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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1901)
X t The it II is in Trouble at McKccsport Arnica f bly Settled STRIKE IS DECLARED OFF All linplojei of the Amorlnnii Shunt Strut I Compniiy lo Ho Iluluatntotl lncltullli rrtntilunt llollonHj Will Not KccoctiUe I the AnialKiiiiintod Aclallon I Pittsburg April 10 There will bo no utilise In thu plnnta of the Amur ilcan Sheet Steel compiuiy Thu troll iblo that broko out In tho Dowcos Wood Iplnnt In aioKoosport lust week mid jwhlch for u tlino threatened to onuse general strike of all union Iron mid uteol workers In the country bus been settled In an amicable manner The members of the general executive ilioard of the Amalgamated association of Iron Steel and Tin Workers held o long session yesterday It started out with a general feeling that a Gtrlke would come as the workers would not concede the only point In dispute reinstatement of the men dis charged for joining the union and so far ns could be learned the otllchils of the American Sheet Steel company wore equally determined During the morning session of the executive board John Tarrett acting for the American Sheet Steel company appeared with n proposition for the members to consider regarding a set tlement of the difficulty In general this proposition was that all men dis charged from tho Wood plant should be reinstated Including Ilolloway and that all but Ilolloway should re turn to work at once Ilolloway to bo returned within ton days The board insisted that ITolloway should be treated In the same manner ns tho others and finally Mr Tarrett changed his proposition to Include Holloway after three days suspension and tho agreement was drawn up and signed In explanation of the agreement It was stated that the matter will remain In exactly the same position as be fore tho trouble broko out The or ganization of the locals of the Amal gamated association among tho em ployes of tho mill will bo continued though the company will not recognize it in any way In dealing with tho men There did not seem any disposition on the part of either side of the dis pute to claim a victory or tho best of the settlement i Another Strike at McKccsport McKocsport Pa April 10 After safely passing through one labor trou ble McKccsport has just entered an other Last night all tho hands em ployed on the McKccsport connecting railroads struck for longer dinner hour The men at present have to return to work Immediately after they are through eating their midday meal and they now demand 4 minutes Tho strikers are all members of tho broth erhood of Railway Trainmen and that organization Is expected to back the men In their demands GENERAL STRIKE ORDERED Firemen and Ijlnoinen on Harbor Tugn at Lake Torts Quit Work Cleveland O April 19 A general strike of nil the firemen and linemen employed on harbor tugs at Cleveland Conneaut Erie Ashtabula Falrpprt iSandusky Lorain and Toledo has Ibeen ordered to begin at once The strikers demand an advance of 5 per month They now receive 50 per month The Grout Lakes Towing company which practically operates nil the tugs at the points named re fused to consider the demands and the strike order followed It Is said that altogether nearly 1000 men will be directly affected Sematiou In Teiiiinsriot Senate Nashville Tenn April 10 Senator W B Eldrldire of Memnhls In oiion session of the senate yesterday ac cused ex Comptroller Tames A Harris of an attempt to bribe and blackmail end precipitated one of the most sen sational scenes ever enacted In the balls of a Tennessee legislature lie charged that Harris came to him at bis seat In the senate chamber in the morning nnd offered him fOO mid promised him to have withdrawn n suit pending ngalnst him on the condition that he would vote for the terminal bill when It came up on a motion to re consider Strikers Carry Their Point Shamokin Pa April 10 The strike nt tho Natalie colliery ended yester day by the return to work of the 1000 employes Inside Superintendent James Bntemun whom tho men claimed was unfair In adjusting the wngo schedule resigned It was chiefly for his dismissal that tho men struck Iowa Debaters Defeated Topekn Kan April 10 Representa tives of Grlnncll college Iown were defeated In a debato with Washburn college hero last night The ques tion was Resolved That the perma nent retention of the Philippines would provo detrimental to tho United States Frerident Itinerary Completed Washington April 10 The Itinerary of tho presidents tour to tho Pacific const is now complete and no fur ther appeals for changes en route or stops will be considered The party will spend Sunday June 2 ot Salt Lnke City as originally planned T ataiZjr ft 1 Wlftril WINTER BRIDGE PIERS SOLD ltnpei ly of Knnim City nnd Atlantic I Illnposvd Of t NalNf MurtsiRr Kansas City April lll Tlu Winter bridge piers In the Missouri river til this point and other terminal prop city of the Kansas City and Atlantic railroad was sold at auction yester day to Theodore C Rates of Worces ter Mass for 100000 The sato was made to satisfy a mortgage for about 700000 held In trust by tho Massachusetts Loan and Trust com pany of Boston nnd the property was purchased In the interests of tho bondholders The sale will end the receivership of the property nnd will terminate ten years or litigation Mr Rates Is at the head of an eastern syndicate which controls the property and which will It Is said begin a reorganization of the terminals that will result In the building of a large passenger sta tion that will afford means for an entrance Into Kansas City of the Bal timore and Ohio Southwestern the Chicago and Northwestern and other railways The bridge will also be ussd It Is said to bring In suburban electric roads now being projected from St Joseph Liberty Excelsior Springs and other nearby cities ON VERGEJTJF RUIN Orent Crowd In ICiirIUIi Common to Hoar lludit Sntcmenlrroprlty Not So Marked a Formally London April 10 Tho exceptional Interest taken in this years budget statement was evidenced by the crowded conditions of the house of commons when It reassembled yes terday The chancellor of tho exchequer Sir Michael I licks Beach rose amidst rounds of cheers and commenced the budget statement Ills opening sen tence was not promising During tho last live years said the chancellor wo have been Invarln bly able to congratulate tho house on a general Increase In the prosperity of the country but tho year 1000 espe cially the last six months showed symptoms of a change Our foreign trade during the year considerably In creased but in value rather than lu volume The budget adds 2 pence to the in come tax making it 1 shilling 2 pence It does not provide an increase In the duties on beer wine or tea spirits or tobacco A duty of 4 shillings 2 pence per hundredweight will be Imposed on re fined sugar A duty of 2 shillings per hundredweight Is Imposed on molasses A duty of 1 shilling and 8 pence per hundredweight is imposed on glucose A shilling per ton duty is Imposed on exported coal Raw sugar polarizing below OS Is to pay a duty gradually diminishing ac cording to each degree of polarization to n minimum of 2 shillings at a polar ization of 70 When the chancellor concluded Sir William Vernon Ilarcourt exclaimed We are living in nn age of newspa per finance and of increased expendi tures We cannot go on without In volving this country In financial ruin FARMER IS SHOT IN BACK Afttallant Fires Twice nt Andrew Miller Wounding Hlni Fatally Minerva O April 10 As Andrew Miller a wealthy farmer living a half mile east of town was climbing from the basement to the first floor of his barn he was shot in tho shoulder He started back down the ladder and just as lie reached tho floor another shot penetrated his left lung Miller attempted to grapple with his assail ant and was shot through the cheek His assailant escaped and Miller sank down exhausted from loss of blood Bloodhounds from Canton have been put on the trail of the nssassln Miller Is sinking fast and cannot live No motive can be attributed for tho deed unless an old grudge Miller stated a few minutes after tho shoot ing that ho believed ho knew his as sailant Tho Miller farm joins Presi dent McKinleys farm In the northwest corner of Coluinblnnn county TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Governor Yates appointed Joseph E BIdwIll chief grain inspector of Chicago Tho naval yacht Dorothea is to bo sent to tho groat lakes for tho use of naval mllltlu Firo destroyed 150000 worth of cars of the street rullway company at Birmingham Ala Chinese indemuity claims of French departments of war marine and col onies are 103000000 francs Northern bricklayers refused to work beside negroes at Jackson Miss As a result work on tho new capltol is stopped J II Wlllard a prominent Demo cratic politician of Indiana died sud denly In the Clarendon hotel New York Wednesday The palaco of tho empress was burned nt Peking It was occupied by Count von Waldersoe and staff who saved only their mllltnry papers Tho totnl amount of gold now held in tho United States treasury exceeds f500000000 the ilrj time this figure has been reached in the history of the country President McKinley has decided upon a policy for the government of Porto Rico Tho time for tho pay ment of delinquent taxes Is extended rplin IMilllnnltw ulntl nf frnvaptimunt lu nearly completed II ffjMUL Two Engines Carried Down by Huge Avalanche FOUR TRAINMEN KILLED Locomnllvnt Had linen Uncoupled From the Train Which Wan Heavily Loaded With Fatneticrr and Started to Illicit the Snow When the Dltimtur Occurred Boulder Colo April 10 -A terrible accident occurred on the Colorado ami Northwestern road near this city Two big engines attached to n ptiKhiiiger train coming from Ward to Roiilder were struck by a huge snow slide and hurled Into the chasm below Four trainmen were killed They are Engineers Ilanuoii and Fitzgerald Fireman Miller and Conductor Rnlr Fireman James Marks was found under the snow with n broken leg but not fatally hurt Oliver Sells a boy who was making kodak pictures of the engines bucking the snow was car ried down by the slide nnd will prob ably die The slide wan about 100 feet wide and six feet deep When the train reached Boomer villi the engines were uncoupled anil started up the hill to buck the snow which was deep upon the tracks A sharp curve occurred near the apex of the mountain and just as the en gines started to plow through a huge snow drift n vnst avalanche of snow nnd earth was loosened from above It came down with a terrific force and gained momentum every second The train which was heavily loaded with passengers was not touched by the slide RATES FOR CONVENTIONS TrniKuontlnental IntiiuiiKer Anooliitlou Complete ltn Work Delmoute Oai April 10 The prin cipal business accomplished yesterday by the Transcontinental Passenger as sociation was the fixing of rates for the various conventions during the year The round trip rate for the Pan American exposition at Buffalo from San Francisco was fixed at one stand ard first class 150 day fare to the Mis souri plus one first class fare added to 1 from Missouri river points to Buf falo These tickets will be sold June and 1 July and -1 Aug 22 and 2l and Sept 5 and 5 and apply by all di rect routes The same rates as above were fixed for tho Baptist Young Peo ples International convention nt Chi cago and the National Educational as sociation at Detroit in July of this year For the Grand Army national en campment at Cleveland Sept 5 nnd 0 one 0 dny fare Is to bo the excur sion rate with the same condition as the Pan American exposition rates The rate for the conclave of Modern Woodmen of America at St Paul Is also one 0 diiy fare The return lim its of tickets sold according to the rates made for the Elks convention at Milwaukee the National Kducnlionnl convention nt Detroit and the Knights Templar conclave at Louisville was extended from to fiO days Fresh Oiitln vnkrt of Iliiguo Vancouver 15 C April 10 The steamer Aorangi from Sydney brings news of fresh outbreaks of the plague at Brisbane nnd Perth Tin serious phase Is the appearance of the plague In the Dunwlch Insane asylum where there nre 1000 Inmates The carrying of the plague to the asylum Is as cribed to rats and all sewers In tho Australian cities are being fumigated in order to destroy Infected vermin with the result that thousands of dead rats have been washed out Kill llli Wire nnd Self Chicago April 10 Charles Sweeney local agent for tho Worth Tobacco company of Lexington Ky yesterday Eliot and killed his wife Sarah Swee ney and then took his own life at the Dubuque Hate In Rush street North Atlantic Squadron nt Kingston Kingston Jamaica April 10 This port Is in holiday attire owing to tho arrival of tho United States North At lantic squadron commanded by Rear Admiral Farquhar Tho warships were saluted and returned the salutes The governor of Japalcn Sir Augustus Hemming visited Admiral Farquhar on the Kearsarge Later tho American admiral visited the governor at the government house Tho squadron left nt daylight this morning Wind Htorui Milken Solum Solrnu Ala April 10 A terrific wind and rain storm struck Selma yesterday Tho electric light plant nnd several other buildings were dam aged and many trees uprooted No casualties are reported A freight train on the Mobile and Birmingham road was caught In the storm near Jackson and wrecked Engineer H G Elwood of this plnco wus killed nnd a brakeman badly hurt Found Dead In HiitTS Hastings la April 10 Joshua bln living six miles southeast of this placo was found dead In his buggy wniie returning homo from Emerson Mr Durbln was one of the oldest resi dents of this county and was well-to- do Epilepsy cause of death limine llloelt at Fairmont lltirui Fairmont Neb April 10 Fire broke out last night In tho Reasor block de stroying the building valued at 12 000 covered y Insurance Miller Co drugs and R G Hall hardware occupied the lower lloor aud tbe Block wua mostly consumed B iWC REPORTS ARE GUESSWORK President Hill Ancili Many Statement Mmle ttcgnrdlnu Mcijjet aie Krinniniti Seattle Wash April 10 President J 1 Hill of the Great Northern who Is now lu this city on being asked by n representative of lie Associated Press ir he had anything further to say touching publications concerning the merging or various railway corpor aliens Into great syndicates mild Say to the Associated Press that 1 have rend the various statements published and where there N one clean cut statement of facts there are about a dozen statements of erroneous character It is true that several large railway corporations are en deavorlug to mnke closer trallle ur rniigeinents and that such arrange nieiits Involve the lltirllngton but up to tho present time here has been nothing consummated upon which lo base correct statements It Is apparent that Mr Hill has been greatly annoyed by the coupling of any railroads other than those with which he has been dealing and he did not hesitate to say that Interviews which hail been given out by heads of such railroads were merely guess work and contained little truth Mr Hill leri Seattle for St Paul nt noon Y W C A CONVENTION HlKhlh Itleiiiilal Meet hi- or tho American Ainocliitlon Cnuoue nt Nilili Ills ItepoiU Ale Head The three days pool tournament at Washington between Alfred Do Oro and Frank Sherman for the worlds championship ended Thursday in n victory for Do Oro who made a total of 000 points against IPS for his oppo nent Nashville Tenn April 10 Tim eighth biennial convention of tho America n Asoelntlon of Young Wom ens Christian associations convened here yesterday at tho First Cumber land church After an address by S Wallers McGlll on Splrltujil Growth and the Motives of Life Mrs L Wil lie r Mcsere read the report of tho American committee Extensive de velopment was noted In every aspect of the work The report of the treasurer Mrs IL C Tillman showed a balance on hand at the close of the last fiscal year of 2750 In 1100 the receipts were 21 OIH and the expenditures 21011 A nominating committee reported for election the following convention officers who were unanimously elect ed Chairman Mrs L W Mcsere sec retary Mrs Carrie B Wilson Chl cazo press secretary Miss Elizabeth Wilson- secretary of tho city commit- slon niNiimlerttaudliiK luincx Had Wreck Cleveland April 1 As the result of a head on collision between freight and construction trains on the Wheel ing and Lake Erie road in the Cleve land yards one man was killed and several badly hurt The dead man Is William Tides a brakeman Tho In jured are Harry Velsenbrech engi neer Canton probably fatal Sylvester Briiggeu Cleveland badly hurt The cause of the accident Is supposed to have been the result of a misunder standing of orders Knium Ick for Culm Abilene Kan April 10 Tho Kan sas Wholesale Egg Dealers associa tion met here last night nnd accepted a contract to ship 100 cars of Kansas eggs to Cuba for tho Island trade TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Two robbers held up a gambling house at Memphis aud got i000 General MacArthur thinks only n small force will be necessary in the Philippines Dr II S Scruggs Jr of Memphis was murdered lu Ids carriage by un known assassin Liquor Interests arc reported lo have raised a corruption fund to in fluence legislation at Honolulu Ex Congressinun M R Baldwin of Minnesota committed suicide at Seat tle because of business reverses Lake steamers owned by the rail road companies will remain Idle until the marine engineers strike ends Tho committee of lfi raided several pool rooms In New York The police nre accused of giving warning of the raid in advaucei Mrs L It Adams of Richmond Intl secretary of the House Heirs associa tion was arrested charged with using the malls to defraud Anti Ritualist John Kenslt was at tacked while coming out of a London church where he protested against confirmation of Bishop Ingram The German military expedition against the Chinese Is causing appre hension among the foreign envoys In China Li Hung Cluing Is found to bo playing a double game Mexico Wednesday signed tho con vention of Tho Hague peace confer ence China Luxemborg nnd Turkey are now the only countries which hnvc not signed the pcaco convention The United Mine Worker of Amer ica expended iri000 last year for tho relief of strikers nnd their fam ilies A lnrge portion of this wns for the southwest strlko which is still in progress A new manganese Iron oro field hns been discovered 12 miles south of Lit tle Grande Utah E T Wolverton a veteran prospector when searching for copper stumbled upon an extinct crater from which hud overflowed vast quantities of manganese iron i A mf4hrtriri i9 3 MY V I- r Sjfc 94 IcOHttani cU I mutt uranil tatUiiOaftjfesaiss g0LK Weekly News Journal NORFOLK NEBRASKA FRIDAY APRIL 19 J90I WE ARE LOOKING FOR A MAN Who thinks ho knows a bargain in lumbur when he sees it Do yon imngliio that you would rr cognize it gonulnn simp If you were to meet it face to face If you do we want to sen you next timo you wnnt soinii lumber We have more and bigger bargains in lumber stowed nwity in our yard than any other concern around here Want to huh urn Jomo in L C MITTELSTADT INOm OLICS LUVlQERmAN Ica i miiu aitittiiil Norfolk V II IllCIIOli PioKlilnnt AIKXANDKIt UlJAIl Vice lroaldaut K W ZUTZ Cnnlilur National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sells Exchange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Dra fts nnd Money Ord ers Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Pnasagu Business Transnoled DIBHOTORS A UEAIt F L IUNLON P J IIALK W II UUUHOLZ WM ZDTZ N A UAINnOIiT BH COTTON FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS SEE- The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary BABIES CRY FOR WHEATLM AND BREAD MADE PROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS You can leave the Missouri River after breakfast today on THE OVERLAND LIMITED arrive California sooner than if you loft yostorduy via any other train 7 TRIP TO CALIFORNIA In roal Hploudor can bo mado on TUB OVERLAND LIMITED tho celebrated Union Pacific train This train runs via tho Overland Ilouto tho established routo across tho continent It has perhaps tho most finely equipped cars in the world Thoro are Doable Drawing- Room Palace Sleepers broad vesti buled Oars throughout Bullet Smoking and Library Oars with Barber Shops and Pleasant Reading Rooms Dining Cars meals being served a la carte and ovory delicacy is provided Tho cars aro illuminated with tho famous Piutsch Light and heated with steam A notable foaturo is that safety porfoct comfort aud speed aro all included Onlv Two Nights between Missouri River and San Francisco For Tim Tables and full Information call on F W JUNEMAN Agent Safrw