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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1910)
GOLDS BREED CATARRH ler Terrible Experience Shows How Peruna Should Be in Every Home io Prevent Colds. Mrs. C. S. Eagre r s e r , 1311 Wood land Ave. , K a n s as City , Mo. , writes : "I feel It a duty to you and to others that may be af flicted like myself , to speak for Peruna. "My trouble - ble fl r s t came after la gr Ippe eight or nine years ago , a gath ering : in my head and neuralgia. I suff e r e d most all the time. My nose , ears and eyes Mrs. C. S. Sagerser. were badly affected for the last two years. I think from your description of internal catarrh that I must have had that also. I suffered very severely. ' Nothing ever relieved me like Pe runa. It keeps me from taking cold. "With the exception' of some deaf ness I am feeling perfectly cured. I Bm forty-six years old. "I feel that words are inadequate to trpress my praise for Peruna. " f- Catarrh in Bad Form. Mrs. Jennie Darling , R. P. D. 1 , ISmyrna Mills , Maine , writes : "I was unable to do my work for four years , B I had catarrh In a bad form. I coughed Incessantly , and got so weak a&d was confined to my bed. "Peruna , came to my relief and by faithfully using It , I am able to do my < 7 Work. Peruna is the best medicine that I ever took. " WHAT ? . "Weeks Why are you stopping ? STou didn't run over that man. Swiftly I know it. I just want to see what ails the steering gear. With a Sour Laugh , A Chicago editor has brought from London an amusing story about Hum phry Ward. " 'Humphry Ward , " he said , was in his bachelor days , a really well-known art critic. But now ! "I met Humphry Ward at a dinner In Soho , and he said to me , with a sour laugh : " 'When a girl wants to retire from the world and be lost In oblivion , she has to enter a nunnery. But a man , to achieve the same end , need only marry a famous -woman. ' " Appreciation of good accomplished helps more than much advice on the oed yet to be done. STOPPED SHORT Taking Tonics , and Built Up on Right Food. The mistake is frequently made 01 trying to build up a worn-out nervous system on so-called tonics drugs. New material from which to rebuild wasted nerve cells is what should be supplied , and this can be obtained only from proper food. "Two years ago I found myself on the verge of a complete nervous col lapse , due to overwork and study , and to illness in the family , " writes a Wis consin young mother. "My friends became alarmed be cause I grew pale and thin and could not sleep nights. I took various tonics prescribed -by physicians , but their effects wore off shortly after I stopped taking them. My food did not seem to nourish me and I gained no flesh nor blood. "Reading of Grape-Nuts , I de termined to stop the tonics and see what a change of diet would do. I ate Grape-Nuts four times a day , with cream and drank milk also , went to bed early after eating a dish of Grape-Nuts. "In about two weeks I was sleeping soundly. In a short time gained 20 pounds in weight and felt like ) a different woman. My little daughter whom I was obliged to keep out of school last spring on account of chronic catarrh has changed from a thin , pale , nervous child to a rosy , healthy girl and has gone back to -school this fall. "Grape-Nuts and fresh air were the only agents' used to accomplish the happy results ? ' Read "The RoadtpWeUville / ' 'in pkgs..j .tThere'B a Heason. " * - - _ C * - ' " Crer read tfce fcov letter ? A i'eW eayyeam. . freai time to. time.Tfcejr E - cnuUae , fra , aai tell of itercfft. HATS FOR WINTER THOSE FOR DRESSY WEAR ARE STRICTLY ORNAMENTAL. New Headpieces Have Discarded the Suggestion of the Practical and Offer no Protection What ever From the Cold. Winter hats , intended for evening or other dressy wear , have discarded the suggestion of the material. They are strictly ornamental head-pieces and take no notice of the element of protection from the cold. Except for the prevalent introduction of fur , and the material of which the body of the hat Is made , one might consider them designed for summer wear. Shapes , save the day for brims still droop In a becoming and sheltering way. Velvets , nets and laces are called Into use for the bulk of trim mings stuffs , while ostrich plumes and flowers add the finishing touches. The hats shown here are types of winter millinery In which laces are used for decoration. Many dress hats are made entirely of lace or not. In these a band of fur about the crown , a flat bow of fur or borders of fur on ribbon or silk drapery , give the touch that speaks of winter. In Fig. 1 a hat of heavy white satin is overlaid with a coarse silk net and lace of Russian mesh. It Is trimmed with a collar of small ostrich tips , the sort known as "Heads. " In the model they are white. This is not a difficult hat to make and would be pretty in colors with black lace over- 'lay. ' 'lay.Fig. Fig. 2 shows a large hat of velvet , with an "aeroplane bow" of lace. In this case it is a plaited fan with wire supports. A velvet collar and a small Alsatian bow at the front finish the pretty mode. Light felt hats are ef fective trimmed in this way. In Fig. 3 a beautiful hat in shell- pink corded silk is shown , with a dra pery , of lace made of a circular piece which Is tacked over the shape. Four beautiful plumes are mounted at the left side and are the same color as the silk. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. WEDDING VEIL IS IN FAVOR Various Attempts From Time to Time to Banish or Supersede It Have Failed. i From time to time attempts are made to banish or supersede the wed ding veil ; but , in spite of all objec tions , it still persists in the favor of the bride/ who is apt to be sentiment al rather than reasonable. The way of wearing it , however , has been largely changed ; many brides now wear the veil as a sort of cap , not falling over the face at all , but fasten ed back with a circlet of flowers. In front it reaches only to the knees , but In back to well below the ankles. Tulle , except for those who have rare and beautiful old lace , is succeed ing lace in favor ; perhaps because there is no danger of having part of the design ornament one's nose or eye ! A soft tulle veil , properly draped , fastened by invisible pearl-headed pins and falling over a coronet of jewels or of blossoms , is as pretty a sight as any wedding guest could hope to see. Dress Trimming. A * charming Paris model for an aft ernoon gown was seen recently , which depended for its adornment entirely upon a sort of fagoting of self-mate rial. The gown was a light fawn- colored challls , and on tunic , under skirt and girdle and down the front of the blouse the material was slash ed and reconnected by crossed inter i sections of the challis , rolled tight in to tubular pieces and sewed * to straight bands so as to. give the ap pearance of fagoting , or of catstltch. TJie. sEme effept' haXjfceen' seen silk , aid" itis , : ver iy oii > ii&er thick * material , , ; tbo.9glivnptr,6itft d , to fabrics very thin or dellcaie In ap pearance. FROCK FOR THE SMALL LADY Cashmere fn Dull Shade of Tan Is Rec ommended for Garment Shown Here. Here Is a pretty frock for a youn& lady of eight summers or so. It is made of cashmere in a dull shade of tan and trimmed with embroidery In self-tone , with a touch of red. The front of the blouse is laid In a cen ter box plait , with two tucks at each side , the back has merely the two tucks on either side of the closing. The sleeves and blouse are in one , the band of embroidery which outlines the neck extending over the shoulders , in a pointed tab. The skirt is the conventional side-plaited affair , the belt and ct 2a of the embroidery. The hat worn is of soft tan felt , with trim mings of dark red velvet ribbon. SKIRT STRAP A SURE BOON Greatly Aids the Amateur Dressmaker in Keeping Gores and Plaits in Place. The skirt strap , ambiguous as it sounds , is no relation to the shawl- strap ! It is simply the little stitched strap -of self-fabric that holds the pleats of the skirt in place. . You will see it appearing on all the new mod els for heavy cloth skirts ; for fash ion has said , "Narrow ! " and narrow it must be. There are usually two straps on each side of the skirt , al most meeting , and sewed on a little below the knees. Sometimes , when there is a pleated blouse ( and it is a three-piece suit or a one-piece cos tume ) the straps are repeated over the pleats or , again , on the sleevs. Certainly they are a boon to the amateur dressmaker who finds trou ble in keeping gores and pleats where they should be ; they save labor after ward in cleaning and pressing , and they give a natty , tailored appearance to the smart cloth gown. Simplicity is Good Taste. Think of the woman whose house , whose appearance , whose conversa tion creates the best impression , and you will realize that absolute simplic ity is the secret. Remember this when selecting your clothes , decorating your house , also when you meet strangers on your holi days. Unfortunately simplicity is not al ways cheap. You will often have to pay more for the hat of simple lines , the frock of fine material and ex quisitely simple design than you will tor something more ornate and dash ing. w < 2 . . . , * . - . . r To Keep Needles. A soda mint bottle , with a little screw top , makes an excellent holder for needles , to keep in the workbag. [ t Is especially good for damp cli mates , as the needles will not rust [ t can be made a thing of beauty by covering It with a bit of the material af which the bag is made ( preferably ailk , as this will work up better ) ; and i workbag given for a present Is Ioubly acceptable if some such little thing as this is added to give a dis tinctive touch. To Keep Needles. . A soda mint bottle , with a little screw top , makes an excellent holder or needles , to keep in the work- ng. It is especially good for damp slimates , s the needles will not rust , t can be made a thing of beauty by : overing it with a bit of the material > f which the bag is made ( preferably ilk , as this will work up better ) , and i workbag given for a present Is Ioubly acceptable If some such little hing as this is added to give a dis- inctlve touch. A Hand Bag Variant. The girl who need not consider wear Irst can indulge in some of the new land bags in heavy watered silk , net a a gold frame and finished with gold assels at each corner. Especially good looking Is a bag f black watered all * , so set with a aonogram. In gold In the left-hand orner. ' - ' l , : Velvet * fs : ' sometimes-'use < T-fof the' g& but the moirs Is-newer and more tylifih ; also does * not catch duet BO tilly. WOULD BE OF MORE VALUE Father ' ' Facetious O'Leary's Rejoinder to John Philpot Curran an Ex ample of Real Wit. One day the famous John Philpot Curran , who was also very partial to the said corned mutton , did me the honor to meet him. To enjoy the so ciety of such men was an intellectual treat. They were great friends and seemed to have a mutual respect for each other's talent , and , as it may easily be Imagined , O'Leary versus Curran was no bad match. One day after dinner Curran said to him : "Reverend father , I wish you were St. Peter. " "And why , counselor , would you wish that I were St. Peter ? " asked O'Leary. "Because , reverend father , In that case , " , said Curran , "you would have the keys to heaven , and you could let me in. " "By my honor and conscience , coun selor , " replied the divine , "it would be better for you that I had the keys of the other place , then I could let you out. " Curran enjoyed the joke , which he admitted had a good deal of justice in it. From Kelly's Remeniscences. AN INTOLERABLE ITCHING "Just about two years ago , some form of humor appeared on my scalp. The beginning was a slight itching but It grew steadily worse until , when I combed my hair , the scalp became raw and the ends of the comb-teeth would be wet with blood. Most of the time there was an intolerable itching , In a painful , burning way , very much as a bad , raw burn , If deep , will itch and smart when first beginning to heal. Combing my hair was positive torture. My hair was long and tan gled terribly because of the blood and scabs. This continued growing worse and over half my hair fell out. I was in despair , really afraid of becoming totally bald. "Sometimes the pain was so great that , when partially awake , I would scratch the worst places so that my finger-tips would be bloody. I could not sleep well and , after being asleep a short time , that awful stinging pain would commence and then I would wake up nearly wild with the torture A neighbor said it must be salt rheum. Having used Cuticura Soap merely as a toilet eoap before , I now decided to order a set * of the Cuticura Remedies Cuticura Soap , Ointment and Pills. I used them according to directions for perhaps six weeks , then left off , as the disease seemed to be eradi cated , but toward spring , eighteen months ago , there was a slight re turn of the scalp humor. I com menced the Cuticura treatment at once , so had very little trouble. On , my scalp I used about one half a cake of Cuticura Soap and half a box of Cuticura Ointment in all. The first time I took six or seven bottles of Cu ticura Pills and the last time three bottles neither an. expensive or te dious treatment. Since then I have had no scalp trouble of any kind. Standing up , with my hair unbound , it comes to my knees and had it not been for Cuticura I should doubtless be wholly bald. "This is a voluntary , unsolicited tes timonial and I take pleasure in writing It , hoping my experience may help someone else. * Miss Lillian Brown , R.F.D.ILiberty , Me. , Oct 29 , 1909. " f Too Free. Seyniour What caused the Allcome Life Insurance company to fail ? Ashley It was altogether too free in accepting risks. I don't believe it would have even refused to insure the life of a turkey the day before Thanks giving. . ED GEERS , "The grand old man , " he is called for he is so honest handling horses in races. He says : "I have used SPOHN'S DISTEMPER CURE for 12 years , always with best success. It is the only remedy I know to cure all forms of distemper and prevent horses in same sta ble having the disease. " 50c and $1 a bet tle. Air druggists , or manufacturers. Spohn Medical Co. , Chemists , Goshen , Ind. There is said to be a professor of languages in an eastern college who has mastered all the modern tongues except His wife's. . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach , liver and bowels. Sugar-coated , tiny granules , easy to take as candy. All men are equal before the law , but some are more than equal to the task of getting around it. WE SELL GUNS AND TRAPS CHEAP Buy Furs and Hides. Send for catalog 105. N. W. Hide & Fur Co. . Minneapolis. Minn. Women have been known to shake hands for the purpose of trying to. shake secrets out of each other. Mrs. Yflnalows SoothingSyrup. . Forchlldren teething , softens the gums , reduces I n- pnrattrlnfl mllr * . 2&C4bt > ttt8. The worst deadbeat is he who re fuses to pay a debt of gratitude. OLD SORES.CURED Allen'BUlcerineSalvecnresChronlcUlcers.Hone Ulcers.Scrof ulous Ulcers. Varicose Ulcers , ! n- dolent Ulcers.Mercurlal UlcersWhlte Swell FISTULA , Pay -when Curod. AllBectal Diseases cured without - out a surgical operation and guaranteed to last a lifetime. No chloroform or general anaesthetics used. Examination free. DR. E. R. TARRY , 223 Bee Building , Omaha , Neb. II afflicted with > T | MIMMMM' * CM * Wl * > oreeyexusai I nORIpSOn $ fcyt Wtttl IS name to remember' i you need a remedy f r COUGHS and CALUMET The wonder of ingpowders Cal Wonderful in Its raising powers its uniformity , its never failing results , its purity. Wonderful in its economy. It costs less than the high-price trust brandsi but it is worth as much. It costs a trifle more than the cheap and bi can kinds it is worth more. But proves its real economy in the baking : . Use CALUMET the Modem Baking Powder. Received At all Grocers Highest Award World' * Pure Food Exposition You Can Work Near a Window in winter when you have a Perfeo tion Oil Heater. It is a portable radiator which can be moved td any part of a room , or to any FOOIEJ ; in a house. When you have a smokiest and odbr&st you do not have to work clbse to stove , which is usually far from the window. You can work where you' wish , and be warm. You can work on dull winter days in the fulf light near' the window , without being chilled to , the bone. The Perfection Oil Heater quickly ; ' gives heat , and with one filling of the font burns steadily for nine hours , without smoke or smelt Ac indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font * The filler- cap , put in like a cork in a bottle , is attached by a chain. This heater has a cool handle and a damper top. The Perfection Oil Heater has an aotomatic-lockfn flame spreader , which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke , and is easy to remove and drop back , so the wick can be quickly cleaned. The burner body or gallery * cannot become wedged and can be unscrewed in an Instant for rewicking. ' The Perfection Oil Heater is finished in japan : or' ' nickel , is strong , durable , well-made , built for service , and yetj ; light and ornamental. Dealers Everywhere , tf not at yours , write for dtscripibt cfrtttta ? to the nearest agency of the Standard Oil Company ( Incorpormtad ) W. L. DOUG $3 $3Ji & 5S4 SHOES .WOMEN MEN BOYS- SHOES , $2.0O , $2.5O & $3.00. BEST IN THE WORLD. W. L , Dounla * $3.OO , $3.BOand $4.OOhoe9 are positively the bcmt matt * anef mosf popular - ular ahomm for thm prlcm In America , and are th * momt uconomlcal mJioma for you to buy. Do yon realize that my shoes have been the standard for over \ 30 years , that I make and eel ] more 83.0O , 83.50 and S4.OO shoes than any other manufacturer in the U.S. , and that DOL- LAJl FOB DOLT , All , I GUARANTEE MY SHOES to hold their shape , look and fit betterand wear longer than any other S3.0O , 83.50 or 84.0O shoes you can buy ? Quality conntK. It has { made my shoes THE I.EADERS OF THE WORLD. Yon-will be pleased -when you buy ray shoes because of the fit and appearance , and tvhen It comes time for yon to purchase - chase another pair , yon trill be more than pleased because the last ones -wore go well , and cave yon so much comfort. Skae Ce. CAUTION ! ffiSSa feSfeiftgSS.TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE If your dealer cannot supply yon with W. L. Douglas 8bo s , write for M I1 Order Cataloc. IV. JA 3 > OCCULiA . 145 Mjparfc Street. .Brocktam , EUREKA Will Harness Keep Your soft as a glove HARNESS tough as a wire black as a coal S M by D Jcr * EV rywk r OIL /'MANUFACTURED BT FOR Standard Oil Company STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( Incorporated ) ( Incorporated ) No. 94 Single Bnggy Harness with Double Neck and Hip Strap Nic. I. R. or Brass Trimmed. This i s a bargain not to be overlooked. Special at $13.30. Send for our free Harness Catalog. STURGES'BROS. Ill Pearl S tree I Sioaz City , Iowa ROOSEVELT'S GREAT BOOK GAME TRAILS" an Ideal Christmas gift , must bo brought by some one In every locality to bis neighbors. U be man who applies quickly will navemonopoly olflnld and.a ' high commission. Write lor \pro8pectns to CHARLES bCEIENF-E'S SOTS Ia3 ( B.S. ) illli AIM Slow death and awful suffering follows neglect of bowels. Co * * stipation kills more people thaai. consumption. It needs a cirrii and there is one medicine 4 all the world that cures it * CASCARETS. Cascarets 10c. box week1 * Cret- mcnt. All drueirists. Blzzztt seBee in tie -world million boxes a mcuOu- vievni of i ing cities other points of interest. Send coin or stamp * ; ClartonHaste&McNaIrl3C.,321Broadwar.XewY ! rtL , , . ooBr reference * Best W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 46-1910 * Household , THE ALL-AROUND OIL ' } IN THE HANDY , EVER-READY TIN OELZft , te specially selected for any need in : home. ' Saves tbols.f rent rusting ; Can can not break. .Does not gum or become rancid. * > - * 'tiAKUFACTU ES BY FOR SALE EV --"Standard Oil Comj ny . STANDARD OIL COMPAMY Oncorporated ) ' ( lucoriH-.ratcd }