The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 06, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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    Till ! ) NORFOLK NKWS : FHIDAY , NOVEMBER 0 , 1908 ,
W. N. mtSia , PulilUlirr.
( liMnulliilieil 18R7. ]
Ktory di\r n c . | il Htimlny. H.v ' , .
week , II ocnli. lly Norfolk poMollI
tw Tonr , ( it ( ) . llr innll on rtirnl roulo * nnil
HiUQiln irf Norfolk , | or j onr , M.iH.
Tlio NOWH. KntnlillHheit. 18M.
Tlio Joimml , nmiUillnhoil. 187.
Rvory Friday. Hy mull per yonr , ll.BO.
Kntnroil nt tlio txmtolllco nt Norfolk ,
Nob. , IIH Hoconil cliiiiH mutter.
Telephone" : Killtorlnl Department.
No. 22. IltiitlnoBB Olllco nnit Jol >
HonniH , No. 382. _
If Colombia doidred tlio nonInterference -
foronco of tlilH government In tlio
rnnnmn rovolntlon u fntul niltitnko
wan nwilo when tlio 1Jojotn WIVH or-
ilorod to hoinhiinl tlio city without
notice. It IH 11 right of plvlll/.cd warfare -
faro , geniM-nlly roeognl/.ed , ( hut ti
city or rotmtry idionld ho notlllod
before n wnrnhlp IH ordered to turn
loose ItH HhoL mid Hhell.
Later unolllplal figures go to Hhow
( lint Dr. II. I * . Kindred , republican ,
was elected coroner by Iho uiir-
row iiiiinln ; of hut eight volua.
Neither of tlio candidates iniidu iiiurh
of a campaign , hut Dr. Sultor'B Nor
folk friends who eoniidlineuted him
with a largo vote caiuo pretty chmo
to making the fourth fimlou candi
date to he HnccosHfnl at the pollH.
Two years ago the ropuhllcaiiH of
Ohio had whal wan then connldorod
nn unprecedented majority In the
Ohio legislature , hut the returns now
Indicate that there will he almout
three times as many as the majority
that chose Senator ForaUor at that
tltno. This can ho considered In no
other light than a personal tribute
to Senator llanmi who Is the ac
knowledged candidate of the republi
cans of Ohio for re-uloplloii. It will
tnko more than a barrel full of dem
ocratic cartoons of the republican
national chairman to discredit that
stupendous showing.
If any man has the right to say
that ho carries the vote of any cor-
tnln district In his vest pocket , thai
man certainly must be Marie llanna
nnd the district ho carries Is jippnr
untly the whole of Ohio. A man
with the popularity ho has been
shown to possess needs only to ask
for what ho wants to get It. The
opinions of thu people regarding
Hark have undergone quite a null
cnl change since he was llrst repre
Bontod to them through the cartoons
of the democratic press. The onlj
thing that might operate against his
popularity would bu nn elfort to tin
seat Itoosovelt In the coming na
tlonal convention. That the people
of Ohio and no other state woul <
etand for not for a moment.
As a result of the Tuesday elec
( Ion two mighty forces loom up 01
the horizon to battle for the contro
of the country at the coming natlona
election. The one Is represented b >
the 150,000 majority of Tammany ti
Now York City , and Which will b
the factor to back the domocratl
nominee for the presidency. Th
other Is represented by the uuproco
dented majority of above 125,000 fo
the republican ticket In Ohio whlc
will back President Koosovolt for a
re-election next year. The people o
the country are to make a choice o
which of these forces shall load then
the Tammany of New York or th
republicanism of Ohio. There 1
now hut little question of which fore
would bo chosen at this time. Hn
wait until Tammany has an oppoi
( unity to assert the potential inili
enco that overthrow Seth Low an
reform and It will then ho realize
that It will ho a battle royal. Ther
nro thousands of people in the com
try who secretly admlro Tamilian
nnd its methods , nnd they will b
delighted to glvo it energetic nssls
mice but republicanism as represented
sonted by Ohio will surely triumpl
If the fusionists of Nebraska hnv
ono lesson more emphatic than an
other to learn as the result of th
recent election it Is that for them to
endeavor to prejudice the voters h >
rotten Insinuations and campalgi
roorhnchs attacking the principle
of the republican candidate and hi
personality , is an utter failure
They had to head their ticket th
strongest man in the party a gentle
man whoso fitness for the position
whoso personal character and Integ
rlty were never once questioned bj
the republicans ; a man who wa
well thought of by everyone , hut hi
supporters were not satisfied will
this. They must needs apppeal to
the prejudices of the people. The >
must attack the republican candidate
They began with the idle bluste
early in the campaign that what wa
wanted was a non-partisan olectio
favorable to their
, am
In the face of
public sentiment , om
phatlcally expressed , they nuis
needs resort to dirt slinging. Thol
energies wore later exerted to thrus
I i ( ho Diblo in as an Issue , securing
( ho aid of several ministers of th
to make their efforts the more
erlaln. Thou they sought to rake
p Homo old records of Judge Harncs
ti his former homo which were pro-
cuted In a circular , and finally they
iduccd the olllcers of the Antl-Sa-
txMi League to Issue a note of warn-
ig against the republican candidate ,
nil through It all that old favorite
anipulgn slogan of "railroad tool"
allied Its dry bones around seeking
vhom It might Inllucnco. On some
f these matters the republicans as-
unied the defensive , hut not once
urlng the campaign wore they the
ggrossHors In anything calculated to
> w ( > r the fusion candidate In the
stlmatlon of the people. They
vailed their opportunity at the polls
ml their answer to the fusion at-
empts at misleading the public Is
tow registered to the tune of about
0,000 majority for Judge llaruos.
'orhapn ( hey will learn the lesson
hat the results convey , and perhaps
hey will not. Anyway It Is evident
hat the people of the state can ho
lopended upon to support a party
pondnctlng a clean , honorable light.
The biggest gold brick In the world
s the experience that ono bttyii.
The man who doesn't drink too
iiuch doesn't have ( o brag about It.
Campaign pledges are about as In-
llgestlble as stock market sop.urltleu.
Some girls are HO Immodest It em-
mniBscs thuin to vide in a sleeping
1'eoplo who have colds In the head
seem to have nothing else there.
A great many people would bo good
If there was a law against It.
It may pay to hire a lawyer to get
for you what Isn't yours , but never t (
keep for you what is.
A woman always thinks she cat
stand her fatlior-lu-law better If ho
wasn't so much like her husband.
There Is nobody who can bo HO son
tlmeiital before ho Is married as the
man who Isn't going to ho afterward
A woman dearly loves to get ai
affectionate letter , oven If she knows
It doesn't mean It.
You can always got a woman to
go Into any scheme If you show he
It will bo a social distinction.
You can never make a woman ho
llevo that the grocer who stops to ad
mlro the baby Is giving her shor
There Is a heap of difference between
tweon loving a girl before a nlco opoi
lire and then walking home late a
night In the cold.
A woman Is so naturally beautlfu
that she will conceal from herself the
truth that her husband is not 1ml
good enough for her.
If a woman's stays wore made o
India rubber so she could always go
In them you could never make he
believe she was getting fatter.
A girl's Idea of how to keep he
feet warm Is to wear a feather boa
a picture hat or a pearl necklace.
When an old chap marries a youn
woman ho must feel like a man wh
has robbed his best friend.
A good cure for fever blisters 01
a girl's mouth is for her mother t
stay in the room when men call o
A splendid thing to promote ho
happiness Is for a man to bo so ab
sent minded that ho will make lov
to his wife.
OIIPO there was a man who won
into politics and didn't lese his roj
utatlon , but ho didn't have any who
ho wont In.
It's curious how a woman wh
wouldn't diverge nn Iota from a recipe
ipo for making cake will always tr
to improve on the multiplication table
While the old beau is dollboratln
whether to press a girl's .finger , th
young ono has hustled nlong with a
armful of hugs.
If a man who is feeling had th
morning after only had the presonc
of mind to put It right , his wlfo wil
bo sympathetic with his dopressio
over the business outlook.
It's curious how moderate nn expense
penso a dollar n day for drinks seem
when you pay It out in quarters , an
how extortionate a water tax hill o
$21 for n year when you pay It on
In n lump sum. Now York Press.
An unoHlclal report Is in circula
tion that the Burlington has appropr
ated ? 10,000,000 for extension of it
system next year. This is ttakon t
moan the Sioux Clty-Ashland connec
tlon will certainly li0 built , and it I
even hinted that the line will bo n
double track ono. Fremont Tribune
Tlio Advpcato understands tha
Prof. Kharas is arranging to ostnb
lish a factory in Laurel for the rnanu
ictnro of the stock pump which lie
a selling. A factory of any kind , no
latter how small , IH always n ben-
lit to it town , IIH It gives employment
o labor , thereby bringing morn inon-
y Into town , Hncourngoniont Hliould
10 given every entcrprlHu that will
) onollt the town. Laurel Advocate.
Look not on the Panama bitters
vhon It Is red , for vorlly the darned
tuff may have In It cocuhm , tndlcus ,
IOCH and myrrh. It will rot out your
toniach and make hard places In
our llvor. Wine IH a mocker and
trong drink IH raging hut a thing
hat IIIIH to ho sold under that eiiphon-
OUH title of "bittern" Is worse than
Ithor. Oh , whither , Oh , where Is ho
vlio can say ought against him who
julps down nary bittern nor booze ,
nit a wisdom array can prove at this
lay that there IH nothing to gain and
; reat chancoH lo lose by ( tiling your
tank with Panama hoo/.e. ( Jordon
The tldo of Immigration pouring
nlo Nebraska this fall Is Indicative
) f the standing of onr young Htato
vltli those who are Keeking homes ;
lot only are they coming singly , and
n troops by their ' > wn conveyance ,
nit they are coming In by rail and
> y steamer. They porno by neighbor-
uiodH and colonies , They seek rich
anilH , cheap homos , and are not dis-
tppolnted , but send to their old homes
glowing reports of the new homes ,
uid In time Induce others to come ,
mil when they see our abundantly
rich crops they do not regret leaving
their old associations , but nro thank
ful that their lots have been past In
lileasant places in u. land metaphor
ically ( lowing with wine and honey.
To the crowded workshops of the
east ; to the dwellers In the damp ,
dark mines , to the over-ridden cities
of Kuropo , to the world wo say , "Como
to Nebraska. " Hebron Journal.
Viirloun liiiiro\i'iii < 'iil * Tltul llnvi-
llcfii .MiniiIn MM Slii ( | > " ' .
The ships' anchors in gpiicrnl mud up
to the beginning of I ho hint century
consisted of a long , round Irnu shank ,
having two coinparatlvply short ,
straight arms or lluUcs , Inrllnrd ( o the
shank at an angle of about It ) dpgives
and moctlng It In a somewhat sharp
point at the crown. In large aiipliorH
the bulky wooden slock was built up
of several pieces , hooped together , the
whole tapering outward to the ends ,
especially on the , ift or cable side.
About Hie beginning of the last cen
tury a clerk In the Plymouth naval
yard , I'erlng by name , suggested cer
tain Improvements , the most Important
of which was making the arms curved
Instead of straight. At llrst sight this
simple change may scorn uf little value ,
lint consideration will show that this Is
not the case. The holding power of an
anchor depends on two principal con
ditions miiiiL'ly , the extent of useful
holding surface and the amount of
vertical penetration. The hitter qual
ity Is necessary on account of the na
ture of ordinary sea bottoms , the sur
face layers of which arc generally less
tenacious and resisting than Is the
ground a short distance below.
In the year ISItl chain cables began
to mipcrscdo the hempen ones. With
the result that the long shanked an
chors hitherto In vogue were no longer
necessary , ami anchors with shorter
shanks nnd with heavier and stronger
crowns gradually came Into use. In
consequence of these changes a com
mission was appointed In the year 18118
to Inquire Into the holding power of an
chors , and a principal result of Its la
bors wan the adoption of the so called
ai'.mlralty pattern anchor , which con
tinued to be used In the navy up to the
year IStiO. The Invention of the steam
hammer In 18IU made the welding of
heavy masses of Iron u coinparatlvply
easy and rellnlilc process , so that from
this time onward the strength of an
chors fully kept pace with that of the
chain cables which had come Into gen
eral use.
A number of patents for anchors
were taken out prior to the great ex
hibition of 1ST)1 , and. public attention
having been called to the models there
shown , In the following year a commit
tee was appointed by the admiralty to
report on the qualifications of anchors
of the various kinds. Practical trials
were then Instituted , nnd as n result
Trotmnn's anchor took the highest
placp , Rodger's anchor being second
on the list. Some of xthe tests to which
the anchors were submitted were of
doubtful value , such , for instance , as
"facility for sweeping , " Nowadays ,
however , nt all events for deep ships
in shallow harbors , It Is considered an
advantage for nn anchor to offer ns lit
tle obstruction ns possible above the
ground. Science Slftlnga.
Cuuae For
Judge Shaw in his latter days wns
reverenced by the people of Mnssn-
chusctts as If he were a demigod , but
in his nntlvo county of Harnstablo ho
was reverenced as a god. One winter
when the supreme court held a special
session at Harnstablo for the trial of n
capital case Judge Merrick , who wns
one of the Judges , caiuo out of the
courthouse just nt nightfall , when the
whole surfnco of the enrth wns cover
ed with Ice and slush , slipped and fell
heavily , breaking three of ids ribs. lie
wns taken up and carried to his room
nt the hotel and lay on a sofa waiting
for the doctor to come. While the
judge lay groaning and In agony the
old Janitor of the courthouse , who hud
helped pick him up , wiped off the wet
from his clothes and said to him ,
"Judge Mprrlck , how thankful you
must be it was not the chief Justice ! "
Poor Merrick could not help laughing ,
though his broken ribs were lacerating
his flesh. George P. Hoar In Scrib-
IMJI HnlrdrfimltiK.
No one him visited FIJI In the past
without being untouched at the fear
ful and wonderful ntylen of hull-dress
ing. They nro geometrical , monumen
tal , pyramidal nnd trapezoidal. An ad
ditional factor In this production of
the grotesque la Unit the hair varies in
color IIH lime varies In blenching power
or IIH the Juice of the mangrove In col
oring matter , lletween black and white
the colors run through the blue black
nnd all ( ho shade * of rod and yellow.
Often hnlf the Imlr In red and the other
half white , giving n kind of piebald ef
It Depend * .
Kloorwalker VasesV Yes , ma'am.
Itlght up this aisle. Bargains from i5 !
CCIltH lip.
Next Shopper You have n display of
vawses today ?
8111110 Kloonvalker VIIWHOS ? Yes ,
madam. Down the next aisle , please.
Hnrgnlus from $ ' - " > up. Exchange.
llu Nrcilcil ISiivournKt'iiieiit.
"Do you try to be contented with
poverty , my ninnV" asked the rich
"I'm afraid not. " answered the bard
up delinquent , "but Just try me with
riches and see how contented I'd be. "
Chicago Kecord-llenild.
"Hut , after all. Is not good digestion
the basis of beauty ? "
"Aye. what else may change the
grub into the bntterlly ? " exclaimed
Hentrlee , attacking the sirloin zestful
ly. Detroit l-'ree Press.
DIMVII mill Out.
Upton Say , Isn't that richly dressed
woman across the street yonr cook ?
Suburb No. WP did make our home
With her for awhile , but she discharged
us last week. UulValo News.
History repents Itself. You cannot
find the nge of a woman In the Bible.
Mast Block , Norfolk , Net.
Visits Battle Creek Every Hominy.
Italian Trio
. . .
Will furnish mualo for nil
( KTiiBioiiH. milking u njiwliilty
of ttnnccs. Tolcjihonoor write.
Pacific Hotel. NORFOLK , NEB.
That bag of flour you ordered is a
your door when promised next time
you'll probably order double the quantity
( or Bon Ton flour has a little way o
plcatdng peopln , which makes it a wel
come visitor. Everybody nnd his wife
knows the superior quality of Bon Toi
Sugar City GereaHVIills
Violin Instructor.
Student nndor the famous Gennni
Violinist , Hans Albert , of Oinnha.
Half hoar lessons , GOc ; ono hour 75c.
Steam and
Hot Water
First Door South News fficc.
Special Reduced
Excursion Rates
Will bo In effect from all points on
the Chicago & North-Wostorn railway
for the occasions named below :
To California , Oregon , Washington
nnd other points ono way secom
class colonist tickets nt greatly re
duced rates , will bo sold dally unti
November 30.
To Chicago International live
stock oxpositlon , ono faro pluc $2 fo
the round trip , on November 28 , 2S
and 30 , with return limit of Dccombo
To Lincoln State Teachers asso
ciation , ono faro pins fifty cents fo
the round trip on December 28 and
29 , return limit January 4.
For Information as to rates , date
of sale , etc. , of those or other oc
caslons , call upon the ticket agent o
the North-Western lino.
H. 0. llatrau , Agent
The Norfolk Daily News.
An Up-toDate Newspaper for
NoriK Nebraska.
Six months ago The News was what
s known In the parlance of the craft
as a strictly local newspaper , with
tut n limited circulation outsldo the
city of Norfolk. While it thoroughly
covered the locnl Hold , it paid little
Utcntlon to telegraphic news nnd
consequently wns not of general In
terest outside of this city. During
tlio past half year The News hns boon
iromotcd to an entirely different class ,
mil the claim Is made good that it is
i newspaper in the strictest sense of
the word. Willie the locnl field is
still thoroughly covered , the specinl
.olegrnphic service which wns Innug-
irnted early In the summer nnd hns
since been augmented by an up-to-
late market report and 'n service by
telephone covering the whole north
ern part of the state , makes It the
paper to bo rolled upon for the very
latest news throughout this part of
The 0110 o'clock edition which was
inaugurated a i'ow weeks ago , con
tains the morning market reports
from Chicago and South Omaha up
till the hour of going to press. It also
contains all the important news that
Is gathered from north Nebraska
during the morning by wire , a full
associated press report in abbreviated
form covering the night service and
the latest telegraphic matter from all
over the world up till the minute the
forms are locked.
This makes a service for the lines
out of Norfolk with which no news
paper can compete. Norfolk Is the
hub of a geographical wheel. Five
railroads radiate from this center and
on every line is an afternoon train
which carries the first edition of the
paper to its readers. On the same
trains north and west are carried the
morning papers from other cities so
that The News is given an advantage
of about ten hours In telegraph mat-
tor. The man in Bonestccl or In No-
Ugh gets his stock market and grain
reports for today early in the after
noon and is-ablo to ship accordingly.
The morning paper brings him only
yesterday's report And the morning
telegraphic matter is ahead of any
thing that the people east as far as
Fremont , northeast to Sioux City and
south to Columbus are able to get
until the evening papers get to them
The flvo o'clock edition Is for the
city circulation nnd for the rural
routes. It contains telegraphic matter -
tor received up till the hour of press
from nil over the world. It Is prac
tically four hours later than any other
evening paper which can roach the
city and it contains the same news ,
largely , which Is published in the
morning editions of outside papers
next day. " /
Another feature of the progress
made is in the circulation among the v
rural route people. Today the farmer '
has as ninny ndvnntngos ns anyone
In the city. Ho hns his telephone , his
daily mall service and all the rest.
Ho can enjoy his dally paper just as
much as his literary brother who hns
lived in town all his llfo and what's
more ho can afford it today where
dozens In town might not.
The result of the development by
The News Is that it has como to bo
recognized everywhere in its territory
as the latest newspaper and'ono ox-
elusive in Its matter. It is read by
everyone of any prominence in all
of the towns that it visits nnd when
once they have rend it they are friends
always because it Is clean , up-to-tho-
minute and reliable.
To the advertisers , on this account ,
the paper Is much more valuable than
It ever could have been boforo. It
covers practically three fields , the
ctly , the rural routes and the outside
towns very thoroughly. Just such an
advertising medium has long been ,
needed by many business houses in
Norfolk nnd the results show that it
Is perfectly practical.
M. Nichols , Stockman From Foster ,
Tells of His Experience Thus
M. Nichols of Foster , the well
known stockman , xas in Norfolk
Thursday morning on business. "I
am Immensely pleased , " said Mr.
Nichols , "with the service wo are
now getting in The News : The 1
o'clock edition reaches me at about
2 o'clock and gives all of the tele
graphic news up till that hour. Al
ready the market reports , which are
twenty-four hours later than I can
possibly get In any other paper , have
saved me a good many times. It is
the finest feature in up-to-the-hour
news service that we have ever been
able to get. People all up the line
feel the same way about it , too. "
Norfolk Sanitarium , '
110 South Twelfth Street.
Reopened October 26. 1903.
IB. P. II. SALTER , Surgeon. DH. F. G. SALTER , Phjaiciau
Get What You Ask for at. . .
ALL ORDERS nre Filled Promptly and with Care. Onr
goods nro FIRST-GLASS in every particular. We know pre
cisely what is wanted by onr customers.
We Aim to Give You the Best Value for Your Money ,
South Side Hain St. , between 2d and 3d. Telephone No. 4\ .
-t- -
Money in Your Pocket
See us when in need of
Shipping as we do , direct from our own mills , we are
prepared to meet all competition and save you money.
All Kinds and Sizes.
J. K. BOAS , Manager.
t 'Phono 52.