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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1910)
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NEO I I . . . . _ _ . . . , - _ _ 1G' .C'J : " ' - = ' = r-LJ ' ' ' 6 i ; A Safe , Simple System . i The system of paying by check was devised by all menfor any man = - for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. . Pay by check , the method puts system in- 4 to your business and { gives you a record of every transaction. I - j _ _ VALENTINE STATE BANK -VALENTINE. NEBR. I' Frank" " ' Harrison's unreasonable < tirades against Dahlman , help : some. ' . It used to , be demo-pop. Now ' , it - js' . .prohi-republican. . How do . you li ] ik e it ? . , . The Daily News is standiuf . "down" ' for Omaha and up for all - manner of misrepresentation that tends . toward bolstering up the wavering forces of Aldrich. . "W. B. East ham , Democratic and Independent candidate for lam commissioner , is the only candidat < from the western part of the state - . He is i a good man , vole for him. "The Capitol" a prohibiton paper , published at Lincoln , must be ( stealing its editorials from the files of/some old confederate newspaper and substituting the name Dahlman for that of Lincoln , with a fev other changes to bring them up to date. . , Senator Jonathan P. Dolliver . . . . . Iowa's U S. senator died at his home at Ft. Dodge , Oct. 15th. Mr. Dolliver has been prominent in national affairs for years , and has during the past few years been one _ . of the leading insurgents of the - country. . . . . . . , As to the absence or presence of the quality known as executive ability in either of the candidates for governor , those who are fa miliar with the subject know \ : , and those who do not will become convinced of the fact after a little thought , that the mayor of any large ] city does more work , all in the line ] of executive duty ; , each and every week during his term of office , than the i governor of any state is called upon to perform ' of his term of during quarter , . ' any , DftiC ; 1 " " ' z. - , , - : " - " " . _ - . - - , - ' - - _ - - . - - . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . - - . - . - . . . . . . . . - - - - - . . _ ' . . : ' : . : 'I : ; : . . = MVAtiM . _ + ! .rVM..4.a. + . : - a- : : : : : : : : - " . . . . , . . , - - . . , . - ; . ' : .1. j.-- . ' . : : ; , it . - : . ; . , ; . . 7-- : - , . -t : ' , : - , . . ' - . . . : . - Mrs. Julia Ward Howe , authc of tbe famous "Bnttle Hymn of the Republic" anjd other literary pr - . ductions , died at Middleton , R , I . , Oct. 17 , aged 91 years. Does history repeat itself ? W e think so. Just watch the peopl of the big Sixth lay Moses care - fully and tenderly away in the rushes November 8th. . 1 run-I The Bujkett press is ROW rur - ning a fearfully and wonderfull ) ; , I made article in explanation of that gentleman's refusal to meet Coc - gressman Hitchcock in joint de - bate. A.11 the sophistry and nea : logic , false statements and othe trashy substances could advantag eously be eliminated from th article by simpjy stating that his reasons for not meeting Mr Hitchcock were the same as his reasons for not meeting C. 0 . Whedon , his republican opponent , before the primary. He dare not Self crowned with.a' halo of sud ienly inspired moral morbidity ; , the meek and lowly martyr to duty , who manipulates the kaleid Dscopic films on the Columbu ; Pelegram , sought to besmirch thi ; ood name of Congressman Hitch ' cock because forsooth , that gentle man had , on divers occasionspub - licly \ announced that tl\e aforesak purifier was entitled to all th < honor , credit and emoluments , that pertains to the degree of Past Master in the Annanias Club. Ii inswer to these scathing rebukes , the : turburlent Editor of "Stat < reasury ; items" deploring the in capacity of his 'little paper" to jope with the dark , deathly secrets ; J ind . ! mighty ideas that were abou I to ; burst their prison walls aid flow 1 forth in a flood that would over ivhelm his enemy , ran to rescue ' ind fell weeping upon the boson : ' if the Bee. But when Hitchcock uade answer , the direful flood and the fountain from which it \ I ; sprang , were both dammed. . - - - - - - - - - FO THE VOTERS OF THE 52NL , REPRESENTATIVE DISTICT. I had the honor of repiesentin | r his , district in the last legislature , ind am the democratic candidate for ! the place again. . I .The ; district- , which comprises Dherry and Keya : Paha counties , is too large to permit me to make a. personal canvass and I therefore ake this method of reaching the /oters. As a member of the las egislature , I voted for the adoption of what is called "The Oregon plan 'or the election of United States * senators , " and under this plan every i . roter is allowed to express his choice I . for the senatorship. This vote is. i lot , in law , binding . on tlie members . but if I elect- of the legislature , , am - ed , I shall accept it as binding on me , and my vote will be cast for the nan who has received the majority rote of the people of Nebraska. Personally I favor the election of Ion. Gilbert M. Hitchcock , because , as has been well said of him , "he is a. splendid type of public servant I t'ho deserves promotion to the high office to which he now aspires. " But I if f a majority of the state of Ne- iraska express themselves , by their 'allots ' , for his opponent , and I am lected to the legislature . , my. vote will be cast for the choice of the aajority regardless of my personal hoice , or party affiliation. I I am the author of the bill which I ssulted in establishing the state I xperimental station at Valentine . I and I shall use my position to I irther its interests , as well as to arther my legislation looking to the pbuilding of my district. A legislator's vote for United tales senator is the only question on wnich party } lines can properly be drawn , and , by the declaration i I have herein made , that issue is ntirely eliminated , I make bold to ask that you take I the trouble to look into the record I made in the last session and , if my work is satisfactory. I ask for : \ our vote and influence. This is the day of independent voting , and this letter is addressed to demo- crats , republicans , prohibitionists , opulists and independents , I care not what your party designation " " ' = r " . . . - - . - - - - . = . . - - - . . - _ . _ . " - . _ - . ; . . - - - . . . . . . . . , , . , . . . . . _ . . . . . . n. ' " + --.w + - : w' .Y.NJwa1. d . & : n. : = . . . . . . - : : : : ' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ' : : : : . . " , _ - . . . . . . . - ; - i - . . . - - - - . . may be , if you think I am worhy' ! I of your vote I shall be pleased to t 1 receive it , and if elected , I shall try to make a record that will show me worthy of it. Eespectfully yours , . JOHN F. CARR , . Nebraska. Springview , / Construction of the extension of the NorIhwestern ' Rosebud line . from Dalas through Trip count is the only activity in railwa , building in South Dakota. . Th : i line will run to olome ! , ten mile from Dallas , and thence on to t Carter , thirty miles from Dallas . It will reach Colome by the middl of November. Carter will not be reached before midwinter at the present rate and unless this is an open winter not then. The' road is doing its own building of thi ] line. - Ex. Alfalfa Production. Alfalfa and its adaption to the igrieultural conditions of the terri ; ory reached by the North Westeri Liine , and its influence upon cattle , aog and dairy interests , is the sub iect of a booklet just issued by the Jhicngo & North Western By. , am which will be distributed free } to ! armers or all other , interested pat - ies. Apply to the ticket agent , or : a-ldress S. F. Miller G. ' F . & P. A . ifebr. ! & ; Wyo. Divs. , C. & N . W . 3y. , Omaha , Nebr. . ' For Constipation A Medicine That Does No Cost Anything Unless It Cures The active medicinal ingredient of Rexall Orderlies , which an dorless ( , tasteless and colorless , is i an entirely . new discovery. Com ined with other extremely valu be ! ingredients ! , it forms a perfcc owel regulator and strcngthcner , lik lexall Orderlies are eaten jindy ' and are notable for thei agreeableness to the palate and gentleness of action. They do < 3ot : cause griping or any disagree able effect or inconvenience. Unlike other preparations for a : ike purpose , they do not reate a labit , but instead they overcomi he : ; cause of habit acquired througl he ; use of ordinary laxatives , jarthartics and harsh physic , an < ermanently remove the cause of ionstipation or irregular bo we iction. . We will refund your money without argument if they do not do as we say they will. : Two sizes , I lac. and 50e. Sold < only at oui I tore - The Eexall Store. Chap- I aan , the Druggist. llMOCRimeSTATE TICKE1 s For > U. S. Senator- . I G , M. HITCHCOCK ' Governor ? or - J. C. DAHLMAN for Lieutenant-Governor R. A. CLARK " ? or Secretary of State- * C. \V. POQL ? or State Treasurer- GEORGE E. HALL ? or State Superintendent- ' \T. R. JACKSON Tor Land Commissioner- W. B. EASTHAM ' / Tor Railway : Commissioner- BEN H. HAYDENf For Congress- WILLIAM J , TAYLOR For State Senator- WILLIAM : E. HALEY For ' State Representative 52d Dist. JOHN F. CARR "For ' County Attorney C. A. RUBY For ' County Commissioner 3d Dist J. F. NAYLOR Pick This Up Quick Good 4-room house with stone ellar , for sale cheap. House brorfg , well built and warm. \V in seIl cheap if taken at once. Cash or terms. A bargain in this. Ask 1. M. Rice , Valentine. tf ' 'The Xmas Present that you lone can give. " Phelps Gold ledal Photos , Nov. 18 , and 19. In Lumber we have the largest tock and tho lowest prices. LUD\nG LUbJJER CO. , . . . . . . . . , ' , ' . - - - < , ' . . . . . ; . . . . , . . . ! . - n' ' " _ 6T.&fl'--- . S.w' - - . . r - n s ---S.- . 6T.&fl'W - - . - - - . . . ' - . - - - - . ' + - - - . . . / " . . . - . . ' - - - ' . . I . . . . . , . - ' " . , , - - - . . . . . : . . . . . - . . - , . - _ _ _ - - - - - . ' . . . . - . . . I - . Unanswerable" Logic. . " ' " . d . . . . - _ - - - - - - - _ , j . - - . . - . g3- - ! . - 1 , 14"X- , ' " j . I I" : , I I ' ' . I / J _ . 1 fr di , ' a . I . . ' , " , ( . . 'z. ! . . t I : i ' I I I , , ; " . l ! , ! I : , - \ \ \ \ - . kI Ih . J I I i - . y > a . 1rS y 1 I' . . , . " I II a 1 I : , c ; I . - w J Farmer-Senator , I have here the. congres : sional record for the extra session of 1909 On June 28 Senator Cummins introduced an amendment to the tariff bill reducing the tariff on barbed wire to $8.00 per ton. You are re corded as voting against that amendment. Why did you do it ? The Senator-Yon star spangled banner floats over the land of the free &nd the homo of the brave ! Unsullied and unsmirched : it flutters in the breeze and I dare any democrat to haul it down ! " - Q\ ; : + yw T : : . fr , : - I I i i f Y k i s / II II I I uiIttJL/J1 I . . . 1tVr f NI I 4 - -r 'r _ , / i H/Fl , , I ) 1/ 1I : ) , , ' 'f . 1I i I ' / 1r. : I i I . . . - & - - - " , . - - - - Farmer - On page 2129 it says that you voted against an amendment puttingarin : : im- plements of all kinds on the free list. How about it ? I The SenatoKr : The other day I stood on Ellis . " 'Island and sav/ . 4,287 souls waiting at the gate of this mighty republican nation eager , trem bling with impatience to be wrapped in the protecting > folds of this glorious flag ! . i Farmer-A summing up of your votes for 1 i the extra session shows that you voted 70 times i - with that great agent of the Interests , Senator I Aldrich , and 58 times against him. How do you explain that half-and-half attitude ? The Senator - And what have the democrats I done for the old flag ? Ndthing ! Absolutory I nothing ! Except pay taxes to support it. And 1 I dare any democrat to put his foot on the dear I : old flag. . The dear old flag our fathers fought to save ! The dear old lag ! . j . . , , " . . , . . : to - ' " - - - - : . i1 - - - - - ' - : . . - - ' ' Js . , Old Crow , . / : . ; . : ' . : - : . / All LeadinA : ' + . N . Hel'n1 .i Brands Hermitage tage t , , . . . r - . . ; . t r. F.j'4 5 a w w : Sgnnop yx 1z . n w aSfa&Ktf ih : & ? --yiszr. ! and . . . : ; . ? ' ' . - L- ; r I \b ) Bottled -V . - ' - r. Gruchen- . : . , . Under the : . I . ' -1 . . heiincrr } Supervision : : - r { . ; ' , , , , , , , . ° , a. x ; y.M of the I Rye ya. : . . ' . ' . . . " % --y FF' ' . . = " rj : E. [ , , y .ymsEr / ' - " . h . . ' . U. S. Gov. 'tlhisk ys. _ _ . . , . , . ? . ' ' j4' W . ; ; : ' .c : , C " . . r. . i- . - ; . We also handle the Budweiser : Beer. THE P.ALACE SALOON , . _ ' . HENR.Y STETTER , Propr - - ' St. Nichols Church. Services will be held at the Catholic church as follows : In Valentine , on Sunday Oct. j 23rd 1st mass at 8 a. in. 2nd mass at 10 a. m. Benediction ot the Blessed Sac- rament after mass. Instruction ' for the children at I 3 p. m. . : In Crookston on Sunday Oct. 30th , Leo M. ' BLAERE , Recto ; . Threshing Outfit for Sale I 14 horse power , 28x50 Case Sep arator , all in good repair , for sale at a bargain ; for cash , or will trade for horses or cattle , Address , SOIIAEFER & ; BENNET , Nenzel , Neb. . , For bowel complaints in children al ways give Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Kernedy and castor oil. It is certain to effect a cure and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. No physician can pre scribe " a better remedy. For sale by ha p 'm4h i : tlitj dru t t1' Farmer = Cn May 24 I see that you voted j against an amendment proposing to put lum- ber , building material , tools and white lead on the free list. d .What were your reasons for thisI I action ? ! The Senator-The boys of ' 61 freely gavt ' their life-blood that this glorious nation might I the ignoble I live and shall we stand silent while democrats trample our liberties , thus dearly r bought , in the dust ? No ! No ! Thrice no I II I I j I - R Grows Hair Merc Are Facts We Want .You I I to Prove at Our Risk , Marvelous as it may seem Rex- all " 93" Hair Tonic has grown hair on heads that were once bald. ' Of course , in none of these cases , were the hair roots dead nor had ' I I the scalp taken on a glazed , shiny appearance. : Rexall 93" Hair Tonic acts scientifically , destroying the germs I which are usually responsible for ! I baldness. It penetrates to the ] I roots of the hair , stimulating and I nourishing them. It is a most i pleasant toilet necessity , is deli- ; | , I cately ! perfumed , and will not gum or permanently stain the hair. We want you to get a bottle of I Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic and use it I as directed. If it does not relieve scalp irritation , remove dandruff , prevent the hair ! from falling out and promote an increased growth of hair , and in every way give entire satisfaction , ; simply come . , . back and tell us , and withond question or formality we will hand back to you every penny you paid us for it. Two sizes , 50c. and ' 1.00. . Sold only at our store - The Rexall Store. Chapman , the Druggist. Government Town Lots Grand Puqlic Sale Newell , S. D -Thursday , October , 8 ? . Sale of town lots under Government supervision at Newell , S. D. the'ntw town on the Belle Fourche Valley Line twenty-three miles east ot Belle Fourche , S. D. Great opportunities for new ' business openings. Do not fail to attend. Apply to ticket ajients Chicago & JSTo"rth Western Ely. , for full . 2 " Digestion and Assimilation- , It is not the quantity of food taken but -he amount digested and assimilated that gives strength and vitality to the system : Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- ets invigorate the stomach and livei md enable them to perform their fane- ions naturally. For sale by Chapman , tl : iib dru istr , _ _ _ X ; .7 .