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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1907)
Tllli ! NOIUAUJC WIOtiKLY NW VS .lOUUNAIi : KU1DA V. .lANHAlfV I IJH 7. NEW INDUSTRY WANTS TO USE SUGAR FACTORY. $126,000 , HAS BEEN SUBSCRIBED E. H. Lulkart of Tlldcii nnd Others Have Already Organized n Company to Start New Norfolk Industry Offi cers Elected The Plan. [ From WcdnemlnyV Daily. ] A company has boon orgmil/ed for the purpose of operating a packing plant In Norfolk , provided Iho old sugar factory building may bo used without cost , accoidlng to the pollc > announced by Iho Industrial company , who own the pioporty. E. II. Lulkart of Tlldon Is at the head of the now company and discussed Its plans to The News yesterday. The new corporallon will be called Iho Norfolk Packing company. Us capital stock will bo $ : ! 00,000 , of which $126,000 has already been subscribed. There will bo 100 stockbuyors of norlh- orn Nebraska In Iho company , and 200 butchers , which will make them Inter- cstcd In sending live stock hero and in buying the products. A meollng was held on Christmas day , olllcers have been olecled , a manager chosen and nil preliminary plans made. Much more capital slock will be subscribed as soon as Mr. Lulkarl learns from the Induslrlal company whether or not the factory buildings can be had for use Active operations will begin , It Is planned , next winter and machlnerj will bo made for the plant during the coming summer. Mr. Lnlkait was nol ready to an nounce the names of olllcors of the company. He said thai one live slock buyer has subscribed $5,000 nnd an- olhor $3,000 and lhal Ihero will bo no trouble In disposing of all the slock. HO referred lo Iho Bealrlco packing planl , rccenlly established , where Ihe clll/ens of Ihe lown took $50,000 In stock and co-operated in every pos sible way. H. A. Pasewalk , presldenl of Ihe In dustrial company , announced some time ago that the sugar factory build ing would bo turned over to any Indus try , free of rent nnd for the mere pay- menl of laxes , which would guaranlce to operale and employ labor In num bers large enough to suit Ihe company. Mr. Luikarl slales lhal Ihe packing plant would start In with a good force of men and work up to at least foity. Only pork and poullry would be han dled by Ihe plant. It is believed that the new planl would be a great benefit to stock buy ers , butchers and farmers of the new north wesl. NORFOLK IDEAL PACKING TOWN Bud Powers , Manager of Big Plant at Jacksonville , III. , Says So. Isaac Powers , jr. , known well in Norfolk as "Bud , " is secrelary , lieas- urer and manager of a packing planl ut Jacksonville , 111. , 100 miles from St. Louis , and has built up a large busi ness along practically the same lines upon which it is proposed lo work In Norfolk. Mr. Powers spenl Christmas wllh his parenls In this city and while here told of his plant and expressed the belief thai a similar Inslllulon could be made a success In Norfolk. It would be merely a question of get- ling at Iho h ad of Iho business , he said , a man who thoroughly under- slands Ihe work. Mr. Powers look charge of Ihe Jack sonville planl a year and a half ago. The lown gave Us nearly supporl by way of palronage to the institution , and has helped lo boom 11. Mr. Powers said lhat he thoughl Norfolk , wllh Us large lerrllory norlh and wesl of here , wllh slock coming from that section and producls going Inlo 11 , making heller railroad rales bolh ways and Ihereforo a saving for the consumers In Ihe whole lerrllory , oughl lo make an Ideal packing lown. A packing house here , Mr. Powers said , oughl lo employ 100 men Ihe year around and ought to spend $1 , 000,000 per year for labor and stock. Ho says that at Jacksonville the plant is obliged to ship in from 100 miles and buy In competition wllh olher lo cal plants. He says that nearly all good sized towns In Illinois have one or more packing houses , bul lhat there Is no compelillon among , them to un dermine one another nor need the large packers bo feared. He says that there Is a great demand for all pro ducts that can be turned out. SLIPS ON ICY SIDEWALK ; INJURED Madame Strack Sustains Broken Spi nal Column In a Serious Fall. Madame Strack , a fortune teller who holds forth on Norfolk avenue , was seriously Injured by a fall Now Year's day , occasioned by Ice on a cement sidewalk. She was walking along Nor folk avenue between Third and Fourth streets , on the south side of the street , when she slipped on the Ice and fell violently. A cab was called and the Injured woman taken to her home. On exam ination Wednesday morning the at tending physician declared that the spinal column was brolcon off ut the end and that It would probably bo necessary to operate , removing the broken portion. She suffers Intensely from the In Jury. Reurns Not Taken Here. Returns from the Cans-Herman ringside wore not taken In Norfolk as had been anticipated by some of the fight fans , though news of the knock nil blow In the ilghtli round enmo lushing OUT the wire eml.v In the neiilng , Theio was not at ) much In : orest In Norfolk over the affair as them IMS been over many another -lovo battle In the past. While It had IOPII believed In the beginning that Gann was the better lighter , the an- lounceinent that much money was bo ng placed on Herman rathur "bulled" its Htock. Chicago's demand for odds m Guns , however , had made people lero bellovo that Cans would win. MEMORIAllSliSHOP M'CABE ' Union Service In Alnsworth In Honor of the Deceased Bishop. Alnsworth , Neb. , .Ian. 2. Special to The News : Sunday night all the hurch denominations met In the M 3. church and held a union memorial service In memory of Ulshop McCnbu , who was at the head of the M 10 chinch and was chaplain In the aiiiiy luring the war ot the statea. The speakers weio Elder llaasott of the Presbyteilan church , who was a sol- Her and knew Bishop McCabe , and tnew some of the experiences of the alter , as ho was also captured and placed In Andorsonvlllo prison. Elder Julian of the M. E. church spoke of .ho bishop In high praise , as ho was well acquainted with him In business 'elation ' with the church. All the speakers spoke In glowing terms as o his fidelity to the chinch and the support of this government In time of war and peace. Hov. Mr Johnson Is n charge of the church heie. O. P. MASTERS LEAVES SUNDAY Veteran Engineer on Northwestern Will Quit the Business. O P. Maslers , for many yeais a lo- comollvo engineer out of Norfolk on the Chicago & Northwestern , and who lias lived all of his life In Nebraska , will leave this city on Iho coming Sun- : lay with his family for Long Beach , California , to make their future homo. Mr. Masters has not given up his posi tion as an engineer here , having taken a sixty day lay off , but ho will prob ably decide to remain permanently In California. He expects to locate at Long Beach with his faon , Frank , well known as a former Noifolk joutigman , and they will probably engage In the retail cigar business. Miss Lorelta Masters will remain In college at Kearney - ney , Neb. , and will go west after she lias finished her term. She had been spending her Christmas vacation at liome but left for Kearney at noon. Mr. Masters Is one. of the best known engineers In Nebraska and Is said to be one of the best In the business. He has had two very narrow escapes from death In railroad accidents and It Is this fact , partially , that has caused him to look for a new field of work. The last narrow escape ho had was In the wreck last spring near Merrlman , Neb. , when he ran Into a washout that demolished things. The fireman who went into the ditch with him , In the same cab , was pinned fast and , with his face so close to the fire pot that he Inhaled flame , was scalded to death by the boiling water that poured out upon him. him.On On one other occasion Mr. Masters had an equally close call and , while he Is not at all superstitious In regard to accidents or death , he has determined that he would enjoy a trade that Is not attended by so. much risk. Long Beach , Cal. , to which he Is goIng - Ing , Is a city of about 10,000 people a few miles from Los Angeles , on the Pacific'coast.At this season of the year , as at other times , there Is bathIng - Ing every aflernoon In the blue sea waves. There are already several families of Norfolk people at that point. The city slogan Is "Fifty thou sand In 1910 , " and it Is apparent that Norfolk Is going to conlrlbule a portion tion of that 50,000. LESSON FOR NATION. B. & O. Wreck Will Bring Federal In vestigation of Block System. Washington , Jan. 3. Entirely Inde pendent of any whitewashing Investl- gallon which the Baltimore & Ohio may make ot the criminality which caused Iho loss of half a hundred hu man lives a few miles out of Washing ton , the national capital , Sunday night , the Interstate commerce commission decided to have an Invesllgalion of Its own. own.Authority Authority for this action on the part of the commission was found under the joint icsolutlon of congress In slructlng It to make a special Inquiry of the block signal system as operaled by the railroads. The frequency of rear-end colliblons or the telescoping of one train by another , has aroused well as congress and the enliro coun try , to the belief that something Is radically wrong In the pretended op- crallon of Iho block system , and the commission proposes now to find out the facts. Astounding statements , made by ex perls of the commission , indicate that the people of the United Stales have been misled Into the Impression that the block systems of this country are adding greatly lo Iho safely of Iravol. On the other hand , the experts say these systems have had no such effect. The commission's statistics prove thai a constantly Increasing proportion of the members of the commission , as accidents occur. GOVERNMENT STOCK INSPECTOR Dr. Noyes Arrives From Cody , Wyo. , to Succed Dr. White. Dr. 0. W. NoyeB , government Inspector specter of live slock , has arrived In Norfolk with his family from Cody , Wyo , , lo make Ibis their homo. Dr. Noyes succceeda Dr. Thomas While at this point and his jurisdiction Is north Nebraska and southern South Dakota , CASE OF CARL SCHULZ SETTLED AT PIERCE. T MEETS GENERAL APPROVAL Decision Rendered by Judge Boyd In District Court nt Pierce Gives Right to County to Drain Out Lmui Under Swamp Act. Plotco , Neb. , Dec. 2 ! ) . Special to The News : lion. .1. V. Hoyd hold an uljouined toiiu of the October term > f com I ho 10 to hear the cane of Jack son et al. vs. Cones et ill. This case was submitted and Heveial CIIHOH de cided which nhvo been under advise- nont for some lime. The most Im- lioitnnt CUHO decided was the case of 7nil Schultet al. vs. Pleice county , iivolvlng the question of the tight of i county to guide and drain a public oad. The decision favors the county ind ineota with Iho appioval of a gieal uajorlty .of the people who tire fa- ntllar with the case. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. Geotgo Dontlor of Omaha IR visiting Ills cousin , Mis. Frank Davis. Spencer Buttertleld left at noon for Chicago , wheio he rctuins to his stu- : HoB al Lake Foiesl. Elmer lllght leturned to Omaha Wednesday to lesume his studios In i college of pharmacy. Miss Huth Shaw and Miss Jennie Wheeler i etui nod to Cieto this mom- ng to lesume their studies at Doano college. John Kail has icsigned his position with Albeit Degner and this morning nrolled as a btudent in the business college. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bonier , who have been visiting Mrs. Berner'a parents , Mr. and Mis. A. Peters , at the a vlum , during the holidays left for their homo In Lindsay. A. N. Anthes went to Omaha on busi ness. ness.Miss Miss Anna Kail left for Omaha this morning. Miss Hazel Nlsonger of Tllden Is visiting Miss Birdie Knhl. Miss Edith Eslabrook went to Hos- klns Tuesday for a few days' visit with friends. John Kail spent New Years with friends in Slanton , reluming lasl night. Mrs. Fied Orr of Missouri Valley Is visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Buruolt Bud Carberry lefl al noon for Omaha whore ho went lo visit his sisler , Mis. T. J. Donohuo. .loo Hlghl has been appolnled car- penler al Iho asylum. He began his duties there Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and Miss Bodenbender of Dakota City and Fred Weddlngfleld of Poncft came over to help Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hull cele brate Ihelr twentlelh wedding anni versary. Roy Losch of West Polnl arrived In Norfolk Tuesday night and left at noon for St. Charles , S. D. , a new town on the Bouesteel extension of Iho Norlh- weslernvhere he Is employed. Miss Daisy Lawrence relumed from Nebraska City last nlghl where she spent her Chilslmas vacallon with her mother. She will resume her duties in the business college again today. Miss Opal Coryell enterlalned Hie Buster Brown" club New Year's eve. A happy evening was spent and when the new year was ushered In Ihero was an exchange of seasonable greellngs. Mrs. C. A. McKlm left yesterday for Sallna , Kansas , where she will meet Dr. McKlm , who went down before Chrlslmas lo spend Ihe holidays with his mother and sister. Mrs. McKlm expecls lo visit In Salina for some time. Mr. and Mrs. John Selgler of Nodlne , Mlnnesoln , and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Selgler of Bay City , Mich. , arrived In the city yesterday to be present at the funeral of Ferdinand Pasewalk. Both the Mesdames Selgler are daughters of Mr. Pasewalk. L. S. Dlckson and bride , formerly Miss Clara Beach , who spenl her girl hood In Norfolk , were gnesla at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Llnerode over night. They were reluming from their wedding trip lo SI. Joe , Mo. , and left at noon for their future homo In Burt , S. D. Mrs. E. E. Woods and Mrs. Duitt of Fremont , who have been visiting friends , relumed homo Monday. John Harshman of Omaha , formerly of Norfolk , Is hero visiting with friends and relallves , Mrs. Schwerlfcger went lo Pierce Monday lo gel her eyes examined. Mra. P. Welsh went to Omaha Mon day visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Polo RIordan returned from Ames , Iowa , where they spcnl Iho holidays. Jimmy Shatter look a lay-off and will spend n few days Iji Battle Creek with relatives and then will go lo Kansas on a visit. Ed Dlxon teported for work this morning aflor a week's visit at Su perior. John Quick went to Omaha yester day on business. The shop boys wore all busy yester day pulling on snow plows. Mrs. Fred Doyle , who has been quite sick the past week , Is able to be around again. Miss Emma Mastrlc Is on Iho sick listMrs. Mrs. Frank Ilurd of Minneapolis Is visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Stove Burnett. The E. V. P. boys gave a Now Year's party In the Railroad hall Now Year's evo. The evening was spent wJth t jmut > i and miiHle , mid the eioud watched thu old Kur out and the MOW Kiir In after which teficfllimenlH were Honed b.v the bo.vs. A number of the young people iath ercd at the home of Hey and Floience Tavlor on New Year's night and npenl the evening In dancing , a very pleas ant evening being spent by all pioHoul. A pietty liointi wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I ) P. Plppen at noon on New Year's day , when the Itev John Hlnes united John Williams and Miss HOHO Moneo In the bonds of matrimony. Mr. Wil liams has gio\\n up ftoin childhood In Norfolk , and Is 0110 of the Jolly Ninth- westem biakemen The lulde Is one of Missouri Vallo.v's fullest daughters 'PIin Imppv eouple will loom and board wllh Mi Williams' giiindmotlier , Mrs nonduiant , this \\lntor. Misses Geneva , Not a and Luella Moollck lelt on the noon tialn for Nlo Irani ) for a \ IMtlth their undo nnd family Mr. and Mrs. Cinmer of Wliinetoon me visiting their daughter , Mis. Oscar List. List.Mts. Mts. Hull of Long Pine , who has been visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frashcr , returned homo yester day. day.Mrs. Mrs. Geoige Roseberry and chlldien returned homo fiom Chicago Monday wheio they had been visiting. Pearl Beemer returned Monday from iv week's visit with telatlves In Iowa. The legular annual meeting of the Congiogattonal Aid society will be held on Thuisday , January Ii , al 2:110 : p m at Iho home of Mis lliintlnglon , with Mrs. Wheeler assisting as host ess. The members aie expected to come prepaied to tuin in the money they were to eam Those who have not paid their yeaily dues will please do M > at this meeting so that the books can be closed for Iho jear. The Now Year's dance given by the band was well attended and gioatlyen- joj ed The West Side whist club will meet with Mr. and Mis. C. E. Burnham Thursday evening. Mr and Mis Edgar Redmond enter tained S. T. Adams and family and F. W. Fieeland and family al Now Year's dinner. The business college reopened Wednesday moinlng , after n week and a half vacation , with a largo number of new sludenls enrolled. Noitheastern Nebraska dentists will meet at the Elk club looms In Norfolk Thursday and will close the session In the evening with a banquet. An Informal icceptlon was lendered lo Mr and Mrs. J. B. Elscffor lasl nlghl al Ihelr home , by Iho members of Iho Presbvterlan chinch. Mr. and Mis. Elsefler leave soon for their now homo In Lincoln. The Odd Fellows hnve-i special pio- gram of entcilalnmcnl al Iho hall Thursday evening , January 10. The committee Invites all members of the order lo attend , Including camp , Re- bokah and subordinate vlsllors. Watch services were held In a few churches of Norfolk Monday night. Bells were rung at midnight and guns boomed. No accidents occurred to mar Ihe celebrallon. Walch parlies were held al various homos. Tlie funeral of Ferdinand Pasewalk was very largely attended Wednesday afternoon. Services wore first hold In the home nnd later In St. Paul's Luth eran church noi Hi of Ihe city , Rev. John Wlllo , the pastor , having charge. All living children were present. The Temple quartet entcrtalnmenl al Ihe Congrcgalionnl church lasl nlghl was very largely allended , aisles being filled wllh Iho overflow and ! cnce. It was Ihe third number of the high school lecluro course and every member of Iho company was well re ceived. Miss Dorothy Sailer severely sprained her wrist while skating. She put out her hand In order lo calch herself against a post and assist In stopping. She partially missed the mark , catch ing her fingers , and doubled back her wrist with such violence as to sprain it badly. Miss Llllle Langcnburg celebrated her sixteenth birthday Monday evening ing al Ihe homo of her father on Mndl son avenue. Twonly-eight young friends were Invlled to assist In the festlvllles , and Ihey walched the old year out and the now year In , passing the time with games and other appro prlate Now Year customs. A small company of young people were very pleasantly enterlalned ta the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hlghl Monday evening. The parly was In Iho nature of a surprise for their son , Elmer , who Is at home from a college In Omaha to spend his holiday vacation. Cards were a fea lure , with a bounteous repast at mid night. Norfolk Eagles enjoyed one of their most successful annual balls at Mar- quardt hall Monday night. It was largely attended and a success In ev ery detail. The hall was effectively decorated In colors of the order , with mounted eagles heio and Ihero aboul Iho room. Collins orcheslra furnished the music. Eagles expressed them selves as highly pleased wllh the suc cess of the event and those who al lended enjoyed a delightful dance. Erratic Weather. The New Year was greeted by the weather man with a snow slorm which covered the earth with a coat of white ness before nlghl. At no time was the atmosphere very cold and about dark the snow changed to a warm rain This continued during Iho grealerpor lion of Iho night and by morning the snow was practically all moiled , and a # bright autumn sun was shining About that time the weather man sent In a forecast that It would bo mucl colder and there would bo more snow before night. IE SUCCEEDS CA8SETT AS PENN SYLVANIA PRESIDENT. HAD DEEN VICE PRESIDENT Railroad Official Who Had Uccn First Vlco President of the Pennsylvania West of Plttsbtiro , Has Dcen Mndc Head of the Big Line , Philadelphia , Jan. 'I.--James Me- 'tea ol I'llIslmiK , Hint \leo piemldout if the PeniiHVlvatilii Huns wesl of Pitts- MrK.IIH lodny elected pioHlilenl of he PcmiH.v Ivmila inllumd company Mr Medeaait elected to 1111 the vacancy caused liy Ihe midden death ) f Piosldont A. J , C'liHHolt. The election of a successor to Pies dent ( 'a Him It has caused a gieat deal if discussion dining Iho past lew days mioiing uilltoad men all ovei the coun ty , as It IB one of the most linpoiliint HiHltloiiH In ( he nillioad woild. PASSES NO GOOD NOW. This Is One Day When Poor nnd Home less Have Lnugh on Rich. This Is one day upon which Iho poor mil liomotf'HH have Iho laugh on all ilhor classes of society The poor and miueloHH me not piohllilled fiom gel- Ing passes upon the iiillioads. All ilhor oidlnaty elll/ons must either pay > r walk today. The ant I pass piovlslon of the new allioad i ate law went Into effect at iildnlghl II did not cause any luiiny situations whete n man who slatted in a join ney got caught In Ihe middle il it with a pass Hint lug Ihe law in Iho face , because ( he panses all tend 'Good Until Docoinboi IM , " and at tor- lejs told tin1 loads thai a puss was i comics } mid not a eontad ! Undel the letms of Ihe law passes tie piohllilled to all persons except : Hmplojos and their lamllles. Ralitoad olllcers , agetils , suigeons , physicians and atoiiioH. ( Mlnlsteis ol lellglon. Traveling sect elm ies of the uillioitd Y. M. C. A. Inmates of hospitals and ehin liable Institutions. Pei sous exclusively engaged In char itable wotk. Indigent , destitute and homeless per sons. Inmates of soldlois" and sailors' homes. Caiotakors of live stock , fruit and poultry. Sleeping car and express employes. Telegraph and telephone linemen. Railway mail service employes. Postofllco , Immigration and customs Inspectors. No\vsboys on tialus. Poisons Injuicd In wtecks and inns es and ploslcians for Ihein. Baggage agenls. Witnesses attending ntllioad tilals. Only In cases of gcncial epidemic or calamity arc the olllcois ol lallioads permitted to break the Ironclad provl slons of the law. NOBODY IN POLICE COURT. Norfolk Starts Out New Year Right. Monthly Report for December. Police Judge I. G. Westervolt had nol a single case on Ihe docket for Wednesday and decided thai Norfolk was starting out right , at least , In a moral way for the new year Ho spent a portion of the day In preparing his monthly report to the city council , in which It Is shown thai during llio month of December eleven fines were assessed In police court and nine paid , amounting to $21. Judge Westervolt thinks 11 Is wrong lhal fines collected by the city should be turned Into the school fund , when expense of maintaining the police judge's office is charged up to Iho city. This , however , Is a state law and can not bo helped. Entertained Forty Relatives. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Oestcrllng enter' talncd the Mnclimuller families at dinner nor on Now Year's day. There wore forty guests at the dinner nnd they enjoved a delightful afternoon. Mrs Ostorllng is n member of Ihe Mach muller families. INDIANA HAS HORSE THIEVES. President Evans Says There Used to be a Chain of This Gang. President George Evans of the Norlh Nebraska Live Slock Owners' Prolec live association says thai ho has re ceived word from soulhern Indiana In dlcallng that the same kind of a gang of horbelhtevcs are working Indiana as In northern Nebraska , and without any boiler success al caplurlng liio thieves. The horses simply disappear and nro never heard of again. Mr. Evans says thai used lo bo an organized gang that worked In a chain from In dlana down into Missouri and then up Into Nebraska. An effort Is being made to extend the organization of Iho association Into every county In this part of the stale in Iho hope thai eventually Iho farm ers will bo so well organized that no thief can get away. Chicken thieves are roporlcd lo bo still doing business in this territory A largo number of farmeis nrount Norfolk and over toward Hosklns have lost their enliro flocks. The annual meellng will bo hold week from Saint day. THE WEEK AT WEST POINT. Movement for an All-Night Electric Light Service. West Point , Nob. , Jan. 2. The Ick man , a two story building on Malt street , has been sold to the Storz In winr i < inpiuiof Onnilui lot a ion Idi tnlliiii < , ( $111000 This Ii HiohlKli- 1 I ptlci i\ei paid fiii n JJ foni lot in lie IniHliii HM poil Inn of West Point Phe following ollleotH of Iho local iiaiicli of Ihe Catholic KnlghtM of \meilcii. at Wi'sl Point , woio elected or the eiiHithiK sear al the annual leellng Just held : Hpliltuul director , 'er > Hi'v. Joseph KocHlng ; vlcu-piosl- ( lit , Flunk lle/ur , tieiiHiner , William jdcion ; recotdliiK seeiettiry. John II. .liidale ; Iliimiclal Kcoinlnrj , Feitll- and Waller ; NoiKoinil iil-arniH , Theo- oie Gonliiip ; sentinel , lleiiiaiil Kiiup ; mslee lor tlneo yeats , Conrad Gor- en , The leguliir meeting of the West 'olnt Woman' ! ! club wan held Ilils u > ck at Iho home of MBH | Curlotla 'inwloid. 'Phe ( JliiNtiiuiH tlieine wnH hseivcd lit mi especially picpincd pto- KIIIIII PhrlHlmiiH nnd all Its observ IICCH vvi'ro leculled fiom | ls eat Hunt Isloiy to Ihe pioHcnl day Qiiolatloun loiuliiK on the Yule Mile we to lead at oil call. "C'hilsliuaii In Dllfeiunl 'ounliles" was the sublecl of a papur i.Mis . William Gcntrup. "Cliilnlmaii n Song mid Story" by Mis. Maude Smith followed and al Its close she mig n ChiiHtnniH nong. The leading if llomj Vim l\ke's ) . stoiy"Plio Kit Hi 'liilslmas Tiee , " by Mis. J. C. Hill- ill was next on the piogiam. Miss Cumin Miller ( lien tend a paper < MI liilHliiuw Legends. " The piogiam Mosed with a monologue entitled the Clnlsliniis Guest , " by Mrs. O C. Ail- let sou 'Phe next meeting of the club vlll bo held at the homo of Mis. S. S. < inko. Thu Wesl Point Elect lie Light and 'ower company have Installed an cary - y IIKII nltig HIM vice of elect tic light 111 West Point , which lias pioved very icceplablo to the ell I/ens. An effoil s being made to Induce the company o maintain an all nlglil seivlce. At neseiil lights go out at midnight , lenv- ( he stieels In dmluiess to Iho gieat lunger and Inconvenience of poisons vho luivo business Iheieon dm Ing the arly liouiH ol the momlng. COMMERCIAL CLUB ELECTION. _ _ _ _ _ i Will be Held at the City Hall on Fri day. The annual election of the Norfolk Joiunictclnl club will bo held at the : lty ball on Fildny , Jantimy I , and .ho polls will be open fiom 10 o'clock i. m. to I 11. m. Hneh member of the 3lub will be entitled to cast as many iiillols us be holds shmes. The election IH conducted along the Ino of n bank election , illiectots being elected at the annual meeting , and .hey in tin n meet later and elect n iresldunl , vice piesldenl , secietary mil lieasmer. The dliectois who have served dur- ng the past jent mo as follows : W. M. Robeitbon , C. E Biiriilimn , W. A. Wlt/lgman , Chas. S. Bildgo , W. H. lohnsoti , Sol G. Mayor , C. P. Pailsh , H. A. Pasewalk , John Ftlday. NEW APPOINTEES NOT NAMED. Governor Sheldon Will Not Select Hos pital Officers Yet. Governor Sheldon has not announced lew appointees for the Norfolk hospi tal for the Insane , not will ho do so for some little time yet to come , H is said. II is announced from Lincoln that no ippolnlmonts will be made this month. It Is taken for granlcd thai Dr. Young will be retained as superinten dent and that Dr Singer will remain ns phjslclan at the Institution , but there are contestants for some of the other places mid Ihe result will not bo known until the governor makes puollc his selections. Henry Schultz. Oakdalo , Neb , Dec. HI. Special to The News : Henry Schultz was burled here by the Knights of Pythias. Ho was born In Hamburg , Germany , In 1819 and had no relatives In Ihe United Slates thai mo known of He had been a member of the Knights of Py thias of Oakdalo since 1894. He died al Lincoln of pneumonia. He was an expert cook , having served his appren ticeship In Hamburg , Germany. A STORMY NEW YEAR. Most Severe Storm of the Season at Neligh. Nellgh , Neb. , Jan. 2. Special to The News : This vicinity was visited by snow most the entire day the first of the year and toward evening lurned Into rain and continued until mid night. This Is the most severe winter storm we have had this season. The only entertainng | feature last evening In Neligh was' a dance in Gle- seker's hall given by the young people of town. It was an enjoyable crowd in attendance despite the disagreeable weather thai al flrsl assured a small number of the young folks who usual ly lake parl in Ihese fesllvllles. Soldiers Return. Slanton , Neb. , Jan. 2. Special to The News : Walter G. Sonnenschein and Arnold Schultz , Iwo Slantou coun ty boys who recently completed a term of enlistment In the U. S. army , have arrived homo. Doth were discharged as sergeants , with character marked "Excellent. " A White New Year. Alnsworth , Nob. , Jan. 2. Special to The News : Now Year'f. came In yes terday morning looking very white , with a fine snow on the ground , and con united snow all day and night. There Is about six Inches on the level , as the wind has been quite still nil day. What could bo nicer for a llttlo Chrlslmas gift than 100 engraved visit ing cards , wllh plalo ? Any slyle , su perior workmanship. The News , Nor folk.