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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1911)
1" " 751 " * ' < * ? * ' ' SPAIN'S RESTAURANT MEALS/AT ALL HOURS Short Orders of all Kinds , Day and Night First = CIass Meals 25c. H OWE MONTAGNE iivery , Eeed and Sales Stable , tWeed f Wood Lake , Nebraska j * " * * Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. I JACKSON & FISCHER UNDERTAKERS LICENSED EMBALMERS Valentine , Nebraska Calls Answered at All Hours Night Phone No , 74. Quartered ns a Stnto Bank Chartered ns a National , . Ban ! June 1,1884. August 12,1002. . ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) Valentine , - N Nebraska. CAPITAL - $25.000 . A General Banking , ' Exchange SURPLUS - 25.000 Collection Business and Uudivided Profits 4,000 . . . , . M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier President. C. H. COKKKLX. J. T. May , Vice President. II. L.KUHN , Ass't Cashier Line D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr f Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel : Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. Arrive at Kosebud at 2 o'clock p. in. Leave Eosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. s Arrive at Yalentine at 2 o'clock p. m. Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m. Special attention to passengers , baggage and , * - express or packages. Leave orders at headquarters or at the Eed Front store. ! ; i D. A. Whipple. Dpaca : A E In With new prices , which are the lowest for good business. My stock consists of Dry Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent bargains. You are invited to call and make this your home store. Highest pric es paid for produce. Come and get ac quainted. o 2nd.Building South the Bank. Crookston , Neb. Dr. D. W. Sumner DENTIST * Bin I Hornby Building Two 4-room houses for ; rent. t I. M. llice. tf Fischer's Hardware sells bicyc les and bicycle supplies of all kinds. Repairing done promptly. Sprains require careful treatment. Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Lin iment freely. It will remove the Bore- ness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy conditfpn * For sale by Chap man the druggist. Piano or Jones mowiegr ma chines and rakes at reduced prices. For sale by Frank Fischer. 27 Everybody who reads magazines buys news papers , but everybody who reads newspapers doesn't buy magazines. Cstch the Drift ? Here's the medium to rcsch the people of this community. Death From rmaginatfon. ITo\v faith may kill as well as on Is shown by one of the cases uie tloned by Dr. Charles Beinhardt "Faith , Medicine and the Mind. " * convicted murderer had been liandi over to the physiologists for the pi pose of an experiment. He was to that his hour had come and that had been decided that ha should 1 bled to death. His eyes were bandage and he was .pinioned , opportunity fir having been given him to see tl formicla * 's array of surgical instr inents , the vessels to catch the blo < and the other terror inspiring par phernalia of the vivisector's liberator A blunt instrument was now dra v sharply across his throat and a strea of warm water was made to trick from his neck into a vessel below tl operating table upon which he la After awhile the sounds , which hr previously baen continuous and nei at hand , were gradually reduced uul the patient , doubtless supposing thi he was bleeding to death , gradual lost consciousness , fainted and e pired. t The Panama Hat. A popular comedian at a Laml club gambol in Xcw York told a pan ma hat story. "A yours clerk out my way. " 1 said , "gave bis gir * u present of panama last year. -2ucn the day b fore the Fourth he got a couple ( complimentaries for a picnic , clambal and corn roast down the river , and t wired the girl : " ' 13 tornorrov 'Meet me at pier morning at 7. Picnic. Bring panama "The next morning as he stood o pier 13 dreaming dreams of love , in aginiug a long , sweet day of billin and cooing , he saw his girl advancin with her father and mother. He wa terribly annoyed , and on the boat , a Boon as he could get her alone , h hissed : " 'Wuat did you want to bring th old folks for ? ' " 'Why , Will , you told me tosi ) said , and she showed him the tel < gram , which the operator had made t read : " ' and . ' " 'Bring pa ma. Whistler Before Whistler. Mortimep ijenpes told the followini story of Whistle'ryhp was to delive An address one day to the , pcjety o British Artists : "The master af lengt ] entered , faultlessly dressed , walkiuj with ft swinging , jaunty step , evidenj ly quite doljghted with himself a.n < the world in general. He passed 4ow ? the gallery , ignoring the assemble ! members , and walked up to bis owi picture. And there he stayed for quiti fifteen minutes , regarding it with 5 SfttJ fied expression , stepping nov backward. , pow forward , canting hi : head a.nd dusting the surface of tin glass with a silk pocj f handkerchief We watched him open moused. § u $ denly he turned round , bpampd UPQJ us and uttered but two words. = 'Bravo , Jimmy ! ' then took my ars and hurried me out of the gallery aJiDg volubly the while. " King's Qjieer Present ' For a Queen. la AH prowability'fhe king of Dnho 'n * present of pipes an j' Ipin * , . ' -"rticd Buckingham pajnpe. occasion , Z * iad publicly to accept is embarrassing a nature , a.- n 1S5G , when the king of Siam sent a nission to England. On being present- id to the queen , who received , tlieni ; eated on her throne and wearuig frej * : rown , the envoys crawled from the leers to her majesty's feet on their lauds and knees and then each diesr a > reseut from the folds of his robes. Che first object placed in the queen's lauds was a silver spittoon. London Chronicle. Stagecoach of ths Twenties. Brooks Bowman commenced running n hourly stagecoach between Boston ud Roxbury on March 1 , 1S2G. He 2ft the town house on Roxbury hill very day in the week except the Sab- iath at S , 10. 12. 2 , 4 and 0 o'clock and. eturning. started from the Old goutU hurch at 0. 11 , 3 , o and 7 o'clock. 'he fare was 12VL cents each way. Her Good Advice. They liad been courting for only years when Silas spoke as follows ; " T think you oughter give me jest ne kiss , Sary , you know ; it's far bet- ir to give than receive. " "You don't say ? " said Sary coyly. Then it seems to me some folk tighter practice what they preach ! " Pescriptive. One little girl ? yas falling her moth- r how another Httje girl \ dr.QSS.e ( } . "Andwould t a party. you belieya . mamma , " slie concluded , "her slip- ers were so tight 1 could see all the Quckles on her toos. " Chicago News. He Was First Actress .You say you .are bard r > . Isn't your husband playing this : ason. then ? Second Actreess Yes. 2 is. That's just the trouble. First . Why , what's he playing Hamlet ? ? cond A. No ; cards ! The Other Extreme , Parke Poor Pilter ! His wife Is a lendthrifr. Is there anything worse , wonder , than a wife that's too ex- avagant ? Tame Oh. yes ; one that's o economical. Brooklyn Life. i hn as a Rail. "Is he as thin as I have heard ? " " "He's thinner. Pay. when he tried i n double breasted coat one row of. ittons was up his back. " Exchange , There is nothing so easy but that it 'comes difficult when you do it with luctance. Terence. - / ' " " Liszt Fooled Them. ' * " Wrapped in his dressing gown at with feet incased in slippers , Frai Liszt was sitting comfortably 01 evening in his armchair ready f w.ork and inviting inspiration. On t ! floor above , in tha apartments of banker , a noisy musical soiree was . progress. Polonaises had succeed * waltzes , and nocturnes had follow * polonaises , when suddenly the door < the salon opened , and Liszt entere still wrapped in his dressing gow The astonishment of the company me be imagined. With slow steps Lis : walked toward the piano , and tl young bey pounder who was sittir at it quickly left his place. Liszt sj down at the Instrument , careless ! swept his fingers over the keys as to prelude , and then suddenly he shi down the cover and put the key i his pocket. And immediately , wit the same tranquil air with which I had entered , he went out and returne to his room , where he could work t his ease. Range of Rachel's Voice. A Prussian prince , a cousin of tl ] German Emperor William I. , has Ie1 some curious notes upon Rachel , c whom he was a sreat admirer. have been qvTotad In n upo 11 : ? fn ouu jirljvra. Tlje prince etuc icd isrr r'lomt'oij. frem p. musical stan ( point and took down notes of lie voice as she delivered some of he most effective speeches. He founc for instance , that in a passage o Racine's "Bajazet , " she went down t F in the bass. In one of "Andre maque" and another of f'Adrienne Le couvreur" her voice * spoke a wor on the upper E and uttered n cry 01 upper F sharps. Her speaking vote thus had A compass of two octaves But. AS A rule , ho observed tljat shi used only seven nqtes , cqnsisting o the first seven ascending notes froa the bass of the scale of F sharp minor but with the D sharpened. Fruit and Old Age. Physiologists clain ] that growth f ron Infancy vto old ago is a process of gracj ual ossification and ( hat the stiffnesi of Ago Is oause(3 ( by fljo deposits of pal carooua matter OF parthy salts. . Therg fore a diet containing # large propqr. tion of these salts , food rich In nitro gen , such as the cereals , beans , peas and meat. Increases the natural tend ency to ossification , says Health. Fo : this reason a diet made np largely q : fruit , which contains a minimus amount of this calcareous matter. , ji scientifically pest adapted to persons \ advancing years. Largo caters add t ( thp liability pf pssific deposits fron ; oyerwopkjng the .eliminating prg-aps b nn escoss pf nutritive material unti their healthful activity Js destroyed and the whole system suffers in coijsp : quence. Old age indicates less food and a maximum amount of fruit as the diet § unken Clu'po Mark His Grave. fJMicrp are many moniinaents tq "father of flip British navy-- ' ' Sir Francis ' - cis Drake , throughout flje > yprirt' . ljut his "tomb" is in the great deep upa'n which he made his everlasting fame. He died Jan. 28. 1093. in his ship the pefiance , near the town of Mornbru de Pjes , West Indies , and in a leaden epiljfj hjs body was lowered intq the warps sofflp ix miles from ghqre. As ' ' n last honor { Q jijg } tivq 'pf his ship's , with all the prizes that wei'P iD't'il ? Qeet t- the time , were sunk beside his casket. At tLo time of his death the urcat admiral was in his fiftieth year of his physical and prime jie a 4 fn { . Since his death iuteltectuai t ffffs. Hie 'British na.vy a i ' ypf Jpeon with out a ship bearing his A Judae giftd SP Egg. Judges on the bsne } } ayy been as- sa HPd. A litigant onrc thrpw ; ii jegg it the l&tp VfCfi Chancellor Malius ' fy in English cort. ' \ip \ judpe'hnd th > presence of mind to auclr jjjs head. md at the same time he establishe4 ft epntation as a humorist by remark- ng that the present must have been ntended for his brother. Bacon , the c-'hancellor , who was sitting in an _ -ia-i \ f u J-ois ofTajfe. . " "What we vant. " said the neae.e P O : noter. "Jj a system that will permi.t landid discussion tP take tlle Place of ictual conflict/- ' "Don't you thinkiaqfiireJ / fji vho was reading the sporting that our professional pugilists ome pretty near solving thp em ? " London Opinion. Transparent S It. In tbe island of Santo Domingo there ? a reraarliable salt mountain a mass jGe-y talJine salt nearly four miles yog. .esticMite/i tp contain nearly 00- OO.OCOtonsand jth.v Cjfygt Iized ) : salt 3 said to be so' clear thai .ineJiui ized print can be read through a Jpcjv a foot thick. - Poet AH my life seetued to go into iat poem. I was perfectly exhausted -hen I had finished writing it. Edi- } v I can S3'rnpathize with you. I was i exactly the same condition when 1 ad finished reading | f , " Cheaper. "So you wish to marry an actress ? " "Yes. I fell in love with her voice [ ter hearing it in a phonograph. " "Better go slow. You can buy the jcord for 50 cents. " Louisville Coni i er-Journal. fncoms end Outgo. Frost They saw Brown's income is 5,000 a year. Snow Yes. and $0.000 r it jroes for living expenses every reive months. Harper's Bazar. Midland " 40" The automobile that will travel all directions out of Valentine without fear of being sand or hill bound. We invite everyone to inspect this up = to = date car. Simple in Design and Construction i Oambly & Layport Auto Dealers Valentine , Nebraska Cigars and Soft Drinks JOHN G. STETTER PROP. ii red ? Every : le should be protected in a reliable company. I repre il fcrje Columbia Five lusuranae Co. of Omaha and the Com- njonwe j ! 'i of New York. Both of these companies are safe and sound. For L'.f t isurance , the Merchants Life Insurance Go. of Burlington , la. , put out - policy that is hard to equal by other companies. Call me up , Phone 92 , and I will explain the advantages these companies offer. J. W , SHEPARD , Agent. \ R K Faddis & Qo Pfistofllce adJrpss ( Valen inp of Kennedy. Seine brandei ' ? i 'pn left t ? : tftigh Horses bmnde ( left Some branded op ria it rhi on left qr ihoujder. P. . . H. , Young. .4. f * t ? * 4jjnpop. Cattle brjindeii as cut on left side Some Q.yon lefi side. V horses. JJapjrc qn GordpH pree north qf Sn\pon | \ , . S. Eowley. Kemiedj , - Same as cut on lelt side and liip , nxid on left shoiilderof horse se ? . Alsofcv yj on lefc sfdo' Sf" k' on Ju-it Some tie brand ed ing pee ( either side up ) on left side or hip. p on left Jaw and left shoulder of horses. LU LUQ on left hip of borsea. on left jaw of horses G. E. J.oriian. ' . . . - ' > ' .i : : Rosebud , S.D Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ BE JJ on right dnge on Oak and ' 5 . A liberal re.war.d for fpf | orraation Ie4djngo Detection oi ruMlloi'B ol stock t > earingary of these brands. K. M. Terrill , Prppr. Brounlee , Xeo. Cattle branded as in cxt on left side. Some branded IL T V On left hip. Ranse on' Jofth :5J.oup river. ' t\Vo rinles west of ISrowuIee it Francis Mis- ton , ftosfcbud. 5. D. Cattle branded .sin cut ; horses ame or .IKP on eft thigh , .Kaiiqe letween Sprinsj ! 'k nd Little Vhite river. Albert Whipple & Sons. Rosebud S , D. Cattle- branded SOS on left side OSU on rlghtsida Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded , with two bars Across bind qnar- | ters. Some Texas cattlFbnirided O ou left side and somej oa lef f side. Horses branded SOS pi ) leff hlo. Some'cattft branded A.W bar connected OB both aidei and left hip of D , Mt Kenpedy , Nehr. , Cattle branded as on cut.Ieft side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Nebraska I aqd and Feeding Oo. 3artlett Ktcharas Pres Will G Comstaok. V. P Ghas 0 Jamison Hec&Troas -S Cattle branded OB any part of animal ; also tha following brands : Vtanga osweei Uo don on the FJC , o M. V.R. R. and Hyannis on BT. ! . R.Il. in Northwestern Nebr. BARTl.ETT KKiHAKDS. Ellsworth. .Nebr Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawyer has cbaree of thess cattle. H rses I > Son left shoul der. Some' left side. same left thigh. . uauge on Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have same brand ont ; /t thigh. Uanqe on fiordctf a'i)7iake \ Reward of $250xvlii b < * ram r JGO fe to tfe } aild' 1 conviction of any person 'or persons sfeallfl ' - w ftmip with ahov ran Cattle branded JJ on right side Horses branded JT on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any InformatloB leading to the re covery of cattlt strayed from mj range. A TRIUMPHJN THE ART OF BREWING THE LEADING pf ER IN THE MIDDLE WEST , T i \r Dealers- alentme