremont Burn' ' ed by Firebox Explosion. ISuglneor Jesse Hlbbcn of Fremont n. brother of Engineer C. J. Hibben ol Norfolk , was badly burned about the tune by the explosion of gases in the firebox of nn engine on the Northwest em. Engineer Hibben was starting out on the Fremont-Hastings line run on a freight'train when the accident happened. The accident necessitated IIs removal to his home nnd the call f S of a physician. C. J. Hibben has just returned from n run down to Fremont to sco his brother , who Is doing nicely. Railroad Notes. J. H. Hlland , vice president of the Chicago , Milwaukee and St. Paul 'Rail fvay company nnd P. A. Miller .genera : passenger agent , are In San Franclscc on tholr way to Japan to establish Ir liat country agencies of their road. On account of the discontinuance of the separate organization of the Spokane Falls and Northern In Its absorption by the general system o : the Great Northern the general office : of the subsidiary road in Spokane wll bo abolished. The Brotherhood of Railroad Train men and the Order of Railroad Con clnctors of sixty-five railroads west o tin * Mississippi river voted reccntlj to change the wage system by havlnj the rate paid per mile traveled b : trains instead of by the month , as a present. The railroaders on the moun tainous divisions of the east votet against the proposition as n unit be canst" it would decrease their pay. Frank Walters , general manager o tlhe Chicago and Northwefatern Rail way company's lines west of the Mis sourl river , with headquarters In Oma lia ; Nelson B. Updyke , of the Updyki Grain company , Omaha ; M. J. Golden assistant general freight agent for thi Northwestern , and other officials o the road living in Chicago are to bi the guests of Dr. Van Duren Knott district surgeon for the company , a a dinner which will be given In Slou : City boon. Mr. Walters and Mr. Golflei formerly had their headquarters ii Sioux City. NEWSPAPERS IN A FLURRY The Power of Advertising Shown Ii Recent Money Crisis. Has U occurred to you that the re cent "panic" in America might havi liad far more disastrous results thn It did have for the stores but fov th and significant and hope-maklni ho AinoricanjpeopVo nro prc roundly Influenced by newspaper r verllBlng ? The majority of our merchants nll/.oil that to stc'in the tide of "scar which was carrying BO many peoj away , advertising muni piny Its i elding part ; stores must not 01 : make prlce-roncesHloiiH which won appeal to the thrift-Instincts of t people , but such concessions must courageously nnd aggressively ndvi Used. They realized thnt not on must their store advertising bo ce vlnclng In Its tone , nnd reassurln but thnt It must be Impressive and i assuring In Its appearance that i retrenchment of space must appci else Hint very fnct would tend to ! cronso the misgivings rather than steady the pure-nerves of people. In other words , the merchants t terminated ( that is , the wise ones dl that they would not only preach cc lldenco but would practice It. The result has boon to nullify , vo largely , the evil what started out become a widely disastrous inone panic , nnd hns now become chiefly memory. Its real danger Is now : far away ns far passed as the re danger nnd mennncc of the panics ' 73 nnd ' 93. In fnct , the "panic 1907" hns gone to join the form ones gone to that bourne from whl < let us hope , no dead panics ever r turn. turn.And And in giving advertising a rlgli ful share of the credit for killing tl scare , let us realize , too , thnt it mu play the chief part In reconstruct In the re-estnblishment of all bnsl ess upon a more prosperous bnsls thn before. Advertising hns done much for yo It will do much more. AND STEAL 136 PENNIES FROI HOUSE OF WORSHIP. WAS DONE SUNDAY AFTERNOOI Between Sunday School and Junto Endeavor Meeting Hours , Snea Thieves Robbed the Second Congr < gational Church. Unknown sneakthleves entered th Second Congregational church a't Noi 'oik Junction Sunday afternoon ani itolo 13C pennies which had been gatli ; rcd for the purchase of a picture t mug In the church. The church doors were left open be ween the hours of Sunday school am runior Endeavor meeting , and It wa luring this Intermission that the pen lies were stolen. Rev. Mr. nines , the pastor , will nmki ho loss good. SNYDER OUTSHOOTS WISNER. inyder Trap Shooters Score Threi Birds Above Wlsner. Wlsner Sunday was the scene of j ompetltlve shoot between a Snyde ; .nd a Wlsner five. Out of a possibli 25 birds , Snyder scored eighty-four Visner eighty-one. The individual results out of a pos Ible twenty-five were : M. Thompson 0 ; J. Konnoosky , 20 ; Ed Wolslegcr 7 ; Lieverson , 17 ; A. Schoennk , 17 ; r. Paleidl , 1C ; T. Thompson , 16 ; Ly ns , IG ; M. Wolsleger , II ; Willlani 'oihn ' , 12. Not Bechtel Naper Enterprise : Last week the Interprise mentioned the marriage ol Ir. Fred Dechtel and Miss Carolina VentWe learned later that we were ilsinformed , and that the groom was red Swiegert , Instead of Bechtel. IAYOR BROWN QUITS POLITICS incoln Democrat Finds Office Hold' ing Too Expensive. Lincoln , Neb. , Jan. 2S. Mayoi irown announces that he Is a candi ate for the post of delegate-at-large i the democratic national convention ut thnt Is the onlj thing he wants , le declares that he means to quit olltics at the expiration of his pres > nt term of olllce and return to busl ess life. Ofllceholdtng Is entirely no expenslve'for him , he says. When sked concerning the Kearney Demo rat editorial booming him for gover or , the mayor said : "I don't want to be governor. Ol oiirse It would be conferring a greal onor upon mo to make me chief ex cutive of this state , but I shall abso utely refuse to accept the nomination 'or will I run again for mayor of Lin oln when my term expires. I nn lirough with politics as soon as the emocratic convention Is over. I cer ninly will do everything iji my powei o elect Bryan president , but us foi illiceholding. I want no more of It. ' 1EAVY VAULT FALLS UPON NELS RINGSRUDE. OCCIDENT MAY PROVE FATAl Vhlle Helping Install a New Vault Ii the Postoffice at Long Pine , Rings rude Lost Control and the Heav ; Safe Fell on Him. Long Pine , Neb. , Jan. 29. Special ti [ "he News : While Nels Rlngsrudi vas placing the vault door In the nev lostofllce yesterday afternoon , It fel ipon him and broke his leg. It Is supposed that he received In crnal Injuries which may prove fatal Two men standing near caught tin leer ns It fell , but as It weighs l,20i lounds , they could not break the fall DECLAMATORY CONTEST HAS S MORE NAMES PRELIMINARY IN NINTH GRAI Besides the Medal a Money Prize v\ \ be Given to the High School Clr Whlch Receives the Most Points Declamatory Contest. Two or more pupils from each the ninth , tenth nnd eleventh grnd In the Norfolk high school have cut cd their names ns contestants In t declamatory contest. On account the number of pupils who hnvo cnti od from the ninth grade It Is probal that a preliminary will bo hold. T contest will take place some time March. Besides the regular mod a money prize will be given to t high school class whoso contestnn receive the most points In the i clnmntory contest. The class fro which the medal winner comes do not necessarily win the cash prls No seniors have as yet entered for tl contest nnd It Is doubtful If the cln will be represented , on account Its snmll membership. Some of the boys nt the Olney bull Ing are planning to organize an nthlt Ic association. The school board w be asked for help In securing a rooi At present the boys have no place assemble for Indoor sports. A debating association Is being c gnnized In northwestern Nebrnsl with n view thnt it will In time incluc the whole state. The same plan carried out In some nearby states ar provides for the debates being ha tiled in teams. Thus in a state orgnn zatlon the winning team in northeai Nebraska would go to the state mec Ing. The plan hns proved n succei in states where It has been tried an lias been a grent benefit to pupt : inking pnrt. Norfolk hns been aske to join the new association but wl irobably not take part In the debate : hls spring , waiting until next yen ivhen the high school will bo in th lew building with better library facl ties. ties.The The semester credit cards have bee ssued by Miss Paine , principal of th ilgh school. The cards gave th semester averages for each study ca : led as well as the credits. The snm lumber of credits arc given for cac study as is given in the state nniven ty plnn. The senior class was pleasantly or ortained by Ralph Lulkart Frida ivenlng at his home on West Norfoi : ivenue. Refreshments were serve luring the evening. TUESDAY TOPICS. J. W. Ransom was called to Aurorl 0 adjust a fire loss. A. Zorba of Herrlck was In Norfoi ] m business. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton of near Stan on were In Norfolk Tuesday. E. O. Garrett of Fremont was ii forfolk on his way to Bonesteel. Miss Anna Wantlln of Battle Creel fas a Sunday visitor In Norfolk. Herman Krasne of Omaha has beei a Norfolk , the guest of S. M. Rosen lull. lull.Adolph Adolph Dvorak of Schuyler was it forfolk yesterday returning from Nlo rara. He stopped to visit friend ) ere. S. R. Carney Is In David City today J. D. Sturgeon left at noon for Lau 31. Mayor Smith was up from Madisor uesday. S. M. Rosenthal was In Pierce Tues- ay on business. Mrs. E. N. Vail left Tuesday to at > nd the marriage of Mr. James C [ orrison and Miss Pearl Kethledge t Coleridge on Wednesday. Frank Hamilton was In Nowmar rove yesterday. County Attorney Jack Koenlgstehi as In Madison yesterday. Miss Eugenia Hnrshmnn of Oranhs 1 visiting Mrs. F. W. Koerbor. Mrs. F. M. Cooklngham of Hum hrey has been visiting her brother ! . S. South.- Mrs. M. C. Walker has been visiting er daughter , Mrs. Earle Harper , it ilearwater. Miss'Gertrude Wald and Cyrus Ras iiissen of Newman Grove are In Nor ilk visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cole mn. mn.Mrs. . E. W. Edens of Fairfax , S. D. ms In Norfolk to witness "Little Dole e Dimples. " She was the gnest 01 Irs. Asa K. Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tucker , jr. , re urned to their home at Carroll yester ay after a visit with Norfolk friends 'hoy were accompanied home by Mlsi .ill Losch , of West Point , who has een visiting In the city. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bradcn nnd Mr nd Mrs. W. N. Huso left at noon foi trip to New York , Boston , Plilladel ihla , Washington , Florida , Now Or aans and possibly Cuba. They will hi ; one about three weeks. John F. Flynn , accompanied by hli aughter , Miss Agnes Flynn , left Tues lay morning for Omaha , where Mis : i"lynn will undergo an operation fo ppendlcltis. During Chief Flynn'sah ence his son , Frank Flynn , Is on thi Corfolk police force. Miss Jennie Schwenk is 111 with thi Tip. Tip.Frank Frank Smljkel Is now employed Ii ho meat department of the Fnlr store Miss Helen Irvln of Madison 1 ubstltutlng at the Tnnnchlll schoo outh of Norfolk. J. II. Conley , deputy president of th Jagles , states that Bloomfield 1 .bout . to organize a local lodge. Fremont , oven Fremont , has a "lid. remont got her lid Monday when thi crocus were taken out of Fremou aloons. Mrs. Joseph Schwartz , who ha 'men quite sick for some time , w able to bo down to her millinery stc yesterday. Miss Klcntz Is back from Wlsuor Jus. E. Johnson and wife have go to Lennox , lown , for a visit. Befc they return homo they will make trip to Indian Territory. Elton Shcrdcnitin , who travels 1 the Hock Island plow company , moving Into B. T. Reid's homo. A and Mrs. Held nre to tnko n wcstc hoinestcnd. Antelope , Cednr > Madison , Boo nnd Knox counties , according to t nnnunl report of the state board agriculture , raise one sixth of all teats oats produced In Nebraska and arc t banner oat counties. Products of the Norfolk pIcklcTli tory have been placed with a numb of the big Omaha grocery and dopa ment stores. President Hodson of tl company says that ho has been si prised at the little trouble the coi puny Is having In placing their good The committee on library site su scrlptlons appointed by the libra board consists jf Mrs. Henry Owe Mrs. John R. Hays , Mrs. W. II. 1 Hagoy , Julius Hulff and E. B. Kau man. Mr. Kauffman is a member the city council but not of the llbrai board. Rudolph Blatt of Norfolk has an o ceptlonnlly fine bird dog of distin ulshed lineage and ns Mr. Blntt Is nboi to move on to a farm on the Wlllo Creek In Pierce county where prair chickens nro plentiful , he will pro ably bo able to put his dog to vei good use next season. Jack O'Leaij ' , Norfolk's wrestle Is home from Gregory where he lo : a match Saturday to "Rastus" Then son of Casey , la. O'Leary won tli first bout in seven minutes and Jo : the second and third In thirteen an nine minutes. On next Tuesday th same men will wrestle at West.Poin . Crofton Journal : F. C. Marsha upon retiring from the county supe intcndent's office announced that h would discontinue the publication c the Educational Review which he ha run in connection with the office fo the past three years and a half. Th paper has been a great help to schoc boards and teachers. The local entertainment commute connected with the Y. M. C. A. cor ventlon has met and decided to hav xll delegates entertained In Norfoll liomes. It Is the present Intentloi ; o ask the ladles taking delegates t furnish meals to the delegates , thn giving up the original plan to hav Hnner served on Friday and Saturda ; \t Marquardt hall. Valentine Ice is being shippei .hroiigh Norfolk by the Northwesteri o fill the railroad company's lc < louses in other Nebraska ice suppl ; stations where like Norfolk the mill vintor has failed to afford the com lay opportunity to gather a local sup ily of Ice. Some of the first Ice ship nents from Valentine came to Nor oik. The first trainload througl Norfolk went to Fremont and Lin ; oln. Lincoln Journal : Stiperintendeni V. J. O'Brien of the state fisheries s in Lincoln going home from Valen ine , Neb. He has been there will ' ,00,000 , brook trout eggs to place Ir he sub-hatchery at that place. In pril he will take a lo of rainbow rout eggs there for hatching. These Ish will after hatching be scattered 11 the streams of northern Nebraska vherever conditions are favorable tc heir existence. He reports that the Ish in the sub-hatchery are doing i-ell. 1ORFOLK WOMAN'S FIGHT FOR MONEY TO BEGIN. IUT DEPENDS ON BOCHE TRIAL Idna Ingham May Go to England In May or June , But She Is Held Under Bond as Principal Witness In the Boche Murder Case. Edna Ingham's fight for the posses- ion of "Fullwood , " said to be an aris- ocratlc old English estate worth al- lost $100,000 nnd situated near Liver- eel , will be opened In the Woodbury ounty district court in Sioux City next , 'cek. Brought from England when two ears old by a poverty stricken father nd left In a farm home near Sioux ! ity , the Ingham girl Is now seeking n establish her Identity as the Nellie ngham who is heir to an English es' ate left by the man who is believed o be her grandfather. Judge A. Van Waganen.of Sioux City fill begin to take testimony In a short Inie to establish the Identity. Miss ngham will be summoned from Nor oik to Sioux City and Henry Metz , oseph Peggar , Julia Fachman and Mr , .nd Mrs. Tom Waddington will testify awyer Fred Sargent has been named iy the court as taker of testimony. Over the telephone Monday evening Sdna Ingham said that some time ir ilny or June she would go to England o visit the estate of her grandfathei ind carry on the fight for her alleged nheritance. Miss Ingham's trip to England wll lepend something upon the course ol he Boche murder trial as she Is held mdcr $500 bond as a witness to the farmer shooting and will have to re naln here until Herman Boche flnallj ionics to trial. Married Seventy Years. Mason City , la. , Jan. 29. M. Rich irdson and wife are today celebrating heir 70th wedding anniversary. Th < iliilm is made for them that they an he longest married couple In the Unit ) d States , They are 90 years of ago J. HARVEY FOOTE RETIRES FRC MANAGEMENT , IS EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY Al Wlllerllng of Newport Has Pi chased the Pacific Hotel In Norfo The Deal Was Arranged 'by Sml Brothers of This City. landlord J. Harvey Foote will rctl from the management of the Pacl hotel on February 15. His Interest the Pacific , It Is announced , hns be sold to Al Wlllerllng of Newport , exchange for the business nnd fun turo of the Pacific Mr. Foote sccur n section of laud north of Newport addition to a cnsh consideration. Mr. Foote hns not decided Just wh ho will do. Ho hns been offered tl Her Grand hotel In Omaha. The snle- was handled by Sml brothers. THE NORFOLK CONVENTION State Press Announcement of Comlr Y. M. C. A. Convention. Lincoln News : The state conve tion of the Young Men's Christian a soclations of Ncbrnskn will be hul at Norfolk , beginning Thursday nfte noon February 13 , nnd ending Sundn night Februnry 1C. Speclnl efforts have been made tli yenr to make the program Interestln and practical , and the Indications ai that the attendance will bo large. Nt only members of the association ar Invited but young men from town nnd communities where there Is n nsbocintlon , who wlbh to put then belves in touch with .association me ind work , and men who are Intereste In this work for young men and boyi ire cordially invited to attend. The program will include addressc ind practical talks and conferences , 1 .vhlch . three international secretaries Mchsrs. Parsons , McDIIl rtnd Ellioti .VIM have n prominent part. Rev. Di Conley and Rer. Dr. Loveland of Onu m , will be on the program , as well a 'resident Turner of Hastings college ind a number of active and practica vorkers throughout the state. Mr. Me Jormack , one of the le-adlng capitalist if Sioux City and president of the as iociatlon of that place , will also hi resent. The Norfolk people will entertain al lelegates. Their invitation hns beei ixtremoly cordial , although it is tacit y understood that the coming of thii onvention to this metropolis of tin Slkhorn valley means the organizatioi if a new association at that point am he erection of a building , as has foi awed the holding of state convention ! t Columbus , Fremont York and othei oints in the state. For credential blanks and other In ormatiou write to State Secretary J ' . Bailey , Y. M. C. A. building , Omaha LENSER IS BOUND OVER. lend Is Fixed at $500 Forgery Cases Come Up Next Month. Chris Lenscr , the young Northwest rn baggageman accused of attempt ig to pass a forged pay check , was ound over to the district court Wednesday morning for trial. The end for his appearance before Dls : Ict Judge Welch was placed at $500 , : was furnished at once with C. Len > er , a grandfather , and Frank Lenser , n uncle , as sureties. Lenser waived the preliminary hear ig in Justice Lambert's court. He as represented by Judge Powers as ttorney. The cases against Lenser and Ray Icnnard , whom Lenser Implicates in 10 forgery , will probably be heard In ladison next month. NOT GOVERNOR'S FATHER ear Joker Embarrasses Old Gentle man From New York. Carroll , Neb. , Jan. 29. The prank f a local "journalist" in reporting lat an old gentleman from New York > the name of Hughes , who Is visit- ig in Carroll at present , was the fath- : of Governor Hughes , caused quite commotion here and no end of era- arrassment and trouble to the old eiitleman. Men , women and children : ared at him with open mouths and hen the city papers began to tele- raph and telephone him for Inter- lews , he threw up his hands in dls- ORMER NORFOLK MAN IN RACE FOR AUDITOR. IOW IN AUDITOR'S OFFICE ohn L. Pierce , Formerly a Resident of This City and at Present Head of the Insurance Department at State Capital , in the Field. John L. Pierce , formerly a resident f Norfolk and at present at the head f the insurance department In the illce of auditor of public accounts at ilncoln , has announced himself as a andldato for the republican nomlna Ion as state auditor of Nebraska. Mr. Plerco's name will come before lie party at the coming state prlraarj lection next fall. John L. Pierce was one of the busl ess men of Norfolk fifteen years ago .ater ho went to Omaha and then te dncolu In his present capacity. While i Norfolk Mr. Pierce lived In the omo at present owned by H. E. Owen orner Nebraska avenue nnd Twelftb treet. Health Insurance at little coat reward is offered nnyono for any sub stance Injurious to the health found in Cnliimct Unking Powdor. Purity Is a prime essential in f < KMl. C/iiIumot Istnniloonlyof putt1 , wholesome ingredients combined by skilled clii'mists , nnd complies with the pure food laws of nil state * . It is the only high-grade Baking Powder on the market sold at n moderate price. Calumet Baking Powder tnny bo freely used with the certainty that food mndu with it contain1 ? no harmful drills It is chemically correct nnd make1'iiro. . WholuHOiuo Food. NORFOLK CITY GOVERNMEf * FILES IMPORTANT PAPER. DECISION EXPECTED IN Mfi City Attorney Hazen Sent Norfolk Petition for the Annexation of Oi side Additions to Madison for Filli Yesterday. The annexation petition was flh In the district court at Madison ye tordny. I'lie ' petition was sent dow by City Attorney Unzcn. It nnra < 121 ! ! property owners us defendants. City extension cannot be made t fcctlve until after the city electlo The court decision will be obtnliu the latter part of May. Of the defendants listed 13-1 resld in thin county and will be borved wit a notlro of the annexation proceeding b > Sheriff Clements or deputy withl the next two weeks. Nine proper ! owners affected live in Pierce count and will receive personal notices. Tli remaining seventy-nine property owl era live outside of Madison and Plerc counties. Expensive to Fight It. The objectors to the annexation pr < cess who desire to resist must answc the petition in court by March 2. Th property owners who do not conies will' have no court costs to pay bn those who protest and fail to mak their point will have to pay the cost Incurred. At the May term of court Judge A \ . Welch will take up the city goverr meiit's request for an extension of th 3ity limits. The court will hear th < jvidence and if it appears that the tei 'ttory affected is divided into block ind lots and would receive materia jeni'flt ' from annexation or that justlci ind equity requires an extension o he legal limits , then a Judicial decrei ondcrcd. This decree Is expectei udercd. This degree is cxpectc < ibout the nineteenth or twentieth o day. A copy will be filed with tin : ounty clerk. The city council may then pass i ormal ordinance of annexation. Will Help Norfolk. Tlio property which. Norfolk expecti o add embraces , City Attorney Hazei hinks , about 100 homes. It will ad < ibout 500 people to the legal popula Ion. And the next census taken wll nake Norfolk a city of the first clas ; ilong with Fremont , Grand Island tastings and other Nebraska towns if over 5,000 population. Benefits Outsiders. City Attorney Hazen. in his petitior .siting Judicial endorsement of the ity limit extension , makes the follow ng argument : "Norfolk has a. population of 4.50C nhnbitants , owns and operates n rater works system , has Just recent y installed1 an. extensive main sewei o which property owners may attacli ipon forming sewer districts , has a ree delivery mail service , an organ iced nnd well equipped fire department i-Ith hook and ladder trucks hose carts , nd apparatus for extinguishing fires iy water and otherwise , provides foi treet lighting by gas and by elec riclty , has an ordinance by which prop : rty owners in said city can be com Icnts of the city , has an ordinance reg ilatlng contagious diseases and foi s about to install a free public llbrarj or the use nnd benefit of the rest lents of the city , has an ordauce re minting contagious diseases and foi ho protection of the health of the In labltants of the city and the clean. Iness thereof nnd hns a well organ , zed police department on duty daj ind night. The property proposed U 10 annexed to said city or a large pan if It Is laid out and platted In build ng lots , streets and alleys , and large y occupied by residents thereon , i najorlty of the defendants reside It inch territory and If annexed will re iclvo police protection and the pro ectlon of the fire department of sale : lty and will be entitled to the use eon on and will bo entitled to the use o he said sewer system , the free dollv > ry of their mall , street lighting , ce nent sidewalks and crossings , the us < ind benefit of n free public llbrar : ind the regulation of contagious dla mses. "The lands nud lots mentioned havi ; rently enhanced In value by reasoi if their close proximity to said city nit the owners and residents thcreoi mve not borne any of the expense : ind burdens Incident to the city gov irnment , although receiving great nd 'nntages therefrom , and justice am equity demand that thin territory bo annexed to the c.lty. " RECEIVER'S SALE ORDERED Hanson Mercantile Co.'a Creditors Get Court Order. Hurt Mnpes , receiver of the Hanson Mercantile company of Tlldcn , hns nnnoiinced that he will sell the gener al stock of merchandise carried by the Ilansen company. The snlo Is un der nn order of Judge Munger of the federal court and will be held on Fob- run ry fi. The Ilansen company has not yet been declared bankrupt. The com pany answered the bankruptcy peti tion by filing an application in the Norfolk division of the United States court iisklng for a trinl by jury on the petition filed by their creditors. The order of snlo wns obtained from Judge Munger by the creditors , who claimed that the value of the Btock wns depreciating and should' bo sold to protect their Interests. The Hanson stock Invoices at $12- 159.17. SELECTED BY DfRECTORS OF MERCIAL CLUB. FREIGHT RATES AJtE DISCUSSED At the Regular Weekly Meeting of Hie Norfolk Commercial Club Tuesday Morning , J. D. Sturgeon Was Select ed for Important Office. .T. D. Sturgeon , president of the Stur- gfon Music company and nn enthusi astic and effective booster for Norfolk , wns chosen secretary of the Norfolk Commercial club at the Tuesday morn- ng meeting of the directors. Freight rates were up for discussion it the meeting , the directors setting In o clear their minds on the details of the situation. A. Degner wns named as a commit- 00 to visit Meadow Grove for the pur- > ese of inspecting Walter Evans' pat- jnted hay press whiuh haa been jrought before the club , as an object or promotion. Mr. Degner was an- horized to take some man with a > ractical knowledge of hay presses to Meadow Grove. Sturgeon Will Accept. J. D. Sturgeon will accept the sec retaryship of the Commercial club , le says that the action of the club llrectors came to him as a great sur- irlse but thnt he will accept the office ind glvo it his best efforts. "The action of the board was en- trely unsolicited , " said Mr. Sturgeon. " 1 know that the position of secretary : arries with it a lot of work but I do lot care to refuse It. "As secretary I will try to serve Norfolk as well nB B can. " UDGE WELCH PRESIDED HERE IN IMPROMPTU SESSION. \ > WHITE'S- FIGHT FOR TREES , \bram White Appeared Before Die. . trlct Judge Welch Yesterday and , Submitted Mathematical Figures to > Prove the Trees Should Stand. Norfolk had quite a term of court esterday. District Judge A. A. Welch ) f Wayne was In the city and heard he testimony in two district court mses. The Impromptu court was In S. P. Weatherby'B law office. Abram White , eighty-four , came be- ore Judge Welch to plead for his old rees about his Norfolk home. White , lowover , didn't ask mercy for his rees , Just Justice. He brought law uid mathematical demonstration with ilm to show that , as ho thought , the uarch of the cement sidewalk didn't cad along the path occupied by his ild trees. White's dispute with Nor- oik Is of several years' standing and nvolves a dispute ever a lot and side- valk line. White seeks an Injunction igalnst the sidewalk laying depart- nent of Norfolk. Judge Welch will : ome to Norfolk again and hear the city surveyor's side of the story. Edward D. Kline's suit against the Northwestern , one of the depot flro aults , was heard before the White cnao vas brought up. Kline asks for $200 in baggage lost In the 1005 depot flro. Judge Welch took the case under nd- Isement.