The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 20, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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    WTiin.v wirwc.ini.nMA r. . i ? inAY
Tte Norfolk Weekly News-Journal
The MOWN. IjHtnbllnliod. 1881.
The Journnl. Established. 1871.
n. n. . N. A.
1'rttnliliitit Hcorutnry
Mrery Friday. By Mini I per yvnr , $1.60.
Kntored nt the poHtoillco nt Norfolk.
Neb. , ns Bcconil class matter.
TolophotiOH : Kdltorlal Dopiirtnicnt
No. 32. Uusliiooi ) Olllco and Job HOOIIKV
No. H 12.
i'rcBldont HooBuvclt Is nlrcndy lay
ing plans of wlmt ho will do by way
of a rust and vacation "when ho gets
'out ' of a job. " First ho Is going to
Germany to sco the kalsor , then ho
wilt "mill around" among the coun
tries of Europe and visit all the rul-
ora. Then , after ho has Indulged In
a big game hunt In Africa and another
in India , ho will make a tour of the
world. The president has thus laid
out a play spoil that will bo about as
strenuous as has been his career In
the wlilto house. But the plan looks
decidedly Koosevcltlan nnd It will not
bo at all surprising If ho carries It
out to the limit.
The St. Paul Dispatch of Saturday
prints , under the head of "Forty Years
Ago , " an article which shows that the
man who later became the leading
railway magnate of the northwest ,
was already forging to the lead in a
modest way. Ho was oven then con
sidered a remarkable young man , and
ho has never for a day ceased living
up to the character outlined of him In
that write-up of forty years ago , which
follows :
"James J. Hill's now enterprise
Navigation having closed and the
steamboat business being thus wound
up , J. J. Hill has , with a spirit of en
terprise which Is commendable , con
verted his immense warehouse into a
mammoth hay pressing establishment.
Ho was busy putting down some splen
did grass all this week nnd will prob
ably bo able to squeeze all that will
bo brought to the city. There's a spirit
that cannot be daunted by difficulty.
If ho can't handle- freight ho can press
hay. And It Is a noticeable fact that
Mr. Hill , when ho starts out to accom
plish a thing , ho docs It complete and
single-handed , asking no aid from any
one. Ills warehouse was built large
enough to handle every ounce of
freight coming and going by both rail
way and steamer , and of such an Inge
nlous design as to never be In the
open air while being transferred
* > om ono to the other. Of a similar
nature is his latest venture. Ho says
that all hay offered will bo taken nnd
If his present warehouse is not large
enough there Is plenty of lumber to
build others nnd plenty of vacant land
to erect them upon. This remarkable
young man evidently Intends to keep
abreast of the tlme . "
That women are not employed In
any way as nurses In connection with
the navy is perhaps to some A greater
surprise than to learn that congress
Is to be petitioned by those having
such matters in charge to make pro
vision for women nurses in the navy.
The need , the demand , for women
nurses has been so general , and they
have given such distinguished , such
gallant service to the army , always
and particularly In tlrao of war , that
it might have been supposed women
nurses in the navy were possible with
out act of congress , and were , at least
under peace conditions , already doing
their work. That the naval doctors
have had to ask for such provlslor
proves at least that conditions do rise
which demand woman in certain places
os , even In such belligerent places as
battleships , and that she has a service
to render there which cannot be given
by men and must be given by her ,
that she Is called to this service , In
stead of demanding that she be permit
ted It.
The permission sought from con
grcss Is that not only shall women
nurses perform hospital duty for th
navy , have charge of the naval sicken
on shore , but that In times of wa
women nurses shall bo carried on the
battleships and other ships of the fleet
where her service Is as much ncedct
as It Is in time of land-war on the very
cdgo of battle. These battleship po
sltlons will not be easy to fill , nor th
duties easy to fulfill. Such service In
time of war will have about It a qual
Ity of heroism , will demand such i
high typo of woman , that only th
most efficient nurse In the corps coult
bo offered the places. But the nava
physicians know well that there ar
women who can fill these duties , am
they know that the war of the se ;
brings about emergencies which de
mand Just the service that women
alone can give.
Wo want to advise qur readers wh
send Christmas gifts by express If the ;
pay the charges for carriage by th
express company , not only to marl
plainly on the package , "Expres
Charges Prepaid , " but to mall the re
cclpt to the party to whom the gift 1
sent If you don't the charges may b
collected at both ends and the person
receiving your gift will over think , 1
silence , that you did not pay It.
There are some delivery men nmon
the express companies who can't fin
the record of the pro-payment on thel
books at Christmas time.
There Is an awful lot of business yov
know , and things got Into confusion.
Of course the party to whom you send
the gift Is not going to write and ask
you If you prepaid charges. So you
had better let him know It.
If you are going to send gifts away
y mall or express bo sure to start
hem many days ahead of tlmu or they
an't bo delivered by Christmas. You
nn markon the package , "Don't open
eforo Christmas. " Remember that
hero Is a perfect jam of business In
ho express and postofllces at Christ-
nas time.
Don't select fragile , bulky or heavy
Ifts to go by express or mall. Buy
'or distant friends books , or other artl-
lies that arc easily boxed or wrapped
nd not easily broken.
On light articles post Is cheaper than
xpross and also those that go a long
Istanca for your Uncle Sam charges
like for distances and the express
ompanlcs do not.
In sending express packages always
nqulro If the company goes directly
o that point without transferring to
nether company. In this way you
iavo time , money and wear on the
Remember that the postofflce carries
lockages only ns heavy as four
Don't above all things , leave the
mylng of gifts to the last moment.
Buy early and avoid the rush and you
l also get a better choice.
Buy well within your means. Buy
can tl fill and useful things rather than
3xpenslve ones. It Is very foolish to
pond more than you can afford and
lainful to the recipient. A Christmas
; lft should bo evidence of remem-
iranco and good wishes. Even a
Christmas card may serve.
This year there is going to be a
linnce for the youngster who wrlto a
otter to Santa Glaus , the ban which
ms heretofore existed against the do-
iv < fy of letters so addressed having
been removed by Postmaster General
Meyer , who has Issued the following
order :
"Ordered that hereafter nnd until
ho close of the first day of January ,
908 , postmasters are directed to de-
Iver all letters arriving at their re-
pectlve postofllces addressed plainly
uitl unmistakably to 'Santa Glaus"
ivlthout any other terms of expres
sions Identifying the persons for whom
iiich letters are intended , to any regu-
arly organized charitable society In
he city or town of address , to be used
exclusively for charitable purposes ,
n the event that claim should be made
by more than one such society for
etters so addressed , such letters will
be equally divided according to num
ber , between or among the societies
making such claim. "
This more liberal attitude toward
the children on the part of the post-
office department , will bring joy to the1
heart of many a child , particularly in
the cities , where organized societies
of charity will be glad to receive the
etters and see that deserving little
folks are fittingly remembered.
In smaller towns where there are
no organizations of that character ,
there are always enough philanthropic
women Interested in the welfare of
the poor nnd needy to see that Christ
mas does not pass over desolate homes
without some token of recognition of
the day finding Its way to the children ,
at least. In Norfolk , for instance , a
committee of women from the various
churches could be profitably formed
to receive such letters as are mailed
here nnd with a fund raised perhaps
by popular subscription manv a homo
could bo gladdened that would other
wise remain entirely outside the realm
of Christmas cheer.
The national republican convention
which will meet in Chicago next June I
will consist of fourteen less delegates
than did the republican convention of
1901 , the number at that time being
991 , while the 1908 convention will
have 980 delegates. i
In the 1904 convention 497 votes L
were necessary for a choice ; In the
1908 convention votes will be the
necessary majority. In the last con
vention the states alone had 952 votes ,
or twice "SC representatives and twice
90 senators. Oklahoma having been
admitted with two senators and five
representatives , the 40 states alone
will have 9GO delegates In the 1908
convention , or twice 92 senators and
twice 391 representatives.
Seven territorial divisions will be
represented next June , with a total of
fourteen votes. The same seven terri
tories had thirty votes In the last con
vcntlon. The 190S convention will
have a loss of sixteen votes from the
territories , but the admission of Okla
homa as a state , with two senators
and five representatives , entitling her
to fourteen convention votes In 1908
Instead of twelve , which she had In
1901 , Is a gain of two votes from the
Oklahoma region , or a net loss for the
entire convention of fourteen votes.
These fourteen votes are enough to
seriously affect the result In a closely
drawn contest such as the one In the
next convention may bo.
Ono effect which the call just Issued
for the republican convention will
liave Is to render all selections of del
egates up to this tlmo negative.
Most conspicuous of these are the
six delegates chosen from Alaska for
Taft and three delegates for Cannon
In Representative Fordnoy's district
In Michigan. The call Is further slgIn
tilllcant , to the minds of many , beov
cause of Its demand that only ropubha
llcnn electors participate In the
lion of delegates. This means the
basis Is laid for numerous contests
before the credentials committee of
the national convention.
Now that the president has declined
again to bo candidate for the third
term , and this tlmo people have about
made up their minds to take him at
his word , other candidates arc falling
over each other to get In their work
on what hnvo been known ns Roosevelt
velt states. The telegraph yesterday
announced that LaFollctto boomers
would bo In Nebraska next week to
take over the Roosevelt strength In
this state. With its Roosevelt club ,
and with Its strong sentiment In favor
of a third term for the president , it Is
a question whether any of the candl.c |
dates that are likely to spring Into
the field within the next few days will
bo able to shove the vote of this state
Into his vest pocket. Next to Mr.
Roosevelt , It Is probable that Secre
tary Taft stands higher In the state
today than any one of the probable
candidates , but just what Nebraska |
will bo ready to do by next June when
the field Is fully developed Is a ques
tion that no man can answer. Secre
tary Taft and Vice President Fair
banks ' have been avowed candidates
for the presidency for some time , but
the positive statement of Mr. Roosevelt
velt that he will not again become a
candidate gives Senator LaFollctte ,
Secretary Cortelyou , Governor Hughes
and others an opportunity they have
sought and speculation will be rife for
some time until the unsettled senti
ment of the party begins to crystallzel111
upon something tangible. In the
meantime , LaFollette loses no time
In opening his campaign in Nebraska.
The effect upon the republican con
vention of the president's declaration
Is difficult to forecast. It means , of
course , that the opening ballots will
be much mixed. Taft very likely will
have the most votes , but LaFollette ,
Hughes , Fairbanks , Cannon and oth
ers may have enough to prevent a
choice. It will then be up to the con
vention to combine on a man. It was
here that the lurking Roosevelt senti
ment was expected to break out , and
It may break out yet , though the presi
dent's steadfastness In declining
makes this unlikely. The more likely
thing Is that the Roosevelt republicans
tn the convention will endeavor to
unite on a man who represents the
Roosevelt brand of politics. This Is
Taft's best chance. If that attempt
falls , Governor Hughes of New York
looks like the next best guess.
The fearful and unbelieving among )
us will insist that the country is on
the brink of ruin , or at least of hard
times. Now just how long the natural
ural depression' from the "bankers'
panic" will last no one can tell with
certainty , and one person's opinion is
perhaps as good as another. But there
seems no reason to fear that we are
going Into such a panic and series of
hard years as we suffered In 1893-C ,
says the Lincoln Star in an optimistic
On this point all authorities seem
agreed. The condition of things now
and then is entirely different. Then
speculation in real estate in western
towns , for example , had gone wild
and town lots In Kansas City or Den
ver , or perhaps even such towns as
Wichita , Kans. , were bought and sold
at prices only justified In Chicago or
New York. Real estate In every little
western town that had a chance for
future growth was boomed and boomed
again till it was absurdly high. Farms ,
however , sold at low prices. A good
story is told that will Illustrate this
fact. A farmer in Kansas was infested
by the speculation fever and sold his
farm resolving to put the money in
town lots. He went to town a week
after and the enterprising real estate
man took him out to see some subur
ban town lots , a few of which he could
buy for the proceeds of his farm. He
was amazed to find the lots were a
part of the farm he had so recently
At that time every factory had ac
cumulated a large surplus of product.
Over-production , over-trading , over
valuation led to the collapse , helped on
In the west by a series of years of
drouth and bad crops.
How different the conditions now !
In most western cities and towns real
estate Is little higher than It was at
the collapse of the last panic. Farm
lands have greatly advanced In value
but not to a point yet where the crops
do not pay a good Interest on the In-
vestment. Up to the time of the bank
ers' fright nearly every factory In the
land had orders far ahead and their
products were not allowed to nccumu
late. Year after year wo have had r
throughout the country abundant , If '
not record-breaking crops.
In the former days everybody had
gone In debt for speculative purposes
and the settlers In the west nearly all
owed for their lands and were depends
ing on crops to pay off the mortgage , j5
Now , few people are much In debt , and
those who are have not ( In the west at
least ) borrowed for speculation. Farms
are all paid for and the average farmer
has grain in the elevator nnd money' '
In the bank. Export trade Is good and
oven the great abundance of the crops
has not been able to materially lower
the prices of cattle or grain.
It Is not possible under such condl-l.
tloiiH as now exist to have a return
of those dark days.
It Is not Improbable that within a
short tlmo the pendulum will swing
to the other extreme and the bankers
will bo In no less distress from a super
abundance of money , for If the hoarded
money Is returned to circulation In
addition to that which has boon forced
out to supply Its place wo will cer
tainly bo overwhelmed with currency.
Excelsior Springs , Mo. , Dec. 1-1.
Di News : It's ' a small world , after
al . You can't ' go nnywhoro with
out bumping Into somebody that you
know or who knows you or who
knows people whom you know. It
seemed . strange , upon registering at
the Baltimore hotel In Kansas City , to
have the clerk look up in surprise nnd
snm : "Norfolk , Nebraska ? Why that's
my old town , that's whore I got my
start. " He was L. Kleenberger and
luN was clerk In the old Reno hotel in
Norfolk back in 1889. The Reno was
later converted Into a college and then
burned. } V. B. Nethawny , who shot
his wife and himself the other day ,
lived In the old Reno building when It
burned. Mr. Kleenberger Is a brother
of Mrs. 55. King of Humphery , former
ly of Norfolk , and ho used to be , be
fore his hotel experience , In the cream
ery business with Mr. King at Wlsner.
At that time he boarded at the Elkhorn -
horn Valley hotel and from boarder
he became clerk. Then he went to
And that's not the only place down
In Missouri where Norfolk's name has
penetrated. "Norfolk ! " declared a
newspaper man here. "Wliy , I have a
very good friend In Norfolk , Miss
All of which continues to
prove that Norfolk girls are popular
where ever they go. |
It Is from Madison county , too , that
have come some of Excelsior Springs
leading business men. A. J. Dun-
levy and Dr. Nelson , formerly of
Tllden , own the two biggest bath
houses in this bathing resort. And
H. Lulkart of Tllden , Interested
icre In a business way , makes the trip
once a month. I
Another former Norfolk man now I
a MIssourlan is J. W. Humphrey. He
was on a train out of Omaha bound
for St. Joe , where he has a store. Ho
expects to move his family from
Omaha In the spring.
Excelsior Springs had a snow storm
today. But people go right on drlnlc-
Ing water.
Excelsior Springs , a town of just
about Norfolk's size , has about four
miles of paving , mostly asphalt. And
this feature alone gives the town a
metropolitan tone that is worth while.
And this in Missouri , at that !
It's hard for resort towns to tell the
truth. A barber said there was at
least fifteen miles of paving and the
hotel people claim the financial flurry
didn't affect things here at all. Dun-
levy says the effect was marked.
One of the banks controlled by Dr.
Woods , president of the Bank of Com
merce nt Kansas City , is located here ,
but it has $200,000 in cash on hand ,
they say , so that it is perfectly safe.
Over at Kansas City there are being
made persistent efforts to reopen the
Bank of Commerce , and It is claimed
Comptroller Ridley may be made presi
dent of the reorganized Institution
Stores are accepting Bank of Com
merce checks dollar for dollar.
O. D. Woodward , president of the
Woodward & Burgess Amusement Co.
and president of the Kansas City Post
company , who was shot the other day
by a discharged editorial writer , Is
down at bis office with his arm , stll
carrying three bullet wounds , In a
sling. Mr. Woodward had a close
call and his companion , Managing
Editor Groves , died. "We have no
Woodward Stock company this year. '
he said in his office at the Willis
Wood. "But later in the season wo
may put out a company , in which case
we will certainly send it to Norfolk.1
Mr. Woodward said that "The Mayor
of Toklo , " which comes to Norfolk , ,
Dec. 24 , is a mighty good show.
Just now Kansas City Is stirred up .
over the ruling of a judge that theaters
and other business places must close
Sundays. The Willis-Wood obeyed
the edict but others disregarded It.
About eighty actors and actorlnes were
arrested and hauled up in police court
as a result. The people of Kansas
City , and the newspapers , are protestIng - '
Ing ' loudly against this order of things ,
They claim that the Sunday theaters
afford wholesome amusement to thous
ands who cannot attend during the
week , nnd that the Sunday theater
takes the place of many pleasure resorts -
sorts of evil tendency. The Knnsa
City papers unite In upholding the
Sunday theater as a factor for good
Kansas Cltj has ono strong , live
newspaper overshadowing the rest
The Star Is as much Kansas City's
paper as The News Is Norfolk's paper ,
and The Star Is read In the territory
'around Kansas City just as much as
The News Is read In the territory
around Norfolk.
The Star Is a very vital factor in the
upbuilding of Kansas City , and Kan
sns CItyans recognize the fact that the
stronger their ono big paper grows
the moro will It be able to help Knn
sas City and thereby every single per
son or Interest In Kansas City , rcallz
Ing the fact that the better they can
make their paper , the more help and
good It will do the town , Kansas CIty
ans unlto In solidly supporting the
Star. Practically every business In
terest In the town advertises In the
Star every body. The business In-
. erosts . at Kansas City are proud of
his big paper and universally coIn - I i
In Its support regardless of
irojudlco or politics. They know that
powerful newspaper Is a mighty
io\\er In boosting a town nnd for
heir own personal Interests for the
sake of the town they want ns strong
paper as It Is possible to have Issued
n their city.
Kansas City has always been a
; reat city for homo Industries. It Is
said that If n Kansas City man were
o lese his hat In Omaha ho would go
larehonded until ho reached homo In
order to patronize n Kansas City store.
t Is this spirit -that has made Kansas
3 Ity. Kansas City people get every-
hlng they can and consequently they
can get most everything at homo. They
buy Kansas City made articles when
hey can. Their printing , their litho
graphing , their furniture , their candy ,
heir pickles , their everything , is got
at home. They stand together. They
are organized , the business men , and
they go after things. A few days ago
they made a tremendous effort to get
the two big national conventions of
next year and they all but succeeded.
They are always after conventions ,
always after now Industries , always
after now trade from tributary terrl-
ory. They've been after a union depot
for many years and at last they're goIng -
Ing to get one.
Some of the small towns around
Kansas City arc not so wise as K. C.
and as a result aren't holding their
own. One Kansas paper the other day
wondered whether , after the local
papers had stood so loyally by the
banks , the banks would continue send
ing , out of town every printing job
that ( j could bo got a few cents cheaper
or ] whether , after the lesson of how
vitally Important It Is for the small
towns to stand together , the banks
would become consistent converts to
the home industry Idea and take a lead
In the matter of upbuilding Industries
of ) the community Instead of looking
for chances to build up other commun
Itlcs. And nil through these parts that
Kansas editorial has boon copied.
Excelsior Springs Is a quaint old
town , and It Is surely In Missouri. The
townsfolk have a MIssourlan accent
and the air has a refreshing odor of
the woodland. Squirrels play around
the springs and parks and eat from
your hand. The city maintains the
springs and a man to pump water for
the drinkers. In one drinking booth
Ism a placard which says : "Be a Gentle
man Even Though It's Painful. " And
half the people refuse to heed the sign.
The ladles don't believe in signs any
Everybody's on the water wagon
here. Everybody drinks , drinks , drinks
but nothing stronger than water.
It's a quiet place and some of the visi
tors get horribly lonesome. Frank
Davenport Is going to guard against
this by bringing a crowd.
W. J. Brauagaun Is here from Nor
folk and Is being benefited by the
water. N. A. H.
Usually the things that are too bad
make the best items.
. . If you-must He , tell a good one , and
then lay off for a time.
When you catch a man doing some
thing he should not , coax him to quit ,
If you can , but do not gossip about
his indiscretion.
If a man is naturally a little senti
mental , he Is punished so much for It
that he soon becomes intensely prac
Representative Alderson Gives His ,
View of Presidential Situation. '
"Any good man whose record Is such
that the people know ho will push
ahead on the lines laid down by Roosevelt
volt will suit the republicans of Nebraska
braska as a candidate for president , "
declared Representative T. E. Alder-
sou of Madison county while In Lin
coln the other day.
Mr. Alderson , who was one of the
leaders in the lower house during the
session last winter , has been visiting
his daughter In Lincoln. On his way
to catch the train for Madison ho had
n chat with a Lincoln reporter on pol
itics and financial legislation.
"I haven't been talking much with
the politicians , " continued Mr. Aider-
son , "but I have been around among
the farmers a good deal up In Madison
county and I know how they feel
They like the president and his poll
cles , but are not demanding that ho
run again as they believe there are
plenty ' of men who could be trusted to
take up the work that ho has begun
and carry It forward. Either Taft , La
Follette or others who might bo named
would bo acceptable In that regard. "
"Aro the farmers taking much In
terest In probable legislation by con
gress ? "
"Yes , they are. They are Keeping
tab pretty closely on the proposition
to make bank deposits safe. The old
populist Idea of postal savings banks
naturally finds a good deal of favor
among the farmers. They think that
system would bo absolutely safo. The
other plan of taxing banks to insure
the funds left In their possession Is. _
regarded as a good one , but congress |
should see that the tax Is levied ou
the banks and not on depositors. "
"How does the proposal that banks
bo authorized to Issue so-called asset
or emergency currency take with the
people of your section ? "
"They don't ' like the scheme. They
look on it as fictitious money nnd not
the kind this country wants. Further
more , they believe the banks would
: Ferdinand Schulz , Early Settler ,
Retired Farmer and Business Man
J.4 . ! . * . ! . * . ! . * * * . ! . * . ! . * . ! . . ! . * . ! . . ' . . ! . . .AJ.4. . > . . . . ' . . ' . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . - . . .A.I.-
Before Norfolk became a railroad
center , before Norfolk learned to ex
pect on each succeeding Saturday a
hundred or two traveling men In from
the week's work , before Norfolk start
ed to develop as a distributing center
In north Nebraska and to draw her
share of the retail trade , before nil
these resources wore realized or
dreamed of , Norfolk was founded ou
the fertile promises of the rich agri
cultural valley of the Elkhorn.
Norfolk was settled by men who
came to till the soil. These pioneer
farmers did not settle around a town ,
but preceded the town which In time
was to bo established near them and
grow to be the principal city of north
Nebraska. Norfolk's first and chief
resource was agriculture and as an
agricultural cellar Norfolk has de
veloped and prospered as the country
side round about has pushed forward
Its fanning and stock raising interests.
So Norfolk , which In more recent
years has increased Its tributary terrl
tory far beyond the relative few miles
once included regards ns among its
truest pioneers those men who found
north Nebraska homesteads around
Norfolk and who like Ferdinand Schulz
developed Into prosperous and con
servative farmers and who stood as
the backbone of the country through
years which were bare and lean before
they were fat with the plenty of tin
agricultural prosperity that rises above
financial Hurries.
Like most of the pioneers of this vi
cinity Ferdinand Schulz lived In Wis
consin before he came to the wide
prairies of north Nebraska. This re
gion bears the stamp Impressed on It
by the industrious God fearing citi
zens whom this section of north Ne
braska drew from Wisconsin.
Lacking perhaps In dramatic ele
ments , Mr. Schulz's life has neverthe
less been of purpose and his services
to the community have been the sub
stantial services of the citizen who
does his work quietly and well and
who lives to enjoy the respect of the
men who have known him longest and
best and the good will of the commu
nity among whom ho spends the later
more leisurely years of his life.
Mr. Schulz has been both a Madi
son county farmer and a Norfolk av
enue business man. For seventeen
years be lived close to Norfolk on the
farm which later became the site of
the Norfolk sugar factory. For six years
use It for their own profit and not to
relieve public needs or to avert panics.
The weight of s-entlnient up my way
Is that wo had better stick to good ,
solid money , such as we have now and
get at thu evils of the financial
in some other way. "
Damascus Commandery , No. 20 ,
Knights Templar , meets the vhlrd Fri
day evening of each month In Masonic
Damascus Chapter , No. 25 , R. A. M. ,
moots the second Monday in each
month in Masonic hall.
Mosaic ledge , No. 55 , A. F. & A. M. ,
meets the first Tuesday In each month
In Masonic hall.
Beulah Chapter , No , 10 , Order of the
Eastern Star , meets the second and
fourth Thursday of each month at 8
p. m. In Masonic hall.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Elkhorn Encampment No. 27 , I. O.
O. . F. , meets the first and third Tues
day evenings of each month.
Norfolk lodge No. 40 , I. O. O. F. , |
moots every Thursday evening.
Deborah Rebecca lodge No. C3 , I. O.
O. F. , meets the first and third Friday
evenings of each month.
B. P. O. E.
Norfolk lodge , No. 653 , Benevolent
and Protective Order of Elks , meets
regularly on the second and fourth
Saturday evenings or eacn month.
Club rooms open nt all times. Lodge
and club rooms on second floor of Mar-
quardt block. | cr
Sugar City Aerlo , No. 357 , meets In
Eagles' ledge room as follows : In
winter every Sunday evening ; In sum
mer the first and third Sunday even
ings of each month.
L. M.TTof A.
The Loyal Mystic Legion of Amor F.
lea meets at G. A. R , hall on the fourth
Thursday evening of each month.
M. D. A.
Sugar City ledge , No. C22 , meota on R.
he was a partner of ex-County Com-
iiilnsloiier Herman Winter In the re-
tall harness huslncKs on Norfolk av
He cnme to Nebraska In 1870 and to
the vicinity of Norfolk three jenrs
later. Today , retired from the octlvo
work of life nnd unfortunately not al
ways In the best of health , ho lives
In Edgewatcr park on North First
street. Mr. Schulz now owns consid
erable city property about Norfolk.
Ferdinand Schulz has raised a fam
ily of four boys and three glrlH. Anil
ho has lived nearly forty years of his
life within a few miles of Norfolk.
Mr Schulz was born In Golnow ,
Poinernn , Germany , on January 11 ,
1817. Ills parents were Mr. and Mrs.
Frederlch Schulz. As n boy ho learn
ed the carpenter trade , a trade which
many of the western pioneers know
and which stood thorn nil In good
When twenty-one the young man
crosRcd the ocean for America , n land
that had freed Itself of a terrlblo war
and held out bright promises to the
energetic In Its western pralrlos.
The voyage across the ocean lasted
fourteen days. Landing In New York
In 1803 the young German went to
Wisconsin. During the greater part
of two years he was In Watcrtown nnd
In 1870 , following In the path of
early Nebraska settlers , Mr. Schulz
left Wisconsin for north Nebraska ,
taking up a homestead In Pierce coun
ty. There he remained for three
A little more than thirty-four years
ago , Ferdinand Schulz and Miss Loulso
Lukas , the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Lukas , prominent pioneers , were
married In Norfolk on September 24 ,
1873. Mr. Schulz disposed of hlH
Pierce county farm to his brother and
came to Madison county , where ho
scoured the land upon which the build
ings comprising the sugar factory now
Seventeen years were spent on the
farm which , being close to Norfolk ,
took on considerable value ns the
years passed. In the early nineties
the beet sucjar enterprise was launch
ed in Norfolk and the Schulz farm was
sold to the sugar company to become
the site of the big factory.
After the sale of his farm Mr. Schulz
moved to his present home on North
First street. Here he has built n
pleasant suburban home , still his res
On June C , 1897 , Mr. Schulz bought
an interest In the harness business
now conducted by H. W. Winter alone.
Mr. Schulz was Mr. Winter's partner
for six years. In 1903 his Interest In
the business was sol.d to his partner ,
he having found It necessary to retlro
on account of ill health.
Twelve children were born to Mr.
and Mrs. Schulz. Seven are now T1V-
Ing. They are : August Schulz , Nor
folk ; Carl Schulz , Wayne ; Mrs. Elslo
Pofahl , Hosklns ; Ernst Schulz , Manl-
towoc , Wis. ; Miss Emma Schulz , Nor
folk ; Henry Schulz , Manltowoc , Wis. ;
Miss Louise Schulz , Norfolk.
Mr. Schulz has reached the age of
sixty years. He Is a member of St.
Paul Ev. Lutheran church. He Is an
unassuming man and a man appreciat
ed best by his closest acquaintances
and the friends of forty years.
In late years Mr. Schulz's health hag
not been the best and he has been at
times confined to the house.
the second Friday evening of the
oionth at Odd Fellows' hall.
Sons of Herrmann.
Germanla lodge , No. 1 , meets tbo
second and fourth Friday evenings of
the month at G. A. R. ball.
Norfolk Relief Association.
Meets on tbo second Monday even
ing of each month In the hall over H.
W. Winter's harness shop.
Tribe of Ben HUP.
North Nebraska Court No. 9 , T. D.
II. , meets the first and third Monday
ovcnlnga of each month.
Knights of the Maccabees.
Norfolk Tent No. C4 , K. O. T. M ,
meets the first nnd third Tuesday
ivenlngs of each month.
Ancient Order of United Workmen.
No-folk lodge , No. 97 , A. O. U. W. .
meets the second and fourth Tuesday
evenings of each month.
Woodmen of the World.
Norfolk lodge , W. O. W. , meets on
the third Monday of each month at
G. A. R. hall.
Royal Highlanders.
Meets the third Tuesday of each
month at 8 p. m. , In G. A. R. hall.
Highland Nobles.
Regular meetings the second and
fourth Monday nights of each month
at I. 0. O. F. hall.
G. A. R.
Mnthewpon post , No. 109 , meets In
G. A. R. hall on the second Tuesday *
evening of each month.
regular meetings.
Royal Arcanum.
The Norfolk chapter docs not bold
regular meetings.
Knights of Pythias.
Knights of Pythias , meetings every
second and fourth Monday , In I. O. O.
. hall.
M. W. A.
Norfolk camp No. 492 , M. W.
meets every second Monday In O
. faaJL - "