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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1908)
f On account of ill health the undersigned will sell at public auction one o'clock p. m. , at Head of Consisting of Mares and Colts , Yearlings , Two-year-olds and SOME BKOKE TEAMS 20 HEAD Consisting of 12 cows , 4 two-year-olds , 1 bull , 3 heifer calves. TERMS : 10 months time will be given on notes with approved security 5 per cent discount for cash. Q. E. TRACEWELL , Auctioneer. © si i State House Hall A Trys = ting Place. The ball of representatives at the state house has become a sort of lover's lane the only variation in the traditional path for affection ate pedestrianism being that the seats in the gallery are so close to gether that walking is impeded and the billing and cooing couples sit themselves down in the rear seats and rehearse , with mighty good variation , probably , the story that was old when Helen's smile was the most precious thing in the world and when Ilion's towers were stained with new-laid mortar. The doors areopen during the day , the hall is quiet and its faint ech oes are seldom disturbed , solitude in allpathicdoses is promised those who enter there and hence the lovefs. ' They come in the spring and in the summer aud when the frosts of November have made the air crisp , while the sunshine still bears a warmth inside a window. The legislature occasionally usurps their places but when the legislature - ture closes back come the lovers to assert their ancient rights in this unsuspected fane. Last week acouple floated up the stairs to the third floor and con tinuing the drift sat themselves down in the gallery. They were froii the country. Secure in the belief that no one knew them and 1 more secure in their affection , they sat , all unheeding , with their arms about each other and their faces pressed together , the sun light falling on their heads , mak ing one halo above their united de votion , and , to them at least , light ing up the gloom of the hall like their affection gilded the dress of f their own existence. To them no doubt the whole seance was horrible rible poetic but an enemy to the contented life , like an imp cast from a Venusiau heaven and angered - j ered at his exile , broke in upon them. It was the jinitor didn't exactly break in on ! them either. Pie merely saw them , The tableau was fixed , he surmised. So he hied himself to every office in the building where the wheels of industry were lagging and told those who like to see the silence sign hung on the said wheels that there was something worth seeing at the end of the hall. The girls went and the men went. They Iboked into the hall and gazed with suppressed merriment or sighing regret at the happy couple Girls who wished they were play ing a part and men who rather en vied the country visitor gazed. Girls who sighed at some old mem ory gazed. Men who remembered their-courtship looked and smiled and gazed. And others turned back to the unplastered hall with a sturdy laugh. But the couple in the gallery seats did not know all this. They were perfectly happy and the affairs of the world didn't really bother them. It is said that one couple became so attached to the gallery that they were found early one morning sil ting on the iron steps waitng for the janitor to unlock the door that they might enter the trysting place and there carry out the loving dia logue with the proper accompani ment of soft lights , low music and quiet spaciousness. High school girls and important high sc'iool sophomores , university lads and co-ods , country visitors , all of them one time find the rendezvous and pay their devotion. Those who seat themselves in the rear seats aie hidden from view until one has penetrated the gallery some distance. Those who sit near the railing aiv , of course , in easy view. It is proposed that a sliding handicap be arranged so that those who care not for public gaze may be rewarded. Spring- are to be arranged under each row of seats so that engagement rings will be brought automatically to those who choose the rear seats and completely furnished houses- with a comfortable income for lifV .will be set automatically before , j those 1 who have progressed far enough < in their mutual devotion to take a front seat and blazon their afl'ection to a peeping world. Lincoln Star. Editor Howe of the Atchison Globe springs the following as a sample of a wedding notice ten years hen .e : ' "The bride looked very well in a traveling-dress , but all eyes were centered on the groom. He wore a dark suit that 5 fitted his form perfectly and in his daintly glove'l hands he carried a small rose. His curly hair was beautifully done and a delicate odor of hair oil of the best quaility floated down the aisle as he passed. The young people will miss him , now that he is married. Pie is loved by all for his many accom plishments , his tender graces and his winning ways. The bride com mands a good salary as a book keeper in St. .Too , and the groom will raiss none of the luxuries to which he haslpen accustomed. A crowd of pretty young men saw him off at the depot. " A. O. Williams has commenced suit in the district court against the Xeligh llegister , claiming that his reputation was injured by that paper during the recent campaign. Arthur Mullen has been engaged by the editor and if Williams is not a sweet scented saint it is dollars lars to doughnuts that he will be sorry that he put his character and standing on exhibition. A country eJitor may often err in presenting a political issue and in setting forth the1 qualifications of candi dates , but honestly and confiden tially , dear reader , for every lie that an editor tells that may be construed as being deterimental to candidates , he tells five hundred lies in their favor. The good lies go by without a 'thank you' and for the bad lies they try to put the editor in jail. Holt County Democrat/ . j Speaker Gannon a Sub = servient Tool. Chicago , Nov. 2--L .Joseph G. Cannon , Speaker of the House of Representatives , placed himself on record yesterday in favor of a re vision of the tariff in accordance with the promise of the republi can party platform , and declared that so far as his vote was con cerned he would see to it that the announced policy of revision would be written in the national laws as soon as possible. On the tariff question Speaker Cannon said : ' 'Any change in the revenue J 1 1 laws of the country of necessity is ! followed by a depression of busi ness. Three years ago 1 followed the lead of Theodore "Roosevelt , who declared that there should be no more revision- the revenue laws , which means the tariff , until after the next general election. His policy was not to change ex isting conditions. "The republican platform on which the national contest has been won , says revise the revenue laws. That revision should be with due regard to protection and penalty against discriminatory nations. As a member of the next house of representatives , a co-ordinate branch of the government equal to the executive and the judiciary , I am , so far as my vote is concerned , going to see to it that the policy of the republican party dn this question is written in the national laws as promptly as possible. The laws should be written promptly so that business can adjust itself to changed conditions , for the change will of necessity bring disturb ance. " Lincoln Star. Dr. Mceham , osteopath , has moved into his new office rooms over the Keel Front store. Tele phone No. 155. .10 Excursion Kates to viae ! Tk rMny * * ' 3' ! Nov. 29 , : JO , Dec. 1 , 2 , 7 , and 8 , account International Live Stock Exposition , Chicago. Full partic ulars on application to Ticket Agents. Contest Notice. U. S. Lsuid Ofllce. Va'entine. Nebraska , i November ! ) , 1 ! > ( W. t" A sunk-lent contest affidavit having been filed in this office uy Charles fidwin Uiivens. co itesl- sint. again-t- Homestead entry No. to u OO-'O , made April : ! 0. 1007. I'Dr section 1 , township : ! I. range HJW. by .I.-.nies Manic , jr , contestee , in which it. is alleged that t > aiu .lam s Alaule. jr . has wholly abandonedsai i land andch-uiged nis residence therefrom fr more than . - > x months last past ; that the said land is not bellied upon nor cultivated in good faith , and has laiitd to cure his laches up to this date and said alleged ab sence from the laii'i was not due to hi- * employ ment in the finny , navy , or marine corps ot tun United States a.s a private soldier , oiiic r , .sea man or marine during the war wi h Spain or during any oilier war in winch the Lnited States may 1'e ' engaged ; said j arrit's are hereoy notiHeu to appear , respond an I oiler evi 'ence touching sant allegation at 10 o'clock a. m on December i--J 1WS. before the register and re ceiver at the United S'ates Laud omeo in Valentine , iNebraska The .said contestant having , in a proper am davit lileii Nov. 1) ) . HAlf , set fofth lacts v.luch show that after due diligence personal service of this not ice ran not tot made , it is hereby onior ed and directed that sach notice be given by due and proper publication. L. OLSON. K 44 4 .Receiver. Legal Notice. ox. IvaMc A. l.ytte torniiflv KaMeV . ox. Grace K. Cox. l > : ivid K. Oo'Ih < mia * Dntfy. Charles Burn * . Ma gM Mirn < . Mnsc : - i-n .M'uA ; TrnM Co. . lute liner avinirs rtaiin. L M. harden. r.-al name unknown , Ktl- .vard ( j Kobertsoii. .Julia Young an Alexander iloffiran , impleyued with Saint Frances Mi sion. Kudora Jones , formerly Eudora flatten. Irvin M.lones. . hustand of Eu era Jones. Iv1- war'S. Cox , Frames M. Walcott. Maggie. ' . U alcotr Rosa Hell Posten Honda Hammond , ( ) h Hriiton whose real name is Onih 1' Bnt- ton. wi i take n > tict' thai on the : torhdayof M'ptember lnOs. K. , M Perrig and P. Flor IM - j mitiin filed their petition in the Ii-tnf Court oi ( hcrrv County again-t each and all of the afore- -aid defef dants , ihe oi > jHct and prayer of which re to have the mle oi u e said K M I'erri'j and P. FUir. Digma'-n in and to tHe following described real estate , to wit : Nrih hail oi the [ lonhwest quarter of SPCMion twenty-seven (27 , eabt half of ihe no thrust quarter ot section 28. in township thirty-live ( ; > > . r.tiue thirty ( IJO ) . west ot the 6th P .M : northeast quarter ots c- tion twenty-seven t27i. in township thirty-live Cfi ) . ra grt thirty C0) ! west of the Oth P M ; south halt ot the northwest quarter and north half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-two { ) , in township inirt\-He : < : { . > . range thirty ( IS ; ) ) , west of tin * 6th P { M. : nonluvvbt quarter oe.ti n twt-nty s'x (2i. < : ( ! in f'wnship tluru-live cr > i , north of r njie ilnrty CW > , west of tne G h P. M . . and the sont.i- wes/qnarter of section tventy six(2tj ) i'i town ship thirty-live C5TO. noithof nume thirty i3Ci. west of the Gth P. * ' . . and west halfoftl.e southeast quarter and east halt of the south west quarter or Btction twenty four (24) ( . in township thirty-live ( Knnh of ra-'ge tuir'j- one : : ) , west the 6th P. M. . and a-t half ot thr. southeast quarter of eclum twenty-ei lit f-W ) , in i township thim-lhe (35) ) , range thirty (3(1) ( ( ) . we.'tofthecth P. M . northeast quarter of sec tion t twenty-nine oiJ : > , in township thirty-five ( .15) ) . range thirty < : ! > : south halt oi the north east quarter an-i east half of the southeast quar ter ot section iwenttwo t-2 > , in township thir ty-live (35 ( ; . north of range ihiity C50) ) . westot the oth P M. . all in Cherry County. Nebraska , quiet ed and confirmed in the said p mntiffs as against the claims , interest , moiigagesand demands that tlie defendants and eacnot them beriec-eed 10 have no inteiest in , lien ui" > n or claim to tne icai estatedecr.bed in tinpetition : thatu decree be entered satisfying ot record a 1 t'-e in rtgag'S aud oilier liens and claims ot the various driend- ants be cancelled , annulled and satisfied of record ; that each and all or the defendants Of foievor enjoined from asserting any interest in , hen upon or claim to the premises described in the petition and lor such other and lurther re lief as may be just and equitable. Von are reqn red to answer said petition o-i or before Monday. theLsth day or Decemner , I'JJS Dated this IS'lulay i Kovtmner 100S. ! : M PHKHKS. P. Fi.ou DHJJIAM * . Plaintiffs By AKTiimt F Mru.K > J5 4 Ulieli Attorney. Contest Notice , U. S. Land Ofllce , Valentino , Nebraska , I. November t ) , 1908. i A sutlicient. contest allidavif. having been filtd in this omce by Isaac 11. White , coiuestai.t. againsi Homestead entry Vo isrcr made April ; iO. 1)07. ! ) tor MIC , se. senw. esw , s-ctiori 2. M > and iienw. section 11. towi : hip si. range 30 , i v * James Maule. sr. . cnntestee , in which it , s alleged that said .James .Maine , sr. has wholly abandoned said land and changed his re.ii- deiice thereroni ! for more than six months last past , that the land is not settled upon nor cul tivated in good fa th , and entryman liasfiileu to cure his laches up to this date And sai.l alleged absence was not due to his employment in the aimy. navy or marine con s of the United Mates as a private snldte- . officer seaman or marine durum the war with Suain or during any other w r in which ihe United States may l-e engaged. faid iiaitie * are hneby notilieft to appear respond spend anrt oiler evidence touching said allfg-i- tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on Dec. 22. 190-i. be fore the register und receiver at the L'uiteo States Land Cilice. Valentine. Nebraska The said cone-slant hav-ng , in a proper afii- davir , filed Nov. y. 190 . get forth facts which show that after due diligence perso-ial service i : ; , : s r.Qtice ciinnot be n.ane , ir is herd y ' ordered airl direcfc-'l that such nonce be given by due and proper publication. K 11 1 . OLSON.lJeci'iver. Sawyer Bros Oasis , Nebr ( J. K. Sawyer has charge of these cattle. II rses l > 9i on lettslioill- der. Some left side. same left th'gh. Range on Snake liver. Land and Feeding Co Jartlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P Chas C Jamison Hoe&Treas Cattle branded --o any part ofanim.-il. also the followi ! > { ; brands : horsfts branded ifn same Range between Gordon on the F.K &M V.R. R. ard Hvannlsou ' M. II H in Northwestern Nebr. 15ARTI.CTT KNJHARDS. KUswonii , Nebr. The Beer Thai Will Build You Up CONTAINS en average of 8 per ecu ! , soluble food ( the carbohydrates of malted barley ) , Contains the lupulin of Bohemian hops ( an excellent tonic for the stomach and nerves ) , Contains sparkling artesian water which quenches the thirst and flushes the body of wasle , Contains only enough alcohoj (3 7'jQ ' per pent. ) to be mildly stimulating and beneficial. That's STORZ TRIUMPH BEER ! i It's b > ith food and driak-f delicious , rparM-ig 2nd pure. 11 BOTTLED BY eft Brewing OKAIiANED * MfC.'KEK. Dealer , Valentine A t J' " Joa. Bristol ' "r- > . > - hrara ju mile ? P.'I.I' and cattle omudeU nB connected on left hip or aide aa shown In cut R M Faddis& Co. Postofflce address-Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded on left lliigh. Horses branded on left shoulder a or thigh. Some Srime branded i-randedi on right thigh on left or . ' liouider. slionlderj orthi h H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on lefc aide SomeQ.Yon side. on left Jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Crec ! north of Simeon , W nipple & Sons Rosebud S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left side Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded with two bars icross hind qnar- _ rtra Some Texas fifr3 frSQagy ZgSyM 11 "i Kiaafc " * c-ittie bninued ft * O on left side and some jj on left side. Horses branded SOS on left bin. Some cattle branded AW bar connected on botb sid B ana of hnraou N. S. Kowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left side and hip , aiid on left shoulder of her ses. AlsoMggW on left side I uid hip. F - 4on ieft side rtnme ait. tl" brcnil- ed husk- ng peg ( either 8ide up ) on left side or hip. p on left Jaw and left shoulder of horses. U on left hip of borses. on left Jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , 3D Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJBE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection _ . _ _ of rustlers of s' osaringanv of these brands. KOHL & XEURILL. Brownlee , Neb. Cattle branded as in cut on left side. Some branded K. T Y on left hip. Range on North I.oap river , two miles west of Brewnlee J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Nobr Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my range. Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr. D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. % Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left nip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Roan Brothers Woodlake Neb Range on Long Lak aud Crook ed Laku. JOHN KILLS PLENTY M. Frarels Mis- sion , R S. J ) . Catle ( branded asm cut ; hores panic on les thigh. Range he. tween Sjirin-r C"k and Little White nvur. Metzger Bros. , Rolfe Ncbr Cattle branded * my where on left i side. Earmark , square crop right ear. V Horses have same brand on thigh. Range on Gordon and Bnake Creeks. Reward of $250 will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and nriat or