Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 09, 1911, Image 7

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Constant Sufferer From Chron <
Ic Catarrh Relltvtd by
Mrs. J. H.
Bourland , San
Baba , Texas ,
writes :
"For twen-
ty-three years
I was a con
stant sufferer
from chronic
catarrh. I had
a severe mis
ery and burnIng -
Ing In the top
of my head.
There was almost -
most a con
tinual drop
ping : of mucus
pto my throat ,
which caused
frequent ex-
pec to ration.
My entire sys
tem gradually
became in
volved , and
my condition MrS ( Ja H > Bourjand.
crew worse. I
had an incessant cough and frequent
attacks of bilious colic , from which It
seemed I could not recover. My bowels
also became affected , causing alarming
attacks of hemorrhages. I tried many
remedies , which gave only temporary
relief or no relief at all. I at last tried
Peruna , and in three days I was re
lieved of the bowel derangement. After
'using five bottles I was entirely cured.
I most cheerfully recommend the use of
Peruna to any one similarly afflicted. "
Statesman Preferred Lunch of Appier
in His Room to Dinner in
Hotel Restaurant.
Leslie M. Shaw , formerly secretary
of the treasury , is in Washington for
a few days visiting his old friends at
the capitol and in the departments.
"Shaw , " said a cabinet officer , "was
one of the mysteries of the Roosevelt
administration. From the time he be
came secretary of the treasury until
he went into the banking business we
were unable to decide whether he was
a second Russell Sage in the matter
of personal expenditures. I ran across
Shaw in a big western city , and for
the sake of spending a pleasant eve
ning together we got a suite of rooms
at the same hotel.
"At lunch time'I proposed that we
go down to the dining room , but Mr.
Shaw could not be induced. He said
he thought he would eat in his room.
Thereupon the secretary of the treas
ury opened up his traveling bag and
extracted a couple of apples. He offered - *
fered me one , but I declined and
hastened to the restaurant.
"Cabinet officers who served with
Shaw discovered that it was a regular
habit with him to fill his bag with ap
ples before starting on a journey. "
Washington Times.
A Significant Selection.
"That was a mighty inconsiderate
brass band .that serenaded me on elec
tion night , " remarked the defeated
member of congress.
"What was the trouble ? "
"It didn't play anything but 'Home ,
Sweet Home. ' "
A Way of Getting Even.
Hewitt When I asked the old man
for his daughter's hand he walked all
over me.
Jewett Can't you have him arrest
ed for violation of the traffic regula
tions ?
Common sense in an uncommon de
gree is what the world calls wisdom.
The Taste
Have a dainty , sweet flavour
that pleases the palate and
satisfies particular folks.
The Fact
that each year increasing
thousands use this delicious
food is good evidence of its
Post Toasties are ready to
serve direct from the pkg.
with cream or milk a con
venient , wholesome breakfast
VtThe Memory Lingers"
Battle Creek , Mich.
Sunday Schools as Now Conduct
ed Are Deplored.
Too Many Frivolous and Untrained
Girls as Teachers Know Little of
Children and How They
Should Be Taught.
Atlanta , Ga. 'The Sunday school
is it is conducted today is a national
menace , " declared Mrs. Frederick
Schaff of Philadelphia , in addressing
the Georgia mother's congress today.
Furthermore , she asserted too many
of the teachers are frivolous girls who
know little of children and how they
should be taught.
Mrs. Schaff , who is president of the
national mother's congress , urged a
world-wide awakening of mothers to
the fact that love and tenderness are
not sufficient for the proper rearing of
"It is the mother's place , " she de
clared , 'to demand more of the Sun
day schools. "
"Love , " declared Mrs. Schaff , "can
not make a mother a good mother. It
will make her well Intentioned , but it
will not give her the knowledge of
what her children need. It will not
give her the ability to train her chil
dren as they should be trained. The
thing we need is to arouse the moth
ers and induce them to study 'their
children , to know them , and not to.
bring them up simply by chance.
"If we can only arouse the mothers
to see that they can prevent crime ,
that in their hands lies the future of
the world , we will accomplish the
greatest thing attainable. Mothers
must be taught that as they sow , so
shall their children reap.
"The mother can inculcate in her
children lessons that never will "be
eradicatetd. She can make them good
or she can make them bad. Many
mothers leave the spiritual training
of their children to the Sunday school
and the church. But what can the
Sunday school or church accomplish
with only a. few hours' training a
week , if this training is not continued
at home ?
"If I could only reach all the moth
ers in thia country with the stories
that men in prison have told me of
how they started wrong I could con
vince every mother of her responsi
"A child is not always getting spir
itual training at Sunday school or
church. That depends on the sur
roundings there. Some preachers
benefit children , others do not. You
know the story of the little boy who
didn't want to go to Sunday school.
" 'Why don't you want to go ? ' he
was asked.
" 'Well , ' he said , 'my everyday
teacher teaches me something , but
my Sunday school teacher just musses
' "
me up.
At this point Mrs. Schaff was asked
if the national mothers' ' can
not take up the question of Sunday
school and the training of Sunday
school teachers.
"It can and will , " she replied. "I
believe that the Sunday school , as it
is , is an absolute menace , with frivo
lous , untrained girls acting as teach
ers. "
Dr. Nathaniel Butler Declares Young
Men Cannot Sow Them and Reap
Desired Good Results.
Chicago. The idea that every boy
must sow his wild oats was attacked
the other day by Dr. Nathaniel Butler
of the University of Chicago in an ad
dress on "Some Important Aspects of
the School" before the Cook county
Teachers' association in Fullerton
"You can't sow wild oats and reap
the desirable results , " he said. "It is
just as easy to form good habits as It
is to form bad habits , and it is just
as easy to break bad habits as it Is
to break good habits.
"Everything a child does becomes a
part of him ; he can't help it. It is
being registered on his nervous sys
tem. "
Man Knowing Seventy-Seven Lan
guages Discovers He Must Learn
One More Others Understand.
New York. "Do you know , I
thought , with my linguistic equip
ment , " said a man who speaks 77 lan
guages , "I really thought that I could
understand almost any tongue I
might hear spoken ; and as matter of
fact in my rambles around the world ,
which have been somewhat extensive ,
I have very rarely met with anybody
with whom I could not converse , at
least sufficiently for mutual under
standing ; but I have been stumped at
last , and that right here in Ne York.
"Riding uptown last night on the
elevated when we came to a station
the guard opened the door and said :
" 'Grixel blix flix floct ! '
"And surely I wondered what lan
guage that was ; it was some tongue
that I had never before heard spoken ,
and I was still wondering over it
when we came to jthe next station ,
where the guard looked In again , sayIng -
Ing this time :
" 'Grooty nee sooros blewt ! ' and
that left me more in a fix than ever.
"What tongue could he be speak
ing ? I got more of it at the next sta
tion :
" 'Nagah , blah , yahlah glewk ! ' and
then I gave it up.
"He was an American , the guard , a
nice , lively , intelligent-looking man ,
as the Sara Bernhardt in Prance , where it originated , the latest
fad takes the form of a snake of gold worn around the ankle. R has
already become fashionable among society young women in this country.
Sometimes a clinging monkey takes the place of the snake , but the latter
is the more popular on account of its adaptive form. The short skirts that
are worn nowadays enable the snake to be seen at discreet intervals and ,
if the wearer happens to be possessed of a slim and shapely ankle , the pi
quancy of the adornment is enhanced.
Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett on
Cheerfulness Greatest of Quali
ties Except Love.
Boston. "Forget your devils and
keep your pink lamps lighted. A pink
lamp always makes everything look
lovely. I am the disciple of happi
ness. Be happy and you will be
good. TTnhappiness is the world's
greatest evil. Unhappiness is in
decent. "
So said Mrs. Frances Hodgson Bur-
ness , the novelist , in talking her re
ligion of cheerfulness. "Cheerfulness , "
she said , "is the religion of which I
am the apostle. It is the greatest of
qualities except love. Love is the
biggest thing in the world.
"People should forget their devils
and keep their pink lamps lighted.
That is a little word among my
friends. So we'll tell each other all
the -nice things whenever we can. You
must sacrifice everything to happi
ness. If ? ou are happy you know you
are bound to be good , for you can't
be happy unless you are good.
"People who believe in an Inferno
for evildoers do not belong to this
age. They don't belong to the time
but the tongue he spoke was , I found ,
wholly unknown to me , though It
seemed to have a system to it , and
plainly its significance was clear teat
at least some of the people in the car ,
for at each of these several stations a
number of people got out.
"Evidently if I am going to stay
here long I shall have to add one to
my stock of tongues ; I shall have to
learn the guard's language , and then
I shall know seventy-eight. "
New Tango Dance in Paris.
Paris. A new dance has become
the fashion in the drawing rooms of
Paris this winter.
It comes from Buenos Ayres , and is
called the "Argentine Tango. " The
music Is a kind of habanera , and the
dance Itself , which is extremely grace
ful , is an improved version of the
Berlin polka , with ten varied figures.
A roomful of people dancing the Ar
gentine tango looks extremely pretty ,
nd there is little doubt thai the new
dance will soon find its way to the
United States.
Sport for Sharks.
Havana. Sharks are taking great
interest in the torpedo practice of
United States vessels off Media Luna
Cay , Cuba , and seem to think the
ships are doing it for their benefit.
The big fish' take off in a bunch after
every torpedo that is discharged , but
none of them has yet been able to
overtake one of the shells
when people walk on two legs. They
ought to go back to'the days when
the men on earth went about on. all
"There's fine power in suggestion.
Just keep thinking lovely things about
your personal devil and you'll come
out all right. Every time your be
lief in a devil gets uppermost in your
mind , why , say there Is none , and
keep repeating It. You will find it a
splendid practice and you will soon
convince yourself. "
Mrs. Burnett then digressed to per
sonal habits and said , on the subject
of cigarette smoking by women , that
the question was a personal one , and
each woman must decide for herself
whether she wished to smoke.
Learns Value of Black Diamonds on
Chilly Trip North Grows Mo
rose and Raucous.
Boston. A parrot was custodian ot
the Ikarla's coal hod when that
frelgher reached port from South
American ports.
The parrot looked very cold and had
been complaining about the steadily
falling temperature ever since the
freighter reached port from South
had been fastened to the bird's left
leg , the other end of the tether at
tached to the stove in the Ikarla's
cabin. Somehow , the parrot divined
that the black lumps in the coal hod
were precious and every time the
steward dug into the receptacle to re
plenish the fire the parrot shivered
and protested at the apparent lack of
Ordinarily a soft-voiced creature
while in warm latitudes , this parrot
grew morose and raucous at the ap'
preach of arctic weather , and nearly
went into frenzy at sight of snow. The
mocking birds from the West Indies
also felt the cold. Their cages were
suspended from the ceilings , close to
the stove. The Ikarla brought 2,000
tons of cargo , mostly hides.
Captain Robertson reported an un
usual activity of golf stream currents.
During a snowstorm off Nantucket the
ship was forced almost 50 miles from
her course.
Seek Coons , Bag Wildcat.
New York. William and Walter
O'Brien of Newton , N. J. , have a wild
cat skin which they are exhibiting
as proof of a night adventure they
had near Muckshaw pond. They were
out with a dog gunning for coons. A
wildcat dropped out of a tree on their
dog , tearing his skin severely before
he could get out of the way. The cat
spring for a tree trunk , and as he
wpnt up the men fired , killing the
beast. The body weighed forty-two
It will grow in your own garden.
Ripening here in Wisconsin in 90
days. Splendid health coffee and costIng -
Ing to grow about one cent a pound.
A great rarity ; a healthful drink.
Send us today 15 cents in stamps
and we will mail you package above
coffee seed with full directions and
our mammoth seed and plant cata
log free. Or send us 31 cents and we
add 10 packages elegant flower and
unsurpassable vegetable seeds , suffi
cient to grow bushels of vegetables
and flowers. Or make your remittance
40 cents and we add to all of above 10
packages of wonderful farm seed spe
cialties and novelties. John A. Salzer
Seed Co. , 182 S. 8th St. , La Crosse , Wis.
Give a Woman a Chance.
Compulsory military service for
men , urges a German female advocate
of women's rights , should be offset by
compulsory domestic service for wom
en. On the theory that life in bar
rack and drill In the manual of arms
have benefitted German manhood , she
asks , why will not life In the kitchen
and exercise In the use of pots and
pans similarly raise German woman
hood ?
If Germany ever organzes a stand
ing army of cooks it may force all
Europe to follow Its lead. Culinary
cpnscriptlon is a severe measure , but
when enforced in Germany other na
tions might be expected to adopt it.
There would be more reason in doing
so than in following Germany's lead
In militarism. There is more real
need of cooks the world over than of
soldiers. It Is possible to get along
without fighting , but not without eat
A Cautious Answer.
"Now , Johnny , " said the geography
teacher , "what Is the capital of Portu
gal ? "
"I dun'no' , Miss Flanders , " said
Johnny , "but from what I hearn tell of
the extravagance of the late king they
ain't much left. " Harper's Weekly.
Sore Throat is no trifling ailment. It
will sometimes carry infection to the en
tire system through the food you eat.
Hamlins Wizard Oil cures Sore Throat.
The test of whether you are edu
cated is , can you do what you ought ,
when you ought , whether you want to
do it or not ? Herbert Spencer.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing1 Syrup for Children
teething1 , softens the gums , reduces Inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottle.
Modesty is to merit as shades to
figures in a picture ; giving it strength
and beauty. Bruyere.
For constipation , biliousness , liver dis
turbances and diseases resulting from im
pure blood , take Garfield Tea.
Give a girl a present , and she will
not worry about the future.
< & 9 oo DROPS
luiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilimiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii iiiiini :
lllllllllllMllllltllllllllllllltlllllllltllfllllllllllllll lllllllll
Vegetable Preparation for As
similating the Food andReguIa-
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digssfion.Cheerful-
ness.and Rest.Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
S d-
Anisi SttJ '
fifpptrmini -
Worm Set * -
'Clarifitd Sttyar
Wfnkryrten flavor.
Aperfect Remedy forConsllpa
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea , j
Worms , Convulsions .Feverish-
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of'
guaranteed under the Fooda
Copy of Wrmpjar.
> _ -y. .
Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Creston , Iowa. " I was troubled tort
a long time with inflammation , pains
' . . , ' in side , sick
U.J-U. n'J'.j. T i- . ' ; my
! 1 headaches and ner
, ii vousness. I had ta
ken so many medi
cines that I was
discouraged and
thought I would
never get well A
friend told me of
Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound -
pound and it re
stored me to health ,
I haye no moro
pain , my nerves are stronger and I can
do my own work. Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound cured me after
everything else had failed , and I rec
ommend it to other suffering women. "
MRS. War. SEALS 005 "W. Howard St ,
Creston , Iowa.
Thousands of unsolicited and genu
ine testimonials like the above proye
the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound , which is mada
exclusively from roots and herbs.
"Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ills should not lose sight of
these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to
restore their health.
If you want special advice \vrlte
to Mrs. Pinkham , at Lynn , Mass.
She \vill treat your letter as
strictly confidential. For 20 years
she has been helping- sick women
in this way , free of charge. Don't
hesitate write at once.
Don't Persecute
your Bowels
OotceleainirtJciand rwrialrrei.
_ haoA
Ax *
cm the Erer ,
ta bfla , ted
tooth * the delicate ITTLC
roeabnaeof effobawd. IVER
Cm Cm
Xck EtUtcb tml Ifr iitf , as mEa * taonr.
Small PHI , Small Dose , Small Prte *
Genuine must to * Signature
W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 10-1911.
For Infants and Children ,
The Kind You Hava
Always Bought
Bears the
Thirty Years
TNI CIITAUM nurr. unr YM nr. '
$2 o $3 $3jp& $4 SHOES
"W. L. Douglas shoes cost more to make than ordinary shoes ,
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anteed to hold their shape , look and fit better and wear longer
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The genuine have W. L. Douglas name and the retail
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- JfPnSf cTJnot supply TOUwith the gennlne W.L.Donglas shoes. Trrlta , , . ,
for Mall Order . „
Catalog. Shoes sent direct from BOYS
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PrCP&lU * W. JL. Douglas , 145 Spark St. . Brockton , MUM. $2.OO$2.5O&$3.OO
For T\Tf1 TmJr * YV > Pink Eye , Epizootic
DISTEMPER Shipping Fever
& Catarrhal Fever
Sure cure and matter fcow horses at any rtage r Infected
or'ezposed. " Llaald.glTtno&theto&gnetaetsontheBloodaadGUndS : wpelatbo
polionooa germs from the body. CareaDlstcnipcr In Dog * nd8beep ana Cholera In.
Poultry. L rare t eniDgllTeBtcckremedy. Cores 1 * Grippe among human being *
and Is a fine Kidney remedy. Me and SI a bottle ; t5 and ilO a dozes. Cut this out.
Keep It. .showtoyonrdrnrglst.TrhoTrlllgetKforyoa. ( Free Booklet , "Dlstempec
Causes and Cures. " 8peclal.Agentswantec .
SPOHN MEDICAL CO. , Bacteriologists Chemists and 60SHEN , IND , , U. S. A.