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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1910)
" - - - " - - r t i i ' , ' The "Valentine Democrat 1 VALENTINE , NEB. 'i ' I. M. RICE , - - - Publisher. . Behold the ice man in all his glory. i ' How many - flies have you killed ? That Louisiana calf with two heads ' and two tails came near being twins. - It may be bromidic to talk about _ I . the weather , but how can you help It ? Along with other cooling drinks , take this bromide : "Is It hot enough for you ? " _ Never mind , there will soon be files enough to give every , man a chance to do his duty. a What makes the kaiser's 50 castles . so expensive Is that none of them is a castle in the air. Now that an ion of electricity has been found , the mystery of the force Is simply increased. The fibbing as to age , girls , can go on , for the census man and his rec ords have disappeared. If there is. one thing upon which , thrifty men agree It Is that they pre fer a street car to a taxi. The middleman is not needed , but I the v/orld will continue to need the farmer and the consumer. One can hardly biame the aviators for wanting to use their wings in the I general direction of the wind. In London a safe has been made to hold $5,000,000,000 worth of radium. I The problem now is to get the radium. I' l -Seattle man cured a stomach : trouble by fasting 39 \ days. They 1 ' buried him on the fortieth day. E Considering that it Is an amusement of the rich we ought to hear that 1 smuggling is a matter of tempera- ment I Dancing masters wish their art to be highly diffedentiated from wrest- ling contests and one cannot blame them. i . These long-distance weather predic- tions give one a chance to worry for a week about weather that never comes. A judge advised a speed maniac to f see a doctor. A good , reliable prison doctor would be particularly likely to afford him relief. .h'r I \ To atone partially for the poor dis play made by the comet there will Joe another total eclipse of the moon on November 16. Wait for It. . } - - - - Russia has not figured extensively as a cotton-producing country. But it seems to have ambitions in that direc- tion. Reports from Tiflis are to the ef- fect that the area sown to cotton this year is double that of 1909. In one dis- trict 400 acres are devoted to the stape. That is a tiny fraction of the total In the United States , but high prices have stimulated cotton growing wherever practicable , and the aggre- : gate result may be a substantial gain in the foreign output. The latest government report is adI I ditionally favorable to a big wheat I I crop. The returns , as interpreted by j . the skilled statistician of the New I York produce exchange , indicate a to- tal harvest of 702,404,000 bushels , against an indication for the same time last year of 652,351,000 bushels. fiP The estimate for 1909 fell below the P actual result , for the total yield last h year was 737,159,000 bushels. Should e there be similar excess this year there s will be a good chance for a record- h breaking output. g It is stated that the recent missile b test against the ram Katahdin has A demonstrated that the theory as to the v i piercing power of big projectiles fired f a modern battleships' range is wrong- tl that the missile really drops from the tla tln I trajectory at so sharp an angle that It a delivers a glancing blow and therefore Ci does not penetrate armor plate of only tl moderate thickness. If this is true , tlei the fighting will have to be at closer ei range , and the guns of smaller caliber eire than the big 13-inch rifles will come cli into greater favor. N tl ] . The peril of the four tlci young men ci who put out Lake civ upon Michigan in a ve gasoline launch with a supply of fuel in close to exhaustion should remind mow tor yachtsmen that a small boat with1. . . ; out power is helpless in comparison with a Bailing yacht. The latter can be handled so that she will be safe in the roughest of weather , while the th : powerless motor boat must wallow and fn i I take what comes , unless those in ' I charge of her have seamanship enough S' fo 1 f to rig a sea anchor and ride behind it si ' ' While awaiting succor. , . . . . . . , oj bj . Cheer up , astronomers ! Mars Isn't 1 /going to run away , anyhow. , The ice cold geyser discovered in bit It Yellowstone park not only upsets the ' fe R' ' accepted theory as to the origin of pe- " ar ; n riodical natural fountains , but adds a tic i feature of economic value to the scene cc : f of natural wonders. Heretofore tour- bia 1 ists have been able to catch fish and ij swing them from the river into a gey- i l ser basin of hot water , to be cooked . : 1 while still upon the hook. Now they : ca will be able to catch the fish and ' ' ) ire . j ewing them Into cold storage. ha i t ! . r . . ' : rb jij , . , I t ; . r it 1 1 - - ' , . . : ' In -.t. ; : , . . , . .h' . , ' , , , , { , . . . " - . } - - - = - - - - ) : , - - - r , CRIPPEN IS HUNTED SUPPOSED . , ) ' 0 BE ON SHIP BOUND FOR THIS COUNTRY. ' 'CORPSE DUG UP IN CELLAR Killing of Belle Elmore , Actress Strikingly Similar to Charlton Case. -Suspected Husband Well Knowr In Indiana. London.-Scotland Yard Is seeking Dr. Harvey Crippen , an Americat dentist , in connection with the murdej of his wife. He is believed to be on a steamer bound for New York. Crip- pen was a native of Coldwater , Mich. , and was educated In Indiana , where he is well known. The authorities Thursday cabled the police of the United States to arrest Crippen , who , it is thought , sailed from England Saturday. Doctor Crip'pen , who is said to be fifty years of age , made his home for some time at 39 Hilldrop Cres- cent , North London. Some time ago his wife , Belle Elmore , a vaudeville actress and treasurer of the Music Hall artists' guild , disappeared , and subsequently a notice of her death appeared in the local papers. The fact of her demise was gen erally credited , but there was more orI I less gossip among the women inti I mates and this finally reached the ears of the police. The latter visited Doctor Crippen and the Interview ap peared to be satisfactory. , Doctor Crippen disappeared last Saturday and a search of the Crippen house was made and the battered body of a woman was found buried in quick lime and was burned beyond recogni tion , but the finding of the body , to gether with other discoveries , has I left no doubt in the minds of the au thorities that the murdered woman was Mrs. Crippen. , The case Is strikingly similar to that of the Charlton murder at Lake Como , Italy. Porter 'Charlton was ar rested in Hoboken , but in the absence of an extradition treaty between the United States and Italy specifically providing for the return to either country of a citizen of the other coun- ; ry who has committed a crime abroad may go free. In the present case no such com- Dlications ; > are probable , as the British- American extradition treaty leaves ao loophole of which a suspected crim- .nal : may take advantage. Doctor Crippen , after attending schools in Indiana and Los Angeles , ompleted his medical studies in Michc igan ! Cleveland and New York city. He practised in Detroit , San Diego , 3al. , Salt Lake City , St. Louis and Brooklyn as an eye : and ear specialist. He married Belle Elmore ! , as she was known on the stage , at New York. PITTMAN IS FOUND STARVING Nicaragua President Reported to Ha Badly Mistreated American Pris- oner-Creates Reign of Terror. .Washington. - The United States must soon intervene in Nicaragua or allow peace to be effected there by England [ and Germany. Unmistakable significance attaches to important reports frrom its diplo- tr matic representatives in Nicaragua to the : state department Thursday showI I ing that Madriz has produced inten tionally : a reign of terror in the west ern half of Nicaragua , in which four- fifths of the white people of that re public live. The dispatches show that William Plttman , an American prisoner in the hands of Madriz , was inhumanly treat- ed ! by starvation and other privations since i he left Greytown on July 4 on his way to Managua. When he was put in prison in Mana gua ; it was in a "filthy cell , " five feet by six and there again he was starved. l prompt protest from Consul Oil- vares at Managua secured the trans fer of Pittman to a better cell and the United States is furnishing the money to feed him properly , and it is also furnishing the money to take care of the relatives in Nicaragua of the murdered Groce. The more serious aspect of the gen eral situation is that citizens of Ger many and Great Britain are protesting against the reign of terror in western Nicaragua. Nicaraguans openly make threats against the lives of American citizens and there is nothing to pre- rent an immediate outbreak of street aiurders , arson , robberies , etc. , which ivill involve all foreign residents in Nicaragua. d Killed in Mistake for Another. c Kendallville Ind. - Albert Lehr , n hirty-eight years old , was killed by L Ive Italians employed on a section a 1 jang while standing on the plat- tl orm of the Lake Shore depot. The o ] jhcoting is thought to be the outcome F , the accidental killing of an Italian tl y a freight train three weeks ago. c For Mine Rescue Stations. Victoria , B. C.-The British Colum- ia government Thursday placed or- P 'ers in Pittsburg , Pa. , for complete Y ipparatus for three mine rescue sta- it ions : to be installed in the principal P oal . mining areas of British Colum- f if a. Doukhobors Unclad on Trail. Winnipeg. Man. - Doukhobor fan at- . r. \ tJ again have shed their clothes and "I e on the trail. The mounted police : { ; ia.e been sent out to restrain . J hern. - - - BAKED - I M " -r 1. x / /j/// / / , f , - . -.V . . , ' , , ; if , ' ' - ' ! I ' . 4F/p - . , LGT ' ur - ' - J\ _ _ _ uu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t - - - - - - - - - - - - VIATION'S ' DEATH TOLL GROWS RBSLOEH AND FOUR COMPAN- IONS KILLED IN PRUSSIA. Winner of St. Louis Balloon Race Perishes In Accident - Rolls Loses Life in England. Leichlinger , Rhenish Prussia. - Os - car Erbsloeh , the German aeronaut who won the International balloon race at St. Louis in 1907 , and four companions were killed Wednesday when the dirigible balloon Erbsloeh burst at a height of several hundred feet and dropped to the earth a crum- pled mass. The Dead. Oscar Erbsloeh , inventor and bal- loonist. Herr Toelle , a manufacturer of Bar- men. men.Engineer Engineer Kranz. Engineer Hoeppe. Motorman Spicke. The craft was of the nonrigid type , 176 feet in length and 33 feet In diam- eter. The motors were of 125 horse- power and drove the airship at a speed of 28 % miles an hour. The war department recently pur- chased one of Erbsloeh's balloons. The cause of the accident is a mat- ter of conjecture , but It is believed that the bursting of the bag was due . . to the expansion of gas by the warm sunshine. Bournemouth , England. - Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls , third son of Lord Llangattock and one of the most daring and skillful of British avia- tors , who recently made a flight from Dover to France and return , met a most tragic death at the close of the first flying machine tournament of the year in England Tuesday. In the presence of a great company of spectators , a majority of whom were women and children , and many personal friends of the young aviator , the Wright biplane on which he was flying fell suddenly with terrific speed from a height of 100 feet. It struck the ground close to the crowded grand stand , smashed into a tangled mass , and before the doctors and their assistants could reach the spot Rolls was dead. RIVER STEAMER GOES DOWN Cape Girardeau Strikes Snag In Mis- sissippi and Sinks-All Pas- sengers Safely Landed. - St. Louis.-The river steamer Cape Girardeau struck a snag and sank to the bottom of the Mississippi river at Turkey island , 50 miles south of here Monday. Ninety passengers were aboard , and all were taken ashore safely. The boat was returning from Com- merce , Mo. Many of the passengers were women and children. They were asleep when the boat hit an ob struction. The passengers crowded on the decks and members of the crew quieted them. They walked ashore on the gangplank. Later they were brought to St. Louis by train. URGES LOEB FOR GOVERNOR . Taft Favors Collector New York Port for Gubernatorial Candidate in Empire State. Beverly , Mass. - President Taft Mon day urged William Loeb , Jr. , to ac cept : the Republican gubernatorial nomination In New York this fall. Mr. Lceb is averse to taking up the task and would prefer to complete the work I that he has undertaken a& collector of the port but before he left Burgess . . Point he assured the president that if the demand was made he would ac cept the duty. . Hitchcock Off for Europe. Washington. - Frank H. Hitchcock , postmaster general , sailed from New I 'orkVednesday for Europe for a I ' month's vacation. All the members of I President ' Taft's cabinet are now out ' f the city. ' , Slays Woman and Kills Self. Onawa , Ia.-John Kratz shot and killed Mrs. Agnes McCoy and then Committed suicide here Wednesday. ratz : was infatuated , it Is said , with ( .he McCoy : woman , who resented his I itteations t I I. - - - . . . . . . . , . . . . . - INDICTED IN RISK PROBE Rock Island Jury Returns True Billa Against 13 Persons In Insur- ance Scandal. Rock Island. - Seven Indictments charging 13 people wiih conspiracy , embezzlement and perjury was the product of the grand jury investigation of fraternal Insurance frauds. Those Indicted are : Dr. A. L. Craig , Chicago , former I medical director of the Fraternal Tri bunes. I C. F. Hatfield , Chicago. M. J. Franckel , Chicago. Miss Margaret McElvaln , Auburn I 111. Harold A. Weld , ' Rock Island , former supreme treasurer of Fraternal Tri bunes. Otto L. Caldwell , Springfield , 111. M. B. Garber , Washington. Thomas W. Wilson , Springfield , Ill. Dr. C. H. Walters , Springfield , I1L S. S. McElvain , Auburn , Ill. George W. Kenney , Springfield , 111. K. M. Witham , Aledo , Ill. , former su preme tribune of Fraternal Tribunes. The Indictments were returned Wednesday and are against the four former officers of the Fraternal Tri- bunes prior to the merger with the American Home Circle , and the four officers of the American Home Circle who gained control of the Fraternal Tribunes by means of the merger and by inducing the officers of the Tribunes to resign their offices ; against C. F. Hatfield , who was , it is said , the man who brought about the deal ; George W. Kenney , who Is said to have se cured money on fraudulent notes , and against three of the witnesses , who are declared to have testified falsely before the grand jury here with"refer ence to money received on alleged loans they made to the Home Circle and for which they received payment after the merger with the Tribunes. Harold A. Weld , H. M. Whitham and Doctor Craig furnished bail In the sum of $12,000 each. DOES NOT SUPPORT MADRIZ Emperor William , Through Foreign Office , Declares Germany Will Not Intervene I in Nicaragua. Berlin.-The foreign office Tuesday made public an authorized statement respecting : : the letter of Emperor Wil liam to President Madriz of Nicaragua. Reports , have reached Berlin that at- tempts were being made in America to construe this letter as an indorse- - ment by the emperor of the Madriz party. . The statement follows : ' "Madriz gave notice of his election upon undertaking the presidency , to the em- perior in the usual written form. The customary formal reply was prepared by the foreign office. It was not an autograph letter , but was simply signed by the emperor. The address , 'great and good friend , ' was in ac cordance with official courtesy. Any intervention by Germany In Nicara- : guan affairs neither followed nor Is in- ! tended. Germany neither sought nor c designs to seek a coaling station. Ruj j mors of Germany's intention toward the Galapagos islands are equally ] without foundation , as are all sugges tions that the German government I has in any wise modified the cultiva- ( tion of friendly relations toward the t United States. " ( Murder Plot Is Suspected. 1 Chester , Pa. , July 14.-The body ot I Col. Silas E. Comfort , vice-president of r the Pennsylvania Military college and prominent in city : affairs , was found in s Leiperville creek , in the rear of the Colonial hotel , Leiperville , near here. E A murder plot is suspected. t Sink Two Pirate Boats. Hongkong.-The guns of the Portu guese gunboat Patria Wednesday dis E lodged the Chinese from the fort on E Colowan Island. Many of the Chinese C were killed during the bombardment. Two junks loaded with Chinese who F were attempting to escape were sunt and all of their occupants drowned. Drinks Nitric Acid and Dies. of Ottawa , 111. - Emil Kuyl , proprieto in I ] of the Ottawa Marble Works , com iiW mitted suicide Thursday by drinking W nitric acid. 0 _ 100.- . START ON NEW \ BEEF INQUIRY SUBPOENAS ARE SERVED IN THE PACKERS' PROBE. District Attorney Sims Takes Per sonal Charge of the Proposed Investigation. Chicago. - Under instructions from Judge Landis deputy United States marshals will call promi- nent Chicago packers to appear be- fore the federal grand jury to answer to the charges which have been made against the National Packing com- pany. \ Subpoenas were Issued several days ago for different members of the pack- ing firms , but they have been held In the office of District Attorney Sims , awaiting his instructions. Judge Lan- dis will give the federal grand jury its instructions and while he Is expected to tell them to make a searching in- vestigation into the methods of the National Packing company , the govern ment officials will be looking for the men named in the subpoenas. Men who are claimed to have viola. ted the Sherman anti-trust law and others who it is thought will be able to give the details of the inside work ings of the company will be called. PORTLAND SWEPT BY FIRE , Ten Acres In Oregon City In Waste- Two Men and 150 Horses Die. - Portland , Ore.-Two lives at least Were lost , scores of persons were In- i jured , 150 horses burned to death and damage amounting to half a million wrought in a fire on the edge of the business district here Thursday. The athletic field of the famous Multno- mah Athletic club was swept by the flames and the magnificent grand stand destroyed. The dead are : F. R. Price , foreman of the United Carriage company sta ble , and a helper whose name Is Prude. Several of the stable em- ployees are reported to be missing. The fire is believed to have started in the salesroom of the Oregon Brush company. The burned district covered ap proximately ten acres , but a large por- tion of this area was devoted to the athletic field of the Mulnomah club. The fire started in the old exposi tion building , an Immense wooden structure on the south side of Wash- ington street , extending from Nine teenth street to Twentieth , having a length of about 400 feet and a depth of 220 feet. , CALL RATES CONFISCATORY Pullman Company Lawyer Says Com mission's Order Means Bankruptcy for Big Concern. Chicago. - Contending that the Inter- state commerce commission's order for a reduction of sleeping car rates Is confiscatory , attorneys representing 1 the Pullman company and the railI I roads appeared in the United States 1 circuit court to argue for a rehearing ] of their petition for an injunction to ] prevent the order being put into ef- j fect. fect.An An injunction was previously denied them , but they seek to reopen the case on the ground that they have new facts to present. a Attorney Fernald of the Pullman company told the court that the new schedule of rates would ultimately II mean bankruptcy for the sleeping car IIg companies. g It would mean a loss of $116,000 an- ii nually on fares between St. Paul and iiti iiR the points of Fargo , N. D. , and Seattle. ti Wash. , alone , he said. The reduction from St. Paul to Fargo is 40 per cent. on upper berths and 25 per cent. on lower and from St. Paul to Seattle the fare Is lowered 1J 29 cent. on and 6 2-3 per upper - per c. cent. on lower. c.n c.jt IJj' jt TRAINMEN SLAIN IN WRECK New York Central Passenger Train a Ci Jumps Track-None of Passengers u . Seriously Hurt. uM M - tc New York.-Three men were killed tlkJ and a train load of passengers badly kJ shaken up when north-bound train 59 s : on the New York Central known as clJl : the Northern and Western Express Jla was wrecked Monday near Newton a Hook nine miles north of Hudson. Engine and baggage car jumped the trac : ! . and toppled over. The six other cars of the train , all Pullmans left the : rails but remained upright and ns ) fr ! one in them was seriously hurt. fcC Engineer Tyndall was caught under C his engine and was flatly crushed , dyp : ing shortly afterward. The other train- hjS : . . . , men were instantly killed. S A report received by the public ( [ I service commission at Albany said the si ] wreck was caused by the engine e striking a door of a freight car that pc bad fallen en the track. W EI President of 33.0CO.OOO College. / Si Brunswick. : Me. - Prof. William T. Foster ; of no" ; . ! oi:1 college ! has accept- ed the presidency of Read Institute , a college to be built at Portland , Ore. . Bt from a fund given by Mrs. : Amunda sic Reed and now amounting to 3,000,000 be re M-n : Aged 1C4 Dies. ge Ripley , Miss. ! - Mike Cox , a native a f Ireland said to be the oldest man ge i1 tho south died here Thursday , aged in one hundred and four years. He CO : worked as a farm hand ur.til he was Cli one hundred years old. he : . . . - . - - - - . DESSERTS FROM PINEAPPLE' Fritters , Souffle , Cream and Log Cabin 7 Are Four Dainty Dishes Made From This Appetizing Fruit. Pineapple Fritters.-Make a batter with one egg , beaten separately. To the yolk add one-half cup of milk , pinch of salt and enough flour to make a stiff batter , the beaten white and one-half teaspoon of baking pow- der. Open a can of the best sliced pineapple. Cut each slice of pineap- ple in two , dip in the batter and fry1 ! in hot lard. Drain , sprinkle with powdered sugar and sorve. Fresh fruit Is much nicer if obtainable than the canned. Pineapple Souffle. Melt two ounces of butter in a stewpan , put In three ounces of fine flour , mix with half pint of milk , boil until it thickens ; have ready three ounces of pineapple cut small , the same quantity of sugar ; ( put with the cooked mixture , add one by one the yolks of three eggs , then the whites beaten to a stiff froth ; make a sauce with one cup of pine- apple juice , half cupful of cut pineap- ple. Cook the pudding three-quarters . . z of an hour. Pineapple Cream.-Select one ripe pineapple , pare , remove the "eyes , " grate , add sugar ( pound for pound , or a Uttle less , but it must be sweet , as freezing destroys some of the effects of the sugar. ) Allow one pint of cream to each pint of pulp and sugar , and freeze. Be sure and have all the in- gredients icy cold before combining them. . Pineapple Log Cabin. - Select a large ripe pineapple , pare , eye and cut into slices about a fourth of an inch thick. Cut these across into half-inch strips. Sprinkle thickly with sugar and set In a cold place until time to serve. Then carefully drain off the sirup and ar- range the strips six deep in log cabin fashion on small china plates. Sprinkle each strip with powdered sugar and freshly grated cocoanut. Fill the cen- ter with fine ripe red raspberries and pour over them the sirup which has been drained from the pineapple. To Roast a Leg of Veal. Wash well and have leg of veal boned and filled with stuffing. Take a deep Iron kettle and put layers of sliced onion , carrots and turnips ; add one teaspoonful , of salt , four round peppers , four cloves , four bay leaves , and on this lay the meat and put three slices of salt pork on the meat , and put wooden toothpicks to hold them in place ; then add one pint of \ water , cover the kettle tight and put in a hot oven for three hours. When done , take out the roast and put on a platter with the vegetables around. Serve strained gravy separately. Stuffing for Roast.-Three cupfuls stale bread crumbs , two onions ; chopped fine , one teaspoonful salt , one-half teaspoonful of white pepper , two . tablespoonfuls chopped parsley and .one-hnlf cupful melted butter. Home-Made Cream Puffs. Put a pint of water Into a saucepan , bring to a boll , and stir Into it a half- pound of butter. Bring again to the boiling-point and beat in It three-quar ters of a pound of flour. Stir all the time , and boil until the mixture no longer sticks to the sides of the sauce- pan. This will take only a minute or two. Remove from the fire the mo- ment this point is reached , and set away to cool. When cold , break into the : mixture , one at a time , eight eggs , beating the batter for two minutes after each one is added. Set the bat- ter : on the ice until cold very , then drop by the great spoonful upon pans lined with waxed paper. Bake in a steady oven until puffed and colored a golden brown. When cold , cut a slit in the side of each puff , and fill with whipped cream flavored to suit the taste. Sprinkle with- sugar and serve. Cauliflower and Beans. One cauliflower , one pint of butter beans , one pint of white sauce , grated cheese to taste. Soak the beans over night , boil until perfectly tender In just water enough to cover. Let the water boil away toward the end of the cooking , and salt to taste. Put the . cauliflower in a little boiling water and ; boil gently for about twenty min utes , then break into small sprigs. . , , , , , . . . . Mix the beans and cauliflower gently , together so as not to mash them , turn them into a buttered earthenware ba- king dish , pour over the pint of white sauce , add a generous layer of grated cheese , and put into the oven to brown. lust before taking from the oven add- : teaspoonful of tarragon vinegar. ' French Beef Stew. Two and one-half pounds beef cut rom the round , one-fourth pound suet , four onions and one can tomatoes. Cut steak and suet Into small thick pieces. [ Cook slowly. When about half done , add onions and tomatoes. Season < with one tablespoonful sugar If tomatoes are quite acid ) . One tea- spoonful ; salt and one-half teaspoonful jach of cloves cinnamon , and red pep- per. : : ! Before taking from fire , thicken Kith one tablespoonful of flour rubbed smooth with water. Serve on thick slices of well-buttered toast. Frozen Souffle. . , 7 Take three ounces of granulated ) I sugar and six raw egg yolks , whip ilowly , warming over hot water while jeating. When an almost solid froth , emove and cool the bowl. Mix In : jently one pint of cream , whipped to \ stiff froth , and one dozen lady fin jers ! , cut In small pieces and dipped .1 sherry. Turn into a wetted mold , over tightly , bind around a buttered t sloth and bury in ice and salt for two LOUTS . - I 1