The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 27, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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W. N. 11UU12.I'ubllHlior.
Kutntillihod , 1HS7 ,
Ktorjr day excnpl Hmulny , Ily rnrrlor per
, 15 oenU , By mull par yonr , (0.00.
. 1HMI.
Tlio Jouriml , rmlnttllntiod 1817
Krory Friday , Ily mnll i > nr year , tt.M ) ,
Kutonwl nt llio IVitonion nt Norfolk , Nob. , as
second class mnttar ,
TelmihntiPM Itilltorlnl Department , No. ! 2 |
HnilnoM OlUce nml Job ( loom * . No. 322.
Got up your immolo and nerve prepar
atory to turning over that now leaf.
A man who had lived in DOB Molnes ,
Iowa , for 00 years dropped dead Christ
inas morning. People of rival lown
cities will probably concrde that ho had
rwxson for dropping dead.
The Poncn Journal has recently ah-
Korbcd the Dixon Tribune , making the
second paper it ban taken in within two
months. The Journal is exorcising the
practivitics of an octopus on a miwll
Senator llnnnn pluycd Santa Olnus to
his grand child and prcKcntod him with
u ohi'clc for $10,000. It. Isn't every little
child that , was able to pull MI oh n Klft
.from his stocking. It was the baby's
ilrst OhriHtmns.
Dennis O'Loary , after a few weokfl as
publisher of the Wayne Kepubllciin , has
old ont toV. . II. Gibson and Ghas. S.
Lewis who will issue tholr first pa pur
mutt week. Mr. O'Loary announces
that ho will quit nowHpapor woik and
in other buHinuss.
The report is that a man has fro/.en to
death in Louisiana. Ho escaped from
3'oil mid in an endeavor to ovndo the of-
ilcerH of the law the horrible fate overtook -
took him. It is expected that the next
uows will contain information of people
to death ou the Sahara desert.
And now it is claimed that a serum
liaa boon discovered for the oure of
oholorn , typhoid fever and other similar
discuses. It is to bo hoped that the
doctors Imvo not missed their guons.
Undoubtedly consumption and other
nppoBcd-tO'bo luourablo diseiiKOB will
likewise shortly fall before the progress
of science.
The practical joker has received an
other lesson. Frank Royal , n Duck
Jlill , MisH. , man , entered the homo of
his sinter after dark and failing to an-
HWOT her challenge UH to who was there ,
wns shot and killed by his nlocn , M
years of ago , who used a double-bar-
rolled shot pun with effect. Ho will
frighten no moro people.
. An Iowa juror wont insane whllo try
ing n CUHO mid almost succeeded in wip
ing out his family. The incident has
tangled npsomooll recognized theories ,
ono of which Is that to go insane some
original intelligence is requisite and
another that a person who sits on a jury
Jias uo intelligence. Perhaps this is ono
of the exceptions necessary to prove the
U. Kawol , a Japanese newspaperman ,
la in this country purchasing material
far n largo modern daily newspaper
plant in his country. There is little
doubt that the Japanese people are pro-
grossing. This is bnt another evidence
that their civilization is becoming of
the highest and that they are winning
their place as the leading country of the
far east.
luuis , the baud master , is QUO of the
greatest advertisers ou the road and
those , who believe kiu that method of
making things win , will not doubt Mrs.
Inues' claim that ho is making $30,000
to $60,000 a year from his concerts and
lias $100,000 invested In stocks. There
are those who will believe that his suit
for divorce is probably a shrewd adver
tising scheme.
Friends of Secretary Wilson had
feared that the appointment of Gover
nor Shaw to a cabinet position might
mean his retirement , but Governor
Shaw has relieved their anxiety
by announcing that ho made it a
condition of his acceptance that Secre
tory "Wilson should remain in the cabi
net. Iowa politicians are evidently
reaping a share of their reward for keep
ing the state in line with the national
The ecclesiastical court of jurisdiction
at Rome is evidently averse to hurry
ing religious matters in the way the
modern world hurries other things. It
lias recently decided that it would be
improper to hear confessions by tele
phone aud now it has decreed that the
asking and receiving of dispensations
from canonical laws by telegraph and
cable are not proper , Undoubtedly too
many people would perform their relig
IOUB functions on the rash order if they
were permitted to believe that it was
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Edward Storricker , an Omaha man ,
has discovered that he is one of the
heirs to 320 acres of land in the heart of
Philadelphia which is now valued at
$316,000,000. According to the press
etory , Colonel Baker , an ex-officer in the
British army , affiliated himself with
the Americans in the revolutionary war.
He received as compensation [ 320 acres
of laud , whtoli nftonvnrd composed tlio
very heart of I'hllmlolphln. It WHB
limm-d to the Rovorninont for n period
of nlnoty'iilno yoiira. The property
stood unoliiiinod for nome tltno , when
tholimso uxplrod , nlno ycurH nxo. If
tlui holrfl ItiHlHt on roinovliiK their prop
erty nftor they huvo miccooded in CHtivb-
llHhlng thiilr oliilm they will inuko the
Qimkor Olty fool worna than the iniiu
from whojn Bhylook WHH to oxuot the
pound of
A nig Four train run Into n linnl of
cattle , UlllhiK ten , near KIIIIHBB , llln.
Alfred H. Oewllt , United Status com-
inlnnloiior and city clerk of Outhrlo , O.
T. , clloil Weilmmtlny.
C. II. Patton , Krnnd high prlont of
the lloynl Arch MflBons of llllnulu ,
died at Mount Vernon , llln.
Diinlii | ) Smith , a loufllni ; Iliwnelor
run ! real ofltiito dealer of Chicago , died
\Vudncmlay or imunmonla.
President Hoonovelt ordered 13. S.
Mnclny peremptorily dlHchiirgod from
the sorvlco of the govornnient.
A lire truck and a Btrcot cor col
lided at Toledo and ono mn was
lilllcd and another fatally hint.
The foundry of floorgo } , . Muskcr nt
EvniiBvlllc. Ind. , wan destroyed by llio
Wcdnosdny. LOBH , ? 00OUO ; Insur-
nnco , $30,000.
Frank Mallory , proprietor of a res
taurant at Hot Springe , Ailc. , was shot
nml killed Wednemlay by Ft auk Chll-
cut , a Baloonkceper.
T. M. .lames , undo of Frank and
Jefiso James and ono of the leading
crockery merchants of the west , died
at Kansas City Wednesday.
Dowltt Clinton House , who IB dead
at his homo In Kansas City , aged 74 ,
was ono of the oldest and boat known
traveling men In the United States.
In deffndli.B his mother from an as
sault by her drink-crazed husband ,
Theodore Watklns , colored , 13 years
of ago , nhot and killed his father ,
Richard Watklua , at Brazil , Ind.
The National Lead company and the
Union Lead and Oil company may In
dulge In a trade war.
John J. Valentino , president of the
Wolls-Fargo Express company , died
at Oakland , Cal. , Saturday.
James Wilson , an Oklahoma farmer ,
was arrested Saturday , charged with
the murder of a man at Arne , Mo. , 32
years HBO.
Omaha won the Intercity team shoot
at U5 live birds from Kansas City by a
Bcoro of 'I'll to 217. Charlie Ihuld of
DCS Molnes won the Hazard trophy
from Frank Parmolco In the shoot-off.
Henry C. Krause ot Cleveland , O. ,
had , nightmare Saturday night , dur
ing which ho strangled to death his
aged mother , under the hallucination
Bho was a dragon. Grief nmdo him In
Dr. J. L. Qartrcll , who was convict
ed at Butler , Mo. , of murder hi the
first degree for killing a Colorado
minor named Donogan , was refused anew
now trial and sentenced to bo hanged
Fob. 13 , 1902.
British olllclals Imvo taken prelimin
ary steps to sound the Boer lenders in
Holland on ending the South African
war. The Intermediary Is the Duchess
of Albany , who 1ms been visiting her
Elstor , Dowager Queen Emma.
One of Snnilovr' Trick * .
One day In a London tolmcconlst'i
fihop Sandow , the strong man , was
handed some change , and in the middle
of It he saw something that looked
like a bad shilling. He pushed It back
across the counter. "I think that one
Is bad , " he said.
"Nonsense , " said the shopkeeper ,
with an Incredulous air. He took up
the shilling and tried It In the little
brass coin tester that was screwed to
the side of the counter. Then he ten
dered it again. "It's quite good , " he
snld. "I can't bend It. "
Sandow smiled and took It between
his linger and thumb. "You can't bond
Itl May I try ? " he asked.
"Certainly , " said the man , with a
The strong man pressed the tip of
his forefinger toward the tip of his
thumb and the spurious coin bent like
tissue paper.
"Well , " said the tobacconist dura-
founded , "it looks like a wrong 'un
after all ! Perhaps you will accept an
other ? "
And Saudow did.
Lee and Garvln Found Guilty.
Helena , Mon. , Dec. 2C. The jury In
the United States court in the case of
Robert E. Lee and Samuel Garvln ,
charged with stealing 700 cattle
from the Indians on the Crow reserva
tion , returned a verdict late yester
day afternoon , finding both defend
ants guilty after a trial lasting two
A British punitive expedition In
Baluchistan razed a fort and annihi
lated a band of outlaws.
Judge Ilanecy dissolved the Injunc
tion restraining the Chicago board of
trade from expelling A. R. Jones , and
M. J. Ryan.
The Filipino General Samson and
all the Insurgent leaders on the Island
of Bohol surrendered , giving up 28
cannon and 45 guns.
Germany has not yet sent an ulti
matum to Venezuela , but this step will
soon bo taken unless Venezuela yields
to Germany's demands.
The Borden mills at Fall River ,
Mass. , gave employes a Christmas
present amounting to 10 per cent
wage Increase for six weeks.
The Boors still retain effective
means of communication In South Af
rica and can organize a combined at
tack at any prearranged point
Slcct and Snoxv Accompanied
by High Wind.
Spokane la Completely Cut Off From
the Outside World All Trains Are
More or Less Delayed In the Moun-
talno Storm Deylno Suddenly.
Salt Lake , Dec. 27. The Htorm
which has been raging throughout the
northern Intermountnln country struck
Salt l.ulio at1:30 : p. in. vgptcrday with
a suddenness and furjf that startled
the residents. From a dead calm the
wind Increased to remarkable rapidity
and within a few moments had at
tained n velocity of GO miles an hour ,
bringing with It a blinding snow-
Btorm , which raged with the fury of n
blizzard for over two hour , * ) . The
storm came from the northwest and
although of comparatively short dura
tion was ono of the severest felt In
this section for years.
All Iralnn are moro or less delayed ,
whllo telegraph servlco Is completely
prostrated. Spoknno , Wash. , so far as
telegraphic service Is concerned , Is
completely cut off from the outside
world. Seattle , Tacoma and other
points report terrific wind , and marine
disasters are feared.
Blizzard Hits Helena.
Helena , Mon. , Dec. 27. A storm
struck Helena yesterday afternoon
with n startling muldcnncss. The
calm morning was transformed Into a
howling blizzard In almost a twink
ling. The snow descended rapidly ,
whllo the wind raged. The storm
lasted almost an hour , and slnco then
there has been a high wind. During
the storm the wind attained a velocity
of 45 miles an hour. The storm came
from the northwest and was general
over western and central Montana.
Hln Mangled Body Found at Bottom
of Deep Gorge.
MisBoula , Mon. , Doc. 27. Conductor
Charles King was killed last night
just across the line In Idaho. Con
ductor King , who had charge of a
freight train , was blown from his train
by the llerco storm raging whllo tryIng -
Ing to reach the cab'ooso. King had
been helping a brakcman and had
started to the rear of the train when
the disaster occurred. King's man
gled body was found at the bKtom of
a deep gorge , having been blown from
the train whllo almost In the center
of a trestle. From Fort Benton
conies reports of the worst storm
known In years. Big windows of the
court house were blown In and other
minor damngo was done.
Mysterious Diamond Robbery.
Washington , Dec. 27. A mysterious
robbery of a diamond chain , valued
at $3,500 , of which cither the Adams
Express company or Shaw & Berry , a
local Jewelry flrm , which shipped it to
Now York , are probably the victims ,
occurred some time between Sunday
and yesterday. The jewelry was dis
patched from hero to Joseph Franket
& Sons , New York. When delivered
there was no evidence that the seal
had been tampered with and the pack
age was not opened In New York , until
yesterday , when the chain was found
to bo missing. The stolen gems num
bered 200.
Has Been Adjudged Insane.
Chicago , Dec. 27. The young wom
an known as "Frances Ross , " who is
supposed to have escaped from a Port
land , Or. , convent , was adjudged In
sane here yesterday , experts testify
ing that the woman is suffering from
religious melancholy. It Is believed
by physicians- the hospital that
treatment may restore her reason.
Miss Ross will say nothing to estab
lish her Identity. When taken Into
custody she had nearly $3,500 In cash
on her person.
Meet Death Under the Wheels.
St. Louis , Dec. 27. John W. Taylor ,
chief engineer of the Terminal Rail
road company , and William Kent ,
whoso homo Is in Louisville , were
ground to death beneath the wheels of
a Wabash switch engine at Second
and May streets , In North St. Louis ,
last evening , after Jumping panic-
stricken from a swiftly moving gaso
line motor car which threatened to
collide with the switch engine at the
May street crossing.
Admiral Sampson a Mental Wreck.
Urbana , Ills. , Dec. 27. John W.
Weeks of Champaign , a personal
friend of Rear Admiral Sampson , has
received a letter from Mrs. Sampson ,
In which she says the mental condi
tion of the admiral IB beyond recovery.
The letter was written In reply to a
note expressing sympathy with the
rear admiral In the personal annoy
ances ho has suffered In the contro
versy with Rear Admiral Schley.
Canadian Trains Collide.
Sault Ste. Marie , Mich. , Dec. 27.
The local express which runs between
the Canadian See and Wobbwood ,
Ont. , on the Canadian Pacific , col
lided with a light freight engine a
few miles east of Thcssalon last even-
Ing. Engineer McDIvlt of North Bay ,
of the freight engine , was killed and
several were badly injured.
Reese Declines Tendered Office.
Des Molnes , Dec. 27. John P.
Reese of Albta , president of the Unit
ed Mlno Workers of Iowa , has declined
the position of commissioner ten
dered by the Association of Iowa Mlno
Owners and will stand for re-election.
Gee , Zimmerman IH lllllng-up his ice
houses thcHo days.
MBSOS ! Helen and Knto , .0'Nloll were
Norfolk visitors Friday.
The buHinoss men claim they had a
very good OhriBtmaH trado.
Jnlius Qlandt of Meadow Qrovo trans-
noted buBlncss hero Tuesday.
Too Oslwrn shipped a carload of fat
cuttlo to the Omaha market Friday.
Holy communion services will bo held
at the Lutheran church next Sunday.
Papa Dreohdson is very sick at this
writing. Asthma is his main trouble.
.In'iuH ' Oardols of West Point IB visit
ing hero with relatives during the holi
Mnnda ThoniKcn of Antelope county
was visiting here Monday with rela
Owen Wndp and son , John , were vis
iting here Sunday with friends and rel
Herman Kuelcor drove to Newman
Grove Saturday on business and returned
the next rtiiy.
Misses ilesso and Stella Leap left Fri
day for DOB Moines , Iowa , with the in
tention of staying.
Oluis Wiohman and family of Pierce
are visiting hero with Mrs. Wichmau's
parents , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuerst.
A happy Now Year and lots of pros
perity to the NEWS-JOUUNAI , family.this
moans to all those who road such a good
Christmas exorcises were held in the
Lutheran , Methodist and Baptist
churches on the a 1th and were well at
Albert Gardols of South Omabn is
hero visiting his parents during the hoi
idays. Ho IB employed by the Oudahy
Mrs. A. II. Gardols of Hnrtiugton ar
rived hero Monday to spend Christmas
with relatives. Her husband cnmo the
next day.
Game-Warden Col. Chns. Worker of
Pierce county was visiting Battle Crook
Monday and had a friendly chat with
your scribe.
Mrs. Hofman iiud Mrs. Henry .Tost re
turned Monday from Sioux City , where
they have been four weeks for treat
ment in the Lutheran hospital.
Our jovial station agent , W. 0. Day ,
and family.drovo over to Madison Wed
nesday to cousumo a Christmas turkey
with his father-in-law " "
- - , Jerry"
Albert Hofman , sou of Rov. Mr. Hof-
mnn arrived here Friday from Sownrd ,
to spend the holidays with his parents.
Ho is a student at the Lutheran college
at that place. * w , f f
Herald , the four months old twin son
of Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Teglor , died Sat
urday and was buried Monday forenoon
in the Lutheran cemetery. Rev. Hof-
inau was the oiliciating minister.
Miss Lena Brodehnoft returned Fri
day from a six weeks' visit with rela
tives at Tyndall , South Dakota. Her
cousins , John and Louisa Goring , re
turned with her , to see this country.
On the evening of Christmas a mas
querade ball was held In the opera
house. Ono fellow put a masque onto
another boy's face , and for the doing of
it ho had to settle for it in Jndgo Non-
work's court. Another fellow had to
pay for his lodging in Flood's resort , in
Lund's court.
THE NEWS keeps its job department
up-to-date with the latest faces of type
and does its work in approved stylo.
Office with J. D. Sturgeon ,
Teacher of
Special Handolln and Qultar Lessoni age.
Voice Culture a Specialty.
For PlomViDg , Sieam Fitting , Pumps , Tank' '
And all work ID this line call on
First door West of Ahlman'a Bicycle Shop ,
Leave orders at Telephone B 231 ,
. . ,
Sale and.
Boarding Barn.
Horses Bought and Sold on
Commission ,
Braucti Avenue 'DUAlIC
and Third St. rilllNC
At less than i
Half Price at
iViiss E. J , Bender's.
The Citizens National Bank.
Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5,000.
Hay and sell exchange ou this country nad allij arts of Knropo , 'farm ' Loans ,
Directors. CABL ABUCHV 11 , JOHNSON , ( 'HAS. S. BnrnoE. O. U. BIIAARCK , U , M
I Is the Place Where
you can buy
For Thirty Days.
tHc will close out his
| entire stock of
< j >
jlien's Clothing ,
lUnilerwear and
| Shoes ,
iAt Cost !
I Come in and look at my stock of Goods
| and buy what you need. Also carry the best
lines of Groceries , Flour , Maple Syrup , Teasland
Coffees on the market. You can't miss the
| place next door east of Postoffice.
A. G. BQHRSERT , Proprietor.
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the
best in tbe market.
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes. TELEPHONE ttl.
. .TRY THE ,
Daily News Job Department
Railroad and Business Directory ,
i *
Have a
Cup of
Mocha. COFFEE Jam
with your breakfast. It has a flavor that's all
its own you don't get it in any other brand.
It Is sold by all grocers In i and 3-pound cans only.
Packed and sealed by us and guaranteed full weight.
Fremont , Elkhorn & Mo. Valley.
Omaha Passenger BKffiam
Chicago Express 12:40pm :
Chicago Express 7SOp : m
Omaha Passenger 12:40 : p m
Black Hills .n proea 7:50pm :
Verdlgro Passenger. . . . 12:40p : m
Verdigro Accommodation 9:00am
Black Hills Express 12:20 : pm
Verdlgro Passenger 05 a m
Verdlgro Accommodation 7:10pm :
The Chicago and Black Hllli Express arrives
and departs from Junction depot. The Omaha
and Venllgre trains arrive and depart from city
depot. II. U. MATBAC , Agent.
Union Pacific.
Columbus Accommodation 4:15pm :
Omaha , Denver and Paclflo Coast 11:00 : a m
Colnmbns Accommodation 10:80 : a m
Omaha , Heaver and Pacltlo coast -00pm
Connect * at Norfolk with F. , E 4 M. V. going
west and north , and with the C. St. P. M , & O.
for pointi north and east.
J. B. HLSEPFEU , Agent.
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha.
Bionx City and Omaha Passenger 6SOam :
Blonx CltyPassenger l.-OOpm
Bionx City Passenger 10S5am :
Bioox City and Omaha Passenger 7:30pm
ConneeU at Norfolk with P. , E. & M. V. going
west and north , and with the D. P. for polnta
south. J , B. KLBEFKEU , Agent.
Daily except Sunday.
TrorBanm Bros.1 Store.
Spenoei-a Oveltnan
Boots and Shoes ,
Repairing Neatly Done.
Contrastop and Builder
117 Fourth Street.
Flour and Feed
< 1 Norfolk Avenue.
Cheapest and Dest.
Norfolk Avenue
Cor. Braasch ave and 4th St.
The Norfolk Horseshoe *