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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1901)
H 1 l t rfl WHEN BOBS AWAY AT SCHOOL All rlnr delightful tmon ill Too rare iml far too lirlcfl Bwrct tlmr when silence lolt doth fill As fill the lolling leifl Ti inhered In with lim of Rite Anil out with fljlnir itool Ami qulrtudr ilotli rule In tile When Ilobi wy it ichool 1 Upon the porch jne Ubby rt J With blinking cye doth loie In tranquil dreatm forcettlns that Her lifes a round of wots And Ton grr stretched unon the snw In visions of the pool jl FoTRfts to bark at feet which pisi if While lloba away at school o What hlfMfd cbirm rnfotda the home Throughout that wion rircl Kich buutlnB Ay and chrcpliiK mouse Slceiii wiiind within Its lilr The elms ticslde the ganlfn Rite Fa freshly Rrren and cool Braree stir their Riant llmhs sedate When Dolls away at school Hut ill too soon It fides awar Ill Towserl Sic her air Tuss leaps the fence a dash of pray I JM w Towwr Just a yellow blur I Bangl goes the door In runs the UJI t e And yet the chaps a fool Whod not be just a little glad When Hob comrs homo from nchooll Itlchard Stlllman Powell In Puck MooMooHooMooHooHooM M sisters secret I 2 It Wat Kept by it Girl 2 Z or Fourteen X o - o O xy uwon juver g JooMooMooooMooMooM I I hnd vowed novel- to enter tbe Dor mers house again but when they sent word tlint Mnlsiu wns dying I went llierc as fast as a hansom would carry me Wc had always been such friends the child and I She was propped up In bed with pll lows and her pretty face wns pale ant drawn but she smiled when she saw me I toolc her wasted hand In mine mid kissed her check I was sure you would come she enld In a faint pleased voice Of course I answered of course my dear child She was only 14 There Is no quarrel between you and me We had remained good friends when the rest of the family cut me dead I Wc never have quarreled she said -holding my hand tightly There is not much time to quarrel now You wonr will you Trod 1 shook my head A lump In my throat kept me from speaking Promise me before 1 tell you something I My poor little Maisle I cried bro kenly I promise She had been a ipet of mine from the days when she iwas a toddling baby and I a big nwk ward boy I It is very secret she stated in a Blow faroff voice My dear It Is only ifor Fred Her mother shook up the ipillows and left us alone but Maisle leccmed unable to make up her mind to speak i You know I would do anything for iyou little girl I said soothingly Her ryes brightened and she nodded but the smile died gradually away I Turn me over a little she entreat cd and pull the corner of the pillow over my face I cant tell you if you look at me So I turned her very gen Air but she still said nothing Well May I asked You used to be foud of me I am fond of you I shall never have any one to replace you dear Suppose I had done something dreadful something that hurt you I should know that you could not help it Something mean ITer voice al most broke You couldnt Ah but suppose I had Then I said firmly I should know It was just a slip like we all make like I make sometimes I should not blame you little one I stroked her Jong silky hair and thought how I should miss her I had never fully realized before how very fond I was of my fanciful little friend Will you promise to forgive me Idear Fred she asked plendingly If there Is anything to forgive There Is 1 Then whatever It Is I forgive you Bo you need not tell me now I must she said resolutely It is about you and Lucy when you quar reled She stopped abruptly Yes Lucy was her elder sister iWe had been engaged You wrote her an explanation a satisfactory explanation I Apparently she did not think so Bhe never answered tbe letter that I gave you to deliver She never had it said Maisle with a sob Maisle I 1 I I kept it She burled her face In the pillow I was too astonished for iwords but I kept stroking her hair I read It first Then I burned it I Hut why Because I was a coward she sob Ibed because I -oh Fred forgive me Dont despise me more than you can ihelp A light flashed into my mind 1 bent over her and kissed her check 1 My little Maisle I said tenderly My poor loving little girl You cared to much as that or me I I thought perhaps If you didnt marry Lucy and we were good friends and I grew up oh Fred I shant grow up now I put my arms round her nud held her close to me If you get well May I said and ijrrow up I shall like you better than lanybody She laughed faintly I believe I always did I wiped her eyes I I shant she said So you will like her again now wont you I hesitated My affection for Lucy died a natural death It had never been very deep Neither I fancied Lad hers for me Time will prove I wld lowl7 I doubt If - She does said Maisle Has she told you so Yes 1 WP V 1 frowned You have not told her about the letter She shook her head Then 1 never will It Is use less your asking mo to do so I do not ask you to I am not bravo enough She burled her face I want them to think well of ia sho cried plteously when when I Oh Maisle dont The tears woro In my eyes Hut you will be good to her You will make It up wont you You need not tell her about me only sny that you nre sorry and want to be friends Then you can be engaged again and nnd soinu day Her lips quiver ed Marry her She nodded Hut If I no longer en re for her If I know that 1 can never love her as I could love My dear little playfellow and friend 1 am not half so fond of Lucy as 1 am of you Ahl She looked at me with big deep eyes 1 run only a child There aro different kinds of fondness dear Fred The wistful affection In ho childs face touched me to the heart and 1 kissed her frail hands Get better little one and see I said brokenly Then we sat In si lence for n long time holding hands I nin getting sleepy Fred she murmured Kiss me I kissed her several times and she went smilingly to sleep with her cheek against my arm and her hand In my hand Mrs Dormer came In but I sat motionless for nu hour till the childs grasp re laxed and 1 could draw myself away without waking her I shall come tomorrow morning I whispered Her mother nodded con strainedly and I went out on tiptoe Lucy met me nt the bottom of the stairs I have something to tell you she said If you will spare me u min ute 1 bowed and followed her Into the empty dining room She sank Into nn armchair by the fireside and I stood by the mantelpiece looking down upon her It seemed strange to be so near to her and so Indifferent to the fact For one thing was clear to me that If I had every really loved Lucy Dormer I loved her no longer We were quite unsuitcd to one another nnd If 1 married her It would merely be a useless sacrifice of two lives I treated yon badly she said ab ruptly I raised my eyebrows After Maisles confession there seemed no reason for the admission There were things I said that needed explanation Some things are beyond explana tion Perhaps they nre better left so One can ask forgiveness There was a faint note of entreaty In her voice I fidgeted Impatiently with n little ornament on the mantelshelf If I asked for forgiveness she would give more If one desires forgiveness I said at length It sounded brutal but it might avoid worse tilings Oh she cried I do You I said with astonishment You What have I to forgive you She toyed with her handkerchief I thought Maisle would tell you The child was always so fond of you So she knew Maisle has told me I said gravely Lucy It Is right to be frank I have discovered that my little playfellow child as she is has the best love that I can ever give to any one She look ed nt me In surprise Then she laugh ed scornfully I see she said You want an ex cuse You might Invent one without taking my poor little sisters name In vain It Is no excuse T said firmly We looked at one another for a minute In silence Then she said I did not hurt you I am glad She stamped her foot passionately No no I am not I am sorry sorry do you hear I shrugged my shoulders There Is no more to say I sug gested No more to say she echoed faintly I walked to the door Fred she cried nbruptly I must say it Listen to me If you will not forgive Forgive I nsked What have I to forgive She looked at mo In ap parent bewlldermeut Do you not know that I never told my people of your explanation that I let all the blame rest on you My letter I cried My letter The letter you sent to Maisle She gave It to you Of course she gave It to me Raid Lucy opening her eyes wide Why not 1 ought to have known My brave little girl Maisle told me that she never gave you the letter Lucy that nil the blame was hers I walked to the window and looked out for a time In silence broken by Lucys sobs She told you that Just to screen me she sold brokenly Yes I could not say more for the moment Presently 1 wnlked back to the fire Clod bless her I said softly Let us say no more about It Lucy and be friends for her sake Lucy wiped her eyes and looked Into the fire Then she spoke with her eyes u verted from me When we quarreled It was only what I had for some time Intended Your reason I asked mechanical ly 1 did not really care Some one else was a better match I I did not like him so well I bow ed It wns Immaterial I knew that my people would disapprove of my breaking our engagement for this rea son They were fond of you I wns forJ of them Their behav ior had hurt and surprised me In the letter I had particularly asked Lucy to show them my explanation whether she accepted It or not Couseourntlj 1 was glad or thought I rHK NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY JANUARY II Ii01 1 was when 1 heard something about you which gave me an excuse to quar rel Hi was false us 1 told you In tho letter As you told me In the letter There fotc 1 did not answer the letter or I ell my parents but let the blame rest on you She shivered Do not trouble about It any more I said not unkindly The blfernios Is over now Yes she wild It Is over I ic fiised li 1 tit after all You tlo not ask mo why Perhaps you do not wish to know I shook my head I do not wish to know She nodded to the lire Hut I forgive you Lucy She nodded again There was nothing more to say since I could not sny what she wished So I turned to go Hut there was n knock at the front door and 1 heard some one say The doctor So I waited to hear what lie pro nounced After a few minutes he came down the stairs talking to Mrs Dormer It Is a natural sleep ho said The pulse Is steadier and the temperatuie more normal The odds are still against her but there is hope The tears came to my eyes at hist nud Lucy nine and put her hand on my shoulder You can win her back to life Fred she said our little girl Stay till she wakes 1 had already resolved to slay I went up stnlrs and snt with my el bow on her bed and my face on my bund watching my little favorite Presently her mother came and knelt beside inc Lucy has told me nil Fred she whispered You you will not tell Hie others I will not I promised When my little girl awoke she was not looking toward me Better dear iIim1 her mother Why ye she lauged feebly It must be Fred i now I believe he would ma fi well If he were often In He will be 1 I said softly She i happy cry and I wli i what I knew and other l were only for her and nu Tlu he things that won her hnek to I IV she snyo when we tall of such matters We do not talk of them very often for Maisle is young and shy and still at school Hut her people understand and leave us alone together and now and then our thoughts peep out 1 re member that they did so upon the night of Lucys wedding for she mar ried the better match after nil Maisle came to see mc out of course and bellied me Into my coat and tried laughingly to shake me and I put my arm around her and kissed her several times Instead of the usual once nnd not quite in the usunl brotherly way There will be another wedding one dny I said Wont there little sweet heart She burled her head ou my shoulder and whispered I hope so Meanwhile people speak of me as a confirmed bachelor and laugh when I tell them that I am waiting for Miss Hlght to grow But Miss Ulght is 10 now and done growing and wears her hair up and her dresses long and our good nights nre steadily growing lengthier nnd less fraternal Dear little Maisle Chicago Herald Hott Flrlc ApoloKlird While In a peculiar mood one dny the late Stephen 7 Field severely repri manded Page Henry McCnll for an of fense of which the page was Innocent But the member of the highest court In the laud could not be persuaded that his course was not tbe correct one McCall left humiliated but ho was a little gentleman nnd held his pence Later in the day Justice Field sent for McCnll Come to my house nt 7 oclock this evening wns nil he said With mingled feelings of doubt nnd despair the pnge called at the Field residence at the time specified was ushered Into the Jurists library and told to hold the books which Mr Field began without explanation or cere mony to take from the shelves When tho veteran lnwyer had pulled about 15 volumes In to Page McCalls arms he grufily remarked Henry Im very sorry for the way I treated you today I realize that my conduct was unwarranted and I beg your pardon Here nre some choice books Keep them ns n nucleus for your library Keep J hem young man and keep your temper too whatever you do Good night Exchange A Tart Itravonar A certain doctor had occasion when only a beginner In the medical profes sion to nttend n trial as n witness The opposing counsel In cross examining the young physician mnde several sar castic remarks doubting the ability of so young a man to understand his busi ness Finally he asked Do you know the symptoms of concussion of the brain I do replied the doctor Well continued the attorney sup pose my learned friend Mr Baglng and myself were to bang our heads to gethershould we get concussion of the brain Your learned friend Mr Baglng might said the doctor Trnlnliirj Cnnnrlre In the canary breeding establish ments of Germany only the male birds are valued because the females never sing The method of training the birds to sing Is to put them In n room where there Is an automatic- whistle which they all strive to Imitate The breeder listens to the efforts of the birds and picks out the most apt pupils which are then placed In another room for further Instruction These are the best singers and ultimately fetch blgb prlcei Berlin Correspondence AN ANOCL UNAWAKES Rnppose for emy act of lrnr and duty I An anKil In the path of life thotild lay loel to ef invert pritutne and beauty IK Ah eifn thiti how bur nnuld tie the way I Supie for rcry Vlndly word uinpokrn Tor every fault which rarrlru hand had dona for ecry resolution mmlr and hrchin j A thorn brnrath nur errliiR feet had Rronn Ah then the way would be one ftretih ol atiRulsh Willi only bore and there n flower to cheer Our feet would alter and our rpltlta laiiRilsh And llle would be a Inildin bald to har Hut seldom are we outwardly rewarded Arconllna to the deeds nhlih we hae donej The pure In heart ate by the world illvardrd I The ulikrd hancst where the good lne eonn 1 And yet to eiery heart In darners hidden there lomra an hiik1 whom we tannnt see 1 Who strhea to keep ns from ihe paths forbidden I And In the mi row way where faith may lie Ills name Is Ynt Icitcc and he brliiRS us rose - Sect roses borrowed from the hmw of peace - Or horns nn which remorseful IIioiirIiI reposes lliRrets whose sharp tcirnu ntliiR neiir rase Then let us tithe temptations storm to weather 1 lel emy tliuittilit and uuy died Improve Till Cormlcnce finds no crml llmina to Rather Hut irowna the aoul with Joy and peace and I loir T Ituwcll Sheldon In Itlrhmoiid Itcllfilolia Her aid folly n thr Phone One West Madison street drugglft lost a customer through his fondness for pots Ho has a largo green parrot nnd the cagu is hung near the telephone Willi tho result Unit Polly has liecomo qnito proficient In telephone talk and fiimshcs much amusement to tho cus tomers who have tho timo to stop and liftcn The other day a stylishly dressed young lady came rustling into tho storo iiikI siHlted permission to use thu phono Tho druggist pointed to tho rear of tho tittire and she started in that direction The storo wns rather dark and when tin heard somo oun apparently talking into tho receiver hho seated herself an a chair to wait Hollo eentwil hello hello yes give express Yes hello who is that Oh yes what yes hullo I say no I didnt got that is that so Well good by ring off Hello central hello hello give mo and so on and so on through tsuvernl repeti tions Then sho roso and advanced with r stately air to tho clerk and asked if ho thought that pm sou intended to usu the telephone all day Why thats only tho parrot he But tho front door had slummed be fore he could finish his sentence Chi cago News AVnnlril to Sre Tlint Foot On tho principle that to somo persons even old stories aro new this one oT tho royal princelings of limtlund is given in Mr G W 13 Russells recent book Collcctiuis and Itecolleclions An English gentleman who had a de formed foot was going to visit tho qneon at Osborne mid heforo his arrival the queen and Prince Albert debated whether it would bo well to wnrn tho Prince of Wales and tho princess royal of his physical peculiarity so as to avoid their making embarrassing re marks or to leave it to their own good feeling Tho hitter course was ndopted Lord duly arrived Tho foot elicited no remark from tho royal children and the visit passed off with success Next day tho princess royal asked the queen Where is Lord Y Ho has gone back to London dear Oh what a pity I IIo had promised to show Bertio and mo his foofcl They had caught him in a quiet spot and Hindu tbeir own terms with tho captive Ilia nnlf Way Sclirmr Not long ligo a Pittsburg lifo insur ance agent persuaded a Chinninnn to take out a policy of 5000 The latter had no clear idea of the transaction but understood that on paying the premiums promptly ho would bo enti tled to 5000 some time Ho began bothering tho agent for the money after a couple of weeks had passed and the agent tried to explain to him that he would have to die boforo ho conld get it Tho Chinaman fell down a cellar way and was badly hurt His friends tried to nttend to him without calling in a doctor When they did call one in two days later tho doctor was angry Why didnt yon call mo sooner he ai ked This man is half dead now Next day the injured mans brother was at tho insurance ofUco with n claim for 2500 Youre not entitled to anything on this said the insnrance agent until the man is dead Doctol sny him half died nn Bwered the brother Why he no glet lat hulf V Good Ilorae Sense The Mexican burros ascertain where to dig for water by closely observing tho surface of the ground One ob server writes We had found water In an arroya of a sulllclent quantity to make cof fee when we saw three burros search ing for water They passed several damp places examining the ground closely when the lender halted near us and began to paw a hole in the hot dry sand Having dug a bole some thing over a foot In depth he backed out and watched It Intently To our surprise It soon began to fill with wa ter Then ho advanced took a drink nud stepped aside for his companions to drink When they went away we drank from their well and found tho water to bo much cooler than any we hnd found for many a day There Is no witchcraft about Mexican burros but they have good horse bcuie Cinsy to Kaiiert It IIarduppe Say old fellow lend me a hundred will you Itlggs A hundred what Harduppo A hundred dollars I Itlggs Oh stop your Joking Hurduppc enriicMlyj Joking I was never more serious In my life Im broke HIggs My dear man youre not broke Your cracked I Cattbollc Stand ard mid TloMir HAVE EYES AND SEE NOT Mnttrr Tlint fUirnr IVoplei Ss siH Veirr to Potior Can you tell me If collections of the mall tue made today asked an elder 1 man of a young iiinii In a Pennsyl vania incline news store last Sunday Yes bete are MMcrnl collections made In this city on Sutidaj was Ihe atiHwer Do you know Ihe hour My fileitd lit front of this store Is a mall box and ou the front of ll Is to be found a card with the hours of dal ly collection neatly tabulated iCv II Thanks This Is an example why some of the old men are pushed to the wall In Ihe struggle for life and why II Is not always tho old practitioner who Is the best said the toting man For n man of apparently 70 to ask In tho city of Washington such a question as that gentleman Just addressed to me Is little short of criminal and well ex eniplllles how woefully tlcllclcut some people are with reference to mullein of common Knowledge which ought to be In he possession of every schoolboy al the age of 10 Theie are certain wrinkles of inet lopolltau life that some people seem never to grasp The running leeway of the street cars their termini the streels through which they pasti nud the districts they tap the running lime between Washington and the principal cities of the railroads a thor ough knowledge of tho environments of the city tho major questions of the mall service and a thousand and one matters which If not directly ac quired by learning should be by ab sorption ought to be at ho linger tips of cery person who enjoys tho priv ilege of metropolitan life Washing ton Slnr A VALUAB1K WILD DUAST The inrllln In Kuril o Cnplurr sn A I n i In Dciiinnd At llie incMiit time there Is no wild nnlinnl in such givnl deiiiiitiil for eiliihi Hon iiiiiomh ns lV Kn llln mild i deni er in nil Iiiids or wild lienslH In New York to Hie wiifAr he oilier day A full griiwii pinllii Mauds nlmiit -1 feet t Inches Iiinii nnd it wuitli from flJOO to flfiOl They mdl easily for such prices owing to the fuel Mint they are rare nnd very ilillieult to Oiiitllie CliicfH In the Intel lor of Africa uive been offeied Inrge sums if they wovlil succeed in enteliiug one of thebc lientls Numbers of little gorillas have hern captured nt vurioub times but tliey lisvc always pined away nnd died in n sliot lime The chief dilli culty about the cup tire of the gorilln is tlint he lives in wry unhealthy distiicix when fevers prelnil A white man has to fight Hie climate ns well is lie imiuuils In addition to lie well known Ifiueitj of the gorilln lie Is regarded with n MiperMitinus awe by the natives who have n legend to the ef feet tlint this terrible licn il ennies nwiiy the women to the juiikIch They nlso re gard the Ktirilla is endowed with hiiper linturnl powers Two men M nt out Inst year liv a well I own Ceriniin firm Mint deals in wild lenlv perished in lie wildn of Africa while MtMug gnrilhii It may seem yrprihing to in A inert can equipped will nil the iidiiinees of science Tor the subjugation of the animal kingdom that it almrn t impossible to capture and cikc i gorilla Itut if his fearful strength k considered nnd liin wonderful shj iicmi t will piute to he not so much u matter f surprise nt nil All kinds of suggest iois have been mnde to hunters wilh legnnl to Ihe deuces to lie used Mich nn trap pit falls and like up plinnces lint noil of these has pioeil to lie successf il One of the larvcs gorillas ever cap tilled belongs lo he zoological gardens In London The niinnl stands feet 0 inches high It is mi valuable that offers of 1800 and J KM have been made without ncccptiuic i Washington Stur Our Whnln Willi Teeth Spenking of whaVs nn old whaler hays then are li kinds jut one of which has teeth The others rc provided with 315 layers of hone in tr Jaws On this hone arc hairs nn inch long which separate from the water a mjuFI germ the size of n wheat grain called Piett 1his Is the only food on which the huge animal lives He says lint the thiont of a whole is but the size of a mans list The mouth however will hold - peoph and it Is on this ac count that many think the whale take In hundreds of barrels of water Although the ear of a whale is but the tine of a fin ger tip he says he has known them to distinguish sounds at a distance uf 10 miles Denver Itepubllean Order for Hearing of KIiimI Account Iu the matter of the estate of M K Andrus deceased In the county conrt of Madison county NebrasKa Now on the lUth day of DeoemlKvr HHK came Dnrt Mapes tbe administra tor de lxin is non of said estate and prays for leave to render an account as such administrator It is therefore ordered that the Kith day of January 11KM at one oclock p in at my office in Madison be fixed as tho time nnd place for examining nud allowing such account Aud the heirs of Fiiid doceosod and all perfcons inter est d i i said estate nre required to appeur at the timo and place so desig nated and show ciuiBe if snch exist why said account should not bo allowed It is fnrthor ordered that said Bart Mnpes administrator de bonis non giyo notice to all persons interested in said estate by causing a copy of this order to lie published in the N kfolk Newb Touknal a newspaper printed nnd iu general circulation in said county for three weeks prior to tbe day set for said healing In testimony whereof I have hero unto set my hand nnd affixed my olli cial seal this 18th day of December IKK keai Wm Hates County Judge The complete service of The Ohio ago Portland Special via Union Paciiio ennbles passengers to reach the princl pal cities between the north and Pacific coast and Miesonri river not only in the shortest possible space of time but al6o in tbe most comfortable aud enjoyable manner Tho dining cars on this train are btocked with the bout the marked affords All uieah wired a la cart This Stovo SavoB Ono- Third Your Coal BiU I I I IK IS NKVUIIOIJT nKANUNKSSAND KVKN IIKAT WITH Son COAL SLACK nit UCNITK rou ham AT Doners Hardware Store nrrnnnnymTmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnTra I THEY ARE HERE lAn Excellent Opportunity DO NOJ MISS IT IN IMNIISI M i lrSMINSt ltilll OOlOltSt umijaiii siiul tojiii si nii Hired from I In K toryKiiuil I xdl tlimu in bJa jrt rli What Are They Till 111 m American and Imported Valours Cliimi Silks and Fine Damasks 3- at 31 31 3f 3 31 3V t Do not forgot that I have t a fino lino of PIANOS and 3 t 31 iDPAMe r ll ununiMO ouu inom WIlOll 3 purchasing n Scarf 3 3 I D tflDfFH Tho Norfolk Piano Man 3 GUlLilkLLIllLlLkklLkLllLkilUkllllllJiUkiUUMU IF GOING EASTIOR SOUTH of Chicago ui k your load ticket agent to ronte yon between Omaha and Chicago via the wefe WlLWAUKEh STPAUL the shortest line between the two cities Trains via this popular road depart from the Union depot Omaha daily con necting with trains from tho west Magnificently i quipped trains palaw sleepers uiid free reclining chair earn Diuing cars nnd buffet library and smoking airs All trains lighted by electricity For full information aboax rntfs etc address V A Nash General Western Agent II W Howkm 1504 Fanmm St Trav Frt Pass Agt Omanw HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS Tia Missouri Pacific Ry and Iron Mountain Route o To certain points in the WEST WEST and SOUTH EAST at ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP PLUS 2oo t October 2 nnd fir OK TUESDAYS November li and 20 December 4 and 18 Final Limit of Tickets 21 Days Stop overs will be allowed within trautit limit of fifteen days goiug after reaching first homeseekens point en route For furthsr infnrimitinii tir arivei tiling mut ter uililrctb uuy ugvul uf lliu company or J 0 lUILLlFFl W C IlAUNESy AUPftDdPA TPA tfeuttiMit Ccrr 14 lb and Douslti BU OIUiUKUBKAIUCJl