The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 22, 1901, Image 1
i fftflnttii Or V v 1 r If T5 The H inn Nellie Bly Express Crashes Into Passenger Train TWENTY FIVE ARE INJURED Cainalty Occurs on ho A in boy Division of the rciitisvHmila Knnil Nenr llorcteti tovn N JInt of the Victims Aro I ltullnus Wreckngo In Finnic Trenton X J Fob 22 Out of tlio Aei worst collisions In the history of the lAmboy division of the Pennsylvania railroad occurred ut about 5110 last evonlng nt Hustings siding near The Nellie lily express from New York for Atlantic City col lided with passenger train No 3o running from Camden to Trenton Thu number of dead so far as known Is ton and the Injured upwards of 25 A speclnl train from the scone of the wreck brought In fotir dead bodies and 18 wounded persons to Trenton Among the killed wns Walter Karl engineer of the express and James Birmingham baggngcmastcr of the local train Most of the killed were Italians Frank Uolund a pnssenger had both legs cut off The doctors say he will die Michael McGrnw fire man of the Nellie Bly was badly ln Jural but Is expected to recover 1rank Thompson engineer of No 330 had a leg broken and Is badly bruised lie Is In a precarious condition Ed ward Garwood fireman was budly bruised by jumping but will recover Most of the remaining dead and in jured are Italians The Italians were riding in the smoking car of the ex press train They wore being taken to Atlantic City to do construction work for the railroad company The two trains collided at full speed and both engines were completely demol ished The forward ears of both trains In each case a combination baggage and emoker were entirely demolished also nnd the wreckage took fire The sec ond oar of the Nellie Bly turned over on its side and the passengers had to climb out through the wlnodws In this they were assisted by passen gers from the cars that did not leave the track Thomas Tnwton of Trenton saw one man burled under the ruins he tried to pry him out but could get nothing to help him He believes the man per ished In the flames The Nellie Bly was running n three sections nnd It was the third section with which No 330 collided The local train had taken the siding to permit tho express to pass 1nd It Is believed that through some misun derstanding or mistake the local came out on the main trnck after the sec ond section had passed mistaking It for the third section RAN INTO OPEN SWITCH Fast Express on tlio Vandallu Wrecked Ni ur East St Loult St Louis Feb 22 The fast ex press ou the Vnndalla ran Into an open switch at the St Clulr crossing near East St Louis yesterday piobably fatally injuring John Vnncleave en gineer and Henry RlcUelman tireman John Gregg mail clerk was seriously hurt All live In St Louis v When the express struck tho open witch it ran Into a car loaded with long bridge timbers Some of the timbers were Jammed into the engine head and boiler a distance of six feet Escaping steam and boiling water flew In every direction The mall car was wrecked and Mail Clerk Gregg was caught behind the safe The pussen ger coach next to the mall car was partially wrecked but none of the pas sengers was Injured I Rich Uncle I Arretted Bloomfleld la Feb 22 Lorenzo Wnugli Ullns William Yates wanted at Muscatine Fredonla Bloomfleld Co lumbus Junction and other cities has been run down by the police nt Salis bury Mo He is to be brought back to Iowa If the governor signs requisi tion papers Waugh Is accused of working the scheme of going Into a strange city and announcing himself as a great uncle of unlimited looking for relatives He would It Is nlloged Ingratiate himself Into the confdence of the leading people of the town and after borrowing money would suddenly leave town I Case Against Rnhlln Dismissed Chicago Feb 22 The grand jury yesterday decided that boxing exhi bitions such as Gus Ituhlln nnd bis sparring partner have been giving In n local theater and tp which objection has been made wns not a violation of the law As n result of this decision the cases against Ituhlln and Martin Svill be dropped J Electrical Men Elect OUIcers 1 Des Moines Feb 22 The Iowa Electrical association closed Its meet ing yesterday Ofllcers were elected as follows President W J Greene Cedar Rapids secretary W R Koffer Des Moines treasuror George S Car son Iowa City The association will meet In Cedar Rapids in April 1902 Xutz U Found Guilty of Anon Beatrice Neb Fob 22 The Jury In the Lutz arson case broughtln a verdict of gulltyN as charged yesterday after being out all night and taking 17 bal lots Judge Hardy the attorney for the defendant will tile papers Mouday asking for a new trial In the mean time Lutz will remain at the county JalL feyoLK Weekly News Jouenal GOVERNOR NAMES MEMBERS Appoint Four Men for South Dakota mute rnlrllcnl Pierre S D Feb 22 Governor Ilcrreld yesterday appointed as mem bers of the state fair board under tho provisions of thu new law John Armstrong of Desinet for one year Professor C Chllcott of Brookings col lege for one year Thomas Fullerton of Mitchell for two years C C Moul ton of Faulkton for three years The fifth mail has not yet been appointed A resolution was passed by both houses donating the chair refused by ex Governor Lee to the Stato Histor ical society The governors veto on the bill to allow the use of abbrevia tions In tnx lists was sustained with one vote against It Tho house passed the bill to provide counsel for Indigent criminals and llx lng attorneys fees at 25 killed tho bill to prevent the sale of stocks of goods In fraud of creditors by vote of 40 to 37 Tho senate passed the general educa tion bill LARCENY OF5u000 Grand Jury at Chicago Iteturns Indict uieut Against Salisbury Guy tan of Omitlia the Losor Chicago Feb 22 An Indictment was yesterday voted by tho grand Jury ngulust one Salisbury alias William Wood charging him with tho larceny of roooo The evidence upon which the indict ment whs voted was glvou the grand Jury by Guy C Bnrton of Omaha said to be one of tho wealthiest residents of that city K O Burton son of Guy C Barton and C IS Loss of the con tracting firm of C S Loss Co of Chicago After the Indictment wns found pa pers were prepared to secure the ex tradition of Salisbury from the state of Michigan he now being It Is said In that state The evidence In the case was kept secret It Is said unofficially thut the nlleged larceny Is the outcome of n railway construction contract Involv ing 4000000 It Is snld that Barton and his son came to Chicago bringing 50000 ns earnest money in the deal The amount was entirely In currency nnd was deposited In n safety deposit vault Four days later Mr Barton went to the vault and found that the money had been taken away WOMAN TO HANG Death Sentence for Mr Neiienheuer Wh Murdered Her Husband at Hannibal Hannibal Mo Feb 22 In the Han nibal court of common pleas Judge Eby sentenced Mrs Ncssenhener con victed of the murder of her husband last July by morphine to be hanged on Friday April 12 Mrs Nessenhener was not visibly affected by the sen tence When asked If she had anything to sny why sentence should not be passed upon her she simply replied I did not get justice Attorneys for defense filed nn affi davit in appeal The appeal was granted and leave given until June 1 to file a bill of exceptions To Ilulld Los Angeles Salt Lake Line Salt Lake Feb 22 The first step townrd the construction of the much talked of railroad between Los An geles and Salt Lake City wns taken yesterday when the articles of Incor poration of the Empire Construction company were filed with the- county clerk here This construction com pany Is organized to construct the rail road from Los Angeles to Salt Lake to be known ns the Snn Pedro Los Angeles and Salt Luke railroad of which Senator William A Clark of Montana Is president nnd R C Kerens of St Louis Is vice president Ready for Civil Government Washington Feb 22 According to the latest advices from the Philippine commission the time for the establish ment of civil government In tho Philip pines Is near at linnd It was stated at tho war department that the civil government will be established as soon as Judge Tuft reports that condition in the Islnnds Justify such action It Is generally understood that Judge Taft will be the first civil governor of the Islands and that General Chaffee will succeed General MncArthur In command of the military forces Oregon to Have an Exposition Portland Or Feb 22 Articles In corporating an exposition which will celebrate the centennial anniversary of the arrivul In Oregou of the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1805 will be filed with the secretory of state at once The Oregon legislature will be asked to pass a resolution guaranteeing state support uud also a resolution asking congress for nn appropriation for the exposition which will be held In this city during the summer of 1005 Held for Alleged Theft of Water Omaha Feb 22 Ernest Stuht against whom tho Omaha Water com puny has filed a charge of misappro priating 1320000 gallons of water ap peared In the police court yesterday and waived preliminary hearing Ho wus held to the district court under G00 bonds No Further Concessions of Territory Washington Feb 22 At tho in stanco of time United States govern ment tho powers have accepted the principle that no further Individual concessions of territory in China shall be sought by any one power without International assent NORFOLK NEBRASKA FRIDAY KKBRUARY 22 1001 Ml i m Document Receives Formal Sanction of Cubans SENOR OISNEROS DECLINES liMieral Wood Outlines This Countrys Wishes In u Letter lo Clinlriiinn of Spe cial Committee on Isluiult Futiiro nota tions With Amerlua Havana Feb 22 Tho Cuban con stitution first submitted by the central committee to the convention nt the public session of Jan 21 wiih signed yesterday One copy was sent to Gov ernor General Wood and the other placed among the records of the con vention Sciior Clsneros created a sensation by refusing to sign He said Cuba Is now Independent nnd I see no reason for sending this constitu tion to the United States for accept ance The United States government has no right to puss ou It for It Is a distinctly Cuban document and wns drawn up by this convention which bus assumed the responsibility of es tablishing tho republic Several delegates crowded around him and endeavored to dissuade him from his course but he wns Immov able Senor Tninnyo remarked Wo are nil Cubans senor nnd Senor Cls neros replied Yes when the time comes to fight the Americans we will light thein together Senor Capote president of the con vention will deliver the document to General Wood at the palace today General Wood nnd his stuff will receive formally the commission charged with the duty of presenting tho constitu tion The latter will be translated and a copy In English will be sent to Washington with the original Probn bly the translation will not bo ready before Monday General Wood sent n personal letter to Senor Tninnyo chairman of the spe cial committee on foreign relations outlining the suggestions received from Secretary Root but pointing out thnt these were only expressions of the opinion of the executive department ns to what the people of Cuba should desire to have established and agreed upon between the United States and Cuba nnd should not be taken ns an or flclal declaration of the United States It being necessary to refer the wholo mutter to congress MINE WORKERS MEET Delegates Attend From All Over Iowa and Northern Missouri Ottumwu la Feb 22 The conven tion of delegates of district No 13 United Mine Workers of America which comprises all of Iowa and north ern Missouri began Its annual session here yesterday The credentials com mittee reported nil local unions repre sented with 125 delegates and rules governing the convention were adopt ed The annual reports of the officers were presented and referred to the various committees President Reeses report was a com plete review of the mining situation during the last year and showed It had been for the mine workers of this district in many way a profitable one not from the fact ulone of the In creased price of mining nor the In creased employmentbut because the oi guuizatlou does business In a business manner BOER POSITION TAKEN Methuen Disperses Fourteen Hundred Hurghent After Severe Fighting London Feb 22 The war office has received the following from Lord Kitchener dated Klerksdorp Feb 21 Methuens force marched here hav ing cleared tho country through Wol marunstadt At Haartbeestefonteln 1400 Boers under Generals Do Vllllers and Llenbenberg opposed him They held a strong position obstinately but were turned out after severe fighting In which the yeomanry the Victorian Bushmen nnd the Lancashire distin guished themselves Our casualties were three otllcers and 13 men killed nnd live otllcers nnd 25 men wounded The Boers left 18 dead on the ground and suffered severely TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Chnuncey I Filley was nominated on an Independent ticket for Worlds fair mayor of St Louis Thursday Mark King messenger of tho houso of representatives at Washington died at Ironton 0 Thursday of paralysis General Otis arrived in St Paul from Chicago Thursday and assumed tempo rary charge of tho Department of the Dakotus The lit nev yIllIam Morris Bar ker bishop of the Jurisdiction of Olym pla died suddenly ut his home In Tn comn Thursday aged 40 A niola a Manila druggist has been arrested and communications from Agulnaldo dated In Isabella province northwestern Luzon have been seized In his store Thomas Vital a negro rapist was lynched by a mob and his half brother Samuel Thlbodenux who attempted to Interfere with the lynchers was shot to death neur Kenton La Thursday A movement is on foot by prominent Angora goat breeders to Import to this country from Turkey a largo number of the best Angoias that can be found The Intention Is to hnve the Imported Angoras at tho show of tho American Angora Goat Breeders association at Kansas City In October next EXPANSION IN TRADE Ilnn Tone In Hinlinm Despite Continued Cold Weather New York Feb 22 Bradstreets says Triiiln s ft whole 1ms shown furthrr e piinHloti this week despite hpmIi mcuIIut leiiilliiK to clieoW ttmlc nt mime iioilhrrn stul wextiiu miiiKrlH lit lite fni of very iiiirmtlHfmloir Inmllttoiis In the cot I on mini ufurlitrhiK trnile The position of retailors with huge Mocks hits lieeti rcnlly Improved by lite continued cold won I h or Foremost iiiuiiik the Hues noting Improvement tills week li Hie dry cooils tinile which Is re polled active on spiliii sreunnt by Jobbers The hoot anil Mint Imliintry fins likewise continued In n KHtlnfnclorr vliiipc nnd some vnrletle of lent her reflect recent ncthlly In nilviinccH nt eiiHtern mmkelH Iron ami steel In the cruder forms nr been very Ntroi nt font i nl iiml enslern mnikels null eotiHlilciiible mtvmicci nrn reported In pic Iron nml steel billots The ceienls show Utile deflnlte movement tnklliB the week ns n whole exceptliiK flour which Is 10WJOc hiitrel hlcher Wlient Is fiuctlumilly hlKhrr Mini emu nnd onts nro unohn lined but the corn kM tint Inn Is uotnlile In view of this brine n senson of InoroiiHlnij Mocks Chief support comes from the nc live forclmt nnd home tlcmiiml for thin ce roid cotisunipihe roiiilremens for which seem to Iiiim dollnltoly overtuken produc tion DECREE IS ISSUED Chinese Ileiilpotontlarles liistrurlnd to Notify IorelKn ICuvoys of Acqui escence In Demands Peking Feb 22 lrlnce Chlng and LI Hung Chang have received tele graphic Instructions from the court to notify the ministers of the powers that an edict has been Issued regarding the punishment of Chinese otllcluls con llrumtory of the demunds made by tho ministers us follows General Tung i uli Slang to be de graded and deprived of his rank Prince Chwiing Ylng Nlen and Chan Shu Chlao to commit suicide Hsu Chen Yii Yu IlsleiiUiid Ivl Ilaln to bo beheaded This Is not exactly what the minis ters demanded but It Is considered advisable to agree to It ns the de mand for lives lias been agreed to ex cept In the enso of General Tung Fun Slang whom the court Is powerless to molest There Is a private under standing thnt his life will bo claimed when It Is possible The ICuropcan and Chinese secre taries of legutlons and others who hnvo lived In China for years consider thnt China has gained a victory ns tho only innn tho court hns to behead is Yu Hslen Tho other two are In tho hands of the Jupancso nnd could bu beheaded when their execution Is wanted Suicide Is no disgrace what ever in tho eyes of the Chinese No one believes General Tung Fuh Slung will ever suffer punishment People here say Chinese Imperial edicts nre very unstable document especially when private edicts to tho executive officials accompany tho pub lic edicts A rodent decree prdered all Indicted officials to commit suicide yet It Is evident n secret edict wns sent Instructing the persons Impli cated not to obey What proof It Is asked Is there now that the terms of the decree will be curried out NO MORE PNEUMATIC TUBES Senate Eliminates Appropriation for the Service From Postolllce 11111 Washington Feb 22 For nearly two hours yesterday the senate had un der discussion a resolution by Jones Ark to discharge the Judiciary com mittee from further consideration of tho anti trust bill passed by the house at the lust session and to bring K be fore the senate for consideration To some extent the merits of the measure were discussed Hoar Piatt Spooncr Bncon Pettlgrew Teller and others taking pnrt In the debate The major ity maintained thnt the house measure clenrly wns unconstitutional They protested too against taking tip so groat a question In tho closing hours of the session The resolution finally wont to the calendar During the re mainder of the afternoon the postofflce appropriation bill was under discussion After n prolonged contest the appro priation for pneumatic lube service was eliminated entirely so that ns the bill stands now the service will have to be discontinued after the 1st of next July The old controversy over the special appropriations for fast mall servlco en gaged attention the rest of tho day It was decided to begin holding night sessions tonight Harry Klected Urlxadler General Lincoln Feb 22 A brigade organ ization of the Nebraska National Guard was effected yesterday by the selection of Putrlck H Barry of Gree ley as brigadier general and Lieuten ant Colonel Hnrry Archer of Beatrice as colonel of the First regiment vice Colonel W M Kllllan resigned Col onel Will Huyward of Nebraska City remains at the head of the Second regi ment laiiftiot at Manila Manila Feb 22 The Federal party covered Itself with distinction last eveulng on the occasion of the bunquet given under its auspices on tho eve of Washingtons birthday Tho company Included some 2r0 leading Filipinos and Americans The dining hull and tables were beautifully decorated and the menu wns excellent Boers Cupture Supply Train Johannesburg Feb 22 The Boers destroyed a culvert between Nutaf Spruit and Klip river on the railroad Just south of here at dawn yesterday They captured a train loud of food stuffs uud after taking all they could conveniently carry set fire to the rest and disappeared over the veldt H Put That In Your Pipe and Smoke It H H I dont euro what you want nor how much U H or how little of It If its anything in lumber or m B building material I can save you dollars Ask M m my prices before buying and mm if I onut m L C MITTELSTADT H NORFOLKS LUAH5ERMAN M Norfolk W II IIUCIIOI Imnhlmit A I NX AND Kit llliAlt Vloo Pmsidoni 15 W 7UTCnlilnr National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IH NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Soils Exohangc Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Rnropq A Genoral Steamship and Forolgn Passage IIiiHlnesa Traiisaotod DIROBQaTCmB k RKAH F P IIANLON F J HALK NA UAINBOLT DEALER IN W HHUOHPLZ B HCOTTON C W BRAASCH WB ZOT ICOALii I Exolnsivo agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best in tue marKoi Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TKLEPHOXTE 1 BABIES FOR WHEATLING CRY AND BREAD MADE PROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS -1 You can leave the Missouri River after breakfast today on THE OVERLAND LIMITED arrive California sooner than if you left yestorday via any other train Ut jBjsjpjfifci h m StoS TO CALIFORNIA ATRIP in rogftl splendor can bo mado on THE OVERLAND LIMITED tho celebrated Union Pacific train This train runs via tho Overland Ilouto the established route across the contiuont It lias perhaps tho most finely equipped cars in the world Thero are Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepors broad bulod Oars throughout Buffet Smoking and Library Oars with Barber Shops and Pleasant Readiug Rooms Dining Gars meals being served a la cart6 and every delicacy is provided The cars aro illuminated with the famous Pintsch Light and heated with steam A notablo feature is that safety perfect comfort and speed are all included Onlv Two Nights between Missouri River and San Francisco ForjTimo Tables and full Information call on F W JUNEMAN Agcat r ajaaAlto