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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1910)
ViV / v . r . . " , " - . . . I t ' 'l . . < ' ! < , . _ > . . " . .y' ' , . . ' ' . ' ' . ' . . . . . . . . . - . . ' , . . ' . # . . . . . - , . , ' , . . ' I / " ' " . , . . . , . . , ' . , f" 't-'r' ' < ' . . ' : " > - ' " " ' - ; ' , - ' . . : . . . . ' . . ' . . " . . . . . .d'3. , . ' . 0 ' . . . Historical ' , . . . . Society . " . . " 'I , ; , , . ! ! .r 6- ' ' , . . . . * : . , . ' ' , " . ; - . , . ' " ' - - , - ' : " . - ' . . . ' - : . - . ' _ . . - ' T -r. , . - . . . . . . . W . . . } . , ' . . . . < . - - - ' . ' . . . _ . . ' . . . - . l- . " - , , , : . , _ . . V . . - . < . " " 1\ r-- - "t- . , r - : ' . . , . . . , ' , , \ ' . . " _ .w . . ; : - . / - , - - , ' - . . ' . . - a ' . t , S i : ; I ' " - i 1 'l1HE T ALENTINE DEMO RAT. ' ; " i , 2i ! .V . ' , : J _ - II - . T' 1. M. Bice , Editor and Proprietor. VALENTINE , NEBK. , THURSDAY , JULY 21 , 1910. \rolimfe 25 , No. G 8 ' _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ , . _ JL,1.- , , .N _ _ _ C1" _ _ - - . . h _ ( : : . . . .LoU' . . . - - . . - . - . - . - - - - - - AAA AA.A J AJWvAAAAA AAAAAA.A.AjJ.A.A . ) .f..AAN .A it AAAAA.A rV ) I ; AT COSTI ! 3 . Entire : stock ; of General Merchandise , , C consisting of Dry Goods , . jVlen's , Furn r . ishings , Hats and Shoes , Trunks , Suit ; P- : Cases Groceries . , etc. , will be sold at . : ' ' c , - cost until closed out. - \ . , . . E. McDonald. ' : Phone 113 . . - " . , . . " . , _ . ' . . VV" . _ . _ . . p- . . . . . . _ . _ _ . . . v . FY "v' " " - " " . . . I . Chartered as a State Bank Chartered is a I National . . Bank : June J , 1881. August J2 : ! , 11)0- ) : ! I The FIRST NA TIOiAL BANK . . Successor ( to Rank : of Valentine. ) ( Yalentine , - Nebraska. CAPITAL - $25.000 A General-Banking . , Exchange , SURPLUS - 25,000 Undivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : : : O. II. COKNKLL , President. . M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier . , , J. ' .l' . : \rll ' , Vice President. MiSS : GLEX HOKXIG , , Ass't CashIer. K F ; ' Eurel Saloon P ' _ < a . ' , McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. I Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars , + Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : . Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , ' ; Guchenheimer , i , Cedar Brook - . - . , Sunny Brook , ii i Spring Hill ; , _ . , 0 _ . , ; : ' 0 v -o : ' . . ' ' and 29/year/old . , iI ij i r , ; ' . " . . . . . and'Jas , E , Pepper ' - : * - \--o ft : - ' : " . : : - . ' - O , F , C . Taylor , , I j , ' ' ed111 bond t These whiskies were purchased n ancl'canie direct from the U. S. go v- ernment warehouse. They are , guar- _ . anteed pure and unadulterated. Un- y excelled for family and medical use. . y . . Three Star Hennessy * and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported . Gordon and DeKuyper Gins Guinness's Extra Stout. Bass Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , i Valentine = = = = Nebraska J = 51 23' r . GREEN FRONT i y ? { \ , Full Line of Groceries * Valentine MIKE DAVIS to L Nebraska = = s : : ; _ i _ @ _ 8 - . . W his l ' yO ) . l\.e/ . Go to the . . . . ' e J _ _ _ e Stock Exchange Saloon _ VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER I . . j Walther F. A/Meltendorff , Propr. ; - e 9 . ) Ir' " 2II'21 .j 1 Stop' ! e i . i I ' and try a glass of Cold Soda r\ ? . from our new fountain. 9 ; 1 Home . Bakery. J . "Read the Advertisements , 1 r - I TOO BUSY TO COUNT MONEY When the bank messenger trots down the street in the morning with his little satchel full of spec- ie , carries a gun , moves as fast as can and looks as desperate as pos- sible. When S. H. Kimrael of Rosebud , came into the Paxton hotel Monday he . . carried a small ladies' hand bag filled to the brim and bulging ! with coins , bills , mon- ey of every sort , and tossed it ov er the counter to the clerk without batting an eJ"e.HPut that in the safe , " he remarked laconically. A little later his two daughters , Miss Helen and Miss Hattie Kim- mel , came down from their room and asked for their hand ! bag. " 1 want some money" explained Miss : Hattie and reached uncer- emoniously into the satchel. She extracted a handful without stop- ping to count it and put back the bag. Accout an hour later H. W. Harper , of Valentine , who arriv- ed wjth them , came and in his turn took out a handful. Then came Mr. Kirnmel again and as he pul- led his hand forth the clerk , who was fast passing : : away , counted live fives on the outside of the bunch. For nearly two days that small black satchel has been .yield ing handfuls of cash to the four people from. Rosebud. They haven't offered an explanation , nor is there anything their con- duct to indicate that they consider their bank extraordinary. When ever they want money , and that has seemed to be . rather often , they come and take it , never stop- ping to count , and the bag is still as thick as if it was bulging with grain , and in the meantime . the - . poor , clerk has chewed'bff half the marble top of his counter trying to keep : from asking them any questions. - Omaha Daily Bee. Badger Lake. ( Ovorlooki'cl last week. ) Charley Spain spent the , Fourth at the TO grove. Wilber Kirk " 'as a visitor at the Barnes' home Sunday. Cecil Barnes made a trip to Cody just before the Fourth. Dora Grewe closed a successful term of school in the Barnes dis trict July 1. Ray Kime is very sick with in- flamatory rheumatism. He took down Wednesday and Friday was ' taken to Cody and then to Hot Springs. Peter Hoffman of Nenzel spent a day or two in our neighborhood recently , taking his step-daughter , Dora Grewe , who has been teach- ing in district No. 91 , home with him. him.The The celebration at the TO grove was a grand success. In the batl game the school nine vs a picked up nine , the score stood ' 7 to 5 in favor or the school nine. In the game between Lake and Newton , the score stood 21 to 2 in favor of Lake. The bowery dance was en- joyed by those who danced. F. Wilsey and son were in town Monday trading. They are on ' the Bonser farm which is close to three quarter , sections of land that 1':11'Yilse.v : bought some ' time ago near Rosebud. He in- forms us that people tell him he has the best crop of corn between ; here and Dallas and a little more rain in the right time 'will insure , a bumper crop. Mr Wilsey called at our office to get acquaint- ed some time ago and in this issue he inserts an advertisement as an auctioneer. He comes here from Houston Minn. , where he was a farmer , stock dealer and auction- eer but was attracted to this part of the country in his trips here bifying horses and has come to stay. He says if they farm right here they can raise a crop and . he is pleased with the country. _ Our VACUUM CLEANER will do your spring house cleaning. Order it from Fischer's Hardware. 14 - or'r - r } eIf ; * y N/ , F \ _ 4 c t r = : : Y ' t r l We G. M. HITCHCOCK G. M. Hitchcock , member of congress from the Second district , has made good and has , shown that .he is right on the tariff question and is an able representative of the people of his district. He is not a faaatic and does not go wild two or three times a year on . some fool question. He is a safe man to represent us as U. S. senator . and we heartily indorse him. He ! nee'ds no introduction to the peo- . ple of Nebraska. , . Proposals for Painting. Bids for painting exterior and calcimining interior of school building in district No. 3 , will ) ] be received up till August 15 , 1910 , _ atjnne o'clock p. m. Outside of building to be painted two coat of white lead and linseed oil. In- side to be sized and calcimined one coat. Size of building 24x36x : 12. Also one coat of mineral paint on coal house size 8x12x6 including roof. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. Address all communications to - JENS TIIOMSEN , 28 3 Box 3S , Crookston , Neb. EXCURSION RATES K. of P. Encampment. Milwaukee ! Knight' Templar's ! Conclave , Chicago Tickets on sale via the Chicago & Northwestern Ry. , daily July 28 , 29 , 3U and 31 account K. ot P. Encampment Milwaukee ; and daily August , 5 , 6 and 7 , ac- count Knight Templar's Conclave , Chicago. Great opportunity for sight-seeing in thise beautiful convention cities and to visit the many adjacent famous summer resorts , lakes and streams of Wis consin and Northern Michigan. For tickets and full information apply to any ticket agent. It , Card of Thanks. We. wish to express our heart- felt gratitude for the kind assist- ance rendered us so readily during the burial of our beloved husband , son and brother. MRS. A. D. AXDKIWOX. I ' , ' 3I. : : \ ANDI3KSON AND FAMILY. I i Lands for Sale : Lots 3 and 4e 4swF"r-30-25 ; swi- : , 5-31-25 ; swi , 17-31-25 ; nw : } ] , 333225. : All clear of encum- brance. Reasonable terms. Ad- dress George Grossman , Atlanta , Georgia. 27 2 We have a cash buyer for a ranch in Northwest Nebraska. If you want to sell at right price and mean business , address at once with complete description and legal numbers. OTTO MCTZ : & SOXS , 422-423 Funke Building , Lincoln , Nebr : 27 3 C. & . N. W. New Time Table. \VKST JWUSD : . . . . . . . . No. 1 , ; :1 ; p. m. Now passenger train. . . . . . . N o . - - a : i , 1 Sri i ; : ; a. m. Old " ' " No. 1UI ! , 11 : ; . ' ) p. in. Through freight train. No. : si , 2X ) p. m. Local freight train. EAST UOUXD No.2 , 10:12 p. nv. . New passenger train. No. 0 ( j , 5:05a. nil : Old" . . . No. 110 , t i : : ZO a. m. Through freight train. I No. 82 ? , 11:00 a . ui. Local freight train. - I I R ESOLVE D ! TH AT IF You ViLL JU5T CAREFULLY WEIGH4OUR QUALTTYOPV. QUANTITY VJTH OUR PS5ICE5 ; You WONT . GO" A WEIGH BUT You wli .L WEiGyT , . FOR ALL YOU NEED I , R IOPE t ' ---T--f-k 4r z \ 1'b . k1 : # LII1LsT ( \ \ \ ' 'x1Mcb'L'U1 \ \ \ \ ! . , CuPYrigkt ; i9s. byi / . O..r. : . / N. , - . . . , , ! / WE NoT ONLY CUT CHEESE BUT WE CUT / PRICED ON OUR 6ROCERIEJ. WE CUT OUR . J PRICES WHEN WE MARK OUR GooDS. THERE ARE TWO WAYS OF CUTTING PRICES. OUR ' 'WAY ' 1,5 TO 6IVE YOU GooD GROCERIES FOR , A FAIR PRICE RATHER THAN GIVE YOU POOR GRO . - CERIES AT ANY PRICE. WE SELL OUR GooDS FAST. THAT IS V/HY YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND I FRESH } { THINGS To EAT AT OUR STORE. RESPECTFULLY , - . . , . . ' - ' . ' ' . - . t- . ' . ; ; . ' 0 Farm Implements VVe sell farming implements as well as other merchandise at reasonable prices. . Call and try us. > " f CROOKSTON. NEBRASKA. - M AC. . VIERTEL 1 . DEALER IN EVERYTHING. r _ , lV , ' ' GO TO THE - - - . . - : ! _ r : j . THE . FAIR r ' : FOR Good Clothing , , ' I . - Shoes and Oxfords , . Gent's Furnishings ! . . - . AT RIGHT PRICES . . F F TIlE F1A111 , IJ I 3 Phone 145. H. W. HOEiNIG , , Propr. c K = = ; J SSS2KSSS3S:32S222 3raE3SX253S KK& UT11) ) itwir ii'iW tetter & Tobiea , Props. DEALERS IN idi. ! ! ; . . ! All Kinds of Fresh and Fait Meats. . . . _ _ _ _ t . - - Will ! buy your Cattle " \ Hogs , " ' - Poultry , Horses , Mules and t = i = ' I anything you have to sell. e 1 . . , c