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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1905)
ORFOLK EEKLY NEWS-JOIRNAL. NOIIKOI.K , NKIIKASKA. Kit 1 DAI' , KKIIIII'MIY it. IIKKi PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT TAKES A HAND IN THE MATTER. A VIGOROUS INVESTIGATION President Roosevelt Has Directed the Commissioner of Corporations to Begin the Investigation Asked for by the House Last Saturday. Washington , Feb. 1C. President Roosevelt today directed Gnrlleld , commissioner of corporations of the department of commerce mnd lubor , to begin Immediately the oil Investi gation requested by the house Satur day. day.The The inves'tlgntlon will bo vigorous and comprehensive. The president directed n letter to Mr. Garflold giving directions nnd presenting an outline of his views. The Inquiry will ho pressed us rap idly as possible. Tlio source of In vestigation and the tlmo It will occu py can not bo Indicated now. Repre sentative Campbol1 , pf Kansns , until ' ' or of the house r 'p lon , had a con fcrenco with the < S > Ment today. Campbell's Idea Is thu % invostiga tloa should concern pa. /rly tlic situation in the Kunsns fu fo , * . ex pressed to the president his K OjJa the Inquiry , when begun , vrouS" , x- ' tend to the operation of the Standard OH company in the Beaumont fields of Texas and perhaps to other fields. "GIGANTIC MONOPOLY. " Secretary Hitchcock Attacks the In dian Territory OH Co. Washington , Feb. 13. Secretary / Hitchcock today gave out a state ment arraigning as a."gigantic mo nopoly" the present lease by the In dlan Territory Illuminating Oil com puny of the right to prospect for ol nnd gas throughout the entire areaol the Indian reservation and explaining the agreement for cutting off moro than half the land operative under this lease during the next ten years. NIEDRINGHAUS LOSES AGAIN. Still There Is No Result In the Mis- sourl Contest. . Jefferson City , Mo. , Feb. If ! . The senatorial ballot today resulted : Nledringhaus 08 ; Cockrell 7C ; Ker ens 12 ; McKlnloy 4 ; Relchnmn 1. There were seven pairs. . CANAL ZONE GOVERNMENT. Bill Providing Government is Passed by the House. Washington , Feb. 1C. The house to- dap passed the bill providing for a government for the canal zone. All amendments were agreed to. SULMARINE BOAT BLOWS UP Crew of the Boat Hurled In all Direc tions Fifteen Injured. Queenstown , Fob. 1C. An explosion of gasoline occurred on board the now submarine boat "A 5" today. The crew of the boat was hurled In all di rections. Fifteen members of the crew were injured , one , a lieutenant , dying later. Some of the sailors were horribly mutilated and others may die. BETTER PROSPECT IN IOWA Traffic Resumed and Trains Getting Back on Schedule Time. Deb Moineb , Feb. lU. Wt-ailier con ditions in Iowa tavoted llie eftottb of the railroads to ratbe the blockade ot the past few days and with anoihur twenty-four liourb of MID liar uondl tious passenger bet vice will be lully resumed and freight tiatflc much im pioved. All trains In Iowa were still belated. A southbound Great West ern passenger train , pulled by tluee engines , was partially ditched at Nor woodvllle , north of Des Molnes There were no injuries. The biuiw plow on the first engine lore up llie track ditching the third engine and a day coach. Snow Plow IB Wrecked. Lincoln , Feb. 1U. Conditions on the lines of the Burlington railroad are Improving. Passenger trains ou main lines are running with some reg ularity , but freight tranlc is still de 'k' moralized. On the Sargent branch of the Burlington a snow plow , trying to cut a hole through the drifts , was de railed nnd Engineer Wessman badly and possibly fatally injured. On ac count of the accident the work was abandoned and the line may not be opened this week. For the first lima since Saturday Lincoln street can reached the suburbs. Grain Rate War. Chicago , Feb. 1C. The Chicago and Northwestern railroad has announced a reduction on grain from Iowa points to. Chicago. The former rates ran between 10 and 12 cents and the new rate is 9 cents. Death of William Cullen Bryant. New York , Feb. 1G. William Cu ! Jen Bryant , the publisher ot the BrooVlyn Times and secretary of the American Newspaper Publishers' as eoclatlon. died at a sanitarium In Malnfleld , N. J. ' ' MIKE STALCUPJS BOUND OVER Butte Man's Ball Reduced From $5,000 to $1,000 Butte Items. Untie , Neb. , Feb. 1C. Special to Phc News : Mike Stulcup of Unite , rrested on n statutory charge , was wind over to the district court here yesterday , the ball being reduced from 5,000 to $1,000 because It bus Just ) ccn leiirned that the girl , who was up posed to bo u school girl of four- eon years , Is seventeen years of ago. There nro ulso rumors Unit other pur- lea nro Implicated In the affair. The text hearing of the district court will jo on March 28. There nro n number of workmen msy today shoveling snow from the Northwestern truck between Fairfax nnd Anokn , which It Is hoped will rcg- .ilato . the train traffic In this section. The young ladles of Hutto guvo n social dance to the young men , which was more than enjoyed by all. A oed crowd assembled nnd the music was delightful. The Butte Mandolin lull furnished music. It still manages to keep cool , yes terday having been the first day for a week during which the mercury rose to zero. The coldest was forty-six below. . . SAN FRANCISCO SCANDAL RE GARDING GAMBLING. IN THE CHINESE QUARTERS Chief of Police Wlttman of San Frnn- Cisco Has Been Suspended on a Charge of Neglect of Duty and In- competency Today. San Francisco , Fob. Ifi. As n re sult of the scandal In the police de partment In connection with gambling In Chinese quarters , Chief of Police Wlttman has been suspended from duty under the charge of Incompeteu- cy and neglect of duty. v . NEBRASKAJ , M , C , A , Most Successful Convention Ever Held in Anticipation. Grand Island , Neb. , Feb. 1C. What is expected to be the most successful convention ever held by the Nebraska Y. M. C. A. was opened here today. Each local association Is entitled to from three to ton delegate's and all without exception are fully represent ed. Reports prepared by the secre tary and other officers for presentation to the convention show that the past year has been one of exceptionally ac tivity for the association. The year was also notable for the large Increase In the membership. To Unveil Willard Statue. Washington , D. C. , Feb. 1C. Kvery- thing Is In readiness for the placing of the Frances B. Willard statue in Stat uary hall of the capltol tomorrow. The statue is a gift from the state of Illinois. The event has aroused great nterest among the members of the Woman's Christian Temperance union and they are resolved to leave nothing indone that will add to the iinpres- slveness of the ceremony. The nn- .lonal officers of tha society nnd a number of the state presidents will bo n attendance. First Auto Boat Show. New York , Feb. 1C. Automobile en- huslnsts are now turning their atten tion to the first national motor boat ' exhibition over given in America. which will be held at Madison Square garden next week In conjunction with the regular sportsmen's show. It is the Intention of the engine and boat manufacturers to prove this year that they are far In the lead of any other nation In motor boat building. In addition to naval officials , who will be guests of honor on the open' Ing night , Invitations have been ex tended to the commodores of the lead Ing yacht clubs throughout the conn try , nnd n special effort is being made to make the occasion tbe greatest as sembly of yachtsmen ever known. The exhibits will Include all the - latest est speed creations for use on the wa > tor. A number of foreign mnnufactur ers will exhibit , nnd visitors will have their first opportunity of comparing the best products of Europe nnd Amoi lea In the way of motor boats. Fatally Stabs Invalid Wife. Kansas City , Feb 1C. Charles Vlegar fatally stabbed his Invalid wife. Kmma Hieger , after which he severed hie own jugular vein , dying instantly. A few hours previously , Blceer threatened his daughter witli Ylolnnce bpcaupe she refused to give him money with which to buy liquor nd he attacked his wife because he thought she influenced their daughter to refuse him money. Susan B. Anthony's 85th Birthday , Rochester , N. Y. , Feb. 16. Susan B Anthony celebrated her elghty-fiftl birthday and for several days glfls and congratulations have been pour ing in on the pioneer advocate o woman's suffrage from all parts of tin world. Miss Anthony Is In excellen health. SHOOT AND FATALLY INJURE HIS COACHMAN. WIFE COMES TO TH RESCUE Commanded by the Robbers to Stand Still , She Gives Alarm and They Escape In Doctor's Sleigh Big Dog Attacking Them Is Killed. Minneapolis , Fob. 1C. Early today thrco highwaymen wuylald Dr. Philip Mueller und Coachman Eiull llnggut/ . as the physician was returning from a visit to a patient. They shot and fatally Injured the coachman. Mrs. Mueller was attracted by the shooting nnd opened the front door when a St. Bernard dog attacked the robbers. The dog was killed und Mrs. Mueller commanded to Htund by the robbers. Instead she guvo an alarm , the robbers lleelng in tlio physician's sleigh , LAWYER FALLSJUT OF WINDOW Looks Out at Public Clock and Drops Five Stories to Death. Ditluth , Fob. 1C. Cluudo S. Hnlvo- ly , a prominent attorney hero , pitched headlong from a llftli story window In the Lonsdulo building today and was killed. Ho hud evidently looked out of the window to see the tlmo by u public clock and , being overcome by dizziness , fell out. WOMAN IDENTIFIES HOCH Alleges vnat He Is Man Who Swindled Her In Land Deal. Chicago , l''eb. ID. Mrs. Elsie IJrm K er of Chicago ciealed u scene at ihr inquobt ot Mis. Marie Wuleker-Hoi I by exclaiming , "That's him , thai'H him , " and pointing her finger at Hoi It She identified lloch as a man who hud swindled her out of $4C two yourb an ( on pretense of helling her a Hit in li Michigan. lloch Mulled at the woiiuii sarcastically , but sat still. In con trast to his nervousness at the open ing of the Inquest "last week. Hod presented n neat appearance and won a self-reliant air. When the hearing was resumed aft er the Interruption Coroner Hoftnmi announced that the expert modliu testimony would not be piesentod in til next Monday , wlum all tlio ovltlene regarding analysis of the woman' stomach In connection with the the ory of poisoning will he suhmiltcd. Dewey Case Postponed. Norton , Kan. . Feb. Hi. The case of Chauncey Dewuy , W. J. McHrido and Clyde Wilton for killing David Berry has been continued until the May term of the district court. The above named parties were tried a year ago for the killing of Hurohard H Herry , a son of Daniel Herry , anil worp ac quitted. David Berry was killed dur ing the same fight , which grew out of the allegpd persecution of the farmers by stockmen. Baptists to Hold Convention. St. Louis , Feb. 10. The missionary and educational bodies of the Baptist church , north and south , are planning a convention , to be held In St. Ix > uls , May 10 , which will be attended , It is estimated , by 0,000 or 7,000 piomlnent members of the chinch from all over the United States. The convention will not be legislative In any sense and is being organized for the sole purpose of promoting closer fellow ship of the various Baptist churches. Rope Breaks at a Hanging. Brldgeton. N. J. , Feb. Ifi. Frank Raislnger was hanged bore for the murder of his wife. The rope broke as the body rebounded and the back of Rulslnger's head struck a cross beam of the scaffold and broke his neck. The physicians present said death was Instantaneous. It was therefore not necessary to raise the body again to the scaffold. Negotiations at a Standstill. LaGuayra. Venezuela , Feb. 1C. The negotiations between United States Minister Bowcn and President Castro , in the effort to reach an ad Justment of the pending disputes be tween the two countries , nro practic ally at a standstill. Mr. Bowen's efforts forts to advance the matter have been blocked by the evasive and dilatory tactics of Castro. Father on TrlaJ for Killing Son Nebraska City , Feb. 1C. John B Bocse is on trial in the district cour for the murder of his son , John B Boese , Jr. , In this city last fall. Boese and his Eon had a quarrel at the ! home , which ended In the shooting of the son by his father. The defensi will try to prove that the father she In self-defense. Banker Hunt In Cell. Chicago , Feb. 1C. President Will lam H. Hunt of the defunct Pan-Amcr lean bank arrived in Cnlcago in charge of nn oftlccr and was given cell in the county Jail. Ho expects to ho released on ball today. Ills friends will bo compelled to furnish security to the amount of $14,000. The hanker wns indicated on four charges of receiving money , knowing bis bank to be insolvent. MAY WHEAT IS WORTH $1,20 , 1-2 Opened Strong on the Chicago Donnl of Trade Today. Chicago , Koli. 10. Mny wlicnt opened on ( lit' board of trade today at | t.H6 ! ! ( , a illHtlnet advance ever thu close of yesterday. Considerable excitement watt caused by tliu rlso. PRISON FOR STEALING FENCE. Two Nebraskans Must Serve Two and n Half Yearn. Lincoln. Noli. . Fob. 10. For sloul- K a wlro fence vahiud at $ 10 Frank und Harry .lunod , of ( 'hurry county , iiiiHt servo a term of two anil a half yours In the penitentiary. The supreme premo rourl ultlrmod the verdict c.f : ho lower court , bill pronounced the sentence of tlvo yours excessive for lie offense. No Trains at Albion , Albion , Neb. , Feb. 1C. Special to The News : Albion has boon without much train service during the week. For tliroo days no trains arrived of departed and the country roads were m > tilled that rural carriers were put out of commission. MORE RUSSIAN WARSHIPS START FOR THE FAR EAST SITUATION AT LODZ IS SERIOUS When Conditions Were Suoposed to Be Favorable Tellers of Big P'ants ' Desert Posts Mill Owncra Appai ently Without Policy. SI. Potersbuig. Fob. 10. Tlio do pattiiro ol Admit at N'obogaloffh < llvl hlnn of loin bat1' lilp , ono ciulsci and two uu\lllai > i misers fiiini Ilinn to reinforce Vice Admiral Itojostven fchy's squadron , In ilio tar east In i Foureo of unitIllriilIon to lln > admital ty In view of the dlMlciiltlcs caused by the strike. The point of rendoz vons with lloJoBlvonsky Is not stutod but It is iindoi stood that It Is boyoni the Indian ocean , Vice Ainttlial Ho jcslvonshy being itndor lust rurtIon not to delfp Into the monsoon porloi tlio lesnti on of his ornlso. Along the Hun rlvor the booming ol heavy nuns Is sounding the over tiite of boil lilt los th. arc llkolj ti IIP opciiPil wlthlti a short ( lino. AhB ( rlntod Press dispatches Indicate thu the cannonading Is Increasing In In- tctiRity. Special dispatches from Mukden re port the wiping out of an entire do- tHohmenl of Japanese cavalry , which had desttoypd the railway bridge be tween Mukden and Harbin. Hnsslnn cavalry overtook tlio raiders , who ate paid to have refused quarter , and fouulil illilll the lust man wan Ullleil. Students thioimhoiil Russia ate rosoiiiiig to stilke methods to indicate their dissatisfaction with existing po lltlcal conditions and press the demands mands for reforms. The students at the University of Moscow , the largest Institution of the kind In Hussla , hnvp Toteil not to resume their studies dur ing the prespnt school year. The spir it possesses the students of the St. Petersburg , Kleff nnd other lafpp nnl- Tersitios , and even extends to the seminaries and lowpr schools. DISCORD AMONG RUSSIANS Officers From Port Arthur Coming Home Vowing Vengeance. Paris , Feb. 10. French special cor respondents sent to meet the French ( learner Australlen , having ou board General Slocht > el and others of the survivors of Port Arthur , forward de tailed accounts of discord among the Russian ofllcerB. Th army olllcers re particularly hostile to the fleet , habitually calling It the "frightened fleet. " Admiral Locklnsky , who was commander of the tffrpedo defenses at Port Arthur , Is lengthily quoted as making n bitter criticism of General StoesKoJ , Admiral Alexleff and others. The Matin quotes Ixicklnsky aa characterizing Vice Admiral Stark and Rear Admiral Wlthoeft as - bedchamber chamber admirals not acquainted with their duties and seasick when ever afloat. " The admiral added that VIc Ad miral Skrydloff prudently established himself ashore at Vladivostok not withstanding his opportunity to break the Ineffective blockade of Port Ar thur. Locklnsky declared he wouh1 denounce Stoessel , Skrydloff and Alex left before the court-martial , as he did not Intend to let himself be made a scape-goat Ilka Hear Admiral Ouk tonisky , ' ( who now trembles with fear In a Chinese hospital. " Locklnsky cited many Instances of the unpre paredness of the land and naval defenses fensos , frequent conflicts of authority nnd demoralization during critical en gagcnicnts. Four Negro Children Cremated ; Kansas City , Feb. 16. Four negro thlldrcn , lllchard Carson , Randal Lilian ! , Ralph Llllard and Roberta Llllard , Were burned to death In Kan Baa City , Kan. The mothers of the children locked them in the Llllard cabin und went shopping. It Is 'cup posed Uiat the children found some matches nnd started the fire. They were dead when the firemen arrived HOUSE PASSES AND GOVERNOR HOCH WILL SIGN BILL. PRODUCERS ISSUE AN APPEAl fiend Telegram to President Roosevelt < velt Urging Federal Action to Curb Standard -Ask That Foster Lease Be Not Renewed. TopultH. Kan. , Fob. IU.--A bill pin- vldlug for tlio uHlMbllshmonl of u state oil rollneiy was passed by tlio Kansas house of toptoscntalUoH 1)J a votu of Ul to UO. Uovcinor lloch will sign the bill at once , tinder Its pto visions a rellnury will bo erected at Peru , Kan. Another penitentiary will he built thcio to ptovldo convict la bor lor the lelliiory. An apptopilatlon of * 110,1)00 ) IH made for building und maintaining the rellnery and peniten tiary. It Is likely thai the validity of the hill will be tested by the state supreme conri bofoni It goes Into ef fect. The bill calls lor Iho Issuance of bonds lor Iho amount necessary to build the rolluory. Slate Auditor Wells , It Is announced , will refuse to resistor the bonds called for In thn bill until the supreme court says they are valid. Thcio Is mime doubt expressed - pressed as to the constitutionality of the bill and It Is to remove thin that the matter will bo submitted lo the court. It was on account of Iho mip- posed uuconstltutlonallty of the Idea that most of the opposition was en countered. Several of the house mem bers In voting for the hill announced they were doing no on account of the expressed wish of tliolr constituents , and not In accordance with their own desires. Seldom tias public sent ! ment boon * > o thoroughly atoiiscd In the state HH on the oil question. About twenty llvo ronrlcki will lie necessary to do Iho work In tlio tellnery. Its ca pacity Is lo bo li.OOO hart els a day. Pioducei'E Appea ) to President. Thu Kansas OH Producers' assorts- tlon M'lii the following tolcgium to President Hoohovult : "The undoihlgnud , representing the oil ptodnoerh of the Mule of Kunt-ns and speaking lor the Intelligent and liidiistrioiiH people of the state , and voicing Iho spirit of American ( air play everywheie , appeal to you , and through your so'Tctary of the Interior , and by yon to Iho coiigicss of the United States for help In the under taking of the legislature of the state to protect the oil Industry of the state from the oppression of the Standard Oil trust. Because the legls laturo proBimiCH to exercise a natuiul function of government by legislating for the welfare and piotectlon of In diislriogvllhlii ( he bonleis of the state against the oppioHslon of all monopolies , and because the leglsla tnre proposes to try the experiment of a public oil tefliiery , as a moans of preserving and malting profitable tlio oil Industry , the goiioial manager of tlie Standatd OH company has de clared a boycott upon Kansas oil , and one ol his subordinates has insulted our people by i > xprohnlng In the pub lic prints a groundless fear that they/ will destroy the company's property. . Foster Lease a Menace. "We further tepresenl to you a menace to the etude oil market lb a continued ownership by the Standatd OH company of what Is known as ( he "Foster lease" of the Osage Indian reservation. This reservation Includes 1,500,01)0 ) aeies of land , which con tains a reservoir of poll oleum so rich that if Iho Standard contlnneb to own and develop It that company will have a supply of oil ttiat will make It Independent of private production , not only in the woht , but all over the United Slates. The lease Is nominal- y held by "straw men , " but It really Is In the grip of the Standard Oil com pany , and the oil ptodncers appeal to the president , the secretary of the In terior and the congress to refuse the Application now pending for Its exten sion. It Is too much for the govern ment to give to the Standard Oil com pany or Its agents , an organization which already IK so powerful that It presumes to be greater than the people ple or the government , whose courts give It protection. The Kansas oil field has been developed upon the promise of lair play nnd good prices by the Standard Oil company , but now that the supply Is sufllclent for the needs of the company , It , as It has done In other Holds , has reduced the price below a profit , and the men who have Invested their money will lose It and the Mold will languish unless the government , state and naTion refuses to confer upon the company additional rights and franchises , and turns In the other direction and legislates for the people awhile. " Prairie Oil Company Resumes Work , Independence , Kan. , Feb. lii. The t'ralrle Oil tuid Gas company has ib- Hied orders for the resumption of work on Its pipe line from Hartles rllle to Cleveland , Dkla. , and men have gone from here to take up the work whore It was discontinued Men arc also returning to work at tbe Cnnev tank farm In this county War on Rats In Australia. Victoria , H. C. , Feb. 10 Mall ad vices were received from Australia by the steamer Moanu of the outbreak of bubonic pfacno In Sydney and Grafton. In consequence war on rats Is bviing waged In Australian cities. THE CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Hours. Forecast for Nebrank.i. Condition of the weather an record ed for the 21 hours ending at 8 a. in. today : Maximum 25 Minimum 8 Average 10 Total snowfall for month 8.50 Total precipitation for month . . .43 Htiromolor 29.SO Chicago , Fob. II ! . Tlio bulletin Is sued by the Chit-ago illation of thu United States weather bureau this morning , given the forecast for No- hrutiku as follows : Conorally fulr and colder tonight mil Friday. Southern Dentists Organize. Atlanta , ( la. , Feb. 10. At u meet ing held at the Piedmont hotel today Htopu. won ) tnlccu for the permanent organization of the Southern Dental society. 'Tho society WIIH given a pre liminary orgtinl'/.ullon at u meeting held In Washington last spring , IU ) membership will ho confined Htrlctly to the southern Hint OH. PRESIDENT TRANSMITS AGREE MC.NT WITH SAN DOMINGO. HOUSE DLBATUS NAVAL BILL Much Opposition Develops to Con ctructlon of Two New Battleships Swayne Impeachment Hearlrj Pro- ceodi In Senate. Washington. Fob. Hi. Thn continued , hut did not concUde , con tlderutlon of Iho bill making appro prlatlons for tUu suppott of the c' > v rnmunt of lliei District of Columbia \Vhlle the bill was br > foni the senate IQIkliiH look flxccpllon lo an Itrm for tb const ruction of u local hrldco as In thu > lnloiesl of speculators , and made u gem > ial plea lor economy In tlio matter of t. | > | iioii | latloiiH. The Swiiynu Impeachment lilul held th" attention of ( lie senate for two hours The president's message IruiiHinit ting to the scimie the new San l > o mlngo piolocol was lead at an exu'-u llvo session following the passage .if a muss of iinobjecled pension blltt Not more than sior seven senatoi' wore pieKont. The leading featttio or the inossngi- was that 'In onler t" maintain the Monroe docliino It win necessary for Iho United Stales t ) sou Ihnl Just ( latins , ( oiil nirled by South and C'ential American rcpuh lies and thuMi of the West Indies should ho paid , and that therefore It was In the inteiest of peace for this government lo take over thn control of the icvcmics In San Domingo. Tills subject ol ( lie Mnllioe doclilne is ills ensued al Home length , especially as rounds the lelatliins of llie I'nltod Stale's to the lepiilillcs ol' the south. The piolocol uas not tend tit the executive session , but was at once referred'to the committee on fotuign rflat Ions. Debate on Naval Bill In House. Washington , Feb. Iti.- The question of nhat the policy of tlio government Khoiild be ulth respect lo the upbuild Ing of the navy was again threshed out In the house , during the consider atlon of the naval appropriation bill the debate developing much oppost lion to the propound addition of two batllokihlps to the naval establish ment. As on yesterday the defense of the Philippines played an Important part In the discussion , while the events of tlie war In the far east , from a naval point of view , were given prom Ineiico b > the advocates of an In cieased navy. The house mot an hour earlier than usual , and with the ex ception of a btlof period , the entire time was consumed with llie naval bill. Indiana Sends an Appeal. Washington , Feb. Hi. In the senate - ate Heveridge presented a memorial from the legislature of Indiana and Rerry a memoilal from the legislature of Arkansas , both praying for the en laig. ment of tin- powers of the later- klate ( Oinrneicc commission. TELLS OF TWO SHIPWRECKS Survivors of Italian Bark and Amer ican Schooner Arrive in New York. Now Yoik. Feb. 1G.-One shipwrecked - wrecked crew and u sailor trum an other vessel , \\hlch lud been aban doned at boa , weiv hi ought here on Iho Moamor Sarnia , which arrived fiom Kingston by wny of Fortune Isl and. Sl.x ot the bailers \sote stamen from the Italian bark lilisa Vetro- mile , which was wtecked on Point Moraut. .Jamaica , and became a total 'lo h. The other wah a member of the crow or the American schooner Ida C Southard , which was abandoned > at sea in a dismantled and watni-lgggod condition. The crow ql the Suutlurd was I-OM nod by the German btiamer Siberia and landed at Fortune Island Horace Boles to Return Home , Hot Springs. Ark. . Feb. 1C. Ex- Governor Horace Holes of Iowa , who has beeir 111 for sumo time , will leave for homo today , accompanied by his eon. His Illness Is of a serious na ture.