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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1912)
) I \ V/HAT INSURANCE COP/1 MISS I ONERS SAY Insurance Commissioner "Wm. H. Hotchkiss of New York , chairman of the executive committee of the Na tional Convention of Insurance Com missioners , prior to the last Head Camp of the Modern Woodmen of America , gave the following official notice to that society : "Pursuant to action of the national convention of state insurance commis sioners , at its adjourned session In December last , I write you this ex pression of views as to the necessity of your order as well as all ot ! f ' fraternal benefit societies placing itself on a firm foundation as to rates. An Insurance society which in these days does not recognize that the cost of insurance is fixed by laws other than man's laws namely , the laws of nature or prescribes for its mem bers either a fiat rate , irrespective of the age of its members , or any other rate that is not scientifically safe , is deceiving both itself and its members and approaching the time perhaps slowly , but not the less surely when it must fail and its contracts be repudiated. The fraternal spirit is a good thing ; but the rates and man agement of fraternal societies must aLe bo such that the beneficiaries of tl 3 last member to die will receive evcrv dollar that such member's cer- tifica- - > calls for. " State Insurance Commissioner r..ern cf Y.'isconsfn has issued an of ficial In' rvlew In which he says : "Fraternal societies generally have come to recognize that their business must be conducted on a sound basis. This means a re-rating for nearly ev ery society , and members who do not fully understand the situation are often inclined to complain of in creases in their rates. They should understand that -with a re-rating on a sound basis they have a much more valuable insurance than before. All are benefited by getting a permanent insurance for what was uncertain be fore. The Modern "Woodmen of Amer ica , by reason of its long experience with a large membership , is permitted to make a rate upon its own experi ence , which is even lower than that based on the National Fraternal Con gress table , \vhich new societies must adopt. The cost of this insurance is not a matter of mortality tables or rates charged , but depends upon the actual deaths in the society. A re- rating merely means that each mem ber shall pay his real share of that cost. Members -who think of drop ping their insurance will do "well to take enough time to study the ques tion before doing anything which may "bring regret to both themselves and their families. " The Chicago Inter Ocean says : "It is unpleasant for the members of the Modern Woodmen Society to have to pay more for their insurance , but let them think how much more un pleasant it would be for those 5,000.- 000 women and children , or any of them , to be deprived of that protec tion because their hu = bands or fath ers got angry. That Js what all Wood men should think about. " Troubles Laid to "In-Law. " "The cause of more than half the family scraps that are scrapped to a finish , " says an exchange , "is the 'in- law. ' A man or a woman marries some one absolutely antagonistic to. all the other members of the family , and then , putting this person on a ped estal , demands that all shall do her or his will. For the sake of courtesy , often a whole family will yield many points , and gradually the 'in-law' be comes more and more insistent , and so things drift along , always the one side giving in , until some straw , some trifle , will prove the drop too much , and after that the fracas. With the j \ air cleared , a beginning can be made j over again on a basis of equal rights , or else all intercourse can cease. Either way much has been gained. " Important to Rflothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children , and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. .Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria The Reason. "You mark all your compositions forte , " said the friend. "Yes , " replied the composer. "They wouldn't have any vogue among people ple who live in flats if I had them played softly. " When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting Feels Fine Acts Quickly. Try it for Red , Weak , Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus trated Book in each Package. Murine is compounded by our Oculists not a "Patent Med icine" but used In successful Physicians' Prac tice for many years. Kow dedicated to the Pub lic and sold by Druggists at 25c and KJc per Bottle. Murlno Kye Salvo in Aseptic Tubes , 25c and 50c. Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago His Business to Know. Wife Look , I bought this fur coat today. They tell me we are going to have very cold weather soon. Husband Who told you so ? Wife The furrier. Sure Does. "The pen is mightier than the sword. " "But the typewriter pats it all over the pen. " ONLY ONE "BROMO QUININE. " That Is LAXATIVE BItOMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GUOVK. Used the World over to Cure a Cold In Ono Day. 25c. When a man is completely wrapped up in himself the package is apt to be small. To restore a normal action to Liver , Kid neys , Stomach and Bowels , take Garfleld Tea , the mild herb laxative. All druggists. When a young widow makes up her mind to marry a bachelor he may pos sibly escape by dying. An optimist Is a man who knows that his troubles might be worse. .IBIITED WRECK photograph of the wreck of the Twentieth Century Limited , the most famous train in the world , in FIRST which five cars plunged through the ice into the Hudson river , near Hyde Park , New York. No lives were lost hut many passengers injured. Reasons Why Mexican Is at War With Madero. Was Victim of the Diaz Tyranny Became Agitator When His Prop erty Was Confiscated and He Had to Labor as Peon. Cuernarvaca , Mex. "Zapata , the bandit , " "Zapata , the liberator" these are the two public estimates placed upon the man who for more than a year .has been carrying on a continuous warfare against the con stituted government in this part of southern Mexico. It Is distinctly a war of the classes. "The Tiger of Ayala , " as Zapata Is called by his hundreds of admiring followers , claims to be fighting for the freedom ot the peon element and the small property holders , who he declares have long suffered from the 'tyrannical ' acts and policies of the government. He also has personal grievances and wrongs which be wants to avenge. Zapata is a product of the Diaz rule. He was one of the victims of 'the ' system that oppressed many ot the lower class all over the country during the Diaz regime. It happened in his case that there existed in him an element of fighting power and re lentless cruelty which marked him for 'the ' leadership of the people who had suffered similar wrongs. lie is now paying the government back tor the injuries it did him. In the days of Diaz men who did not agree with the government were quickly put where they could do no harm. Zapata was arrested and sen tenced to a long term of exile in the hot lands of Quiutana Roo. It was to that remote region that most of the political prisoners were sent. Few ot ithem survived their terms of exile. But Zapata had a constitution of iron. 'Even in the distressing circumstances under which he then labored he planned the vengeance that he has been inflicting on his oppressors for the last twelve months. He lived through his term of exile and returned to his home in Ayala. The years went by slowly and Zapata quietly fomented a spirit of retaliation against the government among the people of his class. This was before .Madero started his revolution , and it is now known that even had the lat- Hard as Iron Are the Timbers of Brit ish Frigate Despite Its Ags. New York. Oaken timbers from the old British warship , the Daedalus , have been brought to New York and are being converted into paneling for .the interior of the new home of Steph en Carlton Clark at No. 42 East Sev entieth street. Though the vessel was built in 1769 and was In commission until two years ago , the timbers are sound , and "hard as iron. " < > At Eckeworth & Sons' yard at Fifth and Lewis streets , where the parts of the hull were taken from the Atlantic transport liner Mesaba , it was found necessary to invent a spe cial machine to pull the wrought iron spikes from the wood. In the parts of the keelson the bolts were one and a quarter inches in circumference. The timbers are being turned into paneling at Sherwin & Berman's in East One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Street. The work will require four months. The old oak panels will be stained dark brown and will be given a dull finish. They will be put in the halls , stairs , library and dining room of the Clark residence , under the di rection of Architect Sterner. There is to be a "gunboat room , " decorated , jit Is said , with some of the bolts and nails of the Daedalus. Stephen Carlton Clark is a son of Alfred Corning Clark , whose widow became the second wife of Bishop Henry C. Potter. He Is a grandson of Edward Clark , a partner of Isaac Sing er In the sewing machine business. ter not inaugurated his revolt against the Diaz government Zapata would have soon started one ot his own. Zapata did not quit lighting when the peace compact was signed be tween Madero and the Diaz govern ment. He had wrongs still to avenge , and the petty municipal and district officers who had carried out the or ders of the government were the spe cial objects of his vengeance. He and his men have shown special hatred and cruelty toward the land owners who dispossessed them of their small farms. Emiliano Zapata Is the hero of the common people , not only of the states that are now in actual revolt , but of all portions of the country. The seeds of revolt that have been sown by Zapata are likely to continue to bear fruit for years to come , unless the government is able quickly to grant the demands of the lower class tor a division among them of the vast es tates which have for the most part been established by the merging ot small properties taken either by force or by semblance of law. Zapata is a man of fine physique. He was married only a few months ago to a pretty mountain girl , and she has been his constant companion ever since. Young Clark in 1909 married Miss Su san V. Hun , a daughter of Marcus Hun of Albany , and he has a large fortune. His family owns much land in the upper West side. He is now in Eu rope. His country home is at Coopers- town , N. Y. , where he was elected to the assembly. GIVES $5OGO TO GREET BIRDS Anonymous Donor Contributes to Audubon - dubon Societies' Fund to Encour age Children's Care. New York. Five thousand dollars was given to the National Association of Audubon Societies to encourage school children to welcome the birds in the eastern and middle western sec tions of the United States. The donor , who prefers that his name be kept secret , Is following the example of Mrs- Russell Sage , who Is giving $5,000 a year to the same soci ety , to be used in promoting the study of the feathered wanderers of the air In the south. It was announced at the offices of the association that work would be be gun at once. The idea will be carried along In this part of the country on somewhat different line than in the south. In the winter the children of the east and middle west will be en couraged to put out boxes for the shel ter of birds and to place food for them on the window sills of their homes. With the coming of spring , Instruc tion Is to be given as to the northward HIRES HUSBAND FROM JAIL Asheville ( N. C. ) Woman Purchases Convicted Spouse's Services for § 5QO a Month. Asheville , N. C. Placing a much higher value on his services than any one else , Mrs. P. II. Trash hired her husband from the board of county commissioners for one month for § 500 , strictly cash in advance. Trash , a man worth' $50,000 and well connected , had been found guilty of keeping liquor to sell to retailers in his prohibition section and sen tenced by Judge Long in superior court to pay a fine of $2,000 , costs amounting to $400 , and to be impris oned in jail thirty days ; but upon the tearful petition of the wife the judge stipulated that if the county commissioners chose to do so they might hire the defendant for hid trrm to the highest bidder , but not less than $300. The board decided to take the money and in default of other bids the defendant was struck oft to the wife for $500 , which she promptly pa.'d. Cat Cauces Big Fire. South Norwalk , Conn. A cat rubbed against a lamp in the home of Joseph A. McElroy. The fire loss was $125- 000. A trunk containing $15,000 worth of jewels was rescued. Government SendD $1.77 to lYHnne- sotan Due Him Since Days of the Civil War. St. Paul , Minn. Another proof that Uncle Sam is honest and will pay his debts as soon as he can is on exhibi tion at the office of Julius Schmahl , secretary of state , at the capitol. It is a check for $1.77 , which was re ceived by Charles A. Rose , document clerk. Uncle Sam has been owing Mr. Rose this money since 18G3 and at last has got enough ahead to pay the debt. In 1863 Mr. Rose was transferred from one company of vol unteers to another and at the time of this transfer there was due him $1.77. The amount was never paid and Mr. Rose had even forgotten that he had it coming until the check ar rived yesterday. Warren , Pa. Hiram Towsiey , of Garfield , near here , has received a check from the United States govern ment for $105 , which was the balance due him in prize money for services rendered in , tre Civil war. Mr. Towsiey was one of the crew of the gunboat Connecticut. For valuable cargo captured his share amounted to $2,400 , of which. $105 had not been paid , ouing to an oversight. CORN GROWS IN APPENDIX Strange Conditions Found in Human Body by Doctors Operating on a Farmer. Lawrence , Ind. Three grains of corn that had begun to sprout were found in the appendix of James B. Powell , a wealthy farmer , when he J was operated upon for acute appendi ! i citis. The appendix was 11 inches | long. Powell had a habit , he said. I of eating a few grains of corn-every j time he fed his stock. I migration of the flying hosts. The association - j sociation will expend the fund in send- j | ig out plates , color prints and descrlp- j I tions of the common varieties of birds , i ' directions for feeding them and how | to place material at hand which they , may use in the building of nests. Two field agents will also give lectures. The giver of the fund is believed to be a prominent citizen of Massachu setts , who was asked a few days ago , i while in this city , if he knew of any- j I body who might contribute money to start this new kind of bird study. Hot j sent a check signed by himself , with a I < letter , stating that the donor did not j wish to have any public mention of his name. SETS GOLD WALL IN ARTERY New York Surgeon Astounds His Colleagues by Unusual Operation. New York. An assemblage of physicians and surgeons , many of them from other cities , was held spellbound by an operation perform ed by Dr. William C. Luslc A new interior wall of gold wire was sup plied for a distended aorta , the prin cipal wall had been torn to such a thinness that it threatened to burst at each beat of $ e heart. It was necessary to perform the operation to pierce the wall of this artery. Had the worn walls ripped or cracked un der the pulsations of the heart while the operation was in progress , the pa tient's death would have been a mat ter of moments. Under the condi tions it was necessary to use only lo cal anesthetics , and the patient was conscious throughout. Henry E. Grif- the patient , is 63 years old. State Fair Superintendents. The following is a list of the super intendents appointed for the 1912 Nebraska - braska state fair : General , Wm. Fos ter , Lincoln ; guards. C. J. Tracy , Lou ? City ; transportation , L. L. Emerson. Lincoln ; gates , George Jackson , Xel- son ; Tickets , E. Z. Russell , Blair ; amphitheatre , E. R. Purcell , Broken Bow ; coliseum , Chas. Graff , Bancroft ; auditorium , W. W. Cole , Neligh , and W. Z. Taylor , Culbertson ; automobile hall , C. H. Gustafson , Mead ; mercan tile hall , Z. T. Leftwich , St. Paul ; fruit , Clyde Barnard , Table Rock ; floral , Louis Henderson , Omaha ; fish exhibit , W. J. O'Brien , Gretna ; sani tation , J. II. Taylor , Waterloo ; bands and attractions , J. E. Ryan , Indianola ; class "A , " horses , R. M. Wolcott , Pal mer ; class "B , " cattle , E. R. Daniel- son , Osceola ; class "C , " swine , L. W. Leonard , Pawnee City ; class "D , ' ' sheep , W. C. Caley , Creighton ; class "E , " poultry , A. H. Smith , Lincoln ; class "F , " agricultural products , Wm. James , Dorchester ; class "G , " dairy , Jacob Sass , Chalco ; class "H , " do mestic products , Mrs. R. A. Maloney , Madison ; class "I , " bees and hpney , E. Whitcomb , Friend ; class "J , " women's department , Mrs. C. L. Mans field , Lincoln ; class "K , " fine arts , Mrs. Ross P. Curtice , Lincoln ; class "L , " educational , Anna V. Day , Lin coln ; class "M , " machinery , W. B. Banning , Union ; class "Q , " specials , Chas. Mann. Chadron ; class "S , " speed , Jos. Sheen , Lincoln ; class "S , " speed clerk , K. V. Rieseu , Beatrice. Accredited Nebraska High Schools. High School Inspector A' A. Reid has returned from the meeting of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools , held at Chicago cage , March 20 to 23. The following Nebraska high schools were accred ited by the association : Albion , Ash land , Auburn , Aurora , Beatrice , Blair , Crete , David City , Doane college acad emy , Falls City Fremont , Friend , Ge neva , Grand Island , Hastings , Hast ings college academy , Havelock , He bron , Holdrege , Kearney , Lincoln , Mc- Cook , Nebraska City , Nebraska mili tary academy , Nebraska Wesleyan academy , Norfolk , North Platte , Omaha , Pawnee City , Plattsmouth , Schuyler , Se.ward , South Omaha Su perior , teachers' college high school , Tecumseh , University Place , Wahoo , York. , Discipline to Be Enforced. I The lax administration which has 1 | been prevalent at the state peniten- 1 tiary for several months , which was 1 either directly or indirectly responsi 1 , ble for the murder of four oHicials i ] there and the escape of the three con- i | victs , is at an end , according to word J given out there. After a conference ' i between the governor and the ne\\ly- I appointed warden , Sam Melick. it was j | announced that visitors' day at the [ | institution would be abolished ; that j there would be a change in the per- i sonnJ of the guards employed at the prison and that a definite , determined battle would be waged against the dope traffic from now on. Long List of Candidates. The certificates which Secretary of ' State Wait will mail to county cleiks contains all of the candidates of all of the parties. The list was so long > that the printer had to-print it in two ' sheets and paste them together , making - j ing a total length of ninety-four inches. Congressman Maguire has written Secretary Mellor of the state board of agriculture that the bill to appro priate $100.000 for each state fair for a government building , the structure to be used mostly for state fair ptir- poses , will be taken up in committee , April 24. The bill was drawn by Mr. Mellor and introduced by Confess- j man Maguire. It is believed it can be passed at this session of congress. F. C. Hannaford h-is been appointed - , pointed state bank examiner by the j governor. Mr. Hannaford will take the place of H. C. Nicholson , who has been appointed special national bank examiner. Mr. Hannaford is assistant cashier of the First National bank of Grand Island , and has had twenty- five years' experience in banking. C. W. Pool Files Withdrawal. Charles W. Pool of Tecumseh , a can didate for the deomcratic nomination for governor , Thursday filed notice of withdrawal with the secretary of state. His action leaves the race for the favor of the party between John H. Morehead of Falls City and R. L. Metcalfe of Lincoln. C. F. Shaw , for twenty-five years a prominent citizen of Norfolk , fell dead while shoveling snow. "Have all made nominations who wish ? " asked Secretary of State Addison - son Wait , Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock. "If so , I declare the nomina tions closed ; prepare your ballots for April 19. " The gavel then fell on nominations under the state primary law. It closed a long and grilling siege in the office of the secretary of state , where for months nomination papers have been filed and recorded when the papers were correct and re turned to candidates or their friends when incorrect , with letters of instruc tions to make the wrong right. isr'g . jeaf Opportunity Vriifwjitfor tno old farm to bccotno | yourinlicritanre ? UeKlnnowtoj prepare fur your future ; dcncc. A Krrat t.nity arralts you In or Alberta , wlicm you can secure s-Kreellomo- stca-l or buy landatrcs- scxiaulo prices. How'stheTime not a yetr from now , when land will bo high er. Tl.f profits secured from tha abundant crop of " \Vhoat , Outs ami Hurley , as well as cattle raising , are cacslnp a steady advance In price. Government returns saovr that the number or settler.1 * in Western Canada from the U. S. ivan OO per c : it in 3'JIO than tlio previous year. Sluny farmers Iiavo paid for their land out of the proceeds of ouo crop. Free Homestead * of 10O acres nnd pro-omptloiia of 1GO acr nt SS.OOaiificro. Jb'lno cliiuato. prood iK-hoolH , excellent railway facilities , low freight rates ; oocl , wa ter find lumber easily ob- tuln ; < l. For pamphlet "Last Best West , " particulars us to suitable location nnd low settlors' rate , apply to Supt of Immigration , Ottawa , Can. , or to Canadian Gor't Agent. LT. Holmes. 315 J boa St. . St. Pisl. Hlnu. I J. H H Kijchin. ! Drwtr IST.HjlertowB. S. D. Please rite to the agent nearest y ou j Sioux Gity Eilrectosry "Hub of the Northwest. " GOINGT BULD ? THE LYTLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Slow City. Iowa can help you. Store buildings , churches , school \ houses and large rebidencefa erected every where. HUMPHREYS STEAM DYE WORKS LARGEST IN WEST DRY GLEANING & DYE1K6 OUR SPECIALTY 517 PIERCE STREET SIOUX CITY. IOWA In all Its branches modern methods. Express paid one way on $3 orders. W. C. DAVENPORT CO. , Both Phones 2677,417 Douglas St. . Sioux Ycunp people to Study Gregg Shorthand , Tele graphy and Bookkeep ing. Individual Instruc tions. It will pay you to write for booklet. NAT'L BUSINESS TRAINING SCHOOL , Sioux City , la. PEERLESS CK1CK FOOD PEERLESS POULTRY FOOD AKRON MILLING CO. , Sioux City , la. AWNINGS/TENTS Stack Covers , etc. TENTS TO RENT G. E. Martin Co.,307 Jackson St. , Siouz Cityla. Soda Fountains and supplies. We sell them. Ghesterman Co. , Depi. F , Sioux City , la , WOOLFSOfi'S STEAM BYE WORKS Suits cleaned and pressed for Cfr'S AA Express paid one uay. J5 J. . 'L-U' ' ' 419 6th & 515 W 7th , Sicux Cfy , Sa. FOI2 SOV/ZNG All indications arc that tiit price of Hat r ill continue Inch , lionco a prof iho ! en p to prf in tlrs year. Wcoffir M oUforsowing at 4'i.ji ) jwrhiishH ic AMERICAN LIXSfFD CO. m SiC-UX CJTY iC'VVA Fresh Ou ! Flowers § Fiora ! Smbles-is OF ALL , DESCRIPTION ON SHORT NOTICE. Order by Mai ! , Telephone 01 Telegraph. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. ercnants umy * * Crocker } ' , ChinaGlass\vareLamps , HotelDishesFountain Suppliesetc. WholespJers and Manufacturing Agents. Write for catalog or salesman. SIOUX CITY CROCKERY CO. , 309-311 NcbSt. , SiouzCity.Ia. lEYOUR CHAIR WITH DeLUTH'S GOLDEN DANDRUFF DESTROYER AND HAIR TONIC before too late. Wifrs and Toupees to match and fit any head. DcLUTH GOLDEN TOILET CO. . 316 Grain Exchange Bid ? . . Soux Ciy , lov.a. or jour druggist. Complete Treatment , postpaid THE BRICK WITH A NAME Kfd. by SiOUX CITY BSICK & TILE WORKS For Sale By Your Lumberman Sechi c Light for farms and to\vns. All kinds of electric fixtures sfe l supplies. Electric Supply Co. , 525 5ln , Sioux Cuj , la. You Get Value Received When You Buy | Y SOAP The kind with the YELLOW BAND Sold by all grocers , the bands are valuable Prices Right Work Guaranteed WeSpecialize Retreading.Relining , and repair ing , etc. Agents for Kelly-Sprlngfleld Tires and tubes. We carry a complete line of Auto Acces sories. Write for catalogue. HALLER BROS. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO. , 621 Pearl St. . Sioux City , la. M. < L DENTISTS 421 4th Street Sioux City , la. Gold or Porcelain Crowns 85.00 ; Bridge Work , per tooth 15.00. Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. Best equipped Dental Offices in Sioux City.