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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1909)
If - - - - - , - - " , , x . . . - - " = - - - : ; - . . - - - - - , - - . . ' . , , . . . , , . , " ' ? " " - -ii'- r ' ( . . - { --THE VALENTINE I DEMOCRAT : : . _ ; - \ I. M. RICE - Editor and Proprietor. , ' - MARK ZARR - Foreman. , , ' ! , ' , I ' . " 'Entered at the postoflice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. ' . as Second . . : . ; . . ' . , . Class Matter. . i , , . . , - " ' " ? - , . . r ,1" . . . " TERMS : , . ' . Cherry Co. Subscriptions $ , 1.00 per year in advance ; > < p : { g ; gg $1.50 when not paId in advanc Foreign Subscriptions J $1.5 per year in i ad.van e ; paper dis'- Subscriptionscontinued t eXp1ratIOn If not renewed . Advertising Rates { ] 15c Per inch each issue' ; by contract 12k. -j TransIent adv 2oc per inch ; locals 10c a line. Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents per inch , net. Local notice obituaries , lodge- resolutions and socials for revenue 5 cents per line each insertion. - THURSDAY , JULY 15 , 1909. Political Announcements. Having filed my application I _ , hereby announce myself a. candi- _ date for the republican nomination for the office of county clerk of L i , , Cherry county , Neb. , to be voted , ,1" on at the primary election to be held in said county on August 17 , 1909. F. A. CUMBOW. Having filed my application I hereby announce myself republi i ' can candidate for the office of county superintendent of public , instruction of Cherry county , Ne- : .braska : , ' to be voted on at the pri- , . mary election to be held August 17 , 1909.CORA CORA THACKREY , Sc. B. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for tjie republican nomi i- . , nation for the office of county superintendent of public instruc- ' , tion of Cherry county , Nebr. , at " .the primary election to be held , : . , August 17 , 1909. I will advance the educational interest of the county to the best of my ability if nominated and elected. , _ , H W. FUNKE , Sc. B. , Principal of Cody Schools. , . , Having duly qualified , I desire ' , : to announce myself a candidate : , for nomination to the office of sup- . erintendent of public instruction , of Cherry county , Nebraska , on the republican ticket at the pri mary election , August 17 , 1909. I am a graduate of the Fremont ; : . : Normal College. I took the de- . . gree pf Bachelor of Science and , S have a professional certificate. . . For the past three years my wife . and I have held and improved a . : homestead in this county. I was ' two years principal of the Cody school and ' one year principal of the Crookston school. I changed last year because Crookston is nearer to our homestead. I have been engaged school work for ten years. , If elected will fulfill the : duties of the office to the best of I my ability. Respectfully , D. F. STORY. The. Political Kettle. Politics have been rather , quiet . . the past week with the exception ! of a little stir in the situation for " ' county superintendent and county judge , which now have to go onto the ticket the same as other offices , according to a decision of the su preme court handed down Tues- day and reaching Wendesday in the daily papers. Those who had prepared petitions for those . offices or were preparing petitions had to change their plans Immed iately , and now three non-partisan d teacher candidates have become i republicans and filed for the nomi- a , nation for county superintendent h , - \ . on the republican ticket. D. F. Story of Crookston , whose ' " - . announcement appears in this pa- per , is a graduate of Fremont . Normal College and has had sev r- , ' al years' experience as a teacher. , H. W. Funke of Cody , whose . announcement also appears in this , . paper , is a graduate of Hastings college , and Miss Cora Thackrey 1 is a graduate of the Kansas State Agricultural College at Manhat , I tan , Kan. , and each of these canc c didates hold the title of Bachelor c \ . of Science and have the right to I , the title Sc. . B. as an addition to 1 their names. I They can't all be nominated this ( J ; year for county superintendent. We hope the best one of the three / J : -will be nominated , but , perhaps , , ( ' S it is only a matter of choice , and ( " which one do you want ? Cherry j .county has succeeded under a lady I c superintendent , but of late there It i has beep some talk for a man for t . . . , y0. s uperintenaent , perhaps . because ] ' , " . -l. ' , , . " " . . ' , " . . . . . . . . ; . . . . , . - . . - , ' 'II , . S . i ' . , _ " ' . - . . " . . . , , < < ' - . . . , " : ' - ' , ' " " , ' , i , : I there are - men now qualified for ' the place. Many still believe , i however , that a lady should be at : the head of a corps of lady teach- : ers. Let the people decide. Non = Partisan Act Void. I Lincoln , Neb. , July 12.-As predicted in thetV orld- Herald , the supreme court of Nebraska .today dealt a death blow to the Dbnohoe non-partisan act , de- signed by the last legislature to remove ' judicial and educational offices from the partisan scramble for places. No decision was filed , the judg- i es signed a memorandum. A formal opinion may be filed later. There was no authentic informa- tion as to the views of the judges , although it is stated that Judge Dean was the jurist .who believed that the act was not fatally : ] ) defec tive. Judge Reese did not sit. The judges met late this afternoon and were in consultation for several hours and about 6 o'clock the memorandum . . . was filed with Clerk Lindsay. " Candidates for supreme judge , regents of the state university , district and county judges and county superintendents will now file their petitions for party pri- maries in the regular manner. It is believed that a motion for a re- hearing will be promptly over- ruled. The court memorandum follows : "The members of the court were of the opinion that the provisions of the act under consideration , prohibiting political parties from in any ; manner whatsoever indors- ing i , recommending , censuring , criticising or referring to any can- didate for the office of chief justice of the supreme court , judge of the supreme court , judge of the dis- trict court , county judge , regent of the state university , superin- tendent of public ipstruction , are void being in conflict with and re- pugnant to section V of article 11 of the constitution , being the bill of rights which provides : Every person may freely speak , write and publish on all subjects , being responsi- ble for the abuse of that lib- erty. ' "And also section 19 of article 1 of the constitution , which pro- vides : 'The right of the people peaceably to assemble to con- sult for the common good , and to petition the govern- ment thereof , shall never be abridged. ' " One member was of the opinion , however , that these provisions of the act'were not properly Before the court for its consideration and not necessary for a determination of this case. Four members were of the opinion that the act might be sustained if the foregoing were I the only defects therein. Five members of the court were of the opinion that so much of the act 1 under consideration as prohibited j more than 500 electors of any one c county signing the petition of any candidate : for the office of chief justice , or judge of the supreme sourt. was void , being repugnant to section XXII , article 1 of the C bill "rights , which provides : ] "All elections shall be free ; f , , . . . . I . . . " , : . t. . ' " . ' , , - . - 1 - - r , . ' , , ; : . . . " " . , , . . _ , , . f - . and . there shall be no hin drance or impediment to the right of a qualified voter to exercise the elective fran- chise. " Four of the court were of the opinion that the aforesaid limita- tion formed " . an inducement to the passage of this act , and the entire , act must fall. One of the mem- , bers , not concurring in the judgI I ' ment , is of the opinion that , the aforesaid , limitation is void , but that with such limitation stricken out , the , act can still be sustained. The remaining members of the court did not consider such limita- tion formed an inducement to the passage of the act , and thatthe entire act must fall. One of the members , not concurring in the judgment , is of the opinion that the aforesaid limitation is void , but that with such limitatation stricken out the act can still be sustained. The remaining . . mem- bers of the court did not consider such limitation void , but main- tained that the act is valid. The majority of the court holding that the act is void , the judgment of i the district court is affirmed. ' Reese , C. J. , absent and -not . sitting. , V orId- Herald. , J Commissioners' Proceed = . ings. " . I Valentine , Neb. , June 15 ; / ' ' JQ9. , Board of Equalization met in regular session. Present ; A' E. Moms , chairman comity c m.mis- sioners ; Jas. Mone , N. S. Rowley , J. T. Keeley , P. H. Young. ' Board sat for the 'purpos of hearing complaints regarding : ' as sessment for the year 1909 , ad- journing j from day to day until , the night of June 17 , at which date they adjourned to Thursday , June 2-1 : , at 9 o'clock a. m. J. T. KEELEY , Co. Clerk. Valentine , Neb. , June 21 , ' 09. Board of county commissioners met in regular session. Present : A. E. Morris : , chairman , Jas. Mone . ' , N. S. Rowley , and J. T. Keeley , elk. Matter of the application of Wal ter W. Covell for a druggist's , " t per- mit to sell malt , spirituous tfn'd ' vin- ous liqours for medicinal and me- chanical purposes , only , in the vil- laga of Brownlee , Cherry county , Nebraska , taken up and said per- mit was granted upon condition that said Covell forward to , the county clerk his certificate licensing him as a pharmacist , furnish good and sufficient bond in the sum of $5OdO and comply strictly with all laws regulating such cases. Board spent the remainder of the day in ascertaining the ssflssed valuation of the property. within the various school districts for the year 1909. Board adjourned to June 2209. ' , June 22 , 1909. Board met as per adjournment , members all present. ' N The Kilgore State Bank was & l s- ignated as a county depository bank . .and the surety bond presented by them covering the deposits was approved. G. W. Gaskill was appointed road overseer of district No. 5 and his bond approved. Matter of the petition of E. W. Wright et al for the establishment of a new precinct in the county to be known as "Middle Prong" pre cinct taken up and said petition was approved and the new precinct established , comprising the follow- ing territory : "All of townships 25 and 26 of ranges 36 and 37 , west , 6th : P.-M. , said territory formerly being a part of Buffalo Lake precinct. " The voting place in said new precinct t was designated to be at John Col- lin's residence in section 12 , town- ship 25 , range 37. s Poll tax of $2.50 assessed to John Rehberg of Merriman precinct for the year 1908 , ordered stricken from the tax list of said year , he being / exempt. The following refunds were order- ed made to the within named hold- - ers of tax sale certificates , the lands ' conveyed } by same having been can- ' celled by the government ; and er roneously assessed and ' old for t " taxes ; : J. K. Lee , tract No' < 383 and I " . \ " , : - ' , . , . . 'M . . - 425 , " suit of 1906 , amount $20.52 ; 'H. C , Wear , certificate of tax sale No. 131 , year 08 , $11.90 ; John Cha- loud , tract No. 415 , year 06 , § 6.79 ; J. \V. 'Whiffin , tax sale certificates No. 420 and 400 , year 08 , ' $11.50 ; F. J. Schnorr , tract No. 1426 , year 06 , $16.04. " Refund of $18.53 ordered made to W. E. Haley on tax receipt No. 3265 for the year 1905 , the owner holding a receipt for said taxes and also a redeemed sale. Board adjourned to Wednesday , June 23rd. Jnne 23 , 1909. Board met as per adjournment , members all present. The board continued the work of ascertaining the assessed valuation of the property in the various school districts' preparatory to making bond levies for the year 1909. Adjourned to June 24th. June 24 , 1909. Board of equalization met as per adjournment. Present : A. E. Mor- I ris , James Mone , N. S. Rowley , J. T. Keeley. The county assessor having com- pleted the assessment of all prop- erty for the year 1909 , the board spent the . forenoon in i examining his abstract assessment and find- ing all property . equally assessed throughout the . county : said abstract , i was approved as returned by said county assessor. ' Whereupon the board adjourn- ed sine die. J. T. KEELEY , Clerk. June 24 , 1909. Board of county commissioners met as per adjournment , members all present. W. D. Armstrong , county treas- urer , having filed his resignation as treasurer , of Cherry county , with the county clerk on June 23 , 1909 , the same taken up by the board of commissioners and duly approved and accepted. The county clerk is instructed to advertise for bids for furnishing to the county one (1) ( ) car load of cor- rugated metal culverts , the size and number of same to be according to the specifications on file in his said ' office. . Board adjourned to Tune , 25. . Contest Notice. ' U. S. Land Oflice , Valentine , Nebraska : \ June 21. ! ,1909.1 A sullicient contest affidavit having been tiled in this office by Leon E. Shepard , contestant , against ! homestdad.entry No. 0130 : , made July 17. ' 1908. for the N / SWU , N' / SEJ.1 , section 3J. : township 82 : : , range :9 : . hy William A. Smith contestee in which it is alleged thnt said Wil liam ] A. Smith has wholly abandoned said land ; that he has changed his residence therefrom for more than six months last patt ; thai said land is not settled upon and cultivated ; by said party as by law required , and he has failed to cure his laches up to this date. ' Said parties are hereby notified to appear ' re- sooud. and offer evidence touching saul \ llz- tion at 10 o'clock a. in. , on August 23 : : l , long , ue- fore the register and receiver at the United States land office in Valentine Nebraska. the said contestant having , in a proper affi davit , filed July 14 . 1909. set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made , it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. M 27 4 LUKE AI BATES He ister. . Contest Notice. . U. S. Land Office , Valentin'1 Nebraska , I , June 23.1900. : : f A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Bert P. Itipley contestant , against Homestead entry No. 180'2 : . made March 13 : 1006. for E ; ' . section 20. \ \ % W % . SE4' ; SW1 ! : , S f 8E 4 , NEJ4E4. ! ; ! . section 25 , township ! 27n , range 316t.h I * . M , by Rolla R. Lewis contestee. in which it is alleged that said Holla It. Lewis has never established a residence on said land that there is no house on said tract that the land is not cultivated or Impiov- ed according to law , and tint claimant main- tains a home elsewhere than on said land all of which defects exist at this date and have not been cured. Said parties are hereby notified to app ° ar respond and offer evidence touching : said allega- ton at 10 o'clock a. m on Ausust 9 , 19W. be- fore J. H. Welton , U. , . Commissioner. Mullen. Nebr. , and that the final hearmg will he held at 10 o'clock a , in. on August 16 . 1909 , be fore the register and receiver at the United States land Office in Valentine Nebraska , Tne said contestant having , in aproper affi- davit filed May S , 1909. set forth facts which show that aft r due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made , it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. : 25 4 H ! ; . OLSON , Receiver. Contest Notice , U. S. Land Office , Broken Bow. Nehr ska. { June 19. 1909 , i A sufficient contest affidavit having been liled In this office by Leah E. Griffith contestant , againsr Homestead entry No. 29W : , made Oc- tober 25. 1902. and homestead entry No. 3631 , made June ! : S. 100-1 , for all of section 19. town- ship ! 5n ; ; , range 33W , Gth I' . M. . by Benjamin A. Anderton , contestee , in which it is alleged that Benjamin A Anderton has wholly abandoned ! said tract that he has } failed to reside upon , cultivate and Improve said tract , as required bv law , that thoe is no house or place ot habi- tat t ion on said tract and that claimant main-1 . tains a home elsewhere than on said land , all of which , defects exist at this date and have not been cured. Said parties are hereby notified to appear re- spond and offer evidence touching said allfg'd- I tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on August , 1909. be- fore John H. Welton. U. S. Commissioner , at \IuJlent Nebraska and that the final hearing I will . be held at 10 o'c ock a m. . on Augtut 5 . 1909 , before the register and receiver at the United I States Laud Office. Broken Bow. Nebraska. The said contestant having in a proper affi lavit , tiled May. to , 1900. set forth tacts which , show ; that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made , it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given hv due and proper publication. . : : i1 i H .JOHN REESE : , Register. Notice of Sale. I will sell at D. A. Hancock's ranch on section : i3 : : , township 153 , range 25 ! , one red . white [ face steer 2 ! years old , left ear frozen on * or cropped oil ; one reel white face steer , Doming two years old , left ear cropped , on the 27th ( day of August , 1\M \ ) ! ) . U. G. WELKEK 7 5 . Justice of the Peace. . . . , / < , , / r' " . [ i . \ , I , I ' - - - I 1 , , . . . , . . i : " > ' ; : , 'I ! " " . w \ ' i . 7 i > \ J . - - , - THE LUDWIG - LUMBER GO. Ii I , I . carries a complete assortment of , . . , r i 4 ' _ - I FarmMachinery I . 1' t , . V . . , the - _ - ' , - comprising r ; " I , ' I 'I ' Johnson and , Osborn Disks , _ Moline _ 11 : . . . . and Oliver Sulky Plows , Kirlin and - John Deere two = row Cultivators ; ' - \ ' : Oliver , Moline and Deere Plows , Superior Drills , , Weber and Moline . I Wagons ; Staver , Moline , Moon and" I H Velie Buggies ; the Corn King and I 'I II 20th Century Manure Spreaders ; - , . - * IS the Hoosier and Superior Broadcast / , , Seeders ; the Superior line of Hay k , . ifiii 1 Tools , consisting of Stackers , , Sweeps , etc. ; DeLaval Cream Sepa- / . . . . tors , EclipseVindmills , Tanks , , " , . . . . Pipe , Pumps , McCormick ; Mow- ers , Rakes and Binders ; Moline , , ' * , : / ; Oliver and Deere Listers. . ' I Will close out the John Deere line of Implements and Vehicles . . at greatly reduced prices. > I REPAIRS.I I . for any make of implement will be : ' f furnished on the shortest possible . , i notice. Every effort will be made to I 1 accomodate customers and supply I their wants. ' , : , X . / , ' Don't be misled by representations of other . \ dealers carrying inferior and near competing " lines , but post yourself on ; improved < ' makes and reduced prices before making your purchases. \ . . . , Ludwig , ' Lumber - - - Co , , - P , ? - . . - , . - " uUU-tU uuut..tu.vt u.u.u.t , ! e The New Snap : = . / ' , Confectionery. Ice Cream. Soft Drinks. { Tobaccos and Cigars. : . Fresh Roasted Peanuts and Pop Corn. 1 E Jim Felch - Valentine , Nebr. . .n . . . . . E - Ship your Live Stock - , to SNYDER MALONE DONAHUE CO , ' J i _ SO , OMAHA OR CHICAGO . F t . , , , ? . , . { , 1 No shipment too large , nd non - too small to receive the f 1 ; most careful attention. . Itt t Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled . . .F by members of the firm. ' ' t j Each man's stock sold on their merits and . a square deal ! guaranted to all. ' Write us for , the market paper and our special market . letters , which we send you free of : Icharge. - ' ' , ) f .j AMOS SNYDER , Hog Salesman. MATT MAT MALONE ) GEO. \ I. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. _ . , Tx os. J. DONAHUE } Sa.lesman. Cattle e _ - e _ _ e _ e4I e , , I ; or Whisk , e I F - . Go to the. % v. _ _ - . . 1 e r - Stock Exchange Saloon A I VAT PMTIMC'C 01 TOO T F FT PURE l LIQUOR Ch NT CENTER \ t Walther F. AMeItendorff , Propr. , . . I , . . . _ , _ _ . , , - . _ _ - . . . . - - - ? , . . . . . . . - - SUBSCfilBEQR TH i ' j . . r'Y r DEMD ijAi r : . - ' . - . " . . ; . . " : : -0 . , " ' . ' . . . . " , . ' - . . , . " f ' ' ' \ ' : R . - . r r ' - M q . . - - - , - , . 1. r